RAINBOW LIFE creates a positive perception for your Brand, Product, Services, Profile and Reputation. It is this perception and image of your Brand or Product, which makes you reach out to your prospective and potential clientele with a positive and clear approach. Customers in this competitive market essentially needs to have awareness, recognition and made to understand the benefits. RAINBOW LIFE is a 360 Degree Promotion, Marketing, Branding, PR and Reputation Management Company, which deals into promoting via Print, Electronic, Digital, Outdoor Activities and Campaigns, Events, Online-Internet-Web or by ATL-BTL Activities and Campaigns. Being into technology Advisory and Open Source Consulting for over a decade, we also expertise in integrating and implementing Technology and Trends in Business Environment. For Enquiries and Proposals, mail us your Requirements at [email protected] Although our Service Portfolio includes diverse services ranging from Technology Advisory and Open Source Consulting, Business and Marketing Consultancy, Events, Promotional Campaigns, Media and



RAINBOW LIFE creates a positive perception for your Brand, Product, Services, Profile and Reputation. It is this perception and image of your Brand or Product, which makes you reach out to your prospective and potential clientele with a positive and clear approach. Customers in this competitive market essentially needs to have awareness, recognition and made to understand the benefits.RAINBOW LIFE is a 360 Degree Promotion, Marketing, Branding, PR and Reputation Management Company, which deals into promoting via Print, Electronic, Digital, Outdoor Activities and Campaigns, Events, Online-Internet-Web or by ATL-BTL Activities and Campaigns. Being into technology Advisory and Open Source Consulting for over a decade, we also expertise in integrating and implementing Technology and Trends in Business Environment.

For Enquiries and Proposals, mail us your Requirements at [email protected]

Although our Service Portfolio includes diverse services ranging from Technology Advisory and Open Source Consulting, Business and Marketing Consultancy, Events, Promotional Campaigns, Media and Celebrity Management, Web Design, Online Promotions and Creative Designing or Market Research but key to success of everything lies in the Buzz Words:

EXPERTISE, INNOVATION in Process, XPLORING the Possibilities, IDEAS & LATEST Technology Trends


Event Management Services:

PlanningDefining Event Objectives - Concept Development - Budgeting

Event Design - Theming - Site Selection - Negotiations - ContractingRisk Management – Administratio

ProgrammingEntertainment - Speakers - Seminars - Facilitators - TrainingActivities - Contests - Special Events - Tours – Pyrotechnics


ProductionCatering - Hospitality - Staging - Sound & Lighting

Multi-Media - Special Effects - Decor - Costuming

PromotionPublicity - Advertising - Promotional Materials - Media Relations

Sponsorships - Incentives - Corporate Gifts - Registration

~   ~   ~

RAINBOW LIFE offers Business Consulting, Advisory and Brand Positioning to Businesses Globally. We aim to transform Business Performance, Strategic Perspective on Process Improvement and enabling Technology as per the requirements to deliver Performance oriented tools.We offer 360 degree Solutions to promote Brand & Business by Print, Electronic, Digital & Internet media.


 Fundamentally, there are three basic objectives of promotion. These are:

1. To present information to consumers as well as others.

2. To increase demand.

3. To differentiate a product. Promoters use internet advertisements, special events, endorsements, and newspapers to advertise their product. Many times with the purchase of a product there is an incentive like discounts (i.e., coupons), free items, or a contest. This method is used to increase the sales of a given product. Internet branding also involves social media interaction and integration. Display and content networks used with repetition are one method of integrating a brand with social media. Behavioural targeting, re-messaging, and site specific targeting are used as a way to keep a brand in front of a target audience. Branding through social media involves sharing knowledge about the brand and continuously interacting with customer.

We look at how we can enhance the process by focusing on Business Process, Software Tools, Training& Support.Our innovative & experienced team provides Open Source Consulting as well as custom application development. We offer solutions to keep your business grow in the highly competitive business environments & fast changing technology. Promotional activities to push a brand enabling social media channels to spread content making something viral such as the advertising by Coke using the release of a new Bond film creating a huge amount of attention which then gets promoted across all social channels by people spreading the information due to excitement. Social media, as a modern marketing tool, offers opportunities to reach larger audiences in an interactive way. These interactions allow for conversation rather than simply educating the customer. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, Tumblr and Instagram are rated as some of the most popular social networking sites As a participatory media cultures, social media platforms or social networking sites are forms of mass communication that through media technologies allow large amounts of product and distribution of content to reach the largest audience possible. However, there are downsides to virtual promotions as servers, systems, and websites may crash, fail, or become overloaded. With promotion through participatory media, there is an opportunity to gain social capital

Specialized Areas of ONLINE Marketing

Internet marketing can also be broken down into more specialized areas such as Web marketing, email marketing and social media marketing:


1) Web marketing includes e-commerce Web sites, affiliate marketing Web sites,

promotional or informative Web sites, online advertising on search engines, and organic

search engine results via search engine optimization (SEO). also called online

marketing or Internet advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the

Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email

marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, many types of display

advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. Like other advertising

media, online advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who integrates advertisements

into its online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be displayed on the

publisher's content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies who help generate

and place the ad copy, an ad server who technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, and

advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the advertiser.

Online advertising is a large business and is growing rapidly. In 2011, Internet advertising

revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of

broadcast television.[1]:19 In 2013, Internet advertising revenues in the United States totaled $42.8

billion, a 17% increase over the $36.57 billion in revenues in 2012. U.S. internet ad revenue hit a

historic high of $20.1 billion for the first half of 2013, up 18% over the same period in

2012. Online advertising is widely used across virtually all industry sector

2) Email marketing involves both advertising and promotional marketing efforts via e-mail messages to current and prospective customers. Email marketing (on the Internet) is popular

with companies for several reasons:

An exact return on investment can be tracked ("track to basket") and has proven to be high

when done properly. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search

marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.

Email marketing is significantly cheaper and faster than traditional mail, mainly because of

high cost and time required in a traditional mail campaign for producing the artwork, printing,

addressing and mailing.

Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of email subscribers who have opted in (i.e.,

consented) to receive email communications on subjects of interest to them.

Almost half of American Internet users check or send email on a typical day with email blasts

that are delivered between 1 am and 5 am local time outperforming those sent at other times

in open and click rates.

Email is popular with digital marketers, rising an estimated 15% in 2009 to £292 m in the UK.

If compared to standard email, direct email marketing produces higher response rate and

higher average order value for e-commerce businesses

3) Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing (including viral marketing) efforts via social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Digg.


Social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and build relationships.

When companies join these social channels, consumers can interact with them directly. That

interaction can be more personal to users than traditional methods of outbound marketing &


Social networking sites act as word of mouth. Social networking sites and blogs allow followers to

“retweet” or “repost” comments made by others about a product being promoted. By repeating

the message, the user's connections are able to see the message, therefore reaching more

people. Because the information about the product is being put out there and is getting repeated,

more traffic is brought to the product/company.

Through social networking sites, companies can interact with individual followers. This personal

interaction can instill a feeling of loyalty into followers and potential customers. Also, by choosing

whom to follow on these sites, products can reach a very narrow target audience.

Social networking sites also include a vast amount of information about what products and

services prospective clients might be interested in. Through the use of new Semantic Analysis

technologies, marketers can detect buying signals, such as content shared by people and

questions posted online. Understanding of buying signals can help sales people target relevant

prospects and marketers run micro-targeted campaigns.

In order to integrate Social Networks within their marketing strategies, companies have to

develop a marketing model. In a marketing model (SNeM2S) based on Social Networks is

provided. The model includes the following steps:

• selection of potential Social Networks to use;

• definition of a financial plan;

• definition of organisational structures to manage the Social Network in the market;

• selection of target;

• promotion of products and services;

• performance measures

RAINBOW LIFE take care of your Online Brand Positioning, develop Interactive Websites, Internet Marketing, Web Promotions, Search Engine Advertising, Reputation Management, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing.

Our Experts Team provides complete Assistance Promotion Plan and Implementation for your Business to successfully go Online.



A basic definition of public relations is to shape and maintain the image of a company, organization or individual in the eyes of the client's various "publics." What is "public" exactly? public, in PR terms, is anyone who ever has or ever will form an opinion about the client.

Depending on the nature of the client's work, these publics could include clients, potential clients, voters, members of the local community, members of the media, students, parents of students, online fans groups, foreign citizens -- the list is endless. Rainbowlife handles these situations efficiently. Public relations professionals present the face of an organization or

individual, usually to articulate its objectives and official views on issues of relevance, primarily to

the media. Public relations contributes to the way an organization is perceived by influencing the

media and maintaining relationships with stakeholders. According to Dr. Jacquie L’Etang from

Queen Margaret University, public relations professionals can be viewed as "discourse workers

specializing in communication and the presentation of argument and

employing rhetorical strategies to achieve managerial aims.

Specific public relations disciplines include:

Financial public relations – communicating financial results and business strategy

Consumer/lifestyle public relations – gaining publicity for a particular product or service

Crisis communication – responding in a crisis

Internal communications – communicating within the company itself

Government relations – engaging government departments to influence public policy

Food-centric relations – communicating specific information centered on foods, beverages

and wine.

Building and managing relationships with those who influence an organization or individual’s

audiences has a central role in doing public relation. After a public relations practitioner has been

working in the field, they accumulate a list of relationships that become an asset, especially for

those in media relations.

Within each discipline, typical activities include publicity events, speaking opportunities, press

releases, newsletters, blogs, social media, press kits and outbound communication to members

of the press. Video and audio news releases (VNRs and ANRs) are often produced and

distributed to TV outlets in hopes they will be used as regular program content


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