Raider Invader - 12-22-08

V RAIDER INVADER December 22, 2008 Welcoming new Superintendent of schools Mr. Donald B. Thomas, effective January 19, 2009. Featured article in next edition of the “Raider Invader” – on sale January 26, 2009.

Transcript of Raider Invader - 12-22-08

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RAIDER INVADER December 22, 2008

Welcoming new Superintendent of schools

Mr. Donald B. Thomas, effective January 19, 2009.

Featured article in next edition of the “Raider

Invader” – on sale January 26, 2009.

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Raider Invader Editorial Staff

Alex Brown – Grade 11

Rachel Carpec – Grade 10

Chelsea D’Urso – Grade 12

Will Eddy – Grade 11

Laurel Ferguson – Grade 10

Holly Harrison – Grade 8

Brittany Nelson – Grade 12

Adam Osborne – Grade 11

Jolene Parker – Grade 12

Maggie Ringer – Grade 8

This Edition’s Editors

Carly Bower – Grade 11

Derek D’Urso – Grade 9


Mrs. Karen Sherwood

Editorial Policy The student newspaper accepts and welcomes

letters to the editor and guest columns from

students, faculty, staff and members of the

Reynolds School District Community. All letters

must be signed and names will be published with


The newspaper staff strives to report accurately

and write in appropriate style. Therefore, any

letters containing offensive language, personal

attacks and other distasteful or irresponsible

statements will not be included. The newspaper

staff reserves the right to edit (for accuracy,

spelling and grammar) or reject any and all

articles and letters submitted.

Poetry, short stories and fiction will be accepted

according to the above guidelines for editorial

letters. Written work must include the author’s

name and be in good taste.

The student newspaper is a student-run newspaper

under the direction of Mrs. Karen Sherwood,

Advisor. The views expressed in this paper or by

its staff are not mean to represent the views and

beliefs of the Reynolds School District or any of

its employees.

Letter to the Editor Hello,

We would like to comment on the recently

proposed article talking about how cheerleaders

influence the football team. We would like an

apology for the negative way we were labeled

throughout this newspaper article. Even if we do

not exactly help the team out, it is our job to get

people in the stands to come to the games and have

fun. Cheerleading is not “annoying,” it helps bring

a team of enthusiastic young ladies that have

“Raider Pride” together. We are proud to be a part

of our squad rather than stand on the other side of

the fence and just watch. So please keep in mind

that we do not appreciate the way we were

explained, and hope in the future nothing else in

published to make us look unprofessional in the

eyes of our peers. The Raider Invader should also

encourage “Raider Pride” rather than knock it

down...Go team!


The Varsity Football Cheerleading Squad

(Signed by Individual Varsity Football


To Whom It May Concern,

We as the staff would like to respond to the

previous letter sent in, referring to the “Football

Supporters” article. We as a group had no intention

in any way to insult the Reynolds Varsity

cheerleaders. Our fellow staff member Alex Brown

wrote this article to show how the cheerleading

squad and the marching band come together during

a football game. He interviewed many football

players and quoted on the overall concensus. We

are sorry for those who took it as an insult. Once

again it wasn’t meant to be demeaning or “knock

down Raider Pride”.


The Raider Invader Staff

Correction to last edition’s “The Family That

Runs Miles Together” Article.

-“Most of these boys are known for never

getting serious,” says Candy Arnold of the Jr.

High Team.

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Quote of the MonthQuote of the MonthQuote of the MonthQuote of the Month Everything in life changes you in some way even the smallest Everything in life changes you in some way even the smallest Everything in life changes you in some way even the smallest Everything in life changes you in some way even the smallest

things. If you do not accept these changes,things. If you do not accept these changes,things. If you do not accept these changes,things. If you do not accept these changes, you do not accept yourself. For you do not accept yourself. For you do not accept yourself. For you do not accept yourself. For through these changesthrough these changesthrough these changesthrough these changes brings new and greater things to you, making youbrings new and greater things to you, making youbrings new and greater things to you, making youbrings new and greater things to you, making you wiser as time progresses. To avoid these changes is awiser as time progresses. To avoid these changes is awiser as time progresses. To avoid these changes is awiser as time progresses. To avoid these changes is a

loss. You only live your life once. Do not waste a minute of it loss. You only live your life once. Do not waste a minute of it loss. You only live your life once. Do not waste a minute of it loss. You only live your life once. Do not waste a minute of it avoiding things. Let them come to you, and learn from them. avoiding things. Let them come to you, and learn from them. avoiding things. Let them come to you, and learn from them. avoiding things. Let them come to you, and learn from them.

There iThere iThere iThere is always tomorrow.s always tomorrow.s always tomorrow.s always tomorrow. ----UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown

On December 16, 2008 at the Reynolds vs.

Vision Quest varsity basketball game, Chris

Laverty broke the all-time boys’ basketball

scoring record passing up Richie Burnworth.

Congratulations Chris!

Russ Connely also reached his 1,000 point

marker on December 16th. He now stands at

1,002 points.

Well done Russ!

Kaitlyn Fenton was recently named the winner

of the essay contest “Walk a Mile in Their

Shoes” as part of Homeless Awareness month

in November, sponsored by the Pennsylvania’s

Homeless Children’s Initiative.

Good job Kaitlyn!

Mrs. Sarazen’s seventh grade homeroom won

the “Food and Necessary Items Drive”

sponsored by the Students for Charity.

RHS Key club hosted a luncheon for special needs

children on Wed. December 17. Many Key Club

students helped organize this event and lunch

ladies helped with providing the food and drinks.

Co-chairmen of this event were, junior Carly

Bower and senior Natalina D’Urso.

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Feature Staff! By

Chelsea D’Urso

Whether in the halls throughout the school day

or inside the kitchen during lunch, I’m sure

everyone has seen the smiling face of our

feature staff member, Patty Kindig. Mrs.

Kindig grew up in Hurricane, West Virginia,

where she attended high school. Before

becoming a Raiders staff member, she worked

as a manager at a Giant Eagle in Erie, PA,

along with numerous other jobs. Mrs. Kindig

has now worked at Reynolds for a total of ten

years, performing jobs such as delivering

Xeroxing and mail and also working the

register in the cafeteria. Working with kids

every day is the favorite part of her job.

On a more personal note, Patty has three

children- Dennis, 28 years old, Cory, 25 years

old, and Faith, 21 years old. She also has three

grandchildren- Jayde, 10 years old, Ethan, 3

years old, and Dennis, 2 years old. With the

little spare time that she manages to muster up,

she spends it cleaning her house. For

Christmas, Mrs. Kindig is planning on

spending time with her family and hopes that

everyone stays safe throughout the holidays.

Svetlana’s View on

Christmas By Svetlana Terasova

Hello Reynolds!

It’s me again. It seems like winter finally came,

and the spirit of Christmas is in the air.

Everybody is excited about the upcoming

holiday and I am excited too. However it’s

probably going to be a whole new experience for

me, because where I come from Christmas is a

lot different.

First of all I have to admit that Christmas is not a

big holiday for many Russian people and I will

explain why. The thing is that we cannot

absolutely get rid of some signs of history.

When the Soviet Union was in power people,

unfortunately were separated from church and

any religion. In other words, many of the

Soviets were atheist. So the main Christian

holiday, Christmas, was replaced by New Years;

and it is still as huge in Russia as Christmas in


On New Year’s Day we have a dinner with our

families and at about eleven we gather at the

table and watch our president’s speech on TV.

Then there are numerous shows and movies on,

but what really gets annoying is that every year

they are pretty much the same every year. For

this reason I usually go outside with my friends

to watch fireworks and have fun in the snow.

Hardly anyone sleeps on this night.

You may ask if we give presents to each other on

this day. Yes, we do. And we even have our

own version of santa clause. His name is “Ded

Moroz,” or “Grandpa Frost.”

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He is an old man and by the way I have

never heard him saying “HO-HO-HO!”-It

must be an American thing. He is dressed in

red and white and has a long white beard. He

has a granddaughter-Snegurochka. She is his

helper in everything he does. I think she is a

Russian alternative for Americas “Mrs.


I don’t know why, but Russians tend to

borrow traditions abroad all the time. For

example we kind of follow the Chinese

Calendar-every coming year has a symbol-an

animal, and it becomes the topic of all New

Year parties and even gifts. Last year I got a

hundred of stuffed mice form my family and


The constant symbols of New Year are New

Year tree, Champaign and tangerines. It feels

like New Year as soon as the smell of

tangerines fills the house. About two weeks

before New Year huge decorated fir trees

appear in the streets and squares of cities, and

colorful lights are flashing everywhere.

After New Year’s Day its officially Winter

vacation and here’s where the fun begins, if

it’s not -25 degrees C, that is… we love to go

ice skating and skiing, and we used to have

snow fights with my friends when we were


Ded Moroz - Grandpa Frost

Jr. High Spotlight By Maggie Ringer

Justin Mostoller is 13 years old. He is the son of

Cheryl and Keith Mostoller. Justin has one sister,

Kara, 18, who recently won states for long jump.

Some things Justin likes to do in his free time are

playing video games, camping, hanging out with

his family, playing with his dog, Puddles, and his

new puppy, Tootsie.

His favorite videogame is Dragon Quest

Monsters Joker Edition for Nintendo DS. He

likes playing this game because it’s very

challenging. Justin also likes playing play station

with his cousin Gene and his friend Dylan.

“They make it more fun” he said.

Justin enjoys going camping with his family and

friends. During the summer, almost every

weekend, Justin goes camping at the Stoneboro

Lake. He likes going there because it gives him

something to do, and it is fun. When he’s there

he loves going tubing. “I like going in

doughnuts, with my wreckless dad as a driver”

said Justin. Every year, in the middle of October,

Justin and his family, including all his great

uncles, great aunts, cousins, and some friends of

the family go camping at Hearts Content, in the

Allegheny National Forest and have a lot of fun

as one big family.

Justin has a bunch of fun playing with his dogs

because they are very playful. He loves to swim

and jump on the trampoline with his dog,

Puddles. He has taught Puddles to sit, roll, turn

around, and dance on her hind legs. His Puppy,

Tootsie bites him a lot. Tootsie only knows how

to sit because they just got her. Justin’s favorite

part about having dogs is that he’s never alone at


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Wish List By

Adam Osborne

For this issue the newspaper staff decided to

create a wish list. We asked a few people what

they wanted for Christmas, so here it is.

Lorrie Lehman wants…..

Nike golf clubs!

Jocelyn Yahner wants…..

a laptop!

Jared Saxton wants…..

his two front teeth!

Shelby Yurcich wants…..

a Chihuahua!

Mikee McGarvey wants…..

a camera!

Drew Loutzenhiser wants…..

a guitar!

Laurel Ferguson wants…..

a camera!

Kayce Soros wants…..

The Idina Menzel CD!

Michelle Weller wants…..

unlimited texting!

Will Eddy wants…..

an electric guitar!

Zack Harrison wants…..

a monster truck!

Steven Bobby wants…..

a Nintendo Wii!

Ethan Patterson wants…..

a new hunting dog!

And Josh White wants…..

a Nintendo Wii!

The Time Is Now… By

Jolene Parker

Senior Chelsea D’Urso’s words, “The time is now,

and we can’t have any regrets!” echo throughout the

gym. The girls’ and boys’ basketball teams have set

high standards for themselves and the upcoming

2008-2009 season. This past summer showed

positive results for both teams; the girls’ team won

the Mercer Summer League and the boys won the

Slippery Rock League. The girls also went to Penn

State, where the team grew and excelled in


Returning seniors for the Lady Raiders are Chelsea

D’Urso, Brittany Nelson, and Jolene Parker. For the

boys are Chris Laverty, Russ Conley, Jake Galus,

Mark Parker, T.J. Mahlon, Andrew Martin, and Ben


Welcome back “Bleed Blue and Gray Club,” which

has cheered for both teams through the highs and

lows. “It is nice to see other students cheering you

on,” said junior Kara Mostoller. “Sometimes when

you’re down, the cheering section can pick you up.”

This year’s teams are looking forward to seeing the

cheer section grow and would like to thank everyone

for the support and encouragement that you keep it


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Relay For Life Gets Up

And Running By Alex Brown

Every year since May of 1985, people around the

globe have participated in Relay for Life, an

activity of the American Cancer Society to raise

money for cancer victims. That first year, one

man alone raised 27,000 dollars for cancer

research funding, simply by charging people

twenty five dollars apiece to run or walk with

him for a period of time. Now, millions upon

millions are raised to develop cancer treatments,

cure cancer patients, and lobby for legislation on

tobacco and cigarette control laws.

One law recently passed into effect was

‘Michelle’s law’ which allows college students

to get cancer care without dropping out of


Teams of eight to fifteen meet to walk or run

around a track or park for a full 24 hours with at

least one member on the track at all times. Each

team is responsible for raising one hundred or

more dollars prior to Relay for Life to be

admitted to the event.

On Dec. 9th

, an organizational meeting was held

during second period to ready the teams for their

task. Pam Voisey, a major coordinator with the

ACS spoke at the meeting. Relay for Life will

be held this year in Riverside Park on the

eighteenth and nineteenth of July. Entertainment

during the Relay will include access to a nearby

amphitheatre, the Greenville Recreation Center,

and the gymnasium, though specific events are

still tentative.

One local team, the Chickens of the Sea, all of

whom have been with Relay for three years, this

year to be the fourth, said that they enjoyed

doing it to help people. The team captain, Karen

Siege, said, “It’s a way we can give back.”

And give back they have! The Chickens of the

Sea raised over five thousand dollars last year to

benefit cancer, more than one sixth of the twenty

nine thousand dollars raised in Mercer County.

Putting their efforts in perspective, there have

been anywhere between four and six teams in our

school alone, and each team is asked to raise

only one hundred dollars. These tireless workers

plan to do about the same this year.

The money put in to Relay has made a profound

impact upon cancer research. Since founding,

the money has saved ninety people per day, or a

little under thirty three thousand a year. Cancer

survival rates have increased sixteen percent, and

leukemia has gone from a three percent survival

to a three percent death rate, an increase of

ninety four percent. Those that couldn’t be cured

were comforted with better care and supplies for


If you want to sign up for Relay for Life, there is

still time. The early registration date is

December thirty first, and the final date is the

first of July. Each person will be charged a small

commitment fee which gets larger the closer it

gets to the event date, so join quickly. The more

people the better and even one person can really

make the difference.

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Twirling His Way To

Belgium By Adam Osborne

Flourish, 4-spin, illusion. Not many of us know what

all of these words mean; they are just words, right?

Well not to Steven Bobby. To him, all of these

“words” mean something. They are part of his life.

Steven started twirling baton since he picked one up

at the age of four, and has been twirling ever since.

He then joined the Centurions at the age of 12.

Steven is now part of the National Baton Twirling


Every year the Centurions participate in the

Nationals competition hosted by AYOP, which

stands for America’s Youth on Parade. He has been

participating in Nationals for three years, but this

past year was very different from any other.

Steven placed second in the World Championships,

1 baton, at Nationals, which qualified him for

World’s, which is also part of the National Baton

Twirling Association. World’s will be held in

Belgium on April 8th

through the 12th


Steven’s friends, and family and coach are all

extremely proud of him, and hope that this will take

Steven far; to reach new levels of achievement, and

to show everyone that no matter who they are, they

can do anything they put their mind to.

Now, Steven leaves us with a quote, “Baton is my

world. I would be nothing without it!”

Senior Spotlight By Laurel Ferguson

The senior spotlight article in which one senior is

picked, interviewed, and the newspaper staff informs

you of their plans after high school as well as some

things about their high school years! This issue’s

senior spotlight is on Adam Kays.

Since Adam began high school, he has been in a

large number of activities, clubs, and sports. Adam

has played soccer, basketball, football, wrestling,

and track. He’s also been a part of Key Club and

vocal ensemble. He has been the senior football

captain and received the Bittle & Co. award for

sportsmanship. He considers both to be great


When I asked Adam his favorite teacher, he quoted,

“it’s a toss up between Mrs. Coburn or Mr.

Masterofrancesco, because they are both good and

funny teachers, and they enjoy their subject!” Adam

considers his heroes or role models to be Anthony T.

Nixon, Mr. Grant, his grandpa and God. His favorite

quote is, “Ideas do not feel pain, they do not cry,

they do not have emotion…. and they are


Adam says his most cherished memories are either

his sports memories or “gyro day!” He will also miss

some of the teachers and students. “I will not miss

waking up at 6:30 every morning for 12 years of my

life,” Adam also adds.

Adam’s advice to upcoming seniors is, “choose

wisely the fields you will battle, and never give up!”

After graduation he does not plan to go to a college,

but probably a technical school for diesel mechanics.

Also, Adam would like everyone to know,

“Never…. Never….. Never…. Give Up!”

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Dear Santa,Dear Santa,Dear Santa,Dear Santa,

Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is to have a cure for cancer so that people don’t have to suffer anymore. And you won’t have to go threw the pain of losing a loved one.

Love. Dalton Stanley

Mrs. King

Dear Santa, I want my Grandpa Earl to not be lonely for Christmas. Last year we lost my grandma Irene. My grandpa loved my grandma so much. Every year we used to eat at their house on Christmas. My grandma made the best dinner with lots of delicious foods. Everybody was always very happy together. We all miss her very much. But my grandpa misses her the most. So Santa please help my grandpa be not so lonely and feel lots of love this Christmas.

Love, Raina Ferguson

Mrs. King

Dear Santa, I would like all the sick children in the world to be better. Also, I would like everyone to know the real meaning of Christmas, that it is Jesus’ birthday. Those would be good presents.

Signed, David Kowalski

Mrs. Baselj

Letters solicited from Reynolds Elementary second graders, by

Laurel Ferguson and Holly Harrison

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Wrestling 12/23/08 V – 7:30 Jv – 7:00

Home Hickory

Varsity Girls

Basketball 12/27/08 2:30 Home Seneca

Jr. High Boys

Basketball 1/3/09 TBA Home Jamestown

Varsity Boys

Basketball 1/6/09 7:00 Home Kennedy Catholic

Wrestling 1/8/09 V – 7:30 Jv – 7:00

Home Lakeview

Varsity Girls

Basketball 1/9/09 7:00 Home West Middlesex

Jr. High Boys


Varsity Girls


Varsity Boys


Jr. High Boys


Varsity Girls


Jr. High Boys


Varsity Girls



Jr. High Wrestling

Jr. High Boys


Varsity Boys


Varsity Girls





















V – 7:30 Jv – 7:00













Home Home



New Wilmington



Commodore Perry



Rocky Grove






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EventsEventsEventsEvents Come Out and Support Your School’s Teams!Come Out and Support Your School’s Teams!Come Out and Support Your School’s Teams!Come Out and Support Your School’s Teams!

All winter sports will be featured in the January issueAll winter sports will be featured in the January issueAll winter sports will be featured in the January issueAll winter sports will be featured in the January issue

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