Radio improvement EF

I used spell check and grammar check and corrected a place where I made a mistake Here I used the wrong spelling of ‘programme’ and corrected it.

Transcript of Radio improvement EF

Here I used the wrong spelling of programme and corrected it.

I used spell check and grammar check and corrected a place where I made a mistake and it needed changing.

These two paragraphs were originally together but I thought splitting them looked and read better.

Here I used its in the wrong grammar which shows the green lines saying its wrong so I took out the apostrophe and corrected it.

After I corrected grammar and spelling check and a couple other things my original document has improved. I had to read through it to spot some mistakes as they were not corrected by auto-correct. Some of the mistakes were just typing mistakes.

Here I had missed out a word when typing in my document and corrected it.

Here I made a grammar mistake and it wasnt corrected by auto correct so I had to read in order to spot the mistake and correct it.