Read the following article that is linked to Mr. Wood’s ... Web viewDiffusion of Technology ....

Name: ____________________________ AP World History 10 1 Era 1 – Foundations (to 600 B.C.E) KEY CONCEPT 1.3: THE DEVELOPMENT & INTERACTIONS OF EARLY AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL, & URBAN SOCIETIES Standard 4.0 3.5 Less than 3.5 53 – 49 Points 48 – 40 points 39 points or less Taking notes from the whole Note Packet _____/10 points Essay questions - Question #1 – _____/12 points - Question #2 - _____/ 21 points - Question #3- _____/ 10 points Take THIEVES notes on the following paragraph below from Freedmanpedia 1.3 From about 5,000 years ago, urban societies developed, laying the foundations for the first civilizations. The term civilization is normally used to designate large societies with cities and powerful states. While there were many differences between civilizations, they also shared important features. They all produced agricultural surpluses that permitted significant specialization of labor. All civilizations contained cities and generated complex institutions, such as political bureaucracies, armies, and religious hierarchies. They also featured clearly stratified social hierarchies and organized long-distance trading relationships. Economic exchanges intensified within and between civilizations, as well as with nomadic pastoralists. As populations grew, competition for surplus resources, especially food, led to greater social stratification, specialization of labor, increased trade, more complex systems of government and religion, and the development of record keeping. As civilizations expanded, they had to balance their need for more resources with environmental constraints such as the danger of undermining soil fertility. Finally, the accumulation of wealth in settled communities spurred warfare between communities and/or with pastoralists; this violence drove the development of new technologies of war and urban defense. First Sentence- Read the first sentences from the paragraphs and put the most important information Last Sentence- Read the last sentences from the paragraphs and put the most important information

Transcript of Read the following article that is linked to Mr. Wood’s ... Web viewDiffusion of Technology ....

Name: ____________________________AP World History 101Era 1 – Foundations (to 600 B.C.E)KEY CONCEPT 1.3: THE DEVELOPMENT & INTERACTIONS OF EARLY AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL, & URBAN SOCIETIES

Standard – 4.0 3.5 Less than 3.553 – 49 Points

48 – 40 points

39 points or less

Taking notes from the whole Note Packet _____/10 pointsEssay questions

- Question #1 – _____/12 points- Question #2 - _____/ 21 points- Question #3- _____/ 10 points

Take THIEVES notes on the following paragraph below from Freedmanpedia 1.3

From about 5,000 years ago, urban societies developed, laying the foundations for the first civilizations. The term civilization   is normally used to designate large societies with cities and powerful states. While there were many differences between civilizations, they also shared important features. They all produced agricultural surpluses that permitted significant specialization of labor. All civilizations contained cities and generated complex institutions, such as political bureaucracies, armies, and religious hierarchies. They also featured clearly stratified social hierarchies and organized long-distance trading relationships. Economic exchanges intensified within and between civilizations, as well as with nomadic pastoralists. As populations grew, competition for surplus resources, especially food, led to greater social stratification, specialization of labor, increased trade, more complex systems of government and religion, and the development of record keeping. As civilizations expanded, they had to balance their need for more resources with environmental constraints such as the danger of undermining soil fertility. Finally, the accumulation of wealth in settled communities spurred warfare between communities and/or with pastoralists; this violence drove the development of new technologies of war and urban defense.

First Sentence- Read the first sentences from the paragraphs and put the most important information

Last Sentence- Read the last sentences from the paragraphs and put the most important information

Summary – Read the paragraphs and summarize the most important details below

1. Core and foundational civilizations developed in a variety of geographical and environmental settings where agriculture flourished.

Directions: - Do the OPTIC steps to analyze and interpret both of the Maps below.

Overview Look at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and not a small detail in part of the image.

All of the following are required examples of core and foundational civilizations (Mesopotamia in

the Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys, Egypt in the Nile River Valley, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa in

the Indus River Valley, Shang in the Yellow River or Huang He Valley, Olmecs in

Mesoamerica, Chavín in Andean South America)

Parts Focus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?

Title Write the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image.

Interrelationships What relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another?

What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?

Context Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

Go to APWorldipedia and Scroll down to

II. The first states emerged within core civilizations.

For the following sections take notes on the:

First sentence of each paragraphLast sentence of each ParagraphSummarize the most important details and key words





Do the OPTIC Steps for the two images below:

The pyramids of Egypt are themselves

representative of hierarchical and stratified societies.

In both pastoralist and agrarian societies, elite groups accumulated wealth, creating more hierarchical

social structures and promoting patriarchal forms of social organization. (This social structure is from


Overview Look at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and not a small detail in part of the image.

Parts Focus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?

Title Write the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image.

Interrelationships What relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another?

What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?

Context Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

Short Essay Question #1 – 12 points

Historical Thinking Skill: Change and Continuity Over Time

Identify patterns of change and continuity that existed as the first states emerged within cores civilizations. These can focus and include the following areas:

- Development of states and empires- Diffusion of Technology - Distribution of resources - Hierarchies

Changes – topic sentence

Area #1

Area #2

Area #3



Change Paragraph Rubric Filling Out Graphic Organizer correctly and fully ____/1 point

Topic sentence _____/1 point Details from 2-3 areas _____/4 points

Continuities – Topic Sentence

Area #1

Area #2

Area #3


Continuity Paragraph Rubric Filling Out Graphic Organizer correctly and fully ____/1 point

Topic sentence _____/1 point Details from 2-3 areas _____/4 points

Scroll down to APWorldipedia: III. Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, literature, religion, myths, and monumental building.

First sentence of each paragraphLast sentence of each ParagraphSummarize the most important details and key words





Read the following article that is linked to Mr. Wood’s website with a partner and write down what you think are the 6-9 most important notes: Vanished Inca may have used binary code language

Notes with your partner

Notes with other group - additions

The central underground sewer line at Lothal in the Indus valley

An example of the cuneiform system of writing. Because the medium of soft clay made it difficult to make circular motions,

cuneiform has an angularity to its script.

These are some of the laws from the Code of Hammurabi:


16: If any one receive into his house a runaway male or female slave of the court, or of a freedman, and does not bring it out at the public proclamation of the [police], the master of the house shall be put to death.

Overview Look at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and not a small detail in part of the image.

Parts Focus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?

Title Write the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image.


What relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another?

What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?

Context Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

53: If anyone be too lazy to keep his dam in proper condition, and does not so keep it; if then the dam break and all the fields be flooded, then shall he in whose dam the break occurred be sold for money, and the money shall replace the [grain] which he has caused to be ruined.

54: If he be not able to replace the [grain], then he and his possessions shall be divided among the farmers whose corn he has flooded.

132: If the "finger is pointed" at a man's wife about another man, but she is not caught sleeping with the other man, she shall

jump into the river for [the sake of her] husband. (2)

Speaker Using 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)

Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details)

Context Use the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.

Is it a primary or secondary source?

How do you know?

Audience Name for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why.

Point of View

What is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ?

Go Back to APWorldipedia and Scroll down to

III. Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, literature, religion, myths, and monumental building.– and go to the letter E.

For the following sections

E. (first paragraph) – You can summarize this short paragraph in one sentence

For the next parts take notes on the:

First sentence of each paragraphLast sentence of each ParagraphSummarize the most important details and key words

Vedic period

Hebrew Monotheism


And now go to III. Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, literature, religion, myths, and monumental building.

- But skip down to G. and H.



The Epic of Gilgamesh:

A Great Flood(c. 2700-2500 B.C.E.) 

Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh, truly a remarkable mythic saga with many major philosophical and theological implications, also featured a description of a cleansing flood sent by the gods. Given the topography of Babylonia, with its untamed, turbulent rivers and frequent floods, one should not be surprised that the Babylonians would have created a myth based on such violent and destructive natural occurrences. 

(Enlil and EA are gods in this story that brings the flood)

'When Enlil had come, when he saw the boat, he was wroth and swelled with anger at the gods, the host of heaven, "Has any of these mortals escaped? Not one was to have survived the destruction." Then the god of the wells and canals Ninurta opened his mouth and said to the warrior Enlil, "Who is there of the gods that can devise without Ea? It is Ea alone who knows all things." Then Ea opened his mouth and spoke to warrior Enlil, "Wisest of gods, hero Enlil, how could you so senselessly bring down the flood?

Lay upon the sinner his sin,Lay upon the transgressor his transgression,Punish him a little when he breaks loose,Do not drive him too hard or he perishes;Would that a lion had ravaged mankindRather than the flood,Would that a wolf had ravaged mankindRather than the flood,Would that famine had wasted the worldRather than the flood,Would that pestilence had wasted mankindRather than the flood.Speaker Using 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a

noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)

Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details)

Context Use the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.

Is it a primary or secondary source?

How do you know?

Audience Name for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why.

Point of View What is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ?

This primary source reading and map were taken from-

Primary Source Document: The Rig Veda

Read the following excerpt from the Rig Veda and look at the map to answer the questions below.

Note: Indra is the god of war. Kine means cow or cattle.

With all-outstripping chariot-wheel, O Indra, thou far-famed,

hast overthrown the twice ten Kings of men, With sixty thousand nine-and-ninety followers,

who came in arms to fight…

Thou goest on from fight to fight intrepidly,

Destroying castle after castle here with strength.

With Bow let us win kine, with Bow the battle,

with Bow be victors in our hot encounters.

The Bow brings grief and sorrow to the foeman:

armed with the Bow may we subdue all regions.

Close to his ear, as fain to speak, She presses,

holding her well-loved Friend in her embraces.Strained on the Bow, She whispers like a woman –

this Bowstring that preserves us in the combat.

1. Based on this reading, make a list of skills that you believe would have been important to Indo-Aryans during their migration from Central Europe to India?

2. Based on your answer to question number one, what do you think happened once the nomadic Indo-Aryan migrants encountered the settled, farming Dravidians living in south Asia (India)? How would both change? What would be their relationship with each other?

3. Why did the Aryans feel that it was important to write the above passage into their most sacred text, which would be handed down to future generations?

Short Essay Question #2 (21 points)

Historical Thinking Skill: Contextualization

2. Almost all historians believe that culture played a significant role in unifying states .A. Identify and explain how THREE of the following areas of culture were present in Early Agricultural, Pastoral

and Urban Societies of the Foundations era. Your explanations will need to name an example, identify where your example was found, give a short description and lastly explain why this example was significant.

Areas of Culture

Name of example Where it was found

Short description 2-4 details So what? Why is it significant? 2-4 details


Language (written)




Monumental Building

Paragraph #1 Area of Culture __________________________-


Fill out the graphic organizer correctly ___/1 point Name a correct example of area of culture in a topic sentence ___/1 pointLabel where example is found, this can be in a topic sentence ___/1 pointDescription of example with 2-4 details ___/2 pointsExplanation of significance of example with 2-4 details ___/2 points

Paragraph #2 Area of Culture __________________________-



Fill out the graphic organizer correctly ___/1 point Name a correct example of area of culture in a topic sentence ___/1 pointLabel where example is found, this can be in a topic sentence ___/1 pointDescription of example with 2-4 details ___/2 pointsExplanation of significance of example with 2-4 details ___/2 points

Paragraph #2 Area of Culture __________________________-



Fill out the graphic organizer correctly ___/1 point Name a correct example of area of culture in a topic sentence ___/1 pointLabel where example is found, this can be in a topic sentence ___/1 pointDescription of example with 2-4 details ___/2 pointsExplanation of significance of example with 2-4 details ___/2 points

Go Back to APWorldipedia and Scroll down to

III. Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, literature, religion, myths, and monumental building.. – and go to the letter F.

Take notes using the following from THIEVES

First sentence of each paragraphLast sentence of each ParagraphSummarize the most important details and key words


Between Mesopotamia and Indus Civilization

Between Egypt and Nubia

An Akkadian seal drawn by artist Audrey McIntosh. It depicts water buffalo that were traded from the Indus to Mesopotamia. [1]

Overview Look at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and not a small detail in part of the image.

Parts Focus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?

Title Write the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image.


What relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another?

What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?

Context Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

Nubia was Egypt's connection to the valued slave and ivory trade of Sub-Saharan Africa.Overview Look at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and

not a small detail in part of the image.

Parts Focus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?

Title Write the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image.


What relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another?

What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?

Context Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one).

Essay Question #3 – 10 points

3. Most historians argue that trade between civilizations cause civilizations to develop more rapidly than civilizations that engage in less trade

a. Identify and explain two results that allowed civilizations to advance in Foundational era.

Civilizations that traded and what was traded How the society(s) advanced

Topic sentence ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write your paragraph here:


Essay question #3 Rubric

Filled out graphic organizer correctly _____/1 pointTopic sentence _____/1 pointEvidence of civilizations and what was traded ____/2 pointsEvidence of advances because of trade ____/1 point

Watch the following videos which are linked on Mr. Wood’s website and take notes – you will compare and case with a partner as well

Watch and take notes on the following video In Focus: Oracle Bones (Dragon Bones)-

Read the following website and take notes - Olmec Colossal Stone Heads-

BOOK OF SONGS, 1000 BCE (CHINA) – Read and take notes from the following site - The Book of Songs-