Rachel r

Crafty Way of Uploading a More Complete Resume to LinkedIn (an experiment) Updated February 14, 2013 RACHEL R. WALDEN, MLIS RACHELRWALDEN AT GMAIL DOT COM

Transcript of Rachel r

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Crafty Way of Uploading a More Complete

Resume to LinkedIn

(an experiment)

Updated February 14, 2013


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Expert medical librarian with experience in project management, social media, supervision, evidence-based

medicine, customer service, literature searching and evaluation, systematic reviews, metadata creation and

maintenance, writing for traditional and new media publication, staff and patron training, and knowledge



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General Skills:Project management

SupervisionKnowledge management/documentation

Customer serviceEvidence-based medicine and research

supportSearching, assessment, and summary of

biomedical literatureKnowledge of NIH public access

compliance requirementsCreation and maintenance of metadata

Strong organizational skillsWriting and editing

Staff and patron training Social media and web services

Distance work and collaboration Public speaking

Computer/Database Skills:

Social media tools and administration including WordPress, Blogger, Twitter,

Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and FriendFeed

HTML and basic CSS

Microsoft Office, Google Documents, Open Office

Expert user of biomedical literature and data sources, including PubMed,

CINAHL, PubMed Central, EMBASE, Web of Science. Knowledgeable about

other NLM and NCBI Databases (dbSNP, OMIM, ClinicalTrials.gov, HSDB, LactMed, PubMed Central,

GeneReviews, etc.) and other government health data sources such as

CDC and FDA resources, as well as consumer health sources.

Citation management software including EndNote

SIRSI / Workflows

Silverback usability testing

Meebo and Zoho chat tools for professional customer service


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2000 B.A., Geology

Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

2006 MLIS, medical librarianship emphasis

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


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Eskind Biomedical Library / Knowledge Management

Vanderbilt University Medical Center – Nashville, TN

Oct 2007 – Present Librarian, Program Manager, Coordinator of Staff Training

Sep 2006 – Sep 2007 Library Fellow

May 2006 – Oct 2006 Library Intern

Apr 2004 – Apr 2006 Health Information Analyst II

Nov 2002 – Apr 2004 Health Information Analyst I


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Evidence-Based Medicine Services:

Contributes to search, assessment and topic triage needs for AHRQ Evidence-Based Practice Center at Vanderbilt, including contribution to

topics in women’s/maternal/child and developmental health and significant efforts in topic triage and systematic review processes.

Provided complex searching, filtering and evidence summary creation for clinicians in the Emergency Medicine Department, Diabetes Center,

and inpatient internal medicine. Monitors StarPanel for incoming clinical questions.

Contributes to development and refinement of clinical order sets through identification of and summary of appropriate evidence.

Liaison and internal project manager for Knowledge Management contributions to institution-wide clinical practice effort.

Former team member for My Cancer Genome project to connect clinicians with information about gene effects on cancer therapy.


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Staff Training:

Serves as coordinator of staff training, including tracking of trainee progress in extensive in-house training program, monitoring of needed updates to training

modules, development of staff CE site for archiving learning activities, and other staff training and skills development training activities.

Coordinates promotion process requirements for staff members.

Arranges and facilitates verification sessions to confirm adequate learning among trainees.

Trains new staff members on software and technology such as videoconferencing system and Meebo/Zoho chat tool for customer support.

Web Development/Social Media:

Supervisor of web development team/programmers.

Project manager for metric to redevelop and increase accuracy/efficiency in digital library administrative metadata tool and to plan and execute redevelopment of user


Coordinates follow-up on various web/technical concerns and projects.

Serves as point person for creation of social media content for the library.

Professional knowledge of WordPress, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Friendfeed, and other tools.


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Administration/Personnel: Competent supervisor of a variety of personnel, including computer

programmers, new graduate medical librarians, paraprofessional staff, and PhD staff members from various scientific specialties.

Assists in the hiring process for several EBL support staff and new interns - conducts pre-screening interviews, contacts references, and participates in on-

site and videoconference interviews, and discussions of decision-making. Supported annual budget book preparation efforts by assisting in the

compilation of statistical and narrative portions substantiating library resource usage.

Followed up on various contract issues including legal and tech transfer related to Meharry agreements.

Researched publication impact for several Biomedical Informatics Department tenure reviews.

Created initial tracking file for input and analysis of e-journal cost per use factors for use in cancellation decision-making.

Participated in supervisor efforts to review and respond to customer feedback.


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Public Services: Experienced in staffing circulation desk, conduct of reference interview, and assisting patrons in the location, selection, and use of biomedical resources.  Provides training as needed to clinical unit personnel and new residents on

PubMed and other resources.

Digital Libraries: Project manager for redesign of Digital Library administrative tool and user interface, with quality review of metadata for several thousand electronic

resource records. Managed project team to develop digital library for alumni; serves as point

person for alumni office. Project manager for technology transfer agreement and service contract

related to Meharry library e-resources. Contributed to the maintenance and enhancement of the EBL's Digital Library

by updating resource records and identifying/evaluating materials for inclusion. Served as a point person for staff training on the tool.

Assisted in interface and content development for customized Digital Libraries.


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Journal of the Medical Library Association:

Served as Editorial Assistant for the Journal of the Medical Library Association under the editorship of Nunzia B. Giuse, MD.

Coordinated responses to authors and distribution of manuscripts to EBL co-editors, acknowledgements of submission and peer review receipt, and other communications.

Co-creator and manager for Access submission tracking database. Tracked status of all submissions.

Began role as Editorial Assistant for incoming editor in July 2005, continued through 2009. Contributed occasional peer reviews of submitted manuscripts. Contributed to JMLA Case

Studies Blog. Served as Electronic Resources Reviews editor, 2008-2009.


Special Projects:

Developed online electronic collection training module for use by library staff.

Co-creator of online learning module on women’s health resources for use by a class in the Vanderbilt School of Nursing.

Participated in de-selection of monographs and deliverables tracking related to Eskind’s management contract at Meharry Medical College library.

Assisted the MMC Library management team at EBL (contracted by Meharry) in documenting progress and generating reports for Meharry leadership.

Past facilitator of monthly SearchTalk session for continuing education in searching and library resources for EBL librarians and staff.

Coordinated selection and implementation of videoconferencing system for cross-institutional training and collaboration.


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Research Support:

Provided evidence-based information services to Evidence-based Practice Center, emergency department personnel, and other

requesters to support research agenda.

Reviewed real-time emergency department patient data to assist in determining inclusion eligibility for health literacy study.

Project manager for 08/09 metric to increase services and outreach to VUMC research staff, including refinement and revision of

research digital library and work with Office of Research to define and enhance services.

Participant in detailed training on NCBI and other genetics-related tools.

Contributor to project to populate in-house database with publisher/journal details related to NIH public access policy.


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Boston Women’s Health Book Collective – Cambridge, MA

Nov 2007 – Present

Official Blogger, Our Bodies Ourselves



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Responsible for multiple blog posts per week on evidence-based women’s health topics, reproductive

health and rights, and related issues, including analysis of published literature and recommendation of

information resources. Contributed to social media activities including

promotion of blog posts, fundraising campaigns, book content, action alerts, events, and other activities

(Facebook, Twitter). Further developed skills in remote work, time

management, and collaboration by conducting all work at a distance from Cambridge, MA headquarters.


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Southern Alliance for Clean Energy – Knoxville, TN

Nov 2001 – Nov 2002 – Communications Coordinator

Jun 2000 – Nov 2002 – Program Assistant


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Managed and customized the structure of a 100,000 record open-source FileMaker Pro/embase database of membership information and activity.

Supported fundraising efforts by reviewing grant proposals, tracking donor response rates, data mining for potential givers, and designing

outreach materials and direct mail pieces.

Edited and managed production of quarterly organizational newsletter.

Maintained website.

Coordinated technology for electronic activism campaigns and managed electronic communications with constituents and media.

Provided general technological troubleshooting services.

Developed volunteer application process and training event, and coordinated volunteer recruitment.

Created curriculum for educating local students about energy issues in day-long session.

EXPERIENCE – SACE (2001-2002)

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Oberlin College Science Library – Oberlin, OH

Aug 1999 – May 2000 Student Manager

Aug 1998 – May 1999 Student Assistant


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Provided procedural training for new employees.

Managed transport between an off-site storage facility and circulation at physics library.

Processed intake of academic journals.

Organized and tracked reserve materials, including bibliographic record creation.

Performed general circulation functions with additional opening and closing duties.

Received Metcalf Award for outstanding library service.


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Official blogger for Our Bodies Ourselves – 2007-present

Column author for the National Women’s Health Network newsletter, The Women’s Health Activist – 2010-present

Likis FE, Andrews JC, Collins MR, Lewis RM, Seroogy JJ, Starr SA, Walden RR, McPheeters ML. Nitrous Oxide for the Management of Labor Pain [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US);

2012 Aug. Available From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK100802/

Presenter, “Mentoring for Collaboration: More Than Just Knowledge Skills.” Paper accepted for presentation at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Seattle, WA – May 2012

Matheny M, McPheeters ML, Glasser A, Mercaldo N, Weaver RB, Jerome RN, Walden R, McKoy JN, Pritchett J, Tsai C. Systematic Review of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Tools [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency

for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2011 May. Available From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK56166/

Presenter, “Accuracy and Accountability: Addressing the Challenge of Metadata Accuracy in the Digital Age.” Paper presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Washington, DC – May 2010

Presenter, "Applying the Benefits of Informal Publishing Methods to Peer-Reviewed Literature," invited speaker for open forum panel session, "Informal Publication Methods,” Medical Library Association Annual Conference –

Washington, DC – May 2010

Walden RR. JAMAevidence. J Med Libr Assoc. 2010 Jan;98(1):93. Electronic resource review.

Presenter, "Extending Evidence Support into Bioresearch," part of panel session, "Seamlessly Working the “I” into an Academic Medical Center Workflow,” Southern Chapter/Medical Library Association Annual Conference –

Memphis, TN, October 2009

Walden RR. JAMAevidence. J Med Libr Assoc. 2010 Jan;98(1):93. Electronic resource review.

Presenter, "Extending Evidence Support into Bioresearch," part of panel session, "Seamlessly Working the “I” into an Academic Medical Center Workflow,” Southern Chapter/Medical Library Association Annual Conference –

Memphis, TN, October 2009

Walden R, Jerome RN, Miller RS. Utilizing case reports to build awareness of rare complications in critical care. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2007 Apr; 95(1):3-8.


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Lyon J, Giuse NB, Williams A, Koonce T, Walden R. A Model for Training the New Bioinformationist.  Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2004 Apr; 92(2):188-195.

Instructor, “Getting the Most Out of the Research Digital Library.” CRC Research Skills Workshop Series, Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN, June 2009.

Presenter, "Extending Evidence Support into Bioresearch," part of invited session “Integrating the Best Evidence and Relevant Information into Informatics Systems," Medical Library Association

Annual Conference – Honolulu, HI, May 2009

Presenter, “The Journal Publisher Compliance Database: A Comprehensive Response to the National

Institutes of Health Public Access Policy Mandate," Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Honolulu, HI, May 2009

Co-Instructor, “Clinical Skills for Medical Librarians,” 6-hour CE course with emphasis on medical terminology and common drugs and laboratory tests. Maryland Association of Health Science

Libraries, Inc. Annual Conference – Baltimore, MD, Apr 2009

Co-Instructor, “Clinical Skills for Medical Librarians,” 6-hour CE course with emphasis on medical terminology and common drugs and laboratory tests. North Atlantic Health Science Libraries, Inc.

Annual Conference – Lowell, MA, Oct 2008

Instructor, “Deciphering NIH Public Access Compliance plus EBL’s Bioinformation Evidence Consult Services.” CRC Research Skills Workshop Series, Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN,

September 2008.

Co-instructor, “Quality Filtering: Critical Appraisal and Synthesis of the Biomedical Literature,” 6-hour CE course with emphasis on clinical study design and assessment of published medical

literature. Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Philadelphia, PA, May 2007

Co-Instructor, “Quality Filtering: Critical Appraisal and Synthesis of the Biomedical Literature,” 6-hour CE course with emphasis on clinical study design and assessment of published medical

literature. North Atlantic Health Science Libraries, Inc. Annual Conference – Woodstock, VT, Oct 2007


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Chair-Elect, Relevant Issues Section, Medical Library Association, 2013

Program Committee Member, Medical Library Association Quad Chapter Meeting, 2012

Column Author, “Expert Searching: Searching for Topics in Women’s Maternal and Reproductive Health,” MLA News, 52(6): June/July 2012

Official Conference Blogger, Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Seattle, WA, May 2012

Reviewer for Top Tech Trends Panel, Medical Library Association 2011

Committee Member, Governmental Relations, Medical Library Association – May 2010 - present

Official Conference Blogger, Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Washington, DC, May 2010

Official Conference Blogger, Medical Library Association Annual Conference – Honolulu, HI, May 2009

Electronic Resources Reviews Editor, Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2008-2009

Board Member, Communications Committee Chair (2009), Center for Health Services – Nashville, TN, 2007-2009

Editorial Assistant, Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2005-2008

Volunteer Conference Blogger (organized by Michelle Kraft), Medical Library Association Annual Conferences – Phoenix, AZ, May 2006 and Philadelphia, PA, May 2007