Ravenscroft Middle & Upper School Viewbook



Ravenscroft is a pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 co-ed, independent day school located in Raleigh. N.C. Our mission is: The Ravenscroft community, guided by our legacy of excellence, nurtures individual potential and prepares students to thrive in a complex and interdependent world.

Transcript of Ravenscroft Middle & Upper School Viewbook

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7409 Falls of Neuse Road | Raleigh, NC 27615 | 919.847.0900


The paper used for this viewbook contains fibers sourced from well-managed forests.

The Ravenscroft community, guided by our legacy of excellence, nurtures individual potential

and prepares students to thrive in a complex and interdependent world.

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hen we hold our students to the highest standards

— ethically and academically —

they gradually come to understand the greatness of our expectations

in a way that strengthens how they see themselves in the world.

Naturally, this builds confidence and self-respect,

which is how the best kind of leadership begins to stir in young people.

Because here is something that often goes overlooked:

the first person we ever lead in life is our own self.Long before any individual is ready to stand strong for others,

they must have experience standing strong for themselves.

For this to happen, self-assurance and sound character are essential.

When students feel accepted but also challenged,

known but also nudged, safe but also stimulated,

they learn to value what it means to become the best of who they are.They learn to take chances on excellence —

to strive for deeper thinking, broader feeling, and more principled living.

This is everything we mean when we speak of our students’ character development —simply, we expect them to discover and be the very best of who they are.

At Ravenscroft, we know this takes time and nurturing.

Guidance and compassion. Thoroughness and thoughtfulness.

We promise these values to each and every student, and we look forward to the day when they promise the same to the world.

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Contents Leadership and Citizenship — The Best Way to BeserviCe to others — The Best Way to Liveacademics — The Best Way to LearnLOWeR scHOOL — The Best Way to BeginmiddLe scHOOL — The Best Way to GrowuppeR scHOOL — The Best Way to Excelfine aRts — The Best Way to ExpressatHLetics — The Best Way to CompeteinteRnatiOnaL pROgRams — The Best Way to ExperiencecOLLege and beyOnd — The Best Way to Advance


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All schools Are plAces of leArning And discovery. Most of them have well-planned academic frame-works, dedicated teachers, and various extracurricular offerings. So how do you choose one over another?

If this is the situation in which you now find yourself — asking questions about curriculum focus, walking hallways and trying to get a feel, listening to the experience of others, checking maps and travel distances, comparing costs, weighing the pros and cons of various schools — all of us at Raven-scroft would like to offer some honest and simple advice: think carefully, feel openly, and follow your best instinct.

You will know the right school once you let your mind and heart work together to make the decision. There is no magic to the process, no scientific formula you can apply. There absolutely are differences among schools, but we know these can be difficult to analyze. Truly, it comes down to being receptive to the school that speaks to you in a way that somehow both inspires and instills confidence. Here is what you’re likely thinking: please just let me get this right.

You will. At Ravenscroft, we understand the bigness of this moment, which is why we encour-age you to listen to yourself more than anything else. We know positively that we offer an exceptional academic education and life experience unlike any other school — but we also know, to be candid, it is impossible to convey in a few pages exactly how this happens.

And yet, it does happen. In your effort to select the best school for your family, we offer you this guiding and distinctive philosophy to help you better understand us.

All schools Are plAces of leArning And discovery.


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The RavenscRofT DiffeRenceWhile the classroom experience is vital to our students’ learning and growth, there are many other aspects of a Ravenscroft education that impact their lives. Ravenscroft is here to teach boys and girls to become the very best men and women they can possibly be — nothing less than that. Our commit-ment is to cultivate a love of learning and help our students become ethical citizens in a global world. With classrooms that are healthy and stimulating learning environments, we prepare students to think critically and confidently wherever they are — here, at home, in relationships, in their community, at work, and in private moments of quiet reflection. This is the Ravenscroft difference: collaborative learning for the sake of successful living; development of compassionate and upstanding personal character for the sake of humanity; and unparalleled preparation of students in order that they may thrive in college and in the grand fullness of their lives.

This is who we are. Now you may want to learn about how we do it. We invite you to read over what can fairly be called “the basics” of our school. After this, we hope you have a chance to talk to students and their parents, visit our campus and tour the facilities, and, most importantly, meet our excellent teachers and administrators.


The BesT of YoU DeseRves The BesT of Us If we expect the very best of our students —

their best character,

their best judgments,

the best fulfillment of their individual potential —

then we must give them the very best of ourselves.


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Central to a ravensCroft eduCation is the ethos of leadership and citizenship. Infused in our cur-riculum, our service learning projects, and our extracurricular activities, these values develop to hold a permanent place in the minds and hearts of our students. Designed by our Upper School students with input from the entire community, our Character Tree is a visible symbol of our com-mitment to incorporating leadership and citizen-ship in all that we do. It is a daily reminder that Ravenscroft underpins educational excellence with the character values we consider important: compassion, courage, dedication, honor, respect, responsibility, and spirit.

Awareness of self is a starting point of empha-sis in developing young leaders and good citizens.

Beginning with our Lower School students, we facilitate “Tree Talks” regularly — active discus-sions among students, led by counselors and fac-ulty — on topics such as friendships, respect, and accountability, always with our character values in mind. Our goal is to introduce these ideas in developmentally appropriate ways. By taking on leadership roles such as communicating morning announcements and serving as Safety Assistants, as well as being recognized on the Leadership Board for kindness and other contributions of goodwill, our fifth grade Ravens begin to process the real value of being a responsible citizen.

By Middle School, students begin to develop an enhanced awareness of others and the responsibili-ties of every individual within a community.

LeADeRShIp AnD CITIzenShIp – to Be

ravens Guides visit a Middle school class

– to Be

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Once students mature and can more deeply under-stand the concept of character values, we encour-age them to apply these values in new and more complex ways.

With age comes wisdom, which is why it is Ravenscroft’s goal for all Upper School students to set an example and lead with a civic and ethical conscience. In these years, how upper classmen treat one another and how they embrace oppor-tunities for mentoring and serving (on and off campus), is explored and encouraged as we seek to nurture and develop tomorrow’s leaders.

Ravenscroft students are held to high stan-dards and expectations, listed explicitly in our school-wide honor code. Accountability for one’s actions is emphasized and examined. Our Middle and Upper Schools sponsor faculty and student-led Honor Councils to teach students the impor-tance of responsibility in leadership.

Accountability in leadership — whereby one learns to be responsible to the needs and decisions of others — is another key benefit to Ravenscroft’s approach to character building. We achieve this generous understanding of lead-ership through powerful mentoring experiences such as Ravens Guides, where Upper School students visit Middle School groups to discuss age-appropriate topics; Raven Ambassadors, who welcome and engage visitors and new students to the Middle School; and regular reading visits to Kindergarteners by eager third graders who joy-fully share their favorite books. Whether Middle School students are writing books for Lower School students, or Upper School athletic teams are helping with the Lower School carpool in the morning, our students are constantly engaging with each other regardless of age, developing a spirit of compassion and responsibility.

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With the best leaders and the best citizens comes a dedication to service. An integral part of school life at Ravenscroft, service helps shape well-rounded individuals like nothing else can. It is the most important way in which our students learn to look beyond themselves, to develop the capacity for empathy, acceptance and grace, and to take an active role in positively shaping their community. Our students participate in service-related activities in a variety of ways, all of which are age-appropriate.

In the Lower School, service is a community effort that varies year to year. Whether students and faculty are running canned food drives, rais-ing money for sea turtle sanctuaries, gathering supplies for families in need, or collecting books for Project Enlightenment, our students are mak-ing an impact — and feeling proud of their ac-complishments. Many activities are student-led, including the yearly Special Olympics hosted by Middle and Upper School students with assis-tance from the Lower School.

To gain further pride and understanding in their work, Middle School is where students participate monthly in service learning. Not only are they weeding and planting at nearby county parks, stocking shelves at food banks, and read-ing and enjoying time with young children from a Head Start school, they are expanding their

worldview and gaining necessary knowledge about the impact of their contributions, all the while absorbing an important message: you are never too young to help.

Upper School students, after years in this safe and character-developing community, are now encouraged to take a risk and champion a cause, connecting their service opportunities to personal interests. Service is required for gradu-ation, but our students proudly volunteer in their communities thousands of hours beyond what is required. Also, Ravenscroft is a place ready to embrace and promote initiatives born from our students’ passions, such as RavensBuild — the building and support group for a Habitat for Humanity home — or the student who led an effort to provide clothes to impoverished students in the mountains of North Carolina. It is through these initiatives that compassion is evident, leadership is learned, and sometimes even the idea for a future career is born.

Upper School faculty member Helen Velk shares, “Our students become connected to their peers and their surroundings, thereby discov-ering their passions and learning to lead with confidence.”

SERVICE TO OTHERS – to Live to Live

What if leadership and citizenship were woven into the fabric of all we do at Ravenscroft — into academics, athletics, fine arts, clubs, the advisory program and service learning? How would this endeavor impact a new class of leaders? At Ravenscroft, we are partnering with the nationally renowned Center for Creative Leadership to develop a school-wide leadership and citizenship program. Equipped with knowledge from CCL-led training programs in leadership essentials for educators, our fac-ulty bring their knowledge back to the classroom, playing fields, and theatres by infusing important leadership concepts into the curriculum.

“I’m inspired by how our students gravitate toward and embrace their responsibility to help others through service learning. Their service to others is not about meeting an hourly require-ment — it’s about acting upon a passion and making a difference within their school and the broader community.” —Doreen Kelly, Head of School

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AcAdemics – to Learn

It must never be forgotten that at the root of great leadership and citizenship is a great education. From Ravenscroft’s humble begin-nings as a parish school, outstanding academics have remained the cornerstone of the scholastic experience. To achieve this, we know that nourishing the invaluable relationship between teacher and student is vital. Though we are invested in the very best learning technologies available, it is the experience of our faculty and the enthusiasm of our students that forever propels us forward.

We know our students. This is a multidimen-sional feeling at Ravenscroft because we not only appreciate the unique interests and talents of our students, but we also actively seek exciting ways to showcase and expand them. in preparing each student for a four-year college experience and beyond, we emphasize creativity, collabora-tion, hard work, and the ability to face challenges in and out of the classroom. Additionally, we cultivate the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and we believe that strong written and verbal communication skills are at the heart of an exceptional education and successful career.

As eArly As Pre-KindergArten, our students begin writing. Lower schooL students are provided with authentic reading and writing experiences on a daily basis tailored to meet each child’s individual needs, and in sixth grade, mIddLe schooL students are participating in two Language Arts classes each day. upper schooL students have the oppor-tunity to choose from multiple english classes, while all are also enrolled in an extra course of composition, where they further develop and hone their writing skills prior to college.

we introduce higher levelmAth concePts eArly, with younger students often leArning through hAnds-on instruction. Lower schooL students explore numeration, computation, probability, measurement, geometry, patterns, and functions, and they begin to acquire a conceptual under-standing of each as the curriculum increases in complexity. in mIddLe schooL, three levels of study exist for math in each grade, and all students are challenged appropriately. upper schooL offers college preparatory, honors and advanced placement levels of study, and there is an additional opportunity for students to pursue an independent study in areas in which the student has shown significant interest and proficiency.

science remAins hAnds-on for Lower schooL students. integrated into the daily curriculum, these lessons are reinforced through experiments in the science lab, complete with tools, class pets, and objects from nature. Often a science lesson takes place outside on a nature walk through Ravenscroft’s 125-acre campus. mIddLe schooL science, equally hands-on, encour-ages students to think creatively when participat-ing in our annual virtual science fair, guided by inspirational e-mentors from all over the world. Additionally, students are introduced to conser-vation biology, local ecosystems, general chemis-try, and human biology. By upper schooL, students are ready to enjoy state-of-the-art labs and a wide range of advanced coursework and science elec-tives. At this level, critical thinking and problem solving are at the heart of our science curriculum.

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Gentle encouraGement, joyful curiosity, and a multilayered approach rooted in developmental learning guide the educational experience in our lower grades. Knowing that young children ex-perience success in the classroom when they are appropriately matched from a cognitive, social, physical, and emotional perspective, we provide the best learning environment by balancing aca-demics with play. At all times, meeting individual needs is our greatest focus. Recognizing that children develop and express themselves at vary-ing paces, our teachers meet students wherever they happen to be on their learning journey and inspire growth from that point. It is within this delicate balance that our youngest students de-velop creativity, imagination, social skills, and an understanding of cooperation and sharing, while advancing gross and fine motor skills at their own speed, all while having fun.

Students develop a rich literary experi-ence early in a Ravenscroft education. Writer’s

Workshop begins in Pre-Kindergarten, and from Kindergarten on students write their own nonfic-tion books, research a variety of topics, and write persuasive essays. Reading occurs in every grade, independently and with partners, and at each student’s appropriate level, all with an eye toward reaching new levels of challenge.

Our approach to more advanced math con-cepts and problem solving is conceptual as well as computational. Students are introduced to math concepts and revisit them each year as they develop and master these skills. As with all sub-jects, our work is to prepare students for higher levels of thinking in later grades.

Transition and growth are what our students experience most in the Lower School. Teacher collaboration ensures smooth transition among students, as they move from one grade to the next. The confidence that students gain on this journey and the responsibility they begin to take in their education prepare them for the next step.

– to Begin to Begin

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middle SCHOOl – to GrowMiddle School iS a unique tiMe in an adolescent student’s life, and at Ravenscroft we embrace and treasure the energetic excitement of this age. in the time between separating from the lower School and preparing for the Upper School, we are mindful of the tremendous changes these students encounter and the importance of strik-ing a healthy balance between nurturing and challenging them. Our faculty appreciates the inquisitive and social nature of middle Schoolers but also strives to instill independence, account-ability and responsibility, while nudging each toward greater maturity and personal growth. All students benefit from small advisory groups as well as the individual support and guidance from their teachers.

Academically, sixth graders are placed in one of two levels of study for language Arts, a subject in which they take two classes daily (Grammar and Composition plus Reading and literature).

This concentrated focus helps each student de-velop strong writing and analytical skills. These sixth grade students also have the opportunity to take one of three levels for math. in seventh and eighth grades, students are placed accordingly in one of two levels of study in language Arts, and one of three levels of study in math. Strong middle School Social Studies and Science pro-grams that focus on learning the content through inquiry, critical thinking, and research skills are also included.

Outside the core subject areas, confidence and friendships are gained through a broad range of electives. This time of transition is also a critical time for our students to discover areas of interest and to develop their talents. We provide a safe, nurturing environment for students to explore, take appropriate risks, seek challenges, and build independence — invaluable traits as they prepare for the rigors of high school.

– in an adolescent This concentrated focus helps each student de

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RavenscRoft has been pRepaRing students for remarkable success in college for decades. It is expected that each student will attend a four-year college and that he or she will leave us with all the tools to handle the rigors of college life. Consis-tently, alumni return with stories of academic and personal accomplishment they experienced after graduation from Ravenscroft.

Upper School students take ownership of their learning, initiate engagement with faculty, and develop critical self-governing skills. Teach-ers are accessible to students every afternoon for tutorials, as are Ravenscroft’s counselors. An advisor is assigned to each student. Through these close relationships, confidence grows and each student is gradually prepared to advocate for himself or herself once in college.

The course work we offer is broad and in-cludes academic electives — some at the honors level — and a choice of full-year or semester-only options. Students explore possible career choices by selecting electives such as Sports Medicine, Photography, Honors Engineering, Global Issues, Computer Science, or courses in the Fine Arts. When assisting with course selection, we explore each student’s individual passions and aspirations.

Certain skills are essential to successful think-ing and living regardless of a student’s career path. Time management is a skill reinforced in the Upper School, as our students learn to priori-tize, balance, and organize their rigorous course loads, the demands of sports, service, and other extracurricular activities. With the support and encouragement of a committed faculty and com-munity, students are taught life skills necessary for success beyond our doors.

As a college-preparatory school, we are charged with more than just getting our students ready to succeed at the next level. Indeed, the Ravenscroft experience is about preparing for life. With the strong History and Social Studies curriculum laying the academic foundation, stu-dents also engage in activities and programs that are designed to prepare them to undertake their responsibility as engaged citizens of their com-munity and the world. We guide and prepare our students to hold themselves and each other to the highest standards for conduct and achievement. It is this blending of an exceptional education with higher ideals that provides the framework for a rewarding and positive life experience.

to Excel

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CharaCter and Creativity are cultivated at Ravenscroft through our comprehensive and award-winning Fine Arts program. From Pre-Kindergarteners to upper classmen, students are provided opportunities to participate in a variety of disciplines and study under professionally trained and experienced faculty. Because we be-lieve no education is complete without participa-tion in the Fine Arts, we begin early. Lower and Middle School students enjoy everything from a full general music curriculum to strings instruc-tion beginning in Kindergarten, visual arts, the opportunity to participate in drama productions, band, choral, strings ensembles, and private instruction.

By Upper School, music and art students are performing at an advanced level, enjoying a broad

selection of courses that include Honors and Advanced Placement. Our students have written plays, performed locally and internationally in music ensembles, participated in various thespian festivals, and won prestigious awards in regional and state competitions. Visiting artists and stu-dents share their gifts through special exhibits, workshops, and master classes.

Dr. David McChesney, Director of Fine Arts, shares, “We strive in the classroom, on the stage, in the studios and rehearsal halls to prepare students at Ravenscroft to enjoy an aesthetic ap-preciation for all arts and benefit from exploring the creative aspects of learning. It is not uncom-mon for our students to play at the next level in college and, for those so proficient, pursue a career in the arts.”

FIne ARtS – to Express to Express

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“This is a safe environment for bold decisions and creativity. Students are mutually supportive in this setting. We work a lot on personal account-ability and integrity and how their work ethic con-tributes to the group and how they work together. The students hold themselves accountable.” —Jason Sharp, faculty member

Fine Arts instruction includes: ~ Band ~ Percussion Ensemble ~ Choral Ensemble ~ Photography ~ Drama ~ String Symphony ~ Jazz Ensemble ~ Symphony Orchestra ~ Pep Band ~ Visual Arts ~ Private Lessons program

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Most of us would agree there is much more to a stellar school experience than what happens in the classroom. Habits for a healthy life are reinforced with daily Physical Education (P.E.) for students in grades one through nine. With an experienced faculty to guide them, students are introduced to meaningful activities and sports through our P.E. program. All P.E. classes enjoy swimming during the year, and Middle School students benefit from same-gender P.E. classes that encompass health discussions as well as a variety of sports, from line dancing to lacrosse.

An opportunity for daily stimulating physical activity not only helps instill good health prac-tices, it makes for a better day in the classroom. Students who are oriented toward athletics enjoy the opportunity to try different sports, and others who are less confident in their athletic ability often discover hidden interests and talents. Generally,

about 85 percent of our students participate in one or more interscholastic sports each school year.

Wins and losses aside, the real benefit of athletics is how it builds good character when approached with a healthy perspective. Through the emotional and strategic negotiation that happens on a team, responsibility is learned and leadership is instilled as students encourage one another on the track, field, court, and every other playing arena. We believe some of the best opportunities to teach students to lead and rally together for a common purpose begin on a team, and some of our students’ best Ravenscroft memories are those shared out on the field.

Faculty member Jimmy Cox says, “P.E. at Ravenscroft is a chance to be active, learn healthy lifestyle choices, express oneself, become a leader, practice teamwork, and have fun while doing it.”

ATHlETiCS – to Compete to Compete

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Athletic FAcilities: ~ Aquatic Center with 6 lanes and upper deck viewing ~ Fitness and weight training facility ~ 4 gyms available for Physical Education classes ~ 3 lighted stadiums for football and lacrosse, soccer and field hockey, and baseball ~ 6 lighted tennis courts ~ 8-lane rubberized track ~ 2 training rooms (indoor and outdoor) for athletes ~ 2 wrestling rooms

sports teAms: Baseball Softball Basketball – Boys and Girls Soccer – Boys and Girls Cheerleading Swimming – Boys and Girls Cross Country - Boys and Girls Tennis – Boys and Girls Field Hockey Track and Field – Boys and Girls Football Volleyball Golf – Boys and Girls Wrestling Lacrosse – Boys and Girls

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At RAvenscRoft, there is campus-wide apprecia-tion for diversity and inclusivity as well as for international programs within our community. World Languages instruction begins in Pre-Kin-dergarten and from there lively study of various cultures is woven into Lower School life through global outreach and other cultural opportunities.

A choice of languages is taught in Middle School and Upper School. The international edu-cation experience often culminates in travel and exchange opportunities to a variety of countries including China, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Spain.

Upper School students also have the opportu-nity to participate in Global Ravens Organization, a network of broadminded students who work together to provide the school with international and cultural opportunities. This includes oppor-tunities to hear speakers, attend social gatherings

and documentary screenings, and participate in fundraisers to help international students feel welcome and to celebrate cultures and perspec-tives. Upper School students also have partici-pated in Model UN and WorldQuest.

For those students interested in furthering their own global and cultural knowledge, Ravenscroft offers an International Diploma. This program serves to broaden students’ aware-ness of the world and prepare them for a diverse and global community.

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS – to Experience to Experience

RAvenscRoft InteRnAtIonAl DIplomAUpper School students who have a passion for and curiosity about global issues, world languages, and travel are encouraged to seek an International Diploma. This option includes curricular, extracur-ricular, and travel/hosting requirements, as well as a global senior internship component.

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While We strongly believe that the best education is an ongoing journey and no single destination should define it, all of us at Ravenscroft none-theless accept our duty to prepare students for the academic challenges of college. To be much more than a college-preparatory school is our collective promise, but we recognize the critical importance of this fundamental academic goal. After years of deep engagement with the rigors of a varied and demanding curriculum, Raven-scroft students are more than ready to face the transition to higher learning. They leave feeling confident and competent, excited by the possibil-ities of learning, and ready to experience the next phase of their education and lives. Often young alumni return to campus, eager to share their college success stories and their future plans.

Of course, the benefits of a Ravenscroft educa-tion don’t end at college. They last a lifetime. College preparation should be life preparation, development of one’s best self never stops, and friendships made here are often the starting point of many lifelong relationships.

COllege And beyOnd – to Advance

our comprehensive college counseling program begins in the first semester of ninth grade. The goal is to provide information and guidance to students and their parents, and to assist them in making an informed decision regarding the selection of a college or university best suited to the needs and abilities of each student. The College Counseling department has designed programs and processes to assist students in making their college decision.

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RavenscRoft is an independent school with a long

histoRy of excellence. We pursue academic, artistic, and physical education

in exceptionally progressive ways, adapting and evolving our strategies without ever

compromising our core beliefs. Financially strong, we have incomparable resources and

capabilities, from classic programs of study to the newest and most sophisticated technologies.

We enjoy a magnificently designed campus that affords both natural beauty and seamless

integration of our many facilities. Most important, our teachers are among the very best that

can be found anywhere.

As you learn more about us, you will discover that the ultimate distinguishing factor of a

Ravenscroft education isn’t the independence of our charter or the many advantages of our

station. What we achieve here goes beyond ordinary education for a multitude of complex

reasons, but the overriding quality that separates us from other schools is certainly this:

we accept that our responsibility is much more than academic, because we are entrusted

not merely with young minds, but young lives. Mindful of this great duty, we have a long

record of proving one truth, over and over:

the extraordinary character-building power of a Ravenscroft education enables students to live with more confidence, more purpose, and more overall readiness for their future.

The Best of Us for

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7409 Falls of Neuse Road | Raleigh, NC 27615 | 919.847.0900


The paper used for this viewbook contains fibers sourced from well-managed forests.

The Ravenscroft community, guided by our legacy of excellence, nurtures individual potential

and prepares students to thrive in a complex and interdependent world.

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