Ready-to~wear ~ w2021/02/01  · M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue...

· Now is the time to stock up a little . . While the roads aro good"'and the weather is line ' Dige•tor Tankage !or HogS. Nothing better. :Try it. Bran. Always have a little on hand. Rye Middlings and Wheat Middling1. Rich 'protein. · More Milk Dairy Feed. Its merit i1 well known. We have a ca.rot Barrel Salt 1 which will be in aoon and sold at a right price. · White Lilly Flour. exchanged lor wheat. Martie hu entered o. L. Proper made a to Detroit laat Moodav. ·Mrs.·n .. J. Chri1tma•speol Tuesda "' WOOD for sale, both aod parl- I wllb rels&lves lo Lao•loir. 11 souoned. ' · .A1.rn1m P.,RKKH. Mr. aod Mrs. Jobo T. Hall spent t1i'e we.ek eDd·. with at S•KI· loaw. . ' __________ -=-=--=·-=-= .. and wii"o were visit· FOR SALE--·rwo userl Urns. -an-. Calvanized Tub• and Pails, Cuaranteed and Enamel Ware, Stove Pipe; ete. I alao have a few good St:cond- han_d Stoves. The Beat Lantern in town. LOOK ME UI" We wiJI paY. the hia-he•t markr.» price in ca5h for Junk, incl tding . Iron, Copper, Bra11, Zinc, old Papera, and e•erylhin1 in the Junk linl"!. We alao buy Fur., Horae Beef Hidea. cus. u. M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue turclshed room, healed, at 21-1 Ha!Dlln street. · l w3p I Wear U \Veil 0 Boot• and Shoes IJ..98 to $3.!JS. G Ht1x SNYDKlt J2i N Mala St. Eaton Rapids. - WOOD !or sale. Will la small quantities If desired. Call phone · 5U.r li'H.\N K MoNHoE. TAX lllOTICE . Rulld!ri1l.R mnved - aoy Jw9 I . . . A Se\·,cn-room hou'.o\e 'Nlth. barn and l1en·hoi1se a.nd one acre nr land adjo1n- thC city limit!\, ;<rrfr !HI.le or. rent. Phone 1-H -JI'!:!, ltr MHs. Y1-:1tA FOR RENT-Suite. or livin..r rohms. Inquire ur ,J, 8. n A)ll.ll\', FOR SALE-ffllildln" dellv· errrl tn any part 11f city. Bell phon.e · :!t.r RA , . FOR SALE-f!re<t _n.urnc_gllts .. $:!o rr;r ·service. Hell plloue J:J21"H (lw:.?1 HAMLIN'TOWNSHll" DOC TAXES Are now due and must he.paid before 1st. T will he at the Micbi- llan State Ra.nk on 8aturrtav .. Janua.ry !Bth, l'fhere sa:me he pair1: 2w2 .. Bti:llT BJc\OVOHD. · THE JOIJ!l.N AL - $1.r>-O A oOO balls· American colors, .at 9c a ball or 3 for 25c. 700· bars Queen White 8oap, at5fo il bar. 1''lake White Soap, at Ge a bar. K:f', ·With every 20 bnrs of above soa·p .. 'bar of Jap Rose "foilet 8oap will he given free. I . 1,601) boxes of Matches, at iic a hox. Not. over 12 · to a 9ustomer .. These.are full 500 to a box. We have Oil liau<l 33 ci1.ildr1ms' Hockey Wool Cap8, ·and 35c vahws, at 17c each: and 19 Hock,11y Caps or Toques, large sizes, 50c and i5c at 270 each. We have 0ne set 'of Homer Laughlin China, blue decor1ltions, regular *28.50 value, at Also one. set Chiua7 red a11ll p:reen tracing, worth 126.00 today, aud :i\14.oo. takes it away. Each set contains 100 pieces am! they real bargains. . .. We have 17 pi•Jces of Good Gingham, full 27 inch · wirle, from fo.m to fift.een .yarrls each, which would sdl at wholesale, ·we price at '.!fie a .yard· for what you want of it.. · Girls' Teimis 1''lnnnel agu S to· 14, at P.acll .. 50 yards White '['eirnis l!'larmel, in ·flue. at·2oc ____ · _,-./ O T l) R P A Y We will rn'ako. iOO po1inds of ·'i'ally Callrl)', a11rl .-ell it at 20c a poun(l. Jnst·Oue Dny, 1'aturday, ,Jau·uary lltL. BOICE 1 S··B·AZAAR Mr heayy truck wUI ••tl•t8ctorilw eolwe :.our li•ul·· Ing problem1. Phone me tor e1ii .. •••• en thi• cla•• of wo,rk. Cro11-co11ntry laving - A SPECIAL TY -. - BARNES & . STODDAR.D 1 .So HOUSE·CLEANING SALE ' ' 0 WILL CLOSE SATURDAY JAN. 11 . . . Yo11 will mi8' of the biggest of yonr lifr if you rlo.11't aU.mtd the '1rnt rlayA thiH AJw 11 y, hi a liig Salt;,, likc- ll1i" "'"have morn omall loto of Odd .Lot• lefLniri tlw)' w·ill go Safo.rday, t]ie laAt ·at ·w 11 w pi·ii:i" _ _,__,......, E. x S-P-E e-1-A L:- · - allot .<>11r Clli'tomeri'·cau·g;,t the beuefit bf ou1· Clff wir;e on and Ovenoa.trl, ;vo will liink,,\lii,; 11 11' 111 .. orn11e. out auy. S,i.lit orOv.erermt a11d'.mak,, a tl1t, Hltle prir:1' will J1<iid "llllll! f, 11 . , 1 ., 11 ' 1 , tlio· hi;, be11etit of tlie Eoale price.· 1 Yo11 am i11viter! to come anri liig for your tjnw. Yon c:an aud ron EATON RAPIDS, .MI.CHIG.AN, FRIDAY. JJ1N 17. 1911J_. -. __ ---· f JANUAR'Y SALE . ....... IB·RJLLJANT.SOCIAL FUNCTiON , 'BEi!55!!!1r:J15!!5!5!:1• 'l:JEEE!!!I• At ho1:ie of William A. Horner ' Ladies' I -·-- w Ml11 Merle F Horner Become• Bride of Mr. Loui1 ,rledrfch l:J YARN. I ' -- .. 1 Cloaks, Dresses, Skirts and · Buyers Surelr Find The Best "egul•r o•nta per •keln Se lee dons. II ONE ·QU·ARTER OFF· F. W. . . . , The war over, the holidays 11 is half gone and we must .nil get. down ·to bnlliness. . . · · . I .E1•erybody shouh.l pay his hy check. 1 . .:..r: and each, should lay aside a_ little sum in a 8avings-account ·iu- antiuipation of tlie next· Liberty Loan. wan.t your bankiug I First National· Bank TO CLOSE.OUT .z .t.• 7 19c A••wlm•l!mntlL•ri•.requ .. , · Ile ind Zlc ••ah ........... 1 ••••••• , ••• -······ = . .................. 23c. ... 118,50 ....... ,. $14,00 Ont l1r Sptcl1I J1n11ry 18 One bar White Firer IHp ......... : ea f. . lbaraQuee11 -•• SHp. -. ...... Uo 31ch•r One b•r J•11 ltaae Toller Sup .. : 130 · - T 0 wo oak .. .lap It••• Talle1 Saa, .. ., ·21Sa t 31 a lor ne bar QuHn Wlllle Soap. . . . . . . . Sa I . .. 25c . ' . of aur/ Mrs, \V11:i;.UJ ! c·a1!i!i 1,r llrarls atHI hellM. \\'llh Sl't:11e r.r ,\·11rilll.i11t. i !£r\,!l11, ct1;\r 0 mini.: IH .. tlt! L!.1r1:\ actt!d as i;1ic1:11 la.-.1, lj'ririr.y I '''J1lre.,:;es iuifl serv"cl w1t11 perfei.;t w1w11 L!h:1r a.t11J1tj. · . · · In LJilli" l•'rlM1rlc.:h In 'l'he was rloubly int.•r<'i>tml! iHI Ll1C! or ahr 1 ut lirty 111vt1,ect, un 11 1 1: tw1·nty-1ilth W(.-d- re litth•1·s ;irHI· f rfl' nrl :-1. ! d Jnlo!' I vcrasy t.IH: 11 ricJe 's pa. rcn 1 At. th1· uf M11 nri(•h:sl)h11'!oi I · , . wer!dinl.(' marr·li p::ll'l'il hy M 1 ,.,.; Nurina, Mr. I• rlerlnch 1:; cJnl' ,,r ll1e Anrnr,r; c11usJ11s1r Lhe luicltf; }uii1iμ Tift"iltlT "ff(Jif•rs CP-S:;lria appea.rl'fl iri !he /Jail way led hr I Ci.Ly, M 1chrl.!a1i, 10 !l•1ur Neva Sprl"ncPr iif hrinor. mill111l!, lum1il!r aod t/H."L!OnHnis ... 11m 8he foll{1wer1 hy lirfrlc-,iri the; tht! hridr.; is one u! ulH arwurherfather. and tht> l!'rnnril y_uu11!.! who ... \Jtl- a.tlenrlPCI by his co;i,o,;Jn, Mr. Arlnlph /a.Lee! llL ltJe tlt';HI ()r class. In Bertram, all raclnfl Rev. ·Rfcharrl M. Lile Jucii.I school a. y ... Millard who pt•rr(1rmrd lhr.! a.acl ll1Ler r·rum LJe double rh1K Cf'reincJ11y unlr!nl[ t!wni In !1Lcrary aL .t\.1111 Arhur, bolywedl11ckunrleralieaut1rf)Jarchor Mr. nur.I 1\.lrs.' f1'r1crlrie!1 wJJl hea·L sm 1lax anrl roses humc t11 Llle1r 11.J,lf.UY rnencJs 1n Buller .... The hrlde wore. slik cnverr.rf j artl'f ,\larch lirsL, a11rl ,Juur- witt1 wh11e ch1tfm1 trlmnitd Y.itJ1 im-1 ua.I JOl!JS Wfill thi>lr many rrwnds 111 p11rtert l<ICI', H.rnl [ l1H bridal \'l'll rur lhl'Ul IDiirl.\' ye: a rs (1( lliip- was with pearls: wt11le tiiel' pint!-is. - · mdlcJ t1r hrinor wure yclJ11\V wit.ii . , Tll1: lrocD f!Ut or town were Ince, buth . luokJnl(' extremely .\iihli 11a Ii'r1ecJr1ch of Auu Arll'1r, Ml:;!i pretty. I lu1d 11er-brot1)cr RU.- After the usual .cunli(ratu!atl(ml'. j dolph uf R111rnrR · ci_Ly; Cnrp11ra1 Ber- iwere rlver, a delicate supper/ nard ll'rleclrlct1 ur Camp UranL, served, the table heln.:" handsome· Anna ut Miss AJlce ly laid wJt.h smilax atJd cut Mowers mt \\'urun or .AllJJOo ."'nr1 Au-' decUritlonl'i aod band-painted plaue rlrl\ and ut li'JJai.. FOUR TAIEI DURftUl WEEK [ Flrat Aid Nuralng CourH. All ladles· whu c1eslre Lo take the li"'lrst Alrt C...:ourse ror curses 'will pleaKo meet arr the hospital -i ____.._.,. l"lnah. J11-mes 0, Plnct1,· who has lived a.t, day eve"ain.I{, .Jauuary :?O. a.t 8 p- ·m-:---- Lhe north end or River streer, fur sev- 1''. R. · eral yearM, dlerl at the hrime or hls Uhi.Jrman Red Cross. dauiltlter In Orooklietd la8t .Saturday, .T L., 1rtei- a bi-f6r-11Jnesq, aad the funeral ·: Chalrmao li'1nu, Aid Course. was beld at tlle hu"rne' In tbls cltl oa 1 Mcmday wltll buri,al at Olmnndale. I CADETS CIT UNIFORMS Mr. Pinch was bura In Da.nRvlJJe 1 __ , NeW York, Ncivemtier 15, 18°'"!), but The llhrh 8cbool Oadeti-Oorp!4 l1&.vc came .to Mlc_b.ii!an llf.tO I reci:lverl their un1rurins &nd the hoys ror a time h'fed_ 0 /' near Bly s make 11 very natty appearance In in lie was united l.n tllem. Ttie putte<-:' ario the ulotti rur to :'·n'na. R. ll:tll, M!ly · 1 · tbe caps, which iire or tbe aud by Lil€ wldu.v ancl were ruri1lsl1eo by the tlve Tl1e cblldren are Rapids \Vnolcn Mills. Captain Belnap·" !\'Ina C'artr:r, Mrs. llr.sslc Lo!-!an, Wiii i.-i to he work he Is ''B.;·R:i.r 0, aud GIL:nn T. Pinch, \'fho rlrnng In 'the sctHJulx In t-his llae, as mourh the lrik'i :inrl the' 1:n_t!1t1ir)' and up_ at,e ra.tber. He Is als(,i :;;ui 1 el by t 0 cxcre!.st."i 11!g!1ly t1P.nclh:1a.l tu the Mrs. I 1 'rance.s Day ur Lus An- luiy." '.fin· lr.[!!'I:-; tra.i111n1o: i.:fJl:s.and Mm. May Matthews 1ir tlle·h1'-l'll sc!Jciul ,\ISu cxpeC.L t.u trn.\·e rf..lllJ'lnnUiioh' w'aS a 1"n a I Ulliftirm 5 _·,,,_ 11 _'_ .. _ .. _ - ___ _:::___ - bm;lnL'S!'i way fur ills anrl In J . --- .. . . / BOYS' BASKETBALL _ H.ICH SCHOOL, J°Ooks. a ON SATURDAY .. s . Two. Skeins for $1. 00 a 41 a a J. H. s m ·Saturday, January 18 New Gooch are 11rrivinr and we need ·room. To aecure thi1 room we are willin1i to r:n•ke aome •ery ·1pecial price1 on llock On band : QUANTITIES NOT LARGE ENOUGH FOR "';'MORE THAN ONE DAY'S SEUJNG - HILL'S BLEACHED MUSLIN. Cb .. p ot.35e, Saturday for, .. , , .. · ....... , , , .. , , , ... _ .. , , . , . : , . l.im1i 10 r•rd• to a customer. DARK OUTINC FLANNEL. Our very b.,t end 29 equal to any. Satarday for ....... ,.,.. . . , .. , . . . . C MAllQUISETTE CUllTAININC. One pi•ce ueh of 35 White and cream, 50c valuea, Saturday for. . . . . . . . C · · l"LAID SUITINC •. e .. ,.{;ful 0 for 1kirta, $I .. 25 vaiu•. Saturday for ..... . 7 1 ... ._.,.;,,, ... .,.,. _ .. _, ... -. 98c SUITINC FOii CHlt..DltEN'S DllESSES. Up to SOc Y&luea. S&tur"ay for •. , . . .. , ... , , ,', ... , , . LADIES' COTTON SERCE ORESSES. Four left. Rerular price $4 98, Salurday fer: ..... . 25c 12.98 LADIES' BATH ROBES. Beoutiful •5 7·5 Foar lert. Rerular $7.50. for ... _•_ 1 --.- MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS. To eleaa th•m $1 00 to ISc pei pair. Saturday two pa..ir_fOr... 1 FllHEYE l"EAllL. BUTTONS. 5 , Per card Satu.rda1 _. ...... , , .. _. . . - C LADllS 1 KNIT SKIRTS. Part wool A.n extraor· 98' dinarJ Yalue. Saturday for ... , , , . , , ... , . , _, . , . , .. , , C Stade not bea•1 in 1ome of abo•e itema. Come •• J'OU . be too late,

Transcript of Ready-to~wear ~ w2021/02/01  · M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue...

Page 1: Ready-to~wear ~ w2021/02/01  · M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue turclshed room, healed, at 21-1 Ha!Dlln street. · l w3p I Wear U \Veil 0 Boot• and

· Now is the time to stock up a little . .

While the roads aro good"'and the weather is line '

Dige•tor Tankage !or HogS. Nothing better. :Try it.

Bran. Always have a little on hand.

Rye Middlings and Wheat Middling1. Rich i,~ 'protein.

· More Milk Dairy Feed. Its merit i1 well known.

We have a ca.rot Barrel Salt 1 which will be in aoon and sold at a right price. ·

White Lilly Flour. exchanged lor wheat.

Martie hu entered

o. L. Proper made a to Detroit laat Moodav. ·Mrs.·n .. J. Chri1tma•speol Tuesda "'

WOOD for sale, both ~reeo aod parl-I wllb rels&lves lo Lao•loir.

11 souoned. ' Jw~p · .A1.rn1m P.,RKKH.

Mr. aod Mrs. Jobo T. Hall spent t1i'e we.ek eDd·. with rel&~lves, at S•KI·

loaw. . ' __________ -=-=--=·-=-= .. :::-===--~-! Q;~les Hen~/ and wii"o were visit· FOR SALE--·rwo userl Dot1~e Urns.


Calvanized Tub• and Pails, Cuaranteed and Enamel

Ware, Stove Pipe; ete. I alao have a few good St:cond­

han_d Stoves.

The Beat Lantern in town.


We wiJI paY. the hia-he•t markr.» price in ca5h for Junk, incl tding

. Iron, Copper, Bra11, Zinc, ~aga, old Papera, and e•erylhin1 in the Junk linl"!.

We alao buy Fur., Horae Beef Hidea.

cus. u. M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc

FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue turclshed room, healed, at 21-1

Ha!Dlln street. · l w3p I Wear U \Veil


Boot• and Shoes IJ..98 to $3.!JS. G Ht1x SNYDKlt

J2i N Mala St. Eaton Rapids. -

WOOD !or sale. Will ~cllvcr la small quantities If desired. Call phone 4~3. · 5U.r li'H.\N K MoNHoE.


. Rulld!ri1l.R mnved - aoy ~·he~e.


I . . . A Se\·,cn-room hou'.o\e 'Nlth. barn and

l1en·hoi1se a.nd one acre nr land adjo1n­ln~ thC city limit!\, ;<rrfr !HI.le or. rent. Phone 1-H -JI'!:!, ltr

MHs. Y1-:1tA FI11r.1~ ~·ox.

FOR RENT-Suite. or livin..r rohms. Inquire ur ~. ,J, 8. n A)ll.ll\',

FOR SALE-ffllildln" 12.<~l. dellv· errrl tn any part 11f city. Bell phon.e · :!t.r 1~'1.oYn RA v:.r~n. ,

. FOR SALE-f!re<t _n.urnc_gllts .. $:!o ca.ci1.--13~~r rr;r ·service. Hell plloue J:J21"H (lw:.?1 .J.\)IE~LEW!:-i.


Are now due and must he.paid before 11'~bruary 1st. T will he at the Micbi­llan State Ra.nk on 8aturrtav .. Janua.ry !Bth, l'fhere sa:me ma~· he pair1:

2w2 .. Bti:llT BJc\OVOHD. ·

THE JOIJ!l.N AL - $1.r>-O A

oOO balls· American colors, .at 9c a ball or 3 for 25c.

700· bars Queen White 8oap, at5fo il bar.

1''lake White Soap, at Ge a bar.

K:f', ·With every 20 bnrs of above soa·p .. ~ue 'bar of Jap Rose "foilet 8oap will he given free.

I .

1,601) boxes of Matches, at iic a hox. Not. over 12 · hoxe~ to a 9ustomer .. These.are full 500 co~nt to a box.

We have Oil liau<l 33 ci1.ildr1ms' Hockey Wool Cap8, ~5c ·and 35c vahws, at 17c each: and 19 Hock,11y Caps or Toques, large sizes, 50c and i5c value~, at 270 each.

We have 0ne set 'of Homer Laughlin China, blue decor1ltions, regular *28.50 value, at ~iS.50. Also one. set .F~ngli8h Chiua7 red a11ll p:reen tracing, worth 126.00 today, aud :i\14.oo. takes it away. Each set contains 100 pieces am! they real bargains.

. .. We have 17 pi•Jces of Good Gingham, full 27 inch · wirle, from fo.m to fift.een .yarrls each, which would sdl at ~:Jc wholesale, ·we price at '.!fie a .yard· for what you want of it.. ·

Girls' Teimis 1''lnnnel Skirt~. agu S to· 14, at L~u P.acll ..

50 yards White '['eirnis l!'larmel, ~H· in ·flue. at·2oc tJl3.I'.Y<L!'~l~_, ____ ·


O ~ ~·A T l) R P A Y

We will rn'ako. iOO po1inds of (lld·fa~hiohed ·'i'ally Callrl)', a11rl .-ell it at 20c a poun(l. Jnst·Oue Dny,

1'aturday, ,Jau·uary lltL.


Mr heayy truck wUI ••tl•t8ctorilw eolwe :.our li•ul·· Ing problem1. Phone me tor e1ii .. •••• en thi• cla•• of wo,rk.

Cro11-co11ntry laving - A SPECIAL TY -. -




Yo11 will mi8' ~ome of the biggest bargain~ of yonr lifr if you rlo.11't aU.mtd the '1rnt rlayA ~f thiH ~nln. AJw 11 y, hi a liig Salt;,, likc- ll1i" "'"have morn omall loto of Odd .Lot• lefLniri tlw)' w·ill go Safo.rday, t]ie laAt (lny.of~alH, ·at ·w

11w pi·ii:i" ·~'

_ _,__,......,

E. x T-~--A...:- S-P-E e-1-A L:- · ~--~- -~o allot .<>11r Clli'tomeri'·cau·g;,t the beuefit bf ou1· l·~· Clff wir;e on Snit~ and Ovenoa.trl, ;vo will liink,,\lii,;


111 ..

orn11e. a~1:l·1•i1·k out auy. S,i.lit orOv.erermt a11d'.mak,, a cli·pu~it uf.1-~ tl1t, Hltle prir:1' and.w~ will J1<iid "llllll! f,11

. ,1.,


will~··' tlio· hi;, be11etit of tlie Eoale price.· 1

Yo11 am i11viter! to come anri liig for your tjnw.

Yon c:an aud ron

EATON RAPIDS, .MI.CHIG.AN, FRIDAY. JJ1N 17. 1911J_. -. __ ---·


JANUAR'Y SALE . ....... IB·RJLLJANT.SOCIAL FUNCTiON ~15555Ja~· , 'BEi!55!!!1r:J15!!5!5!:1• 'l:JEEE!!!I•

At th~ ho1:ie of ~'\IL anrt-_~r;. William A. Horner ' Ladies' Ready-to~wear ~ I -·-- w Ml11 Merle F Horner Become• Bride of Mr. Loui1 ,rledrfch l:J YARN.

I ' -- .. .·~ 1

Cloaks, Dresses, Skirts and ~urs ~ · ~rly Buyers Surelr Find The Best ~ "egul•r v•I~~ ·~ o•nta per •keln

Se lee dons. II


F. W. MENDELL~ . . .

, The war i~ over, the holidays 11 rn/pn~t.

wint~r is half gone and we must .nil get. down ·to bnlliness. . . · · .


1· .E1•erybody shouh.l pay his bill~ hy check.

1 • . .:..r: and each, should lay aside a_ little sum in a 8avings-account ·iu- antiuipation of tlie next· Liberty Loan.

w~ wan.t your bankiug busiues~. I

First National· Bank

TO CLOSE.OUT ci;~:~;n;r,.~":~;:1:~:.~ ~lb~·~. ~~.~w'. .z .t.• 7 19c A••wlm•l!mntlL•ri•.requ .. , · Ile ind Zlc

••ah ........... 1 ••••••• , ••• -······ =

•:r.:~~.~ .c:ii~~".-9~·:. . .................. 23c. 1~~ ~~~~ .",~.".'.~' .~~.ughl•f~. C,~1~~. ~·~.~~~~ ... 118,50 1:~.~~~~~ ~~gll•h. ~.·a~~~.·~·d. ~.l~.h~~: ....... ,. $14,00

Ont l1r Sptcl1I J1n11ry 18 One bar White Firer IHp ......... : ea f. . lbaraQuee11 -•• SHp. -. ...... Uo 31ch•r One b•r J•11 ltaae Toller Sup .. : 130 · -

T0wo oak .. .lap It••• Talle1 Saa, .. ., ·21Sa t 31 a lor ne bar QuHn Wlllle Soap. . . . . . . . Sa I . ..

25c 25c·~

. ' . ~_iome of ~Ir. aur/ Mrs, \V11:i;.UJ ! c·a1!i!i 1,r llrarls atHI \~f'(lrJlnl! hellM.

~, llorru~r \\'llh ~:w Sl't:11e r.r ,\·11rilll.i11t. i !£r\,!l11, ct1;\r0mini.: IH .. tlt! L!.1r1:\ actt!d as

i;1ic1:11 r1111c~iu11 la.-.1, lj'ririr.y rv1:-ritn~. I '''J1lre.,:;es iuifl serv"cl w1t11 perfei.;t w1w11 L!h:1r dau1~tnc!1 ~h;ril' wi~'liu111u~d a.t11J1tj. · . · ·

In flldrrl.111tt~ \o~Ji. LJilli" l•'rlM1rlc.:h In 'l'he 1~\'ent was rloubly int.•r<'i>tml! iHI

Ll1C! p~ne>nce or ahr 1ut lirty 111vt1,ect, 1toc~urrNl un 11 11: tw1·nty-1ilth W(.-d-re litth•1·s ;irHI· f rfl' nrl :-1. ! d Jnlo!' •~llll I vcrasy c~P t.IH: 11 ricJe 's pa. rcn 1 ~."

At. th1· "lraJn~ uf M11 nri(•h:sl)h11'!oi I · , . wer!dinl.(' marr·li p::ll'l'il hy M 1,.,.; Nurina, Mr. I• rlerlnch 1:; cJnl' ,,r ll1e prnm~ Anrnr,r; c11usJ11s1r Lhe luicltf; tll~--prtli a~uL- }uii1iµ lou~JUt:'Sl'l Tift"iltlT "ff(Jif•rs CP-S:;lria appea.rl'fl iri !he /Jail way led hr I Ci.Ly, M 1chrl.!a1i, Ue1111,(l'1U.!<q,~trl 10 !l•1ur ~lsr.; Neva Sprl"ncPr a~·maifl iif hrinor. mill111l!, lum1il!r aod t/H."L!OnHnis ... 11m 8he wa~ foll{1wer1 hy lirfrlc-,iri the; rJUSJJH'i'i~. ~llJJ..: tht! hridr.; is one u! ulH

arwurherfather. and tht> l!'rnnril waslclwlceH~ y_uu11!.! 1,1rl1£1~. who ~ ... \Jtl­

a.tlenrlPCI by his co;i,o,;Jn, Mr. Arlnlph /a.Lee! llL ltJe tlt';HI ()r !1e~ class. In Bertram, all raclnfl Rev. ·Rfcharrl M. Lile Jucii.I 111~11 school a. fe\~ y ... Millard who pt•rr(1rmrd lhr.! Impress/Vt~ -.~o a.acl ll1Ler i.:ra.cJ~aterl r·rum LJe double rh1K Cf'reincJ11y unlr!nl[ t!wni In !1Lcrary c(~ur:-ie aL .t\.1111 Arhur,

bolywedl11ckunrleralieaut1rf)Jarchor Mr. nur.I 1\.lrs.' f1'r1crlrie!1 wJJl hea·L sm 1lax anrl roses humc t11 Llle1r 11.J,lf.UY rnencJs 1n Buller ....

The hrlde wore. ~d11t'e slik cnverr.rf j Cil~ artl'f ,\larch lirsL, a11rl t1~c ,Juur­witt1 wh11e ch1tfm1 trlmnitd Y.itJ1 im-1 ua.I JOl!JS Wfill thi>lr many rrwnds 111 p11rtert ~Ilk l<ICI', H.rnl [ l1H bridal \'l'll Wl:i!Jlel~ rur lhl'Ul IDiirl.\' ye: a rs (1( lliip-

was Lrlm~ed with pearls: wt11le tiiel' pint!-is. - ·

mdlcJ t1r hrinor wure yclJ11\V ~atln wit.ii . , Tll1: ~ue~1s. lrocD f!Ut or town were

~uld Ince, buth . luokJnl(' extremely .\iihli 11a Ii'r1ecJr1ch of Auu Arll'1r, Ml:;!i

pretty. I ~:mrna Ji'r.ier1{i~11 lu1d 11er-brot1)cr RU.-After the usual .cunli(ratu!atl(ml'. j dolph uf R111rnrR · ci_Ly; Cnrp11ra1 Ber­

iwere rlver, a delicate wedd~ni,r supper/ nard ll'rleclrlct1 ur Camp UranL, MJ~s wa~ served, the table heln.:" handsome· Anna l1'r:r.rir1~tl ut {~ctrrnt 1 Miss AJlce ly laid wJt.h smilax atJd cut Mowers mt \\'urun or .AllJJOo ."'nr1 tl.Jo~Mh1ses Au-' decUritlonl'i aod band-painted plaue rlrl\ and M1rlamSJayb"u~11 ut li'JJai..

FOUR TAIEI DURftUl WEEK [ Flrat Aid Nuralng CourH.

All ladles· whu c1eslre Lo take the li"'lrst Alrt C...:ourse ror ~·.olunteer curses

'will pleaKo meet arr the hospital ~ton- -i


l"lnah. J11-mes 0, Plnct1,· who has lived a.t, day eve"ain.I{, .Jauuary :?O. a.t 8 p- ·m-:----

Lhe north end or River streer, fur sev- 1''. R. Bt...~!>:ciL\BO, · eral yearM, dlerl at the hrime or hls Uhi.Jrman Red Cross. dauiltlter In Orooklietd la8t .Saturday, .T L., 1rtei- a bi-f6r-11Jnesq, aad the funeral ·: Chalrmao li'1nu, Aid Course. was beld at tlle hu"rne' In tbls cltl oa 1

Mcmday wltll buri,al at Olmnndale. I CADETS CIT UNIFORMS Mr. Pinch was bura In Da.nRvlJJe

1 • __ ,

NeW York, Ncivemtier 15, 18°'"!), but The llhrh 8cbool Oadeti-Oorp!4 l1&.vc

came .to Mlc_b.ii!an u;.all~ llf.tO " 1\~ I reci:lverl their un1rurins &nd the hoys ror a time h'fed_ 0

/' ~farm near Bly s make 11 very natty appearance In in H~uokticl_cf. lie was united l.n tllem. Ttie putte<-:' ario the ulotti rur ~~rrl~~c, to :'·n'na. R. ll:tll, M!ly ·1· tbe caps, which iire or tbe Bel~ian 1151~, aud is-sll~vlvel1 by Lil€ wldu.v ancl were ruri1lsl1eo by the ~aton tlve chlldr~n. Tl1e cblldren are Mr~. Rapids \Vnolcn Mills. Captain Belnap·" !\'Ina C'artr:r, Mrs. llr.sslc Lo!-!an, Wiii i.-i to he cunHtJ£1~clerl UILLbt~ work he Is

''B.;·R:i.r 0, aud GIL:nn T. Pinch, \'fho rlrnng In 'the sctHJulx In t-his llae, as

mourh the lrik'i o~ ~ :inrl '.\~1·~. the' 1:n_t!1t1ir)' tr;~~~lpi: and ~ettlr1~ up_ at,e ra.tber. He Is als(,i :;;ui 1 el by t 0 cxcre!.st."i 11!g!1ly t1P.nclh:1a.l tu the l'i!.~ten;: Mrs. I1'rance.s Day ur Lus An- ~rowin~ luiy." '.fin· lr.[!!'I:-; tra.i111n1o: corp~ i.:fJl:s.and Mm. May Matthews ~f l-fll~ 1ir tlle·h1'-l'll sc!Jciul ,\ISu cxpeC.L t.u trn.\·e

·-===~====~~~~~====~~;::;;;;;;;~:!~:!~~1,.~v·1~r' rf..lllJ'lnnUiioh' w'aS a m-at1-~·Pilii1ied" 1"n a I Ulliftirm 5_·,,,_11_'_ .. _ .. _ - ___ _:::___ -

bm;lnL'S!'i way fur ills twri~~ly anrl In J

tc~r,it).'. . --- .. . .· . / BOYS' BASKETBALL _ H.ICH SCHOOL,



ON SATURDAY .. ~ s . Two. Skeins for $1. 00 a

·~· 41 a a

~ J. H. PARKS~· s m

·Saturday, January 18

New Gooch are 11rrivinr and we need ·room. To aecure thi1 room we are willin1i to r:n•ke aome •ery ·1pecial price1 on llock On band :



HILL'S BLEACHED MUSLIN. Cb .. p ot.35e, Saturday for, .. , , .. · ....... , , , .. , , , ... _ .. , , . , . : , .

l.im1i 10 r•rd• to a customer.

DARK OUTINC FLANNEL. Our very b.,t end 29 equal to any. Satarday for ....... ,.,.. . . , .. , . . . . C

MAllQUISETTE CUllTAININC. One pi•ce ueh of 35 White and cream, 50c valuea, Saturday for. . . . . . . . C ·

· l"LAID SUITINC •. e .. ,.{;ful 0

for 1kirta, $I .. 25 vaiu•. Saturday for ..... . 7 1 ... . _.,.;,,, ... .,.,. _ .. _, ... -. 98c

SUITINC FOii CHlt..DltEN'S DllESSES. Up to SOc Y&luea. S&tur"ay for •. , . . .. , ... , , ,', ... , , .

LADIES' COTTON SERCE ORESSES. Four left. Rerular price $4 98, Salurday fer: ..... .


12.98 LADIES' BATH ROBES. Beoutiful ~·tl•rn1. •5 7·5

Foar lert. Rerular pric~ $7.50. ~tUrday for ... _•_ 1 --.-

MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS. To eleaa th•m $1 00 u~. ~p to ISc pei pair. Saturday two pa..ir_fOr... 1

FllHEYE l"EAllL. BUTTONS. 5 , Per card Satu.rda1 _. ...... , , .. _ . . . - C

LADllS 1 KNIT SKIRTS. Part wool A.n extraor· 98' dinarJ Yalue. Saturday for ... , , , . , , ... , . , _, . , . , .. , , C

Stade not bea•1 in 1ome of abo•e itema. Come ~rly •• J'OU . m~J be too late,

Page 2: Ready-to~wear ~ w2021/02/01  · M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue turclshed room, healed, at 21-1 Ha!Dlln street. · l w3p I Wear U \Veil 0 Boot• and

<Prt-rared by the Unll~ States Department 9 t A.-rlculturl'! )

Each to"'n. under the lettder­&hlp of its most e.ct!Ye spirits,, such as it.ti chamber ot com­mette ur county counc_!! o! de­fense;-J~l!. 11hould iliiiffdtate-17 mate a l'UrTe.f of all able­bodied men who b.uve had farm e:xperlentt and obtain pledge@. 10 .spend a doy ~ t"o out of each w~k, dr a we*ik It nee<l be. out of the month a~ the periods of greatest dP.mandj lo prder to help the fe.rmerB. There are manl' men working 110 the towns VI he>~e places can /be taken by the WO!Ilen. I ba \"e, In mind par­ticularly men ~niters, elevator boys, 11.od clerks whose l\'Ork can be well •ub•tltutod, If the buslness sentiment of the to~·n \\111 act resolutely nod ~rsuade employers to Ub'e wornen tern­porarily in order that tbe meo may be releasM tor farm labor as the occnidon m1.y requlre.­Clnrence Ousley, _.\S!!lstant See-

Kind E•ton Rap1da Cannot Doubt,

first one estnollshecl on the !slnn.d, and I wh!'n It wns opened In the Y. \V. C. ,A. Hostess House at Carnp Lns Cnsas the trntJ,·es cro"ded around. much umused at the innoTntlon. They Insisted upon hn\·lng American dishes.

The house becnme ,·cry well known tn 8 short time, and a. group of women from San .Tunn \olnntcered to go out eycry "eek to mend socks and 1ew oD buttons_ !or tlle soldiers.

mop horseA Jrnnj?!nntlon supplted, the scenel'1',

wllh the exception of plarnrds, which announced "Urn sun" when It wns sup. posed to be shining or "cncti" when the cow punchcra rode across the tlesert.

Counles11 Vnen.res~a ot Ro11mnnla, who hntl been talking to the nurses on cn11<lltlnns ln the German courts nt the time ahe nns lndy-ln·waltlng to the Queen ot Roumanla, was the most ap. preclnti\'e of nil the guests.


One would alrfl&.~I Imagine that parties were trying to. intro­duce some ne"' and unheard uf patent medicine by the amount of Hot ~\ir they are usinit, trying to make t~e people _believe what wonderful 1o;tnlf thh; outside Dour is. when it is sim1>ly ~rd1nary flo~r, flour manv .. factured man} miles •~•)' from Eaton Rapids by parheK whose only inlercst in our to"n con!Sish; of \llhat money the) can get f~m U•, nc' er to bC returned. The)· con1rihu1e nothin~, tow~r.d charity or other~ isc, is a benefit to the "'el fare of Eaton Rap1d.s. They PIY no taxes or employ any labor, so we doubt \cry muc~ 1f the peo~le who are Joyal to their o"'·n to\\,.. •till be humbugged into the nohon

At"'the .. ;expense ot their own home industry

·Xow instead of continually harpinK on the ~onderfuJ qualities of RADIUM FLOUR, and offering spe<ial inducements to get ~ to use it. it is much more to our liking to haYe them tell US ~hey are

using RADIUM Flour right along and how well it suits them

which they are continually doing. The be~t e\idence we have that,we are making a satisfactory\ grade of flour is the fact" that - ·

our Flour sales are continually in­creasing. Our sales during the last six months have been more than ever before in same length of time


And rhtht here we wish to thank our mnny friend.s for ~he pat .. ronage they hale extended to us in the pa!'~. :111tl \\4th fair deahngs we hope for a~~ontin_uance of the same in thr f11111n".

We also appreciate the fact thul E\"EHY FLOUR DEALER IN THE CITY, WITH ONE EXCEPTIOX, IS HANDLING RADIUM l'LOUI!. They t>refer ••Hing !he home product ralh11 lhan the out· side: !-iluff.

Farmers having Wheat to sell \\;JI find it lo tht>1r ad\·antage to see us before disposing of it else· \\ hei t·, as we need the wheat tu supply our increasmg flour trade.

Yours truh·,


Eaton Rapids, • Michigan

Always in The Market, I

ul Rtate rood lieln~ built _____ _. _ _,_;, ____________________ -:---:--------:---------toward Mason on Uolumhla ro11.d


received tbe second C(Jllt c~f KraveJ tnd ts rea.dy for the tinlshln~ toucht·l'I. j

At H~ghest Market Prices for beans and grain~. Elevator and office on

• Lake Shore Railroad.

Ground Barley For Sale

R. W Clark and lamlly were called to Lanslni.e one day lasc. week, Mri:: , CJ&rk

1s father, Mr Frf'e, havinl! been T

qu~te badly hurt 10 a street car accl·; dent. ' 1

Cyril Bateman or A :aledon wa. a I week-end ilUest nf hlsshnP.r, Mrs. \Vm 1[ J Clarke aarl ra.1nlly. £Ip !>pent, Mt1tl- I

day nlfr!ht with Mr and Mr~. John Bateman

ues day, cornmencmg at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon.



Horses, Cattle, -Breeding Ewes, Hens Black Mare. 14 year:< old, weight 1.500 pouuds; Bay Mare, 13 years old, weight

1.800 ponnd;;; Bay Mare, l;, years olrl, weight 1.200 pounds; Light Driving Mare; Milr:l1 Cow, 6 year~ ol<l, fr~~h iu December; Holstei11 Cow, .5 years old. due March 2~; ijol~teiu Cow. 3 years oltl,·due Feb~uary ~; 78 Breedi11g Ewes and one Yearling

, Ham; 50 Heu~.

fern HellowRi and <JIHY Dors were lo LanslnK Thuri;day on buslneRs.

I L. U. Patt,f'r!'r1n. wire anrl clillrl rtnj

are recuver10!! from t.l1e • flu. !I

NOHTH DROoKFIELD Mrf' R. D. Foster who h1ls heen se. 1 0

- rlously 111 rur two weeks, is a litt,Je I Erwin Wbittum or Camp Ouster ,.hetter. I

spent 8uaday at home The Rush school ls cln~rari, r1wl1111tQ1

Joseph Walworth or Uamp Cm;ter 18 the 1!!aess ur the teacher, Mr1<1 Rayl I borne Ill with lnllueazo. 1 Haker.

Farm Implements, Harness, Etc.

U1aris Arnold and wire were over lrom L&asln• pacltlag their hou•ehnld ~uods &nd mored to tbaL city 8atur day

MrA O:tehdale Is carfn~ tnr Mrs. ErnesL O:tendale W"bo bas l>carlet

Mrs. Rarlc'r or Charl')tte ts CR.rJnK 1 MrR Artl1ur 'rul1hs IS 1n Arhora.nrt.

for Mrs. Rel{tcie Foster. l Will llndr.r~o rlll flPPT,ltlon rur appenrir- -':"'"--------"----"--"'"'------~--------:~~----~--------MartJo Baker or Riverdale spent cltu1 Mr Tuhbfl. accompanied tier I

Sund•y at Erne•t Lon~·s. / Mrs. Walter IL111n .ind ~li<s Erina I Hay, Corn, Household Goods P. A Wlnslow and wire were enter­tained a~ the home dr Mr and Ptlrs. Jay ~~errl~ or Aurellus, last ~unday,

The K hJll~Jand Rchuol reopened Tue11day after 1 tw().oweekR vac&.tion. lll!Ui Mahe! Kln~ lt1 tbe teacher.

Ernbree Wblttum or Charlotte 8pent 1 0!Jxre arc eatert:l.lnlcul' their uncle, I & rew days Jast week at EdWbltrum's. F'r,lnk Doxie or liranrJ Le<11te, trh!sj

Mrs. Wlls(1n Martin ur Cbarlatle ls week

spending a re111 weeks at Sherrn IJm., G~ori!e Hartson or Lanc.ti-tcr, Mas:4. 1------~&rli(er's, , whn spent hi!'\ boyhouri r1a.ys at the I

A qnantity of Hay and €orn StaJh, :J50 bushels of Corn.' some Household Goods.

BE Mr. ind Mrs. Murl Defueacddau1th· home of A P.1Jarct<(!~ 1 callt:d on olcl 1 _______ .._ ____ -"----~-----~-~-------------~------ter ot. Ct.arloLte spent 8uodiy at Ho- frlendK In thli; place. Sa.tu rriay

mer Holcomb's 1 • The member/.! of the Ea.too Ce~ter Fred llastla~s Is un ~he s<ck lht.


c•llcd on James Uwl.Jar..:cr has l'IOld his tarrn r.pworth L\a\.:"Ue will j[IYe an ~nter­to P&rLie1i1 In Indiana whri wJU take talnment. ac thP. parsona~e. Jtruiay pC>RSes~loo Lbe ttrstur i\larcb. e~cnmll, January 11. Om• ut tt1e re.t·

turcs of tile nven1n~-wl!J Ue an-rild-r.rhc OeuLer Eaton Epwortti Lea"ue rashloner1 s.pellfol-:' contest, and the J .

will Lloid a Hocial rue~th11t fur mem-' Lea~ucrs Wiii be dres!ied in old-rash- am es bers at the pa.r!iun&i,ee, F r:ida.y e~ealng.

1 wned costumes. • I

Howard ~·owler ol Hillsdale was• ' I Tbe L A s. meetlnll which was to called here bJ tbe serious' WEST n,Ufl,IJ'i. II

hue been held &t Will Plasterage's, 111aess or his Sister, Mrs. Reggie ~'c•s· I Porter


bome ha• 11een postpoaed on account ter. I Th t 1

Lb t

• 1 e mea are pu t og e .s ucco on =======================================::::===:::::: or 80 much slckneSK In the cowrnualty.

1 J

8 1 1 '

1 /

a mes ru t ls Hi use The N 1. club will rneeL with Mrs. / · "·t T · Th d J 23 Johe Colestock helped bis brother, ut: I uruer1 ur!I ay, . an. . "

dti Mra. J T. l<'uller was In Laasrn~ Porter, butcher \, eclaesday. / MrK now&rd Hudson Is on ~sick last. Saturday. I Cha~ Llndly and wire v1stter1 at

list. Mrs. A. E. Hudson ot El.Loa • • • I n. Id I I I b Mr. G A Merritt YISlted her 818· j Roy Ktesl1•r's In tl1e city Sunday ..... p s s car n~ or er. ,

ter, Mrs. J B. Hawley or Klnllslaad' Elwyn Guodru:h was In Alulua aad I William Canedy Is home from Lan- ~edoe•day and Thursday or last week 'Battle Oreek rm bus1u~ss Monday aad /

Mr. and MrH. Lorea Miller speut tile 1 Tu.,.day

Cbet Kime aad l&mlly were •lslt· week ead wltb ber rather, Samuil!: _Milton Nell' atteaded tbe lunoral or 1 __ ..;.._.--~----~--"~------------'.'"'.'7'.----~---"'7--:-:--:"""-:-:r K1rae's on tbe Ollotoa road.- Smith, at Lbebome al ber brotbe., bis bro~her-10 law, Orr Jecks, m East

Wm. Smith. Hamlin \Vedaesday. 1111. Chas. Mellon, Roy Mellon &ad Charles Biiiiard aad family visltea Mrs. Oba< Llndlv and daul(llter,

•treaud llyrun Pulfer, wlte aad b&L~ at Tom Bllll&rd'•, Sunday. j Alice, visited at Boward (}Jaey'• m ''r Eaton Rapids were visitors at Har . T -Edi , S d - Mrs. -Letbe&-Breum or Jackson rs Alblua Moaday aad uesday.

ry ck 8

• ua Av. vlsltln11 her l(raadpareats, Mr. and , The Charlesworth L A. 8. will 1111. John Strloklla11 al Lan•ln11 and Mrs. Geo. SDaul tbls week : meet wirh Mrs James Sm Ith on Wed·

1111, Era ~'rye attended the N I. club Mr. &od Hrs Bomer Lelsenrla~ and nesday, Jau. 22, ror a potluck dlauer at lln Ben Keeler'I, Thursday. motber, Mrs. Leisearlal( or Dimon· All are Invited to attend. dale were 11ues1• or Harvey White and family, Suaday.

Mr. aaci .Mrs Fr&ak Bostedor eater· OO'TER CRlilEK.

taloed the buaLllna- huskers •1tb aa •iferbert Snow or near Pa.rma was on

our street M0Dday1 buyio~ rura.

Mr. aad Mrs Caproa aad Harriet ~ Camburn, all or JnckHoa were Suaday

T1sltorg at Clarence Cambura 1s. Mark Baker or Rl•erdale •pent tbe The GrullLb cborch """ opened lor

week ead with Fred Ptrley, service, Sunday, the first ID many Mr. and Mrs. Allan PutTenberi:er are, weeks oa accouoL or Jatluenza. Mr~.

tbe proud pareots or & baby boy boru I Browo, the p&8torJs wire, b'as been l&Ht Weet. Mo~ber and soo duJog fiae 1 ver, 111

1 but ts recoverinl{.

Ca.lvln CaaHeld aad wile or Eatoa ! The w. ~'. M. s m't at tbe home or Rapids vl•~ed Charlie ,Field a.ud •lfe Mrs A. D. Grim th JastThu(sday wltl} Sunday. . __ __ _ _ _ I a rood attendance. It Is a srnall •oc•o -

Baroid Brooks· 'PCDt Suaday with ety, bu~ very much alive. The study Myrt Buber' aod rawll> a~ Uentt!r book is used, alsu the Mystery Bnx, Eaton. ! 4lUestlonR !rum the Misswnary J1"'rlead. ~ Loyt ~oke and wire or Eaton R1\fi· ! )Jucb lntcrei'it 1s sl1n\'lin aad tllree new

Ids apent Sunday .with his brotl1er members adcled this rnoaLl1 Date aod wit•.

Holstein Cow, 8 yea1·~ 1ild; ,Holstein Cow, a year~ o!d: Dt~rbam Cow, 8 :years old; Part Jersey Cow, 5 years olrl frray .Mare, .4 year~ old com~ng ~pring, :ve1ght 1.400 pounds; Black ]\fare, 13 year8 old.tins cormng spr',rng, wergbt 1,J.50 ponnd8; Black.Mare Colt, 2 year~ old this coming ~pnng; Bay Mare Colt, 2 years old th1~ commg sprrng; 9 Shoates. 3°month~ old!

Page 3: Ready-to~wear ~ w2021/02/01  · M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue turclshed room, healed, at 21-1 Ha!Dlln street. · l w3p I Wear U \Veil 0 Boot• and

~~~~-'--'-~~~~~~------~~~'----,,.-~~-~~·~~~~~~-~~~~-,.~~--:0~--.:.-~~~~·~~__,. • .--_,,.,.._,~~~-\

Large skeins wool Mufflers Khaki Yarn, were

atJ9c I $1.00, now · , 69c ..-~~~~~~.-..~~~~~~~~~-----~~·~~~~~-...~--~~~-~~~~~-

ne loi of Coats;· value $18. to $25,

at $12.95

Big ;values in Underwear and all Xnit Goods


1 orer here r~r a year and more. I bave hac erwutirb. aad what bave I Lo say wbeo Llwse fello\\s are here vet. ·

R>iph Hale was leellug tloe ~he lase time I saw bun, and was ready to W'O back un ~un crew again. I ~ueKs the only one we ba\•e lost out ar the bunch s11 far 1s Charles Rorabeck, and be was sure a swell fellow. I hope a.ll the rest of thew 11et hack to tile States sa·r~. Joe Lambert tias i;!'lven t!Jeto all a race for tlicir money and has wun out by j,fOIUI{ tlnu 11Rh some bard battles or bl~ owe.

\Vell, F'layd, I will have to stop !or rime Duu't forget to write, ai; I a.Cn oot. !Hime yet liy a long wa} ~. my best to all tlJ~ onys rem sec.

Your friend, H_\HH'i F C.o\~nr:Lu,

Ord. $erJ!t., Ord Det. ,)tHh C. A.O.

On 1918 EJlhibit-W. E. Hale .Again Made President - New Sec·

retary Chosen.

cm1 msmoN l'IWCEEl1'GS

A rf' 1.nceting of the city com­m1s~1on held m the clf'rk's office l\Ion.

Arnold. MCH. Nancy Arnold, wlte or the late

\Valter Arould, s:-assed away at ber home on Caual street e11.rly last Sun­day mornln~ alter a brier lilaeS/i or acute broachttls and the funeral w&s beld at the house 'ruesday afternoon wltb l~ev R. M. M lllard ul!lc10t1n~.

Nancy Muo~er was born OD the old homestead On tbe Lansing road De· cember l<ltb, 184.5 1 where sl1e Krcw to womanhood' and was married to Wal: ter Arnold .faauary 2, 18]0.

She was the devoted mother rif three cblldren: Dr. Jay 0 Arnold or South Haveo1 the late Dr. Frank C. Arnold, aod Mrs Edna Boice or Elkhart, lodlana. She Is al.110 survived by hr.r brother, We.sley Munger of Charlotte.

ln the passing or rt' Arnold Eaton Rapids loses one or her most esteemed cbrlstlao pioneer la.dies A mODK UH all

r~hnement and liympa.tbyj ..., kind neii.:-hbor, a devoted motber and a true fr!ead, and wltllal a wuman or heroic mould In bravely meetln11 the i;tera requirements and often tbe dlsap polntmeotB or-JHe- -uer llame-Ju­SlilDCLS were si.roow- a.nd ber atrectlµn tor friend., and kindred wa!I teader and abldln~ Her will lor1~ cberl!lbed. '

Tbc Ladles' Pl 11H~!'r club ... 111 meet wtth Mrs. C11r11ellus A.l.JIJcy ~at her 1111me on ? street \Vedul!, January 2! .• l-'utluck dinner will be served, follolflcd IJy a pru"1ain.

'l'he G. A. R ancl W.R. 6 will hold li re~ular meetrnll nexL Tuei:;da.y, .Jaauary 14th A larl!e attf'r1d:L11CC Is desired a.!-1 there is lwµortant busrness to tro.osa.ct.

Saturday, January 2:;, t.lle li\cl!es r1f tbe 0. E. S-w1ll bold a baked gnuds sale at th~ !{as ollke, consisting or bread, cake, pies, dou6{"llnut!i, cookies and berm.Its

There Will be lJI) n:l(?etrnll or the Pyth1an 81sters Monday ,I anuur 20tb on acCouat ur tbe lollucnia epidemic '

s'ervice8 a.t the Baptist cl1urch next 8uaday murnloll and eveolut.: will be conducted b} tlle, Rev. A D. Werdca.

Eastern Htar literary muRlca.l proR"ram fur 'l'uesrla.y eveninl( ha.s been canceled.

The K. 0 'l'. M. M otttcers at Its hall In the Old bu1ldicll aexc Moaday eveniDK.

II'• TRUE-You c&a't dbuy medicines than --

Derby's Cold Tablets­Dorhy '• Kidney Pills­

. Derby 1p, Llverold Cathartics, and Dcr~y 1H Crnup and Uou~h M lxture

rar Children. 11Alwar• good 1lnco I 870.". Watch the chifd's croun.v cough.

II'• TltUE-that tor, accuracy, high, purity and tl1nron)!b s11t,Jsraotlon, Derby'• produota ·are never RUr· p;u;~ed;-aod Lllar. Lbelr price Is ralr a.I way!',

PllEPAllEDNESS would have saved mllllotu1 ur lives :,nd billions In 111o1rny ba.d the wor.!d heederl tile warning.

Bq,prepared Jn your llume or when tra\clln,1c, with DerlJy'H ltJcrtlcJne,'\

M llbourn, HI rney 1 Graham .arid Meade tiell tbern 3\\4

HEAVY- HAULING Mr hHwr,truok will aatlafllclarllJ' aalvo J'OUr haul• 1.. problomo. P'hone ma lor •ttlmalH an thla olH• ol work.

' , Ne.w Styles

BroYf n English ShOes

Style pictured comes in dark brown cordo, lace English Boot, with rubber heels, at -



F•r •-r ourl.,. m .. t and aweet ,ieldlng. Don't ,.,.,. eura ,. .. , _, 11••H-H It aolen1111 .. 11r-maat ill -- ................... .., ........ ourln1.

W.lsht'• llllm P'lokla I• 11111 u11 In rou~ll glaH J9ra tllat HM .... lllffr Oen .. anll O•a Dellar,


•-• •hrlnh 10 IJ•r ••nt 111 Iha aid praoeH el amok· '"•· A SI .OO llettla wfll amok• a lt•rr•I e1 meat-••• 119unlla. ·

. Your manor lleok II r•u want It,

· Dr. J, B. Br&dler wu elected .. a director or the Commonwealth State bank i>r Detroit n ILa annual meetlog la•t Monday, •

Now comes 1.ootber announcement trom the war department that the 32d and 85th dl•lolon•, In which are many Michigan boys, will he kepL "over tbere" for aomet.lme yet.

BeJ- C, W. Oorman, p"tor or the fJrace cburcb1 tlod!I ft, necessary on ac~ count or Ill health to take a long vaca· tlon, •"?d will preach bis rarewell ser: won at that place ur worship next Sunday, January 19th.

The James and S. H. Umbu11er auction, at Lhe UmbarM"er farm 1 HJI

miles. weat or Eaton Rapid•, neit Tuesday, January 21st, will be worth attendln11. Their adverLl•ement on P•Jre.three tells all aboutJt. ,

Obarlutte Grange will entertain the Eaton County Pomona Grange at a picnic dinner Wednesday, .Jan 22d 1 at· ter which Ernest 0. Pray will lnRtall the otUcerli. A tlne literary ana musl· cal program will also be glveo.

Walter 'l'ledgen will sell his farm tools1 stock 1 and feed at bis rarrn I! miles south ol Dimondale ocxt Thurn-

. rresh and, day, January 23. Rb1. la.rile advertlse-••lt meaLa tu bis line ol groceries. meat on pa~e three o! tbls Issue ot

Reports ol 'tbe condition at the local baok• will be round on another pa11e.

The danclnK party .;hlcb was to tbe Journal 11lvee tbe tull particulars. bave been held at Vickery hall llL!lt Read It.

Wedne•day evenln11 was called olJ by , The Michigan 8tate bank re-;lected order al the buard al health. · It• en.tire ~oard at directors at It• an• E. II. Mendell bu been otf bis mall

route rur aeveral day• sutrerln11 lrom iUUlllO.

Allio Henry ha• bought the building nual meeting held last Tue•day as he baa occupied as a barber shop !or follows: U. n. Hamilton, Jas. H several vear1, and Dr. R. 0. Rolla ha• Parks, F. S. Leighton, J. J. Milbourn, bought tbe Ad)ololi1~ bulldln11 where E. F. Knapp, W. E. Webster, H'Go

1111. Gertrude Whitman bas rented 1P1tlment1 ID tbe I. J.Wheeler dwell: IDI oo RI Yer street. ' be has bl& ottlce. Minnie.

1'be b4sketball contest Jut ~'rld&y DIRhL Pro•ect a dlsiiitrous 'Dile lor Uie­~al hlKh llChool team, tbe Lansln~

11 rolllog up a acore ot 66 to our bon i, HI• out. at the ordinary lor ••mall L<>•n to cope with tbe a.tbletlc ~~~&Dllllloo• al the lar11ircltlea where

1 ey b.,, the 1<1•ant&11e al numbers :::!: llhlcb to &cloct material. ~

Mothers aad wive• or wldlen •hould be ao Lbelr iruud a11aloit the •hafks wbo 110 to homes- where service lla1111 are displayed and a11ree lor wbat seems like a reaaanable sum to enlarge pho­tos al tbe aboent soldlera. Tbe Pie· ~~"'" ar~ enl~~llfilLand_011olooed In cheap, lluhy looking frames, lor wblcb

Many Eaton RapJ!l_!LPeople will re· member King Cullln<, the genial young man who was employed 11' 11Jsernan ID the Rtore or M&rtin Hansen about a. year ago. HI• home Is In Oar•an Olty, Mlcbl111n, Not lonK-ancr lea•lnK Eaton Rapids, he eoLercd army ser· vice aud laLer-welinJverscu 1nd -par­ticipated lu Nome hard ll~htlng at the

the oan•asaerdemaoda an ezborhlt&Dt lront. The State Journal al last Sat­price, and when tbe victim ~etuaea to urdaycontalno Collins' purtralL aod bl• P•1 .t~ &g~nt becom01 abusive.' Thl1 1thnlllog accouoL ol the active cam· iort ol·gratt Is goln11 on In a number palgn by hlo dl'vl•lun In tiatLllnlf th•

Huns. Alter bis arrival In ~'r&oce he .

Victory P • rices SUIT\S MADE TO .JEASURE $17.00


Our New S •. \\,J

pring -.


and the prices are right· ..

'-Ouarantine Rules This Is For YOUR Protection


2 . All<''"'" of INEI.llE:'>ZA ("Ou''-or g11pw•) ~ll'ST HE JSOr\'rI'O · ---- . P 'bl r ti 1 ' • ~. ~ m a room us far away as o~s1 t' 1om 1e gt•1wi:1 h,·ing rooms. of the hnust' uuJ ~O PF1~so~ h II b ti Cl!Jll the PHYSICIAN and the PEnSON .NUHSINci ;he ,;aticnt~ \ .. toi .i ea m1ltt•d1 to thnl room ex: ..

:i . ~o VISITO!lS mLJ, BE ALLOWED TO E!li'l EH A:'>\' Ql'.\R.\:'>TIXED HOF ', . -of• mrectw~s .d10~11•cs su~h as 8CAI!LET FEVEII, MEASl,,Ei:l, clc., 1'0 PERSON WILL ll~f:~L~~O~~'~';; TO LEAVF., 1HE HOUSb exceJJt thl' n.llending physician. Any house placarded is in (lllaranline.

4 ~ler.nbers ~f th~ family in a qu,1r.111tincd house ~!UST t:SE PllEC.\l"l'IONAlff ME \SURES h using nlkahne antiseptic wash or sp1 uy in the throat and nose at Jeasl four tinws a day · -

5 Children of ramilics ha\'ing lhe 11'Fl UENZA ("fl " · ' ' . . , SlIAl.L NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE Tl!El-1! 'OWN ~R;l~~·;~~~) or an)' other infe<:tious disease

6 All store-keepers, propnelorij_of_amusement-places -etc-art'. REQl'IRED 1 l'f ----&nee · h' d h · ' " 1

\ o no 1 " an'.\' person •zrng or coug 1ng an w o is SUM1Jl'Ctl1d of ha'rin1it been eXJKIHed to'thc JNFI UENZ .1. t ·LE .. ~,.E 1'H

l'l!E'IISES An d' b h' ' · , ,.~,' " " E '· • · . yone ISO cymg I is nolrfi<allon'shaJI be liable to AllllEST AND Fl!'iE -OF NOT l\10.UE '~HAN $1000 •. Any storc-kt'eper, pro11rietor of amusement place, etc., '4ho

1 shall .·

notification shalJ be huble to arrest 1md fine of not more than $1000.

7 No person •hall be ALLOWED JN Tl[}] CITY OF E \TON ll~l'IDS ·h · '. memb~r th~reof is sick with INPLUE1'Z . .\ or "Hu", ext:ept wh~n th~e a~\·e u•:11a:io;1nr:I~~;~ t~am1~· or :eny complied \'tlth, and tht•y ha'r'e a \VRITTEN PERMI'l .. 'from the attend1'n h. . . Tgh \\Ions, a\e . en

i d' .. g J> 'RICJan. e pen;on nursmg or • 1r~cl attendance upon the patient ~ther than a regular nurse SHALL J\'O'I' CO~IE JNTO THE CIT.Y OF_ E_AT~N RAPIDS und~r 1~ny circumstances until the PATIE1'T is DISCHARGED as CURED.

8 NO PUBLIC FUNERALS of infectious cast."S shall be allowed nor shall an'r' II bcarerg lowed except those from th~ immed!ate family or pro .. ·ided b~· the undertaker. · pa

9 -;The penalty for.any infraction of the above rules and regulations shall be a fine of not more· than one t~ousand ($1000.00) dollars. ,,/' ~ ·


Page 4: Ready-to~wear ~ w2021/02/01  · M Ii UN1' & SoN Co. lLlc FOii llENT...:Two uorurnlsbed and uue turclshed room, healed, at 21-1 Ha!Dlln street. · l w3p I Wear U \Veil 0 Boot• and

Waita for "'Really'• M~ther.

When Amena roa.ched. the orph!J:.1!.. uylum, she wu pl&oed in charge ot Ibo little girl who la sho~'D molhor­lnl ber,-b11t it la eTident Crom the look ot longing 1n. Amena s eyes that Jaer hurt little hea.t1. b Jongrng to be

1pressed apinst that of her 'really" 11101.her. But tile "ru.llv' molhcr, u A.mena her in her :\nnonian b&by language, Is bur1od in the de1ert, a \ictim of the Turks am bi tJon to kill by st:arTation the enUre Armenian P<l<>l>la, or !alllng Iha~ erlle them to.ret er trom their beauti­ful and ancient natlve land

Some day, Amen.a "llJ be told th:it 1ber mother I.A dea.d, now she is al­/lowed to hope, tor fear that her heart will be broken, it additJ01rnJ weight o! IOm>W la pl&i»d Uj>Oll il

F•ther Brut.1,J ly Murdered.

2'3,G44 17

127,693 00

3,772 40 4,000.00


1,040 26 6,875.63

$457 ,528.86

• 75,000 00 15,000 00 14,358 GO 3,750 00

s1Tln1ir1 s!2bt sa\lng, nerve savlnll a(1·

Ylco, Wo are properly equipped ror

lntolll~ent .,.



There ia no need of that. It can and ahould be kept aafely 1nTe1ted and profitably at work fol" you. Thia applies to amall •••inl'• •• well •• larre auma ln't'etted here it all looka alike to ua and earbl the ••me rate.

Our Prepaid Certi6eate1 are 111ued 1n u •mall de•oa:una• bon1 •• $25-from that up. We pa,. five per.cent, it .. pakl twace a year w.ahout, taxe1, or a day of"loll time.

A Nfe, con•enie11t, •itcl profitable 1nve1tment in • mu. tual ••viqa 1Dlhtution. Our record 11 lwenty mne yean ef 1ucce11ful bu1ine•a with re• •011rce1 of over two and a half m11l1on doll&n.

A•k for full particu.lar1.

... Capitol ... Savings &: Loan Association


JOHN HENDERSON A1ent, Eat.,.; R.p1da


Ware, Stove ~pe, •lo • I •110 have a t•w good leoond

hand Stove•.

Spartacans Start Civil War · In Berlin and Many Fall In

Street, F"tghting.

ns su11purtcd by many ot the return· lid BOldicr~ Some af. these -were postNl on Ille Bhl.nckmburg gate and at other "trnteglc polotE with machine iuns, grenndes and dame projectors. Mter se\('ral hundretl persons hod been kllh d and many wounded, 1t ~ ftR announced tlrnt


lhe goTerllment torcefl hid mnlntninNI the ..Prem11ey and had large hodle!!I of troops concentrRt· e.i j11M out~tde lhe city, f'eady to Htter It. The chnncellor, addressing greut tTO"di;i otlt~lde his pala~. bitterly de-

1rion1Jced the SpartacaM tor their ...,._1C1Uy hC>lta \ ior and iasane poUcy" tnd JJroml"cd that they would ·be IUP"


At this point the indepeadent social~ ilts jumpl'<! lnlo nctlon, taking advnn· tqe ot the crisis, and tried tu force out the EIJPrl Scheldemnnn cl'owd ~ Dtw rcvulntJonary go\'ernruont wa1 tPl'OClaimed i.:ornposed of lndcpondent aoclallsts, "Ith Ledebour, LlC'gmnnn •nd Tick In -control. This natumlly did not snu~ry Llebknecht, KM •he \\'RS 18111. to be tontlnnlng hls etroru to In· :ltt.ll a government Of bis O'ITTI C'hOOA-­ltif His fol\owers~were In pos~eMion

lfJf the rornl stuhles nnd of polloe bend· quorters ChJcr T(.lf Pollce Eirithorn, ~ho Is <lnc of th~lii, hnd Ignored hi&

1Dllsirnl bi the people's cou1111!ssio11· ;?'!. Ratlrk the holshe\ tk emb:saey ~: Ru~1n, I\ a-8 adYising the Sp.arta·

D! 111Plltches Coming es this Is written ~v the Sr111rtn(lans 1\,ere beh1~ ' rellgt!itned by the accession of ~omt:! Of the troop~ 11nd were holcJing the ?."lncipaJ fJOfuts In Berlin· tlmt GusbtY .ll{lJikt:> • 't Co11an,tt1der ln chief ot the m bert ~'"' l'rn1aent treops, "ns prepar-~ to cnlJ ll<'w forees In to atte1J1pt to

~11.Jn contrOJ of Berlin nnd Umt a ti olent reul.'t!on by the m~re conserva· ;. clerumns "as e.xpeeted.

ere \\lf're reports tti11.t the Mvn of

--­The conflict bet" een Germany nod •Pohu1d O\'er the pro\lncc of Posen nm:v be Retlled \\ llhout further fight­ing, for the t" o government~ hn ve opent~d negotlntlons !or a penreful ,un derstnndlng. But the Uutlienlnns at latest reports, \\ere det('rmlned to re­eo\:er Lemberg HtHJ hH.d surrounded that city, \\ l1Jch """ defended IJ\ a lnrge force of Polefi, Including n tlh·J. aton mnrle up or '\ ~rr'!Pn

The Poles were drl\ en out of Vllna 1by the bol~he\ lkl, the tlefenllcrs be Ing "lthout cannon and short pt car­trlflges. Tim hol!::he\ik f'roops nt once hP..!lln f\ massnrrP ot the rlvlllnns The Polish soldiers retrente<l to Lnnn· vnr.ovn l\here they ''ere disarmed by 1:he Germans und Ment to lllnl):;tok There the) \\ere robhed hy Gcrumns: aud started for Pollsh tl'rr1tor:v

Pndere\\ ~t nnd Pllsud:;ki nre still

Club Sta'nde f....- 'Hat Lunchta, Clean Towe11, Comf~rta.ble Cott, Partlea,

Game1 ilnd Recreation lt Girl Workers.

Katnerlne Holland Brown

• Wash 7our lee box care­

fully 11nd~ftea with 20 Mule Team Boru. Germ1 from the ice, &om liquidli 'mid food!, lodp in the crevice& 11nd cornen and thrive. Aho 1prWdo

~1"9811ii MDIE~T£A~flkHtO ll'OU1ld yoor ice receptacle. The meho ing ice wil wlllh the Botu: tbrouth the drain pipe. keepitic the bard·to-dean Plll'fS of your re~ unitary, wb0le1ame and sweet smelling, Endonm by all health 1111thorities. U1ed whercyer hy&icuia cleanline111 must be maintained,

&u for M~c Cmtal Bodld, It tiws BJ 6-/lolil ._for 20 M•t. TN• Boru. Fr.,.


. Pacific COast -Borax Co~, N-Yo<k Clabp

What a

Holstein Sire will

When Bred to Scrubs

fi1~t g<'nerat1on l1eife1~. <nee] by a

Hol 0 tem Sire ~how~ an incie:ise of 2Rl-!-5 lbs. milk or 71 per cent 1n milk, and 67 15 lbs lat,

in sr-ven days at two l ears of age


3± at