Ranked 5’s Team Comp

Ranked 5’s Team Comp The champions i picked to be part of our team comps were decided based on a list of champions that i made that details which champions i consider each members of the team to be able to play to a decent level. This does not necessarily mean that your favourite champions will be on your list of champions, the champions that will be on your list will be champions that i have seen you play and know you can play at least well enough to be in a team comp. Using myself as an example, i like Leblanc, i enjoy playing her, i am not good at her, therefore Leblanc is not on my list. Some champions may not be on your list not because i don’t think you can play them, but because for the time being i have chosen to ignore them because they do not fit well into the current state of the game or as of yet i have not thought of a comp they could be used in. The List (In order of role): *if a champion name has an asterix next to it, it means one of two things, either i believe you can play the champion but right now i don’t think it


blah blah blah

Transcript of Ranked 5’s Team Comp

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Ranked 5’s Team CompThe champions i picked to be part of our team comps were decided based on a list of champions that i made that details which champions i consider each members of the team to be able to play to a decent level.

This does not necessarily mean that your favourite champions will be on your list of champions, the champions that will be on your list will be champions that i have seen you play and know you can play at least well enough to be in a team comp.

Using myself as an example, i like Leblanc, i enjoy playing her, i am not good at her, therefore Leblanc is not on my list.

Some champions may not be on your list not because i don’t think you can play them, but because for the time being i have chosen to ignore them because they do not fit well into the current state of the game or as of yet i have not thought of a comp they could be used in.

The List (In order of role):

*if a champion name has an asterix next to it, it means one of two things, either i believe you can play the champion but right now i don’t think it would not be a good meta/team pick, or i think you could possibly play the champion but you need to play it more before it would be good on a team comp.

*if there is a + next to a champion name it means that it is a champion that you don’t know how to play play, but is a champion in your role that may be worth you picking up since it would help in the team. whether or not you learn it is completely up to you, they are only suggestions, if you don’t like the champ, don’t play it.

Balinor:1. Gnar2.Jayce3.Gangplank

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4. Darius



Please note that i am well aware that there are many more champions that you all play, consider this list the champions that one, i think you are best on and two, champions that when looking at teams comps suit us better or three, it is a champion that doesn’t correspond with your role on the team (Barjs Vel’koz, Crookeds Shen etc).

As for my champions, well i find it hard to self judge my own pool apart from a few obvious choices (example: Twisted Fate). If i list a champion in a team comp down below then your just going to have to trust me that i believe i can at least play it semi-decently ;)

As a final note, we do not have a current ADC, most likely one of Barjs friends will fill the role for us.

Below is where you will see some team comp ideas that i have, it will start with the list of champions available to us that can fit in the comp based on the list above. After that i will talk about the general idea of the comp and beyond that you will each see a section that will describe what your overall purpose in the comp is. Finally, you will see a list of overall goals that we need to achieve as a team to make this comp work. Comps may be updated later on so i'll make sure to let you know.

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Hard Engage Comp: Here is the list of champions available to us for this comp, some of us may have less options than others.





Barj:NautilusBraumThreshNow that you know what champions are available to you in this comp, we can talk about what the general idea of this comp is, if you think you already know then i would still like you to read just so we are all on the same page :)

A hard engage comp is exactly how it sounds, its main idea is to use our comp to force fights that we know, or at least think we can win. We play around item spikes to up or overall chance of a fight working. We look for unfair fight, and by that i mean a lot of the time we will be grouping as 3, 4 or 5 hoping to gain a numbers advantage over potential targets. For example me and Crooked may come down to botlane and for a 4 vs 2 dive.

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I said before we play around item spikes, items like Infinity edge on our ADC or Rabadons on our Midlaner are the kind of spikes i mean. There are also items that are core to our comp and they are Righteous Glory and Talisman of Ascension. It is absolutely crucial to have at least one of those on our team, most likely on Barj or Balinor.

The way the comp is built is usually a tanky toplaner, a tanky or damage dealing jungler, a burst damage midlane, an ADC that is strong early and late game and a support that can both engage for the team and also protect the ADC/Midlaner if it is the Jungler or Top that engage.

We use a lot of CC in teamfights, in 5v5s we will plan on which target is a high priority on the enemy team (most likely Mid or ADC) and as soon as the fight start we instantly remove that target to create a 5v4 situation.

The early game is very simple, you just need to play your lane and that's it. Our comp shines in mid to late game, not early game. The only other things that may happen is that we may see the chance to do dragon or at least gain control of it.

The mid games starts when we all start to hit 6, once that starts there are many things we can do, the midlaner can go top or bot with the jng and we can force a big fight with our numbers advantage.

The most likely thing to happen is that we will have the side lanes push the waves out and we will group mid or group at dragon. Both of these will create 1 of 2 scenarios.

1. We push the side lanes out and we group mid or at dragon, we now attempt to take dragon or a mid tower and because the side waves were pushed out the enemy will have gone to farm the wave, essentially we take a free objective. Balinor it is unlikely you will participate in this plan, it's better for you to stay top and continue to put pressure on your laner.

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2. The other thing that could happen is the enemy will actually ignore the side lanes and come to meet us at mid or dragon, this is where our comp shines, basically using Teleport co-ordination with Balinor (Drop a ward, Bali comes in) we start a fight in mid or dragon, we initiate the fight with our engage and we keep threats locked with CC and if all goes to plan we steamroll them and maybe still even get the tower or dragon, while this happens the sidelane waves they ignored may have also gained us an even bigger advantage.

Something i want to stress about scenario 2 is that until it becomes obvious that the enemy is not coming to stop us, dragon and the mid tower are NOT our priority, going for the objective is purely to bait them into a fight we know we can win, what this means is that if a fight start, i expect everyone to be in on that fight, i don’t want to see any “oh i'll just get drag while you guys fight”. This comp commits to fights very hard, and if we aren't all in, chances are we lose, this is because every single one of us has something in our skill sets that is very important to the fight.

Okay, so here are your individual descriptions of your roles. Please do not just read your own, make sure you read everyone's so you understand the comp fully.

Balinor:Ideally, every time we use this comp you should be on Gnar, meaning Gnar is a high priority pick for our team. Your role is just straight up tank while also being able to engage with Gnar ultis and such, it's more likely that someone else will engage and you just need to focus on protecting the Mid and the ADC by being on their carry’s face. Not really much else to say since apart from being aware that you can look for engages and that you are a big form of CC with your ult, it's not that different from playing Gnar in any other comp.

Crooked:As Warwick or Vi your purpose is basically the same, you are a high damage single target engage who should ALWAYS ult the carrys, your ult will be one of the bigger forms of engage that we have so please be aware

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that we need your ult to be up at the right times. Other than that your only other job is to ensure that you are another form of protection for our squisher members while also being able to do consistent damage.

Mitch:Orianna is also a SUPER high priority pick for our team for obvious reason, Oriannas ability to put the ball on a teammate and have them take that into the middle of the enemy team to do the Dissonance+Shockwave combo is probably our highest damage combination of abilities since it will do a lot of damage to multiple targets. Idealy we always want to be looking to get this combo off at the start of a fight, this requires me to be aware of my positioning and also you guys need to make sure that i know who has their engage up (Gnar hop, WW/Vi Ult, Thresh/Naut hooks, Kali ult) and i also need to be able to decide quickly who is more likely to succeed with the engage in our current position. Because the ult is so important, i will be building decent CDR in the early game meaning i will need to be protected by our bigger members.

Here are the list of ways we can transfer the ball into their team.

WW/Vi ultGnar HopeThresh/Naut Hook (Naut hook is very slow so most likely not him)Kalista ult with the ball on the support.

Barj:On braum you will be a bodyguard for both me and the ADC, we will also be able to use the huge combo off Kali Ult+Braum Ult+Orianna ult, you need to be tanky and be sure to get a Righteous Glory.

On Thresh or Nautilus you must also be aware that me or the ADC may need you to guard us but you also need to be looking for those tasty hooks, either just to lock down a carry to allow us all to blow them up, or to engage a full on fight by acting as the ball carrier for Orianna.

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Ashes arrow is a great engage as is Kalista ulti, if we use Kalista, she must always be paired with Braum since they are so strong together but because Kali is such a OP champ right now, if we are on red side it might be worth banning Kalista just so it can’t be used on us. If that's the case we decide on the fly if we use Thresh or Naut in combo with Ashe.

The ADC will be our biggest DPS in fights so it's important to protect them, once i use my combo i will most likely keep the shield on the ADC and the support and top laner should prioritize the safety of the ADC over any other member of the team once the fight has started. Other than that the ADC is just the same as normal, full crit with raw damage.


We need to work on our warding, level 1 wards aren’t actually a big deal in this comp but it's very important to keep control of the vision around the dragon area during the mid game.

Obviously combos are a big part of our comp so we need to have the communication down, there shouldn’t be a silent moment in voice chat. Listen to shot calls, don’t be the “I WILL CARRY YOU BITCHEZ” guy because our team is exactly that, a team, none of us are really individual carries, we all work better when we can use our abilities together so please be aware that we are playing to win, not playing for a good looking K/D/A.

That means some of us might have to get use to the idea that at the end of the game, our KDA might not look pretty, but as long as we won it really doesn’t matter.

Tower diving is also something that need to be worked on, multi-man dives can be huge for us so we need to make sure we get them down.

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i’ll add more when i have more time or if i think of anything else.