
Radiation Základná škola Viliama Záborského Vrable Slovakia Made for Erasmusplus Let´s save the life on our planet

Transcript of Radiation

Page 1: Radiation

RadiationZákladná škola Viliama Záborského


Made for ErasmusplusLet´s save the life on our planet

Page 2: Radiation

What is it Radiation?• Radiation is one-way transfer of energy in

the space. • This energy (in terms of electromagnetic

radiation) is transmitted by photons, particles of zero mass moved by speed of the light.

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• Man, as well as the other living organisms in nature are constantly exposed to a different radiation.

• We are exposed to both ionizing and non-ionizing radiations.

• Non-ionizing radiation such as radio and television waves and infrared light radiation, due to the low power, don´t have a big impact on organisms, at most only a weaker thermal effects.

• The inhabitants on the Earth are exposed to ionizing radiation, which is called radiation background ..

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• The main attention will be concentrated to the ionizing radiations. • These may be natural and artificial that means man-made .

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Radiation influence on the life

• In the present the most often discussed question is the question of the impact of ionizing radiation on the environment.

• The first, most negative effects of ionizing radiation, people began to realize already at the end of the second world war when the atom bomb, nuclear weapons were tested

and some accidents at nuclear power stations happened.

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• On the other hand in the last century enormous development of applications of ionizing radiation started especially in medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, materials science.

• Nuclear energy has become a source of energy for people.

• All these factors - both positive and negative,

have contributed to the fact that we are interested in the essence of radiation , we are interested in learning more about the effects of ionizing radiation on humans and the related radiation safety.

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Natural radiation• A lot of radiation is forming in the

Universe. We call it cosmic radiation. It isn ´t dangerous for life.• Just small quantity impacts on the

Earth because our atmosphere flashes it and so we are protected.

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Artificial radiation

• Artificial radioactivity is associated with products created from nuclear weapons tests and the operation of nuclear facilities such as nuclear reactors.

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Nuclear power stations• Nuclear power stations produces

electricity.• It consists usually of a nuclear

reactor , steam turbine alternator and many other services.

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Are nuclear power stations safe?

• Most energy from nuclear power stations is produced in France, Germany, USA, Japan and Russia.

• In most countries, however, the old nuclear power plants are still in service with outdated technology.

• They are pushed with international community to stop some of them especially Russia .

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Atomic and thermonuclear weapons

• Significant danger for all life are atomic and nuclear weapons.

• They include all weapons using the devastating effects of a nuclear explosion.

• The devastating effects of the atomic explosion are enormous. Thermal effects of inflammation, melting or chars items.

• In place of explosion the temperature of several million degrees is created.

• The sharp expansion of hot air creates a pressure wave that spreads faster than sound.

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• The shock wave destroys everything within a few kilometers from the epicenter.

• Huge radiation - the visible, ultraviolet and infrared is dangerous to the distance of several hundred meters.

• By using these weapons increases the total radioactivity of the biosphere.

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Radiation in medicine• Ionizing radiation is used in medicine

for diagnosis and treatment.• Radiology is the use of ionizing (and

non-ionizing) radiation to diagnose the disease.

•  At radiotherapy, the harmful effects of ionizing radiation on the tumor cells are used to kill tumors. The disadvantage of this treatment is, that this ionizing radiation can damage the surrounding

healthy organs, too.

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• Harmfulness of radiation on the human body has been displayed since its discovery.

• Therefore it is necessary to follow all safety instructions, in health care, at the work in nuclear power plants, ...

• And strictly reject the use of atomic and nuclear weapons.

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The QuizQ: Where does natural radiation create?Answer :In the UniverseQ: Why isn´t Cosmic radiation so dangerous?Answer : Because the atmosphere protects the Earth and only small part reaches our Earth.Q: Name source of artificial radiation:Answer :Nuclear power stationsAtomic and nuclear weapons

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Thank you for attention

Students of ERASMUS + club Primary school of Viliam Záborský Vráble


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• Scour• http://www.1sg.sk/www/data/01/projekty/2013_2014/vikings/zivot_v_extreme/podmienky_ziarenie.html• http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/43/095/43095328.pdf• http://referaty.atlas.sk/prirodne-vedy/fyzika-a-astronomia/18187/?print=1• https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%B6ntgenov%C3%A9_%C5%BEiarenie

• https://www.google.sk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.protiprudu.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/nuclear_weapons.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.protiprudu.org/usa-minu-na-jadrove-zbrane-v-priebehu-30-rokov-jeden-bilion-dolarov/&h=945&w=1680&tbnid=nmGOSfyW2pc3KM:&docid=kGRiTgHoBjH08M&ei=oAqqVpWtOae3ygPD0JmgAg&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiV_biFwszKAhWnm3IKHUNoBiQQMwgaKAAwAA

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• vhttps://www.google.sk/imgres?imgurl=http://www3.gehealthcare.com.sg/~/media/images/product/product-categories/pet-ct/pet-ct-optima-560/optima_pet_ct_560_spotlight2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www3.gehealthcare.com.sg/en-gb/products/categories/pet-ct/pet-ct_scanners/optima_pet-ct_560&h=612&w=1200&tbnid=vKi8jx54NuEpvM:&docid=pBFAQiHKYh6mhM&ei=cZywVs7AJoaTyQO96b7ICQ&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiOvZP5hdnKAhWGSXIKHb20D5kQMwgeKAQwBA

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• https://www.google.sk/imgres?imgurl=http://files.comunidades.net/radiologia-unip/BannerResultadoENADE2013.gif&imgrefurl=http://radiologia-unip.comunidades.net/&h=303&w=250&tbnid=1RZ6cVoFdQWBZM:&docid=oUA3574O1mr_wM&ei=BJ-wVp3VC-PgywPhiJtA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwid55aziNnKAhVj8HIKHWHEBggQMwhdKDswOw

• https://www.google.sk/imgres?imgurl=http://galeniumpamplona.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/medicina-630x400.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vocaciondemedicina.blogspot.com/&h=400&w=630&tbnid=kv5dQqrnkVD1CM:&docid=N4d7qI-aBXDHxM&ei=r6WwVsfnLML_ywP9jIOwDg&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiH-7LhjtnKAhXC_3IKHX3GAOYQMwg3KAgwCA

• http://www.hk-phy.org/contextual/heat/hea/radia03_e.html