ReAct Llppsala - Universidad de ·...

ReAct Office, Llppsala 2012-03'13 r/ ' a/,-/ {t(rcvz Agreement cooperttiou betw'een Up¡¡s*la sustain and exüeud a ReAct process ir LaÉim Parties: ReAct Uppsala Universitl, Box 256 ?51 ü5 Uppsala Sweelen Univrrsity and the Univertity of Cuenca to Arnerica (RLA) Universidad of Cuenca Av. 12 de Abril (SoctorEl Parálso) Phons (593 :7) ?Bl I?71 Fax: {5 3 7,)2881406 Boxl:Otr:01.1891 §cüadar Preamble The Child to Child Centre end the ]vledical Faculty of the lJniversity of Cuenca coordinates the ReAqt Latin American prosess. Sirtce 2CI07 the;, conduct the establish¡nent of a network of people, organizations and institutions to aef against bacterial resistanee to antibiotics in the fields of educatioo, rÉsearctl and communication" During 20I2 the fucus f,or the Uni\,nrsity of Cuenca rvil[ be to strengthen the communication strategy and to fullolv up the Fotoresistencia project. The Fotoresistencia album will be launched together with PAHO. Pan America heaith organization during spring 2012. Term pf the Agreemen:t Tlris is an agrsement fbr the period N{arch 12,2012 to December 3 1. 20i2. Commitment of the University of Cuenca The llniversity CIf Cuenca rvill sustairr and develo-p the,R*Act process irr l.atin America acnording to thr'prearnble, The University of Cuenca shall save verifications from transfer of funds of the ReAct grant and send an s*ünoffiic accounting of horv obtained rneans have been used. The Uni:versity of,Cuenca can choose to send an csonomic report along with r¡eriiicatio¡rs or send an economir report, without verifications, that has been certified by' an exter*al, independent and qualified auditor, The University of Cuenca shall provide a reporl describing activities. effects and results in relation the proposal. Economic and activity reportirrg of previously obtained means shall be sent to Uppsala UniversitS'/ReAct before January 3 t 20 t 3. Commitment of Uppsala University Uppsala University, Department of Medical Science, through the ReAct project, will transfer part of grant fiom SlDA-project 5404004301 to the lJniversity of Cuenca. The sum to be transferred,T 200 USD, shall be used to cover costs.600 IISD per month for l2 months, lbr a part time ofñc.e and commrmication assistant. A requisitiou for the transfer of ftrnds should be sent to Elisabeth Lindstrorn, ReAct, U.ppsala University, Box ?56, 751 ü5 Uppsala, Sw-eden. Email:'elisabeth.lindstrom{á,medsci,uu,se

Transcript of ReAct Llppsala - Universidad de ·...

Page 1: ReAct Llppsala - Universidad de · Uppsala University, Department of Medical Science, through the ReAct project, will transfer

ReAct Office, Llppsala 2012-03'13

r/' a/,-/ {t(rcvz

Agreement oü cooperttiou betw'een Up¡¡s*lasustain and exüeud a ReAct process ir LaÉim

Parties:ReActUppsala Universitl,Box 256?51 ü5 UppsalaSweelen

Univrrsity and the Univertity of Cuenca toArnerica (RLA)

Universidad of CuencaAv. 12 de Abril (SoctorEl Parálso)Phons (593 :7) ?Bl I?71Fax: {5 3 7,)2881406Boxl:Otr:01.1891§cüadar

PreambleThe Child to Child Centre end the ]vledical Faculty of the lJniversity of Cuenca coordinatesthe ReAqt Latin American prosess. Sirtce 2CI07 the;, conduct the establish¡nent of a network ofpeople, organizations and institutions to aef against bacterial resistanee to antibiotics in thefields of educatioo, rÉsearctl and communication"

During 20I2 the fucus f,or the Uni\,nrsity of Cuenca rvil[ be to strengthen the communicationstrategy and to fullolv up the Fotoresistencia project. The Fotoresistencia album will belaunched together with PAHO. Pan America heaith organization during spring 2012.

Term pf the Agreemen:tTlris is an agrsement fbr the period N{arch 12,2012 to December 3 1. 20i2.

Commitment of the University of CuencaThe llniversity CIf Cuenca rvill sustairr and develo-p the,R*Act process irr l.atin Americaacnording to thr'prearnble,

The University of Cuenca shall save verifications from transfer of funds of the ReAct grantand send an s*ünoffiic accounting of horv obtained rneans have been used.The Uni:versity of,Cuenca can choose to send an csonomic report along with r¡eriiicatio¡rs orsend an economir report, without verifications, that has been certified by' an exter*al,independent and qualified auditor,

The University of Cuenca shall provide a reporl describing activities. effects and results inrelation the proposal.

Economic and activity reportirrg of previously obtained means shall be sent to UppsalaUniversitS'/ReAct before January 3 t 20 t 3.

Commitment of Uppsala UniversityUppsala University, Department of Medical Science, through the ReAct project, will transferpart of grant fiom SlDA-project 5404004301 to the lJniversity of Cuenca. The sum to betransferred,T 200 USD, shall be used to cover costs.600 IISD per month for l2 months, lbr apart time ofñc.e and commrmication assistant.

A requisitiou for the transfer of ftrnds should be sent to Elisabeth Lindstrorn, ReAct, U.ppsalaUniversity, Box ?56, 751 ü5 Uppsala, Sw-eden. Email:'elisabeth.lindstrom{á,medsci,uu,se

Page 2: ReAct Llppsala - Universidad de · Uppsala University, Department of Medical Science, through the ReAct project, will transfer

Intellectual property rights, ownership and utilization rightsAII results (in the form of colleqted dat*. samples, rep*rts. physical objects) that correspond tothis Agreement are the propertv of both Fa¡ties and san be freely used, published andothen¡'ise disseminated by both Parties without the permission from rhe other Party.Both Parties have the right to utilize the results such as publicatio*s, statistical replrts andalso to freely uss gsneral teclu'riques: systems and r¡ethods that are developed or irtilieedunder the Agreernenl

Anti-corruptionLlppsaia University and the University of Cuenea agree on cooperating to eountersc.tcorruption d,uring.the implementation of the psect.

Pro*urement'Procurement of goods, works and ssrvices shalt he carried out in accordance rvithinternationally accepted principles and good prccurement pfactices.

Force rnnjeureIr{either parr;y to this agreement shall be liable to the other nor held to be in breach of thisa&reernent to th* Éxtent that it is, prevenled, hindered or delayed in performancs or observanceot'its obligati§ns hereunder by reason of industrial action, stríkes, k:ck-outs, inability toobtain suppli'es, acddents or ár1),'other cause or contigency whatsoever beyond its confml.

Govcrning Lnw and ArbitrationTllis Agreement hall be güvÉrned by the laws of Sweden, In case gf dispute. or dilference ofopinion hetr¡¡een the Parties arising out of or in connection with this Agñement- the partiesshall first endxarrour to settlc it amicably. An), dispute, controversy o* iluim arising out of orin connection n'ith this contracto or the brearh, tornrination or invalidíty thereofl *lüU ¡*fingfly settled by mbitration in accordance with the Rules for Hxpeclit*d Rrbitrution of thsArbitration Institute of the §tockhotm Chamber of Comme*... Tir* arbitration shall take placein Uppsala

'l.his Agreenlent comes into force when signed by hoth parties.

uppsala ..)§ $¡¡::{..... .,zot2Upp sal a Uni v*rsit¡., Department o f N,lédi

Cuenca"19.dp.e,Qr¡J,,2:A,lZUniversity of Cuenca



**p"Fiol- Eva Tie.nsuu JanssoüoHead of Department


Prof. Otto CarsManager ReArt

" .¡'" -Jtr

¿'*i *"LUT

ián Carrasco Castro