Race and Poverty in the USA

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Transcript of Race and Poverty in the USA

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Race andRace and in thein the

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Civil Rights MovementCivil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King MurdererMartin Luther King MurdererRacial RiotsRacial RiotsNowadays situationNowadays situation

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In 1955 Black people protest to the government to have the same rights that the white ones have. All started when a women called Rosa Parks refused to give her sit to a white man, and she was arrested. The blacks didn’t want to be discriminated any more so they started a boycott to the bus system which –martin Luther King Jr. Leading it. This encouraged the blacks to protest for their rights in other cities. King that was a pacifist person, spoke in all the medias to convince the people of his ideas. Thousands of them were put in prison including King.The movement finished in 1964 when the president Lyndon B. Johnson created the Civil Rights Act, which forbids discrimination based on the colour of the skin, race, religion or sex .

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James Earl Ray was the murderer of Martin Luther King Jr. He was born in March 10, 1928 and died in prison on April 23, 1998 for hepatitis C. He shoot King from a second-floor balcony in Memphis. He was caught in London with a Canadian passport with a false name in 1968. In prison he died from hepatitis C for a fail blood transfusion.

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The riots were caused by the assassination of King. Not only because King was a beloved leader in the civil rights movement, but also a major advocate for nonviolence. His death made some people to feel angry and disillusioned, and they think that only violent resistance to white racism could be effective.The rioters were mostly black, but they were not all poor. Middle-class blacks joined in, wanting to demonstrate against systemic inequality more than they wanted to steal for their own benefit.The most brutal riots were in Washington, Chicago and Baltimore where more than a hundred people died and thousands were arrested. Lyndon B. Johnson that was in favor of the nonviolence actions was not surprised by the riots.

What did you expect? I don't know why we're so surprised. When you put your foot on a

man's neck and hold him down for three hundred years, and then you let him up, what's he going to

do? He's going to knock your block off.

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Nowadays racism is a big problem in America, but the government is taking a passive attitude in this issue. They know that there is a problem, but they don’t do anything to change it, we can listen some of Bush’s or Obama speeches and we can see that they say there is a problem but they didn’t say anything to solve it. There continues being more poverty and no education between black people than with white ones.

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Used linksUsed linkshttp://www.realitybatslast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Martin-Luther-King-Jr_3.jpghttp://www.english-online.at/history/civil-rights-movement/civil-rights-movement-history-and-causes.htmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYshttp://media.northjersey.com/images/1115Q_CIVILhousing1_35p.jpghttps://lh4.googleusercontent.com/EYv9x7cW5w31vH9AzvHU5LgDJDKwL6NqYmcQTbqjbY2x5KqGL_3UuNI6jL21JR79dBHmFeow6LsDpYzbfJ1M_UBnL7I5sp3xF8dNuBzUaEq0gfEzJHwhttp://www.abbeville.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Haun-Justice.jpghttp://economictimes.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-21888753,width-640,resizemode-4/important-milestones-in-the-fight-against-racial-segregation.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Earl_Ray#Assassination_of_Martin_Luther_King.2C_Jr.http://a.abcnews.go.com/images/US/gty_mlk_funeral_colleagues_kb_130403_blog.jpghttp://i.infopls.com/images/jamesearlray.gifhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_assassination_riotshttp://www.google.es/imgres?sa=X&biw=1024&bih=513&tbm=isch&tbnid=JC4qtGlT5BmC0M:&imgrefurl=http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres57.html&docid=9oj52oK9fefxCM&imgurl=http://www.bartleby.com/124/lbjohnson.gif&w=250&h=300&ei=beVwUp_8GpSa0AXWmoDADg&zoom=1&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=175&tbnw=146&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0&tx=268&ty=393http://www.isreview.org/issues/32/racism.shtmlhttp://thesoundoffreedom.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/5630072816_76006cc49b.jpghttp://qitori.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/george-w-bush-clown-23684.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States#Race

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Made By:Made By:Alba Segalés RodríguezAlba Segalés Rodríguez