Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah....


Transcript of Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah....

Page 1: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.
Page 2: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Page 3: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Th e Light of Torah Study

As we fi nish the year at Talmud Torah and the EPJA, my mind and heart are focused on Jewish education. Jewish education is the single most important part of Jewish life because it leads to all of the other mitzvot and to Jewish continuity. It leads to “le’dor vador,” passing Jewish identity and tradition from one generation to the next. I would like to encourage all of the leaders of our El Paso Jewish community to invest in Jewish education. Invest in the Talmud Torah. Invest in the El Paso Jewish Academy. Invest in the Jewish pre-schools. Invest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning. Come study Kabbalah on Shabbat aft ernoons. Create a fi xed time, each day, for studying Torah.

Rabbi Royi Shaffin

Th e Light of Torah Study

Rabbi Royi Israel Shaffi n will leave Congregation B’nai Zion on July 1st.

We have enjoyed having Rabbi Shaffi n with us this year during his tenure as Head Rabbi. His warmth and generosity of spirit were a delight and we were fi lled with the goodness that he spread. We learned much from Rabbi while enjoying his spiritualism, creativity, and love of our community. He brought tremendous enthusiasm to his teachings at Friday night services, Saturday morning Torah study, Saturday evening Kabbalah studies, and Havdalah. Rabbi’s dedication to the students at our Talmud Torah and to our B’nai Mitzvah youth group left an indelible impression on our youngest congregants.

Many thanks to Rabbi Shaffi n for his service and his contribution to Congregation B’nai Zion. Every new path brings with it a new journey. May his path be a wonderful one. As he moves on to the next phase of his career, we warmly wish him all the best for his life ahead.

Page 4: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Th e summer months are oft en associated with vacations. For most children, school is over and it is a time to relax for a few months until school begins again. Many parents take their vacations from work at this time of the year so they can plan trips and tours with their families. I am sure that many of us have fond memories of family vacations that we experienced with our parents and children during the summer months. Some great times of family “bonding” and creating life-time memories are with many of us as we reminisce and remember these wonderful family times. Some humorous fi lms have been created by Hollywood to exaggerate some of these family trips in a very humorous way. Who can forget the Griswold’s crazy time together in National Lampoon’s “Vacation” starring Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo? Anything that could possibly go wrong happened to this family in this hilarious movie. It’s hard to believe that that fi lm was released in 1983. More recently, Sharon, Rachel and I took my two older grandchildren to see “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: the Long Haul” a more current version on the same theme showing the outrageous experiences of a modern family, with all the kids on their phones and I pads as they traveled together on vacation. I have a feeling that many of us could share unbelievable stories of our own family vacations. It is interesting that in the midst of the joy of summer, the Jewish calendar calls us to observe the saddest holiday of all, Tisha B’av, the Ninth of Av. On this day the fi rst temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E., the second temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E., all the Jews were expelled from England in 1290, and the entire Jewish population of Spain was forced to leave in 1492. Tisha B’av is observed in a very somber way. We fast for 24 hours, we don’t wear leather, at services we sit on low benches or the fl oor, we read the Book of Lamentations and other sad elegies which describe tragedies that took place in Jewish history. But while we are taking this sad journey during the summer, we still realize that God has found a way to bring us hope and joy. Th e Shabbat before Tisha B’av is called “Shabbat Hazon.” Th is means “vision” and it tells us of the vision of the prophet Isaiah who at fi rst admonishes the Jewish people for the sins that we have committed by rejecting the Torah and God, but then tells us that there is plenty of hope because we can “cease to do evil, and learn to do good” and that God will bless us with joy and sustenance when we return to the teachings of the Torah and the ways of Hashem. Th e Sabbath which follows Tisha B’av is entitled “Shabbat Na-chamu” which means, “Th e Shabbat of Comfort.” Th is is the fi rst of seven Haft oraot between Tisha B’av and Rosh Hashana in which the prophet Isaiah off ers words of consolation from God who is always with us, especially when we are sad or lonely. Th e word “Nachamu” is said twice in the opening verse of the prophetic reading, to show that God is really comforting us and giving us hope even as we remember these very catastrophic times in our history. When we read the Book of Lamentations, or “Aicha,” on Tisha B’av the custom is to repeat the second to last verse which says in Hebrew, “Hasheevainu Adonye Eleicha V’Nashuva, Chadeish Yameinu K’Kedem,” “Return us O Lord Unto You and we shall return, renew our days as of old.” Sound familiar? Th ese words are used in our Prayer Books when we return the Torah to the Holy Ark. Th e message is extremely important and hopeful. It says that God will always be available to us when we are ready to return to the principles and teachings of our faith, that God will never abandon us, and that each of us has the capacity to return…..return to the synagogue, return to the teachings of the Torah, return to being the type of people we are capable of being, return to God. Th e joyous memories that we have of summer vacations, together with the knowledge that God brings us happiness even at the most diffi cult times, helps make the summer months a wonderful time for us to appreciate our families, our community, our synagogue, our traditions, and all of our blessings in life.

-Rabbi Stephen A. Leon

Page 5: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Hats off to the B’nai Zion and Sisterhood board members who completed their terms of offi ce in May. Serving on the board of directors is nothing less than a labor of love. Our board members devote countless hours and invest heart and soul into seeing to it that the synagogue is running well and meeting the needs of the entire congregation. Th ey deserve our appreciation and respect; they have certainly earned mine.

Mazel tov to the new and continuing members of these two synagogue-vital boards. Your work will propel us into the future and I know great things are just around the corner. Of course, our board members can’t do everything. Th ey rely on congregants to step up as committee members and volunteers to insure vision becomes reality. I encourage every one of our members to get involved. Not only does getting involved give you a voice, the work is incredibly reward-ing.

Th e end of May marks a time of many accomplishments by our members. Congratulations to all on completing another school year and to those who have graduated kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college and post graduate programs. Each milestone marks a new achievement in your lives and sets the stage for even greater things in your future. Your synagogue family is very proud of you!

Th e June / July issue of the Messenger is the last issue until August, but we still want to be in touch. While you enjoy your summer, please stay tuned for news and announcements from the shul. Join our daily minyans and Shabbat services. Celebrate Shavuot, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, and Independence Day with us. Give me a call, drop by the offi ce for a chat or send an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you a wonderful summer,

-Debra Pazos

Page 6: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


“In the depth of winter I fi nally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” Albert Camus Th e blank canvas and the space of “I don’t know” are places of infi nite possibility and unlimited opportunity. As I begin my presidency at Congregation B’nai Zion, I am humbled and honored, and grateful for the confi dence that many have placed in me. I am enthusiastic about the years to come. I will work to ensure inclusion of all, transparency to all, fi nancial stability, integrity, involvement in members’ lives, contribution to activities of the greater community, and engagement between and among all members of our Synagogue. I ask you for your support and participation as we roll out new ideas, new events, and new programs. At the Annual Members Meeting, congregants elected new Offi cers and Directors for the Synagogue. Th ose Offi cers and Directors, along with the Offi cers and Directors of Sisterhood, were installed at a joint installation dinner on May 19th. Welcome to our new Board Members.New Offi cers of Congregation B’nai Zion are: President David Sabal 1st Vice President Shane Lipson2nd Vice President Adam Rosenfi eld 3rd Vice President Ernest EisenbergSecretary William Radcliff e Past-President Alan CohenNew Board Members are:Samuel Cohen Yolanda Radcliff e Bernard FelsenEdward Dubowitz Alejandra Sosa Dora Roe Board members Kristin Kimmelman, Leslie Beckoff , Leah Chayes, Don Scharf, and Patty Hutman will continue on the board, completing their terms. We extend our deepest gratitude to the following outgoing board members for their dedicated service to the Congregation:John Garcia Joan Korn Jerry Schwartz Kenneth KornSamuel Kupetz Howard Goldberg David Kimmelman Th ere is a slot for one more Director and for the Offi ce of Treasurer. Th e Treasurer must have previously served one full term on the Board of Directors. We encourage members to serve in leadership roles. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact me through the Shul offi ce at 915-833-2222. We congratulate our new leadership and wish them the very best as they work to establish educational, cultural, religious, social, and recreational activities that engage children, young adults, families, and seniors in meaningful Jewish experiences. Rabbi Shaffi n leaves CBZ on July 1st. At present, and as summer unfolds, the Rabbi Selection Committee will be actively soliciting candidates for a new Rabbi. We are in discussion with Rabbi Leon to determine his role in this time of transition. In the meantime, we are asking that all Congregants who are able to lead portions of the weekday or of the Shabbat services and to read Torah step up and help us continue to provide daily minyan and Shabbat services to the Congregation. We encourage you to attend Th e Jewish Federation’s 80th Anniversary Celebration on June 14th, a Scout Shabbat with Boy Scouts from the Houston area on June 16th and 17th, a Fathers’ Day Brunch on June 18th, the Blessing of the Animals on June 25th, the Wear Your Red, White, & Blues Independence Shabbat on June 30th, and a reprise of last year’s very successful Aloha Shabbat on July 14th. Th is summer, CBZ is also proud to host the newly revived Camp Shamayim, from June 12th to 23rd, and Camp Kadima, both programs of the Jewish Federation. Additionally, please make plans to attend the inaugural Th ird Th ursday Circle on June 15th aft er evening minyan. Th ird Th ursdays are a regular opportunity for low-key, friendly, informal interaction with Board members for Q&A and to discuss all things Shul. Th ese monthly get togethers are based on an idea implemented by 1st VP, Shane Lipson. Refresh-ments will be served. No matter how eff ectively this new Board functions, how capably our new Executive Director manages the offi ce, or to what spiritual heights our Rabbis bring us, without your participation and your involvement, Congregation B’nai Zion is a hollow place. I invite you to embrace the notion of ownership and embolden you to own this Synagogue. Truly make it yours! Let the Board and the Staff and the Rabbinate serve you and work for you. If something is not operating to your satisfaction, help us fi x it or improve it. Share your thoughts and passions with us so that we can bring your ideas and your visions into reality. Share your time with us so that together we can accomplish more.

Respectfully yours,David Sabal

“In the depth of winter I fi nally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” Albert Camus

Page 7: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Th ank you to all who were responsible for the Installation program; it was a wonderful opportunity to begin working together between both boards. In addition, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all the Sisterhood Board members who have either served their term or will begin to do so. I look forward to not only representing you but working with you.For those of you who were unable to attend the Installation, I have provided my speech. Feel free to contact me with any Sisterhood compliments, concerns or complaints. I am honored and thrilled to take the “reins” of B’nai Zion Sisterhood from Patty Hutman. She will be a “hard act to follow.” How many of you remember where you were six and a half years ago? Five years ago? Let’s try a little more recent. Perhaps, four years ago? You may be wondering why I am asking such benign questions. For an important reason. I know my location for each of those time periods and the answers are the same-for me, it was at work. When I fi rst arrived in El Paso almost six and a half years ago, it was without any family or friends. Aft er six months, once Julian was out of school, my family followed me here. During their absence and once they were here, I continued to work seven days a week. Most of my energy and time were spent providing “volunteer” service on the job. Long weekends and evenings were uncompensated, initially needed to “learn the ropes.” Th e justifi cation to myself was that I wanted to help others, but it came at a cost. Th e embedded lesson here is that my desire to “help others” continuously at work, forced me to not “help myself.” Please do not misunderstand me and assume that a good work ethic is unnecessary, quite the opposite. However, it becomes harmful when left unbalanced. For me, the wake-up call came about three years ago. Coincidently, Alan had increased his volunteer activities, while I realized the lack of mine. Th ereaft er, I decided my eff orts would be better served through the Jewish Community. Like myself, anyone can volunteer to “help others,” at any time whether they have been in El Paso more than six years or less than six years. While my commitment to the Jewish Community increased, I benefi tted as well. Science has now been able to identify health gains achieved by giving to others, such as • Decreases your risk of depression• Increases your sense of purpose and fulfi llment• Promotes physical and mental activity• Reduces stress levels• Provides the “happiness eff ect” (release of dopamine-happy feelings) While I am in this “happy place,” let me share my vision for B’nai Zion Sisterhood-Member Engagement-without members, an organization ceases to exist. Th rough programs, committees and outreach, involvement promotes engagement.-Programs-those which have been successful, will continue. Diff erent and new events will allow us to reach a diverse group for more participation.-Fundraising-similar to programs, a focus on value with variety to stimulate growth for established initiatives in addition to fresh endeavors. -Religious/Cultural-our foundation which defi nes the Sisterhood’s purpose now and guides our future continues to empha-size a commitment to ourselves as well as the needs of our partners.-Joint Ventures with our affi liates B’nai Zion-Board and Offi ce Staff USY Talmud Torah Hadassah Temple Mount Sinai-Sisterhood

Why wouldn’t you want to improve your health while performing mitzvahs? A profound way to make a diff erence is through B’nai Zion and the Sisterhood. If you have been involved, thank you for your service. I challenge everyone reading this article to increase your commitment or become involved. Regardless, you can infl uence and inspire others, sometimes without even knowing it. Join me on this journey.

In Sisterhood,Debbie Cohen

Sisterhood [email protected]

Page 8: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Page 9: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


For the past two years, I have been the President of BZUSY, El Paso’s local chapter of the United Synagogue Youth Group. I have been fortunate to be able to share the joy that USY brought me with the rest of the kids from B’nai Zion. In addition to local events, USY has provided me with the opportunity to meet other Jewish teens from across our three state region. At regional events, I not only had a fun time with my Jewish peers, but I grew mentally and became a more confi dent and capable leader. It’s been a great experience helping create and participate in programming for these two years, and I am truly honored to have been able to do it for so long. However, as I am graduating high school very soon, it is time for new leadership to begin. I am proud of all that I have done these few years, and I am very excited to see what the future of BZUSY will turn out to be. I wish the entire incoming BZUSY Board success. I would like to thank Th e Sisterhood and the entire congregation for their amazing support of USY, which has helped us so much with our scholarships and membership. I would also like to thank Rachel Leon for her support and guidance while I was in offi ce. Chazak Chazak V’Nitchazeik.

Zach KrasneShow your support for Boy Scouting.

Join us at Shabbat Services Friday, June 16, and Saturday, June 17, as we welcome Troop 806 Boy Scouts visiting from the Houston area led by our own Assistant Scout Master Eric Lieb, son of Carl and Joyce Lieb, grandson of Bernadine Belkin.

Page 10: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Evelyn Goodman celebrated her 101st Birthday in May. B’nai Zion wishes Evelyn a wonderful 101st year blessed

with love, family, good health and happiness.

Page 11: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.



Friday evening, August 4th Services and Shabbat dinner Keynote Speaker Dr. Maria Sanchez will present “Healing the Residual Trauma of the Inquisition”

Saturday, August 5th Services and Shabbat Kiddush lunch Speaker Harry Ezratty will present “Spanish Jews and Their Role as Support Groups before 1492” Speaker Maria Apodaca will present “Choose Life, a Personal Story of a Crypto-Jew” Mincha Services Speaker Rabbi Danny Mehlman will present “Current Trends in the Anusim Community” Ma’ariv Services followed by a musical program

Sunday, August 6th Shacharit morning services Rabbi Stephen Leon will disuss his new book “The Third Commandment and the Return of the Anusim” Panel discussion on the Future of the Anusim Afternoon Sephardic Anusim Festival featuring Sephardic-Ladino Music, Foods, Art, Jewelry & Crafts

For more information contact Rabbi Stephen Leon at [email protected] or (915) 526-3693

Page 12: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


6/02David & Kristin Kimmelman

6/04Stuart & Dannah MeyersSteven & Kacy SpivackCharles & Peggy KovanHarvey & Mary Ann Plaut

6/05Warren & Claire Pulner

6/08Randal & Janet WechterSandy & Judy Grodin

6/09Barry & Tammy KarchBarry & Robin KobrenRabbi Stephen & Sharon Leon

6/11Alan & Debra Cohen

6/12Jack & Benita Neumann

6/14Sherman & Sandra Levenson

6/18Dr. David & Rose Schecter Bruce & Ann Gronich

6/19Arvin & Beverly Robinson

6/20Morris & Beverly Reiter

6/22Myer & Beth LipsonJerry & Marcia SchwartzKenneth & Joan KornRobert & Elaine Krasne

6/24James & Michelle Holland

6/25Dr. Harvey & Dr. Idelle GreenbergWilliam & Holli BerryMalkiel & Sonia Leeds

6/26Dr. Parviz & Leticia Neiman

6/28Lester & Wendy Rothschild

6/01Steven SpivackJonathan Svarzbein

6/02Michael ChernoBarbara VarelaLolli Scott

6/03Raquel Yardeni Bernard GoldbergElijah-James HaginsViola Wiener

6/05Paco IntebiBryan Cohen Aaron Cohen

6/07T.J. MitchellTammy Karch

6/08Rebecca Shiloff Annalie Rollins 6/09Andrew Rosenfi eldMorris ReiterLilly Paquin

6/10Ashlei Nadler

6/11Sylvia Cohen

6/12Chaim Silverstein Jonathan Shapiro

6/13Marla Sofer

6/14Bernard Hirsh

6/15Alia Garcia-UresteEliana Toren

6/16Martha EisenbergAshley Shugart

6/17Patricia HutmanChelsea ReiterSandy PeitzerJessica Laviage

6/19Kristin Kimmelman

6/20Elizabeth NanceManuel Corral Josh MeyersLinda Corral Linda Holzer

6/21David Kimmelman Maria Luisa Escobar

6/22Stanlee RubinDouglas Pulner

6/23Suzi Aaronson Ellen DaughertyLisa Peitzer

6/24William Radcliff eLawrence Lesser

6/25Erin Brown

6/26Luis Carlos SaenzDaniel Eiland

6/27Nancy Shiloff

6/28Laura Corral Pollie Toren

6/29Lawrence Gold

6/30Sandra Aaronson

Page 13: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


7/02Richard & Jacqueline Zehden

7/03Mark & Sara Blaugrund

7/04Robert & Jane Warach

7/08Bernard & Miriam Hirsh

7/13 Mauricio & Viola Wiener

7/15 Dr. Neal & Joyce Gronich Michael & Esther Kuchinksy

7/29Moises & Dora MargolisRichard & Paige Teplitz

7/01Adin Ehrlich

7/02Ann Schaechner

7/03Blanca Carrasco

7/04Leticia NeimanMyer Lipson

7/05Barbara Beliner

7/06Shelby Rubin Rose Schecter

7/07Dora MargolisJanice Glickstein

7/08Leah Chayes Paige Teplitz

7/09Robert Krasne

7/11Randy Fertel Robert Shiloff

7/12Lauren Eisenberg

7/13Brenda Ehrlich

7/16Bernadette BandaDon Brown

7/17Carol TeplitzRachel Lavis

7/18Asher KimmelmanJoan BeckerSara Shiloff Julie Bondi

7/20Patricia Luna Richard ArmourCharlotte RothAmy GoldfarbRhoda Jaff ee

7/22Victoria Teplitz

7/23Leslie OtisBoris Kaim

7/24Robin FurmanMarilyn Silverstein Debra Pazos

7/26Peter ShugartMalka Sidransky

7/27James Kimmelman

7/28David Kaplan

7/30Mendle Goldberg

7/31Richard OtisLizabeth Fraker

Page 14: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


We thank Mike Batkin for his generosity in sponsoring the break-the-fast breakfast in honor of the Fast of the First Born on the day before Passover.

His kindness turned a Fast into a Feast.

A special thank you to Mike Batkin for the beautiful fl owers that adorned our Bimah for the festival of Shavuot.

Dr. & Mrs. Schecter – In honor of the triplet’s graduation from high schoolCliff ord & Martha Eisenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Grodin – In honor of the birth of your new grandsonCliff ord & Martha Eisenberg

Joyce Ja� ee – In honor of the engagement of your granddaughter Rebecca Otis to Roth LederCliff ord & Martha Eisenberg

Jack & Sandy Peitzer - Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughterLouis & Miriam Rosenbaum

Evelyn Goodman – Happy 101st Birthday! Louis & Miriam Rosenbaum Sam & Lenore Kobren

Cesar & Blanca Carrasco – Mazel Tov on your anniversary Louis & Miriam Rosenbaum

David & Kristin Kimmelman – In honor of the birth of your son SamuelIrwin, Maurice, Beth, Debbie and Shayna KurlandSam & Lenore Kobren

Tibor Schaechner – In honor of your recent birthdayIrwin, Maurice, Beth, Debbie and Shayna Kurland

Sarai Rubin – In honor of your graduation from the Optometry Tech ProgramIrwin, Maurice, Beth, Debbie and Shayna Kurland

Shayna Kurland – Mazel Tov on your graduation from the University of Central Florida and on your honor society membershipsIrwin, Maurice, Beth and Debbie Kurland

John Garcia - In honor of your frequent leading of Shaharit morning servicesMaurice Kurland

Louis Rosenbaum – Happy Birthday!Sam & Lenore Kobren Miriam Rosenbaum – Happy Birthday!Warren & Claire Pulner

In honor of the Boy Scouts of America Troop 613Tanny Berg

Isaac Weislow - Mazel Tov on earning the Eagle Scout rank Tanny Berg

Richard Marshall – In honor of your birthdaySelma Chasens

Shannon Elyse Reiter - In Honor of your graduation with honors from the University of Tulsa School of Law Dr. Todd and Sheri Reiter

Chelsea Anne Reiter - In Honor of your graduation from the University of Texas at El Paso with a B.S. in Biology Dr. Todd and Sheri Reiter

Page 15: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Thomas DulaCliff ord & Martha EisenbergJerry & Marcia SchwartzAlyse & Robert CaplanBeth & Myer Lipson

Michael Mc. Gill Art & Linda Corral Cesar & Debra Pazos Kenneth & Joan KornSam & Monica KupetzJerry & Marcia SchwartzLaura & Denise Tolenti no

Joan ChernoCesar & Debra Pazos

Ray SiasArt & Linda Corral Sam & Monica Kupetz Jerry & Marcia Schwartz

Adrian KasnerLouis & Miriam Rosenbaum

Fred LichtKenneth & Joan KornLouis & Miriam Rosenbaum

Sadie Posti nick Herbert Kofsky

Abraham FreifeldDavid & Eugenia Kaplan

Stanley SteinScott & Margaret Stein Sharon Stein

Doris Eisenberg Louis & Cindy Cohen

Dr. Leonardo Svarzbein Sylvia Svarzbein

Grete EichenwaldDr. Boris Kaim & Fifi Heller-Kaim

Carola EichenwaldDr. Boris Kaim & Fifi Heller-Kaim

Isadore Naparstek Dorene & Ilisa Naparstek

Zev Kimmelman Dorene & Ilisa Naparstek

Abe Glazer Richard & Eileen Armour

Sally Rosen Jay & Mimi Gladstein

Ida EllowitzSamuel Ellowitz

Ezra KaimDr. Boris Kaim & Fifi Heller-Kaim

Erich EichenwaldDr. Boris Kaim & Fifi Heller- Kaim

Gil HollandRuth Gniazdowitz

Bessie KurmanSelma Chasens

Fanny LevensonSherman & Sandra Levenson

Chava YardeniMike Yardeni

Page 16: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


06/01 (7 Sivan)Joseph KupetzEmannuel GluckBen Koortz

6/02 (8 Sivan)Sheldon Levine Bertha WeiserGershon WeiserChanale UngerMathilde Unger

6/03 (9 Sivan)Rae SimonGrace WeinsteinRobert ValdezNorma Aaronson

6/04 (10 Sivan)Abraham Kishk

6/06 (12 Sivan)Esther Abadie Samuel Green

6/07 (13 Sivan)Ann DeenerJoachim Weiser

6/08 (14 Sivan)Paula Rollins

6/09 (15 Sivan)Rose KurlandJack Rosenfeld

6/10 (16 Sivan)Maurice Heller

6/11 (17 Sivan)Ernest Friedman

6/12 (18 Sivan)Karl HochmanPhillip Rosenthal

6/13 (19 Sivan)Matilde SabalSol Kluger

6/14 (20 Sivan)Gudal PortasAlexander SchaechnerHarold Stein

6/15 (21 Sivan)Adele BlaugrundTama Hirsch

6/16 (22 Sivan)Mina BackSol Goldfarb

6/17 (23 Sivan)Ezra Kaim Samuel Weiss

6/18 (24 Sivan)Sonia SchlomowitzRaymond GreenErich Eichenwald

6/19 (25 Sivan) Richard BatkinAber Orner

6/20 (26 Sivan)J.B. BrownEtta Kobren

6/21 (27 Sivan)Michie EsquenaziFanny MargolisEthel Kluger

6/22 (28 Sivan)Phillip Sidransky Henrietta HellerDoris RoseMax Schecter

6/23 (29 Sivan)Ida EllowitzBonnie FeinbergSophie Rosen� eld Jerome Batkin

6/24 (30 Sivan)Aaron Dembovicius

6/25 (1 Tammuz)Max SuchowieckyNorma Tarshis

6/26 (2 Tammuz)Mollie ShapiroGill HollandB.J. PattonCharles Kasper

6/27 (3 Tammuz)Bobbe SalzmanRuby BermanRobert Karch

6/28 (4 Tammuz)Bessie KurmanDorothy Zaben

6/29 (5 Tammuz)Isaac Binetzky Bernard SpitzChava YardeniJack L. Dubowitz

6/30 (6 Tammuz)Bernard RothNina Levin Lily Klein

� e unveiling for Aaron Dembovicius, father of Lizabeth Fraker, will take place on Sunday, June 11th, at 10:00 am at the B’nai Zion Cemetery.

May his memory be for a blessing.

Page 17: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


7/01 (7 Tammuz)Margarita Kaim

7/02 (8 Tammuz)Aaron LozabnickAsher Benattia

7/03 (9 Tammuz)William LiebermanMorris Marcus Edith Berger

7/04 (10 Tammuz)Carolyn Hirsh

7/05 (11 Tammuz)Meyer AaronsonJoshua Schepps

7/06 (12 Tammuz) Martin NaparstekAnnette BlumFreida FrankRose SheinRodolfo Madero

7/07 (13 Tammuz)Abraham KlugerElsie Cohen

7/08 (14 Tammuz)Fanny ShapiroNathan Reiss Natalie Peitzer

7/09 (15 Tammuz)Sidney KravitzHarriet Pauline FugitMax Mehlman

7/10 (16 Tammuz)Myer Erlich

7/11 (17 Tammuz)Ruth Rybak

7/12 (18 Tammuz)Goldie BermanCecilia CampMay Glazer

7/14 (20 Tammuz)Moshe LipsonMina LipsonSara LeibovitchAlexander Spivack

7/15 (21 Tammuz)Pauline Teplitz

7/16 (22 Tammuz)Milton CohenLatife Marcus William SilverLilian KopilowitzPhyllis Wintroub

7/17 (23 Tammuz)Ether Land� eldMorris Stone

7/18 (24 Tammuz)William Yonack

7/19 (25 Tammuz)Jake ErlichRichard Leonard Golden

7/20 (26 Tammuz)Sara Eisenberg

7/21 (27 Tammuz)Morris Siegelman

7/22 (28 Tammuz)Hanna GrunbergerLena Silver Max Rosenberg

7/23 (29 Tammuz)Aaron Wechter

7/24 (1 Av)Bayla GilbertMordecai LehrErvin SchwartzWilliam ShapiroDon GoldmanNorman Farb

7/25 (2 Av)Joseph Wiener

7/26 (3 Av)Jack KasperHal LaCoste

7/27 (4 Av)Celia RosenbaumAnne LiebermanMax KurmanJoseph Harris

7/28 (5 Av)Chrys Klahr

7/29 (6 Av)Rebecca SkobelLinda HolzerAnita Millman

7/30 (7 Av)Sarah GalanterDoris Orner

7/31 (8 Av)Izchak KotkowskiLawrence LangerMax Wechter

Page 18: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Sisterhood Membership SponsorsMitzvah sponsors:

Martha EisenbergDana Frank

Robin FurmanPatty HutmanJudy Weiser

Torah sponsors:

Leslie Beckoff Blanca Carrasco

Linda CorralMona Goldberg

Kristin KimmelmanJoan Korn

Amy MarcusLeticia Neiman

Dora RoeRose Schecter

Gail SlaterLaura TolentinoSarah Williams

Page 19: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.


Page 20: Rabbi Royi ShaffinInvest in Camp Shamayim. Invest in Camp Young Judaea Texas. Invest in Camp Ramah. Attend Adult Education classes. Come to study the parashah every Shabbat morning.