
Professional Practice and Building Laws 1. Civil liability of architects in construction – 15 years 2. ground for non-renewal of the PRC ID 3. What offense is committed when an architect is found using the seal of another architect? 4. What offense is committed if a person uses the name of another architect in his practice without the consent of the latter? (Prima Facie, Misdemeanor, Forgery) 5. mode of payment on architect’s fee – 5%, 15%, 35%, 85%, 15% 6. breakdown of 15% retention of architect’s fee – 10% for architect’s liability under civil code and 5% for supervision 7. how much will the architect receive if the project is not constructed? 8. How much will the architect receive under Design-Build services on Guaranteed Maximum Cost? 9. difference between RA 545 and RA 9266 in terms of architectural practice – corporate practice 10. Contract Documents: a)Agreement b)General Conditions c)Special Provisions d)Specifications e)Drawings 11. UAP Doc. 301 – it embodies the procedural and administrative aspect of the contract (General Conditions) 12. what was previously not allowed under RA 545 but is now allowed under RA 9266 13. architect’s fee for different structures as per uap document – SMERMRHEAC 14. task of a construction manager wherein he will conduct a conference before the start of bidding 15. what do you call the person or group appointed by the owner after the completion of the building? 16. the law that created the professional regulatory commission – Presidential Decree 223 17. question on contract document phase



Transcript of r4

January 2006

Professional Practice and Building Laws

1. Civil liability of architects in construction 15 years

2. ground for non-renewal of the PRC ID

3. What offense is committed when an architect is found using the seal of another architect?

4. What offense is committed if a person uses the name of another architect in his practice without the consent of the latter? (Prima Facie, Misdemeanor, Forgery)

5. mode of payment on architects fee 5%, 15%, 35%, 85%, 15%

6. breakdown of 15% retention of architects fee 10% for architects liability under civil code and 5% for supervision7. how much will the architect receive if the project is not constructed?8. How much will the architect receive under Design-Build services on Guaranteed Maximum Cost?

9. difference between RA 545 and RA 9266 in terms of architectural practice corporate practice10. Contract Documents: a)Agreement b)General Conditions c)Special Provisions d)Specifications e)Drawings

11. UAP Doc. 301 it embodies the procedural and administrative aspect of the contract (General Conditions)12. what was previously not allowed under RA 545 but is now allowed under RA 9266

13. architects fee for different structures as per uap document SMERMRHEAC14. task of a construction manager wherein he will conduct a conference before the start of bidding

15. what do you call the person or group appointed by the owner after the completion of the building?

16. the law that created the professional regulatory commission Presidential Decree 22317. question on contract document phase

18. question on construction phase

19. question on post-construction phase

20. design-build services by administration / by maximum guaranteed cost

21. notice to proceed

22. bid bulletin

23. validity of building permit

24. Batas Pambansa 344 Accessibility Law25. Batas Pambansa 220 Socio-Economic Housing26. PD 957 Subdivision Law (Protection of Buyer)27. Minimum Floor Area for Economic Housing (22 sqm)28. RA 7279

29. questions about the various government housing program

30. role of housing agencies

31. under what plan will you find the sprinkler, smokeproof, etc. (electrical, mechanical, plumbing, architectural)

32. Differnet types of Bonds. (Proposal Bond, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Guarantee Bond)

33. the security of the owner if he finds some parts of the construction defective (Performance Bond, Guarantee Bond, etc.)34. the contractor backs out after the project is awarded to him prior to construction, what will be taken from him? (Performance bond, Guarantee Bond, Proposal bond, Bid Bond)

35. bid bulletin additional information issued to the bidders

36. to whom will the owner most likely award the project (the bid with the lowest construction cost, the bid with the lowest material cost)

37. Specifications are written or printed description of qualities of materials and mode of construction

38. Different types of Specification

39. what type of specification is: 6 gal flush type water closet?

40. what type of specification is: #704 Boysen paint?

41. what type of specification: scratch the wood and clean before applying #704 Boysen paint

42. an architectural term for disasters/calamities, it is a phenomenon that human prudence could not foresee or prevent, it includes earthquake, typhoon cyclone and other cataclysmic event of nature and all misfortunes and accidents, (act of God / force majeure) rain, wind, flood or other natural phenomenon of inconsequential degree for the locality shall not be construed as an Act of God or Force Majeure and no reparation shall be made to the Contractor for the damages to the work resulting therefrom.

43. liquidated damges 1/10th of 1%44. the time when the owner can get reploacement for his architect45. min. floor area of a single family dwelling per BP 220

46. headroom clearance for class B47. parking and loading requirement

48. for a 500 bed hospital, how many parking slots are required? (Public = 20, Private = 42)49. exceptions / exclusions from parking requirements50. for a 65 hectare land, what is the open space requirement?

51. what is the minimum dimension of a habitable room of 6 sqm?

52. given a 1.35m x 2.1m t&b, choose the nearest minimum size for window opening (0.36 x 0.6, 0.60 x 0.60, 0.40 x 0.60, 0.50 x 0.50)53. minimum height of a classroom with an allotment of 1 sqm per student.54. ceiling heights for artificial and natural ventilated rooms

55. minimum ceiling height for an office

56. minimum ceiling height for a school

57. NBC area of openings at least ____ of the total area of the wall

58. NBC zoning classifications

59. 50mm maximum spacing between vent centers (low hazard)

60. 40m maximum spacing between vent centers (average hazard)

61. Classes of Ramps

62. slope of class b ramp (10-17%)

63. distance of exits (w/ sprinkler, w/o sprinkler)

64. FCP divisions of exits

65. FCP definitions of terms: hypergolic, combustible liquid, armory, etc.

66. Blasting Agent any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer to set off explosives

67. Corrosive liquid any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic matter or with certain chemicals68. flame spread rating

69. fire retardant time period rating

70. minimum height of standpipe

71. service line

72. firebrick thickness

73. minimum wall thickness for masonry chimney

74. classes of stairs

75. headroom clearance for Class B stairs76. air space requirement

77. who prepares as-built plan

78. basis on the assessment of building permit fees

79. 16 division of uniform construction index

80. role of a project manager

81. What is the Division number of masonry in construction specification? Division 4The Sixteen Division Uniform Construction Index

Division 1 General Requirements

Division 2 Site Work

Division 3 Concrete

Division 4 Masonry

Division 5 Metal

Division 6 Wood and Plastics

Division 7 Thermal and Moisture Control

Division 8 Doors and Windows

Division 9 Finishes

Division 10 Specialties

Division 11 Equipment

Division 12 Furnishings

Division 13 Special Construction

Division 14 Conveying Systems

Division 15 Mechanical

Division 16 Electrical

82. color of piping for gas

83. color of piping for steam

84. color of piping for oil

85. what is the meaning of ECZ? (Economically Critical Zone?)

86. numerous questions about the aims and current programs of housing agencies in the Philippines: NHA, HLURB, HDMF, etc. (visit their websites)

87. characteristics of mixed-use zone

88. Environmentally Critical Area term for critical area designated by the government

89. Slope Classification

90. maximum slope of roads

91. Slope Analysis, Formula for Distance

92. work cavity


1. Reims Cathedral by Jean dOrbais (Gothic Architecture)2. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao Spain by Frank Gerhy (expressionist-modern)

3. US Supreme Court by Cass Gilbert (Neo Classical)

4. Woolworth Building by Cass Gilbert (Neo Gothic)

5. National Commercial Bank by Gordon Bunshaft / SOM

6. Burj Dubai by Adrian D. Smith / SOM (future tallest building)

7. Freedom Tower by Daniel Libeskind (will replace WTC)

8. roman and greek mouldings

9. Frank Lloyd Wright

10. Temple of Abu-Simbel

11. beehive cupola during the Mesopotamian period

12. Crepidoma the base courses (a stepped platform) of a classical (esp. Greek) temple. See stylobate

13. Cenotaph a monument erected in memory of one not interred in or under it

14. types of roman fountains

15. roman and greek mouldings

16. Gargoyle(illustration) a projecting waterspout grotesquely carved to throw off water from the roof (Lat. Gurges=Whirlpool) according to Dan Brown, derived its name for the gurgle sound it makes when water passes through it. Be careful not to mistake it for grotesquely designed ornaments.

17. Canephorae (illustration) sculptured female figures bearing baskets on their heads (basket carriers)

18. Caryatid (illustration) sculptured female figures used as columns or supports. Traditionally taken to represent the women of Caira, who sided with the Persians against the Greeks, and were made slaves (no baskets on their heads and usually without arms)

19. Chattri (illustration) it is the umbrella-like cupola featured in Saracenic Architecture

20. Aumbry also called ambry, a cupboard or niche in a chancel wall for the utensils of the eucharist (aka. almary, almery, armarium)21. apse terminal part of a church intended to house an altar22. bowtell a plain, convex moulding, usually three-quarters of a circle in section (aka. Bowtel, boltel, boultine boutell, edge roll)

23. Hammer Beam one of a pair of short horizontal members attached to the foot of a principal rafter, in a roof, in place of a tie beam

24. Art Noveau an architecture style developed principally in France and Belgium towards the end of the 19th century. It is characterized by organic and dynamic forms, curving design, and whiplash lines. The German version is Jugendstil, the Austrian variant Sezession the Italian version is Stile Liberty and in Spain Modernismo

25. valley building26. Stonehenge a megalithic, prehistoric monument near Salisbury, England, in Wiltshire. It is the most imposing megalithic monument in existence.

27. papyrus bud28. Baldachino an ornamental canopy over an altar, usually supported on columns, or a similar form over a tomb or throne (ala. Baldachin, baldacchino, baldaquin, ciborium)

29. Niche a recess in a wall, usually to contain sculpture or an urn; often semi-circular in plan, surmounted by a half dome.

30. i.m. pei

31. melon shaped dome

32. Allure a gallery or passage, as along the parapets of a castle, around the roof of a church, or along a cloister (aka. Allure, alur)

33. St. Basil Cathedral (Pic)

34. Einstein Tower (Pic) by Erich Mendelsohn (Expressionist Early Modern)

35. Sears Tower by SOM

36. Notre Dame Du Haut (Pic) by Le Corbusier

37. Notre Dame du Raincy by Auguste Perret (Early Modern)

38. What is the Frame-Panel arrangement used at Notre Dame Du Raincy?

39. Who is the arch of a bombe mosque in Baghdad which did not follow the traditional design that the mosque should be far more greater in architectural importance internally rather than externally? (Le Corbusier, Ponti, Rosselli, Aalto, Bruer, Gropius?)

40. What is the Unique Design Element used in the Alvar Aalto Studio?

41. Nervi, Pierre Luiggi

42. Kevin Lynch

43. John Hancock Center (Pic) by SOM

44. National Artists in Architecture

45. St. Andrews Church cone shaped, with intersectin ribs Leandro Locsin

46. Metropolitan Theater by Juan Arellano (Art Deco)

47. Metropolitan Theater (How is it distinctly Filipino?)

48. Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice by Arch. Leandro Locsin dome shaped, thin shell construction

49. Among the following, which is not a work of Arch. Leandro Locsin? (Intercontinental Hotel Makati, Mandarin Hotel Makati, Hyatt Hotel-Roxas Blvd., Shangrila Hotel Cebu)

50. Greenbelt 3 by Callison Architecture with GF Partners

51. RCBC Plaza by SOM, LLP, W.V. Coscolluela and Associates

52. Last phase of Italian Renaissance (antiquarian phase?)

53. What is the predominant Architectural Style in Istanbul? (Byzantine, Mohammedan, Moorish?) with description of Architectural Style

54. Characteristics of Byzantine Architecture It is characterized by large pendentive supported domes, round arches and elaborate columns, richness in decorative elements, and color. The most famous example is the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

55. Architectural Style started at Constantinople

56. What is the archl style used at casa batllo by Antonio Gaudi (art nouveau)

57. What is the archl stye used at sagrada familia by Antonio Gaudi (expressionist, art nouveau?)

58. What is the archl style used at casa mila by Antonio Gaudi (art nouveau)

59. What is the archl style used at feu (art deco?)

60. what do you call a building with a geometrical faade?

61. A high-end Resl Golf Course, the Malarayat Golf & Country Club is also known as (a) Caliraya Homes & Golf Course (b) Batangas Golf Course62. Who was the arch awarded by prc in 1998?63. Who was the architect awarded by UAP in 2002? He made simple projects with outstanding design (Philip Recto?)

64. What is the tallest building in the Philippines? (PB Com Tower by SOM)

65. What church is not listed as world heritage? (Jaro Church, San Sebastian Church, Paoay Church, Barasoain Church)

66. who said the house is a machine to live in?

67. who said machine is a habiter?

68. Sector Model of Homer Hoyt identify parts

69. Arrange in chronological order the major process in planning (Analysis, Research, Evaluation, Synthesis, Construction, Operation, Commission)

70. Arrange in chronological order the different design stafe and processes (Site Investigation, Programming, Feedback and Modification, Planning)

71. What is PUD? (Planned Unit Development)

72. Given a situation, identify what is called (Urban Decay, Restoration, Urban Renewal)

73. Given a situation, identify the best solution (Create housing units, Slum improvement, Improve Site Services)

74. It is the transfer of molecules from warmer to cooler (Conduction, Convection, Radiation)

75. R value and conductivity

76. Absorptive qualities of materials for roofing

77. air movement for passive cooling

78. what is low mass condensation?

79. what is high mass condensation?

80. what is low mass evaporation?

81. what is high mass evaporation?

82. what is evaporative cooling?

83. what is the orientation of buildings at baguio? (nw, ne, sw, se)84. what is cross ventilation?

85. what is the purpose of placing louvers?

86. situational problem for passive cooling (illustrations): design of trusses, design of roof eaves, different ceiling heights

87. choose the warmest/ coolest condition given 4 illustrations

88. wind scoop is applicable to (warm humid climate, hot-dry climate, tropical climate)

89. what color will you use in a room to attain peace, calm (Blue, Red, White)

90. Blue is peaceful and tranquil. It reduces excitability and therefore helps one to concentrate

91. What color is the easiest perceived (Yellow, green, red, blue)

92. what color has the longest wavelength

93. radial symmetry / bilateral symmetry

94. what is asymmetrical balance?

95. gravitational and occult balance96. what is proportion?

97. perception the process by which we organize and interpret the patterns of stimuli in our environment, the immediate intuitive recognition, as of an aesthetic quality

98. it is the ability of the mind to recall stored images.

99. it is the ability of the mind to conclude or judge/ interpret something

100. stimulus

101. imaging

102. ergonomics

103. proxemics

104. anthropometrics

Second Day, January 2006Utilities

1. color coding of pipes

2. about airconditioning

3. minimum number of chamber in a septic tank

4. minimum number of urinals in a theater

5. minimum number of water closets in a theater

6. minimum number of lavatory in a theater

7. types of water closets (from brochures)

8. types of lavatories (front, top, from brochures)

9. distance of trench from well

10. subsoil drain drain installed for collecting subsurface or seepage water and conveying it to a place of disposal

11. minimum division of septic tank

12. minimum size of leaching chamber

13. trap seal the vertical distance between the crown wier and the top of the dip of the trap

14. p-trap

15. s-trap

16. identify the reducer and coupling (illustration)

17. wye, sanitary tee(illustration)

18. identify the bend (illustration)

19. identify the 1/8 bend (illustration), double socket (Atlanta brochure)

20. identify the bend (illustration)

21. identify the S bend fitting (illustration)

22. identify the male adapter (illustration)23. pipe used for water lines

24. pipe used for drainfield

25. pipe used for dry standpipe

26. identify from the illustration the g.i. pipe fittings

27. identify from the illustration the plastic pipe fittings

28. continuous vent

29. common vent

30. wet vent a pipe, usually over sized, which functions both as a fixture branch and as a vent

31. combination standpipe32. identify the valve used to connect to a flush tank. (flush valve) A special valve located at the bottom of the tank of a water closet, it provides the discharge through which the fixture is flushed

33. what valve allows the flow of water in one direction only? (check valve)

34. Gate valve a flow control device close by lowering a wedge-shaped gate across the passage35. globe valve a valve with a globular body in which water is controlled by a movable spindle which lowers to a fixed seat. The spindle is fitted with a washer to provide tight closure.36. different defects in fixtures (Dull/ Eggshell)

37. battery of fixtures

38. minimum number of fixtures as per national plumbing code

39. what do you call the impairment of the quality of water (Contamination)

40. which is not allowed for underground piping? (vitrified clay, concrete pipe, polyethylene)

41. connection of water supply line to shower valve

42. what is used to connect a copper pipe and a pvc pipe?

43. polybutylene pipe

44. flexible pipe with oval cross section (pe, pb?)

45. centrifugal pump a pump in which the pressure is imparted to the fluid by centrifugal force produced by a rotating impeller

46. rotary pump

47. minimum distance effluent / influent

48. organic peroxide

49. explosive magazine

50. cryogenic

51. condenser a heat exchange device in regrigeration system; consists of a vessel or arrangement of pipes or tubing in which refrigerant vapor is liquefied (condensed) by the removal of heat

52. evaporator that part of a refrigeration system in which refrigerant is vaporized, thereby taking up external heat and producing cooling.

53. volt the unit of potential difference or electromotive force; when applied across a resistance of 1 ohm, will result in a current flow of 1 ampere.

54. voltage- the greatest root-mean-square difference of potential between any two conductors of the circuit

55. watt-unit of power

56. receptor

57. junction box a box that protects splicing in conductors or joints in runs of raceways or cables

58. outlet box- a box at an outlet that encloses one or more receptacles

59. transformer a device with two or more coupled windings, used to convert a supply of electric power from one voltage to another

60. types of elevator

61. slope of escalator

62. gearless traction machine

63. illustrations of symbols symbols of bell, buzzer(dwg), symbol of annunciator(dwg)64. illustration of fixtures (lighting & plumbing)

65. a receptacle that is not water tight

66. types of wall lamps

67. types of ceiling lamps

68. diffuser a device that scatters light from a source

69. unit to measure luminous flux

70. the amount of light one square foot one foot away

71. footcandle a unit of illuminance equal to 1 lumen per square foot or 10.76 lux

72. hertz unit of frequency; one cycle per second

73. kinds of lighting (general, direct, etc.)

74. semi-direct lighting

75. semi-indirect lighting

76. acoustics definition of terms with situational question

77. the speed of sound 1,087 ft/ sec or 300 m /sec (through air)

78. to measure the distance traveled by sound

79. wavelength the distance between two successive points of a periodic wave in the direction of propagation

80. resonance the state existing in a system which is set into oscillation by a steady oscillatory force, when a change in frequency of excitation causes a decrease in the response of the system.

81. what do you call the unit of 1 over a thousand inch (Milliinch)

82. meaning of PABX

83. meaning of ASSE (American Society of Sanitary Engineers)

84. meaning of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

85. color of pipe for high pressure water

86. color of pipe for fire lines

Structural Design

1. Effective Length the distance between inflection points

2. Development Length minimum length of a reinforcing bar required to anchor it in concrete3. Bending Moment the moment that produces bending at a section of a structural member, equal to the sum of moments taken about the center of gravity of that section

4. minimum concrete coverings

5. minimum spacing of bolts

6. end distance of bolts in tension

7. end distance of bolts in compression

8. minimum penetration of screws

9. Malleability the property of metal that permits mechanical deformation by extrusion, forging, rolling, etc. Without fracturing

10. Yield Point the stress wherein the deformation increases without any increase in the load. The material at some point shows a decrease in its section

11. modulus of elasticity

12. elasticity the property of a material that enables it to deform in responses to applied forces an to recover its original size and shape upon removal of the force

13. plasticity

14. toughness the property of materials that enable it to absorb energy before rupturing, represented by the area under stress strain curve derived from a tensile test of the material. Ductile materials are tougher than brittle materials.

15. Rigidity property of a material to resist a change in its physical shape

16. inflection point point on the length of a structural member subjected to flexure at which the direction of curvature changes and at which the bending moment is zero

17. brittleness property of a material to fracture at low stress without appreciable deformation

18. ductility the property of a material to undergo plastic deformation after being stressed beyond the elastic limit before rupturing. Ductility is a desirable property of a structural material since plastic behavior is an indicator of reserve strength and can serve as a visual warning of impending failure19. eccentric load/ force a force applied parallel to the longitudinal axis of a structural member but not to the centroid of the cross section, producing bending and uneven distribution of stresses in the section.

20. axial load a force that acts perpendicular to the cross section of a structural member and at its centroid21. impact load the dynamic effect on a structure eight moving or at rest, by the forcible momentary contact of a moving body.

22. compressive force/stress

23. torsion the twisting of a structural member about its longitudinal axis by two equal and opposite torques

24. prestressed concrete concrete in which internal stresses are introduced of such magnitude and distribution that the tensile stresses resulting from the service loads are counteracted to a desired degree

25. post tensioning a method of prestressing reinforced concrete in which tendons are tensioned after the concrete has hardened.

26. jacking force a temporary force exerted into the prestressing tendons

27. tendon a steel element such as a wire, cable, bar, rod, or strand used to impart prestress to the concrete when the element is placed under tension

28. span the distance between two supports

29. clear span the distance between two inside faces of two supports

30. moment the property by which a force tends to cause a body, to which it is applied, to rotate about a point or line

31. cantilever beam a beam supported only at one end

32. overhanging beam

33. girder - a principal beam usually carrying other beams

34. short column a thick column subjected to failure by crushing rather than by buckling.

35. long column a slender column subject to failure by buckling rather than by crushing

36. method of section37. method of joints

38. diaphragm (strut and chord)

39. construction joint a joint between two successive placements of concrete, often keyed or doweled to provide lateral stability across the joint.

40. contraction joint in concrete work, a break in a structure made to allow for the drying and temperature shrinkages (of concrete or masonry) thus to prevent cracks forming at undesirable places. Since all materials containing cement shrink appreciably on drying, contraction joints are needed in every long structure.

41. soffit the underside of an architectural element, as an arch, beam, cornice, or staircase

42. tremie a funnel-like device with a pipe or tube for depositing concrete underwater

43. space frame a three-dimensional structural frame based on the rigidity of the triangle and composed of linear elements subject only to axial tension or compression. The simplest spatial unit of a space frame is a tetrahedron having 4 joints and 6 structural members.

44. Slump Test - a test for the stiffness of wet conrete.

45. Aggregates gravel, sand, slag, crushed rock or similar inert materials which form a large part of concretes, asphalts or roads including macadam.

46. light wight aggregate aggregates with low specific gravity?

47. fine aggregates aggregates consisting of sand having a particle size smaller than inch: specifically, the portion of aggregate that will pass through a 3/8 inch sieve, almost entirely through a #4 sieve, and be predominantly retained on a #200 sieve.

48. coarse aggregates - aggregates consisting of crushed stone, gravel or blast furnace slag having a particle size larger than inch: Specifically, the portion of aggregate that is retained on a #4 sieve.

49. Grout- a fluid cement mortar that will flow easily without segregation of the ingredients, used to fill narrow cavities in masonry and consolidate the adjoining materials into a solid mass50. mortar - a paste of cement, sand and water laid between bricks, blocks or stones, and usually now made with masonry cement, formerly with cement and lime putty. Cement paste can be regarded as the mortar of concrete.

51. Bundled Bars reinforcing bars bundled together to form a larger cross section?

52. nscp standards on stirrup spacing

53. nscp standards on beams and columns

54. nscp definitions

55. minimum thickness of footings

56. concrete an artificial stone like building material made by mixing cement and various mineral aggregates with sufficient water to cause the cement to set and bind the entire mass.

57. proportional limit the stress beyond which the ratio of stress to strain for a material no longer remains constant.

58. ultimate strength the maximum tensile, compressive, or shearing stress a material can be expected to bear without rupturing or fracturing. Also called ultimate stress.

59. Portland cement a hydraulic cement made by burning a mixture of clay and limestone in a rotary kiln and pulverizing the resulting clinker into very fine powder. It is named after a limestone quarried in the isle of Portland, England due its resemblance to the limestone.

60. Pedestal an upright compression member with a ratio of unsupported height to average lateral dimensions of less than 3.

61. PNS standards62. One-way slab - a concrete slab reinforced in one direction only. It is suitable only for relatively short spans.

63. two- way slab - a concrete slab reinforced in both directions

64. seismicity

65. movable structure

66. deformeter/deflectometer - device used to measure deformation?

Building Techonology

1. S-shape roofing tile

2. grade beam

3. balloon frame

4. backset

5. wrought iron

6. vernacular terms in construction

7. steel scaffolding

8. identify the beam block from the given pictures

9. pull box

10. solder and sweat joints

11. caulking - a process of plugging an opening with oakum, lead, or other materials that are pounded into place

12. caulked joint

13. wood joints

14. scarf joint

15. time to remove forms (schedule of removal of forms)

16. cold joint

17. construction joint

18. isolation joint

19. description pebble washout application

20. abrasives

21. squaring of corners

22. brick bond

23. a brick or stone projecting from a wall usually to support a weight

24. glazing compound

25. pvc tile trim

26. paint defects (fading, scaling, bleeding, alligatoring) from brochures

27. tile roofing parts

28. identification of roof framing parts

29. ridge tile

30. hip roof

31. ogee roof

32. faade

33. bay

34. parts of window

35. types of window

36. windows projection (bay window, oriel window etc.)

37. what type of window is best for psychiatric buildings

38. what type of window is best for detention facilities

39. where/ when do you use casement window

40. best window for fire exit (double hung, casement, awning, sliding) 100% opennable

41. type of window subject to decay due to exposure to sun

42. spandrel glass

43. stained glass

44. jackbuilt masonry identify the parts from the given illustrations

45. construction equipment identify from the given illustrations

46. crane bucket

47. lathe machine

48. machine used to make moudlings

49. bolts and nuts - identify from the given illustrations

50. nail point and nail heads

51. fence nail

52. escutcheon nail

53. screw head

54. toothlock

55. flat head/fillister head

56. sections of cornice identify from the given illustrations

57. pvc tile trimmer illustration

58. plywood, particle board

59. Wood connections (Mortise and tenon)

60. haunched tenon

61. through tenon

62. v-cut

63. quarter cee moudling

64. v-groove

65. difference between plaster, mortar, grout and cement

66. maximum slump for pavement

67. ASTM- American society for testing and materials

68. PNS Philippine National Standard

69. intermediate grade steel bar

70. structural grade steel bar

71. high tensile grade steel bar

72. welding