Rapid Team Performance Assessment

© 2012 Growth River LLC, All Rights Reserved. 1 Rapid Team Alignment Assessment To conduct a rapid team alignment assessment, please read the following and answer the questions. Imagine that you are a team leader and that you want to assess the performance of your team. How do you know they are aligned? Your’s may be an enterprise team, a business team or a function team. It might be in a small, large, for profit or notforprofit organization. In this document there are some revealing assessment questions. These questions will allow you to conduct a miniassessment of your team – and enable you to go back and explain a way forward. They will help to reveal the highest leverage issues for your team and business. These questions are based on a leadership philosophy called context building. A context is a set of key conditions that determine the waysofthinking and acting, relationships, activities and results that are sustainable. Your context is the box in which you operate. Context building is about create those key conditions that make success inevitable. Key Definitions: A context is a set of key conditions that determine the results that are sustainable or not. These key conditions are the box in which you and your team play. Alignment is when the key conditions in a context work together to make success inevitable. It is an optimal state in which there are no constraints. A leader is someone who is accountable for creating those key conditions that will make success inevitable for a team. Effective leaders create alignment. They build effective contexts. A primary constraint (*) is the one key condition in a context that most limits sustainable performance. Resolving primary constraints yields the highest possible return on investment and is the fastest path to evolution. One of the goals of these questions is to help identify the primary constraints in your team and business. A business is a systemofworkflows designed to develop, sell and deliver products and services to customers with the help of partners in order to create competitive advantage.

Transcript of Rapid Team Performance Assessment

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 Rapid  Team  Alignment  Assessment  

 To  conduct  a  rapid  team  alignment  assessment,  please  read  the  following  and  answer  the  questions.  

 Imagine  that  you  are  a  team  leader  and  that  you  want  to  assess  the  performance  of  your  team.  How  do  you  know  they  are  aligned?  Your’s  may  be  an  enterprise  team,  a  business  team  or  a  function  team.  It  might  be  in  a  small,  large,  for  profit  or  not-­‐for-­‐profit  organization.      In  this  document  there  are  some  revealing  assessment  questions.  These  questions  will  allow  you  to  conduct  a  mini-­‐assessment  of  your  team  –  and  enable  you  to  go  back  and  explain  a  way  forward.  They  will  help  to  reveal  the  highest  leverage  issues  for  your  team  and  business.    These  questions  are  based  on  a  leadership  philosophy  called  context  building.  A  context  is  a  set  of  key  conditions  that  determine  the  ways-­‐of-­‐thinking  and  acting,  relationships,  activities  and  results  that  are  sustainable.  Your  context  is  the  box  in  which  you  operate.  Context  building  is  about  create  those  key  conditions  that  make  success  inevitable.        

 Key  Definitions:  

     A  context  is  a  set  of  key  conditions  that  determine  the  results  that  are  sustainable  or  not.  These  key  conditions  are  the  box  in  which  you  and  your  team  play.    Alignment  is  when  the  key  conditions  in  a  context  work  together  to  make  success  inevitable.  It  is  an  optimal  state  in  which  there  are  no  constraints.    A  leader  is  someone  who  is  accountable  for  creating  those  key  conditions  that  will  make  success  inevitable  for  a  team.  Effective  leaders  create  alignment.  They  build  effective  contexts.    A  primary  constraint  (*)  is  the  one  key  condition  in  a  context  that  most  limits  sustainable  performance.  Resolving  primary  constraints  yields  the  highest  possible  return  on  investment  and  is  the  fastest  path  to  evolution.  One  of  the  goals  of  these  questions  is  to  help  identify  the  primary  constraints  in  your  team  and  business.    A  business  is  a  system-­‐of-­‐workflows  designed  to  develop,  sell  and  deliver  products  and  services  to  customers  with  the  help  of  partners  in  order  to  create  competitive  advantage.    

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 Part  I:     Identify  the  Constraints  to  Your  Team’s  Effectiveness    

and  Your  Businesses’      

We  have  found  that  if  four  key  conditions  are  optimized  (1-­‐4),  then  a  highly  effective  team  is  inevitable.  At  any  given  time,  one  of  these  four  key  conditions  will  be  sub-­‐optimal.  This  one  sub-­‐optimal  condition  is  the  current  primary  constraint  to  a  team  reaching  a  higher  level  of  performance.          

The  Four  Key  Conditions  for  Team  Effectiveness    


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 I.    Vertical  Ways-­‐of-­‐Thinking  and  Acting  

The  vertical  impulse  (↑)  is  the  impulse  to  increase  strategic  possibilities.  In  contrast,  the  horizontal  impulse  (→)  is  to  manage  risk.    A  successful  team  culture  requires  both  horizontal  and  vertical  impulses.  The  right  mix  is  critical  as  it  profoundly  affects  innovation  and  the  kinds  of  business  models  that  are  sustainable.      

1. What  is  the  dominant  impulse  of  your  top-­‐leader  and  team:  vertical  or  horizontal?    One  important  implication?    What  should  it  be?  


5   4   3   2   1   n/a  ↑  Vertical                        Horizontal  →      To  expand  possibilities     To  control  risk    

   II.    Complete  System-­‐of-­‐Roles  

In  a  complete  system-­‐of-­‐roles  every  key  issue  and  relationship  has  a  dedicated  owner  with  sufficient  authority  to  play  their  role.    

 A  complete  system-­‐of-­‐roles  requires  champions  who  have  the  authority  to  innovate  and  drive  performance.      

2. Do  all  critical  issues  and  key  relationships  have  dedicated  owners?    


5   4   3   2   1   n/a  Almost  Always     Sometimes   Rarely    


III.    Aligned  Strategies  Strategies  are  aligned  to  the  extent  that  they  create  competitive  advantage  across  an  organization.      Competitive  advantage  is  measured  by  four  factors:  market  potential,  scalability,  sustainability  and  return.  Any  strategy  can  be  evaluated  by  its  contribution  to  one  or  more  of  these  factors.  In  this  way,  disparate  strategies  across  an  enterprise  can  be  compared  and  integrated.      

3. Are  strategies  aligned  towards  competitive  advantage?    


5   4   3   2   1   n/a  Almost  Always     Sometimes   Rarely    





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1.  IV.    Optimized  Workflows  

Businesses  growth  is  the  speed  at  which  products  and  services  are  developed,  sold  and  delivered.  A  team  that  shares  this  understanding  –  and  structures  metrics  around  it  –  will  align  to  create  growth.    The  Business  Triangle  is  a  way  to  visualize  the  workflows  in  a  business.  In  any  business,  there  are  Four  Key  Conditions  for  Go-­‐to-­‐Market  Effectiveness.    




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 IV.    Optimized  Workflows  (con’t.)    

Different  kinds  of  businesses  or  industries  will  have  different  types  of  activities  around  their  business  triangles.  The  primary  constraint  to  growth  in  a  business  will  lie  within  the  activities  on  one  side  of  a  business’s  triangle.  

 Sample  business  triangles  with  key  functional  capabilities.    MANUFACTURING  BUSINESS  


                                   RETAIL  BUSINESS  


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 IV.    Optimized  Workflows  (con’t.)  

4. Using  the  table,  list  the  different  businesses  in  your  enterprise.    

A  business  is  a  system-­‐of-­‐workflows  designed  to  develop,  sell  and  deliver  products  and  services  to  customers  with  the  help  of  partners  in  order  to  create  competitive  advantage.    To  ensure  clear  accountabilities,  businesses  should  segmented  in  an  enterprise  to  reflect  key  differences  in  how  products  and  services  are  developed,  sold  and  delivered.  Separate  businesses  require  separate  strategies.  They  often  have  separate  P&Ls.  A  business  is  not  a  function  like  marketing  or  sales  or  a  specific  market  but  it  is  a  complete  business  triangle  that  can  encompass  several  functions  working  together.  

 5. Identify  the  primary  constraint  to  growth  (pcg)  in  the  workflow  of  each  business  from  

Develop,  Sell  or  Deliver.  There  is  only  one  pcg  in  each  business.  (Place  a  checkmark  to  indicate  where  the  pcg  is.)  


    ü Workflow  w/  pcg  identified  

#   Businesses  

Develop  Capabilities    -­‐  developing  winning  value-­‐propositions.  

Sell  Capabilities    

-­‐  gaining  access  to  target  

customers  and  creating  successful  purchase  moments.  

Deliver  Capabilities  -­‐  delivering  as  promised  and  generating  positive  referrals.  











 If  the  location  of  the  primary  constraint  is  not  clear,  apply  the  following  logic  

ü The  pcg  is  in  developing  if  you  have  a  weak  value-­‐proposition.  ü The  pcg  is  in  selling  if  you  have  a  strong  value  proposition  and  excess  delivery  capacity.  ü The  pcg  is  in  delivering  if  you  can  sell  more  than  you  can  deliver.  


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 Part  II:  Questions  to  Clarify  the  Path  Forward    

The  critical  objective  is  to  create  a  team  culture  in  which  every  member  knows  at  all  times  where  the  constraints  are  –  and  what  the  root  causes  are.  This  will  yield  maximum  alignment  towards  growth  and  return.    Your  answers  to  the  questions  above  (including  non-­‐answers)  point  to  where  your  team  may  be  out  of  alignment  in  a  way  that  is  impacting  performance.      To  clarify  the  path  forward,  ask:  

 6. Is  there  a  pattern  in  the  location  of  the  pcg’s  across  businesses?  Are  they  mostly  in  

developing,  selling  or  delivering?  One  implication?    

The  causes  for  this  pattern  will  lie  in  one  of  the  top  three  key  conditions  for  team  effectiveness  (Part  I):  Ways  of  Thinking  and  Acting,  Complete  System-­‐of-­‐Roles,  or  Aligned  Strategies.    If  there  is  no  pattern,  yet  business  constraints  are  not  being  resolved  efficiently,  the  root  cause  will  also  lie  in  one  of  these  three  top  conditions.      The  reason  for  this  is  that  these  are  critical  conditions  that  determine  the  kind  of  business  models  your  organization  can  and  cannot  sustain.      For  example,  if  your  team  is  risk  averse,  your  system-­‐of-­‐roles  may  be  unclear.  If  your  system-­‐of-­‐roles  is  unclear,  your  strategies  are  likely  to  be  unclear.  Therefore  your  workflows  could  be  inefficient  and  the  quality  uneven.  


7. How  significant  is  the  impact  of  these  constraints  on  team  and  business  performance?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

5   4   3   2   1   n/a  Very  significant                      Not  significant              

   8. How  important  is  it  to  resolve  these  constraints?    


5   4   3   2   1   n/a  Very  important                      Not  important      

     9. Are  you  planning  to  make  a  case  for  how  your  team  and  businesses  should  align?  To  

whom?  What  will  you  need?    

* *