Ranell e Wallace



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Transcript of Ranell e Wallace

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RaNelle Wallace a mother of two who tells her horrific story of surviving a plane crash and enduring burns and the painful treatment of those burns. Anyone could expect such a tragic experience to change a person's life. RaNelle’s tenacity and courage in overcomiing her burns propelled her into a life of success and service.

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My Favorite Character was RaNelle. She had the most courage and bravery throughout the entire book. She was the one that knew that her life was coming to an end. She had a terrible feeling about flying and tried whatever she could with her power to warn her husband.

She also recovered from devastating injuries suffered in a plane accident, and turned outward to community service for fulfillment.

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Least favorite character

Terry Walla


He convinced RaNelle to go on this plane ride even though she had a terrible feeling about going.

He was never really supportive to her.

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ExpositionMrs. Wallace, a mother of two young children, embarks on a trip with her husband in an attempt to heal her marriage with a foreboding feeling that she may very well die in their travels. Her husband, Terry, had wanted to move to Utah, starting a new life with their two children. They were to fly their 1946 V-tail Bonanza to Salt Lake City, rent a car and drive to Park City, Utah, and then return to Salt Lake City to their plane, flying home to California.

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Rising Action

Part way into their return flight to California, the Wallaces found it necessary to make an emergency landing in Delta, Utah. There they planned to rent a car and drive the rest of the way home, only to discover a lack of car rental agencies. At this point, reasoning that "it's only 15 minutes" they took off again for a nearby city.

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On October 9, 1985, RaNelle Wallace and her husband tried to fly their single-engine airplane through a snowstorm in central Utah. They became disoriented and crashed against the side of a mountain, turning their small craft into a raging inferno.  Terry emerged almost untouched but burnt over 75% of RaNelles body, charred and in severe pain she struggled for her life as she climbed down the jagged and treacherous mountainside to seek for help.

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Falling ActionRaNelle struggled for her life as she inched down a jagged and treacherous mountainside seeking for help. After reaching the freeway nearly five miles down the base of the mountain, having give all that she had within to give, she finally let go when a paramedic said “Stop fighting we”ll do all the work for you! ” RaNelle Wallce died at that time – six hours after the plan crashed.

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After crashing near Fillmore, Utah and after several hours, the Wallaces were treated in the Burn Center of a Salt Lake City hospital. After being dead for almost an hour RaNelle was brought back to life. RaNelle's tenacity and courage in overcoming her burns propelled her into a life of success and service. Within two years she had served as a counselor for hundreds of other burn victims, established various educational and support groups, received many awards and citations, and was named California Woman of the Year. But of more import to RaNelle, she had found herself.

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L.A CaliforniaSalt Lake City and Delta UtahYear 1985

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Themes•Divorce-ending of a marriage by law.•Stress-feel worried and tense because of difficulties in your life.•Struggling-continue doing something rather than stopping, even though it is difficult.

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This book showed extreme courage and how not giving up is extremely important. You need to always listen to your gut feeling even if your not sure what the problem is.

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It is frequently reported that the divorce rate in America is 50%. This data is not accurately correct, however, it is reasonably close to an actual fact. The Americans for Divorce Reform estimates that probably, 40 or possibly even 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce if current trends continue. (Gaross, Richard. "Divorce Effects of Children." Web.)

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It is high time now that the society itself must do something to preserve the sanctity of marriage For if the pace of divorce continues to increase at such an alarming rate, then the society itself would be adulterated. And people would lose faith in the stability of love, marriage and long lasting relationships. And life would be far more stressful than it is now.

Carter, Anthony. "Effects of Divorce on Society." Top 54 U. June 2008. Web.

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•In most divorces the children think they are the ones to blame. Forty percent of children growing up in America today are being raised without their fathers. ( Wade, Horn and Busy, Fathers, Marriage and Welfare Reform Hudson Institute Executive Briefing, 1997) •Of all children born to married parents this year, fifty percent will experience the divorce of their parents before they reach their 18th birthday. (Fagan, Fitzgerald, Rector, The Effects of Divorce On America)

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•It's estimated that one in 2.7 men will cheat—and most of their wives will never know about it.(Divorceproblems.org)

 •According to discovery channel, couples with children have a slightly lower rate of divorce than childless couples(Divorceproblems.org)

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(Carter, Anthony. "Effects of Divorce on Society." Top 54 U. June 2000. Web.)

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•Failure to Talk•Cheating•Money•Addiction•Kids •Abuse•Faith•Lack of Interest

Top Reasons For Divorce


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Washington: Seattle has the largest percentage of women living alone in the United States. (divorcestastics.org)

Utah: The Beehive State has the highest number of married-couple families—more than 61 percent. (divorcestastics.org)Nevada: Las Vegas, the wedding capital, issues an average of 120,000 marriage licenses each year. But love turns out to be the biggest gamble: The state has the country's highest divorce rate. (divorcestastics.org)Indiana: Highest percentage of single people in one city: Bloomington (58 percent). (divorcestastics.org)

Connecticut: The lowest marriage rate—only 24.2 per 1,000 single women—takes the "connect" right out of Connecticut. (divorcestastics.org)

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Robert, Paul. "ABC News". 1/19/2010 <www.abcnews.com>.Madden, Samual. "Divorces Around." Www.oprahwhinfrey.com. Oprah, 19 Jan. 2010. Web. 12 Mar. 2010.trout, Rachel. "Marriages Crashing." Www.nytimes.com. Rachel Strout, 20 Dec. 2009. Web.Ampersand. "Has Divorce Reached Its Natural Rate." Www.alasblogs.com. Ampersand, 4 Oct. 2008. Web.
