Ram A. Cnaan - sp2.upenn.edu

Ram A. Cnaan May 2020 Curriculum Vitae Director of the Program for Religion and Social Policy Research Faculty Director of the Goldring Reentry Initiative Fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW). University of Pennsylvania School of Policy & Practice 3701 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 Work phone: 215.898.5523/fax 215.573.2099 E-mail: [email protected] Global Eminent Scholar Kyunghee University Graduate Institute of Peace Social Work license: #SW-005964-E EDUCATION 1978-1981 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Social Work, Ph.D. Title of dissertation: Forecasting an Organization’s Environmental Reactions to Policy Initiation by Another Organization. 1975-1977 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Social Work, M.S.W. (Cum Laude) Title of thesis: Life Conditions of Octogenarians in Israel. 1972-1975 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Social Work, B.S.W. (Cum Laude) 1

Transcript of Ram A. Cnaan - sp2.upenn.edu

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Ram A. Cnaan

May 2020

Curriculum Vitae

Director of the Program for Religion and Social Policy Research Faculty Director of the Goldring Reentry Initiative

Fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW).

University of Pennsylvania School of Policy & Practice

3701 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104

Work phone: 215.898.5523/fax 215.573.2099 E-mail: [email protected]

Global Eminent Scholar Kyunghee University Graduate Institute of Peace

Social Work license: #SW-005964-E


1978-1981 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Social Work, Ph.D. Title of dissertation: Forecasting an Organization’s Environmental Reactions to Policy Initiation by Another Organization.

1975-1977 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Social Work, M.S.W. (Cum Laude) Title of thesis: Life Conditions of Octogenarians in Israel.

1972-1975 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Social Work, B.S.W. (Cum Laude)


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Voluntary activity and community organizations, with special interest in the employment of volunteers in human services, the role of voluntary organizations in the community, grassroots organizations, and local religious congregations’ social and community service provision.

Faith-based social welfare: Studying the role that congregations and other religious organizations play in serving the needs of poor and vulnerable residents.

Reentry of ex-prisoners into society and prevention of recidivism.

Social policy with special interest on international comparative analysis and international social & economic development.


2015-present University of Pennsylvania, PRUCCS Resident & Fox Leadership Program senior fellow

2013-present Kyunghee University Eminent International Scholar

2010-2011 School of Social Policy & Practice Senior Associate Dean

2005-2010 School of Social Policy & Practice Associate Dean for Research

2008-present Graduate group Urban Studies School of Design Member

2008-2009 Yonsei University (Korea) Visiting Professor

2006-2012 Kyung Hee University (Korea) Visiting Professor

2004-2011 Doctoral Program in Social Welfare Chair

2004-2007 Bar Ilan University Adjunct Professor

2000-present Programs for the Study of Religion Director and Social Policy Research (PRSPR)


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1996-1998 York University, Toronto, Canada Faculty of Environmental Studies

Senior Fellow

1986-1989 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA School of Social Work

Assistant Professor (Visiting)

1983-1986 Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Bob Shapell School of Social Work


1981 (summer) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Assistant Professor

1980-1981 Edinboro State College, Edinboro, PA Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work

Assistant Professor


2020 Grant reviewer for the Israeli science Foundation.

2019 Member of the International Committee to Evaluate Social Work Education in National University of Singapore.

2019 Grant reviewer for the Flemish ESF-Science Connect Peer Review Services.

2018-present Member past-ARNOVA presidents committee to select the RGK/ARNOVA grant winner.

2018-present Council of Social Work Education co-chair for the Higher Education and Nonprofit Leadership Track.

2016-present Member of advisory board, Goldman Center for Welfare, Ethics, and Society at the Hebrew University.

2016-2019 Board member of China Institute for Philanthropy and Social Innovation (CIPSI) at Renmin University of China.

2018-present Coordinator educational training for employee ownership program.

2014-2016 Co-convener of the Roundtable on Social Work Doctoral education (Islandwood, WA and beyond).


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2015-2018 Member of the International Committee to Evaluate Social Work Education in Israel.

2014-2015 Grant reviewer for the Canadian SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council).

2014-2017 Chair of the criminal Justice track for the SSWR annual conference.

2013-2015 Member Nominations Committee for ARNOVA.

2012 Member, Planning Committee of the 3rd Nitte International Conference on Development Challenges: Global Aspirations and Local Realities.

2011-present Member, Advisory Board City of Philadelphia, Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services’ Faith & Spiritual Affairs.

2011 Grant proposal reviewer for the Research Foundation Flanders.

2011-2018 Member of ACOSA “Lifetime Achievement,” and “Emerging Scholar Award” committees.

2011 Chair of Nominations Committee, ARNOVA.

2010-2016 Co-chair and reviewer for the best article in Journal of Community Practice award committee (Covering Volumes 17 & 21).

2011-2017 Dissertation reviewer for Hebrew University, (Jerusalem, Israel);

2010-2011 Board member and past president of ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action).

2010-2012 Co-coverer along with Professor Marybeth Gasman of the Delaware Valley interest group in nonprofit research.

2008-2010 President of ARNOVA.

2009 Chair and local host organizer of GADE (Group of the Advancement of Doctoral Education).

2005-2011 Board member of Porter-Cason Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.

2008-2010 Reviewer of grant proposals for GAPSA-Provost’s Award for Interdisciplinary Innovation.


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2008-2009 Reviewer of grant proposals for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

2008 Chair of local organizing committee for ARNOVA Annual Conference.

2007-2008 Member of the CSWE Regional Planning Committee.

2006-2013 Reviewed proposals for the following annual conferences: CSWE, APM, SSWR, and ARNOVA.

2005-2010 Board member of ACOSA (Association for Community Organization and Social Administration).

2003-2011 Reviewer of proposals for the Society for Social Work Research annual meetings.

2002-2003 Co-convener of the University Interdisciplinary Seminar series on Spirituality and Health: Connecting Spirit, Society, and Science.

2002-2011 Reviewer and evaluator for the annual meeting of ARNOVA.

2001 Invited reviewer and evaluator for research papers for the Portland State University Nonprofit Program.

2000-2004 Member of the Executive Committee of ARNOVA. Chair of the Section on Community and Grassroots Associations (2002-2004).

2000-2001 Associate Director of CRRUCS (Center for the Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

2000 External reviewer for dissertation: New York University.

2000-2002 Convener for University of Pennsylvania Seminar Series on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.

1999-2001 Treasurer of Social Development Issues (Academic journal).

1999 External reviewer for dissertation: Bharathidasan University, India.

1998-2000 Member of the committee to elect the editors of the ARNOVA-Abstract.

1997-present Founder and Director of the Program for the Study of Organized Religion and Social Work, University of Pennsylvania.


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1997 Participant in special expert meeting on “Researching religion in urban America.” Organized by the Louisville Institute. Louisville, KY, May 28-29.

1997 Participant in special expert meeting on “The civic roles of local religious organizations.” Organized by Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, FAME Renaissance, and the Johnson Foundation, Wingspread, WI, April 11-13.

1995-1999 Member of ARNOVA’s Board of Directors.

1994-1995 Elected member of the University of Pennsylvania Faculty Senate.

1993-1995 Chair of Meetings Committee and Annual Conferences for ARNOVA: October 1994, Berkeley, CA and November 1995, Cleveland, OH.

1993-1995 Vice President for meetings, ARNOVA.

1993-1995 Member of ACOSA (Association for Community Organization and Social Administration) Nominations and Awards Committees.

1992-1993 Special consultant for the National Task Force on Promoting and Setting Standards and Expertise in Community Organization, State of Israel.

1991-1996 Member of Publications Committee of ARNOVA.

1991-1998 Member of National Committee for Quality Assurance and Accreditation— Hillel, B’nai Brith Foundations.

1991-1995 Co-convener of the university PARSS seminar series on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Activity.

1991-1992 Chair of local organizing committee Inter-University Consortium on Social Development, International Conference, Washington, DC.

1990-1991 Chair of program committee, HUSITA-2 (Human Services Information Technology Applications), New Brunswick, NJ.

1990 Member of special foreign experts advising team to the Hungarian government on establishment of national social work curriculum.

1990-2001 Member of program committee, Inter-University Consortium on Social Development (IUCISD), bi-annual conferences: 1990, San Jose, Costa Rica; 1992, Washington, DC; 1994, Kandy, Sri-Lanka; 1996, Oporto, Portugal;


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1988, Cairo, Egypt; 1999, Cape Town, South Africa; and 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.

1990 Member of APM (Annual program meeting) Corresponding Committee, Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Reno, Nevada.

1988 Co-chair special session on information technology and social work education. CSWE, Atlanta, Georgia.

1988 Chair of pre-conference colloquium on information technology and social work, International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), Vienna, Austria.

1987-1993 Co-chair of the IASSW Interest Group on Information Technology.

1986 Country representative in international experts meeting on: Decentralization of social services, Brighton, England.

1985 Country representative in expert meeting on: The welfare state in transition, Haifa, Israel.

1985 Country representative in expert meeting on new technologies: New social responsibilities and modes of intervention, West Berlin, West Germany.

1983-1986 Chairman of the Program Committee of the Annual National Conferences of the Israeli Association of Social Workers (for three annual conferences).

1982-1986 Co-chair of the Israeli National Association of Social Workers, Social Policy Committee.

1982 Member of Program Committee, National Conference of Israeli Social Workers, Jerusalem, Israel.

1978 Member of the local organizing committee for the International Federation of Social Workers, Tel Aviv, Israel.


2018-2019 Understanding success in implementing cashless villages in rural India ($65,000)

2017 Understanding the work of elite US Universities ($143,000)


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2016 Best reviewer award from Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ).

2016 Community movements and local organizations conference (Seattle, WA, $51,000)

2012-2019 Education program for Kyung Hee students ($309,000).

2014-2019 Grant to support work on employee owned businesses ($30,000).

2011-2012 Support for Delaware Valley nonprofit seminar for a book on innovative nonprofit organizations from the Vice Provost for Research, University of Pennsylvania ($8,500).

2011-2012 Grant to study voluntary behaviors among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the University Research fund ($22,850).

2011 Best reviewer award from Journal of Social Work Education.

2011-2013 Grant to organize social work internship program in the Philadelphia Prison System from the Goldring Foundation ($250,000).

2010 Support for Delaware Valley nonprofit seminar from the Vice Provost for Research, University of Pennsylvania ($9,000).

2010-2012 Grant to study “Halo effect of congregations: Valuing their contribution to the local social economy” from Partners for Sacred Places & William Penn Foundation ($23,000).

2009-2010 Evaluating “Mind Your Mind Foundation’s Empowered Minds Public Education Initiative.” (Supporting a doctoral student) Philadelphia, PA ($50,307).

2008 Grant from the TRIO Center to study financial gerontology (supporting a doctoral student) ($20,000).

2006-2008 Grant from Jessie Ball duPont for assessing faith resources for effective community planning in Wilmington, DE ($273,105).

2006 Grant from the City of Philadelphia to study re-entry services ($110,000).

2005 Grant from the Kellogg Foundation to host an expert meeting on “community movements and local organizations” ($39,000).

2003 Grant from Notre Dame University Center for Latino Studies for “Hispanic 8

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church research activities” ($10,600).

2002-2003 Grant from the Department of Health and Human Services grant No. 90EW0002/01 to study “Exploring the impact of a faith-based program for at-risk youth” ($193,456).

2002 Grant from the Building on Bridges/Kellogg Foundation to Universities and Communities of Faith Collaborating for Community Change ($10,000).

2001 Grant from the Annie E. Casey Foundation to write a report on the inclusion of former-prisoners in the community through faith-based groups and organizations ($26,000).

2001 Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life, Trinity College (CT).

2000 Visiting Professor at Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.

1999-2001 Grant from Pew Charitable Trusts and Public/Private Venture to survey the social and community involvement of all of Philadelphia religious congregations and to produce the “Philadelphia Comprehensive Directory of Congregations.” (Budget for year 1: $250,000; budget for year 2: $300,000 supported by Pew Charitable Trusts and The Buford Foundation; and budget for year 3: $180,000 (Pew Charitable Trusts)).

1999-2002 Co-principle investigator on the University-Wide Program in Nonprofits, Universities, Communities, and Schools (PNUCS), University of Pennsylvania ($600,000).

1999 The 60th Anniversary Celebration Distinguished Alumnus award of the University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work.

1998-2002 Grant to carry out a new course on managing and practicing social work within religious-based social service organizations from the Lilly Endowment ($281,200).

1998-1999 Grants from the Kellogg Foundation and The Manhattan Institute to support data collection for the study of social and community services provided by American religious congregations ($50,000).

1998 Grant to conduct a social asset mapping of religious congregations in West Philadelphia from the Center for Community Partnerships ($3,000).

1997-2000 Grant to study social and community services provided by American 9

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religious congregations from the Lilly Endowment ($422,000).

1996 Benjamin Meaker Term Visiting Professor, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K.

1995 Grant to study social service delivery by historic congregations from Partners for Sacred Places. Supplemented by the Philadelphia Historic Preservation Corporation and the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work ($79,000).

1995 Grant from the Philadelphia Jewish Federation on behalf of the Wexner Foundation to evaluate a training program for local mid- and senior-level managers in Jewish communal services ($12,000).

1994 Grant from the Research Fund of the University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Work, to study The Philadelphia Jewish Family and Children Services ($7,500).

1993 Grant from the Program on Nonprofit Organizations at Yale University to study the Boards of Trustees of Denominational Social Services ($12,000).

1991-1992 Grant from the State of PA, Department of Public Welfare, to study case management for severely mentally ill in Philadelphia (with Roberta Sands) ($7,000).

1990 Grant from Indiana University Center on Philanthropy to study volunteers in human services ($5,000).

1990 Grant from JCAB-Hillel to study the needs of Jewish graduate students in the Philadelphia area ($6,000).

1988-1991 Grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), SRCA (70) 1 R18 AA07906-01, for demonstrating and evaluating comprehensive services for dual-diagnosed homeless (through Horizon House, Inc.) ($370,000).

1985 Bursary from the British Council for a four-month study tour in the social services of the U.K. to write a report on the impact of the British services on the Israeli model of social service delivery ($14,000).

1984 Grant from P. Sapir Memorial Fund for Municipal and Urban Research to study neighborhood-representing organizations (With Yossef Katan) ($4,000).


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1978 Grant for excellent performance in M.S.W. program from The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

1977 The M.S.W. Program’s Award and Scholarship, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

1975 Grant for excellent performance in B.S.W. program, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.


2015-present Associate editor, Voluntaristics Review: Brill Research Perspectives!

2013-present Editorial board member of Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

2009-present Editorial board member of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

2009-present Editorial board member of Social Service Review.

2007-present Consulting editor of Families in Societies.

2006-present Editorial board member of Journal for Social Work Education.

2001-present Editorial board member of Social Thought.

2012-2016, 2020+ Editorial board member of Nonprofit Management & Leadership.

2000-2017 Editorial board member of Administration in Social Work.

1999-2015 Managing board and editorial board member of Social Development Issues.

1996-2000 Editorial board member of Journal of Jewish Communal Services.

1994-1999 Board member of International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health.

1993-1997 Member of board of advisors of Voluntarism Review and Reporter.

1992-1998 Deputy editor of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

1992-2018 Editorial board member of Journal of Community Practice: Organizing, Planning, Development, and Change.

1990-1994 Editorial board member of Research on Social Work Practice. 11

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1988-1989 Mental Health Editor of the Social Work Newsletter.

1986-2015 Editorial board member of Journal of Technology in Human Services (formerly Computers in Human Services).

Reviewed manuscripts for (in past five years and in addition to the above journals): American journal of Community Psychology American Journal of Public Health British Journal of Social Work Ethnicities Family Relations International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing International Journal of Social Welfare International Social Work Interest Groups & Advocacy Journal of Adolescence Journal of Community Practice Journal of Religion and Health Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Journal of Civic Society Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved Journal of Muslim Philanthropy Journal of Social Policy (UK) Journal of Social Work Justice Quarterly Nonprofit Policy Forum Psychology of Religion Public Management Review Review of Religious Studies Social Forces Social Science Journal Sociological Forum Sociology of Religion Studies in religion Voluntary Sector Quarterly Voluntary Sector Review Voluntas World Development


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NLPD781 Understanding and Managing Volunteers (A new course)

SW901 Doctoral pro-seminar

SW978 Research Seminar & Practicum (A new course).

SW749 International course on nonprofit organizations and coexistence (A new course).

SW601 Social Welfare Policy

SW774 Program Evaluation.

SW758 Practicing and Managing Social Work in Religious Contexts (A new course).

SW615 Introduction to Social Work Research.

SW768 Social Policy Issues as Portrayed in Literature (A new course; now being taught by others).

Dissertations Chair and advisor for one Ph.D. dissertation and five DSW dissertations (see last page for list of graduated students and topics).


1987-1988 Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Work.


School Member Committee on Academic Freedom & Responsibility (2016-present). Chair of Grievance Committee (2011-2013). Member MSW Governance Committee (2010-2017). Course Director: Research Methods (SW615) (2010 – 2017). Chair of Centennial Committee (2005-2009). Chair of the new Clinical DSW oversight committee (2006-2008). Director of Doctoral Program in Social Welfare (2005-2010). Chair of Graduate Group in Social Welfare Steering Committee (2005-2010). Chair of the committee for planning a Clinical Doctor in Social Work program (2005-2006). Member of the school’s Management Team (2005-2011). Member of the school’s Executive Committee (2006-2011).


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Member of the school’s International Oversight Committee (2005-2018). Member of NPL governance Committee.

University Member of Provost ABCS faculty Committee (2019-2020) Faculty liaison to the Academic Policy Trustee Committee (2011-2016) Member of the Council of Graduate Deans (2005-2011). Member of the University Research Council (2007-2011). Reviewer of research proposals for GAPSA and Provost’s Office (2010-2014). Member of the Library Scholarly Commons Advisory Committee.(2014-2016). Faculty Fellow, Urban Research Institute at Penn (2004- ) Member of the Graduate Group in City Planning (2008- ). Member of the James Joo-Jin Kim Program in Korean Studies (2010- ). Member of faculty advisory board Netter Center for Community Partnership (2010- ).

Community Doctoral seminar for ARNOVA (2013-2016) Reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation. (2014-2017) Member Faith and Community, City of Philadelphia Reviewer for the Flemish Science Foundation An evaluator of proposals and consultant to the Abraham Fund for Jewish-Arab Coexistence in Israel (1996-2006). Board member of Porter-Cason Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. (2000-2011). Evaluator of research grants for the Israel Science Foundation (ISF).


1999-present Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR).

1997-present Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR).

1994-present The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR).

1991-present Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA).

1986-present Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Activity (ARNOVA), previously Association of Voluntary Action Scholars (AVAS).

1985-1987 The Israeli National Association of Social Workers. 14

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1981-2006 Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).


Cultural Antique hunting (old tools), fictional literature, and Inuit art collecting. Sports Jogging.


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Cnaan, R. A., & Milofsky, C. (2018). Handbook of community movement and local organizations in the 21st century. New York: Springer.

Cnaan, R. A., & Kaplan Vinokur, D. (2014). Cases in innovative nonprofits: Organizations that make a difference. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (ISBN: 9781452277707)

Cnaan, R. A., Draine, J., & Dichter, M. E. (2008). A century of social work and social welfare at Penn. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Boddie, S. C., & Cnaan, R. A. (2007). Faith-based social services: Measures, assessments, and effectiveness. Bloomington, NY: Haworth Press.

Cnaan, R. A., with Boddie, S. C., McGrew, C. C., & Kang, J. (2006). The other Philadelphia story: How local congregations support quality of life in urban America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Cnaan, R. A., & Milofsky, C. (2006). Handbook of community movements and local organizations. New York: Springer. Winner of the 2009 the Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Prize, given in recognition of a book that informs nonprofit policy and practice

Cnaan, R. A., with Boddie, S. C., Handy, F., Yancey, G., & Schneider, R. (2002). The invisible caring hand: American congregations and the provision of welfare. New York: New York University Press.

Cnaan, R. A. with Boddie, S. C., & Wineburg, R. J. (1999). The newer deal: Social work and religion in partnership. New York: Columbia University Press.

Cnaan, R. A., & Parsloe, P. (Eds.). (1989). The impact of information technology on social work practice. New York: Haworth Press.


Nouman, H., & Cnaan, R. A. (in press). Toolbox recommendations for social workers in promoting successful social entrepreneurship. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.

Scott, M. L., & Cnaan, R. A. (in press). Youth and religion in an age of global citizenship identification: An 18-country study of youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 110.


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Weiss-Dagan, S., Cnaan, R. A. (in press). Understanding the evolution of national child welfare policies: The case of Israel. Children and Youth Services Review, 108. https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0190740919305286?token=4B71213FB10C4FBC 4B44CF987F9EE76CF757EFE52C68957425389BFBE30C8D3DF6680C80DB886E3D0F8 4D5D97EA0AECD

Cnaan, R. A., & Woida, K. (in press). Power, Anxiety, and relationships between returning citizens and parole officers. Journal of Social Work.

Bar, M., Cnaan, R. A., & Pitovsky-Nave, N. (in press) Coexistence and peace nonprofits in Israel promoting social good: Characteristics of active and inactive organizations. Research in Social Work Practice.

Heist, H. D., Cnaan, R. A., & Lough, B. (in press). Determinants of serving a mission: Senior volunteering among Latter-day Saints. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. doi:10.1037/rel0000246

Itzhaki, Y., & Cnaan, R. (2019). Sense of community in Israeli congregations. Journal of Religion and Health, 47, 1210-1224.

Heist, D. A., Cnaan, R. A. (2019). Price and agency effects on charitable giving behavior. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 77, 129-138.

Luria, G., Cnaan, R. A., & Boehm, A. (2019). National Culture of Indulgence as Predictor of Prosocial Behavior: Governmental Effectiveness as Boundary Condition. Voluntas, 30, 1164-1175. DOI 10.1007/s11266-019-00124-5

Itzhaki. Y., & Cnaan, R. A. (2018). Determinants of sense of community in congregations. Journal of Community Psychology, 47(5), 1210-1224.

Scott, M., & Cnaan, R. A. (2018). Religious congregations and poverty alleviation in the age of new public governance. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 8(4), 391-410.

Scott, M. L., Cnaan, R. A., & Heist, H. D. (2018). The clergy as a director of a local voluntary association. Society and Welfare (Hebrew: Hevra VeRevacha), 38(1), 97-118.

Luria, G., Cnaan, R. A., & Boehm, A. (2018). Religious attendance and volunteering: Testing national culture as a boundary condition. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 56(3), 577-599.

Cnaan, R. A., & An, S. (2018). Even priceless has to have a number: Congregational halo effect. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 15(1), 64-81.


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Cnaan, R. A. (2018). Social work doctoral education in transition: The Islandwood papers of the roundtable on social work doctoral education. Research in Social Work Practice, 28(3), 221-223.

Cnaan, R. A., & Ghose, T. (2018). Doctoral social work education and the times: Responding to trends in society and the academy. Research in Social Work Practice, 28(3), 224-233.

Franke, N. D, Treglia, D., & Cnaan, R. A. (2017). Training future criminal justice social workers: Evaluating the educational success of the Goldring Reentry Initiative. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 14(6). 409-420.

Cnaan, R. A., Heist, H. D., & Storti, M. H. (2017). Episodic volunteering at a religious mega event: Pope Francis’s visit to Philadelphia. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 28(1), 85-104.

Heist, D. H., & Cnaan, R. A. (2016). Faith-based international development work: A review. Religions, 7(3), 1-17; doi:10.3390/rel7030019

Cnaan, R. A., & An, S. (2016). Harnessing faith for improved quality of life: Government and faith-based nonprofit organizations in partnership. Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership & Governance, 40(3), 208-219. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23303131.2015.1117555

Cnaan, R. A., & Park, S. (2015). The multifaceted nature of civic participation: A literature review. Voluntaristics Review: Brill Research Perspectives, 1(1), 1-71.

Luria, G., Boehm, A., & Cnaan, R. A. (2015). National culture and pro-social behaviors: Results from 66 countries. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(5), 1041-1065. doi: 10.1177/0899764014554456

Curtis, D., Evans, V., & Cnaan, R. A. (2015). Charitable practices of Latter-day Saints. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(1), 146-162. http://nvs.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/10/29/0899764013507141.full.pdf+html

Curtis, D., Evans, V., & Cnaan, R. A. (2014). Motivating Mormons: An analysis of what motivates members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to volunteer and donate. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 25(2), 131-145.

Cnaan, R. A., Kang, C. H., Kim, K., & Lee, L. H. (2014). Informal social networks in Korea: Covering the cost of major life events. The Social Science Journal, 51, 627-637. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2014.07.005

Hartocollis, L., Cnaan, R. A., & Ledwith, K. (2014). Clinical Doctorate Programs in Social Work. Research in Social Work Practice, 24(5), 636-642. DOI: 10.1177/1049731514538153


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Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Bhat, G., & Meijs, L. M. (2014) “You reap what you pick”: Longstanding community economic development among Jasmine growers of Coastal Karnataka. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 8(2), 86-102.

Evans, V., Curtis, D., & Cnaan, R. A. (2013). Volunteering among Latter-day Saints. Journal for the scientific Study of Religion, 52(4), 827-841.

Cnaan, R. A., Forrest, T., Carlsmith, J., & Karsh, K. (2013). If you don’t count it, it doesn’t count: A pilot study of valuing urban congregations. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion. 10(1), 3-36. DOI:10.1080/14766086.2012.758046

Cnaan, R. A., & Curtis, D. W. (2013). Religious congregations as voluntary associations: An overview. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(1), 7-33.

Curtis, D., & Cnaan, R. A. (2012). International volunteering by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. International Journal of Religion and Society, 2(4), 1-12.

Grönlund, H., Holmes, K., Kang, C., Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Brudney. J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Hustinx, L., Kassam, M., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Pessi, A. B., Ranade, B., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N., & Zrinscak, S. (2012). Cultural values and volunteering: A cross-cultural comparison of students' motivation to volunteer in 13 countries. Journal of Academic Ethics, 9(2), 87-106. http://www.springerlink.com/content/v225r42x0227q480/

Cnaan, R. A., Pessi, A. B., Zrinščak, S., Brudney, J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Handy, F., Holmes, K., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Ranade, B., & Yamauchi, N. (2012). Student Values, Religiosity, and Pro-Social Behaviour: A Cross-National Perspective. Diaconia, 3(1), 2-25.

Zrinščak, S., Lakoš, I. Handy, F., Cnaan, R., Brudney, J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K. Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Meijs, L., Pessi, A. B., Ranade, B., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N. (2012) Volontiranje studenata u Zagrebu u komparativnom kontekstu (Student Volunteering in Zagreb in the Comparative Context). Revija za socijalnu politiku (Croatian Journal of Social Policy) 19(1), 25-48.

Hustinx, L., Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2012). Student volunteering in China and Canada: Comparative Perspectives. The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 37(1), 55-84.

Boehm, A., & Cnaan, R. A. (2012). Towards a practice-based model for community practice: Linking theory and practice. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, XXXIX (2), 141-168.

Hustinx, L., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Cnaan, R. A., & Handy, F. (2012). Monitorial citizens or civic omnivores? Repertoires of civic participation among university students. Youth and Society,


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44(1), 93-115. http://yas.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/02/28/0044118X10396639.abstract

Cnaan, R. A., Moodithaya, M. S., Handy, F. (2011). Financial inclusion: Lessons from rural south India. Journal of Social Policy, 41(1), 183-205.

Zrinščak, S., Lakoš1, I., Handy, F., Cnaan, R. A., Brudney, J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., & Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Meijs, L., Pessi, A. B., Ranade, B., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N. (2011). Volontiranje studenata u Zagrebu u komparativnom kontekstu (Student volunteering in Zagreb in a comparative perspective). Revista de Sociologia e Politica, 19(1), 25-48,

Curtis, D. W., & Cnaan, R. A. (2011). International Volunteering by Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. International Journal of Religion and Society, 2(4), 303-314.

Cnaan, R. A., & Kang, C. (2011). Toward valuation in social work and social services. Research in Social Work Practice.21(4), 388-396. http://rsw.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/10/24/1049731510387306.abstract

Cnaan, R. A., & McLaughlin, T. C. (2011). Introduction to special section on cost-effectiveness and valuation in social work. Research in Social Work Practice, 21(4), 385-387.

Kang, C., Handy, F., Hustinx, L., Cnaan, R. A. et al. (2011). What gives? Cross-national differences in students' giving behavior. The Social Science Journal, 48, 283-294.

Cnaan, R. A., Jones, K., Dickin, A., & Salomon, M. (2011). Nonprofit watchdogs: Do they serve the average donor? Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 21(4), 381-397. Winner of the best article in this journal for volume 21.

Cnaan, R. A., & Curtis, D. (2011). The business of helping the poor. Nitte Management Review, 4(2), 1-23. Also in: Moodithaya, M. S., Thingalaya, N. K., Shetty, N. S., & Joshi, G. V. (2001) (Eds.), Redefining the roles of business, NGOs, and governments (pp. 1-50). New Delhi, India: Manak.

Cnaan, R. A., Jones, K., Dickin, A., & Salomon, M. (2011). Estimating giving & volunteering: New ways to measure the phenomena. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 40(3), 497-525. http://nvs.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/04/21/0899764010365741.abstract

Smith, K. A., Holmes, K., Haski-Leventhal, D., Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., & Brudney, J. L. (2010). Motivations and benefits of student volunteering: Comparing regular, occasional and non-volunteers in five countries. The Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 1(1), 65-81. http://anserj.ca/index.php/cjnser/article/view/2


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Hustinx, L., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2011). Nachtwakers of omnivoren? Het participatieprofiel van universiteitsstudenten in Nederland en Vlaanderen. MOA-Jaarboek 2011. [In Dutch] http://www.moaweb.nl/kenniscentrum/jaarboeken/jaarboek-2011/nachtwakers-of-omnivoren-het-participatieprofiel-van-universiteitssteden-in-nederland-en-vlaanderen

Hustinx, L., Cnaan, R. A., & Handy, F. (2010). Navigating theories of volunteering: A hybrid map for a complex phenomenon. The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 40(4), 410-434. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-5914.2010.00439.x/pdf

Handy, F., Cnaan, R. A., Bhat, G., & Meijs, L. (2011). Jasmine Growers of Coastal Karnataka: Grassroots Sustainable Community-Based Enterprise in India. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 23(5-6), 405-417 . http://www.sp2.upenn.edu/docs/people/faculty/cnaan.pdf

Handy, F., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Cnaan, R. A., Brudney, J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Pessi, A., Ranade, B., Yamauchi, N., & Zrubscak, S. (2010). A Cross-cultural examination of student volunteering: Is it all about resume building? Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 29 (3), 498-523. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/0899764009344353v2

Cnaan, R. A., & Newman, E. (2010). The safety net and faith-based services. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 29(40), 321-336.

Dichter, M., & Cnaan, R. A. (2010). The benefits of learning social welfare: Lessons from student perspectives. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 29(4), 210-224.

Haski-Leventhal, D., Grönlund, H., Holmes. K., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Kassam, M., Pessi, A. B., Ranade, S., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N., Zrinscak, S. (2010). Service learning: Findings from a 14 nations study. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 22(3), 161-179. http://unsw.academia.edu/DebbieHaskiLeventhal/Papers/221139/Service-Learning_Findings_From_a_14-Nation_Study

Hustinx, L., Handy, F., Cnaan, R. A., Brudney, L., Pessi, A. B., & Yamauchi, N. (2010). Social and cultural origins of motivation to volunteer: A comparison of university students in six countries. International Sociology, 25(3), 349-382. http://iss.sagepub.com/content/25/3/349.short?rss=1&ssource=mfc

Ives, N. G., Sinha, J. W., & Cnaan, R. A. (2010). Who is welcoming the stranger? The Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 29(1), 71-89.

Haski-Leventhal, D., Gelles, R. J., & Cnaan, R. A. (2010). Admitting convicted felons to social 21

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work programs: Conceptual dilemmas and practices. International Social Work, 53(1), 87-100. http://isw.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/53/1/87

Handy, F., Moodithaya, M. S., & Cnaan, R. A. (2009). Understanding volunteer leaders of microcredit self-help groups in Karnataka, India. Social Development Issues, 32(2), 15-29. http://www.britannica.com/bps/additionalcontent/18/42857665/Understanding-Volunteer-Leaders-of-Microcredit-SelfHelp-Groups-in-Karnataka-India

Cnaan, R. A. (2009). Valuing the contribution of urban religious congregations. Public Management Review, 11(5), 641-662. http://www.philanthropy.iupui.edu/events/docs/WIMPS_2011/CnaanPaper.pdf

Haski-Leventhal, D., Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2009). Volunteering among Israeli students in an international perspective: Related factors, motivations, benefits and the educational institutes. Social Security, 79, 141-163 (In Hebrew).

Haski-Leventhal, D., & Cnaan, R. A. (2009). Group processes and volunteering: Enhancing recruitment and retention. Administration in Social Work, 33(1), 61-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03643100802508635

Haski-Leventhal, D., Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Holmes, K., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Kassam,M., Meijs, L. C., Ranade, B., Yamauchi, N., Yeung, A. B., Zrinscak, S., & Brudney, J. (2008). Students' vocational choices and voluntary action: A 12-nation study. Voluntas, 19(1), 1-21. http://www.springerlink.com/content/c31m110357310288/

Cnaan, R. A., Draine, J., Frazier, B., & Sinha, J. W. (2008). Ex-prisoners reentry: An emerging frontier and a social work challenge. Journal of Policy Practice, 7(2-3), 178-198.

Wineburg, R. J., Coleman, B. L., Boddie, S. C., & Cnaan, R. A. (2008). Leveling the playing field: Epitomizing devolution through faith-based organizations. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, XXXV(1), 17-42.

Cnaan, R. A., & Dichter, M. (2008). Thoughts on the use of knowledge in social work practice. Research in Social Work Practice, 18(4), 278-284. http://rsw.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/18/4/278

Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2007). The role of social anxiety in volunteering. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 18(1), 41-58. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/92/

Sinha, J. W., Hillier, A., Cnaan, R. A., & McGrew, C. C. (2007). Proximity matters: Understanding resident and commuter congregations through an ecological framework. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 46(2), 245-260.


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Sinha, J. W., Cnaan, R. A., & Gelles, R. J. (2006). Adolescent risk behaviors and religion: Findings from a national study. Journal of Adolescence, 30(2), 231-249. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/54/

Cnaan, R. A. (2006). Faith in the closet: Reflections of a secular academic. Arete, 30(1), 19-29.

Boddie, S. C., & Cnaan, R. A. (2006). Setting the context: Assessing the effectiveness of faith-based social services. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 25(3-4), 5-18.

McGrew, C. C., & Cnaan, R. A. (2006). Historical and methodological lack of studying religion in social services. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 25(3-4), 19-37.

Zanis, D., & Cnaan, R. A. (2006). Social service research and religion: Thoughts about how to measure intervention-based impact. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 25(3-4), 83-104.

Handy, F., Brudeur, N., & Cnaan, R. A. (2006). Summer in the island: Episodic volunteering. Voluntary Action, 7(3), 31-46. http://works.bepress.com/ram_cnaan/21/

Boddie, S. C., & Cnaan, R. A. (2005). The role of faith-based social service providers in expanding privatization in the United States. Social Security, No. 70, 110-137. (In Hebrew).

Cnaan, R. A., Boddie, S. C., & Kang, J. J. (2005) Religious congregations as social services providers for older adults. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 45(1/2), 105-130. Also in: H. R. Moodey (Ed.). Religion, spirituality and aging (pp. 105-130). Binghamton, NY: Haworth. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J083v45n01_07

Cnaan, R. A., & Handy, F. (2005). Towards understanding episodic volunteering. Vrijwillige Inzet Onderzocht, 2(1), 29-35. (Dutch journal-in English).

Weiss, I., Gal, J., & Cnaan, R. A. (2005). Does social work education have an impact on social policy preferences? A three-cohort study. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 29-47. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/5/

Cnaan, R. A., Boddie, S. C., & Danzig, R. A. (2005). Teaching about organized religion in social work: Lessons and challenges. Social Thought, 24(1-2), 93-110. Also in: Daniel Lee and Robert O’Gorman (Eds.). Social work and divinity (PP. 93-110). Binghamton, NY: Haworth.


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Cnaan, R. A., & Helzer, A. L. (2004). Women in congregations and social service provision: Findings from the Philadelphia census. Social Thought, 23(3), 25-43.

Weiss, I., Gal, J., & Cnaan, R. A. (2004). Social work education as professional socialization: A study of the impact of social work education upon students’ professional preferences. Journal of Social Service Research, 31(1), 13-31. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/8/

Cnaan, R. A., Sinha, J. W., & McGrew, C. C. (2004). Congregations as social service providers: Services, capacity, culture, and organizational behavior. Administration in Social Work, 28(3/4), 47-67. Also in: H. Schmid (Ed.). Organizational and institutional dilemmas of nonprofit human services. Binghamton, NY: Haworth. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/9/

Cnaan, R. A., Gelles, R. J., & Sinha, J. W. (2004). Youth and religion: The “Gameboy” generation goes to church. Social Indicators Research, 68(2), 175-200. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/3/

Cnaan, R. A., Kang, J. J., McGrew, C. C., & Sinha, J. W. (2003). Identiteit meetbaar maken: Gedachten van de andere kant van de Atlantische Oceaan (Incorporating religious identity into organizational identity: Thoughts from the other side of the Atlantic ocean). Bulletib Onderwijs & Inspiratie, 32(5), 23-25.

Weiss, I., Gal, J., Cnaan, R. A., & Maglajlic, R. (2002). Where does it begin? A comparative perspective on the professional preferences of first-year social work students. British Journal of Social Work, 32(4), 589-608.

Cnaan, R. A., & Boddie, S. C. (2002). Charitable choice and faith-based welfare: A call for social work. Social Work, 47(3), 247-235. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/6/

Weiss, I., Gal, J., Maglajlic, R., & Cnaan, R. A. (2002). What kind of social policy do social work students prefer? A comparison of students in three countries. International Social Work, 45(1), 59-81. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/14/

Cnaan, R. A., & Boddie, S. C. (2001). Philadelphia census of congregations and their involvement in social service delivery. Social Service Review, 75(4), 559-589. http://repository.upenn.edu/penniur_papers/6/

Cnaan, R. A., & Handy, F. (2000). Comparing neighbors: Social service provision by religious congregations in Ontario and the U.S.A. The American Review of Canadian Studies, 30(4), 521-543. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/13/


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Handy, F., Cnaan, R. A., Brudney, J. L., Ascoli, U., Meijs, L. C. M. P., & Ranade, S. (2000). Public perception of “Who is a Volunteer”: An examination of the net-cost approach from a cross-cultural perspective. Voluntas, 11(1), 45-65. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/2/

Perlmutter, F. D., & Cnaan, R. A. (1999). Community development as a public sector agenda. Journal of Community Practice, 6(4), 57-77. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/7/

Cnaan, R. A. (1999). Social and community work by urban American religious congregations. Brookings Review, 17(2), 50-53.

Klein, A. R., Cnaan, R. A., & Whitecraft, J. (1998). Significance of peer social support with dually-diagnosed clients: Findings from a pilot study. Research in Social Work Practice, 8(5), 529-551.

Cnaan, R. A., & Cascio, T. (1999). Performance and commitment: Issues in management of volunteers in human service organizations. Journal of Social Service Research, 24(3/4), 1-37. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/1/

Cnaan, R. A., & Milofsky, C. (1997). Small religious nonprofits - a neglected topic. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 25, S3-S13.

Jeavons, T., & Cnaan, R. A. (1997). The formation, transformation, and evolution of small religious organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 25, S62-S84.

Zanis, D. A., Cohen, E., Meyers, K., & Cnaan, R. A. (1997). HIV risks among homeless men differentiated by Cocaine use and psychiatric distress. Addictive Behaviors, 22(2), 287-292. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VC9-3SWVJBN-H/2/aafb0775e87bcf143d2c015f576287b0

Cnaan, R. A., & Ascoli, U. (1996). Il volontariato nella fornitura di servizi alla persona: L’insegnamento dei casi italiano e americano. Imprariamo a Imparare, 2(1), 9-33. Also in: (1997). Volunteering from cross-national perspective: Italy and the United States. Social Indicators Research, 40(3), 299-327. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/10/

Cnaan, R. A., Cascio, T., & Newman, E. (1996). Helping Jewish communal managers meet the challenge: An evaluation of a training program. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 73 (1), 63-75.

Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., & Wadsworth, M. (1996). Defining who is a volunteer: Conceptual and 25

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empirical considerations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 25(3), 364-383.

Zanis, D. A., McLellan, A. T., Alterman, A. L., & Cnaan, R. A. (1996). Efficacy of assertive counseling to re-enroll out-of-treatment, high-risk drug users. American Journal of Psychiatry, 153(8), 1095-1096. http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/153/8/1095

Cnaan, R. A., Goodfriend, T., & Newman, E. (1996). Jewish ethnic needs in multicultural social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 13(1-2), 157-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J067v13n01_11

Cnaan, R. A. (1995). Purchasing of services contracting: A symbiosis of voluntary organizations, government, and clients. Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 18(1), 104-128.

Cnaan, R. A. (1995). NVSQ and ARNOVA in a time of transition. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 24(4), 277-280.

Cnaan, R. A. (1995). La coesistenza stretta e reciprocamente vantaggiosa tra organizzazioni volontarie e pubblica amministrazione: Il caso della fornitora di servizi di welfare. Imprariamo a Imparare, 1(1), 9-28.

Kang, C. H., & Cnaan, R. A. (1995). New findings on boards of trustees: Implications for macro practice. Administration in Social Work, 19(3), 17-44.

Johnson, A. K., & Cnaan, R. A. (1995). Social work practice with the homeless: State of the art. Research in Social Work Practice, 5(3), 340-382.

Klein, A. R., & Cnaan, R. A. (1995). Intensive case management with high-risk clients: Strategies that work. Families in Society, 76(4), 203-212.

Perlmutter, F. D., & Cnaan, R. A. (1995). Entrepreneurship in the public sector: The horns of a dilemma. Public Administration Review, 55(1), 29-36. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/11/

Blankertz, L. E., & Cnaan, R. A. (1994). Assessing the impact of two residential programs for dually-diagnosed homeless individuals. Social Service Review, 68(4), 536-560. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/4/

Cnaan, R. A., & Amrofell, L. M. (1995). Mapping volunteer activity. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 23(4), 335-351.

Cnaan, R. A., & Metzendorf, D. (1994). Student volunteering: Should it be required in undergraduate introduction to social work courses? The Journal of Volunteer


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Administration, XIII(1), 1-11.

Zanis, D. A., McLellan, A. T., Cnaan, R. A., & Randall, M. (1994). Reliability and validity of the Addiction Severity Index with a homeless sample. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 11(6), 541-548.

Cnaan, R. A. (1994). The new American social work gospel: Case management of the seriously mentally-ill. British Journal of Social Work, 24(5), 533-557.

Sands, R., & Cnaan, R. A. (1994). Two modes of case management: Assessing their impact. Community Mental Health Journal, 30(5), 441-458. http://www.springerlink.com/content/3n41tj4162x47x24/?p=cb6f231e279549d6b5b13cd73f 194097&pi=4

Cnaan, R. A., Caputo, R. J., & Shmuely, Y. (1994). Senior faculty perceptions of social work journals. Journal of Social Work Education, 30(2), 185-199. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tfh&AN=9502012023&site=ehost-live

Cnaan, R. A., & Perlmutter, F. D. (1993). Challenging human service organizations to redefine volunteer roles. Administration in Social Work, 17(4), 77-95.

Cnaan, R. A. (1993). Personal characteristics, Jewish identity, and needs of Jewish graduate students in the Philadelphia area. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 69(4), 55-60.

Blankertz, L. E., Cnaan, R. A., & Freedman, E. (1993). Risk factors in childhood among dually-diagnosed homeless adults. Social Work, 38(5), 587-596. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/12/

Blankertz, L. E., & Cnaan, R. A. (1993). Serving the dually-diagnosed homeless: Program development and interventions. Journal of Mental Health Administration, 20(2), 100-112. Also in: LeRoy Spaniol et al. (Eds.). (1994). An introduction to psychiatric rehabilitation (pp. 187-201). Columbia, VA: International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services. http://www.springerlink.com/content/261n593432671303/?p=cb6f231e279549d6b5b13cd7 3f194097&pi=8

Cnaan, R. A., Kasternakis, A., & Wineburg, R. J. (1993). Religious people, religious congregations, and volunteerism in human services: Is there a link? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 22(1), 33-51. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/22/1/33

Cnaan, R. A., Hasenfeld, Y., Cnaan, A., & Rafferty, J. (1993). Cross-cultural comparison of attitudes toward welfare state programs: Path analysis with log-linear models. Social


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Indicators Research, 28, 21-50. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27522686

Cnaan, R. A., & Cwikel, J. (1992). Elderly volunteers: Assessing their potential as an untapped resource. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 4(1-2), 125-147.

Blankertz, L E., Cnaan, R. A., & Saunders, M. (1992). Assessing the impact of serving the long-term mentally-disabled homeless. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 19 (4), 199-220. Also in: LeRoy Spaniol et al. (Eds.). (1994). An introduction to psychiatric rehabilitation (pp. 434-447). Columbia, VA: International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services.

Blankertz, L. E., & Cnaan, R. A. (1992). Principles of care for dually-diagnosed homeless: Findings from a demonstration project. Research on Social Work Practice, 2(4), 448-464.

Cnaan, R. A., Blankertz, L. E., & Saunders, M. (1992). Perceptions of consumers, practitioners, and experts regarding psychosocial rehabilitation principles. Psychosocial Réhabilitation Journal, 16(1), 95-119. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=keh&AN=9609241333&site=ehost -live

Cnaan, R. A., Korazim, J., Meller, Y., & Rosenfeld, J. (1992). The reform of the local social service in Israel: 1984 compared to 1977. Social Policy & Administration, 26(2), 159-172.

Metzendorf, D., & Cnaan, R. A. (1992). Volunteers in feminist organizations. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 2(3), 255-269.

Cnaan, R. A., & Goldberg-Glen, R. S. (1991). Measuring motivation to volunteer in human services. Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 27(3), 269-284. http://jab.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/27/3/269

Cnaan, R. A. (1991). Neighborhood representing organizations: How democratic are they? Social Service Review, 65(4), 614-634. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30012431

Nurius, P., & Cnaan, R. A. (1991). Classifying software to better support social work practice. Social Work, 36(6), 536-541.

Raphael, D. I., & Cnaan, R. A. (1991). Jewish needs of students: A case study of one university. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 67(4), 315-325.

Cnaan, R. A. (1991). Neighborhood organizations and social development in Israel. Social Development Issues, 13(2), 44-54.


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Cnaan, R. A. (1991). Applying controlled clinical trials in social work practice. Research in Social Work Practice, 1(3), 139-161.

Cwikel, J., & Cnaan, R. A. (1991). Ethical dilemmas in applying second wave information technology to social work practice. Social Work, 36(2), 114-120. Also in 1995 in: J. E. Tropman, J. L. Erlich, & J. Rothman (Eds.). Tactics and techniques of community intervention (3rd ed) (PP. 103-113). Itasca, IL: Peacock.

Cnaan, R. A., & Goldberg-Glen, R. S. (1990). Comparison of volunteers in public and nonprofit human service agencies. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 19(4), 345-358. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/19/4/345

Cnaan, R. A. (1990). The use of volunteers by governmental social services in Israel. Welfare and Society, 10(4), 301-318 (Hebrew). Also in: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 17(3), 150-173. http://www.heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/jrlsasw17&div=37&collection =journals&set_as_cursor=0&men_tab=srchresults#494

Cnaan, R. A., & Bergman, S. (1990). Construction of social problems by social work students. International Social Work, 33(2), 157-174.

Cnaan, R. A., Blankertz, L. E., Messinger, K., & Gardner, J. R. (1990). Experts’ assessment of psychosocial rehabilitation principles. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 13(3), 59-73. Also in: LeRoy Spaniol et al. (Eds.). (1994). Readings in psychiatric rehabilitation (pp. 129-148). Boston: Boston University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Cnaan, R. A., Olsson, S., & Wetle, T. (1990). Cross-national comparison of planning for the needs of the very old: Israel, Sweden, and the United States. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 2 (1), 83-107.

Blankertz, L. E., Cnaan, R. A., Fox, J., White, K., & Messinger, K. (1990). Outreach efforts with dually-diagnosed homeless persons. Families in Society, 71(7), 387-397.

Cnaan, R. A., & Perlmutter, F. D. (1990). Intent vs. reality in long term care policy: A case study. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 2(2), 107-123.

Monnickendam, M., & Cnaan, R. A. (1990). Teaching information technology to human service students: Meeting the needs of the future. Computers in Human Services, 7(1-2), 149-163.

Caputo, R. K., & Cnaan, R. A. (1990). Information technology availability in schools of social work. Journal of Social Work Education, 26(2), 187-198.

Cnaan, R. A. (1989). Introduction: Social work practice and information technology - An unestablished link. Computers in Human Services, 5(1-2), 1-15.


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Cnaan, R. A. (1989). Public opinion and the dimensions of the welfare state. Social Indicators Research, 21(2), 297-314. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27520769 also http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00303789#page-1

Cnaan, R. A., & Seltzer, V. C. (1989). Etiology of truancy: An eco-systems perspective. Social Work in Education, 11(3), 171-183.

Korazim, Y., Cnaan, R. A., Meller, Y., & Rosenfeld, J. (1989). The reform of the local social services in Israel. Society and Welfare, 9(2), 143-161 (Hebrew).

Cnaan, R. A., Blankertz, L. E., Messinger, K., & Gardner, J. R. (1989). Psychosocial rehabilitation: Towards a theoretical base. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 13(1), 33-56.

Cnaan, R. A., Bashan, I., & Cohen, D. (1989). Neighborhood renewal: The development of a new instrument. Society and Welfare, 9(4), 382-399 (Hebrew).

Cnaan, R. A. (1989). Social work education and direct practice in the computer age. Journal of Social Work Education, 25(3), 235-243.

Cnaan, R. A. (1989). Teaching literature to highlight social policy issues. Journal of Social Work Education, 25(3), 181-191.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). Social services for the enemy? Education for social work in the Arab sector in Israel. International Social Work, 30(1), 33-43.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). Decentralizing social services in Israel. Social Policy & Administration, 22 (1), 68-78.

Cnaan, R. A., Blankertz, L. E., Messinger, K., & Gardner, J. R. (1988). Psychosocial rehabilitation: Toward a definition. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 11(4), 61-77.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). Life conditions and social needs of the very old: Findings and implications for policy. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 64(4), 342-351.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). Computer illiteracy and the human services. New Technology in the Human Services, 4(1), 3-7.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). The role of conflict in community organization practice. Welfare and Society, 8(4), 351-369 (Hebrew).

Cnaan, R. A., & Cnaan, A. (1987). Allocation of resources for social services: Israel as a case study. Social Indicators Research, 19(4), 429-449.


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Cnaan, R. A. (1987). Teaching research to social work students: An action approach. Issues in Social Work Education, 17(1), 20-28.

Cnaan, R. A., & Hocherman, Y. (1987). Stability and fluctuation in juvenile delinquency in Israel. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 14(3), 41-63.

Cnaan, R. A. (1987). Value bases and attitudes toward welfare to the enemy. Social Development Issues, 11(2), 46-63.

Burback, H. J., Cnaan, R. A., & Babbitt, C. E. (1986). Organizational predictors of college satisfaction and academic achievement among females. Sociological Viewpoint, 2(1), 31-38.

Katan, J., & Cnaan, R. A. (1986). Neighborhood committees in Israel and their local and external orientations. Journal of Community Development, 21(1), 23-32.

Cnaan, R. A., & Katan, Y. (1986). Local neighborhood committees in Israel: Potential for self-help group activity. Journal of Voluntary Action Research, 15(2), 33-46. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/15/2/33

Cnaan, R. A., & Rothman, J. (1986). Conceptualizing community intervention: An empirical test of ‘three models’ of community organization. Administration in Social Work, 10(3), 41-55.

Cnaan, R. A., Adler, I., & Ramot, A. (1986). Public reactions to community residential facilities in Israel: Projected reaction and its origin. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 90(6), 677-685.

Cnaan, R. A. (1986). Advantages and problems with merging databases. Computers in Human Services, 1(4), 63-74.

Cnaan, R. A., & Adar, H. (1985). Practice model for organizers of community groups. Welfare and Society, 6(2-3), 248-259 (Hebrew). Also in: (1987). Social Work with Groups, 10(3), 5-24.

Mutschler, E., & Cnaan, R. A. (1985). Success and failure in computerized information systems: Two case studies in human service agencies. Administration in Social Work, 9(1), 67-79.

Shapira, Z., Cnaan, R. A., & Cnaan, A. (1985). Mentally retarded workers’ reactions to their jobs. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 90(2), 160-166.

Cnaan, R. A., & Berman, Y. A. (1985). Policy analysis framework of cost and feasibility of social problem intervention. Social Indicators Research, 17(2), 147-171. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27521321


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Cnaan, R. A. (1985). Racial differences in local social service delivery: Jews and non-Jews in Israel. Social Development Issues, 1985, 9(2), 56-74.

Cnaan, R. A. (1985). Post-industrial technologies, their impact on society and the role of the welfare state. Eurosocial, No. 40, 11-12.

Cnaan, R. A. (1983). Building community networks in Israel: Theory, planning and implementation. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 59(4), 297-305.

Cnaan, R. A., Kuchli, E., & Harel, Y. (1983). Proposed model for coordinated welfare services center in new urban areas in Israel. Welfare and Society, 5(3), 204-220 (Hebrew).

Cnaan, R. A. (1983). Funding and pay-as-you-go methods: Notes on their meaning and usages. Social Security, 25, 88-99 (Hebrew).

Cnaan, R. A. (1982). A model for forecasting environment reaction to policy initiation. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 10(2), 18-35.

Cnaan, R. A. (1982). Notes on prostitution in Israel. Sociological Inquiry, 52(2), 114-121.


Kang, C. H., & Cnaan, R. A. Knowledge Development in NVSQ: 1972 to 2019. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Scott, M. L., & Cnaan, R. A. Personality, prosperity, priority, productivity, and piety: Understanding congregational valued members. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration.

Heist, D. H., Ruiz, S., Evans, V., Cnaan, R. A. The Emigration of pro-social behaviors: A comparative analysis of Colombian and US Latter-day Saints. Voluntas.

Arnon, L., Bar, M., & Cnaan, R. A. Organizational volunteering infrastructure: A conceptual framework. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Compion, S., Jeong, B., Meijes, L. M. C., & Cnaan, R. A. Mandela Day mobilization: Promoting episodic volunteering or engaged citizenship? Voluntary Sector Review.

Nouman, H., & Cnaan, R. A. Social entrepreneurship in social work: Opportunities for success. Journal of Social Work.


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Cnaan, R. A., & Heist, D. H. (2018). Religious congregations as community hubs and source of social bonding. In Community action and practice. New York: Springer.

Luria, G., Boehm, A., & Cnaan, R. A. (2018). Community climate: Adapting climate theory to the study of communities. In Community action and practice. New York: Springer.

Cnaan, R. A., & Franke, E. (2018). Incarceration and people of color. In Pamela Braboy Jackson (Ed.), People of color in the United States: Contemporary issues in education, work, communities, health, and immigration (Volume 4). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood/ABC-Clio.

Cnaan, R. A., Zrinščak, S., Knorré, B., Pessi, A. B., Kinoti, M. D., Gronlund, H., Malunda, S. K., & Ming, H. U. (2016). Religious volunteering in local congregations and other faith-based associations. In D. H. Smith, R. A. Stebbins, & J. Grotz (Eds.). The Palgrave handbook of volunteering, civic participation, and nonprofit associations (472-494). London: Palgrave.

Cnaan, R. A. (2015). Congregations and the value of faith-based volunteering for their youth. In: L. B. Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.). Volunteering and youth services: Essential readings on volunteering and volunteer management for social work, social policy and urban management (201-220). Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SWP.

Hustinx, L., Van Rossem, R., Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2014). A cross-national examination of motivation to volunteer: Religious context, national value patterns, and nonprofit regimes. In: L. Hustinx, J. von Essen, J. Haers, & S. Mels (Eds.), Religion and volunteering: Complex and contested relationships (97-120). Berlin, Springer

Hustinx, L., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2011). Nachtwakers of omnivoren? Het participatieprofiel van universiteitsstudenten in Nederland en Vlaanderen. In A.E.Bronner et al. (Eds.), Ontwikkelingen in het martktonderzoek: Jaarboek MarktOnderzoekAssociatie (pp. 233-237). dl. 36, 2011. Haarlem: Spaar&Hout [In Dutch].

Cnaan, R. A. (2011). The contributions of religious congregations to the local social economy. In Amanda Ball & Stephen P. Osborne (Eds.), Social accounting and public management: Accountability for the common good (pp. 258-271). New York: Routeledge, Francis & Taylor.

Hustinx, L., Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (2010). Volunteering. In Rupert Taylor (Ed.), Third sector research (pp. 73-89). New York: Springer. http://www.springerlink.com/content/j771252h108565v1/


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Cnaan, R. A., & Tripodi, S. J. (2010). Randomized controlled experiments. In Bruce A. Thyer (Ed.), Handbook of social work research methods (205-220). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cnaan, R. A. (2010). Smith, David Horton. In Helmut Anheier & Stefan Toepler (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society (1375-1376). New York: Springer.

Cnaan, R. A. (2008). Faith-Based Social Services. In Terry Mizrhai, (Ed.), Social Work Encyclopedia. New York: Oxford University Press. http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?entry=t203.e83-s3&srn=2&ssid=237770345#FIRSTHIT

Cnaan, R. A. (2008). Smalley, Ruth Elizabeth. In Terry Mizrhai (Ed.), Social Work Encyclopedia. New York: Oxford University Press. http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?entry=t203.e590&srn=7&ssid=23777 0345#FIRSTHIT

Cnaan, R. A., & Rothman, J. (2008). Capacity development and the building of community. In Rothman, J., Erlich, J. L., & J. E. Tropman (Eds.), Strategies of community intervention (7th

ed.) (pp. 243-262). Itasca, IL: Peacock.

Cnaan, R. A. (2006). Voluntarism. In Dwight Burlingame (Ed.), Philanthropy in the U.S.: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Cnaan, R. A., Boddie, S. C., & Yancey, G. (2005). Partners rebuilding the cities: Faith-based community organizing. In Marie Weil (Ed.), Handbook of community practice (372-386). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cnaan, R. A., & Mcgrew, C. C., (2005). Religion and social welfare. In Helen Rose Ebaugh (Ed.), The handbook on religion and social institutions (pp. 67-93). Berlin: Springer.

Meijs, L. C. P. M., Handy, F., Cnaan, R. A., Brudney, J. L., Ascoli, U., Ranade, S., Hustinx, L., Weber, S., & Weiss, I. (2003). All in the eyes of the beholder? Perceptions of volunteering across eight countries. In: Paul Dekker and Loek Halman (Eds.), The values of volunteering: Cross cultural perspectives (19-34). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Books.

Cnaan, R. A., Boddie, S. C., & Yancey, G. (2003). Bowling alone but serving together: The congregational norm of community involvement. In Corwin Smidt (Ed.), Religion, Social Capital, and Democratic Life. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

Cnaan, R. A., & Enosh, G. (2001). Controlled clinical trials. In Bruce A. Thyer (Ed.), Handbook of social work research methods (177-192). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


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Cnaan, R. A., & Yancey, G. I. (2000). Our hidden safety net. In E. J. Dionne and John J. DiIulio (Eds.), What’s God got to do with the American experiment? (153-159). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20080850

Handy, F., & Cnaan, R. A. (1999). Religious nonprofits: Social service provision by congregations in Ontario. In Keith Banting (Ed.), The nonprofit sector in Canada: Roles and relationships (69-105). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Cnaan, R. A. (1999). Empowerment through organized religion. In Wes Shera and Lillian Wells (Eds.), Empowerment practice in social work: Developing richer conceptual foundations (320-346). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Cnaan, R. A. (1997). The future of social work: Religious congregations, denominations, and social service provision. In E. Gambrill and M. Reisch (Eds.), Social work in the 21st century (271-284). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Grove.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). Empowerment under capitalism: The case of the United States. In P. Parsloe (Ed.), Empowerment in international perspective (42-56). Moscow, George Soros Foundation (in Russian). Also: (1988). Pathways to empowerment (27-39). Birmingham, UK: Vintage Press, 1996.

Cnaan, R. A., & Perlmutter, F. D. (1996). Reversing the trend: How the Philadelphia Department of Recreation raised private money to finance public services. In T. Jeavons (Ed.), New directions in philanthropic fundraising: Fundraising by public institutions (53-74). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Cnaan, R. A. (1996). New Frontiers Inc.: When should the board step in? In M. M. Wood (Ed.), Cases in nonprofit governance (149-164). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Cnaan, R. A., & Rothman, J. (1995). Community development and the building of community. In Rothman, J., Erlich, J. L., & J. E. Tropman (Eds.), Strategies of community intervention (5th

ed.) (241-257). Itasca, IL: Peacock.

Cnaan, R. A., & Wineburg, R. J. (1994). Should doctoral graduates in social work be as well or better trained in research as those in allied professions? Yes. Are they? No. In W. W. Hudson and P. S. Nurius (Eds.), Controversial issues in social work research (203-215). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Cnaan, R. A. (1989). Post-industrial technologies and society. In W. R. Spence (Ed.), New technologies and social intervention (93-104). Ulster, North Ireland: University of Ulster.

Cnaan, R. A. (1988). Applications of computers in clinical supervision. In B. Glastonbury, W. LaMendola and S. Toole (Eds.), Information technology and the human services (128-136).


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West Sussex: John Wiley.

Cnaan, R. A. (1987). The evolution of Israel’s welfare state. In R. Friedman, N. Gilbert, & M. Sherer (Eds.), Modern welfare states: A comparative view of trends and prospects (174-207). Brighton: Wheatsheaf Books.

Babbitt, C. E., Cnaan, R. A., & Burbach, H. J. (1983). College satisfaction and performance among female students: A three dimensional approach. In M. Larkin, J. H. Honnold and J. S Williams (Eds.), Sociological research symposium: XIII(19-23). Richmond, VA: Alpha Kappa Delta.

Babbitt, C. E., Burbach, H. J., & Cnaan, R. A. (1983). Discontinuity in social networks of undergraduate social work students: A part of professional re-socialization. In C. E. Babbitt (Ed.). The sociological galaxy: Sociology toward the year 2000 (187-197). Harrisburg, PA: Beacon Publishing.


Blankertz, L. E., & Cnaan, R. A. (1993). Level of social functioning for dually-diagnosed clients in a residential care facility. (HaPI record). Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Services (Producer). McLean, VA: BRS Search Service (Vendor).


Religious and nonviolence: The rise of effective advocacy for peace, by Rachel M. MacNair (Praeger, 2015). Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 2019, 38(4), 442-443.

Continuity and change in voluntary action Patterns, trends and understandings, by Rose Lindsey and John Mohan with Elizabeth Metcalfe and Sarah Bulloch (Policy press, 2018). Voluntary Sector Review, 2019, 10(1), 93-94.

Spirituality, Religion, and Aging: Illuminations for Therapeutic Aging, by Holly Nelson-Becker. (Sage, 2017). Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 2018, 37(1), 96-97.

A shared future: Faith-based organizing for racial equity and ethical democracy, by Richard Wood and Brad Fulton (University of Chicago Press, 2015). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2017, 55(4), 875-876.

Spiritual assessment in social work and mental health practice, by David R. Hodge. (2016).


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Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(5), 558-560,

From the Outside In: Suburban elite, third-sector organizations, and the reshaping of Philadelphia, by Carolyn T. Adams. (2015). Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(6), 1292-1301.

Striving to save: Creating policies for financial security of low income families, by Margaret Sherrard Sherraden and Amanda Moore McBride (with Sondra G. Beverly). Families in Society, 2011, 92, (2). http://alliance1.org/sites/default/files/fis/BookReviewPDFs/4108_92_0.pdf

The Limits of voluntarism: Charity and welfare from the New Deal through the Great Society, by Andrew J. F. Morris. In: American Historical Review 2010, 115(5), 857-858.

Out of reach: Place, poverty, and the new American welfare State, by Scott W. Allard. In: Social Service Review, 2009, 83(4), 656-659.

Volunteers: A social profile, by Marc Musick and John Wilson. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2009, 38(3), 540-543. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/38/3/540 Also, KnowledgeConnect, Issue 8, Autumn 2011, pp. 5-6.

Religious organizations in community services: A social work perspective, by Terry Tirrito and Toni Cascio. In: The International Journal of Volunteer Administration, 2008.

Strategic giving: The art and science of philanthropy, by Peter Frumkin. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 2007. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0CYZ/is_/ai_n25466124

Religion and spirituality, by Bernard Moss. In: Ethics and Social Welfare, 2007, 1(2), 235-237.

Managing God’s business: Religious and faith-based organizations and their management, by Malcolm Torry. In: Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 2006, 17(3), 373-374.

Pillars of faith: American congregations and their partners, by Nancy T. Ammerman. In: Sociology of Religion, 2007, 68(1), 120-121.

A public charity: Religion and social welfare in Indianapolis, 1929-2002, by Mary L. Mapes. In: American Historical Review, 2006, lll(1), 215-216.

Covenant House: Journey of a faith-based charity, by Peter J. Wosh. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2005, 34(3), 407-409. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/16/

Voluntarism, community life, and the American ethic, by Robert S. Ogilvie. In: Journal of 37

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Planning Education and Research.

Raising expectations: Urban congregations, welfare reform, and civic life, by Arthur Farnsley, II. In: The Social Policy Journal, 2004, 3(3), 93-96.

Sociology of religion: Contemporary developments, by Kevin J. Christiano, William H. Swatos Jr. and Peter Kivisto. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 2003, 30(3), 163-165.

Neighborhood self-management: Experiments in civil society, by Hillel Schmid. In: Journal of Community Practice: Organizing, Planning, Development, and Change, 2003, 11(1), 121-123. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/15/

Artisans of democracy: How ordinary people, families in extreme poverty, and social institutions become allies to overcome social exclusion, by Jona M. Rosenfeld and Bruno Tardieu. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2002, 31(1), 149-152. http://repository.upenn.edu/spp_papers/17/

Individual and social responsibility: Child care, education, medical care, and long-term care in America, edited by Victor R. Fuchs. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1997, 24(1), 155-158.

Intervention research: Design and development for human services, edited by Jack Rothman and Edwin J. Thomas. In: Journal of Teaching Social Work, 1996, 13(1/2), 175-178. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J067v13n01_12

The Politics of Care: Human Services at the Local Level, by Alan J. Hahn. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1996, 23(2), 192-195.

Reflection & controversy: Essays on social work, by Ann Hartman. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1995, 22(2), 136-139.

The changing agenda of Israeli sociology: Theory, ideology, and identity, by Uri Ram. In: Jewish Book World, 1995, 13(2), 31.

Volunteers: The organizational behavior of unpaid workers, by June L. Pearce. In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1995, 193(3), 191-192.

Government and the Third Sector: Emerging relationships in welfare states, edited by Benjamin Gidron, Ralph M. Kramer, and Lester M. Salamon, and The Nonprofit Sector in the Global Community: Voices from Many Nations, edited by Kathleen D. McCarthy, Virginia A. Hodgkinson, and Russy D. Sumariwalla. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 1994, 23(1), 79-85. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/23/1/79


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The welfare state in Israel: The evolution of Social Security policy and practice, by Abraham Doron and Ralph M. Kramer. In: Contemporary Sociology, 1993, 22(6), 791-792. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2075948

Government and voluntary organizations, edited by Stein Kuhnle & Per Selle. In: Acta Sociologica, 1993, 36(4), 397-400. http://asj.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/36/4/397

Who benefits from the Nonprofit Sector?, edited by Charles T. Clotfelter. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 1993, 22(2), 184-188. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/22/2/184

Controversial Issues in Social Work, edited by Eileen Gambrill and Robert Pruger. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1993, 20(2), 142-145.

Labour and political economy in Israel, by Michael Shalev. In: Acta Sociologica, 1992, 35(4), 335-338.

Acts of compassion: Caring for others and helping ourselves, by Robert Wuthnow. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 1992, 21(4), 418-422. http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/21/4/418

The three worlds of welfare capitalism, by Gosta Esping-Andersen. In: Acta Sociologica, 1991, 35(1), 69-71. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4194754

Down and out in America, by Peter H. Rossi, and Homelessness amid affluence, by Michael H. Lang. In: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1991, 10(1), 109-112. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3325525

New homeless and old, by Charles Hoch and Robert A. Slayton, and Down and out in America, by Peter A. Rossi. In: Administration in Social Work, 1990, 14(4), 140-144.

Rethinking welfare, by Bill Jordan. In: Administration in Social Work, 1989, 14(1), 158-161.

Long term care administration, by Ben Abramovice. In: Administration in Social Work, 1988, 13(2), 149-151.

Social Security: Visions and revisions, by W. Andrew Achenbaum. In: Administration in Social Work, 1987, 12(2), 127-130.


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Cnaan, R. A., Evans, V., & Curtis, D. W. (2012). Called to Serve: The prosocial behavior of active Latter-day Saints. Submitted to Pew Forum on Research, the LDS Church, and the Vice provost for Research. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. New Port Beach, CA: October 23-October 25, 2015.

Cnaan, R. A., & Frazier, B. D. (2007). Assessing Philadelphia's Social Service Capacity for Ex-Prisoner Reentry: Final Research Report. Submitted to the City of Philadelphia, Mayor Office of reentry.

Cnaan, R. A., & Sinha, J. W. A preliminary investigation of a most urgent social issue: The faith based community and ex-prisoners re-entry. Submitted to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2002.

Cnaan, R. A., & Boddie, S. C. Black church outreach: Comparing how black and other congregations serve their needy neighbors. Center for Research on Religion and Urban Civic Society, University of Pennsylvania, Report 2001-1.

Cnaan, R. A. Keeping faith in the city: Survey results on 887 congregations. Center for Research on Religion and Urban Civic Society, University of Pennsylvania, Report 2000-3.

Cnaan, R. A. Keeping faith in the city: Report on how 401 congregations in Philadelphia serve their needy neighbors. Center for Research on Religion and Urban Civic Society, University of Pennsylvania, Report 2000-1.

Cnaan, R. A. Social and community involvement. University of Pennsylvania, the Program for the Study of Organized Religion & Social Work, 1998.

Cnaan, R. A. Social and community involvement of Philadelphia religious congregations housed in historic religious properties: Data analyses of mailed questionnaires. Report submitted to Historic Religious Properties Program of the Philadelphia Historic Preservation Corporation, 1996.

Cnaan, R. A. Preliminary report of social and community service provision: Analysis of the Philadelphia data. Submitted to Partners for Sacred Places, 1996.

Cnaan, R.A. & Cascio, T. A. Final Evaluation Report Tri-State Jewish Professional Leadership Program. Submitted to the Executive Committee of the Tri-State Jewish Professional Leadership Program, 1995.

Cnaan, R. A. Evaluation of Hillel at Drexel, submitted to Hillel of Greater Philadelphia, 1993.

Cnaan, R. A., & Sands, R. G. Assessing the impact of two intensive case management programs, submitted to the City of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania through the Department of


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Public Psychiatry, 1992.

Blankertz, L. E., & Cnaan, R. A. Comprehensive rehabilitation services for dually diagnosed homeless individuals, submitted to the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA), 1991.

Cnaan, R. A., & Shmuely, Y. The needs of graduate Jewish students in the Philadelphia area, submitted to JCAB-Hillel, 1990.

Cnaan, R. A. The social impact of urban renewal project in two communities and a model for its future evaluation, submitted to the Jewish Agency, Urban Renewal Project: Central Region of Israel, 1987.

Cnaan, R. A., & Katan, J. Neighborhood representing organizations in Israel: Final report, submitted to the P. Sapir Memorial Fund for Municipal and Urban Research, 1986.


Brudney, L. L., & Cnaan, R. A. you thought that this would be easy? Seeking an understanding of episodic event) Volunteering. 48th Annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Sector. San Diego, CA. November 21-23. 2019,

Heist, D. H., Cummings, B., Farwell, M., & Cnaan, R. A. How and why people use donor-advised funds: A qualitative study of a variety of DAF users. 48th Annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Sector. San Diego, CA. November 21-23. 2019,

Heist, D. H., Cnaan, R. A., & Ruiz, S. S. Comparing voluntary behavior between members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Colombia and the USA. 48th Annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Sector. San Diego, CA. November 21-23. 2019,

Shefner, R., Treglia, D., & Cnaan, R. A. Evaluating the Goldring Reentry Initiative: Do Master of Social Work students provide effective reentry services to participants transitioning out of Philadelphia County Jails? Poster paper presented at the American Public Health Association annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA. November 2-6, 2019.

Cnaan, R. A., & Heist, D. Volunteering among Latino members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Colombia and the USA. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. St. Louis, MO. October 25-27, 2019.


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Scott, M. L., Cnaan, R. A. Globalization’s requirements of youth: religious congregations as mediating structures. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. St. Louis, MO. October 25-27, 2019.

Cnaan, R. A. Volunteering by the other half. Conference on “Civic participation, volunteering, and Philanthropy: Assuming joint responsibility.” Annual meeting of the center for Civic Society & Philanthropy. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, May 14, 2019.

Cnaan, R. A. The extra yard in episodic volunteering. Conference on “Civic participation, volunteering, and Philanthropy: Assuming joint responsibility.” Annual meeting of the Center for Civic Society & Philanthropy. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, May 15, 2019.

Cnaan, R. A. Community social work: From three models to conceptual complexity. Meeting on Community Organization and Social Work. Bar Ilan University, Israel, March 6, 2019.

Cnaan, R. A. Innovative nonprofit and social entrepreneurs: Definitions, case examples, limitations, and promises. A keynote lecture at the NGO Leadership Innovation & Social Impact conference. Hong Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 4, 2018.

Bar, M., & Cnaan, R. A. Peace and coexistence nonprofit organizations in Israel: Background, history, and survival. 47th Annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Sector. Austin, TX. November 15-17. 2918,

Itzhaki, Y., & Cnaan, R. A. Understanding loneliness and well-being among regular congregational attendees. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Las Vegas, NV, October 25-27, 2018.

Scott, M. L., & Cnaan, R. A. Religion in the face of globalization: Young adults as global citizens. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Las Vegas, NV, October 25-27, 2018.

Cnaan, R. A. Is social enterprises the solution to inequality? International Symposium of Philanthropy and Commerce. Beijing, China. October 22-23, 2018.

Scott, M. L. & Cnaan, R. Help wanted: Productivity and self-governing personalities within religious congregations. Paper presentation at the Association for the Sociology of Religion conference on Strengthening Weak Ties to other Sociological Subdisciplines, Philadelphia, PA. August 11-13, 2018.

Scott, K. l., & Cnaan, R. A. Global citizenship as poverty alleviation for the next generation. Public Administration, Policy and Community Development: Managing a Changing Landscape. University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. November 3-5, 2017.


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Heist, D. R., & Cnaan, R. A. Determinants of commitment: A Study of LDS senior missionaries. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Washington, DC: October 13-15, 2017.

Scott, M. L., & Cnaan, R. A. At the center: Valued members of religious congregations. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Washington, DC: October 13-15, 2017.

Cnaan, R. A., & An, S. Even priceless has to have a number: Congregational halo effect. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Washington, DC: October 13-15, 2017.

Cnaan, R. A., Heist, H. D., & Lough, B. Mission possible: Senior volunteering among Latter-day Saints. Tenth Annual Conference ANSER/ARES 2017: of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Ontario Canada. May 31 – June 2, 2017.

Scott, M. L., & Cnaan, R. A. Global citizenship as poverty alleviation: NPOs work with youth. Tenth Annual Conference ANSER/ARES 2017: of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Ontario Canada. May 31 – June 2, 2017.

Cnaan, R. A., & An, S. Harnessing faith for improved quality of life: Government and faith-based nonprofit organizations in partnership. An international workshop on organizational hybridity, cross-sectoral relationships, and network governance. Toronto, Canada. April 1st, 2017.

Cnaan, R. A. Faith & practice: Harnessing congregations to produce public goods. International perspectives on partnership-building for nonprofits: A public event. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. March 31st, 2017.

Cnaan, R. A. From Policy to research to practice: Helping returning citizens through the GRI. Research Seminar Series, Yonsei University School of Social Welfare. Seoul, Korea: March 20, 2017.

Cnaan, R. A., Heist, H. D. & Storti, M. H. Papal Volunteers: A Study of Those Who Helped with Pope Francis’ Visit to Philadelphia. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Atlanta, GA: October 28-30, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. Even priceless has a number attached to it: Valuation of urban congregations. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Forum on Dialogue among Civilization and Human Destiny Community. Beijing, China. August 30 – September 1, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. Contrasting volunteers & employees: Managing volunteers’ dilemma. Academy of Management annual conference, Public and NonProfit (PNP) Division Plenary Session: A Multidisciplinary View of Volunteer Motivations and its Organizational Impact. Anaheim, CA: August 7-11.


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Cnaan, R. A. The future of the scientific social work workforce: Responding to trends in society and the academy. Islandwood meeting of the Round Table on the Future of Social Work Doctoral Education. Bainbridge Island, WA. July 19 to 22, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A., Heist, H. D. & Storti, M. H. Managing religious episodic volunteering: Pope Francis visit to Philadelphia. ISTR 12th International Conference: The Third Sector in Transition: Accountability, Transparency, and Social Inclusion. Stockholm, Sweden. June 28-July 1, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. Religious organizations as civil society welfare services. Paper presented at the Civil Society and the Welfare State at the Age of New Public Governance: A Cross-National Exploration. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, June 6th - June 8th 2016.

Cnaan, R. A., Heist, H. D. & Storti, M. H. Episodic volunteering in a religious megaevent. Ninth Annual Conference ANSER/ARES 2016: of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Calgary, Alberta Canada. June 1-2, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. The best way to predict the future is to invent it: The process of social innovating. Ninth Annual Conference ANSER/ARES 2016: of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Calgary, Alberta Canada. June 1-2, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. National culture and prosocial behaviors: Results from 66 countries. Invited lecture Kyung Hee University, Seoul Campus: January 12, 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. Civic society and nonprofit organizations in the 21st century. Invited lecture City of Seoul, Korea, Center for Nonprofit Organizations. January, 13 2016.

Cnaan, R. A. Measuring social valuation: The case of local religious congregations. Conference on “Religion, harmony and sustainable development” as part of G-20 meeting. Istanbul, Turkey: November 16-18, 2015. Cnaan, R. A., & An, S. Harnessing faith for improved quality of life: Government and faith-based nonprofit organizations in partnership. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Newport Beach, CA: October 22-24, 2015.

Cnaan, R. A. Civic participation as a complex phenomena. Eighth Annual Conference ANSER/ARES 2015: Nonprofits and the Social Economy at the Edge, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. June 5-7, 2015.

Cnaan, R. A. Measuring NPOs valuation: The case of local religious congregations. Invited paper for the monthly Research Seminar Series, Ewha Womans University School of Social Welfare. Seoul, Korea: April 27, 2015.


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Cnaan, R. A. National culture and prosocial behaviors: results from 66 countries. Invited paper for the monthly Research Seminar Series, Yonsei University School of Social Welfare. Seoul, Korea: April 27, 2015.


Caroline Jeanne Tice (1988).Organizational culture: An ethnography of a human service organization.

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Tovia Gilpin Freedman (1991).Women’s stories: The symbolic meaning of breast cancer.

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Lani Nelson-Zlupko (1996).Comparing client characteristics, services, and outcomes of women in specialized and conventional drug treatment (Specialized drug treatment).


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Patricia Jean Harding (1996).“Remember that?” Reminiscences of work: A case study of the world of work of full-fashion hosiery industry workers in Burks County, Pennsylvania, 1925-1965.

David Anthony Zanis (1996). A harm reduction: Enhanced outreach counseling.

Gretchen P. Kenagy (1998). Exploring an oppressed group: A study of transgendered people in Philadelphia.

William J. Ryan, Jr. (2000). Perceives social support and the effects of living in the community for individuals with a serious and persistent mental illness.

Stephanie C. Boddie (2002). One more river to cross: African-American congregations at the dawn of a new millennium.

Vanmala S. Hiranandani (2002). Experiences of middle-aged adults with physical disabilities in Medicaid managed care.

Jill W. Sinha (2004). African American youth and communities of faith: Capitalizing on compassion, at risk for greatness.

Janis Goodman (2005). Identity formation within a multicultural context: A field study of early adolescent African-American girls set inn an inner-city community in North Philadelphia.

Nushia Siddiqui (2005). Psychosocial and cultural factors affecting HIV risk and resilience among African American women.

Margaret Shope Koppel (2005). Accessible housing for low-income tenants with Physical disabilities following the 1988 Fair Housing Act amendments: Outcomes and processes in four cities.

Beverley D. Frazier (2007). Assessing Philadelphia’s community institutional capacity for prisoner reentry.

Karen A. Zurlo (2009). The mediating effects of the sense of control on the financial well-being of older adults.

Brian L. Coleman (2009). Post-conversion experiences of African-American male Sunni Muslims: Community integration and masculinity in twenty-first century Philadelphia.


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Kielty Turner (2009). The promotion of successful aging through mindfulness skills training.

Cynthia Closs (2010). The effects of oppression on queer intimate adolescent attachment.

Mary Ann A. Groncki (2010). A comparative study of adopted and nonadopted women’s attachment within romantic relationships.

Nicole M. Saint Louis (2010) Job stress, compassion fatigue and burnout and a narrative intervention with oncology professionals.

Laura Kotler-Klein (2010). Family process through the prism of living organ donation: Courage, coercion, calculus and coalescence.

Marni Rosner (2012). Recovery from traumatic loss: A study of women living without children after infertility.

Charlene Chen McGrew (2012). Social service agency partnerships with religious congregations in Wilmington, Delaware.

Jacquelyn E. Warr-Williams (2012). Conversations in the sand: Advanced Sandplay therapy training curriculum for masters level clinicians.

Kia Wilson Kerrin (2012). Understanding the role of spiritual well-being in a smoking cessation program.

Kirk James (2013). The invisible epidemic: educating social work students towards holistic practice in a period of mass incarceration.

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Kass Noah (2016). The philosophies and practices of alcoholics anonymous from a psychodynamic perspective.

Thomas N. Owens (2017). The Role of mindfulness as a buffer against psychosocial stress among African American men.

Nathaniel L. Currie (2017) Male patient experience receiving pre-exposure prophylaxis through primary care.

Sharon Cazabafy (2017) A two-article examination of the integration of trauma-informed care with adult medical care.

Jeffrey N. Jin (2017) The Clinical Significance of Companion Animals for LGBT+ Youth: Unconditional Love in a Straight Society.

Maria J. Balintona (2017) “It gets easier, not better”: Ambiguous loss and resiliency in adult children caring for their parent with Alzheimer’s disease.

H. Daniel Heist (2019). Understanding donor-advised funds: The behavioral economics, macroeconomics, and public policies relating to an emerging trend in philanthropy.

Zachary Holtzman-Conston The efficacy of supportive services in the early stages of outpatient methadone maintenance treatment.

Marquisha Lawrence Scott Crossing tracks and ponds: preparing youth for a global society.