Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04

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  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    Homework #4

    Due 09/24/08

    ABE 6986

    Ramin Shamshiri

    UFID # 90213353

    Population dynamics

    Data on population growth of snails in a fish aquarium are given in Table 1 for surface areas of 4500 and

    9300 cm2.

    t (wk) P Z P Z 4500 cm

    29300 cm


    0 100 100

    2 533 595

    4 1594 2503

    6 2299 49388 2467 5807

    10 2499 5994

    12 2500 5997

    14 2500 5999

    16 2500 5999

    18 2500 5999

    A 2500 6000


    c, wk-1r

    Table 1: Data source, Snail population (P) with elapsed time (t) for a fish aquarium.

    Assume that population growth follows the logistic model

    = + Where t is elapsed time since snails were introduced, wk; P is the number of snails at time t; A is

    the maximum number for large time; b is the intercept parameter; and c is the response coefficient,

    wk-1. Now Eq. (1) can be rearranged to the linear form:

    = = Calculation of values of Z requires an estimate of parameter A.

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    1. Plot population (P) vs. time (t) on linear-linear graph paper.Answer:

    Figure 1: Plot of P vs. t for surface areas of 4500 cm2.

    Figure 2: Plot of P vs. t for surface areas of 9300 cm2.

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    2. From #1 estimate A=2500 and A=6000 for the two areas, respectively, and use Eq. (2) to estimate Zfor each t.

    Answer:Using the below set of calculations, the answer is given in Table.

    t P Z P Z

    A=2500, area=4500 cm2

    A=6000, area=9300 cm2

    0 100 -3.17805 100 -4.07754

    2 533 -1.30574 595 -2.20652

    4 1594 0.564963 2503 -0.33442

    6 2299 2.436925 4938 1.536806

    8 2467 4.314251 5807 3.404129

    10 2499 7.823646 5994 6.906755

    12 2500 Math Error 5997 7.600402

    14 2500 Math Error 5999 8.699348

    16 2500 Math Error 5999 8.699348

    18 2500 Math Error 5999 8.699348

    Table 2: Estimation of Z values for each t.

    A=2500 for area of 4500 cm2:

    t=0 => P=100

    => = 1 = ln 2500

    100 1 = 3.17805

    t=2 => P=533

    => = 1 = ln 2500

    533 1 = 1.30574



    .t=18 => P=2500

    => = 1 = ln 2500

    2500 1 = Math Error

    A=6000 for area of 9300 cm2

    t=0 => P=100

    => = 1 = ln 6000

    100 1 = 4.07754

    t=2 => P=595







    595 1





    .t=18 => P=5999

    => = 1 = ln 6000

    595 1 = 8.699348

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    3. Perform linear regression of Z vs. t to obtain estimates of b and c as well as the linear correlationcoefficient (r). Omit values at t>8 wk from regression.


    t Z Z

    A=2500, area=4500 cm2 A=6000, area=9300 cm2

    0 -3.17805 -4.07754

    2 -1.30574 -2.20652

    4 0.564963 -0.33442

    6 2.436925 1.536806

    8 4.314251 3.404129

    Table 3: Values of Z for different t, (Omitting values at t>8 wk)

    Performing linear regression for the Z vs. t data corresponding to A=2500 and area=4500 cm2

    Linear model: Z = ln AP 1 = ct bCoefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):

    c = 0.9364 (0.9353, 0.9374)b = 3.179 (3.174, 3.184)

    Z = 0.9364t 3.179R-square: 0.999999601

    r= 0.9999998

    Performing linear regression for the Z vs. t data corresponding to A=6000 and area=4500 cm2

    Linear model: =

    = Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):

    c = 0.9353 (0.9345, 0.9361)

    b = 4.077 (4.073, 4.081)

    Z = 0.9353t 4.077R-square: 0.999999789r=0.999999894

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    4. Plot values of Z vs. t on linear-linear graph paper. Show the regression lines as well.Answer:

    Plotting all the values of Z vs. t corresponding to A=2500 and area=4500cm2:

    Linear model:



    Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):

    c = 1.053 (0.8658, 1.241)

    b = 3.491 (-2.355,-4.628)

    = ..R-square: 0.9838


    Figure 3: Plot of Z vs. t with regression line corresponding to data in Table above.

    t Z

    A=2500, area=4500 cm2

    0 -3.17805

    2 -1.30574

    4 0.564963

    6 2.436925

    8 4.314251

    10 7.823646

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    Plotting the values of Z vs. t (Omitting values at t>8 wk from regression) corresponding to A=2500 and


    Linear model: Z = ln AP 1 = ct b

    Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):

    c = 0.9364 (0.9353, 0.9374)b = 3.179 (3.174, 3.184)

    Z = 0.9364t 3.179R-square: 0.999999601

    r= 0.9999998

    Figure 4: Plot of Z vs. t (omitting values at t>8). Data: Table above.

    t Z

    A=2500, area=4500 cm2

    0 -3.17805

    2 -1.30574

    4 0.564963

    6 2.436925

    8 4.314251

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    Plotting all the values of Z vs. t corresponding to A=6000 and area=9300cm2:

    Linear model: Z = ln AP 1 = ct b

    Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):

    c = 0.7824 (0.6114, 0.9534)b = 3.149 (1.324,4.974)

    Z = 0.7824t 3.149R-square: 0.933


    Figure 5: Plot of Z vs. t with regression line corresponding to data in Table above.

    t Z

    A=6000, area=9300 cm2

    0 -4.07754

    2 -2.20652

    4 -0.33442

    6 1.536806

    8 3.404129

    10 6.906755

    12 7.600402

    14 8.699348

    16 8.699348

    18 8.699348

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    Plotting the values of Z vs. t (Omitting values at t>8 wk from regression) corresponding to A=6000 and


    Linear model: = = Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):

    c = 0.9353 (0.9345, 0.9361)

    b = 4.077 (4.073, 4.081) Z = 0.9353t 4.077

    R-square: 0.999999789r=0.999999894

    Figure 6: Plot of Z vs. t (omitting values at t>8). Data: Table above.

    t Z

    A=6000, area=9300 cm2

    0 -4.07754

    2 -2.206524 -0.33442

    6 1.536806

    8 3.404129

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    5. Estimates values of for each t from Eq. (1) with your parameters.Answer:

    = + Eq. (1)

    For the data corresponding to A=2500 and area=4500 cm2, the coefficients b and c are 3.179 and 0.9364

    respectively. Therefore Eq. (1) can be written as: = 25001 + 3.179 0.9364

    t=0 => = 25001+ 3.1790.9364(0) = 99.9092



    t=18 => = 25001+ 3.1790.9364(18) = 2499.997

    For the data corresponding to A=6000 and area=930000 cm2, the coefficients b and c are 4.077 and0.9353 respectively. Therefore Eq. (1) can be written as:

    = 60001 + 4.077 0.9353t=0 => = 2500

    1+ 4.0770.9353(0) = 100.0529..

    t=18 => = 25001+ 4.0770.9353(18) = 5999.983

    t (wk) P Z P Z 4500 cm2 9300 cm2

    0 100 -3.17805 99.90921 100 -4.07754 100.0529

    2 533 -1.30574 532.8085 595 -2.20652 595.06344 1594 0.564963 1594.946 2503 -0.33442 2500.98

    6 2299 2.436925 2299.457 4938 1.536806 4936.245

    8 2467 4.314251 2466.933 5807 3.404129 5807.237

    10 2499 7.823646 2494.86 5994 6.906755 5969.479

    12 2500 Math Error 2499.209 5997 7.600402 5995.278

    14 2500 Math Error 2499.878 5999 8.699348 5999.272

    16 2500 Math Error 2499.981 5999 8.699348 5999.888

    18 2500 Math Error 2499.997 5999 8.699348 5999.983

    A 2500 6000b 3.179 4.077

    c, wk-1 0.9364 0.9353

    r 0.9999998 0.999999894

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    6. Plot the prediction curves on #1.Answer:

    Figure 7: Plot of the prediction curve for P values corresponding to A=2500 and area=4500cm2

    Figure 8: Plot of the prediction curve for P values corresponding to A=6000 and area=9300cm2

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    Figure 9: Plot of = /( + (..) ) alone.

    Figure 10: Plot of P=2500/(1+exp(3.179-0.9364t) ) alone.

  • 7/30/2019 Ramin Shamshiri ABE6981 HW_04


    Ramin Shamshiri ABE 6986, HW #4 Due 09/24/08

    7. Discuss your results. How well does the model describe the data? Is the linearizationprocedure justified? How could estimates of the parameters be improved? Explain the

    effect of surface area on the parameters.


    The model is a very strong one in predicting the response variable and describing data. Yes, the

    linearization procedure is justified because it helped to accurately estimate the b and c coefficientsthrough a simple procedure. This estimation is very accurate as it leaded to a very high correlation

    coefficient, very close to 1, however the estimation of the parameters could be improved through non-

    linear procedure or with fitting more data.

    As the area has increased from 4500 cm2 to 6000 cm2, the values of P have increased too. In the other

    word, the surface area has a positive effect on the values of P but a negative effect on the values of Z for
