Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left...

Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon


Congress of Vienna (Cont.) Principals – Legitimacy Lawful monarchs from the royal families that had ruled before Napoleon would be restored to power – Balance of Power-avoid concentration of power with one country – Compensation-annexation of land

Transcript of Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left...

Page 1: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Reaction and Revolution

Europe after Napoleon

Page 2: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Congress of Vienna1814-1815

• Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe• Meeting of major powers of Europe in Vienna,

Austria to develop a peace settlement– Austria(Host)- Klemens vonMetternich– Britain– Prussia– Russia– Bourbon France

• Wanted to restore stability in Europe after Napoleon

Page 3: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Congress of Vienna (Cont.)

• Principals – Legitimacy• Lawful monarchs from the royal families that had ruled

before Napoleon would be restored to power

– Balance of Power-avoid concentration of power with one country

– Compensation-annexation of land

Page 4: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Congress of Vienna (Cont.)

• Movement to restore old order (pre-French Revolution Europe)

• Became known as conservatism• Would lead to the liberal counter movement

Page 5: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Conservatism vs. Liberalism

Conservatism (old order)

• Based on tradition and social stability

Liberalism• Based on Enlightenment

principals• People should be as free as

possible from government restraint (lasses a faire)

Page 6: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Conservatism (old order)

• Support restoration of monarchies of Europe• Obedience to political authority• Organized religion• Despised revolutions• Ignored individual rights

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• Representative government• Civil liberties-basic rights– Equality– Freedom of speech, press

• Constitution or Constitutional Monarchy• Bill of Rights• Religious tolerance• Separation of church and state

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Liberalism (Cont.)

• Laws made by a legislative assembly• Universal male suffrage– Voting rights for all adult men

• Not a democracy-only men with property• Middle class movement-did not believe in

mob rule(lower classes)

Page 9: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Concert of Europe

• Coalition of most powerful European countries

• Met after Congress of Vienna to maintain peace– Principal of intervention• Other European countries had the right to send armies

into countries where their were revolutions in order to restore legitimacy• Maintain order throughout Europe

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Concert of Europe (Cont.)

• Great Britain did not join– Did not believe France could return to pre-

revolutionary government– Disagreed with principle of intervention

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Results of the Congress of Vienna

• Resistance to old order• Rise of Liberalism• Rise of Nationalism– Belief people owe devotion and loyalty to a

nation– Each group of people should have their own state

Page 12: Reaction and Revolution Europe after Napoleon. Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 Napoleon’s defeat left a power void in Europe Meeting of major powers of Europe.

Results of the Congress of Vienna (Cont.)

• Created the German Confederation– Loose collection of 38 Germanic states including

Austria and Prussia• More revolutions in Europe– 2nd French Revolution– Belgium– German states– Austria– Italy

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• Governed by a King until 1830• Revolution of 1830• Opposition to conservative order• Liberals overthrow the Bourbon Monarchy

(Charles X)• Established a Constitutional Monarchy under


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France 1848

• Revolution of 1848

• Causes– Economic problems– People wanted right to vote– Resistance to change by Louis-Phillipe

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France 1848 (Cont.)

• Results– Provisional government– Universal male suffrage to choose representatives– Constitution of 1848-creates the Second Republic– Louis-Napoleon elected President– Revolutions break out all over Europe-except

Britain (gave the middle class voting rights)

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German Confederation

• 38 independent German states

• Revolution spreads to Germany

• Frankfurt Assembly created a German constitution, but unification was not achieved

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• Congress of Vienna set up 9 independent states

• Nationalistic revolts of 1848• Influenced by liberalism and nationalism• Crushed by Austrian forces• Conservative rule reestablished

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Great Britain

• Avoided 1848 revolutions by giving the middle class voting rights

• 1850s and 1860s-Parliament makes social and political reforms to maintain stability

• Experienced economic prosperity• Hail to Queen Victoria – Ruled from 1837-1901– Known as the Victorian Age

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• After revolution of 1848 – New Constitution– Create Second Republic of France

• Experience restoration of the monarchy• Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) holds a

plebiscite (popular vote) to restore French empire– 97% vote yes

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Napoleon III

• New Emperor of France• Authoritative government– Controlled the army– Only one who could make laws– Limited civil liberties

• 1860s- opposition forces Napoleon III to liberalize the French government

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Italian Unification

• Factors leading to Italian Unification– Crimean War• Conflict between Russia and Ottoman Empire• Great Britain and France fear Russia becoming more

powerful • Declare war on Russia• Austria no longer supports Russia• Destroyed the Concert of Europe and left Austria

without friends among the great powers.

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Italian Unification• Unification in Northern Italy

– Kingdom of Piedmont unified in 1860

• Giuseppe Garibaldi– Led unification movement in southern Italy– Raised an army of Italian patriots called Red Shirts

• March 17, 1861-Garidaldi gives conquests in the south to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Creates Kingdom of Italy

• September 20, 1870-Rome becomes the capital of the new unified Italy

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German Unification• Prussia will lead the move toward unification• The Frankfurt Assembly failed to unite Germany• Liberal and nationalistic feelings still strong• Prussian King William I appoints Otto von Bismarck as Prime Minister

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Otto von Bismarck

• Pursued a policy of militarism (reliance on military strength)

• Ignored the objections of the Prussian legislative assembly

• Practiced realpolitic– Theory of politics based on practical matters rather

than theories or ethics• Faced challenges from German Catholics, France,

and the legislature

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German Unification

• Prussia defeats Denmark (1864) and Austria (1866)

• Form the North German Confederation• Franco-Prussian War– September 2, 1870-Prussians defeat the French– Forced to surrender Alsace and Lorraine– Napoleon III captured-End of the Second Empire

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German Unification (Cont.)

• Southern German states join the North German Confederation

• January 18, 1871-Second German Empire founded

• William I proclaimed Kaiser (emperor)• Become the strongest power on the European


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Austrian Empire

• Multinational State-Collection of different peoples under the same government

• Strong nationalistic sentiment-especially the Hungarians (part of Austrian Empire)

• Austria forced to make concession to Hungarians after loss to Prussia

• Compromise of 1867

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Compromise of 1867

• Created Austria-Hungary• Separate constitutions and legislatures• Separate capitals– Austria (Vienna)– Hungary (Budapest)

• Created a single monarch to govern both Austria and Hungary

• Established a common Austria-Hungary army

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• After defeat in Crimean War sweeping reforms enacted in Russia– March 3, 1861-end of serfdom in Russia– Czar Alexander II issues the emancipation edict– Peasants could:• Own land• Marry who they chose

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• Treaty of Paris 1763-Canada passed from the French to the British

• 1840-formation of the United Provinces of Canada

• 1867-British North America Act– Created the Dominion of Canada– Constitution, self rule, own parliament

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American Nationalism

• U.S. Constitution exemplified the ideas of nationalism and liberalism

• War of 1812 unified the country• Slavery issue was still a major threat to

American national unity during the 19th Century (1800s)