Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316

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  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


    Quality Enhancement CellInternational Islamic University Islamabad

    Ranking data for 20 14 1!

    Information to be provided by HoD/Chairperson via respectiveDean in hard and soft both, kindly send soft copy via email toIman Ullah Marwat, Deputy Director Q C via email atimran!marwat"iiu!edu!pk

    i. "he information #hich is not a$$licable be marked %&'(')ii' "he information #ill be considered *ero if any +uery left blank iii' ,ocumentary evidence is mandatory #hile filling form and #ill be submitted to QEC IIUI'iv. All the data is of three semester i'e from -all 2014 to -all 201!' .uly 2014 to .an 201/

    #!$ame of the Department %&aculty'

    (! &ocal )ersons/)reparation *eam&ame ,esignation ignature

    +! uthority )rovidin- Information!

    &ame of o, Chair$erson &ame of ,eanHg

    3erify that the information being $rovided hasbeen checked and is correct .

    ignature of o, Chair$erson ignature of ,ean

    . ! *otal mount of ternal 0$ational % International1 2esearch 3rantsapproved for any faculty members! Documentary evidence is mandatory!Attested copy of Award letter from the sponsoring organization

    2esearch 3rants pproved 4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

    Amount of Research Grants approved by NationalOrganization

    Amount of Research Grants approved/funded byforeign organizations/ agencies*Details may indly be provided in nne 8I along with documentary evidence mentionedabove!

    6 $umber of $ational and International wards won by &ull *ime &acultyMembers other than scholarships/fellowships i!e ! Attested copy of Awardletter from the sponsoring organization

    wards 4uly (5#. to 4une (5#64uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

    National "evel

  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


    #nternational "evel

    *Details may indly be provided in nne 8II along with documentary evidence mentionedabove!

    7! $umber of $ational and International wards and e9uivalentwards won 0# st three positions1 by students i!e ! Details to be provided innne 8III! Attested copy of Award letter from the sponsoring organization

    $ame of wards 4uly (5#. to 4une (5#64uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

    : $umber of 2e-istered)atents/;arieties/*echnolo-ies/&ormula/ation of 2e-istered

    )atents/;arieties/*echnolo-ies/Creativework by faculty

    $i%&roof of 'ommercialization is mandatory

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7



    *Details may indly be provided in nne 8;I along with documentary evidence mentionedabove!

    ? $umber of University Industrial @inka-ethrou-h 0A2ICs1!

    $i%&roof of "in age is mandatory $Attested 'opy%! Detail may be provided in nne ;I !

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7



    #5 $umber of International Collaboration

    /e chan-e pro-rams 0outbound/inbound 1&or student 0one month1 for &aculty0#6days1! &roof is mandatory! Detail may beprovided in nne ;II!

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

    Number of 'ollaborations

    ## $umber of $ational/InternationalConference by the department! &roof ismandatory! Detail may be provided in nne;III!

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


    Number of National/#nternational'onference

    #( $umber of Community outreach pro-rams,Civil n-a-ements and community servicesby the faculty ! Documentary &roof is mandatory

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

    Number of outreach programsDetail to be provided in nne 8IB

    #+ $umber of pro-rams o ered by the duly faculty credited by therespective H C reco-ni>ed accreditation Council! ) C/Q of H C etc!"atest copy of &roof is mandatory!

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7National


    Detail to be provided in nne 8B

    #. cholarships for students &roof of award of(cholarship is mandatory

    $ame of cholarship 4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7

    Detail to be provided in nne 8BI regarding noti)cation of scholarship of donoragency

    #6 $umber of *rainin-s received by &ull *ime&aculty members 0Minimum + days1!

    4uly (5#. to 4une (5#6 4uly (5#6 to 4an (5#7Number of aculty members trained Number of aculty members trained

    +,' OtherNational #ntl -rainings+,' Other National #ntl -rainings

    E&lease provide copy of -raining 'erti)cate as documentary evidence$.andatory%!Detail to be provided in nne 8BII

    #7 $umber of 2esearch )apers published inH C reco-ni>ed Fournals

    $umber of papers publishedE 4an (5#.8Dec (5#. 4an (5#68Dec (5#6

    E Detail should be provided on the format as in nne 8BIII, (oft copy of research papersplease be emailed!

  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


    (nne I

    5,ata $rovided in ection 46,etail of Research 7rants E ternal 5&ational and International6 a$$roved for the University

    from 01 08 2014 to 91 01 201/

    "itle of :ro;ect -unding agency,ate of



    5R 6

    *Attested copy of award letter is mandatory for each project claimed.(nne II

    ,etail of &ational and International (#ards #on by -ull "ime -aculty

  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


    (nne 3I,etail of University Industry >inkage through 5=RICs6 from 01 08 2014 to 91 01 201/

    &ame of the Industry"itle of collaborationresearch $ro;ect etc'

    #ith business $artners(mount "ime Remarks

    (nne 3II,etail of International Collaboration e change $rograms 5outbound inbound6 forstudent 5one month6 for -aculty 51!days6 01 08 2014 to 91 01 201/

    &ame of InternationalCollaboration e change

    :rogramme :ro;ectIn outbound

    =rgani*ation (gency#ith #hom

    collaborationE change $rogram


    Country ,ate ,uration

    (nne 3III$umber of $ational/International Conference by the department

    &ame of &ationalInternationalConference

    -under by 3enue Country ,ate ,uration

    (nne IB5,ata $rovided in ection 116

    ,etail of Community =utreach :rograms Civil Engagements and Community ervicesby the University from 01 08 2014 to 91 01 201/

    &ame of Community

    =utreach :ro;ect

  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


  • 8/16/2019 Ranking Data Form for Faculty 100316


    (nne BI

    cholarships for students &roof of award of (cholarship is mandatory i!e noti)cationetc!

    (nne BII*rainin-s received by &ull *ime &aculty members 0Minimum +days1

    &lease provide copy of -raining 'erti)cate as documentary evidence $.andatory%!(nne BIII

    ,etail of 2esearch )apers published in H C reco-ni>ed Fournals between5#85:8 (5#. to +#85#8(5#7! (oft copy of all research papers may please besend via email to imran!marwat iiu!edu!p

    &=&ame of (uthors "itle of Research :a$er

    &ame of .ournal

    DearCategoryof .ournal



    (nne BI3

    H C 2eco-ni>ed 4ournals )ublished by the faculty durin- (5#.(5#6

    &= &ame of .ournal Recogni*ed by ECRecognition



    of .ournal0!"#

    'opy of title and #nner page to be provided which is mandatory!Noti)cation of +,' recognition may please be attached!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    &ame of tudent (mount Country (#arding agency Conferred date

    &ame of "eacher 3enue Country "raining (gency Conferred date

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]