Rdn he a hin1Jton me...theft game of Santa Claus the clear weath-er wnicn made me afternoon...

Rdn or Snow Tortfgki Sunday Colder i BEK 6565 SATURDAY EVENING DECEMBER 25 1D09 PRICE ONE CENT he a hin1Jton me LAST EDITION WASI33NGrTON I i Fifteen Hundred Little Ones Made I appy by The Times Santa Claus BIG AUTOMOBILES DISTRIBUTES GIFTS Each Child Given As Far As Pos- sible Just What He Asked For By SELENE ARMSTRONG The St Nicholas Girl Inasmuch a yc nave unto the least of one 01 there bretbern- ye done It unto J rcM Mat xxxv40 Two thousand years ago thre Wise Men went out of the Zest guided by the light of a star to mangier Mary His 2fotfcr lay the new- born beba For two thousand years the light of this star has flktmteed the hearts of other wise men and hoshone upon the ohildrea of the world M that tho birthday of the child Jesus 14 set apart lor the ministering ot tbn wise to tbo innocent strong to Ute weak tho man to the churl And when ones open their Christmas stock- ings It 1 as It the child In tke manger had boon ministered unto Gifts For zseo Childrw- Flftoon hundred in lPashmg ton were 0n Christmas eve sad Christ inas Day made nappy by The Times Since a partnership was teamed three weeks agO by The Tintee fit Nich- olas Girl Santa Claus and the large hearted clttsens of Washington to flU the stockings of Itttle boys and girls not otherwise provided for the Ssata Claus posto fice In the 2Cunsey building has boon deluged with letters Tbese have Inen almost without exception heart rending In their appeals records of tho sorrows and longings of rfcrildirss who are denied i and welfare tis rfefa That Time way not only to provide for those children but to give them In the greater immber of cases the very thing for which their pltifnl letters had asked boas an achievement on which the paMlespirlt ed citizens of the ossnmnnlty are to be congratulated STOCKINGS FILLED AND JOY IS GIVEN TO MANY CHILDREN 1 ft lit hATe tile the Ute abU reIa the or w ni itager The enabled Y define where- with be- little Wit fir dodboed ¬ ¬ ¬ > Bo generous wed the response of these men and women to the appeals of the children that for many days gifts gad monoy were steadily forthcoming when the distribution of toys begun on Friday at 1 lock there was not a child unprovided whose letter had hem received by Friday morning Distribution of Good Cheer At 1 oclock Friday the great distri- bution began The store room In The Times CCtoo with Its neat rows of ps r begs containing playthings aad goodies was visited by stores of men and who anted to how so big a taelc was aocomnttebed Eight touring oars were loaded with the bags std fol- lowed by the cheers and Godspeeds of the watohors started on their journey throughout the four districts into which the city had divided at the Banta Claus Times Postofflce Sven the weather man toot in theft game of Santa Claus the clear weath- er wnicn made me afternoon distribution a delight to the mess sad women who took part and oa Christmas morning ordering tilt noiseless fall of white lakes whir seem to betoken always santa Clans presence just corner Throughout Friday afternoon and Oontlaaed on Second Pap WEATHER REPORT It Is decidedly warmer bi the Ohio valley the South Atlantic States and the western upper Lake region and colder in the Rocky mountain region and the lower Missouri valley The storm will continue rapidly net In the rain or snows in the Atlantic States and mows Sunday from the Lake region eastward It will be colder tonight from the upper Lake southward with frost to the Middle Quit seem and colder ia the Atlantic States generally except on the New England coast winds along the Now England coast will be east to south wst on the Middle Atlantic cost In- creasing south to southwest to notitwest becoming moderate on tti Atlantic coast brie to Irish sotMhwrst to northwest on the Gulf coast moderate to brisk T nKrAST X m TH DISTRICT or snow fair rMT southerly winds shMUng to rhw t and mcroaafnsj MATURE m High life tm Si SB OA tide iiI ft m end D FrIday J by snows tonight Like region and re 8u TIM IIbUtlD k t north1PIt lain IJ r L u 1- J I f I J III aa rr m and- t Lnw In T J44- T L n 1 oF TifF 111 T t J pleat ttatl zrCiinrnt add for wo- men see r been pro- ve g nerlhmtward t funds aa f1rM L r rTI- Z A3J I and CJi6- T rI J l W Uith tiI 7is a tSde 44k a std N 8iE- f 7ti- h1 6- Lrrr r rT1fl p11r1- TfI TI c Ls arAvA- dosli ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > American Mining Engineer Not Friendly to Revolt tionists Cause RICH CONCESSIONS GIVEN BY ZELAA Says Opposition to Him I lqiii Financial Reasons Dr Castrillo represoMttfta in Washington of the provisional fepv- aramonC of Nicaragua declared Shte- aapralng that Ms enemies are at trying to discredit him and proofc If possible big recognition by the States In substantiation of this mssartlon Dr Castrillo refers to the attack wads f n him and on General Estrada by John T McCall an American mining who has recently returned ftom Nicaragua after a residence cf six there Mr McCail is the mouthpiece of a group of Americans ft President Zelaya who hold vsJu mining concessions In Nicaragua among whom is John HaTS Hammond according to the provisional Meets envoy Fearing that doneral Estrada sue oese will seriously en0 possession of those mining proporwea Dr Castrillo declares his enemies are seeking to cast suspicion on his and make hIt wwk here diffloait- Caetrillos Qaesti nod Mr MoOall who is staying at the Now WlUard his surprise that tbe State Department had not msttt d a closer tevosttgmtlon Into the BttcMme of Dr Castillo before accepting his statements of the events transpiring In- Klcaragua I am very much surprised that the United fttnUw aovemmoat said Mr MoCall has not made more effort ascertain something of the history of Castrillo who seems to be the mouth piece of the provisional gov- ernment ef Nicaragua now In Wash Ington In my opinion It would be wIN for this Government to masse iBQOtry of Castrilte and EstraJa from property ownors In Grenada Jean Mans SMS- fttft SSk Askslf Bttito Vs sssl r l ON- sQrjjHta uat fUlstsgii- Cantrnio I am sure is not considered among his own people in and about Managua as a nan of any particular ability Prom what 1 know he is not the meat to give this Government advice that te calculated to redound to the best interests of t better classes la Nlea WOULD DISCREDIT SENOR CASTRILLO of Revolutl tits k and at er declared to led j I I esontative Salvador en- gineer years govern their creden- tials Standing tea > < > = Madrjz At Peace Maker 1 have no interest In the republic other than desiring te see a stable gov- ernment established continued Mr Xc CalL There are a greet many citizens of Ute United States who lUte myself wish to see a pacific condition of af OUrs and I believe that thfe can best be brought about by Dr Madrtz He Is one of the best and most respected men in Nicaragua When shown Mr Calls statement Dr Caatrllle thin morning declared hie be- lief that It was inspired to damage the revolutionary I know UeOall slkfetly la Nlcara- gue said Dr Castrillo and I think he is speaking for friends of Zelaya among them several Americans who have been given valuable mining usucsssions by Zelaya They tear if Estrada becomes president will embarrass their ponl- tlo Conaeqneiitlv have started tills attempt to discredit me aad the provldoMtl government with the United State Hammond Has Concession I recall that John Rays Hammond has some tick mining concessions ob- tained through Zelaya and I under stand that McCail is In his employ motive of this attack Is transparent reed In Nicaragua where I wn well kmrwn Ute pe ole will tastify M to my Ptneii and ability to represent them hero Dr Castrin eaqiects to receive within the next twontyfour hours dispatches from General Estrada telling of further successes by the revolutionary army He talked over the longdisUnce tele phone with of the pro- visional government In New York and afterward himself as highly with the outlook for a termination of hostilities In Nic- aragua and the complete success of Kstradas forces He was at the news that Zelaya to preparing- for night ZELAYAS ESCAPE- IS NOW IMPOSSIBLE As part of the movement to rent the escape of Zelaya former president Nicaragua Admiral who Is In charge of the American naval forces In Kfearagaan waters execmtod a clever strategic move He has tent the gunboat Princeton t- flM del Sur and the gunboat Torktown to La rJnlon These two points are the landing places fee the cable which stretchet down the Pacific coast to Otttral America Meanwhile Admiral KJmball with the Albany nod Buffalo Into table landing at Union I in Honduras so that the supporters would not dare Intercept messages rent to the Yorktown Simi- larity at rV n Juan del Sur where the Princeton has been stationed the feet that the able there also prevent Interference with meMages destmed for th Princeton There is no cable at Corfnto lint all of tbe United States vessels In those waters are eouJpped- w rr rrn rtfr fl j K In Miniicnin v Mil COAtliiucu Xcntfe JPKCJi v racua i he j The I am t It will MaOo- i ex speedy ot Kimball Juan tepiaed u scene at c Tt La zeta I 7 A io- h Sin oats thoudla sure tM hot has os any he ltmirrM i1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OF FREE TRADE- Their Views Make Parlia mentary Campaign Easy For Churchill TARIFF OPPOSED- BY MANUFACTURERS Idea in Great Britain Is That All Prices Should Bd Lower By ZAGH GHEE This In the iblrd of n nerloit of articles by Mr McGber who line Ju t returned from M long tRY In part of which was pent in touring the country oa a bicycle air ftlcGIicc IN therefore thoroughly con vcrNnnt yvlth the political Nltunlloti In ISneland The Right lion Winston ChutthlM member of the British parliament for Dundee not from Dundee you under stand and president of the Board of Trade one the departments of the governmont js now campaigning In Lancashire He te makJig a d campaign and Is sweeping things him He te in that country i oan ao sweep Winston Churchill a LIb mil an ad vocate of free trade and amo tg the most rampant free traders of England Per xlps you are surprised to told they are all manufacturers though you would not be It you knew that It was the manufacturers of Lancashire and Yorkshire the most densely populated as well as th moat active England who to A protective tariff would ruin the Indvatrtes at Bngland a prominent manufacturer In Lanca- shire told me this falL Strange doe trine but thats their doctrine Wedded To Free Trade ENGLISH VOTERS FIRM ADHERENTS lung t dee I be or- An NIJ En laM Pro vailiAZ aid whet cm free ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ Arthur J Balfour member of par HaoMoit the city of London has Just ban through trying to tteiVMbi the people to drop their tree uwfte imam gad ot Jsr re cott tfW te l y7iHriat8 manufaeturrr uses he saW I have a letter from a bright and young manufacturer In Duraley the principal cotton weaving plaoe In the world written Jusi after Mr campaign sniffle But we tildnt bite In saute letter he m of two for Y tIo- d d Ja the Lancashire trig z rodet t t as tow fit capable Balfour s tells < districts in Lancashire always Con srvatlve or as the Liberals in which the Conservative candidates this year both declare themselves for free trade In order to bold their Winston Cb urchin Is Pal tour He started out the other day s- Msjaohostor perhaps you would Ills to have a clearer idea of what Man cheater Is It tt a a- the thickest manufacturing eater In the world Within a radius of fourteen mites there are MOMW who earn their bread not with tbwr wits but With sweat of their faces What Manchester It Just Imagine all the workmen la pitta burg Pall River Lowell and all the people the mill villages of the South collected Into one city hove in the entire populations of Boston Baltimore and Wsohlncton and you have Man- chester and Its immediate environs which form one continuous city for fourteen miles practically in every 41 reotion a smoking factory chimney in nearly very block most of the way And are they progressive or a Mr Aldrich loves to say In 1889 there were 41417373 cotton spindles- In Lancashire of which Manchester is the metropolis In 1898 there were 910 in tee there are S7429122 You may think what you about it and Mr Arthur Balfoyr can tell them what hn but those people there have an idea that this is growing soma find they have had free sine 10 That why Mr Winston bureM has a comparatively ra y time N t Papular But Respects Winston Churchill Is not peouhu In England with the people you meet that to you understand not the dukes the countesses an the Eng- lish yuu get aoqiMUatod with in the clubs of London or who Continued on Fifth Pates we men the of then to t 421 please fCehtl men say aetu the biggest and women aprare fitly likes trade with ¬ < ¬ Charles C Wilsonfe Qgar SMOKES IN HIS BEn IS BURNED TO DEATH et Sets Fire Clothing Jprs t stw Ml- U wtdjr his Mme Ot The accMdttt was a most peculiar one White s smelt bias was smouldering In the bed clothing Mrs Wilson readied her htMlnatda side tbe Mares hA not even scorched his flcsti The coroner said death due to lnfcHng amok Mrs Wilson and her husband went out to flnMk their Quiet RMM shopping They got saparated by Ute crowd In of tbe stores and rfce Wilson back home his had already retired We went to bed In a back room Awakened by the ftM of about 4 oclock Mrs Wilson were to her husbands room and found the bed on She tried to wak her husband but could not rouse him Mrs Wlleon easily extinguished the small blaze She police of the Sixth precinct and a hurry call was sent to the Casualty Hospital Dr Cole responded In the ambulance and pro- nounced life extinct On the bed was a burned cig arette It Is believed that Wilson jot ia the night to take a smoke going back to bed with the lighted cig- arette In his mouth went 4 Coroner Nevitt made an investigation and IsMued the necessary cer UftcaUk MRS JORDAN DEAD FUNERAL MONDAY Wife of Former Lieutenant of P lice Had Lived in Washington Years are being completed for the funeral of Mrs Maria Jor- dan wife of former Lieutenant of Po ltc W W Jordan who died yesterday evening Providence after a brief illness Services win be hold Monday afternoon at 2 oclock at Lees undertaking establishment Mr Jordan was born In San Cat Aftyone years ago She came to Washington at ate of twentylive and was a r id nt here from that time until her death She is survived by her lujssjand and Nor son William L Jordan Bed f nt when I t was the WIle tire Twenty nta t the r tot g- i 1 1P E street srrtlbes teat evening one pot smoke to- day Bernar- dino ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Gen Ezra Dead oT Pneumonia After Brief Illness northwest Oeneral Oarman was seven tysfit rs oM The General Is survived by a wife three sons rind a daughter One of his sons Dr LL 1 Carman te a stt- phystelan ef Washington Betfktaa the eminence he attained ia various positions In the Government service General German won a wide reputation as an authority on war as the contributor of about war articles in the Kncyck po4a Americana He was born at Metuehen N J and bl early education was obtained In Middlesex county IIt was graduated from tIM Western Military lasJtuto M 1866 served as a professor at the University of KashvUle Teen fee th next two years At the outbreak of the olvU war he was made a lieutenant colonel la the Seventh New Jersey Infantry and shortly was raised to the rank of colonel In July 18S2 he was made a brevet brigadier general He served In the Army of the Potomac and later In the Army of the Cumberland until the sad of the war His first civil office was comptroller of Jersey City In 1X77 he was made thief clerk of the Department of Agriculture General Ca man took part In a num- ber of Important public services He was a member of the Antietam battle field board and was chairman of the Chattanooga Park commlssian at the of death DR W W WICKHAM DIES AT DAUGHTERS CltAwrORI SVILI B Ind Deg 35 Dr William Wallace Wtekham eighty nine rather of Baroness Vqn Koppen of Hanover Germany and a well known Indiana physician is dead at tbe home of his daughter Mrs De Caux Tllney today During the civil war he served on the taff of Gov Oliver P Morton at Nash- ville Tenn Ills daughter was recognised an toured this and foreign countries with stellar otvanhoi AUTHORITY ON WAR REMOVED BY DEATH w st E for y years at JIll Q alt De here the one of the of ta Carr n a z o aaaInthe e S- eta od street yes and Urn baroness- as W hats violinists day ands inrr tton > ¬ > > ¬ > nerrI- E daughter of welltodo parents in Louisville Ky started to her church one morning afaofct two weeks ago From that day to this no one has had the slightest tidings of her Several children corresponding with startling completeness to the description of the missing girl have been found and advertised with great joy as Alma Kellner only to leave the stricken parents In deeper anguish than before Th story ot this strange disappearance has been written for the Sunday Evening Edition of The Washington Times By ALLEN D ALBERT Jr On the very spot of the disappearance lie has traced the little girl to the last person known to have seen her alive His account is an intimate and sympathetic study of a horne once unusually happy but during the very season when other homes are brightest with Christmas decorations and other children most eager with Chrsitmas anticipations shadowed by the darkest of uncertainties It is a story as interesting as that of the kidnaping of little Billy Whitla This article with ex- cellent likenesses of the missing little girl will appear only in r t l I Where Is Little Alma I- i i i f i I t i I I tf tT t T i i rI i t i i Tomorrows Sunday Evening Washingtotl Times C J j4 1 1 I tt- r r1 wMM1 N N MrN M NNNNNrMln f MffqaftlNfefNwfNN frfLH Wt ffMfMroi hfWf W NMNMrffN f f NMW ¬ + = + + + + + + MANTLE OF WHITE OldFashioned Christmas Is Recalled and Pleased kroi t b because tile weather maif supplied a nice young snowstorm as his Chrstnas ostormg the Capitals juvenile jpulatwn had no complaint to voice To them tie tinkle of sleigh bells was more musical tr anything than the whir of the aeroplanes propel- lers and when they clambered out of bed this morning to gaze on the mantle of white that had fallen In the night and w still falling there was rejoic- ing enough to make a whole lot of Christmas For the gr wnup population the of snow was not so al brought little discomfort for thou 55ho to be outdoors because after all It wasnt a howling ftucb as past have recorded To those who dont understand and consequently dont sympathize with the In the beauties of Christmas snow there may be some comfort weather forecasters prediction that snowfall will not outlast the daylight and that by nightfall it will have ceased to make way for colder and fairer weather tomorrow Maryland Virginia and some of the Atlantic coast State got a taste of to days snow flurry The storm Is now moving of te tbe direction of New Jer- sey being the tailend of a more severe snow that has Just visited Great Lakes CHICAGO VISITED- BY A HEAVY SNOW CHICAGO Dec Christ mas present from Jack Frost was the worst snowstorm of the year At reached proportions of a Wfaawrd and surface and elevated railway traf- fic was belly crippled TIM railroads report from thirty minutes to six hours late The snow was accompanied by a b wind from the lake which drifted snow badly on streets and sidewalks I nicking footing for pedestrians precari ous COVERS THE EARTH Child Gn Are n- wA cto lit elMer I pieaa s the District of Columbia I State t- It the the ail adhingfart sew ex- pected ad- vent th It blizzard la- the t d Besides the s b ¬ ¬ ¬ ARTIST REMINGTON UNDER THE KNIFE Quietly After an Operation- For Appendicitis at Ridge field SOUTH NORWALK Conn Dec 24 Frederic Remington the artist Is at present resting quite comfortably- a his home in Rldgefleld after an operation fr appendicitis The physicians say that unless compli cations appear Mr Remington will have a speedy recovery The artist has been ill several days and the doctors had diagnosed bi case as appendicitis An was absolutely DeC sary It was performed by r A boo of New York assisted Dr raw of and Dr Stratton of Danbury SKIDDING IN SNOW AUTO TURNS OVER BLOOailNGDAIJB Ind Des Ji Mrs Proctor of Portland Mills Ind is today dead and Dr Cutburgn of Tan per Ind fatally Injured as a result oC an auto accident north of here The auto In which they were riding skidded In the snow turned over crushing Mrs Proctor to death FINDS FRIEND DEAD NEW HAVEN N J Dec M AI Worthily a wollknown resident was deed His jnom l n icai4 vku u Rest tC 1 eld I fred flute ill P np the r1I t opera- tion l 1I b n 1 r that < l tip tualysp ¬ ¬ IN TI CAPITAL Happy Spirit Pervades Washington and Its Snow Covered Streets PRESIDENT CENTER- OF FAMILY GROUP Folowing Custom of Several Years There Is No Tree at the I House Today Somehow it required mighty jnti ef- fort to say Kerry Christmas today Its the kind ot hay that appeals and that oarrtea everybody back to the land of childhood with its faith In Santa Claus and MB reindeer and an innocent wonderment at the distance daring teats the old fellow performed te getting over the ra w and Wa- j fl wonder hearts of young and i oM alike were made glad this morning an afterdawn p outside the bedroom window revealed the snow aad yes Santas footprints showing on the rooftops Christ- mas it has been said Is the one season that makes all humanity akin That e as to be the spirit that pervades the capital today Here ChrtoUcas Day Is bong cele- brated quietly lVon the President down to anznfcteet cozen the occasion Is devoted rather to fireside reunions te the of remembrances that betoken leve and esteem and hers and there over the city to cvrctt ser vlees where the old familiar Cbrlatmas carols Joyooe In the acclaim over the birth of Him will be sung Services Tomorraw TOBJMCTOW doubly Important because it J tm iSahtoejat also will b atj t si Csoiateae in an af the churches of the gpttBJ LJ t night at nildnlsnu the YnfBttde season was ushered In with high mass at more than a score nt tba Catholic churches It is in the home particulariy UiougU today that the real spirit of Christmas is most generally manifest Snow covered streets without tend to make one a homelover on a oay like this The tots with their toys the head of the house his mind free from business the wife and mother radiantly happy tbe older girls and boys at home from school all are grouped today about happy firesides and there are hundreds of scenes like this in Wash- ington today to which no artist could Tully do Justice The President of the United States la- the center of a group of this Mad Just as simple as the Christmas Day of any citizen In theland Is that which te now being celebrated at the White House The family circle Is complet There wilt be Interchanges of gifts but as hat been the ouatom for several years no White House Christmas tree The Vice and Mrs are having a large family party at their Utica home The Secretary of State and Mrs Knox have a family festival on at their Va8hinjftoi honw and the same fc practically of every other member of the n i Department Closed Government departments th sore the offices throughout the city an are dosed For thousand of clerk landladys can this mornIng had no terror they slept on oblivious t time and dreamily content Vi thought that Christmas In r allty meant a holiday This afternoon most of them win brave th1 weather and lend a touch of ute to Washington streets that have throughout entire montlng seemed almost dmsrfcid Despite warnings of and merchants the army of belated stop- pers seomed atanoat as large as of yor last night The stores mlth stocks du JOYOUSLY SPENT I Customs f around wh exchange Qed these r The tile the the MERRY CHRISTMAS kite the w flak dim- ly aeshly President Sher- man r the the press ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ and clerks on thf exh ustton closed their door in of some of the bri gade Never has Washington a torero prosperous shipping seaeon cad never hv the purse strings seemed more loose Old General liar Times and arn not half so strung as a season ago seems to have been completely routed the proverbial TOUch for it Is these had to Join in the Christmas Ev merriment and this morning he man aged to get out a aain M rr Appreciates PrMfterity In appreciation of return r os- aertty and In the spirit of n i toward all men many of the m rci a- f Washington after the trrs n r closed last nl bu prepared htyp roxe of leftover toys and dtostch d re to the orphan asylums and the poor seetknM of the There this nnrn they made the hearts or hutte l- C little ones glad tor Santa not always come to the more humble home The owe hundred and thirty grls at SL Vincents Orphan Asylum gathered around a Christmas tree today plane were carried out at Washing- ton Orphan Asylum The the ChBOroos Hospital tuo in the good cheer of Christmas r i i few children In the Tui cvilo itf vios pttal made glad by viit of 9t Nick t The German Orphan Asylum rig to large number of chtiar i spending holhiay with postpor main hn tl in Tuiiry wh l arranged rJ f midnight his said every city must a of the 11 t city ha red t tine T I1 i I 11 lrnl Ihlrh In t 0 ttd th o the rice seen teaw Chriert rags t r lag does s lieu the anus cs were the try i Is wl t r- tlea r 1 s ml I III- tu tuts waa J1 Atiw iii 1h ¬ > ¬ < > > > ¬ > = > < > > >

Transcript of Rdn he a hin1Jton me...theft game of Santa Claus the clear weath-er wnicn made me afternoon...

Page 1: Rdn he a hin1Jton me...theft game of Santa Claus the clear weath-er wnicn made me afternoon distribution a delight to the mess sad women who took part and oa Christmas morning ordering

Rdn or Snow Tortfgki

Sunday Colderi


he a hin1Jton me LAST EDITION


I i

Fifteen Hundred Little OnesMade I appy by The Times

Santa Claus


Each Child Given As Far As Pos-

sible Just What He

Asked For


Inasmuch a yc nave untothe least of one 01 there bretbern-ye done It unto J rcM Mat

xxxv40Two thousand years ago thre Wise

Men went out of the Zest guided bythe light of a star to mangier

Mary His 2fotfcr lay the new-

born beba For two thousand years thelight of this star has flktmteed thehearts of other wise men and hoshoneupon the ohildrea of the world M thattho birthday of the child Jesus 14 setapart lor the ministering ot tbn wiseto tbo innocent strong to Ute weaktho man to the churl And when

ones open their Christmas stock-ings It 1 as It the child In tke mangerhad boon ministered unto

Gifts For zseo Childrw-Flftoon hundred in lPashmg

ton were 0n Christmas eve sad Christinas Day made nappy by The TimesSince a partnership was teamed threeweeks agO by The Tintee fit Nich-olas Girl Santa Claus and the largehearted clttsens of Washington to flUthe stockings of Itttle boys and girlsnot otherwise provided for the SsataClaus posto fice In the 2Cunsey buildinghas boon deluged with letters Tbesehave Inen almost without exceptionheart rending In their appeals recordsof tho sorrows and longings of rfcrildirsswho are denied iand welfare tis rfefa

That Time way not onlyto provide for those children but togive them In the greater immber ofcases the very thing for which theirpltifnl letters had asked boas anachievement on which the paMlespirlted citizens of the ossnmnnlty are to becongratulated




1 ftlit




abU reIa


orw ni

itagerThe enabled












Bo generous wed the response of thesemen and women to the appeals of thechildren that for many days gifts gadmonoy were steadily forthcomingwhen the distribution of toys begun onFriday at 1 lock there was not achild unprovided whose letter hadhem received by Friday morning

Distribution of Good CheerAt 1 oclock Friday the great distri-

bution began The store room In TheTimes CCtoo with Its neat rows of ps rbegs containing playthings aad goodieswas visited by stores of men and

who anted to how so big ataelc was aocomnttebed Eight touringoars were loaded with the bags std fol-lowed by the cheers and Godspeeds ofthe watohors started on their journeythroughout the four districts into whichthe city had divided at the BantaClaus Times Postofflce

Sven the weather man toot intheft game of Santa Claus

the clear weath-er wnicn made me afternoon distributiona delight to the mess sad women whotook part and oa Christmas morningordering tilt noiseless fall of whitelakes whir seem to betoken alwayssanta Clans presence justcorner

Throughout Friday afternoon and

Oontlaaed on Second Pap

WEATHER REPORTIt Is decidedly warmer bi the Ohio

valley the South Atlantic States andthe western upper Lake region andcolder in the Rocky mountain regionand the lower Missouri valley

The storm will continue rapidly netIn the

rain or snows in theAtlantic States and mows Sundayfrom the Lake region eastward

It will be colder tonight from theupper Lake southward withfrost to the Middle Quit seem andcolder ia the Atlantic Statesgenerally except on the New Englandcoast

winds along the Now Englandcoast will be east to southwst on the Middle Atlantic cost In-creasing south to southwestto notitwest becoming moderate

on tti Atlantic coast brieto Irish sotMhwrst to northwest onthe Gulf coast moderate to brisk

T nKrAST X m TH DISTRICTor snow fair

rMT southerly winds shMUng torhw t and mcroaafnsj



High life tm Si SBOA tide iiI ft m end D


J by snows tonightLike region and







IJr L u


J I f IJ


rrm and-

t Lnw InT



n 1oF TifF 111


tJpleat ttatl zrCiinrnt



wo-men see



pro-ve g


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Lrrr r rT1flp11r1-TfI TI c Ls arAvA-








American Mining Engineer

Not Friendly to Revolttionists Cause


Says Opposition to Him I lqiii

Financial Reasons

Dr Castrillo represoMttftain Washington of the provisional fepv-

aramonC of Nicaragua declared Shte-

aapralng that Ms enemies are attrying to discredit him and proofc Ifpossible big recognition by theStates

In substantiation of this mssartlon DrCastrillo refers to the attack wads f nhim and on General Estrada by JohnT McCall an American mining

who has recently returned ftomNicaragua after a residence cf sixthere Mr McCail is the mouthpiece ofa group of Americans ftPresident Zelaya who hold vsJumining concessions In Nicaraguaamong whom is John HaTS Hammondaccording to the provisionalMeets envoy

Fearing that doneral Estrada sueoese will seriously en0possession of those mining proporwea

Dr Castrillo declares his enemies areseeking to cast suspicion on his

and make hIt wwk here diffloait-

Caetrillos Qaesti nod

Mr MoOall who is staying at theNow WlUard his surprise thattbe State Department had not msttt d

a closer tevosttgmtlon Into the BttcMmeof Dr Castillo before accepting hisstatements of the events transpiring In-

KlcaraguaI am very much surprised that the

United fttnUw aovemmoat said MrMoCall has not made more effort

ascertain something of the historyof Castrillo who seems to be the mouthpiece of the provisional gov-ernment ef Nicaragua now In WashIngton In my opinion It would be wINfor this Government to masse iBQOtryof Castrilte and EstraJa from propertyownors In Grenada Jean Mans SMS-fttft SSk Askslf BttitoVs sssl r l ON-sQrjjHta uat fUlstsgii-

Cantrnio I am sure is not consideredamong his own people in and aboutManagua as a nan of any particularability Prom what 1 know he is notthe meat to give this Government advicethat te calculated to redound to the bestinterests of t better classes la Nlea



of Revolutl tits


and at




led j
















Madrjz At Peace Maker1 have no interest In the republic

other than desiring te see a stable gov-ernment established continued Mr XcCalL There are a greet many citizensof Ute United States who lUte myselfwish to see a pacific condition of afOUrs and I believe that thfe can bestbe brought about by Dr Madrtz HeIs one of the best and most respectedmen in Nicaragua

When shown Mr Calls statement DrCaatrllle thin morning declared hie be-lief that It was inspired to damage therevolutionary

I know UeOall slkfetly la Nlcara-gue said Dr Castrillo and I think heis speaking for friends of Zelaya amongthem several Americans who have beengiven valuable mining usucsssions byZelaya They tear if Estrada becomespresident will embarrass their ponl-tlo Conaeqneiitlv have startedtills attempt to discredit me aad theprovldoMtl government with the UnitedState

Hammond Has ConcessionI recall that John Rays Hammond

has some tick mining concessions ob-

tained through Zelaya and I understand that McCail is In his employmotive of this attack Is transparent

reed In Nicaragua where I wn wellkmrwn Ute pe ole will tastify M to myPtneii and ability to represent themhero

Dr Castrin eaqiects to receive withinthe next twontyfour hours dispatchesfrom General Estrada telling of furthersuccesses by the revolutionary armyHe talked over the longdisUnce telephone with of the pro-

visional government In New Yorkand afterward himself ashighly with the outlook for a

termination of hostilities In Nic-aragua and the complete success ofKstradas forces He wasat the news that Zelaya to preparing-for night


As part of the movement to rentthe escape of Zelaya former president

Nicaragua Admiral who IsIn charge of the American naval forcesIn Kfearagaan waters execmtod aclever strategic move

He has tent the gunboat Princeton t-

flM del Sur and the gunboatTorktown to La rJnlon These twopoints are the landing places fee thecable which stretchet down the Pacificcoast to Otttral America MeanwhileAdmiral KJmball with the Albany nodBuffaloInto table landing at UnionI in Honduras so that thesupporters would not dare Interceptmessages rent to the Yorktown Simi-

larity at rV n Juan del Sur where thePrinceton has been stationed the feetthat the able there also prevent

Interference with meMages destmedfor th Princeton There is no cable atCorfnto lint all of tbe United Statesvessels In those waters are eouJpped-

w rr rrn rtfr fl j K In

Miniicnin v Mil

COAtliiucu Xcntfe JPKCJi v






I am t It will MaOo-i



ot Kimball


tepiaed u scene at cTt Lazeta


7 A





thoudla sure tM hot














Their Views Make Parliamentary Campaign Easy

For Churchill


Idea in Great Britain Is

That All Prices ShouldBd Lower

By ZAGH GHEEThis In the iblrd of n nerloit of

articles by Mr McGber who line Ju treturned from M long tRY In

part of which was pent intouring the country oa a bicycle airftlcGIicc IN therefore thoroughly convcrNnnt yvlth the political NltunllotiIn ISneland

The Right lion Winston ChutthlMmember of the British parliament forDundee not from Dundee you understand and president of the Board ofTrade one the departments of thegovernmont js now campaigning InLancashire

He te makJig a d campaignand Is sweeping things him Hete in that country i oan aosweep

Winston Churchill a LIb mil an advocate of free trade and amo tg the mostrampant free traders of England Perxlps you are surprised to told theyare all manufacturers though youwould not be It you knew that It wasthe manufacturers of Lancashire andYorkshire the most densely populatedas well as th moat active

England whoto A protective tariff

would ruin the Indvatrtes at Bnglanda prominent manufacturer In Lanca-shire told me this falL Strange doetrine but thats their doctrine

Wedded To Free Trade




t dee



or-An NIJ


Pro vailiAZ


whet cm







Arthur J Balfour member of parHaoMoit the city of London hasJust ban through trying totteiVMbi the people to drop their treeuwfte imam gad ot Jsr re

cott tfW te l y7iHriat8manufaeturrr uses he saW Ihave a letter from a bright andyoung manufacturer In Duraley theprincipal cotton weaving plaoe In theworld written Jusi after Mrcampaign sniffle But we tildnt bite

In saute letter he m of two



d dJa




rodet t t astow fit


Balfour s



districts in Lancashire always Consrvatlve or as the Liberalsin which the Conservative candidatesthis year both declare themselves forfree trade In order to bold their

Winston Cburchin Is Paltour He started out the other day s-

Msjaohostor perhaps you would Illsto have a clearer idea of what Mancheater Is It tt a a-

the thickest manufacturing eater Inthe world Within a radius of fourteenmites there are MOMWwho earn their bread not with tbwr witsbut With sweat of their faces

What Manchester ItJust Imagine all the workmen la pitta

burg Pall River Lowell and all thepeople the mill villages of the Southcollected Into one city hove in theentire populations of Boston Baltimoreand Wsohlncton and you have Man-chester and Its immediate environswhich form one continuous city forfourteen miles practically in every 41

reotion a smoking factory chimney innearly very block mostof the way

And are they progressive or a MrAldrich loves to say In1889 there were 41417373 cotton spindles-In Lancashire of which Manchester isthe metropolis In 1898 there were910 in tee there are S7429122 You maythink what you about it and MrArthur Balfoyr can tell them what hn

but those people there have anidea that this is growing soma find theyhave had free sine 10That why Mr Winston bureM hasa comparatively ra y time

N t Papular But RespectsWinston Churchill Is not peouhu In

England with the people you meetthat to you understand not thedukes the countesses an the Eng-lish yuu get aoqiMUatodwith in the clubs of London or who

Continued on Fifth Pates









fCehtl men



the biggest

and women

aprare fitly







Charles C Wilsonfe Qgar



et Sets FireClothing

Jprs t stw Ml-

U wtdjr his Mme Ot

The accMdttt was a most peculiar oneWhite s smelt bias was smoulderingIn the bed clothing Mrs Wilsonreadied her htMlnatda side tbe MareshA not even scorched his flcsti Thecoroner said death due to lnfcHng

amokMrs Wilson and her husband went

out to flnMk their QuietRMM shopping They got saparated byUte crowd In of tbe stores andrfce Wilson back home his

had already retired We went to bedIn a back room Awakened by the

ftM of about 4 oclock MrsWilson were to her husbands room andfound the bed on She tried towak her husband but could not rousehim

Mrs Wlleon easily extinguished thesmall blaze She police ofthe Sixth precinct and a hurry call wassent to the Casualty Hospital Dr Coleresponded In the ambulance and pro-nounced life extinct

On the bed was a burned cigarette It Is believed that Wilson jot

ia the night to take a smokegoing back to bed with the lighted cig-arette In his mouth went 4

Coroner Nevitt made an investigationand IsMued the necessary cerUftcaUk


Wife of Former Lieutenant of Plice Had Lived in Washington

Yearsare being completed

for the funeral of Mrs Maria Jor-dan wife of former Lieutenant of Poltc W W Jordan who died yesterdayevening Providence aftera brief illness Services win be holdMonday afternoon at 2 oclock atLees undertaking establishment

Mr Jordan was born In SanCat Aftyone years ago She

came to Washington at ate oftwentylive and was a r id nt herefrom that time until her death She issurvived by her lujssjand and Nor sonWilliam L Jordan
















i1 1P

E street srrtlbes

teat evening










Gen Ezra Dead oT

Pneumonia After BriefIllness

northwest Oeneral Oarman was seventysfit rs oMThe General Is survived by a wife

three sons rind a daughter One of hissons Dr LL 1 Carman te a stt-phystelan ef Washington

Betfktaa the eminence he attained iavarious positions In the Governmentservice General German won a widereputation as an authority on war asthe contributor of about wararticles in the Kncyck po4a Americana

He was born at Metuehen N J andbl early education was obtained InMiddlesex county I It was graduatedfrom tIM Western Military lasJtuto M1866 served as a professor at theUniversity of KashvUle Teen fee thnext two years

At the outbreak of the olvU war hewas made a lieutenant colonel la theSeventh New Jersey Infantry andshortly was raised to the rank ofcolonel In July 18S2 he was made abrevet brigadier general He served Inthe Army of the Potomac and laterIn the Army of the Cumberland untilthe sad of the war His first civiloffice was comptroller of Jersey CityIn 1X77 he was made thief clerk of theDepartment of Agriculture

General Ca man took part In a num-ber of Important public services Hewas a member of the Antietam battlefield board and was chairman of theChattanooga Park commlssian at the

of death


CltAwrORI SVILI B Ind Deg 35

Dr William Wallace Wtekham eightynine rather of Baroness Vqn Koppenof Hanover Germany and a wellknown Indiana physician is dead attbe home of his daughter Mrs De CauxTllney today

During the civil war he served on thetaff of Gov Oliver P Morton at Nash-ville Tenn Ills daughter

was recognised an

toured this and foreign countrieswith stellar otvanhoi



w stEfor y years at JIll Q




theone of the of ta

Carr n

a zo aaaInthe e S-eta od street




baroness-as W hats

violinists dayands inrrtton



> >



nerrI-E daughter of welltodo parents in Louisville Ky started to her church one morning afaofcttwo weeks ago From that day to this no one has had the slightest tidings of her Severalchildren corresponding with startling completeness to the description of the missing girl have

been found and advertised with great joy as Alma Kellner only to leave the stricken parents Indeeper anguish than before

Th story ot this strange disappearance has been written for the

Sunday Evening Edition of The Washington TimesBy ALLEN D ALBERT Jr

On the very spot of the disappearance lie has traced the little girl to the last person known tohave seen her alive His account is an intimate and sympathetic study of a horne once unusuallyhappy but during the very season when other homes are brightest with Christmas decorations andother children most eager with Chrsitmas anticipations shadowed by the darkest of uncertainties

It is a story as interesting as that of the kidnaping of little Billy Whitla This article with ex-

cellent likenesses of the missing little girl will appear only in

r tlI Where Is Little Alma I-

i i

if iI ti







rI i

t i


Tomorrows Sunday Evening Washingtotl TimesC J j4




tt-r r1 wMM1 N N MrN M NNNNNrMln f MffqaftlNfefNwfNN frfLH Wt ffMfMroi hfWf W NMNMrffN f f NMW




+ + + + + +


OldFashioned Christmas IsRecalled and


kroi t b because tile weather maifsupplied a nice young snowstorm ashis Chrstnas ostormg the Capitalsjuvenile jpulatwn had no complaint tovoice

To them tie tinkle of sleigh bells wasmore musical tr anything than the

whir of the aeroplanes propel-lers and when they clambered out ofbed this morning to gaze on the mantleof white that had fallen In the nightand w still falling there was rejoic-ing enough to make a whole lot ofChristmas

For the gr wnup population theof snow was not so al

brought little discomfort forthou 55ho to be outdoors becauseafter all It wasnt a howlingftucb as past have recordedTo those who dont understand andconsequently dont sympathize with the

In the beauties of Christmassnow there may be some comfortweather forecasters prediction that

snowfall will not outlast thedaylight and that by nightfall it willhave ceased to make way for colderand fairer weather tomorrow

Maryland Virginia and some of theAtlantic coast State got a taste of todays snow flurry The storm Is nowmoving of te tbe direction of New Jer-sey being the tailend of a more severesnow that has Just visitedGreat Lakes


CHICAGO Dec Christmas present from Jack Frost was theworst snowstorm of the year At

reached proportions of a Wfaawrdand surface and elevated railway traf-fic was belly crippled TIM railroadsreport from thirty minutes to sixhours late

The snow was accompanied by a bwind from the lake which driftedsnow badly on streets and sidewalks I

nicking footing for pedestrians precarious


Child Gn


n-wA cto lit

elMer I



the District of ColumbiaI



It the





ad-ventth It


la-thet d









Quietly After an Operation-

For Appendicitis at Ridge

fieldSOUTH NORWALK Conn Dec 24Frederic Remington the artist Is

at present resting quite comfortably-a his home in Rldgefleld after anoperation fr appendicitis Thephysicians say that unless complications appear Mr Remington willhave a speedy recovery

The artist has been ill severaldays and the doctors had diagnosedbi case as appendicitis An

was absolutely DeCsary It was performed by r A booof New York assisted Dr rawof and Dr Stratton ofDanbury


BLOOailNGDAIJB Ind Des JiMrs Proctor of Portland Mills Ind istoday dead and Dr Cutburgn of Tanper Ind fatally Injured as a result oCan auto accident north of here

The auto In which they were ridingskidded In the snow turned overcrushing Mrs Proctor to death


Worthily a wollknown residentwas deed His jnom l n

icai4 vku u

Rest tC



fredflute ill

P np the r1It



b n

1 r

that < l tip tualysp




Happy Spirit PervadesWashington and Its Snow

Covered Streets


Folowing Custom of Several YearsThere Is No Tree at the

I House Today

Somehow it required mighty jnti ef-fort to say Kerry Christmas today

Its the kind ot hay thatappeals and that oarrtea everybody backto the land of childhood with its faithIn Santa Claus and MB reindeer and aninnocent wonderment at the distancedaring teats the old fellow performedte getting over the ra w andWa-

j fl wonder hearts of young andi oM alike were made glad this morning

an afterdawn p outside thebedroom window revealed the snow

aad yes Santas footprintsshowing on the rooftops Christ-

mas it has been said Is the one seasonthat makes all humanity akin Thate as to be the spirit that pervades the

capital todayHere ChrtoUcas Day Is bong cele-

brated quietly lVon the Presidentdown to anznfcteet cozen the occasionIs devoted rather to fireside reunionste the of remembrances thatbetoken leve and esteem and hersand there over the city to cvrctt servlees where the old familiar Cbrlatmascarols Joyooe In the acclaim over thebirth of Him will be sung

Services TomorrawTOBJMCTOW doubly Important becauseit J tm iSahtoejat also will batj t si Csoiateae inan af the churches of thegpttBJ LJ t night at nildnlsnu the

YnfBttde season was ushered In withhigh mass at more than a score nt tbaCatholic churches

It is in the home particulariy UiougUtoday that the real spirit of Christmasis most generally manifest Snowcovered streets without tend to makeone a homelover on a oay like thisThe tots with their toys the head ofthe house his mind free from businessthe wife and mother radiantly happytbe older girls and boys at home fromschool all are grouped todayabout happy firesides and there arehundreds of scenes like this in Wash-ington today to which no artist couldTully do Justice

The President of the United States la-

the center of a group of this Mad Justas simple as the Christmas Day of anycitizen In theland Is that which te nowbeing celebrated at the White HouseThe family circle Is complet Therewilt be Interchanges of gifts but as hatbeen the ouatom for several years noWhite House Christmas tree

The Vice and Mrsare having a large family party

at their Utica home The Secretaryof State and Mrs Knox have a familyfestival on at their Va8hinjftoi honwand the same fc practically ofevery other member of the n

i Department ClosedGovernment departments th

sore the offices throughout the cityan are dosed For thousand of clerk

landladys can this mornIng hadno terror they slept on oblivious ttime and dreamily content Vithought that Christmas In r alltymeant a holiday

This afternoon most of themwin brave th1 weather and lend atouch of ute to Washington streets thathave throughout entire montlngseemed almost dmsrfcid

Despite warnings of andmerchants the army of belated stop-pers seomed atanoat as large as of yorlast night The stores mlth stocks du



















flak dim-ly


President Sher-man











and clerks on thfexh ustton closed their door in

of some of the brigade Never has Washingtona torero prosperous shipping seaeoncad never hv the purse stringsseemed more loose Old General liarTimes and arn not half so strungas a season ago seems to have beencompletely routed

the proverbial TOUch for it Is

these had to Join in the Christmas Evmerriment and this morning he managed to get out a aain M rr

Appreciates PrMfterityIn appreciation of return r os-

aertty and In the spirit of n itoward all men many of the m rci a-

f Washington after the trrs n rclosed last nl bu prepared htyp roxeof leftover toys and dtostch d reto the orphan asylums and the poorseetknM of the There this nnrn

they made the hearts or hutte l-

C little ones glad tor Santa notalways come to the more humble home

The owe hundred and thirty grls atSL Vincents Orphan Asylum gatheredaround a Christmas tree todayplane were carried out at Washing-ton Orphan Asylum Thethe ChBOroos Hospital tuo in

the good cheer of Christmas r i i

few children In the Tui cvilo itf viospttal made glad by viit of9t Nick t

The German Orphan Asylum rigto large number of chtiar i

spending holhiay withpostpor main hntl in Tuiiry wh


arranged rJ f



said every city must a of




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