ReadMe K4Android

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Transcript of ReadMe K4Android

Kindle for Android -----------------Kindle for Android uses a different scheme to generate its books specific PIDs t han Kindle for PC, Kindle for iPhone/iPad, and standalone Kindles. Unfortunately, K4Android uses an "account secrets" file that would only be avail able if the device were jail-broken and even then someone would have to figure o ut how to decode this secret information in order to reverse the process. Instead of trying to calculate the correct PIDs for each book from this primary data, "Me" (a commenter who posted to the ApprenticeAlf site) came up with a wo nderful idea to simply modify the Kindle 3 for Android application to store the PIDs it uses to decode each book in its "about activity" window. This list of P IDS can then be provided to, which in its latest incarnations allo ws a comma separated list of pids to be passed in, to successfully remove the DR M from that book. Effectively "Me" has created an "Unswindle" for the Kindle f or Android 3 application! Obviously, to use "Me"'s approach, requires an Android Developer's Certificate ( to sign the modified application) and access to and knowledge of the developer t ools, but does not require anything to be jail-broken. This is a copy the detailed instructions supplied by "Me" to the ApprenticeAlf b log in the comments. The kindle3.patch described below is included in this fold er in the tools: From the ApprenticeAlf Comments: "Me" writes: A better solution seems to er logs or displays it s in the Kindle application e until the DRMed book has t books). create a patched version of the Kindle apk which eith PID. I created a patch to both log the pid list and show it in the about activity screen. The pid list isn t availabl been opened (and the list seem to differ for differen

To create the patched kindle apk a certificate must be created (http://developer and the apktool must be bui ld from source (all subprojects) as long as version 1.4.2 isn t released (http://cod These are the steps to pull the original apk from the Android device, uninstall it, create a patched apk and install that (tested on a rooted device, but I thin k all steps should also work on non-rooted devices): adb pull /data/app/ kindle3.apk adb uninstall apktool d kindle3.apk kindle3 cd kindle3 patch -p1 < ../kindle3.patch cd .. apktool b kindle3 kindle3_patched.apk jarsigner -verbose -keystore kindle.keystore kindle3_patched.apk kindle zipalign -v 4 kindle3_patched.apk kindle3_signed.apk adb install kindle3_signed.apk kindle3.patch (based on kindle version is available on pastebin:

Have fun! Comment by me June 9, 2011 @ 9:01 pm | Reply

Hi me, Wow! Great work!!!! With your patch, you have created the equivalent of Unswindle for the Kindle for Android app and it does not even require jailbreaking! Very nice work indeed! Comment by some_updates June 10, 2011 @ 4:28 am | Reply