RE WJEC Religion and Life Issues


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Types of Love

Christian and Muslim thoughts about Sex

Christians and Muslims see sex as a gift from got and should be enjoyed. Most Christians and

Muslims believe that sex is not acceptable outside marriage


Christian Wedding CeremonyAt a traditional Christian wedding, the

couple will exchange vows in the church so it can be witnessed by god. There are many symbols at a Christian weddings.

These are:

The rings. The rings are an endless loop symbolising

everlasting love

The Dress. The wedding dress is white. This

symbolises the woman’s purity

Islamic Wedding Ceremony

In an Islamic wedding, Muslims get married in the mosque or at home under the eyes of god. The couple

will say their vows and then sign the contract.

ContraceptionRoman Catholics believe that contraception

should never be accepted as it goes against the purpose of sex. Other Christians believe that

contraception can be used as a way of managing the size of their family. Muslims believe that

contraception is allowed but should not promote promiscuity

Christian Teachings About Divorce

Roman Catholics disagree with divorce unless the other partner dies. They will then annul

the marriage. This declares that no real marriage ever existed. Methodist allow

divorce if the couple have tried to sort out their problems. They then encourage them to


Islamic Teachings About DivorceMuslims believe that divorce is a last resort and that the family should help to reconcile them. If they do decide to

divorce, the husband has to say the marriage is over 3 times, witnesses must be present for this. Iddah also

begins. This is a 3 month waiting period to make sure the wife is not pregnant. She will then receive her dowry

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Humanity- Compassion and caring for othersSoul- Many religious believers believe that this is the spiritual part of you that lives on after you dieCreation- making something unique. Such as god’s creation of earthStewardship- caring for the world. A responsibility given by god to look after the world for him

Our World

Islamic Creation storyMuslims believe that the world was

created by Allah. Allah made Angeles that brought 7 handfuls of earth in different colours. Allah used this earth to create Adam. He also created the first women,


Christian Creation storyGod created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Many people have liberal views. This means they take the creation story to be 100% true. However some Christians

have a non-liberal view. This means they do not take the creation story literally but still

believe it contains some truths.

Influences on us• Parents• Teachers• Family• Friends• TV

• Music• Fashion• Religion• Culture• The Media

• Christians and Muslims believe that exploiting animals is against gods will

• Many Christians believe it is important to protect endangered species

• They believe that we should not abuse and pollute the world

How should we treat God’s creation

How should we treat the world - Islam

Islam teaches that Muslims should act as Khalilah's. This means they should help to take care of the planet. This is

important when it comes to judgement day.

Religious believers who care for the environment

• CAFOD and Tear Fund – Are charities which draw attention to the abuse of gods creation

• Chico Mendes – Stood up to cattle companies that were destroying the rainforest. His protests were so successful a cattle company owner killed him.

How should we treat the world - Christianity

In Christianity, they believe that humans were given the responsibility of looking after the planet as stewards. They believe that earth

does not belong to humans, but to god.

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GodChristians refer to got as one person. However they

believe god is in 3 people, the trinity. These are the son (Jesus), the farther, and the holy spirit.

Muslims believe in only one God, Allah. In the Qur'an, Allah has 99 names.

Afterlife- A belief that human existence carries on after deathAwe- A sense of wonder in relation to God’s creation or presenceCommunity- A group of people that are joined together because they share something in common.God- The ultimate power – Creator of the universeRevelation- The way God chooses to reveal himselfSymbolism- A representation of something through an object or image

Looking for MeaningResponse to GodPeople may choose to respond to

god by prayer, worship or vocation. This is choosing to dedicate your life to god through the career that you choose (e.g. a nun). They may also

respond through acts of kindness or lifestyle changes.

Experiencing GodReligious believers may experience god through:• Worship – Communication to god• Prayer – Talking or listening to god• Inner Feelings – The feeling of knowing god is

there• Holy texts – Feeling as if god is directly

speaking to you through the text

Christian Beliefs About Life After DeathChristians believe that when we die has been decided by god. They believe that we only go to heaven if we have led a good

life and believe in Jesus and his teachings. In heaven, the redeemed can live without pain or sorrow. Christians allow

cremations as they believe that it is your soul that lives on and not your body.

Islamic Beliefs About Life After Death

Muslims believe that your birth and death is decided before you are born. They believe that when you are dying you

should face Makkah and should here the Adhan (a prayer) before they die. Only men are usually allowed at the funeral.

The body is not cremated as they believe that the body waits until judgement day. If

you have lived a good life, you will go to paradise. If you have led a bad life, you

will go to hell.

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Ways to Campaign Against Injustice

Charities such as Christian Aid and Islamic Relief, collect money to help fight injustice. Protests, petitions and campaigns can be

organised. They may also choose put pressure on the government. Finally, they

may choose to fast or pray.

Justice- People treat each other without prejudice and are fair. Human rights are also acknowledgedInjustice- Unfair treatment without equal opportunity. Human rights are also ignoredAuthority- Right or power over others. The person who makes the decisions.Responsibilities- Duties you are expected to carry out. A task given to you by GodPrejudice- Judging someone before you know themDiscrimination- Treating someone different because of who they are

Is It Fair?

Christian Actions Against Injustice

Christians may fight injustice by copying Jesus’ actions to help others in need. They believe that helping others is a religious duty given to them by god.

The Salvation Army run soup kitchens, night shelters, hostels and alcohol

rehabilitation units to help fight injustice. Christian Aid is another

charity that helps fight injustice. They aim to get rid of poverty in third world


Islamic Actions Against Injustice

One of the 5 pillars of Islam is Zakah. This is where all Muslims have to pay 2.5% of

their savings to help the needy. The community of believers (The Ummah) are

expected to care for others. They also believe that all wealth is a gift from god

and should be used wisely. The Sadaqah is voluntary charity work. Islamic Relief is a charity that helps people living in poverty

Religious Teachings About Prejudice and Discrimination

Reasons for Prejudice• Past experience• Anger• Intolerance• Pressure from your peers or parents• Fear

Christians and Muslims believe all people are born equal – Prejudice is unacceptable. Islam teaches that they should learn from

Muhammad’s example and that the Ummah crosses national and racial boundaries.

Women also have rights. In Christianity, they teach that Christians should follow the

actions of Jesus and his teachings. They also believe that the 10 commandments give

guidance on living in harmony. They believe that Jesus did not discriminate against

women and they should follow this.

Attitudes to wealthChristians believe that money is not the most

important thing and should be shared with others. How you earn this money is important to

Christians (e.g. No Gambling).Islam teaches that wealth is a gift from Allah. They teach that it is not wrong to be wealthy, this just

means you should me more generous. They believe that Zakah should be payed to charity

(2.5% of savings). Muslims believe that you should not earn money from methods such as gambling.