Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke...

CREATED BY THE DIOCESE OF SUPERIOR Universal Prayer on Day of Pardon Lord God, our Father, you created the human being, man and woman, in your image and likeness, and you willed the diversity of peoples within the unity of the human family. At times, however, the equality of your sons and daughters has not been acknowledged, and Christians have been guilty of attitudes of rejection and exclusion, consenting to acts of discrimination on the basis of racial and ethnic difference. Forgive us and grant us the grace to heal the wounds still present in your community on account of sin, so that we will all feel ourselves to be your sons and daughters.” Dignity of the Human Person A Fundamental Pro-Life Issue Local Concerns Saints Contents

Transcript of Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke...

Page 1: Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke 10:25-37 - The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his

Pathway toHealingA R E S O U R C E G U I D E T O M O V E



Universa l Prayer on Day of Pardon

Lord God , our Father , you created thehuman be ing , man and woman , in yourimage and l ikeness , and you wi l led thed ivers i ty of peoples w i th in the un i ty of thehuman fami ly . At t imes , however , theequal i ty of your sons and daughters hasnot been acknowledged , and Chr i s t ianshave been gu i l ty of at t i tudes of re ject ionand exc lus ion , consent ing to acts ofd i scr iminat ion on the bas i s of rac ia l andethn ic d i f ference . Forg ive us and grant usthe grace to hea l the wounds s t i l l presentin your communi ty on account of s in , sothat we wi l l a l l fee l ourse lves to be yoursons and daughters . ”

D ign i ty of the HumanPersonA Fundamenta l Pro -L i feI ssueLocal ConcernsSaints


Page 2: Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke 10:25-37 - The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his

The foundat ion of a l l Catho l i c soc ia l teach ing i s the be l ie f that a l l peopleare created in the image and l ikeness of God , the i r Creator .

"The d iv ine image i s present in every man . I t sh ines for th in thecommunion of persons , in the l i keness of the un i ty of the d iv ine personsamong themse lves . "

Read more at  CCC 1700- 1709

I t i s thanks to our Chr i s t ian i ty that western cu l ture has va lued a l l humanl i fe as equal in d ign i ty . Scr ipture at tes ts to th i s rea l i ty repeated ly :

Genes i s 1 :26   - God created man and woman in h i s image .

Deuteronomy 10 : 17 - 19 - God loves the orphan , the w idow, and thest ranger .

Psa lms 139 : 13 - 16   - God formed each of us and knows us in t imate ly .

Luke 10 :25 -37   - The  good Samar i tan recognized the d ign i ty in theother and cared for h i s l i fe .

Romans 12 :9 - 18   - Love one another , contr ibute to the needs of others ,l i ve peaceably w i th a l l .

1 Cor inth ians 3 : 16   - You are ho ly , for you are God ’ s temple and Goddwel l s in you .

Galat ians 3 :27 -28  - A l l Chr i s t ians are one in Chr i s t Jesus .

1 John 4 :7 - 12   - Let us love one another because love i s f rom God .


Page 3: Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke 10:25-37 - The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his

In  h i s encyc l i ca l Evangel ium Vi tae ,   ' The Gospe l of L i fe ' ,  Pope St . John PaulI I lays the foundat ion for the Church ' s cons i s tent and comprehens ive pro -l i fe teach ing .

"Every ind iv idual , prec i se ly by reason of the mystery of the Word of Godwho was made f lesh (cf . Jn 1 : 14 ) , i s entrusted to the maternal care of theChurch . Therefore every threat to human d ign i ty and l i fe mustnecessar i l y be fe l t in the Church ' s very heart ; i t cannot but affect her atthe core of her fa i th in the Redempt ive Incarnat ion of the Son of God ,and engage her in her miss ion of proc la iming the Gospe l of l i fe in a l lthe wor ld and to every creature (cf . Mk 16 : 15) . "

Evangel ium Vi tae 3

Confront ing rac i sm, wh ich most s imply i s a re ject ion of the un iversa ld ign i ty of human persons , i s therefore an essent ia l pro - l i fe task of theChurch .

In the i r 2018 le t ter Open Wide Our Hearts , the Uni ted States Counc i l ofCatho l i c B i shops (USCCB) says ,

The in jus t i ce and harm rac i sm causes are an at tack on human l i fe . TheChurch in the Uni ted States has spoken out cons i s tent ly and forcefu l lyagainst abort ion , ass i s ted su ic ide , euthanas ia , the death penal ty , andother forms of v io lence that threaten human l i fe . I t i s not a secret thatthese at tacks on human l i fe have severe ly affected people of co lor , whoare d i sproport ional ly affected by poverty , targeted for abort ion , haveless access to hea l thcare , have the greatest numbers on death row , andare most l i ke ly to fee l pressure to end the i r l i ves when fac ing ser iousi l lness . As b i shops , we unequivoca l ly s tate that rac i sm i s a l i fe i s sue .Accord ing ly , we w i l l not cease to speak forcefu l ly against and worktoward ending rac i sm . Rac i sm d i rect ly p laces brother and s i s ter againsteach other , v io lat ing the d ign i ty inherent in each person . The Apost leJames commands the Chr i s t ian : “ show no part ia l i ty as you adhere to thefa i th in our g lor ious Lord Jesus Chr i s t ” ( James 2 : 1 ) .

Open Wide Our Hearts , 30

A F U N D A M E N T A L P R O - L I F E I S S U E

Page 4: Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke 10:25-37 - The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his

Rac ism i s a g lobal i s sue but i t i s mani fes ted in d i f ferent ways in loca lcommuni t ies . Here in the Diocese of Super ior , where we have a s t rongerpresence of Nat ive Amer ican peoples , one of the most press ing works of i srac ia l reconc i l ia t ion and harmony wi th the Nat ive populat ion .

Here are some ideas to learn more about the cha l lenges we face here aswe l l as some ways that we can get invo lved in l i v ing out the Lord ' s ca l l toun i ty and harmony ( John 17)


Evangel ium Vi tae , the foundat ion for the Church ' s cons i s tent pro - l i feeth ic

Open Wide Our Hearts , the USCCB's le t ter on rac i sm in the Uni tedStates

Rac ism and the Nat ive Amer ican Exper ience , USCCB


Learn about the d i f ferent Nat ive Amer ican Nat ions and Tr ibes inWiscons in . You can f ind l inks to the i r webs i tes here .


Did you know that w i th in the Diocese of Super ior there i s a Catho l i cMiss ion located on Lac Courte Ore i l les Ind ian reservat ion?

The Schoo l S i s ters of St . Franc i s have had a presence there for over100 years and run a tu i t ion f ree schoo l among other outreaches . Theyre ly pr imar i ly on donat ions and vo lunteers . Check out the i r webs i te orcontact them d i rect ly to see i f there i s an area that you can vo lunteerfor or donate to .

Phone : 7 15 .865 .3669Webs i te : www .s t f ranc i smiss ion .orgEmai l :   in fo@stfranc i smiss ion .org


Page 5: Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke 10:25-37 - The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his

Saint Kater i  Tekakwi tha

St . Kater i was ab le to model the joy and love ofChr i s t throughout her l i fe desp i te a l l of theoverwhe lming cha l lenges she faced . READ HERSTORY

Father Augustus To l ton

Fr . To l ton was the f i r s t Afr i can Amer ican to becomea pr ies t in the Uni ted States . He was born intos lavery and even after he obta ined h i s f reedom, hefaced much d i scr iminat ion as he fo l lowed h i svocat ion . READ HIS STORY

St . Kather ine Drexe l

St . Kather ine was mot ivated by the suffer ings andin jus t i ces that she saw d i rected towards the Afr i canAmer ican and Nat ive Amer ican communi t ies to s tar ta re l ig ious order to min i s ter to them. She workedt i re less ly bu i ld ing schoo ls and miss ions across theUni ted States even founding a un ivers i ty . READHER STORY

St . Peter C laver

St . Peter was Spanish miss ionary to Cartagena thenthe ch ief center of the s lave t rade . He min i s teredto hundreds of thousands of newly arr ived s lavesover the course of h i s l i fe , car ing for both the i rphys ica l and sp i r i tua l needs . READ HIS STORY


Page 6: Racism Resource Sheet · Psalms 139:13-16 - God formed each of us and knows us intimately. Luke 10:25-37 - The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his

Servant of God Nicho las Wi l l iam Black E lk , Sr .

Nicho las B lack E lk cou ld become the f i r s t maleNat ive Amer ican canonized sa int f rom the U .S . Hewas a convert and catech i s t who lead an exemplaryl i fe among the Lakota people . READ HIS STORY

St . Joseph ine Bakh i ta

St . Joseph ine was born in Afr i ca and was ens lavedat a very young age . Her youth was f i l l ed w i thhorr i f i c exper ience before she was f ina l ly f reed . Shebecame a re l ig ious s i s ter and her l i fe of char i tyinsp i red many . READ HER STORY

St .   Jun ipero Serra

Known as the miss ionary to Cal i forn ia , St . Jun iperofounded 7 miss ions where he min i s tered to thenat ive peoples of the area . He was a t i re lesschampion for them against the un jus t secu larleaders of the t ime . READ HIS STORY

St . Damien of Moloka i

St . Damien vo lunteered to be a pr ies t on the i s landof Moloka i . He became an advocate for thosesuffer ing f rom Hansen ' s Disease as we l l aspersonal ly prov id ing medica l and sp i r i tua lass i s tance to those he l i ved among . He eventua l lycontracted the d i sease and shared in the suffer ingof those he had loved so much . READ HIS STORY