Rainmaker: Million Dollar Per Month Inevitable Success Secret

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Transcript of Rainmaker: Million Dollar Per Month Inevitable Success Secret

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Rainmaker - Mike Long Sunday, October 11, 2015

Rainmaker Million Dollar Per Month Inevitable Success Secret

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M-Factor - Snowballing DNA (Example: Undestanding Thresholds)

Almost anybody would consider it a near business miracle to take a company from idea, to market, to $1 million in monthly collected revenues, in 3-years, with no investment capital and no Oprah or SharkTank—style” gatekeepers help, and say at a 25% profitability.

David Mills took a business from idea, to market to $1 million in monthly collected revenue, 70% profit. And all the while wildly helping customers completely solve some of their biggest problems.

The way David did it is what we call the M-Factor, his silver bullet for inevitable overwhelming success.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my back to the wall, to where I’ve been scared out of my wits, and I had nobody to turn to, besides David Mills.

And every single time I came out of it. In a lot of cases smelling like roses. But in every single case, I was financially intact, and able to bounce back immediately, and be right on the attack.

I count at least 3 times where I had to borrow money from him. At least two other times he intervened to help me avoid complete and utter disaster.

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And listen, I’m not a clueless idiot either. I never tested out as some sort of genius. But I’m generally resourceful, energetic and my sense of loyalty has helped me a lot. Still. I needed David to get to where I am.

It’s not just the times when he helped me when I was in trouble. In fact I’ve benefitted as much, if not more, from the “go forward” strategies and plans he’s set out. Or just by letting him filter through the ideas I had, to prune some, and to shape others until they are unbelievably effective.

I can’t, and I won’t teach you, today, what the M-Factor is that we’ve been buzzing about. The M-Factor, that one thing that you can to do go from step 1, moderate success, to step 2, unbelievable success, and surprisingly simply.

That is a secret for David, the inventor and benevolent dictator behind OMG to share with you soon, and later on in this ebook you’ll hear plenty about that, in a way that will make contextual sense and probably be pretty exciting for you.

But what I can do now is give you a hint. An invaluable clue. Or better than a clue, I’ll give you an example that you can use.

I’m going to explain and demonstrate the power of thresholds. In fact, I’m creating this ebook for you, for the exact reason of smartly understanding thresholds

So in that way, it is holographic, where I’m using the technique, while explaining what it is.

Please take this lesson very seriously. Because ignoring David’s advice on this one has led to major downfall. I’m talking a business with

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over $10,000,000 in sales for the year, going into freefall and then collapse, all in the same year. And that’s just one example.

Here’s the backstory:

The first time I “met” David Mills, he wasn’t even there.

Let me explain…

Now I had heard breadcrumbs about David.

First was when Brian Bouton, a Harvard psychotherapist who also played Magic: the Gathering, a math and strategy collectable card game, somewhat like a cross between chess and poker, played by millions worldwide.

Brian said we should get this guy David Mills to coach us. I thought he was insane.

Then I heard that David had won a major Magic tournament in High Point, North Carolina, with a top prize of thousands of dollars.

Well the first time I “met” David, at least in the way I mean here, is when John Slaughter, a mutual friend, revealed the deck that David had used to win that tournament.

It was just flat out different than anything else I had ever seen. To this day that deck, “The Keeper”, it’s one of the “famous” decks in the history of Magic: the Gathering.

David and I were fast friends, and I realized shortly after I met David, that he was like a DJ that turns out one platinum hit after the next…

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…Within a year of joining forces we were #1 and #2 in the world of professional Magic. We stopped playing shortly after.

I opened a game store, and David redoubled his focus on his Law of Implication, method and mental model for results.

I managed to get the game store treading water with a couple of key pieces of help from David, one he got me and the store on the cover of the town’s weekly news magazine with a very favorable article about putting kids brains on steroids that sent moms rocketing in the front door.

Then he helped me with a particularly successful event at a local school where we gave away Magic cards and won over a lot of new fans.

What I did that was especially worthwhile was organize the whole store around an email marketing campaign where the events, winners, and news items of each week would go out there and keep us on everybody’s minds.

(In fact, it was much more important to me, when somebody new came in, that they join our mailing list, than that they bought something!)

But the first taste of this “M-Factor” came next, once I had a business that made enough to tread water.

Now David has run a speed reading, and then speed learning course, on the campus of the University of Virginia. David graduated from UVA and was able to get a room to teach his own program for a few weeks in the spring and fall.

He had to sell that course with fliers he posted around the university with winning headlines like:

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Read 3-5X Faster Memorize Better

and also something like:

Study in half the time! (with a somewhat smaller subtitle as the above)

These fliers were incredibly effective at driving students to an information session, where David would ask one student to write down, on a legal pad the numbers 1 to 30, down the page. And then students could free associate numbers to ideas. So #3 is Zebra. #15 is Blue #23 is 24. And so on. They could skip spots too.

David would then close his eyes and say them back in order, including pointing out skipped spaces. He rarely missed more than 1 or at most 2.

He would then try to sell them on a several week course to learn to read and learn faster. What made it particularly interesting was that his students were on payment plans, so if he didn’t keep them coming to his sessions, he wouldn’t keep getting paid.

This is the first example I’ll give you of a critical threshold.

Now the general idea of a threshold is like with a flood, where if it rains 3 inches, the river might be fine. But at 4 inches the river boils over and all hell brakes loose.

The way that David sees things, in his method and mental model for results, he has a very different perspective on many concepts.

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And David thinks that one big way of missing out, is to ignore important situations that relate to thresholds, and this is a key part of his M-Factor, so as promised at the beginning, I’m getting right to an example.

So this sales situation that David had was a threshold opportunity. Because it was one thing to sell. It was a wholly different thing to collect.

That means that while other sales people would be promising those students the sun, moon and stars, David promised to triple their reading speed. Which he could predictably accomplish.

In fact, David would deliver much, much more. But that’s not what he promised. Because David needed to turn them out again and again.

And if you promise people the world, then even if you give them Miami beach, they are still going to be disappointed.

But you still have to make the sale, right? Well, it depends.

Because if “making the sale” equals setting yourself up for frustration, then there is a better way.

For example, I decided that I wanted to add an “elementary Magic league” at my store, where I would charge $200 for several weeks of instruction, plus some cards kids aged 5-12.

Now first off I did offer a weekly payment plan. I figured, what the heck, because if these moms and their kids stop coming in, one way or the other, I’m screwed. In for a penny, in for a pound.

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I wanted promise just enough to make the sale. But not so much that, what it took over my life.

The funny thing is that, there I was, I had put a bunch of my Magic winnings into starting a store, and now I had to make it work, but all I had managed to do so far was tread water. That’s step 1.

Now I needed a way to make real profits.

So I printed up a brochure that was mostly an excuse for me to post pictures of happy kids playing cards and putting their brains on steroids.

I mailed every address on our mailing list (I emailed once per week, but this was the first time I did a physical mailing.)

I don’t remember how much the postage and printing it was. But I got 13 kids, which was an extra $2600.

What’s more, those 13 kids and their families turned into some of my best customers and were incredible recruiters, going out and bird-dogging new moms and dads.

Now I will tell you this, in those brochures I promised something I knew that I could deliver. And anyways, I was teaching the systems that me and David had used to be really successful in Magic, so it was bound to be helpful.

But I’ll tell you this, after every session I felt really exhausted. It was good, and definitely financially well worth it at that point.

And I’ll also tell you this. It snowballed. Bigtime.

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At its peak we had 100 kids in an elementary Pokemon league, 50 more in an Elementary Magic league, and another 20 or so playing a miniature game called Warhammer 40k. Adding $30,000 in profits for a business that would otherwise be treading water, is incredible.

And the life that all of those interested engaged kids and their parents added to the store was miraculous. There were days towards Christmas when we would do two cash drops at the bank. A game small-town game store. That’s just crazy.

Now at the same time two things were nagging me. I had increasing success online, with the two ecommerce businesses I had started, to compliment my physical store. Outside of the Magic, Pokemon and Warhammer leagues, the store didn’t really make any money. Maybe it was breakeven. (Maybe not!)

But the ecommerce business was profitable without me even really focusing on it. And when I did start to focus on it the dollars poured in.

Ok now it might start sounding like I’m saying something that I’m not here. Because what I’m NOT saying is that the whole idea behind the Elementary Magic league, basically the idea of a product where I’m selling information, was a bad one. It was great.

The problem was the store. David got me to crunch the numbers. And even with the leagues, the store still made way less than what I was making online.

And the audience that I could reach with any local information product, like my league, was so limited that it was going to be hard to expand.

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I had a straightforward ecommerce website where I bought Magic and Pokemon at trade shows and resold retail online (powered by SEO and eBay listings, and some print ads in a national magazine driving people to my Pokemon website) and wholesale in Japan and in America, was just an incredibly easy way to turn a big profit. At least by way of comparison to running a physical location.

So with a heavy heart I closed my store and focused online.

Now not long after that, my father invited me to an online marketing event in Cleveland. David suggested I take it seriously, as it might lead to the way that we would bring his Law of Implication to the world.

It was 2003, and immediately I encountered foreign concepts.

I had never heard of a pay per clicks or copywriting (God’s honest truth, I thought they were talking about clicking paper and intellectual property - instead of a powerful ad medium and writing to sell online, respectively.)

I got a basic copywriting course from Dan Kennedy at that event and I met somebody, John Reese, who would help me and David find what we were looking for.

You see, what David had figured out to do offline, with his speed learnings course, and what I had replicated with my Magic league really was a big deal. But it didn’t scale that well offline.

John suggested we add an information product to my ecommerce business.

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But David saw the opportunity for something much greater. He would design a digital information product and community that would bring together the best aspects of David’s speed learning course and my Magic leagues. This allowed David to employ his M-Factor methodology to that business. The result? It was first off a really nice financial success. But what was even more striking was how incredibly it effected those who joined.

We had a 24-hour hotline for collecting testimonials for “Annihilation Reports”. We got dozens. Every email I sent out had a new Annihilation report.

One of our members, David Sharfman, went from really struggling even to win games at his local game store, to sending me one report after the next, to eventually becoming a Pro champion:

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Joe Marfoglio and I made up these graphics for you, to help you get a sense of the difference that adding a digital product and digital continuity product does.

Here’s an idea of what the ecommerce store might do on its own:

Now my numbers were probably better than this. But this is a realistic look all the same.

My traffic costs were coming from eBay. I also got SEO leads, but I was nowhere in the same universe as what OMG’ers have with Greg Morrison at their disposal.

Then there was my product costs…

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But what’s not reflected in this is how, as I try to scale, I run into inherent roadblocks. I have to manage more moving parts. The bigger we are, the more product I have to buy, the more shipments and customer service I have to oversee. You could say outsource, and I did.

Listen, commence a great way to get started. ESPECIALLY if you know how to come in lean and mean like Liz Herrera with Amazon SEO.

But when it comes to getting to step 2, where you can grow without a huge amount of management, with digital products, where you add David Mills M-Factor, now you’re really getting in exciting territory.

Now before I get more into M-Factor, I want to talk about digital products, and the huge pluses. Here’s what it looked like when we added an ebook with a mini-members area:

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What you're doing here is adding in a $47 Magic ebook that is bought by about 1 in 10 customers. Huge difference. Huge.

Now watch what happens when you add continuity, payment plans, like David collected with his speed learning course, and like with my Magic leagues:

So if 1/2 of people who get the ebook join your continuity program, this is where you’re at now.

Really a huge difference. And getting the extra almost $150,000/year in profit was WAY easier than the original $42,000 in profit! Easier to do, and easier to grow. Because there’s not much “stuff” to manage.

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Ok now it’s time to talk M-Factor.

Because here is where Snowballing really comes in. And to do that we’re going to have a 2nd look at Thresholds.

Because at right around the same time as me and David were having this incredible success with our Magic business, and we were getting in all of these Annihilation reports and thank yous…

…Right around the same time, I really noticed something.

Now, the funny thing was, that we had already started doing a little bit of freelance consulting, behind the scenes in the online marketing world, even before me and David created MTG Secrets (our Magic information course) and MTG Insider (our Magic information membership area with ongoing training.)

I’m not going to get bogged down in details, but we worked on a number of very successful projects - at least successful financially. But in a consulting role you can only account for advice - which only works if people take it.

All of the businesses we consulted on did incredible sales. Millions. Once it was even ten million dollars or more, on one project.

Ok, so yes we saw some of the businesses that we consulted on really at least deliver solid value to where they were a great rep builder for everybody involved.

But sadly there were other projects that, despite their makers best intentions, they failed to meet expectations, with customers and reputation, once David and I walked away from their projects.

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(At the risk of sounding defensive, there’s a reason I’m talking about this, and it’s not to sound like a know it all - I’m the same guy who was telling you about having to borrow money to pay the rent and eat peanut butter sandwiches. The point is we’re talking strategy, so data is key.)

As I just alluded, everybody took some of our advice. But nobody took all of it…or even close to all of it, especially on this Thresholds idea.

Now one thing that never happened, was that they never started naturally snowballing quite like MTG Secrets and MTG Insider, our Magic business, because that was the business that David was in charge of.

So what does it really take to Snowball?…

…One thing you need is a keen awareness of Thresholds.

So with our Magic business, and I’m about to show you how this matters in the millions in just a moment…

…With our Magic business, what we did was we promised an overwhelming advantage with Magic, including secret decks, and a nifty community.

We didn’t promise people would win. We didn’t promise they would become good. We didn’t promise anything else, really.

But what we delivered was over the shoulder Magic games with our commentary, and several timeless and then, periodically, several other timely lessons. And we did it David’s way.

So here’s the key lesson of this book on Thresholds, then.

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This is one of the mission critical keys to the $1,000,000 per month business that David created…built now mostly by the momentum of the snowballing power of ecstatic customers.

And it’s something you can use again and again in your life, and business - and you should.

So the traditional idea behind making money online is pretty similar to what it was before the internet. You buy ads, and then you try to make more than you’re spending. The end.

Oh sure, they all say they are about more than that. But that’s rarely in my experience the case. And it’s made a lot of people money.

Though the main people who make money that way are incredibly energetic and magnetic people - the kind who “luck” into success with MLMs and other sales jobs.

What about everybody else?

Snowballing is your way to where they are…and well beyond.

Well one key to snowballing is that you have to embed the “Snowballing” DNA into your sales message.

Now you may not know this, but the “direct response” gurus, who write real world ads, and who are responsible for a lot of the “common sense thinking” out there in the online marketing world, would howl in pain if they heard what I said right now.

Either that or they would entirely delete it or marginalize it as something else. One way or another they would likely disregard it.

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What do I mean, embed the Snowballing DNA into the sales message?

And why would it be so controversial?

Another way of looking at thresholds is when Olympic runners have to clear hurdles. Now they don’t want to clear the hurdle by a foot. Because that would cost a lot of extra energy, and they would have to travel a further distance, in a tight foot-race.

But neither would they want to clear the hurdles by a millimeter, because sooner or later something is going to go wrong.

So there’s a sweet-spot…

With sales, what I used to do, before David showed me the light, what I would do is I would over-sell. Plus I would be vague about the wrong things, and also specific about the wrong things.

So for example, I might have been vague about what the future looked like as my customers, while being specific about some unimportant detail like just how great some part of the offer is, like one specific bullet from one specific lesson.

And most of all we want to sell just hard enough to clear the hurdle where the right people, the people who we’re looking to work with, right now, pull out their wallet and get their credit card ready.

Because if we sell past that point then we’re wasting energy and actually going in the wrong direction.

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We don’t want to be overly focused on the sale. We want to be focused on the future.

Let me approach it from a different angle here.

Why do I say DNA? Why do I say that Snowballing requires that the DNA for that Snowballing be fully and seamlessly embedded in with your sales message…

…Including that embedding the DNA for Snowballing limits the boundaries of how you can sell, and introduces things you need to include in with your sales message.

Because Snowballing is a symptom of what happens when you do David’s add David’s M-Factor to a digital publishing business.

As in: It is NOT a clever sales technique.

So your digital product, and your marketing, and how you get and interact with traffic all carry many of the same common threads worked together, which are a recipe for inevitable success.

How do we do it?

Well I’m doing it right now…

…Because David Mills has been working hard, behind the scenes to create a full-scale product to reveal this secret M-Factor for the first time, which, when you add it to digital publishing, changes absolutely everything.

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I already know that a lot of people are going to get it no matter what, because David Mills carries that kind of a reputation.

And then I also know that there’s a whole other crowd of people who are dialed in on what I’m saying, and when they hear me give this my kitchen sink, 100% all-out, no-prisoners recommendation, they are going to act.

Add to that, with all the buzz surrounding things with David’s M-Factor this next couple weeks, you’re bound to hear a whole chorus of OMG’ers taking to the rooftops to shout out their praise.

Plus, at some point we’re going to detail much more about what David knows and why it will change your life, when you’re ready for it to…

…And on top of it all we’ve found a way to do it where you’ll also be getting pretty much “free” end to end, soup to nuts explanation and coaching on digital products by another incredibly successful individual who’s made millions with digital publishing.

So that doesn’t leave a whole lot of “selling” that I’ll need to do for individuals who are ready for the rush of Snowballing.

That’s why I created this ebook. Before this perfect storm descends, here in the next couple weeks, and things get so exciting that sometimes it might become a little tricker to keep perspective.

David Mills has shown me how to be a Rainmaker.

Coming in the next few days, you’ll get to find out about how you can be one too.

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And how that can be something that changes your life in incredible ways, to where if I described in detail right now I’d have to tone it down by a lot to make it sound merely “unrealistic” ;-)

Because a few months from now you’ll look back. I want you to enjoy a richness and pure as a 100% fresh patch of powdered snow, with the kind of clarity that I’ve only experienced when your growing incredibly in success, while massively helping your customers succeed.

Get ready for big things.

Click through here to go to the resource page for this Project X event.

It’s all happening

P.S. Click through here to go to the resource page for this Project X event.

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