Rakesh Soni - Oracle DBA_ Oracle Interview Questions

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  • 8/12/2019 Rakesh Soni - Oracle DBA_ Oracle Interview Questions


    Wednesday, October 3, 2007

    Oracle Interview Questions

    These are the Oracle DBA interview Questions that were

    asked to me for Fresh /Assitant Oracle DBA Job.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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    1-You have written in your CV that As a DBA u can Test a Backup,


    2-You have written in your CV, that you can monitor physical and

    logical backup, how?

    3-You have written in your CV, that you can Rebuild Index to

    rectify segment fragmentation. (Coalesce)

    4-You has written in your CV, that you can Automatic Schedule a

    logical backup. how?

    5-HVM, when it will be decreased? How can I do it? (Truncate


    6-Alert log file? What it contains?

    7-Control file? What information it contains? When it is read?8- I have lost my Control File & dont have any Backup; Can I start

    DB & operate? How? (You create a control file in no mount mode.)

    9- Mount- No Mount?

    10-SGA? Its Components?

    11-Checkpoint? Why Checkpoint? Where its recorded? When its


    12-LGWR? When it writes?

    13-Duties of DBA?

    14-Whats Statspack? How can I use Statspack?

    15-Methods of Backup (Cold & Hot Backup)?

    16 -Why do you want to be DBA? Why Not a Developer?

    17-What is RECOVERY Catalog? Why we need it? Complete

    command/steps of creating Recovery Catalog? How will it know

    about the Primary Database? -What role/Privileges are given to

    user when he is connected to Recovery Catalog? -How can I

    connect with RMAN? Its Steps?

    18-RMAN Incremental Backups? What are Differential &

    Cumulative Backups?

    19-Write a statement/command for exporting all the objects of

    owner HR?


    21-Standby Databases?


    Oracle 11g DBA Certified

    Oracle 10g DBA Certified

    About Me

    Rakesh Kumar Soni

    Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

    More Next Blog Create Blog Sign In

    I am writing at my blog for future reference. I am writing Oracle related experiences and stuffs. I have

    over 5 years of Oracle DBA experience, I am also Oracle 11g DBA & 10g DBA Certified Professional. If you

    want to hire me on Permanent / Contract / Project basis then do contact me at [email protected] or

    [email protected] or call me at +92-3009274815.

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    23-Partitioning (List, Range, Hash)

    24-If my application is slow, how can we make it efficient, faster?

    -How will you tune if application is slow?

    25-RMAN Backups?



    28-Flashback? What is flashback in 10g?

    29-What is command for restoring from recycle bin?

    2nd interview.30-Difference between User & Schema?

    31-Cluster key? 32- RAC?

    33-Stand By database?

    33-What are duties of DBA?

    34-What is Difference among NOMOUNT & MOUNT & OPEN

    modes? When Database will be available for read?

    35-What is SGA? And what are its components?

    36-How can we allocate SGA? How we can know it proper size?

    How should we estimate? How can we calculate size of SGA?

    37-If database is running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when I

    come to office in morning what should I do Check? What files,

    views, or Services should I check?38-How can you perform Fragmentation in tables?

    39-Suppose, if I export table data and then import? Does it

    perform fragmentation?

    40-Interviewer Asked from me:-Tell me if you are DBA, u left the

    office at night, and when u arrive at office in the morning, what

    you will check in database?

    41-How can you schedule a job?


    43-New feature of 10g.

    44-What is Database? RDBMS? Rules?

    HR Interview Questions?

    1.Tell me more about yourself.

    2.Why did you choose this career?

    3.Why do you want to work here at ABC Inc.?

    4.What would you say is your strength? Your weakness?

    5.What did you learn from your last job/internship/educational


    7.Why do you want this job?

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    1- You have written in your CV that As a DBA u can Test a

    Backup, How?Regularly test the backup & recovery srtategy, becaue it shows the

    integrity of the backups, the validity of the backup and recovery

    method, and the reduction of the problems before the occur in a

    production database.

    Testing the backup and recovery plan ensures:

    That the backup and recovery methods are sound

    Integrity of backups

    Ensures that the backup and recovery strategy meets business


    It minimizes problems before they occur in a production

    I`m working as Independent Oracle DBA for

    IQRA University(Main Campus). I have done

    BSc(Hons) in Computing, I`m also Oracle

    11g and 10g Certified DBA.

    View my complete profile

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    It ensures that personnel can react quickly and effectively in

    case any errors arise, avoiding a crisis situation.

    2- You have written in your CV, that you can monitor

    physical and logical backup, how?



    A backup is a representative copy of data. This copy can include

    important parts of a database such as the control file, redo logs,and datafiles. A backup protects data from application error and

    acts as a safeguard against unexpected data loss, by providing a

    way to restore original data. Backups are divided into physical

    backups and logical backups. Physical backups are copies of

    physical database files. The phrase "backup and recovery" usually

    refers to the transfer of copied files from one location to another,

    along with the various operations performed on these files.

    In contrast, logical backups contain data that is exported using SQL

    commands and stored in a binary file. Oracle records both

    committed and uncommitted changes in redo log buffers. Logical

    backups are used to supplement physical backups. Restoring a

    physical backup means reconstructing it and making it available tothe Oracle server. To recover a restored backup, data is updated

    using redo records from the transaction log. The transaction log

    records changes made to the database after the backup was taken.



    Types of Backup

    There are two kinds of database backups available to us physical

    backups and logical backups.

    Physical Backupis an actual physical copy of the files of the

    database copied from one location to another.

    Logical Backupis a copy of the data in the database but not a

    copy of the physical files.

    Cold Backup

    A cold backup is a physical backup.

    During a cold backup the database is closed and not available to

    users. All files of the database are copied (image copy). The

    datafiles do not change during the copy so the database is in sync

    upon restore.

    Used when: Service level allows for some down time for backup

    Hot Backup

    A hot backup is a physical backup. In a hot backup the database

    remains open and available to users. All files of the database arecopied (image copy). There may be changes to the database as the

    copy is made and so all log files of changes being made during the

    backup must be saved too. Upon a restore, the changes in the log

    files are reapplied to bring the database in sync.

    Used when: A full backup of a database is needed Service level

    allows no down time for the backup

    Logical Backup

    A logical backup is an extract of the database. All SQL statements

    to create the objects and all SQL statements to populate the

    objects are included in the extract. Oracle provides a utility export,


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    Batch Files for auto backups

    Cold Backup batch file

    Creating new DB from Cold backup

    Creating Standby Dabase - Complete


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    to create the extract. A partner utility, import, is used to bring the

    data back into the database.

    A logical backup can be done at the table, schema(or proxy owner),

    or database level. That is, we can extract only a list of specified

    tables, a list of specified schemas or the full database.

    Used to:

    Move or archive a database

    Move or archive a table(s)

    Move or archive a schema(s)Verify the structures in the database.

    3- You have written in your CV, that you can Rebuild Index

    to rectify segment fragmentation. (Coalesce)

    Index:An index is a tree structure that allows direct access to a

    row in table.

    Rebuild:An index contains deleted entries and should be rebuild,

    such a case of index on Order number of an Orders tables, where

    completed orders are deleted & new orders with higher numbers

    are added.

    ALTER INDEX orders_index REBUILDTABLESPACE index02;

    Above command moves an index to a different TableSpace.

    Improve space utilization by removing deleted entries.

    COALESCE:If you encounter index fragmentation then you can

    rebuild or coalesce. Coalescing an index is a block rebuild that is

    performed online.

    I.e. Merging B-tree index leaf blocks that can be freed for reuse.

    ALTER INDEX hr.employees_idx COALESE;


    When one must rebuild Indexes, read the at the forums.oracle.com

    at below thread.



    4- You has written in your CV, that you can Automatic

    Schedule a logical backup. how?


    Visit above blog page for Automatic Scheduling of logical


    5- HVM, when it will be decreased? How can I do it?

    (Truncate table)

    High water mark:The high water mark is the boundary between

    used and unused space in a segment. As requests for new free

    blocks that cannot be satisfied by existing free lists are received,

    the block to which the high water mark points becomes a used

    block, and the high water mark is advanced to the next block. In

    other words, the segment space to the left of the high water mark

    is used, and the space to the right of it is unused.

    The high water mark is divides a segmentinto used blocksfree


    Oracle Corp.

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    1. Oracle High Availability

    2. High Availability Overview

    3. Backup & Recovery

    4. Disastor Recovery

    5. Storage Management

    6. Continuous Operations

    7. Maximum Availability Architecture


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    Blocks below the high water mark (used blocks) have at least once

    contained data. This data might have been deleted.

    Since Oracle knows that blocks beyond the high water mark don't

    have data, it only reads blocks up to the high water mark in a full

    table scan.

    Oracle keeps track of the high water mark for a segmentin the

    segment header.

    Moving the high water mark

    In normal DB operations, the high water mark only movesupwards, not downwards. The exceptions being the truncate.

    If there is a lot of free space below the high water mark, one might

    consider to use alter table move statements. See On shrinking

    table sizes.


    truncate table table_name;

    truncate cluster cluster_name;

    A statement like delete from tablename deletes all records in the

    table, but it does not free any space (see On table sizes). In order

    to free the space as well, use truncate. However, a truncate can notbe rolled back.

    Truncate Table: Basically, a truncate statement resets the high

    water markto its initial position.

    A truncate statement cannot be used on a synonym.

    Ways for reseting high water mark.

    - export/import

    -CTAS (Create table as select)

    - dbms_redefinition

    6- Alert log file? What it contains?

    Location Defined by BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST

    Alert log file should be the 1st place when diagnosing day-to-day

    operations or errors.

    Keeps record of

    When DB was started & shutdown

    List of all non default initialization parameters.

    Startup of Background processes.

    Log sequence number LGWR writing to.

    Info abt log switch

    Creation of tablespace & undo segments

    Alter statement that has been issued.

    Information abt errors messages ora-600 & extent errors.

    7- Control file? What information it contains? When it is


    Small binary file

    Defines current state of physical database.


    At mount state during startup

    To operate the database

    Linked to a single database.

    Loss may require recovery.

    Control file contains

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    Database Name & Identified

    Timestamp of DB creation

    Tablespace names

    Names & location of data files & online redo log files

    Current online redo log file information

    Checkpoint information

    Begin & end of undo segments

    Redo log archive information

    Backup Information

    Read at the Mount mode of the database.

    8- I have lost my Control File & dont have any Backup; Can

    I start DB & operate? How? (You create a control file in no

    mount mode.)

    Yes, we can operate the database, follow the steps below:

    Start instance if necessary.

    Shut down instance if start failed.

    Start the Instance in Mount mode.

    Run the trace file script to recreate the control file.

    Determine if full back up is required and perform one if


    Ensure that instance is started & database is open.




    Steps for Creating New Control Files

    Complete the following steps to create a new control file.

    1. Make a list of all datafiles and redo log files of the database.

    If you follow recommendations for control file backups as discussed

    in "Backing Up Control Files" , you will already have a list of

    datafiles and redo log files that reflect the current structure of the

    database. However, if you have no such list, executing the following

    statements will produce one.SELECT MEMBER FROM


    FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = 'control_files';

    If you have no such lists and your control file has been damaged so

    that the database cannot be opened, try to locate all of the

    datafiles and redo log files that constitute the database. Any files

    not specified in step 5 are not recoverable once a new control file

    has been created. Moreover, if you omit any of the files that make

    up the SYSTEM tablespace, you might not be able to recover the


    2. Shut down the database.

    If the database is open, shut down the database normally ifpossible. Use the IMMEDIATE or ABORT clauses only as a last


    3. Back up all datafiles and redo log files of the database.

    4. Start up a new instance, but do not mount or open the




    7. Create a new control file for the database using the CREATE

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    CONTROLFILE statement.

    When creating a new control file, specify the RESETLOGS clause if

    you have lost any redo log groups in addition to control files. In this

    case, you will need to recover from the loss of the redo logs (step

    8). You must specify the RESETLOGS clause if you have renamed

    the database. Otherwise, select the NORESETLOGS clause.

    8. Store a backup of the new control file on an offline storage

    device. See "Backing Up Control Files" for instructions for creating a


    9. Edit the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter for the

    database to indicate all of the control files now part of your

    database as created in step 5 (not including the backup control

    file). If you are renaming the database, edit the DB_NAME

    parameter in your instance parameter file to specify the new name.

    10. Recover the database if necessary. If you are not recovering

    the database, skip to step 9.

    If you are creating the control file as part of recovery, recover the

    database. If the new control file was created using the

    NORESETLOGS clause (step 5), you can recover the database withcomplete, closed database recovery.

    If the new control file was created using the RESETLOGS clause,

    you must specify USING BACKUP CONTROL FILE. If you have lost

    online or archived redo logs or datafiles, use the procedures for

    recovering those files.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics and Oracle Database

    Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide for information about

    recovering your database and methods of recovering a lost control


    11. Open the database using one of the following methods:

    o If you did not perform recovery, or you performed complete,

    closed database recovery in step 8, open the database normally.


    o If you specified RESETLOGS when creating the control file, use

    the ALTER DATABASE statement, indicating RESETLOGS.


    The database is now open and available for use.




    Trace File:When one of the Oracle background processes (such as dbwr, lgwr,

    pmon, smon and so on ) encounter an exception, they will write a

    trace file.

    These trace files are also recorded in the alert.log.

    Trace files are also created for diagnostic dump events.

    An ORA-00600 error also produces a trace file.

    9- Mount- No Mount?

    NOMOUNT:An oracle instance can be started in NOMOUNT stage

    only during database creation or the recreation of control files.

    MOUNT: To perform specific maintenance operations, dont open

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    the database.

    Renaming datafiles

    Enabling & disabling archive redo log file archiving options

    Performing full database recovery

    10- SGA? Its Components?

    SGA: Shared Global Area is allocated at instance startup, and is

    fundamental component of Oracle Instance.

    Size defined by SGA_MAX_SIZE.Components

    Shared Pool (SHARED_POOL_SIZE)

    Database Buffer Cache (DB_CACHE_SIZE)

    Redo Log Buffer (LOG_BUFFER)Additional Components

    Large Pool

    Java Pool

    11- Checkpoint? Why Checkpoint? Where its recorded?

    When its recorded?

    Database Checkpoint:Checkpoints are you used to determine

    where recovery should start.

    Checkpoint position where recovery should startCheckpoint queue link list of dirty blocks

    The position in the redo log where recovery should start is referred

    as to as the checkpoint position.

    Types of Checkpoint

    1-Full check point

    All dirty buffers are written

    Shutdown normal, immediate, or transactional

    Alter System Checkpoint

    2-Incremental Checkpoint

    3-Partial Checkpoint

    Alter tablespace begin backup

    Alter tablespace offline normal

    When a checkpoint occurs, Oracle must update the headers of all

    datafiles to record the details of the checkpoint. This is done by the

    CKPT process. The CKPT process does not write blocks to disk;

    DBWn always performs that work.

    Every 3 seconds CKPT records the RBA from the oldest entry to in

    the checkpoint queue in the control file. This RBA represents the

    point in the redo log at which instance recovery is to begin after an

    instance failure. It can do this because all of the data blocks

    represented in prior redo records are guaranteed to have been

    written do disk by DBWn

    On the event on a log switch, does CKPT also write this informationto the header of the datafiles.

    12- LGWR? When it writes?

    LGWR performs sequential writes from the Redo Log Buffer to the

    Online redo Log files under the following situations

    At Commit

    When the Redo Log Buffer is one-third full

    When there is more than 1 MB of changes recorded in the Redo

    Log Buffer

    Befoere DBW writes modified blocks

    Every 3 seconds

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    13- Duties of DBA?

    To plan & Create Databases

    To Manage Database Availability

    To Manage Physical & Logical Structure

    To Manage Storage based on design

    To manage security

    Network Administration

    Backup & Recovery

    Database Tuning

    14- Whats Statspack? How can I use Statspack?

    STATSPACK: STATSPACK is a performance diagnosis tool, available

    since Oracle8i. STATSPACK can be considered BSTAT/ESTAT's

    successor, incorporating many new features. STATSPACK is a

    diagnosis tool for instance-wide performance problems; it also

    supports application tuning activities by providing data which

    identifies high-load SQL statements. STATSPACK can be used both

    proactively to monitor the changing load on a system, and also

    reactively to investigate a performance problem.

    UTLBSTAT - UTLESTATThe BSTAT-ESTAT utilities capture information directly from the

    Oracle's in-memory structures and then compare the information

    from two snapshots in order to produce an elapsed-time report

    showing the activity of the database. If we look inside utlbstat.sql

    and utlestat.sql, we see the SQL that samples directly from the

    view: V$SYSSTAT;

    insert into stats$begin_stats select * from v$sysstat;

    insert into stats$end_stats select * from v$sysstat;

    How can I use Statspack

    Create PERFSTAT Tablespace

    The STATSPACK utility requires an isolated tablespace to obtain all

    of the objects and data. For uniformity, it is suggested that the

    tablespace be called PERFSTAT, the same name as the schema

    owner for the STATSPACK tables. It is important to closely watch

    the STATSPACK data to ensure that the stats$sql_summary table is

    not taking an inordinate amount of space.


    DATAFILE '/u01/oracle/db/AKI1_perfstat.dbf' SIZE 1000M REUSE




    ONLINE;Run catdbsyn.sql as SYS

    Run dbmspool.sql as SYS

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"SQL>

    start spcreate.sql

    Adjusting the STATSPACK Collection Level

    STATSPACK has two types of collection options, level and threshold.

    The level parameter controls the type of data collected from Oracle,

    while the threshold parameter acts as a filter for the collection of

    SQL statements into the stats$sql_summary table.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM stats$level_description ORDER BY

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    Level 0: This level captures general statistics, including rollback

    segment, row cache, SGA, system events, background events,

    session events, system statistics, wait statistics, lock statistics, and

    Latch information.

    Level 5:This level includes capturing high resource usage SQL

    Statements, along with all data captured by lower levels.

    Level 6:This level includes capturing SQL plan and SQL plan usage

    information for high resource usage SQL Statements, along with alldata captured by lower levels.

    Level 7:This level captures segment level statistics, including

    logical and physical reads, row lock, itl and buffer busy waits, along

    with all data captured by lower levels.

    Level 10:This level includes capturing Child Latch statistics, along

    with all data captured by lower levels.

    15- Methods of Backup (Cold & Hot Backup)?

    A cold backup, also called an offline backup, is a database backup

    when the database is offline and thus not accessible for updating.

    This is the safest way to back up because it avoids the risk of

    copying data that may be in the process of being updated.However, a cold backup involves downtime because users cannot

    use the database while it is being backed up.

    When system downtime must be minimized, a hot backup can

    provide an alternative to the cold backup. A hot backup can be

    done even as users access the database, but some method must be

    used to ensure that data being updated is noted and can be copied

    when the update is complete.

    16 -Why do you want to be DBA? Why Not a Developer?

    I think being an Oracle DBA is really rewarding. It can be a highly

    demanding job, but I feel that this is part of the exciting challenge

    of being a DBA. But I choose this path for myself and I am really

    happy with it. It is an exciting and rewarding job.

    17- What is RECOVERY Catalog? Why we need it? Complete

    command/steps of creating Recovery Catalog? How will it

    know about the Primary Database? -What role/Privileges

    are given to user when he is connected to Recovery Catalog?

    -How can I connect with RMAN? Its Steps?

    What is RECOVERY Catalog

    Recovery Catalog is schema that is created in a separate


    RMAN propagates information about the database structure,

    archived redo log files, and datafile copies into the recovery catalog

    from the control file of target database.



    To use RMAN, a recovery catalog is not necessary. Remember that

    RMAN will always use the control file of the target database to store

    backup and recovery operations. To use a recovery catalog, you will

    first need to create a recovery catalog database and create a

    schema for it. The catalog (database objects) will be located in the

    default tablespace of the schema owner. Please note that the owner

    of the catalog cannot be the SYS user.

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    The recovery catalog database should be created on a different

    host, on different disks, and in a different database from the target

    databse you will be backing up. If you do not, the benefits of using

    a recovery catalog are lost if you loose the database and need to


    The first step is to create a database for the recovery catalog. For

    the purpose of this example, I created an Oracle 9.2.0 database

    named CATDB. The database has the following installed:

    You have access to the SYS password for the database.

    A temporary tablespace named TEMP already exists.

    A normal tablespace named TOOLS exists and will be used to

    store the recovery catalog.

    The database is configured in the same way as all normal

    databases, for example, catalog.sql and catproc.sql have been

    successfully run.

    Now, let's create the recovery catalog:

    1. Start SQL*Plus and then connect with SYSDBA privileges to thedatabase containing the recovery catalog:

    % sqlplus "sys/change_on_install as sysdba"

    2. Create a user and schema for the recovery catalog:




    6. QUOTA UNLIMITED ON tools;


    User created.

    8. Grant the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role to the schema

    owner. This role provides the user with privileges to maintain and

    query the recovery catalog: 9.


    10. Grant succeeded.

    11. Grant other desired privileges to teh RMAN user:


    13. Grant succeeded.

    14. After creating the catalog owner you should now create the

    catalog itself by using the CREATE CATALOG command within the

    RMAN interface. This command will create the catalog in the default

    tablespace of the catalog owner. you will need to connect to the

    database that will contain the catalog as teh catalog owner as


    15. % rman catalog rman/rman@catdb16.

    17. Recovery Manager: Release - Production


    19. Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights



    21. connected to recovery catalog databaserecovery catalog is not


    22. Now, run the CREATE CATALOG command to create the catalog.

    Note that this process can take several minutes to complete.

    23. RMAN> create catalog;

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    24. recovery catalog created

    Registering the Target Database

    Before using RMAN using a recovery catalog, you will need to

    register the taget database(s) in the recovery catalog. RMAN will

    obtain all information it needs to register the target database from

    the database itself.

    As long as each target database has a distinct DBID, you can

    register more than one target database in the same recovery

    catalog. Each database registered in a given catalog must have aunique database identifier (DBID), but not necessarily a unique

    database name.

    You can use either the command-line utilities provided by RMAN or

    the Oracle Enterprise Manager GUI to register the target database.

    For the purpose of this example, I will be using the command-line

    utilities. I will be registering a database named TARGDB to a

    recovery catalog within a database named CATDB. The target

    database must be either mounted or opened in order to register it.

    % . oraenv


    % rman target backup_admin/backup_admin catalogrman/rman@catdb

    Recovery Manager: Release - Production

    Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

    connected to target database: TARGDB (DBID=2457750772)

    connected to recovery catalog database

    RMAN> register database;

    database registered in recovery catalog

    starting full resync of recovery catalog

    full resync complete

    18- RMAN Incremental Backups? What are Differential &

    Cumulative Backups?

    Incremental backup is a backup that includes only those blocks that

    have changed since the previous backup.

    click the link below for details about Differential and Cumulative




    19- Write a statement/command for exporting all the

    objects of owner HR?

    Exp user=hr/hr full=y direct=y

    20- Direct=y

    Determines whether to use direct or conventional path export.

    Direct path exports bypass the SQL command, thereby enhancing


    21- Standby Databases?

    A standby database is a transactionally consistent copy of the

    primary database. A standby database is initially created from a

    backup copy of the primary database. Once created, Data Guard

    automatically maintains the standby database by transmitting

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    primary database redo data to the standby system and then

    applying the redo logs to the standby database.

    Similar to a primary database, a standby database can be either a

    single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle Real Application

    Clusters database.

    A standby database can be either a physical standby database or a

    logical standby database:

    Physical standby database

    Provides a physically identical copy of the primary database, withon-disk database structures that are identical to the primary

    database on a block-for-block basis. The database schema,

    including indexes, are the same. A physical standby database is

    kept synchronized with the primary database by recovering the

    redo data received from the primary database.

    Logical standby database

    Contains the same logical information as the production database,

    although the physical organization and structure of the data can be

    different. It is kept synchronized with the primary database by

    transforming the data in the redo logs received from the primary

    database into SQL statements and then executing the SQL

    statements on the standby database. A logical standby databasecan be used for other business purposes in addition to disaster

    recovery requirements. This allows users to access a logical

    standby database for queries and reporting purposes at any time.

    Thus, a logical standby database can be used concurrently for data

    protection and reporting.

    For more details about Stand By databases visit the link below.



    22- RAC?

    Real Application Clusters harnesses the processing power of

    multiple interconnected computers. Real Application Clusters

    software and a collection of hardware known as a cluster unite the

    processing power of each component to create a robust computing


    You can use Real Application Clusters to deliver high performance,

    increased throughput, and high availability. Before deploying Real

    Application Clusters, however, you should understand Real

    Application Clusters processing.

    In Real Application Clusters environments, all active instances can

    concurrently execute transactions against a shared database. Real

    Application Clusters coordinates each instance's access to theshared data to provide data consistency and data integrity.

    Harnessing the power of clusters offers obvious advantages. A

    large task divided into subtasks and distributed among multiple

    nodes is completed sooner and more efficiently than if you

    processed the entire task on one node. Cluster processing also

    provides increased performance for larger workloads and for

    accommodating rapidly growing user populations.

    For more details visit the link below.


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    23- Partitioning (List, Range, Hash)

    More details: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Oracle


    Partitioning provides facilities for implementing large, scalable

    applications. Enables control over tables & indexes at a lower level

    of granularity than is possible with basic enterprise edition.


    DATAFILE 'c:\temp\part01.dbf' SIZE 50






    DATAFILE 'c:\temp\part02.dbf' SIZE 50M

    BLOCKSIZE 8192





    DATAFILE 'c:\temp\part03.dbf' SIZE 50M

    BLOCKSIZE 8192





    DATAFILE 'c:\temp\part04.dbf' SIZE 50MBLOCKSIZE 8192




    HASH Partitioning

    Hash Partitioning, which maps data to partitions based on a

    hashing algorithm, evenly distributing data between the partitions.

    This is typically used where ranges aren't appropriate, i.e.

    customer number, product ID

    Enables partitioning of data that does not lend itself to range or list

    partitioning.To view the numbers Oracle uses for hashing:SELECT program, sql_hash_value, prev_hash_value FROM


    CREATE TABLE hash_part (

    prof_history_id NUMBER(10),

    person_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,

    organization_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,

    record_date DATE NOT NULL,

    prof_hist_comments VARCHAR2(2000))

    PARTITION BY HASH (prof_history_id)


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    STORE IN (part1, part2, part3);

    desc prof_hist

    SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, partitioned

    FROM user_tables;

    desc user_tab_partitions

    SELECT partition_name, tablespace_nameFROM user_tab_partitions;


    LIST Partitioning

    Explicitly controls how rows map to partitions. You do this by

    specifying a list of discrete values for the partitioning key in the

    description for each partition.

    CREATE TABLE list_part (

    deptno NUMBER(10),

    deptname VARCHAR2(20),

    quarterly_sales NUMBER(10,2),state VARCHAR2(2))


    (PARTITION q1_northwest VALUES ('OR', 'WA')

    TABLESPACE part1,

    PARTITION q1_southwest VALUES ('AZ', 'CA', 'NM')

    TABLESPACE part2,

    PARTITION q1_northeast VALUES ('NY', 'VT', 'NJ')

    TABLESPACE part1,

    PARTITION q1_southeast VALUES ('FL', 'GA')

    TABLESPACE part2,

    PARTITION q1_northcent VALUES ('MN', 'WI')

    TABLESPACE part1,

    PARTITION q1_southcent VALUES ('OK', 'TX')

    TABLESPACE part2);

    SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, partitioned

    FROM user_tables;

    SELECT partition_name, tablespace_name, high_valueFROM


    INSERT INTO list_part VALUES (10, 'A', 1000, 'OR');

    INSERT INTO list_part VALUES (20, 'B', 1000, 'AZ');

    INSERT INTO list_part VALUES (10, 'A', 1000, 'WA');

    INSERT INTO list_part VALUES (20, 'B', 1000, 'WA');INSERT INTO list_part VALUES (10, 'A', 1000, 'AZ');

    INSERT INTO list_part VALUES (20, 'B', 1000, 'CA');


    SELECT * FROM list_part;

    SELECT * FROM list_part PARTITION(q1_northwest);


    RANGE Partition

    Range Partitioning, which maps data to partitions based on a range

    of column values (usually a date column)

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    CREATE TABLE range_part (prof_history_id NUMBER(10),

    person_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,

    organization_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,

    record_date DATE NOT NULL,

    ph_comments VARCHAR2(200))

    PARTITION BY RANGE(record_date) (







    TABLESPACE part3,


    TABLESPACE part4);

    SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, partitioned

    FROM user_tables;

    SELECT partition_name, tablespace_name, high_valueFROM user_tab_partitions;

    24- If my application is slow, how can we make it efficient,

    faster? -How will you tune if application is slow?

    25- RMAN Backups?

    RMAN 9i



    26- ADDM.

    ADDM: Automatic database diagnostic monitor. ADDM enables

    Oracle to diagnose its own performance problems. For example,

    ADDM identifies the most resource intensive SQL statements and

    passes that statement to the SQL tuning advisor.

    ADDM automatically monitors the state of the database at short,

    regular intervals (by default: 30 mins) which leads to database

    performance diagnostics. It promises that you can forget all of your

    scripts that link the many v$ views. ADDM can be run from

    Enterprise Manager or through a PL/SQL interface.

    SQL tuning advisor In my last column, I focused on one of Oracle

    Database 10g's quick wins for DBAsusing the new SQL Tuning

    Advisor to quickly tune poorly performing SQL statementsandtouched only briefly on the new built-in diagnostic engine,

    ADDM details http://www.oracle-base.com/articles


    27- AWR.

    AWR automatic workload repository looks periodically at the system

    performance (by default every 60 minutes) and stores the

    information found (by default up to 7 days). This allows retrieving

    information about workload changes and database usage patterns.

    This information is the basis for all self-management decisions. For

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    example, it is thus possible to identify the SQL statements that

    have the

    larges CPU consumption

    most buffer gets

    disk reads

    most parse calls

    shared memory

    The data is fed from MMON.

    The information is stored in the sysauxtablespace.

    28- Flashback? What is flashback in 10g?

    With Oracle's flashback, it's possible to sort of travel back in time.

    That is, flashback provides a means to see data that was altered

    through DDL operations and the state of database objects that

    were changed with DML operations. Oracle subcategorises

    flashback into three categories: Flashback queryGet previous data

    with the as of clause of a select statement. See Flashback query

    example 1.

    Flashback version queryGet changes of data between a time

    interval using the versions between clause of a select statement.

    See Flashback version query example 1.

    Flashback transaction queryFind changes of a specific transactionthrough the flashback_transaction_query view. See Flashback

    transaction version query example 1. Flashback Table

    Flashback dropUndrops a dropped table.

    flashback database In order to make flashback possible, Oracle

    uses undo.



    29- What is command for restoring from recycle bin?

    To reinstate the table, all you have to do is use the FLASHBACK

    TABLE command:


    PURGE RECYCLEBIN;But what if you want to drop the table

    completely, without needing a flashback feature? In that case, you

    can drop it permanently using:


    This command will not rename the table to the recycle bin name;

    rather, it will be deleted permanently, as it would have been


    2nd interview.30- Difference between User & Schema?

    A schema is a collection of database objects. A schema is owned by

    a database user and has the same name as that user. Schema

    objects are the logical structures that directly refer to the

    database's data. Schema objects include structures like tables,

    views, and indexes. (There is no relationship between a tablespace

    and a schema. Objects in the same schema can be in different

    tablespaces, and a tablespace can hold objects from different


    31- Cluster key?

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    important database information, such as the location of the

    database datafiles.

    In the mount stage, Oracle determines the location of the datafiles,

    but does not yet open them. Once the datafile locations have been

    identified, the database is ready to be opened.

    Some forms of recovery require that the database be opened in

    mount stage.


    The last startup step for an Oracle database is the open stage.When Oracle opens the database, it accesses all of the datafiles

    associated with the database. Once it has accessed the database

    datafiles, Oracle makes sure that all of the database datafiles are


    35- What is SGA? And what are its components?

    System Global Area: The System Global Area (SGA) is a shared

    memory region that contains data and control information for one

    Oracle instance. Oracle allocates the SGA when an instance starts

    and deallocates it when the instance shuts down. Each instance has

    its own SGA.

    Users currently connected to an Oracle database share the data inthe SGA. For optimal performance, the entire SGA should be as

    large as possible (while still fitting in real memory) to store as

    much data in memory as possible and to minimize disk I/O.

    SGA Components: The information stored in the SGA is divided

    into several types of memory structures, including the database

    buffers, redo log buffer, and the shared pool.

    Database Buffer Cache of the SGA:Database buffers store the

    most recently used blocks of data. The set of database buffers in an

    instance is the database buffer cache. The buffer cache contains

    modified as well as unmodified blocks. Because the most recently

    (and often, the most frequently) used data is kept in memory, less

    disk I/O is necessary, and performance is improved.

    Redo Log Buffer of the SGA:The redo log buffer stores redo

    entriesa log of changes made to the database. The redo entries

    stored in the redo log buffers are written to an online redo log,

    which is used if database recovery is necessary. The size of the

    redo log is static.

    Shared Pool of the SGA:The shared pool contains shared

    memory constructs, such as shared SQL areas. A shared SQL area

    is required to process every unique SQL statement submitted to a

    database. A shared SQL area contains information such as the

    parse tree and execution plan for the corresponding statement. A

    single shared SQL area is used by multiple applications that issue

    the same statement, leaving more shared memory for other uses.

    36- How can we allocate SGA? How we can know it proper

    size? How should we estimate? How can we calculate size of


    Check SGA Size Tips at following links.


    38- How can you perform Fragmentation in tables?

    (No Comments)

    check this link for 10g Shrink. http://www.dbazine.com/blogs/blog-


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    39-Suppose, if You export table data and then import? Does

    it perform fragmentation?


    40- Interviewer Asked from me:-Tell me if you are DBA, u

    left the office at night, and when u arrive at office in the

    morning, what you will check in database?

    (No Comments)

    I have recently joined a Company, and we have a Checklist that Iused to check in the morning, that containts:

    Primary Database:

    * OracelServiceABC

    * OracleListnerABC

    * ArchivedLogSequence #



    * Export Full Database

    Standby Databases:

    * OracelServiceABCYZ

    * OracleListnerABCYZ

    * ArchivedLogSequence #* DataGuard Status

    41- How can you schedule a job?

    (No comments)

    You can check in my blog for schedule a batch job.


    42- RAID?

    In computing, specifically computer storage, a Redundant Array of

    Independent Drives (or Disks), also known as Redundant Array of

    Inexpensive Drives (or Disks), (RAID) is an umbrella term for data

    storage schemes that divide and/or replicate data among multiple

    hard drives. RAID can be designed to provide increased data

    reliability or increased I/O performance, or both.

    Follow the links below for RAID information





    43- New feature of 10g for DBAz?

    CHeck 10g new features for DBAz http://www.oracle.com


    44- What is Database? RDBMS? Rules?

    DATABASE:A collection of information organized in such a way

    that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data.

    RDBMS:a type of database management system (DBMS) that

    stores data in the form of related tables. Relational databases are

    powerful because they require few assumptions about how data is

    related or how it will be extracted from the database. As a result,

    the same database can be viewed in many different ways. An

    important feature of relational systems is that a single database

    can be spread across several tables. This differs from flat-file

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    databases, in which each database is self-contained in a single


    Almost all full-scale database systems are RDBMS's. Small

    database systems, however, use other designs that provide less

    flexibility in posing queries.

    Rules:Codd's 12 rules are a set of 12 rules proposed by Edgar F.

    Codd, a pioneer of the relational model for databases, designed to

    define what is required from a database management system in

    order for it to be considered relational i.e and RDBMS. visit the linkbelow for Codd's 12 rules.


    I have tried my level best to help Fresh DBAz to get an idea of

    Questions that are mostly asked for fresh DBA job.

    I couldn't answer few questions thats why i have answered no

    comments in Answer.


    Rakesh Kumar Soni.

    Posted by Rakesh Kumar Soni at 8:41 AM



    thats a pretty good collection of questions.sure u must have

    spent a good time on it.good effort ........keep it up......

    October 9, 2007 at 12:45 PM

    Rakesh Kumar Sonisaid...

    Thanks Sri!!

    October 10, 2007 at 10:04 AM


    Thanks Rakesh for sharing knowledge.Good Stuff

    October 12, 2007 at 2:36 PM


    Good Job my friend...


    February 2, 2008 at 2:07 PM


    very nice collection of questions my dear.keep it up.thnx


    February 20, 2008 at 12:44 AM


    thanxs rakesh u done a very good job.. this help a lot... keep it


    August 10, 2010 at 4:02 AM



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