Random Free Writing #34

Random Free Write #34 Waking Reli Up A quick bit of lewdness because I felt like it for some reason.... Thought it was a funny idea. >_> _________________________________________________________ Kurome walked out of the bathroom of the master bedroom with a towel over the top of her head, absorbing any of the leftover water left in her hair from the shower she just took. “Well, that's done.” She said to herself, throwing the towel in the hamper full of dirty clothes. “Now I wonder if—...” She halted her words after looking towards the bed. He... Was still sleeping. Relinquish was in bed, under the dark brown blanket as peaceful and lazy as ever. Which was, perhaps, understandable. Relinquish came home at two in the morning yesterday. Out all night doing god knows what. He simply told Kurome not to worry and that he would be back. At the time of his return Kurome rested in the bed and felt him shift under the covers. She asked him where he was, he replied; “Don't worry about it... I'll take you to the bakery tomorrow.”


Reli x Kurome lewdness of Kurome waking Relinquish up because I feel lewd today. >_>

Transcript of Random Free Writing #34

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Random Free Write #34

Waking Reli Up

A quick bit of lewdness because I felt like it for some reason....Thought it was a funny idea. >_>


Kurome walked out of the bathroom of the master bedroom with a towel over the top of her head, absorbing any of the leftover water left in her hair from the shower she just took.

“Well, that's done.” She said to herself, throwing the towel in the hamper full of dirty clothes. “Now I wonder if—...”

She halted her words after looking towards the bed. He... Was still sleeping. Relinquish was in bed, under the dark brown blanket as peaceful and lazy as ever. Which was, perhaps, understandable.

Relinquish came home at two in the morning yesterday. Out all night doing god knows what. He simply told Kurome not to worry and that he would be back. At the time of his return Kurome rested in the bed and felt him shift under the covers. She asked him where he was, he replied; “Don't worry about it... I'll take you to the bakery tomorrow.”

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“Really?!” Kurome asked in a loud, excited tone.

“Mhmm...” Relinquish groaned. “Right when I wake up. Night... My lovely.” With those words Relinquish fell asleep, while Kurome struggled to return to slumber after hearing those words.

She wanted him to wake up as early as possible to get her sweets as quickly as she could. The amount of options were immense to her. She had to think about sweets as she drifted off to sleep just to calm herself,akin to a child counting sheep.

“Chocolate cake... Sugar cookies.... Caramel clusters.... Zzz...”

And here he was.

Still. Asleep.


“Oh, darling!” Kurome said while crossing her arms and lightly tappingher foot on the ground. “Time to wake up!”

There was no response.


“Okay.” Kurome muttered. She walked over to him from around the bed, and lightly tapped his shoulder. It was as if she wasn't there, he was unaffected by the action, even after she tried harder.

“Come on....” Next she tried poking the middle of his head—not even aflinch.

“For the love of....” Now her tone was of a hiss, annoyed at her darling for being this stubborn. What could he have done that tired him out so much? She could ask that later. But for now she needed him up—by any means necessary.

“This is not happening today.” Kurome proclaimed out loud. “Do you hear me?!”

Relinquish, just like before, did not respond.

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“UGH!” Kurome punched the mattress, in anger from him doing this. She then sat on the edge of the bed, wondering what she could do next.

“What can I try now...?” She questioned. “I need to find a weakness....”

Kurome got on all-fours on the bed, crawling towards him and inspected Relinquish. Wondering just how, what she could concoct to wake him up.

“He built up an immunity to the Wave card, so that wont work.” For months, if she had to wake Relinquish up when she truly needed it, all Kurome would have to say was something along the lines of; “Oh, Relinquish! Wave is in the house and is about to take me away! Better come stop him!”

He would burst up on his feet in an instant, fooled every time—at least it used to be that way. Now, he didn't fall for it anymore. It was too obvious at this point. The last time she tried it Relinquish simply grabbed a hold of her, and practically strapped her to his side in bed with a grip so strong that even if Wave was actually in the house, there was no way no man, nor beast, nor demon, nor devil, nor angel, nor godcould pry her away from him. His hold was too powerful. It could have almost suffocated Kurome unless she said; “False alarm!”

After looking over his body more, she looked to his waist and noticed something.

A bulge.


Kurome blushed from embarrassment of witnessing the sight. To her, their private parts that they made love with should have only been seen by them when the time was right—not shown off in such a... Vulgar manner.

Then, an idea sparked.

“What if I... Stimulated—no!” Kurome had cut herself off, cursing the

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thought. How could she think such a thing? Waking her significant other up from bed in a perverted fashion. Yet.... Relinquish was a sensitive person in that area, as Kurome thought most men were. If she could just, perhaps... Poke him. Do something to get his attention, it would surely wake him up.

“.... Could I just slap his face a few times...? No, that's not going to work.” Kurome remembered the last time she tried this—he took her sweets away from the whole day.

Kurome sighed, still hesitating at the thought of doing this perverted act, but longed, yearned for her sweets. All she had for the past few days were cheap, wrapped and packaged cookies, sponge cakes, etc.

Finally, she conceded.

“.... How else can I really fail?” She said to herself and crawled down to the side of Relinquish's waist.

Kurome, ever so slightly, pulled down the covers from over him. It seemed like he did not change at all when he got home, still wearing a black shirt matching jeans.

Next, slowly, she placed her hand near his crotch, and touched the shaftof his appendage. Not moving it will all her effort, but simply rubbed it,seeing what response it would earn from him.

“Darling...?” She asked, looking up at him.

All he did was lightly shrug his shoulders.


“Okay, you wanna play hard to get?!” Her questioned fueled by frustration echoed in the back of her head. She was tired of this. This slow, dull process. She needed him up—now.

Kurome reached her hand out for his belt, undoing the buckle. Once it was completely undone she, at a slower pace, pulled down his jeans to the point of reaching his knees. The bulge laying beneath his gray boxers was now even more pronounced, but she did not slow her pace—nor did Relinquish move—still.

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“You would so be dead if you were an assassin!” The words did not leave her mind. All assassins were trained to be light sleepers in order to not have their lives snuffed out while they rested—good thing Relinquish wasn't raised the way she was.

She pulled down his boxers to reveal the appendage, now standing tall after being released from the fabric. Kurome was now, intimidated. At this point she realized what she did, there was no going back at this—unless she could fully dress him and try another method. However, she decided to continue, to see this through to the end.

Kurome grabbed the head of the shaft, and slowly, slightly, jerked it up and down.

“Jeez...” She began. “Why do men get like this in the morning...?”

Finally, at last, Relinquish moved. His head turned side to side, and the action was followed by a groan. Kurome had made progress. She looked up to him with a smile on her face.

“Darling!” She began. “It's time to wake up!”

Once again, it was almost as if he could not hear her. He was still groaning, but her words fell on deaf ears.

“No you don't!” Kurome yelled to herself. She stroked the appendage faster, trying to increase the pleasure he was feeling, and hoped that, in his head, he was not having an erotic dream. She wanted him, above allelse, to wake up.

“Ah... God...” Kurome heard him mutter under his breath. She gasped from this, but unlike before did not halt her pace, she continued. The strokes of her hand moved faster.

Kurome could feel his pelvis, perhaps subconsciously, pushing itself forward. Wanting more of her touch while his groans, moans, and occasional words from time-to-time lengthened.

“Yeah... Incredible.” Relinquish said, his eyes remained closed. “More... More.”

Kurome followed his request, regardless of if he was conscious of

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saying it or not.

“Harder... Faster...”

Her blushed return after hearing him say such things, but she knew this would do it—if she just kept this up he would be awake in no time, andall the sweets in the bakery would be for her.

He was beginning to crumble, Kurome could feel it. She just needed one more tactic, one more assault to push him over the edge, and force him to be fully awake.

“He's almost there!” Kurome said. “But should I really....?” She saw the look he had. Relinquish's eye were beginning to twitch. His body shifted. If she could do this final step, there was no way she could fail.

“Alright!” Kurome pushed her hair back away from her face while she opened her mouth and placed it closer to the shaft, using this as her trump card, her one, final push to get the man to open his eyes. “Here we go!”

With that Kurome took the head of the shaft into her mouth, the act Relinquish always told her was unnecessary, not required if she did not will it—but knew he enjoyed.

Before he made another move, Kurome looked up to see his face—his eyes were open. This was it, she forced him awake.

Relinquish looked down at her, drowsiness in his eyes, then shock. Could he really be seeing this? Was his lovely really be doing this to him.... And in the morning?

“... Kurome?” He asked in a tone of disbelief. “What are you—”

Kurome silenced him by continuing her task, planning to end it. She progressively moved up and down while the wetness of her saliva began to coat his shaft.

“W-Woah! Lovely!” Relinquish was flustered, trying to say anything for her to even acknowledge his words. Yet he was losing herself in her mouth. Overwhelmed by the feeling, and Kurome's pace only grew more rapid.

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“O-Okay!” Relinquish tried again. “If you want to do this, just—... F-Fuck!”

Kurome wanted to grow a smirk across her face. Relinquish only cursed like this when he was at his absolute boiling point of emotion, positive or negative.

“Yeah... That's it.” Relinquish had broken, not trying to stop her anymore. He gave into the pleasure, wanting more of it. “You're doing great!”

His words encouraged her to keep going, not to stop, even when Kurome felt as if she desperately needed breath. She wanted to give Relinquish a morning joyride. To let him reach satisfaction that would in turn grant hers by the sweets she would surely receive after this.

Kurome gradually took in more, taking small breaths through her nose as she came back up from the shaft. She looked up at him one more time. Relinquish had the back of his head pushed into the pillow, pushing the lower half of his body upwards to receive as much as possible while one of his hands latched on tightly to the sheets.

“Kurome...” She heard him say. “I love you! I love you so much!”

“Of course you do, darling.” She wished to reply, but what she undertook needed to be completed.

He called out her name more and more, his body longed for release—and Kurome could sense it.

“Another!” This was so, incredibly close to making him reach the end, but she needed just another, one more thing to finish him off.

Kurome placed one of her hands on the shaft, and stroked it in between the times she came back up and down. Relinquish could barely control himself any longer, reaching his climax soon. In a move he rarely ever did, not wanting Kurome to feel uncomfortable, he, with little thought, placed his hand on the back of her head, urging her to move as fast as she could.

“Kurome, my lovely!” Relinquish still called out to her, wanting to

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form some coherent message, however, his mind was still clouded, and would continue to be until he reached release.

All of this had started pushing Kurome to her limit. The intervals between getting air was growing shorter, and Relinquish's hand pushingdown so hard, probably without him knowing it, started to make her neck ache.

But finally, with a loud moan from her darling, she did it—Relinquish climaxed.

His seed let loose in her mouth. Relinquish felt a powerful sense of relief, and pleasure at the same time. On the other hand, Kurome began to gag. While it was not her first time doing this, the current stage was always difficult for her to get used to. His essence had such an odd taste, she felt a bit odd as some of it went down her throat. And, depending on how long, came in moderate to large amounts. Kurome thanked, as Relinquish would say; "The invisible big man in the sky" that today was the former. She didn't want to make too much of a mess.

Yet, she could no longer endure. Kurome released the shaft from her mouth as the last bit of his seed slightly shot in the air, hitting the side of her cheek, her attire for the day, and worst of all—her hair.

“I just washed this!” Kurome dared not to say this out loud, lest ruin the moment.

Relinquish's moment of pleasure ceased. He was panting, looking up at the ceiling. Kurome's call of his pet-name brought him back to reality, but after what she did, it almost felt like this was all still a dream.

“Darling...” Her words earned his gaze. He looked towards her while Kurome smiled at him. Relinquish had rarely seen such a sight from her. He always thought Kurome was the cutest things in the world, yet the way she said this, the way she looked at him, the smile with a few drops of his seed on her—it could have made him amorous again. “Wasit good for you?” She asked.

His fate was sealed. Even Kurome was aware of that the way she looked right now, it would drive him crazy. Make him want to take her

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right on the bed if he didn't release a few moments ago.

“... Uh-huh.” Was the first thing that came out of Relinquish's mouth. It was all he could instantly think of after what she did. “That... Is a hell of a way to wake me up.”

Kurome laughed at the statement, wanting to seem as cute as possible—and genuinely thought of it as funny.

“Well I'm glad I can start my darlings day in such a 'special' way.” Kurome said. “So...” Kurome slowly began to pull his jeans up. “Now why don't you go ahead and take a shower, and get dressed while I... Change my clothes, wash my face, and do my hair again?” Kurome produced another giggle, but in truth was annoyed at this. Her uniform, as per usual, acted as her regular attire, and this was fresh from the first batch of clean clothes—now it would have to be washed again. Even more annoyed from him hitting her hair. It was her feature she valued the most. “Afterwards, we can head to the bakery... Sound good to you?” Kurome winked.

“Nah. I'm gonna go back to sleep.”

Relinquish pulled the covers over him, closing his eyes after doing this.


“You son of a bitch!”

Kurome practically pounced at him as would a big cat do with prey, landing on his chest, then she wrapped her hands around his throat, attempting to strangle him.

“You're getting the hell up right now before I rip your goddamned head off!”

Relinquish tried, how he tried to tell her he was just joking, and preparing to get out of bed, but could barely breathe.

“ UGH! After everything I did?! I should kill you!” Kurome said with an anger Relinquish rarely ever heard in her voice. “And I just got donedoing my hair! Do you have any idea how long this stuff takes to get out?!”

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*Obligatory gag*

Relinquish: K-... Kurome... Can't... Breathe—

Kurome: GOOD! Now you know how I feel! -_-+