Radical Approaches to Social Media that Students Actually Like

Radical Approaches to Social Media (that students actually like) @SimonTheTam

Transcript of Radical Approaches to Social Media that Students Actually Like

Radical Approaches to Social Media (that students actually like)



¤  Develop a reputation/credibility

¤  Network/community building

¤  Increase enrollment/engagement

¤  Promote events, resources, departments, staff

¤  Alumni engagement

¤  Etc.

Everything I Know About Marketing Comes From Being a “Rockstar” From survival to success

How I Created My Own Brand

What Makes Your College Different?

The Right Social Media Channels

Choosing Social Media

¤  Popularity

¤  Goals

¤  Audience

¤  Engagement

¤  Influence

Social Media Based on Their Goals

¤  What would motivate a potential or current student to engage with your social media?

¤  What is competing with their competition?

Nontraditional Channels

Underutilized Channels

Codeswitching & Social Media

¤  Be Transparent

¤  Search First

¤  Listen

¤  Their Language

¤  Never Stop Learning

Content Creation/Curation

¤  The power of blogging

¤  Guest Columns


¤  Quora/Linkedin Questions

Reputation Management Tools

¤  Google Alerts (web)

¤  Icerocket (blogs)

¤  Social Mention (sentiment)

¤  Topsy (archived social)

¤  Hootsuite/Tweetdeck (social stream)

Driving Engagement

¤  The 80/20 Rule

¤  Facebook Algorithm

¤  When to Hashtag

¤  Talking Like a Real Person (brand personality)

¤  The Social Media dashboard

One Stop Shop

Adding Personality

Always Measure

…With Goals in Mind

¤  Don’t just measure followers

¤  Measuring by percentage

¤  Understanding the metrics

¤  What is the point?

How Do You Map Your World?

QUESTIONS? [email protected] @SimonTheTam