Rangatira 8A17A6 - - Māori Land OnlineButt Roger William Edgar (3266723) M Absolute 20 WMN 121-125...

Rangatira 8A17A6 Title Details Report - Block 39032 Block ID : 39032 Land Status : General Land Owned by Maori District : Waiariki Plan : ML 22395 Title Order Type: Partition Order LINZ Ref: 245507 Title Order Ref: 70 TPO 173-174 Area (ha): 1.3859 Title Notice Ref: - Total Shares: 13660 Title Order Date: 19/05/1998 Total Owners: 1364 Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:36 AM Page 1 of 65 Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guarantee and to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read in conjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm. Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

Transcript of Rangatira 8A17A6 - - Māori Land OnlineButt Roger William Edgar (3266723) M Absolute 20 WMN 121-125...

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Block ID : 39032 Land Status : General Land Owned by Maori

    District : Waiariki Plan : ML 22395

    Title Order Type: Partition Order LINZ Ref: 245507

    Title Order Ref: 70 TPO 173-174 Area (ha): 1.3859

    Title Notice Ref: - Total Shares: 13660

    Title Order Date: 19/05/1998 Total Owners: 1364

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:36 AM Page 1 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    LINZ Parcel InformationParcel ID : 4528642Name : Rangatira 8A17A6 BlockSurvey Area : 1.3859Total Area : -Document : -Legal Name : -Appellation : -Part Indicator : WHOLGAZ Type : -GAZ Year : -GAZ Page : -Maori Name : RangatiraAppellation Type : MAORPurpose : -Parcel Intent : DCDBData Modified On: 17/09/1998Geo Modified On: 1/10/2017

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:36 AM Page 2 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Land Administrator(s)Management Structure Name: Rangatira 8A17A6 Ahu Whenua TrustManagement Structure Type: Ahu Whenua TrustVested Land(ha): 1.3859Minute Book Reference: 70 TPO 173-174Active Administrators:

    Kusabs Andrew - Responsible TrusteeKusabs Craig John - Responsible TrusteeMcLaughlin Gloria Alice - Responsible TrusteePene Joseph Te Rahui - Responsible TrusteeStockman Dianne - Responsible Trustee

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:36 AM Page 3 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    OwnersName Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares

    (Mrs McNiel) Ethel Rose (3111475) F Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.7094231Abraham Clifton (2675704) M Absolute 199 ROT 275 7.56Ahipene Alita Marama (3356346) F Absolute 111 WMN 194-198 0.1225Ahipene Chevana Rona (3356344) F Absolute 111 WMN 194-198 0.1225Ahipene Joni Moana (3356343) F Absolute 111 WMN 194-198 0.1225Ahipene Mali (3356345) F Absolute 111 WMN 194-198 0.1225Albert Izaiah Sonny (3375842) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Albert Justyce Karaitiana (3375844) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Albert Piripi Ngatanahira (3375843) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Alderson Alexia (3195039) F Absolute 319 AOT 88-95 1.212Amoroa Amokura (2675645) F Absolute 266.66Andersen Karyn Marama (3104837) F Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597916Andersen Marahea (3104835) F Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597917Anderson Raukura (764750) F Absolute 195 AOT 140-143 1.5665Anderson GloriaAnderson Raywen Mere (2676193) F Absolute 2 WH(s) (Taitokerau) 364 2.01Anderton Malcolm Edward (2675966) M Absolute 1 AT(s) (Taitokerau) 369 28.39Ani Mahurangi Chase Whanau Trust (149762) Absolute 134 WMN 271, 125 WMN 254-259 130.86 - Banks Leanne Maree Responsible Trustee 134 WMN 271, 125 WMN 254-259 - Howarth Phobie Veona Responsible Trustee 134 WMN 271, 125 WMN 254-259 - Stockman Pierre Raymond Haimana Responsible Trustee 134 WMN 271, 125 WMN 254-259Anita Rangiwahia & Arapiu Pohokura Seymour Whanau Trust (149974) Absolute 166 WAR 145-155 26.24 - Seymour Arapiu Pohokura Responsible Trustee 166 WAR 145-155 - Seymour Te Muunu Haimona Responsible Trustee 166 WAR 145-155Apihai Charles (2675694) Absolute 221 ROT 237, 7 REG 145 2.88Apihai Colleen (2675705) Absolute 221 ROT 237, 7 REG 145 2.88Apihai Nina (2676062) Absolute 221 ROT 237, 7 REG 145 2.89Apihai Te Amo (2675644) Absolute 221 ROT 237, 7 REG 145 2.88Aranga Henry (2675798) M Absolute 221 ROT 124, 6 REG 376 3.37Aranga-Bray Roseanne Lee (2676226) F Absolute 221 ROT 124, 6 REG 376 3.38Areta Eruera Whanau Trust (57091) Absolute 56 AOT 182, 52 AOT 95-96 56.66 - Eruera John Responsible Trustee 47 Aot 222-223 - McLeod Mamae Responsible Trustee 47 Aot 222-223 - Tarawa Ngarau Rosina Responsible Trustee 47 Aot 222-223Armstrong George Richard (3361466) M Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954545Arthur Moke Whanau Trust (74359) Absolute 281 ROT 263-266 9.18

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:37 AM Page 4 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares - Moke Anthony Responsible Trustee 281 ROT 263-266 - Moke Bella Responsible Trustee 281 ROT 263-266 - Moke Gary Responsible Trustee 281 ROT 263-266 - Moke Julie Responsible Trustee 281 ROT 263-266 - Moke Matthew Responsible Trustee 281 ROT 263-266 - Moke Teresa Paul Responsible Trustee 281 ROT 263-266Ashby Albert Arthur Ivan (2675634) M Absolute 67 TPO 339-340 2.97Ashcroft Hepina (3375520) Absolute 169 WAR 194-198 6.22Bailey Loretta (Chase) (3208553) F Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.05Bailey Lorretta (Chase) (3208553) F Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Baker Debbie (2378796) F Absolute 159 NA 206-207 15.49Baker Edward Henry (2903285) M Absolute 154 NA (Takitimu) 141-142 15.49Baker Edward Henry (2928452) M Absolute 158 NA (Takitimu) 103-106 15.49Baker Hihingaringi (2675807) F Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.61Baker Kathryn (3328242) F Absolute 96 WAR 222-228 1.54Baker Mary (3279484) F Life Interest until Remarriage 13 TKT 29-35 15.49 - Cunningham Beverley F Remainder 13 TKT 29-35 1/4 - Baker Neville M Remainder 13 TKT 29-35 1/4 - Baker Debbie F Remainder 13 TKT 29-35 1/4 - Baker Colin M Remainder 13 TKT 29-35 1/4Baker Thomas (2903281) M Absolute 154 NA (Takitimu) 141-142 15.49Baldry Veronica Margaret (3324204) F Absolute 318 AOT 117-120 1.36Barbarich Louise Patricia (2578905) F Absolute 1 WHK 57-58 5.43Barnett Clarence Graeme (3186198) M Absolute 309 ROT 64 - 68 14.185Beckham Aranganui Collinda (3366607) F Absolute 154 WAR 118-123 0.336Beckham Areeni (2675660) F Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Beckham Diane (2675720) F Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Beckham Joseph (2675885) M Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Beckham Murray (2676046) M Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Beckham Wayne (2676336) M Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Belmont Jayleen Mihiterina (3298836) F Absolute 59 WAR 57-60 8.58Bennett Joanne Margaret (2986693) F Absolute 195 AOT 140-143 15.665Bernadette Mary Te Whare Whanau Trust (148068) Absolute 90 TTK 131-135 7.56 - Harris Jason Kopae William Responsible Trustee 90 TTK 131-135 - Harris Lisa Maryann Responsible Trustee 90 TTK 131-135 - Harris Nelson Taita Responsible Trustee 90 TTK 131-135

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:37 AM Page 5 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesBetham Wendy May (3023449) F Absolute 43 TTK 48-55 1.8106Betham WendyBetty and Walter Ngauru Whanau Trust (126350) Absolute 19 WMN 154-167 1.9163 - Ngauru Anthony Ronald Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167 - Ngauru Lemuel Mervyn Patrick Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167 - Ngauru Rianna Gillian Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167 - Rosa John Charles Henry Tarzan Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167 - Roycroft Rangi Aroha Rose Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167 - Wharepouri Ngawaka Nigel Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167 - Williamson Ngahuia Whetumarama Responsible Trustee 19 WMN 154-167Bilich/Ngamotu Whanau Trust (108086) Absolute 35 AT 7-14 34.34 - Bilich David William Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14 - Bilich Jon or John Walter Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14 - Bilich Maryanne Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14 - Bilich Tina Faye Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14Bilich/Ngamotu Whanau Trust (108086) Absolute 333 ROT 154-158 34.34 - Bilich David William Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14 - Bilich Jon or John Walter Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14 - Bilich Maryanne Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14 - Bilich Tina Faye Responsible Trustee 35 AT 7-14Birch Moses (3333023) M Absolute 105 WAR 73-82 0.33Birley Mareti Te Kume Hemopo (2889643) F Absolute 8 REG 124 56.74Blick (Mrs) Rosalie Ann (2676223) F Absolute 28.39Blimcoe Anita (2974435) Absolute 162 NA139-141 0.2786667Blincoe Aneta (2963812) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 1.3933333Boldarin Clint James (3340959) Absolute 116 WAR 224-230 4.4933333Boldarin Jacqueline Makarita Katherine (3340852) F Absolute 116 WAR 108-116 4.4933333Boldarini Jeffrey Te Kato (3044467) Absolute 78 TPO 84-92 4.4933334Bone Arthur William (2675668) M Absolute 67 TPO 78-79 14.97Bone Eric David (2675739) M Absolute 67 TPO 78-79 14.97Boon Frances Moana (2475341) Absolute 195 AOT 140-143 0.5222Bowen Barry John (3104836) M Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597916Bowen Sarah Emma (3104833) F Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597916Bowen Tawheo Kawana (3104831) Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597916Boyd Lena Mary (2675945) F Absolute 199 ROT 284 7.56Boyle Meri Clarke (3379723) F Absolute 60 TKT 161-169 0.29Bradnock James Theo (3091738) M Absolute 287 ROT 110-111 7.7085714

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:37 AM Page 6 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesBradnock Michael Robert (3091740) M Absolute 287 ROT 110-111 7.7085714Bradnock Whanau Trust (78456) Absolute 287 ROT 110-111 38.5428572 - Bradnock Samuel Leslie Responsible Trustee 287 ROT 110-111 - Davis Marina Hinepuariari Responsible Trustee 287 ROT 110-111 - Davis Paula Jean Responsible Trustee 287 ROT 110-111Bramley Moyra Te Ariki (2676045) F Absolute 67 TPO 163 1.31Briggs Janet Louise (3361836) F Absolute 360 AOT 38-44 3.542Briggs Robert Anthony (3361835) M Absolute 360 AOT 38-44 3.543Brown Bernadette (2675678) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.98Bullat Raewyn (2222748) F Absolute 348 ROT 1-5 8.535Bullot Raewyn LaurieBullot Raewyn Laurie (2222748) F Absolute 156 WAR 227-229 1.66Bully Pitiroi Whanau Trust (93358) Absolute 1 WAR 78-81 4.7233333 - Moss Sharon Vanessa Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 203-207 - Pitiroi Joseph Mumou Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 203-207 - Pitiroi Keepa Reon Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 203-207 - Pitiroi Rachael Priscilla Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 203-207 - Pitiroi Rahiri Jeremy Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 203-207 - Pitiroi Sarah Rangimarie Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 203-207Burton (Jnr) James Edward (2675866) M Absolute 64 TPO 237 20.25Butler Cleo Ngarere (2675703) F Absolute 65 TPO 84-85 3.37Butt Lucinda Vicki (3266726) F Absolute 20 WMN 121-125 1.235Butt Peta-Maree (3266724) F Absolute 20 WMN 121-125 1.235Butt Roger William Edgar (2676215) M Absolute 245 ROT 439 4.95Butt Roger William Edgar (3266723) M Absolute 20 WMN 121-125 1.235Butt William Brendon (3266725) M Absolute 20 WMN 121-125 1.235Callaghan Cheryl (2974029) F Absolute 92 W 246-248 0.06375Carlson Lisa Reatha (3005206) F Absolute 165 NA 206-208 217.78Carrington Ngahuia (2963834) Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.52Carrington Ngahuia (2963834) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Carter Russell Kaingakaunui Finai Irving Kaitiaki Trust (150981) Absolute 60 TKT 161-169 0.29 - Clarke Thomas Ellis Responsible Trustee 60 TKT 161-169 - Irving Meri Wakiterangi Tupuivao Responsible Trustee 60 TKT 161-169 - Irving Carter Russell Kaingakaunui Finai M Minor 60 TKT 161-169Cassidy Janice (2966703) F Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.89Chan Rangimarie (2676179) F Absolute 208 ROT 123 26.98

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:38 AM Page 7 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesChapman Christine (2975061) F Absolute 328 AOT 292-293 1.514Chase Gavin Meha (3122336) M Absolute 12 RGTK 209-211 0.3215384Chase George (2963821) M Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Chase George Hape (2963821) M Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.53Chase Gordon (2963825) M Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.52Chase Gordon (2963825) M Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Chase James Hadley Rahui (3208560) M Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.05Chase James Hadley Rahui (3208560) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Chase Laurence Marshall (3122335) M Absolute 12 RGTK 209-211 0.3215385Chase Maurice (2963822) M Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Chase Maurice Pakau (2963822) M Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.53Chase Poihipi Anthony (3208556) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Chase Poihipi Anthony (3208556) M Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.04Chase Poihipi Tukairangi (2963818) Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.53Chase Reagan Sydney (3208564) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440829Chase Reagan Sydney (3208564) M Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.05Chase Rob Rapata Te Wahawaha (2963820) Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.53Chase Roger (2963823) M Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Chase Roger Rotia (2963823) M Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.52Chase Te Aho Oterangi (3208557) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Chase Te Aho Oterangi (3208557) M Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.04Chase Teoti Te Puke (3208555) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Chase Teoti Te Puke (3208555) M Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.05Chase Tuhe (548579) F Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Chase William Robert (3208561) M Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.05Chase William Robert (3208561) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440829Childs Alice Barbara (2968073) Absolute 162 NA 142-144 0.2322222Childs Alice Barbara (2974438) Absolute 2 TKT 121-123 1.99Childs Alice Barbara (2974438) Absolute 162 NA139-141 0.0464444Chris Hoani Rangirangi Whanau Trust (73659) Absolute 278 ROT 121-122 30.685 - Rangirangi Chris Hoani Responsible Trustee 278 ROT 121-122Chris Hoani Rangirangi Whanau Trust (73659) Absolute 53 WAR 279-281, 75 WAR 268-269 6.73 - Rangirangi Chris Hoani Responsible Trustee 278 ROT 121-122Claire Rosemary Arnst Whanau Trust (73420) Absolute 92 SI 132-133, 91 SI 64-65 0.64 - Arnst Riki Responsible Trustee 92 SI 132-133, 91 SI 64-65

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:38 AM Page 8 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares - Wilson Kelly Duncan Arnst Responsible Trustee 92 SI 132-133, 91 SI 64-65Clark Ngawati (2963816) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Clarke Eraita Serena Ann (3115187) F Absolute 294 ROT 145 - 146 4.68Clarke Ann SerenaClarke Kataraina Angel Tupuivao (330565) Absolute 60 TKT 161-169 0.3Clarke Manino Karen (3114192) Absolute 82 TPO 181-189 0.0925Clarke Matea Jacqueline Moani (3379110) F Absolute 177 WAR 71-77 1.61Clarke Meafou Langswerf (276724) Absolute 175 NA 138-139, 105 SIMB 186 3.37Clarke Meafou Langswerf (3115185) M Absolute 294 ROT 145 - 146 4.68Clarke Peter Tukiterangi (276732) Absolute 175 NA 138-139, 105 SIMB 186 3.37Clarke Peter Tukiterangi (3115186) M Absolute 294 ROT 145 - 146 4.69Clarke Sarah-Jane (3048069) F Absolute 177 WAR 71-77 1.61Clarke Thomas Ellis (2585969) Absolute 60 TKT 161-169 5.71Clarke Tukiterangi Ephraim (3114194) Absolute 82 TPO 181-189 0.0925Clarke Walesi (Wallace) Langswerf Tupuivao (3114193) Absolute 82 TPO 181-189 0.0925Collins Euta Faamau Tou (3188494) M Life Interest until Remarriage 186 NA 71-74 6.692 - Rakanui Materoa Renee F Remainder 186 NA 71-74 - Collins Apisaloma M Remainder 186 NA 71-74 - Collins Etipuke M Remainder 186 NA 71-74Conrad Bill (2675686) M Absolute 67 TPO 133-134 1.62Cooper Noreen Lee (3338726) F Absolute 81 WAR 171-181; 108 WAR 72-74 0.48Corbin Elva (2675734) F Absolute 1 AT(s) (Taitokerau) 369 28.39Corliss Christine (2087137) F Absolute 87 AOT 218-220 1.838Cullen John William (2675883) M Absolute 64 TPO 12 71.74Cunningham Awetoroa (2675672) F Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 2.31Cunningham Otene (2676077) M Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 2.31Cunningham Pura (2676143) M Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 2.31Cunningham Tangiora (2676268) F Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 2.31Cunningham Waipu (2676323) F Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 2.31Curtis Helen Wikitoria (2532616) F Absolute 43 WAR 65-66 7.85Curtis Helen Wikitoria (2675795) F Absolute 63 TPO 158 19.13Dalby Tania (3022381) F Absolute 62 WAR 141-142 3.44Dalby Tracey (3022382) F Absolute 62 WAR 141-142 3.43Daly James (2675865) M Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.31Daly Manu (2675972) M Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.3Damien Lee Ngamotu-Rakei Kaitiaki Trust (149345) Absolute 116 WMN 101-105 0.03188

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:38 AM Page 9 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares - Isaacs Candice Jane Responsible Trustee 116 WMN 101-105Dansey Arthur David (2675666) M Absolute 199 ROT 191 5.78Dansey Georgina Michaela (3003402) Absolute 75 TPO 199 46.31Dansey Harry Rangihautau (2675789) M Absolute 199 ROT 191 5.79Dansey Katharine Marie Bridget (3003401) Absolute 75 TPO 199 46.31Dansey Mark Hikaka (2675991) M Absolute 199 ROT 191 5.79Dansey Richard (2676201) M Absolute 68 TPO 188-189 7.72Dansey Susan (2676256) F Absolute 68 TPO 188-189 7.72Dansey William Tukekeru Brinsop (2676351) M Absolute 92.62Davies Rangi (2676169) F Absolute 56.79Davis Sharon Rangitekaiho (3063743) F Absolute 79 TPO 155-160 2.02375Davis Taouri Te Kura (2676270) F Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.51De Har Daniel Manuao (3342489) M Absolute 30 TWP 1-3 1.09de Har Darcelle Katarina (3166201) F Absolute 298 ROT 262-265 0.1816666de Har Paul Te Heuheu (3166202) M Absolute 298 ROT 262-265 0.1816666de Har Peter Uenuku (3166197) M Absolute 298 ROT 262-265 0.1816667De Har Sonny (2676249) M Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09De Har BearaDe Har Thomas (2676288) M Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Dean Alvina Maria (2675641) Absolute 66 TPO 225 0.54DeHar Andrew Ngakoata (2675649) M Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09DeHar Joseph (2675886) M Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Dempsey Kevin Joseph (3324206) M Absolute 318 AOT 117-120 1.35Dengilo Angela Anne (3234931) F Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Des Barres Aaron Preston (2675629) Absolute 239 ROT 11, 7 REG 116 8.11Des Barres Charisse Marcelle (2331615) Absolute 239 ROT 11 8.1Des Barres Naera Vance Jason (2676047) Absolute 239 ROT 11, 7 REG 116 8.1Des Barres Shane Maitland (2676241) Absolute 239 ROT 11, 7 REG 116 8.11Des Barres Tracey Celeste (2676304) Absolute 239 ROT 11, 7 REG 116 8.1Dihars Jason Phillip (3166200) M Absolute 298 ROT 262-265 0.1816667Dixon Whaea Tauru (2676341) F Absolute 68 TPO 228 7.33Tauru Whaea

    Ihaia Whaea TauruTe Ua Whaea Tauru

    Docherty Lisa (3281446) Absolute 319 AOT 88-95 1.212Douthett Caroline Sharon (2087155) F Absolute 87 AOT 218-220 1.838Downs Te Tira Kahurangio (2676294) F Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 14.57

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:39 AM Page 10 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesDuke Hauaru and Mabel Paraihe Rameka Whanau Trust (69319) Absolute 80 TPO 212-213 16.19 - Faneva Rangi-Takaiho Advisory Trustee 76 TPO 296-301 - Pineaha Carolyn Anne Advisory Trustee 76 TPO 296-301 - Rameka James Rawhiti Responsible Trustee 255 ROT 69-71 - Rameka James Rawhiti Responsible Trustee 76 TPO 296-301 - Rameka Jason Hauaura Advisory Trustee 76 TPO 296-301 - Rameka John Casey Responsible Trustee 76 TPO 296-301 - Rameka John Casey Responsible Trustee 255 ROT 69-71 - Rameka Jnr Duke Hauaru Advisory Trustee 76 TPO 296-301Duncan Materina (808270) F Absolute 126 NA (Takitimu) 75-76 16.19Duncan Rangikahuna (2676177) F Absolute 67 TPO 133-134 1.63Dutton John Delamere (2675875) M Absolute 3 AK (Taitokerau) 103 11.57Eagar Melanie (3090963) F Absolute 287 ROT 44 0.815Eagar Melanie (3107234) F Absolute 292 ROT 37-38 1.018125Eagar Steven (3090962) M Absolute 287 ROT 44 0.815Eagar Steven (3107233) M Absolute 292 ROT 37-38 1.018125Eden Amber-Leigh Ruissen Kaitiaki Trust (149620) Absolute 154 WAR 118-123 0.336 - Te Kiri Ayla Stevie-Mac Responsible Trustee 154 WAR 118-123Eden Chante Louise (3161743) Absolute 365 AOT 140-142 3.02876Eden Penina Te Aroha (3161757) Absolute 367 AOT 51-53 3.02876Edmonds Theresa Angela (2676286) F Absolute 66 TPO 225 0.54Edwards Ngaire (3321144) F Absolute 90 WAR 127-131 0.321Ehau Raymond Tauru (2924241) Absolute 251 ROT 14 0.28899Ehau Raymond Te TauruoterangiEhau Te Kahuoterangi Taopeehi (2924228) Absolute 251 ROT 14 2.022855Ehau Tuwharetoa Mika Ingram (2676314) M Absolute 14.16Ehau Tuwharetoa Mika Ingram (2924232) Absolute 251 ROT 14 2.022855Ellis Delamere Dansey (2675714) F Absolute 191 ROT 40-42 4.95Ellis Helen Taima (3332403) F Absolute 72 WMN 12-18 0.66Enoka Reatha Kararaina Makere (3379108) F Absolute 177 WAR 71-77 1.61Epapara William (3345742) M Absolute 122 WAR 248-254 3.346Eparaima Vanessa Jonella (2431530) Absolute 7 WAR 147-150 2.37Eraita Nohopapa Clarke Kaitiaki Trust (150421) Absolute 177 WAR 71-77 1.61 - Martell Iulia Eve Responsible Trustee 177 WAR 71-77 - Clarke Eraita Nohopapa F Person under Disability 177 WAR 71-77Eraita Nohopapa Mangu Serena Ann Tupuivao-Clarke Whanau Trust (85978) Absolute 82 TPO 181-189 3

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:39 AM Page 11 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares - Tupuivao-Clarke Eraita Nohopapa Mangu Serena Ann Responsible Trustee 82 TPO 181-189Eru Brian James (3209266) M Absolute 207 AOT 57-61 4.592Eru Catherine Judith (3209262) F Absolute 207 AOT 57-61 4.592Eru Edwin Huatahi (3209265) M Absolute 207 AOT 57-61 4.592Eru Joseph (3209264) M Absolute 207 AOT 57-61 4.592Eru William Pureirei (3209260) M Absolute 207 AOT 57-61 4.592Evans Hinekapua Theresa (2675819) F Absolute 199 ROT 284 7.57Faa'lele Ellis Patrick (3306111) Absolute 15 TKT 163-166 0.4Faa'lele Matthew (3306110) Absolute 15 TKT 163-166 0.4Faa'lele Waingaio (3306109) Absolute 15 TKT 163-166 0.41Faa'lele Winitana (3306112) Absolute 15 TKT 163-166 0.4Fairest Aroha (2675663) F Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Farrell Kurangaituku (2675933) M Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 11.65Te Kiri KuraField Rawinia Lois (3161777) Absolute 356 AOT 265-267 3.02876Fitzsimmons Ngahuia Ripeka (2676058) F Absolute 26.67Fitzsimmons Robert Leslie (2676211) M Absolute 28.4Flaws Moana Carol (Chase) (3208563) F Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440829Flaws Moana Carol (Chase) (3208563) F Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.04Forrest Cedric (3281129) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Forrest Christopher (3281130) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Forrest Clarence (3281126) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Forrest Ken (3281125) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Forrest Lionel (3281132) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.846Forrest Steven (3281128) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Forrest Thomas (3281133) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.846Forrest Winston (3281131) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.846Fraser Ngaire (2676059) F Absolute 199 ROT 275 7.56Fraser Raiha Rangimarie (2676146) F Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Gardiner Barko (Cassino) (2675676) M Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 71.22Gardiner George (2675755) M Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 14.57Gardiner Heremia (Gerald) (2675803) M Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 14.56Gardiner Joshua (2675892) M Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 14.57Gardiner Kurt Tane (2970936) Absolute 254 Rot 316 14.57Gardiner Terence (Paratene) (2676278) M Absolute 57 TPO 108-110 14.55Gay Beatrice (764751) F Absolute 195 AOT 140-143 1.5665

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    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesGeorge William Te Matohi Rameka Whanau Trust (91779) Absolute 83 TPO 178-183 1.31 - Greaves Gaye Arihia Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 178-183 - Lawless John Kori Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 178-183 - Mohi Lee Robyn Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 178-183 - Pearson Korine Taima Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 178-183 - Rameka Jason Kori Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 178-183 - Rameka Ricky George Responsible Trustee 83 TPO 178-183Giblet Kathy (2675912) F Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Gillard Logan Kepa (3375847) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Gillard Toby Jack Ari (3375846) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Gillard Ziena Teirikowhai (3375845) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Glover William Joseph Hema Hema (3281430) M Absolute 11 TKT 51-54 24.23Goodburn Christine Kahumoka Wall (3166204) F Absolute 83 TPO 294-297 4.0425Grace Kaha-O-Te Rangi (2993447) F Absolute 69 TRW 144-150 0.05619055Grace Kahu O Te RangiGreen Georgina (2675761) F Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Greenaway Lorna Mihingarangi (3102808) F Absolute 334 AOT 197-200 0.05Gregory Frances (3358584) F Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771666Gregory Robert Ivan (3357531) Life Interest until Remarriage 141 WAR 152-156 9.2346667 - Gregory Robert Dean Remainder 141 WAR 152-156 - Gregory Adele Pania Remainder 141 WAR 152-156Grieshofer Anthony John (3166206) M Absolute 83 TPO 294-297 4.0425Grieshofer Elizabeth Jane (3166207) F Absolute 83 TPO 294-297 4.0425Griggs Jennifer Margaret Whatu (3271452) F Absolute 39 WAR 129-133 2.5025Habib Adalaide Joane (2675631) Absolute 239 ROT 17 1.36Habib Anthony (3172609) M Absolute 302 ROT 70 - 74 9.2346667Habib Anthony (3358583) M Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771666Habib Anthony Williams (2675656) M Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.11Habib George Martin (3172608) M Absolute 302 ROT 70 - 74 9.2346667Habib George Martin (3358582) M Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771666Habib Guy Augustine (3234924) M Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib Iritana (2111148) F Absolute 90 WAR 201-203 5.93Habib Manuel John (3234926) M Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib Mark Anthony (3234927) M Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib Mary Michele (3234922) F Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib Michael Norman John (2676024) Absolute 239 ROT 17 1.36

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:40 AM Page 13 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesHabib Miriama Geraldine (2676030) F Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.11Habib Monica (3253291) Absolute 16 WAR 133-134 9.2346667Habib Monica (3358586) F Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771667Habib Patrick Te Toko (3172615) M Absolute 302 ROT 70 - 74 4.6173333Habib Patrick Te Toko (3358589) M Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771667Habib Phillip James (3234928) M Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib Rangihuia (2676176) Deceased 67 TPO 163 0.51Habib Rowley (2676227) M Absolute 221 ROT 37, 168 69.24Habib Taro (3172613) F Absolute 302 ROT 70 - 74 9.2346667Habib Taro (3358587) F Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771667Habib Vigil (3234923) M Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib Vincent Paul (3234925) M Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Habib William Gerard (2676349) M Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.11Haehae Hine Daphne (2279843) F Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.709423Haira Cheryl (2952954) F Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 3.951667Haira D'Oliveira (2935997) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 3.951667Haira Ellamay (3012656) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 3.951667Haira Invareraty Bevan (3012651) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 3.951667Haira Kelly (3006019) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 0.987916Haira Kim Mere (3075361) F Absolute 282 ROT 277-281 5.27Haira Krystal (2936006) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 0.987917Haira Lee Hera (3075362) F Absolute 282 ROT 277-281 5.27Haira Lissa Mary (3264152) Absolute 20 WAR 148-153 1.3175Haira Marina Helen (3264154) Absolute 20 WAR 148-153 1.3175Haira Pipiana (2676133) F Absolute 23.72Haira Rihara (2936009) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 0.987916Haira Rihari Eru (3264155) Absolute 20 WAR 148-153 1.3175Haira Ruihi (2676230) Absolute 239 ROT 27 10.54Haira Stephenie (3012701) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 0.987916Haira Taua (2936438) M Absolute 252 ROT 365-368 2.108Haira Veivers (2935991) Absolute 252 ROT 247-249 3.951667Haira Whanau Ki Wairarapa Whanau Trust (122010) Absolute 239 AOT 59-83 10.54 - Haira Bruce Hamiora Responsible Trustee 239 AOT 59-83 - Haira Marie Delicia Responsible Trustee 239 AOT 59-83 - Haira Patrick Richard Ngakaho Responsible Trustee 239 AOT 59-83

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:40 AM Page 14 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares - Haira Pirihira Maria Responsible Trustee 239 AOT 59-83 - Hollings Mihirangi Moeroa Responsible Trustee 239 AOT 59-83Hall Andrew (2675648) M Absolute 68 TPO 228 1Hall Andrew (2975158) Absolute 162 NA139-141 0.1393334Hall John (2675876) M Absolute 68 TPO 228 1Hall John (2975159) Absolute 162 NA139-141 0.1393333Hall Mary (2963811) Deceased 255 ROT 86-91 1.3933333Hall Nikki (3218253) F Absolute 333 ROT 220 - 225 0.8783333Hall Thomas (3218255) M Absolute 333 ROT 220 - 225 0.8783333Hall-Durie Donna (3218239) F Absolute 333 ROT 220 - 225 1.7566667Hallett Marina (2675987) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.98Hallett Pamela (2676085) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.98Hallett Patricia (2676094) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.99Hallett Patricia PuaaterangiHallett Peter (2676122) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.98Hallett Yvonne (2676355) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.98Hamilton Harry (3185287) M Absolute 308 ROT 266-270 0.0728571Hamilton Kimiora (3185292) F Absolute 308 ROT 266-270 0.0728572Hamilton Te Konui (3185288) M Absolute 308 ROT 266-270 0.0728571Handcock Kathleen Awetoroa (3104830) F Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597916Hansen Elizabeth Rose (2675730) F Absolute 3 AK (Taitokerau) 103 11.58Hape Marlene Merepeka (3163498) F Absolute 83 TPO 285-287 1.81Hape Patricia Maata (3163505) F Absolute 83 TPO 285-287 1.81Hapi Albert (2675635) M Absolute 199 ROT 83 22.96Hapi Connie (2675706) F Absolute 66 TPO 52-53 2.87Hapi Gilbert Waaka (3244938) M Absolute 7 WAR 147-150 4.74Hapi Hari (2675784) F Absolute 66 TPO 52-53 2.88Wawatai (Mrs) HariHapi Isabel Hinekatorangi (2675862) F Absolute 223 ROT 15 12.04Hapi Kahu Jack (2675894) M Absolute 223 ROT 15 12.03Hapi Kevin Kemara (3244935) M Absolute 7 WAR 147-150 4.73Hapi Kylie (3281781) Absolute 106 WAR 276-278 0.7175Hapi Manuel Henry (3244937) M Absolute 7 WAR 147-150 4.73Hapi Mathew (2676008) M Absolute 66 TPO 52-53 2.87Hapi Matthew (3281780) Absolute 106 WAR 276-278 0.7175Hapi Millie (2676028) F Absolute 66 TPO 52-53 2.87Frances (Mrs) MillieHapi Natasha (3281782) Absolute 106 WAR 276-278 0.7175

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:40 AM Page 15 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesHapi Patrick (2676099) M Absolute 223 ROT 15 12.04Hapi Raima Leslie (3244940) M Life Interest until Remarriage 7 WAR 147-150 4.73 - Hapi Tracey Leigh F Remainder 7 WAR 147-150 - Hapi Kim Horiana F Remainder 7 WAR 147-150 - Hapi Kevin Te Ngaha F Remainder 7 WAR 147-150Hapi Shaun (3281783) Absolute 106 WAR 276-278 0.7175Hare Anna Raukawa (2675654) F Absolute 223 ROT 15 12.04Harris Hoana (2675830) F Absolute 245 ROT 153-154 4.74Harris Tracey Huia (3166199) F Absolute 298 ROT 262-265 0.1816667Harris-Ratima Whanau Trust (134930) Absolute 205 NA 16-19, 25 TKT 173-174 11.813 - Harris Lucy Miriam Responsible Trustee 205 NA 16-19Hathaway Nellie (3281127) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Hawkins Edward Neri (2675725) M Absolute 208 ROT 100 7.71Hawkins Edward Neri (3328239) M Absolute 96 WAR 222-228 1.54Hawkins Mere (2676017) F Absolute 208 ROT 100 7.71Hawkins Raymond William (2676192) M Absolute 208 ROT 100 7.71Hawkins Thomas Edward (2676289) M Absolute 208 ROT 100 7.71Hay Carol Karawhira (3186196) F Absolute 309 ROT 64 - 68 14.185Hay Colin Te Uaki (3261696) M Absolute 70 WAR 120-121 1.415Hay Denver Raureti (3261699) M Absolute 70 WAR 120-121 1.415Hay Lisa Marie (3191578) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954545Hay Maria Karen (3191571) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954545Hay Marlene Hinewai Francis (3191572) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954545Hay Maxine Margaret (3191573) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954546Hay Peter Cameron (3191570) M Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954545Hay Raureti Denver (2676190) Absolute 67 TPO 73-74 5.67Hay Te Uaki Colin (2676315) Absolute 67 TPO 73-74 5.67Healey (jnr) Michael Te Rahui O Te Rangi (3107397) M Absolute 83 TPO 216-228 0.01Healey Clint Myron Reihana Te Aonui (3107399) M Absolute 83 TPO 216-228 0.01Healey Myles David Rawiri (3107394) M Absolute 83 TPO 216-228 0.01Healey Natalie Ruth Paretiti Ngamotu (3107395) F Absolute 83 TPO 216-228 0.01Healey Raymond Henry (3107396) M Absolute 83 TPO 216-228 0.01Healey Ryco Quovardis (3107398) M Absolute 83 TPO 216-228 0.01Heke Puateiria Mary (2992812) Absolute 75 TPO 48 1Hema Angela Tui Hema (3281429) F Absolute 11 TKT 51-54 2.01916Debique Angela Tui Hema

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:41 AM Page 16 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesHema Julie Hema (3281428) F Absolute 11 TKT 51-54 2.01916Hema Phillip Arapeta Hema (3281425) M Absolute 11 TKT 51-54 2.01916Hemahema Hare (2675783) M Absolute 14.16Hori HareHemopo Carol (3349512) F Absolute 128 WAR 253-259, 130 WAR 114-115 0.1741Hemopo Donna Marie (3375839) Absolute 170 WAR 83-86 1Henry Baker Estate Trust (59572) Absolute 154 NA 141-142 15.48 - Baker Marire Responsible Trustee 154 NA 141-142 - Baker Mason Responsible Trustee 154 NA 141-142 - Baker Nigel Responsible Trustee 154 NA 141-142Henry Northcroft Whanau Trust (63429) Absolute 252 ROT 354-356 64.29 - Grant June Airini Responsible Trustee 252 ROT 354-356 - Northcroft Jill Hinemoa Responsible Trustee 252 ROT 354-356 - Northcroft Ridgley Aonui Responsible Trustee 252 ROT 354-356 - Northcroft Vicki Makereti Responsible Trustee 252 ROT 354-356Hibbs Hiria Merlene (2675829) Absolute 67 TPO 73-74 5.67Hibbs Merlene Hihiria (3261697) F Absolute 70 WAR 120-121 1.415Hickey Elizabeth Jane (3166099) F Absolute 296 ROT 247-249 1.1666667Hickey Paula Anna (3373468) Absolute 161 WAR 215-217 1.1666667Hiha Frances Isobel (3104832) F Absolute 25 NE 157 1.4597916Hiini Edwina Kataraina (3367725) Absolute 157 WAR 274-282 0.1685717Hiini Frances Ripeka (3367726) Absolute 157 WAR 274-282 0.1685716Hiini Maria Jane (2993453) F Absolute 69 TRW 144-150 0.05619055Wallis Maria JaneHiini Raymond (2137301) Absolute 283 ROT 108-110 0.0481634Hiini Sydney Te Awhitu (2993454) M Absolute 69 TRW 144-150 0.05619055Hiini Wairata Frances (2993448) F Absolute 69 TRW 144-150 0.05619055Hiini Francis WairataHiki Mac Joseph (2675960) M Absolute 208 ROT 57, 5 REG 282 3.5Hickey Mac JosephHiki Martin Tuterangi (2675997) M Absolute 208 ROT 57, 5 REG 282 3.49Hiki Tai (2676259) M Absolute 57 TPO 110 17.49Hiki Terrence Peter (2676279) M Absolute 208 ROT 57, 5 REG 282 3.49Hill Jeffrey Owen Ihaka (3022376) M Absolute 62 WAR 141-142 3.44Hill Keith William B (3022377) M Absolute 62 WAR 141-142 3.44Hill Murray George (3022375) M Absolute 62 WAR 141-142 3.44Hinaki Kura (2675931) F Absolute 3.21Ruki (Mrs) KuraHinaki Rihara (2676204) M Absolute 10.22Hinetemoa Tawhai Whanau Trust (98739) Absolute 85 TPO 46-50 109.76

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:41 AM Page 17 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares - Heke Puateiria Mary Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 46-50 - Tawhai Gail Yvonne Bernadine Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 46-50 - Tawhai Michael Roy Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 46-50Hira Yvonne (1751628) F Life Interest until Remarriage 136 W 157-160 2.89 - Hira Mathew Tupaki M Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7 - Hira Te Ao Hou Maraea F Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7 - Hira Samson M Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7 - Apihai Shelene F Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7 - Apihai Peter Ramahara M Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7 - Vaoga Joalleen Frances F Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7 - Hira Cheryl-Lee F Remainder 136 W 157-160 1/7Hiraina Whanau Trust (138576) Absolute 19 TKT 64-66 61.19 - Bartlett Karen Lee Responsible Trustee 19 TKT 64-66 - Fincham Ernestine Responsible Trustee 19 TKT 64-66 - Hopkinson Michelle Lynette Responsible Trustee 19 TKT 64-66Hohepa Annette Rakapa (Chase) (3208559) F Absolute 311 AOT 163-168 0.05Hohepa Annette Rakapa (Chase) (3208559) F Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Holland Teresa Maria (3023777) F Absolute 81 TPO 286-287 1.8211111Holland Teresa Maria (3023777) F Absolute 76 TPO 181-182 1.3116666Holland Teresa Maria (3023777) F Absolute 181 WAR 196-200 0.62655556Hooker Kia Maia (2675922) F Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Horahanga Aneta (2675650) F Absolute 4.67Horahanga Mere Rukuroa (2676019) F Absolute 4.67Horahanga Whaea (2676340) F Absolute 4.67Hori Whiu Whanau Trust (115768) Absolute 237 AOT 120-128 1.5665 - Whiu Susan Responsible Trustee 237 AOT 120-128Horohanga Ihaia (2675846) M Absolute 4.67Hotene Anaha Whanau Trust (149973) Absolute 42 TWP 202-216 5.27 - Burgess Noi Manahi Responsible Trustee 42 TWP 202-216 - Haira Julian Waratini Responsible Trustee 42 TWP 202-216 - Haira Leonard Ruhi Responsible Trustee 42 TWP 202-216 - Haire-Ngatai Anu Maxine Responsible Trustee 42 TWP 202-216Houia Katherine Mary (3172585) F Absolute 9 TRW 110-111 4.6173333Houia Kathleen (3358585) F Absolute 140 WAR 209-214 0.5771666Howe Maria (2675985) F Absolute 67 TPO 262-264 0.36Howe Maria (2963826) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.0918682

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:41 AM Page 18 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesHowe Maria Ngahuia (2111143) F Absolute 90 WAR 201-203 5.93Hunia Danny Kopae (2675708) M Absolute 199 ROT 284 7.56Hunia Hirani (2675828) F Absolute 67 TPO 262-264 0.36Hunia Hirani (2963828) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.0918682Hunia Hirani Christina (2111144) F Absolute 90 WAR 201-203 5.93Hunia Nepa (2676053) M Absolute 93.99Hunia Ramari Moana (3261447) F Absolute 17 WAR 219-226 16.19Hunt Harata (2675782) Absolute 131 NA (Takitimu) 196-198 3.99Hunter Brenda (2675688) F Absolute 221 ROT 252, 7 REG 77 5.47Hunter Dorothea (2675722) F Absolute 221 ROT 252, 7 REG 77 5.46Hunter George Elliot (2675754) M Absolute 221 ROT 252, 7 REG 77 5.46Hunter Moss (2676044) M Absolute 221 ROT 252, 7 REG 77 5.47Hunuhunu Hone (2675836) M Absolute 16.67Hurae Leah Te Aroha (3191575) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954546Hurae Marcia Faith (3191574) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954546Hurae Richard Tuatangata (3191576) M Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954546Hurae Tamara Jane (3191577) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954546Hyland Te Awhinia (2675673) F Absolute 78 WHK 167 14.57Ihaia Dorothy (3064176) F Life Interest until Remarriage 104 SI 130-132, 25 NE 127 9.57 - Ihaia WHANAU TRUST Remainder 104 SI 130-132, 25 NE 127Ihaia George (2963810) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 1.3933333Ihaia George (2974434) Absolute 162 NA139-141 0.2786667Ihaia Irihapeti Elizabeth (2675855) F Absolute 245 ROT 153-154 4.74Ihaia Kerehitina (2675920) F Absolute 9.57Ihaia Te Taura (2676273) M Absolute 25.08Rapata Te TauruIhaka Papakore Piripi (2676088) F Absolute 26.98Piripi PapakoreIrving Meri Wakiterangi Tupuivao (3345643) Absolute 60 TKT 161-169 0.3Isaacs Alissa Merrylee Eve (3031467) F Absolute 170 NA 60-63 5.39666Isaacs Anton Earle Sean (3031466) M Absolute 170 NA 60-63 5.39667Isaacs Hohepa Hinerau (2675832) M Absolute 126 NA (Takitimu) 75-76 16.2Isaacs Thomas Karaitiana (2676290) M Absolute 126 NA (Takitimu) 75-76 16.19Isaacs Vaughn Hinerau (2676317) M Absolute 147 NA (Takitimu) 158-159 8.09J.R.S Whanau Trust (141812) Absolute 20 TKT 261-267 2.19 - Staples Morris Munro Responsible Trustee 20 TKT 261-267Jack Stephanie Victoria Anne (2676254) F Absolute 68 TPO 188-189 7.71

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:42 AM Page 19 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesJacob Hapi Whanau Trust (70692) Absolute 5 WH(S) 50 & 120 2.87 - Hapi David Responsible Trustee 5 WH(S) 50 & 120 - Hapi Richard Responsible Trustee 5 WH(S) 50 & 120 - Marsters Judith Responsible Trustee 5 WH(S) 50 & 120Janet Mereana Hurae WHANAU TRUST (51548) Absolute 70 TPO 54 3.21 - Williams Bertha Responsible Trustee - Williams Ra Hurae Responsible TrusteeJanuary Gloria (2675763) F Absolute 67 TPO 133-134 1.63Jensen Nancy (2676049) F Absolute 10.01John Stebbing Whanau Trust (69513) Absolute 74 TPO 279-280 5.925 - Stebbing John Peter Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280 - Stebbing Patricia Lee Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280 - Stebbing Rachel Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280John Stebbing Whanau Trust (69513) Absolute 274 ROT 183-184 2.555 - Stebbing John Peter Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280 - Stebbing Patricia Lee Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280 - Stebbing Rachel Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280John Stebbing Whanau Trust (69513) Absolute 74 TPO 279-280 2.37 - Stebbing John Peter Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280 - Stebbing Patricia Lee Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280 - Stebbing Rachel Responsible Trustee 74 TPO 279-280John William Hopa Kelly Whanau Trust (74290) Absolute 101 WHK 179-181 14.57 - Kelly John William Hopa Responsible Trustee 101 WHK 179-181 - Niao Donalda Waana Manuera Responsible Trustee 101 WHK 179-181Jonathan Tania Marie (3296368) F Absolute 13 TWP 169-172 20.02Joseph and Julie Habib Whanau Trust (100981) Absolute 85 TPO 265-272 0.51 - Ellis Cynthia Mary Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 265-272 - Habib Angeline Herapeka Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 265-272 - Habib Justin Responsible Trustee 80 WAR 120-122 - Habib Ora Lizette Responsible Trustee 92 WAR 137-139 - Habib (Snr) Joseph Thomson Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 265-272Joseph and Julie Habib Whanau Trust (100981) Absolute 85 TPO 265-272 4.06 - Ellis Cynthia Mary Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 265-272 - Habib Angeline Herapeka Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 265-272 - Habib Justin Responsible Trustee 80 WAR 120-122 - Habib Ora Lizette Responsible Trustee 92 WAR 137-139 - Habib (Snr) Joseph Thomson Responsible Trustee 85 TPO 265-272

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:42 AM Page 20 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesJoseph Edward Haira Whanau Trust (74982) Absolute 159 Gis 140-145 2.108 - Haira Joseph Edward Responsible Trustee 159 GIS 140-145 - Haira Shelley Retihia Marie Responsible Trustee 159 GIS 140-145 - Haira Tammy Heneriata Teresa Responsible Trustee 159 GIS 140-145Kahn Amanullah (2675642) M Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Kahn Amir (2675643) M Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Kahn Betty (2675683) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Marcroft (Mrs) BettyKahn Ethel Rose (2675745) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62McNiel (Mrs) Ethel RoseKahn Hine Daphne (2675814) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Haehae Hine DaphneKahn Joseph (2675887) M Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Kahn Mohammad Firoz (2676036) M Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Kahn Moriam Begum (2676043) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Shariff Moriam BegumKahn Ronald (2676217) M Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Kahn Sadiz (2676234) M Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Kahn Veronica (2676319) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319 0.62McQuade (Mrs) VeronicaKahn Zenib Cecilia (2676357) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 0.62Morrison Zenib CeciliaKahui Mamae Whanau Trust (63673) Absolute 73 TPO 70 28.34 - Baker Hiria Wikitoria Advisory Trustee 73 TPO 70 - Gordine Mervyn Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 70 - Kapu Emma Mamae Advisory Trustee 73 TPO 70 - Wallace Albert Hammond Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 70 - Wallace Andrew Anderson Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 70 - Williams Barbara Joan Advisory Trustee 73 TPO 70Kahukiwa Maria (2675986) F Absolute 221 ROT 57, 64 TPO 38 7.47Kahurangi Hingaia (2675825) F Absolute 54 TPO 235-236 27.88Kahurangi Materoa (2676006) F Absolute 54 TPO 235 27.88Reweti MateroaKahurangi Paenga (3034695) Absolute 272 ROT 67-69 1.82Kahurangi Pene (2676119) F Absolute 54 TPO 235-236 27.88Wall PeneKaio Gina (3281453) Absolute 319 AOT 88-95 1.211Kaiwai Frances Mary (2392577) F Absolute 73 TPO 112-113 2.39Kaiwai Frances Mary (2675748) F Absolute 129 GIS (Tairawhiti) 260-261 0.98Kaiwai Hinga Dean (2392805) M Absolute 129 GIS (Tairawhiti) 260-261 0.98Kaiwai Hinga Dean (2392805) M Absolute 73 TPO 112-113 2.39Kaiwai Mihitai Riria (2393494) F Absolute 73 TPO 112-113 2.39Kaiwai Mihitai Riria (2676027) F Absolute 129 GIS (Tairawhiti) 260-261 0.98Keen (Mrs) Mihitai Riria

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:42 AM Page 21 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesKaiwai Ngahuia (3264534) M Absolute 73 TPO 112-113 2.39Kaiwai Ngahuia (3264534) M Absolute 129 GIS (Tairawhiti) 260-261 0.98Kaiwai Shona Lavinia (2394164) F Absolute 73 TPO 112-113 2.39Kaiwai Shona Lavinia (2676245) F Absolute 129 GIS (Tairawhiti) 260-261 0.99Kapa Merle Miriama (3326925) Absolute 75 TTK 97-100 7.285Kapa Ngahuia Yvonne (3326924) Absolute 75 TTK 97-100 7.285Goldswain Ngahuia YvonneKape Marama (2675976) F Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 11.57Kaperiere Oriwa (2676074) F Absolute 71.74Kapoor Erina Marara (3166098) F Absolute 296 ROT 247-249 1.1666666Kapu Seymour Whanau Trust (84038) Absolute 82 TPO 77 - 79 16.29 - Putere Temu Responsible Trustee 82 TPO 77 - 79 - Thom Mary Anne Responsible Trustee 82 TPO 77 - 79Kapua Hiraina (3348357) F Absolute 126 WAR 209-214; 128 WAR 102-103 3.66625Karanga Awhi WHANAU TRUST (51549) Absolute 67 TPO 184-185 38.57Karanga Awhi Whanau Trust (64085) Absolute 168 NA 190-191 1.549 - Gillies Mei Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft Charlie Responsible Trustee 240 ROT 149-150 - Northcroft Ernest Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft Ivan Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft Tom Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft William Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Robin Martha Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185Karanga Awhi Whanau Trust (64085) Absolute 184 NA 177 1.549 - Gillies Mei Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft Charlie Responsible Trustee 240 ROT 149-150 - Northcroft Ernest Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft Ivan Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft Tom Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Northcroft William Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185 - Robin Martha Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 184-185Katene Andrew (3034699) Absolute 272 ROT 67-69 1.82Katene Eden (3034694) Absolute 272 ROT 67-69 1.82Katene Gina (3034697) Absolute 272 ROT 67-69 1.82Katene Jessica (3034696) Absolute 272 ROT 67-69 1.82Katene Kahuwaero (2963817) F Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Katene Kahuwaero Chase (2963817) F Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 41.53

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:42 AM Page 22 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesKatene Makarena (2403437) F Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 22.2225Kaukau Michael Reti (2980943) M Absolute 259 Rot 246-248 0.07224Kaukau Michael Reti (2980943) M Absolute 301 ROT 181-188 0.0120408Kaukau Poata Erekana (2980941) M Absolute 301 ROT 181-188 0.0120409Kaukau Poata Erekana (2980941) M Absolute 259 Rot 246-248 0.07225Kelly Ani (2675653) F Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Kemp Laurence (3034698) Absolute 272 ROT 67-69 1.82Keni Garmonsway WHANAU TRUST (63407) Absolute 73 TPO 68-69, 95 114.4 - Garmonsway Ken Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 68-69, 95 - Garmonsway Sonny Moihana Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 68-69, 95 - Garmonsway Wehe Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 68-69, 95 - Garmonsway Willie Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 68-69, 95 - Harrison Mere Mateti Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 68-69, 95 - Paul Nanette Responsible Trustee 73 TPO 68-69, 95Kennedy Tania Carrie (3191579) F Absolute 85 TPO 292-293 3.9954545Kenny Marcia Marcillian (3234929) F Absolute 26 TWP 253-255 0.37Kepa Hiini Whanau Trust (123853) Absolute 26 WAR 62-77 0.3371433 - Hiini Kepa Kore Erekana Responsible Trustee 26 WAR 62-77 - Hiini Maata Kauki te Rangi Responsible Trustee 26 WAR 62-77 - Tolley Mary Merepatene Responsible Trustee 26 WAR 62-77 - Warmington Manu Kauki te Rangi Responsible Trustee 26 WAR 62-77Kereama Arapine (2675659) F Absolute 224.08Raimona ArapineKerema Rangitautaua (2676187) M Absolute 224.08Keremeta Keremeta (2675921) M Absolute 20.04Kereopa Ira (2675852) F Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.61Khan (Mrs Marcroft) Betty (3111474) F Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.7094231Khan (Mrs Quade) Veronica (3111476) F Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.7094231Khan Amir (2230726) M Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.7094231Khan Betty Alice (3344175) F Life Interest until Remarriage 117 WAR 249-255 1.709423 - Khan Joseph Ronald M Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7 - Waiariki Betty Turi F Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7 - Khan Hine Martha F Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7 - Khan Joyleen Beth F Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7 - Khan Robert Wikaraka M Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7 - Khan Annette Maria F Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7 - Blackwell Denise Rawinia F Remainder 117 WAR 249-255 1/7

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:42 AM Page 23 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesKhan Marilyn Materina (3296501) Life Interest until Remarriage 65 WAR 142-145 1.7094231 - Khan Paul James M Remainder 65 WAR 142-145 1/4 - Gawith Marilyn Materina F Remainder 65 WAR 142-145 1/4 - Haira Nichola Tressa F Remainder 65 WAR 142-145 1/4 - Khan Janina Louise Ahumai F Remainder 65 WAR 142-145 1/4Khan Mohammad Firoz (2393534) Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.7094231Khan Ronald (2231070) M Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.709423Khan Sadiz (2394121) M Absolute 82 TPO 197-198 1.7094231Kiel Aaron (2966707) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9Kiel Deidre (2966711) F Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9Kiel Gino (2966715) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9Kiel Hori (2966708) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9Kiel Richard (2966701) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.89Kiel Ronald (2966713) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9Kiel Shane (2966706) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.89Kiel Ullysias (2966712) M Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9King Eric Fredrick (2675740) M Absolute 183 ROT 333 81.96Kingi Duncan (3163504) M Absolute 83 TPO 285-287 1.81Seymour DuncanKirikau Francis (311340) M Absolute 75 TPO 32-34 0.225Kirikau Francis (311340) M Absolute 50 AOT (Aotea) 1-2 0.89Kirikau Hatu (2675790) Deceased 50 AOT (Aotea) 1-2 0.9Kirikau Hatu (2992854) Absolute 75 TPO 32-34 0.225Kirikau Katipo (2675915) M Absolute 54 TPO 218 6.01Kirikau Katipo (3084238) M Absolute 80 TPO 111-115 & 80 TPO 65-70 0.75125Kirikau Katipo Taite (3199725) M Life Interest until Remarriage 86 TPO 107 - 111 0.0728571 - Kirikau James Kepa Stacey M Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7 - Kirikau Moana Hutita F Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7 - Kirikau Tunisia Teresa F Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7 - Kirikau Peter Taite M Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7 - Kirikau Te Ringa F Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7 - Kirikau Hepetema M Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7 - Kirikau Ewa - Uatuku M Remainder 86 TPO 107 - 111 1/7Kirikau Oscar (2676075) M Absolute 54 TPO 218 6.01Kirikau Oscar (3084241) M Absolute 80 TPO 111-115 & 80 TPO 65-70 0.75125Kirikau Raywen Mere Taite (2676194) F Absolute 54 TPO 218 6.01

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:43 AM Page 24 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesKirikau Raywen Mere Taite (3084240) F Absolute 80 TPO 111-115 & 80 TPO 65-70 0.75125Kirikau Sid Te Aroha (3084239) M Absolute 80 TPO 111-115 & 80 TPO 65-70 0.75125Kirikau Stacey Te Aroha (3084231) F Absolute 80 TPO 111-115 & 80 TPO 65-70 0.75125Kirikau Stacey Te Aroha (3084231) F Absolute 80 TPO 75-80 6.01Kirikau Te Aroha (2675665) M Absolute 54 TPO 218 12.04Kirita Walker Whanau Trust (43206) Absolute 176 NA 291-292 56.37 - Hunter Kirita Elizabeth Responsible Trustee 155 Napier 162-4 - Walker Bernadette Te Owira Responsible Trustee 155 Napier 162-4 - Walker Hinemoa Responsible Trustee 155 Napier 162-4Kirkbride Deborah Kim (3092292) F Absolute 10 REG 78-79 11.575Koko Desmond Dominique (3023782) M Absolute 181 WAR 196-200 0.62655556Koko Desmond Dominique (3023782) M Absolute 76 TPO 181-182 1.3116667Koko Desmond Dominique (3023782) M Absolute 81 TPO 286-287 1.8211111Koko James Chanel (3023779) M Absolute 76 TPO 181-182 1.3116667Koko James Chanel (3023779) M Absolute 81 TPO 286-287 1.8211111Koko James Chanel (3023779) M Absolute 181 WAR 196-200 0.62655556Koko Marewa May (318542) F Absolute 81 TPO 286-287 10.9266667Koko Marewa May (2675979) F Absolute 144 NA (Takitimu) 78-79 7.86Koko Mavis Arian Bernadette (3383486) Absolute 181 WAR 196-200 0.62655556Koko Shane Patrick (3023780) M Absolute 181 WAR 196-200 0.62655556Koko Shane Patrick (3023780) M Absolute 81 TPO 286-287 1.8211111Koko Shane Patrick (3023780) M Absolute 76 TPO 181-182 1.3116667Koko Teresa Josephine (3374166) F Absolute 169 WAR 36-41 0.5221296Koko Warren Hohepa (3374167) M Absolute 169 WAR 36-41 0.5221296Kora Peter Te Aurahi (2676126) M Absolute 6.56Koroheke Sylvia (2676258) F Absolute 1 AT(s) (Taitokerau) 369 28.39Thompson SylviaKumar Monica (548578) F Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 3.2440828Kupa (Snr) Mare (3247573) M Life Interest until Remarriage 46 TKT 12-19 1.549Kupa Snr Mare Reiharangi - Kupa (Jnr) Mare Reiharangi M Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7 - Kupa Furian Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7 - Kupa Hallam Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7 - Kupa-Elliot Daveen Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7 - Kupa Justin M Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7 - Kupa Melvia F Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7Kupa Natasha Melvia - Kupa Jnr Winifred Remainder 46 TKT 12-19 1/7

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:43 AM Page 25 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesKupa-White Rawaho Riley (3072912) M Absolute 108 SI 86 - 88 2.55Kupa-White Tamarau Reagan (3072913) M Absolute 108 SI 86 - 88 2.55Kuru and Mamae Whanau Trust (138210) Absolute 21 TKT 226-229 27.88 - Nuku Mamae Nan Kahurangi Responsible Trustee 21 TKT 226-229 - Nuku Mariana (Tiny) Responsible Trustee 21 TKT 226-229 - Nuku Melanie Responsible Trustee 21 TKT 226-229 - Nuku Pauline Te Amaru Responsible Trustee 21 TKT 226-229Le Comte Arthur Lawrence (3349709) M Absolute 128 WAR 291-296 0.527Le Comte Diana Leigh (3349710) F Absolute 128 WAR 291-296 0.527Le Comte Edward James (3379561) Absolute 182 WAR 209-214 1.054Le Comte Michael John (3349711) M Absolute 128 WAR 291-296 0.527Le Comte Robert James (3349712) M Absolute 128 WAR 291-296 0.527Le Comte Robin Daniell (3379560) Absolute 182 WAR 209-214 1.054Leef Donna Marie (3166198) F Absolute 298 ROT 262-265 0.1816667Leslie Habib WHANAU TRUST (51550) Absolute 66 TPO 245 69.25Leslie Leigh Pihere Kaitiaki Trust (148721) Absolute 129 WAR 178-194 0.0325189 - Ngamotu Lee Rangi Responsible Trustee 129 WAR 178-194 - Ngamotu Susan Marie Responsible Trustee 129 WAR 178-194 - Pihere Leslie Leigh Minor 129 WAR 178-194Leslie Leigh Pihere Kaitiaki Trust (148721) Absolute 129 WAR 178-194 0.3577083 - Ngamotu Lee Rangi Responsible Trustee 129 WAR 178-194 - Ngamotu Susan Marie Responsible Trustee 129 WAR 178-194 - Pihere Leslie Leigh Minor 129 WAR 178-194Lewis Adrienne Rose Te Wakatahurangi (3338312) F Life Interest until Remarriage 326 AOT 27-32 7.2425 - Wallace Rosemary Rau Oriwa F Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/3 - Hutcheon Sophie Te Paea F Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/3 - Lewis Daphne Noelen May F Sub Life Interest until

    Remarriage326 AOT 27-32 1/3

    - Betham Wendy May F Sub Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/4 - Lewis Clinton George M Sub Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/4 - Moynihan Tina Maria F Sub Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/4 - Lewis Natalie Ann F Sub Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/8 - Lewis Cleo Daphne May F Sub Remainder 326 AOT 27-32 1/8Lewis Clinton George (3023450) M Absolute 43 TTK 48-55 1.8106Lewis ClintonLewis Gilbert Ihaka (3012347) M Absolute 81 TPO 158-161 0.7154166Lewis Gilbert Ihaka (3351405) M Absolute 129 WAR 178-194 0.0650379

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:43 AM Page 26 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesLewis Natalie Ann (3023452) F Absolute 43 TTK 48-55 1.8106Lewis NatalieLewis Patricia Ropohina (3012346) F Absolute 81 TPO 158-161 0.7154166Lewis Patricia Ropohina (3351404) F Absolute 129 WAR 178-194 0.0650379Lewis Sophie (566328) F Absolute 43 TTK 48-55 7.2425Hutcheon Sophie Te PaeaLoughlin Rakapa (2676166) F Absolute 67 TPO 163 0.51Lucy Ketura McKenzie Whanau Trust (148813) Absolute 46 TKT 32-44 13.24 - McKenzie Jeannette Responsible Trustee 46 TKT 32-44 - McKenzie Rebecca Ngarangi Maree Responsible Trustee 46 TKT 32-44 - McKenzie Riki Tawhai Duncan Responsible Trustee 46 TKT 32-44Lynne Kihi Whanau Trust (83998) Absolute 181 NA 270-275 7.979 - Kihi Brandon Rydell Responsible Trustee 181 NA 270-275 - Kihi Edward Responsible Trustee 181 NA 270-275 - Kihi Lynne Responsible Trustee 181 NA 270-275Macfarlane Susan Margaret (3051366) F Absolute 278 ROT 276-279 1.3128571Mackie Theresa Rangimarama (2676287) F Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Maedawn and Akuhata Morrison WHANAU TRUST (69083) Absolute 259 ROT 98-100 9.1 - Morrison Bryce Bennett Kakuere Responsible Trustee 259 ROT 98-100 - Parker Christina Dawn Leigh Responsible Trustee 259 ROT 98-100Mahara Joseph (3319292) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 1.081361Mahara Joseph Henry Arthur Norris (3347313) M Absolute 92 WMN 216-219 0.02Mahara Marion Arahia (3347311) F Absolute 92 WMN 216-219 0.01Mahara Maryann (3319291) F Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 1.081361Mahara Phillip (3319290) M Absolute 314 AOT 68-73 1.081361Mahara Phillip Peter (3347312) M Absolute 92 WMN 216-219 0.01Mahinarangi Whanau Trust (147538) Absolute 105 WAR 73-82 11.24 - Stewart Jackson James Tama Responsible Trustee 105 WAR 73-82 - Stewart Matarena Anne Responsible Trustee 105 WAR 73-82Maika Frank Himepiri Taimona Wairangi (3374169) Absolute 159 WAR 277-285 0.134857Makitonore Turuki (2676313) F Absolute 496.19Malia Mable Wikatene Setefano Kaitiaki Trust (150399) Absolute 381 AOT 195-200 2.62 - Setefano Lui Melesio Responsible Trustee 381 AOT 195-200 - Setefano Malia Mable Wikatene F Minor 381 AOT 195-200Manaia Harata Irving Kaitiaki Trust (150985) Absolute 60 TKT 161-169 0.29 - Clarke Thomas Ellis Responsible Trustee 60 TKT 161-169 - Irving Meri Wakiterangi Tupuivao Responsible Trustee 60 TKT 161-169 - Irving Manaia Harata F Minor 60 TKT 161-169

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    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesMane Tatare Trust (139533) Absolute 53 WAR 203-212 26.96 - Tatare David Oswald Responsible Trustee 53 WAR 203-212 - Tatare Linda Fay Responsible Trustee 53 WAR 203-212 - Tatare Martin Leonard Responsible Trustee 53 WAR 203-212 - Tatare Rawinia Phillippa Responsible Trustee 53 WAR 203-212Mangu Matthews Whanau Trust (91038) Absolute 188 NA 81-83 3.371667 - Matthews Diane Responsible Trustee 183 NA 294-298 - Matthews Jorienne Responsible Trustee 183 NA 294-298 - Matthews Myda Responsible Trustee 183 NA 294-298Maniapoto Ngamotu (2676060) M Absolute 100Manihera Allan Joseph (2675640) M Absolute 0.46Manihera Dulcie (2675724) F Absolute 0.47Manihera Frederick William (2675751) M Absolute 0.47Manihera George (2675757) M Absolute 0.47Manihera Guy Arthur (2675766) M Absolute 0.47Manihera II Tukariri (2676310) M Absolute 0.47Manihera Jessie (2675873) F Absolute 0.47Manihera Josephine May (2675890) F Absolute 0.47Manihera Kataraina Kiti (2675905) F Absolute 0.47Manihera Kathleen Agnes (2675909) F Absolute 0.47Manihera Makoare (2675965) M Absolute 0.47Manihera Martha Elizabeth (2675994) F Absolute 0.46Manihera Noel Kiwi (2676065) M Absolute 30.47Mansell NoelManihera Puau Ngareta (2676142) F Absolute 0.47Manihera Taiwhakarere (2676262) M Absolute 37.5Manihera Witimoa (2676354) M Absolute 0.47Manino Ann Clarke Kaitiaki Trust (85979) Absolute 82 TPO 181-189 0.0925 - Tupuivao-Clarke Eraita Nohopapa Serena Ann Responsible Trustee 82 TPO 181-189Manning Javarn (3213746) M Absolute 133 W 49-51 0.8008Manning Jordan (3208967) M Absolute 133 W 49-51 0.8008Manning Kylie (3208965) F Absolute 133 W 49-51 0.8008Manning Maree Lisa Charlotte (3213747) F Absolute 133 W 49-51 0.8008Manning Tatum (3208966) F Absolute 133 W 49-51 0.8008Manukau Kopua Kanapanapa Chase Heke (2963833) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.6430769Manukau-Apihai Sarah (3344013) F Life Interest until Remarriage 102 TTK 249-254 2.89

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:44 AM Page 28 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio Shares

    - Apihai Gregory M Remainder 102 TTK 249-254 1/3 - Joyce Helen F Remainder 102 TTK 249-254 1/3 - Parkes Jonah M Remainder 102 TTK 249-254 1/3Maori Trustee CONVERSION (2675974) Absolute 91Marino Mihi (2676026) F Absolute 67 TPO 262-264 0.37Marino Mihi (2963830) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 0.0918682Marino Mihi Hareta (2111147) F Absolute 90 WAR 201-203 5.93Marita-Ria Elizabeth Te Kahui (2675731) Absolute 221 ROT 107 43.95Marr Judy (2222744) F Absolute 348 ROT 1-5 8.535O'Brien JudyMarr Judy (3367190) F Absolute 156 WAR 227-229 1.66O'Brien JudyMarsh Jason Bodie (3295044) M Absolute 205 NA 16-19 6.75Marsh Jonelle Atareta (3218241) F Absolute 333 ROT 220 - 225 1.7566667Martin (Mrs) Desree Odette (2675719) Absolute 239 ROT 11, 7 REG 116 8.11Martin Betty (2675684) Absolute 8 REG 125, 239 ROT 40 5.02Martin Betty (2963805) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 1.672Martin Tracey (2676306) F Absolute 241 ROT 211-212 1.68Martin Wayne Ihaia (2676337) Absolute 8 REG 125, 239 ROT 40 5.01Martin Wayne Ihaia (2963807) Absolute 255 ROT 86-91 1.672Martyn Melissa Jane (3092291) F Absolute 10 REG 78-79 11.575Mason Cheryl Moana Marie (3163503) F Absolute 83 TPO 285-287 1.81Mason Karen (3281427) F Absolute 11 TKT 51-54 2.01916Mason Rachel (3163500) F Absolute 83 TPO 285-287 1.81Masters Ellen (2675732) F Absolute 199 ROT 248 1.09Matia Tutua Rutene Whanau Trust (103667) Absolute 86 TPO 102-106 4.1 - Rutene Matia Tutua Responsible Trustee 86 TPO 102-106 - Walker Faye Hinetemoa Responsible Trustee 86 TPO 102-106Matthews Aroha Sandra (3143274) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89Matthews Brenda Te Rehia (3143261) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 3.371666Matthews John Moana (3143263) M Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89Matthews Karen (2966714) F Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.89Matthews Kiwi Danielle (3143271) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89Matthews Matarehua (Monty) (3207297) M Absolute 188 NA 81-83 3.371667Matthews Peter (3143259) M Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89Matthews Rawinia Heather (3143254) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:44 AM Page 29 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesMatthews Rex (2676199) M Absolute 7 REG 135, 221 ROT 227 11.57Matthews Rose Reremorehu (3143258) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 3.371667Matthews Sandra Aroha (3143256) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89Matthews Te Aranga Pitiera (3143265) Absolute 188 NA 81-83 3.371666Matthews Tracey Hiraina (3143269) F Absolute 188 NA 81-83 2.89Maudie and Hiini Northcroft Whanau Trust (113066) Absolute 92 WAR 245-252 25.716 - Northcroft Anania Responsible Trustee 341 ROT 276-282 - Northcroft Lorraine Responsible Trustee 341 ROT 276-282 - Northcroft Paul Responsible Trustee 341 ROT 276-282Maurice Baker Whanau Trust (56454) Absolute 158 NA (Takitimu) 122-124 15.49 - Baker Barry William Responsible Trustee 156 NA 92-93 - Jury Pearl Patricia Responsible Trustee 156 NA 92-93Maynihan Tina Marie (3023451) F Absolute 43 TTK 48-55 1.8107Lewis TinaMcCarthy Agnes Amelia (2675633) F Absolute 210 ROT 330 22.97McClutchie Leona Georgina (3364269) Absolute 151 WAR 188-192 7.47McDonald Tracey Deana Maria (2676305) F Absolute 221 ROT 124, 6 REG 376 3.37McIlraith Rama Ingram Dansey (2676167) F Absolute 191 ROT 40-42 4.94McKenzie Jeannette (3353625) F Absolute 46 TKT 32-44 1McKenzie Kenneth Malcolm (3353628) M Absolute 46 TKT 32-44 1McKenzie Rebecca Ngarangi Maree (3353629) F Absolute 46 TKT 32-44 0.5McKenzie Riki Tawhai Duncan (3353623) M Absolute 46 TKT 32-44 1McLaughlan Joanne Hinemihi (2976123) F Absolute 8 REG 237-242 0.404571McLean Irihapeti Terina (2675857) F Absolute 65 TPO 84-85 3.37McLean Rongomai Laurence (2676219) M Absolute 65 TPO 84-85 3.38McLean Taiawhio (2676260) M Absolute 65 TPO 84-85 3.38McLean Victoria (3185290) F Absolute 308 ROT 266-270 0.0728572McLeod George Taupopoki (2980944) M Absolute 259 Rot 246-248 0.07224McLeod George Taupopoki (2980944) M Absolute 301 ROT 181-188 0.0120408McLeod Marsh Maihi (3157192) M Life Interest until Remarriage 298 ROT 126-133 0.3371434 - Herewini Heni Weronika F Remainder 298 ROT 126-133 1/6 - McLeod Marshall Kaiawha M Remainder 298 ROT 126-133 1/6 - McLeod Eric Wiari M Remainder 298 ROT 126-133 1/6 - McLeod Mark Taipari Daniel M Remainder 298 ROT 126-133 1/6 - Eparaima Hara Claire F Remainder 298 ROT 126-133 1/6 - McLeod George Taupopoki M Remainder 298 ROT 126-133 1/6

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:45 AM Page 30 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesMcQuarrie Beauty (2966710) F Absolute 220 ROT 230 0.9Merania and Te Oti Puke Chase Whanau Trust (49441) Absolute 46 WMN 10-23 25.5877 - Carrington Ngahuia Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 262-264 - Chase George Hape Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Chase Poihipi Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 262-264 - Chase Rob Rapata Te Wahawaha Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Chase Roger Responsible Trustee 67 TPO 262-264 - Chase Tamamutu Te Hiraka Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Chase-Heke-Manukau Ruihi Kopuakanapanapa Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Howe Maria Ngahuia Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Katene Kahuwaero Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Perich Robyne Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Purcell Hoki Chase Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23 - Reidy Melody Rachael Responsible Trustee 46 WMN 10-23Mere Jaudene Eden Tamati Kaitiaki Trust (90318) Kaitiaki Trustee 11 TKT 51-54 3.02876 - Tamati Sharron Anee Custodian Trustee 182 ROT 261-263Mihi Doreen Williams Whanau Trust (147976) Absolute 107 WAR 63-70 2.18625 - Poinga Te Hoko Moki Responsible Trustee 107 WAR 63-70 - Poinga Tuihana Minu Responsible Trustee 107 WAR 63-70 - Wharepapa Werihe Mark Responsible Trustee 107 WAR 63-70Mill Christian James (3023643) M Absolute 168 NA 136-138 7.745Mill Thomas (3023644) M Absolute 168 NA 136-138 7.745Miller Huihui Nola (3186197) F Absolute 309 ROT 64 - 68 14.185Miller Rona Priscilla (3091974) F Absolute 10 REG 84-85 14.97Miringaorangi Anaha (3111378) M Absolute 293 ROT 155-158 0.0577959Mita Makarena (2675962) F Absolute 54 TPO 318-319, 350 8.02Katene MakarenaModak Caroline Margaret (3166203) F Absolute 83 TPO 294-297 4.0425Moengaroa Valerie (3281124) Absolute 44 WAR 296-300 0.847Moke Adrian Christopher (2087142) M Absolute 87 AOT 218-220 1.838Moke David Patrick (2087152) M Absolute 87 AOT 218-220 1.838Moke Milly (3119015) F Life Interest until Remarriage 162 AOT 91-96 9.18 - Moke Ngaire F Remainder 162 AOT 91-96 - Moke Monica F Remainder 162 AOT 91-96 - Moke Peter M Remainder 162 AOT 91-96 - Moke Nathan M Remainder 162 AOT 91-96 - Moke Awhi F Remainder 162 AOT 91-96

    Printed On 29/06/2021 3:08:45 AM Page 31 of 65

    Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guaranteeand to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand. Use of this site, report or information should be read inconjunction with the main disclaimer available at http://www.maorilandonline.govt.nz/gis/disclaimer.htm.Maori Land Court data last updated: 29/06/2021 , LINZ data last updated:29/06/2021

  • Rangatira 8A17A6

    Title Details Report - Block 39032

    Name Alternate Names Gender Ownership Type Minute Book Reference Ratio SharesMoke Peter (2676125) M Absolute 9.18Mokopuna of Meipara Rawhiti Pearson Whanau Trust (148570) Absolute 138 WAR 232-235 32.145 - Abbott Donna Responsible Trustee 127 WAR 136-154 - Abbott Tracy Responsible Trustee 127 WAR 136-154 - Smith Tania Responsible Trustee 127 WAR 136-154Monty, Parematau Te Ahuru Whanau Trust (67669) Absolute 177 AOT 127-144 7.085 - Hollis Naomi Ngapera Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Esther Parekaarangi Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Gideon Marama Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Harry James Tamamutu Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru John Terangiora Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Marieanne Mareiana Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Monty Mareikura Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Philip Rahui Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru Priscilla Deborah Te Rongopai Responsible Trustee 99 AOT 14-24 - Te Ahuru William Hughes Thomas Responsible Trustee 99 A