·~r SIMMONS. t1nd1rd. V~LUMEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · i ---• ·~r...

I - -- COD SOUNDS. ' l)ITE BAY CODFISH. COD 'fONDUB$. MACKERE L. COD QBS. SMOKED SALMON. E. SIMMONS . . / I• .. . . ' At LXX! h. = ' t1nd1rd. I l Lt ' - HARBOR NFLD •• lfRlDA.Y,'ldARCB 24, :933. ;--i;-- - --- - -- - -- . KEEP YOUR IN I: . Of QUAmv. 11 "MATCHLESS" is milled from fi nest English ma- terials by skilled Ne\\ foundlan ders and .is lO be had in a large ra nge of carefully selec t ed colors, as well as su· pcrb in s ide and o utside wh ites. . I I I I ./ . WE SBLECT WITB TASTE Oth er lines _!G'<h: 0 GLOSELASTIC'' Enamel s, 7.Ll:JSTRA" 4 11 LUSTRA" Floor Paints, I I Supc;.rfinc Varnishes (ac; to the R. A .r Force) GOLD & ALUMINUM Enamels, 11 BLAOK DAZZL1!¥ ' i I ron Ena mtl, R oo f and Hridge Pain ts, Mar ine Paints, includirrg Co pper Paints, Disinfectan ts, Cand les, c.tc., etc. . Ask ro ur deale r for a boo klet telling you how to o bt ain be t rr sults from your Pa inting Jobs. ;;;. ::::;.;;;.;:::::;.:;;.;::;. ;:. ;. .. ;:::::;.:;; . :::;; ....... , ......... _.__... • • • ( Po11ni:;3ion G1 .1 n led ) GRAND DRAWING in nitl of ._., S. U. F. W IDOWS Nb ORP HAN FUND. , The Fir st $50.00 Drawiog will tnkc pince shortly. }: .. j An yhody woultl 1ppr• chlt1 1 'l"inning 11110 <•f Priz tlay-1 All Ou lp o rl orJ ers \\ill r.,cei l"i" p r1111tpt nll 1 •11l i•>11. A.JJr ... S. U. F. SWE P COMMITTEE, ST. JOHN' S. . .. . . ...... . .. .... .... .. .. •••••• LIC NOTICE. Xoticc is hereby s::h•cn that all perso n;; Cl pc in· t ing :\1otor Vehicles during the curre nt r"a r ''ho have not procured licenses for 19.u rnu •t do so before March z t st ini>tant, failing which' they will be liable to prosecution. .... JIBA8UBING CARDS, -. I Fhe at Dnder Building, St . J oh n's '1bdare different", supplied to . _ · oat of town addrenu on request. FB.BEMAN The Tail or. At 6 15 l!'riday U ie 6rtm\! n ' from the Central and Wcal c> rn r.la· CON'PBDEllA TION 1JFE ti o 111 r ceponded to an alarm or fire Crom box 3 1, at th.: corner or Ade· bide and Water Slreele, wbe re on ..-=== ====---=-' - === arrival t be1 were di rected to the -N·e -W - il ·rrivals buildiag belooj!i og to the ouu cr "" I Es tate, occupied bJ W. R. Gooble. Cro1bie &. Co. and E. emplema o Fancy Cautornia Oranses Sunktst Sweet and Juicy 350. DOZEN. V ALENOIA ORANGES, 25c. doz. GRAPE FRUIT, LEMONS BOX APPLES LARGE 35c. doz. FRESH HALIBUT 200. lb. FRESH COD TONGUES 15c. lb. SMOKED SALMON FILLETS 15c lb. SMOKED COD FILLETS, 15c. lb.. SMOKED KIPPER HERRING 40c doz. SALT HERRING 15c. doz. CANADIAN BUTTER 38c lb. FRESH SAUSAGES 25c. lb. CHOIOE SLICED BACON 25c. lb. SPECIAL QUALI TY TEA 35c. lb. CELERY --- -- ··----... -- JOSI: PH ROSS Ltd. The three occupi Ba ta were In flamca when t be remco got there. and ofl !;'ell ing the ata i .way, they bad to C. their wa 1 a nd e wutero ccd, where it"fa aupposed . the 6re orl l!'lnat ed from a ddcclhe chimney. Two 1t rcam 1 or wate r were put IQ u1e, and for uptrarda c.C balC an boor lb e men were kept wo1klog like t rojan• to cbtclc it1 apreading into lbe adj oining property . Jo U1e meantime tbe 6re bad ezteode d to the roof oC the building. a nd into Croabie'a premis ca where cooaidcr· able damage wa1 cauaed before the 6 re 111.er1 6nal11 11ubdued it . Con alder able water found lta \ VIY from the accoad flat through a 1la gle Oooriog into the 11tore or W. R. Goob!e wit h t be result tbat 1ome or t he at ock became wa ter aoalced. \Vhco t he 6rcm tn arrived al the building they carried out lbe usual cuat om or pla ci ng cover loi• ottr coonlcre aod r.b ow cuca lo Goobie'1 abop, a ud lble in ltacH he lped in 1uiog a lug e b ulk of lhc atock from beiDIJ No fire or wat er t he 1t o re or E. T em· pleton Ltd. At 8 35 tbe all o ut 1011 nded . bul S up t. Cod11f' r and a Cew or bla men re mained t't c hln d, fo r about an ho ur for rc ar or (urt b er o utbreiak. The Oudcr hu ildiosr ie insu red wi th L loyd'1, and lhe loauraocc will conr t he: 6rc 1011, while Gooblc'• 1tock a n.d the prcmlua or Me urt. Cro1bic and Co. la alto co•cred by i111urance .-Tclcgram. Knowing ou r cu&tomef. ind how p 11rti cul11r they are \0 have cmtOlll mll)e clotb'es lh 11t 11re fndividual u well aa appropriahl, we take pea& C.'lro in the Mleotian from lt!UOn to 8f&IOD so al lo bawe something lo mttt uur many and d i9ersilied rtqulrementa. · We are 11uro tb1l you can flnd in our llock tho character of m1ttrl1I you wnl - ____ ... ,_ ... _ ...... - ....... of Young People' a Society. Fancy and Staple Get nft prlcea OD your ne:r.l Plutnbiog or Baling Job Workm1n1blp equal to the blet. loweat. . Will replace free of charge 11ny plumlliog material hougbt from me, a nd found to . be within one yenr from in11t11lnlion, thi11 doea apply to damage done by frOit or aooideol Duy your plumbing and hea tiog"f\ xlur ea from me, have same t.talled by me On Monll11y nittht M11rab 20th , th e Young People's Sudl!ty held tb1:ir weekly In th e club room of the United Cburrh Hmh, nnd & very largo number or young people \\'Ill • present T he meeting was uoder the direction of Mi&:f Doria Bord fn A very interealing pro g rommo hmd ·GROCERIES PROVISIONS · or under my au peniaion •. Special attention given to customers ouleide or Har· bor Graeo. ' been prepared t he subject "Sociml Movements in Europe.' The first speaker of tho e\•ening wu Mr F. Guy wh o gave a short t\c· count of th e \' nrioua fndors which led up to t ho Ru@llian Ro, •olutioo and the selli ng u p of the So\"iet Re· pu blic !\Ir . E. Bndcock th en epoke ou the Fu ci t Mo\"eme.nl in Il11l y . lhe. ol · '- 'B'illler gave n brief i.llc on Socialism wbicib b rought t\ vtry eojoyaulo Th omas Ross Fears fo r Safety of Gloucester Vessel. Bon. P. rec.tired a mena ge - lrom Botton rt porl l ng lbal a 6ab lng \;\( s G d ' · D o S ttuel outol G lo ucute r. la command I 00 Win, • • '- r. C Capt Smit h of Arg'eolia , aod Gr aduate of Philadelphia Dental Colleire :ind Ho11 pit al of Surgery. Teeth ex led abeolutely wilh· ont pain b 11e or vit alized air or a oaeat et ic:. DENTAL OYFICE: Victo ria St., ne xt duor ta the STANDARD Office. oombe rlnir amooga t ita 1 crew a ti rot be r or the eaptairi , a 1eamao o'll111cd Spau ow fr1.1m Iona, and two meo Griffin. from the N ort h E.i1 t P lacentia . bad bee n tO'oi- 0 9tr due an d run for her aaft!ly 'J ere en ter· taincd . · Bon. Mr. L< wi1 sco t a _Jlt1Hge to Capt. Jae. Bar.f the Pew Co .. :uklag ror uail· - able, but .up to prca1 bnu.r be b:id CONFEDERATION LIFE. oot receited a r cpl1.-'l'eleg ram. . Now Operating '- 2 Cross Country Trains We e kly, t '• WESTBO UND: Le ave St. j ' '». .. , m. MON- DAYS and T HUR SDA \" 1; : .ing direct con nection for foreign points. EASTBOUND: Leave Port aux Basques 6 pm. SUNDAYS and TH URSDAYS a rriving St. J oh n's 10 p.ni •. MONDAYS and FR IDAYS. BY RAIL-TRAVEL.IS COMFORT AND LUXURY. PATRONIZE -YOUR OWN RAILROAD. IF==::;:================il · KIRKMAN' S. BOR-A 1 X l SOAP has stood the test and proved the BEST. GEO. NEA .L Sl Jobn'e ) O\"eniog to a ---o--- E otertainment. On Wt:dneadoy ni g ht March 15th, a vtiry enjoynble e nt erhlinment \Vas held in the United Church Sch ool 81111, on t he ®lh Side, in theform of 11 Ct nce rl nod a so up s upper. The concert which w11s und er tlio supevision Clf t he te:icher, Flo renc.1 commen ct<l al was much enjoyed. 'l'be fu11ow'ing cot ributing to Ib o M Pen ney, M. Church ill, F Tny.lor, . W. D.ivii' F . F raiz.. , L. Taylor, Mel!srs II l"rtizo, \\' . Da\ •ie, C Crnne 11od H. T. G1ouchy. Two ue1ci ies were nlso gh ·en by llur ecliool girls 1 \t t he conclusion or t he programmt>, EOUIJ wms served ond tho roughly enjoyed Rev . 9. J. Uillier acletl 1111 ch11.irm110 mod lhe- H all wms fillctl lo cmpacily. for fire Insura nce see Soper - · -0,--- Enj oyable Play. On St. Patri c k' s Ni gh t, n nry c.n· Gtv<i . to . / WOQ 05 . Use Lon! ., -- - ...... - .... AV ALON 'HLIPHOH SYSTIM P. O. Dos 1'001ts 2322. A. G. F'E AVER, ST. JOHN'S. Broker mcl Commlulon A&eftt. FuloRT Foall'AllDlltO 4 Srl!C?ALTY. Do not ;..i, nnt'J yoor 11 II\ St. John'•, wri &e now lh•t you are J111 I&, and I wlll eeo th1t 1 00 gt'& l• In the lboftNt poalble llmea' IO'l'llli-ntee. Phone 5l. Ha1bor Grace. I Sole ,Asenta. Ar.-:hlLa ld'o Sboea are G ood Shoes -- -o ---- Protect Your Property- See Soper for In surance. NUMBER 19 The latest in Weaves, and Navy Blue Serge tailored to your measure by Experts at prices from $:?0.00 to Goff Bros Carboa,sar. t t r _ ,., ..... ., . --o--- . Protect Your 'P.i'eDerty-See Hockey Game. Soper for Insurance. ... Qp Tnefld11y olgbt' tb f' mr:r::rtf . -- - Ch urch School h ockey team 1 •• ·• • OUR t he Roman Cmtholic Acod emy . 1;i. a Al R. b " t at Mr B owell"s Ri nk. The li ne : f'P(' f ways 10 w11.9 oa follo1n : · Uth) C. C. Sc hool. R. r. . :chool. e W. Sopn. \\' , Rol\"e. A. Udell. F. lfo1"ell. Go o! Di,fcose T. Hogl o. G. Ru ssHI. Right \\'iog J. Kcn oe:1lly. Centre Lefl \\"ing R .• Gofi . ON ' General Groceries Provisions Feeds· Ett. J. Peno ey . 8 p.HCS G. ll owell, J, Brien. Jame$ Moore J. 1I og: 111. Tayl or, Phone 65. P. O, Box 42 C. Moore11. Tho gnme 1 n tl td in 11 ¥ieto1y fo r the ll. C ch ool len m, th e eco rc bt!· ing 5-4. If 'f\o u wont fire Insurance talk to Soper. Saunders, Howell & C ompany Ltd. 1 Dealers in Lunrber. atli:l General Carpentry Saw and Milla at Norris Arm O ffice, Factory & Lum bet Yard• at Carbonear IN STOCK Do or'. c S t:iir F inis h, . Floo ring, , Ceili ng!', c .. !ngs, Mantl e:;, Moul d1:if! s; etc., etc. Pine,, Spruce, D: rcl1, Jun ., Hard l'ii\e, Whitewoo:J, i ,1, ."'>. . '.. l w.& J. . Highest Prices Paid for Codfi sh Large Stock Provisions Feeds Flour Molaasu, etc. Always in Stock. E:xp0rtera. ) -

Transcript of ·~r SIMMONS. t1nd1rd. V~LUMEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · i ---• ·~r...

Page 1: ·~r SIMMONS. t1nd1rd. V~LUMEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · i ---• ·~r l)ite bay codfish. cod 'fondub$. cod sounds. ' be~ing. mackerel. cod qbs. smoked .


- --



I• .. . . '

At • V~LUME LXX!h. = ~ '

t1nd1rd. I

l Lt ' -HARBOR ~RACE. NFLD •• lfRlDA.Y,'ldARCB 24, :933.

;--i;-- ---- - -- - -- •


. "MATCHLESS"~ihcsPaint Of QUAmv. 11 "MATCHLESS" is milled from finest Eng lish ma­

terials by skilled Ne\\ foundlanders and .is lO be had in a large range of carefully selected colors, as well as su· pcrb ins ide and outside whites. .

I I I I ~ ./ .

WE SBLECT WITB TASTE • Other lines i¥ _!G'<h: 0 GLOSELASTIC'' E namels,

7.Ll:JSTRA" 4 houry:.n~mels, 11LUSTRA" Floor Paints,

II Supc;.rfinc Varnishes (ac; s4ppli~<l to the R. A .r Force)


i I ron Enamtl, Fl~Stain s, Roof and Hridge Paints, Marine Paints, includirrg Copper Paints, Disinfectants, Candles, c.tc., etc.

. Ask r our dealer for a bookle t telling you how to obta in be t r r sults from your Pa inting Jobs.

;;;. ::::;.;;;.;:::::;.:;;.;::;. ;:. ::::;;:;~.;:;.;::;. ;. =.;:;.;;::::::;;.~ .. ;:::::;.:;;. :::;; • .......,........._.__... • • • ( Po11ni:;3ion G1.1nled )

GRAND DRAWING in nitl of

._., S. U. F . W IDOWS Nb O R P HAN FUND. ,

The Firs t $50.00 Drawiog will tnkc pince shortly.

}: .. j

Anyhody woultl 1ppr• chlt1 1'l"inning 11110 <•f !hl~c Priz ~th~ tlay-1 All Oulporl o rJ ers \\ill r.,ceil"i" p r1111tpt nll1•11li•>11. A.JJr ... ~:

S. U. F. SWE P COMMITTEE, ST. JOHN'S. . .. . . ...... . .. .... .... .. .. ••••••

LIC NOTICE. Xoticc is hereby s::h•cn that all pe rson;; Clpcin·

ting :\1otor Vehicles during the current r"ar ''ho have not procured licenses for 19.u rnu •t do so b efore March z t st ini>tant, failing which' they will be liable to prosecution.

• .... JIBA8UBING CARDS, -. I Fhe at Dnder Building, St. J ohn's

• '1bdare different", supplied to . _ · oat of town addrenu on request. • FB.BEMAN The Tailor. At 6 15 l!'riday etenln~ Uie 6rtm\!n

' from the Central and Wcalc>rn r.la·

CON'PBDEllA TION 1JFE tio111 rceponded to an alarm or fire Crom box 31, at th.: corner o r Ade· bide and Water Slreele, wbere on ..-=======---=-'-=== arrival tbe1 were di rected t o the -N·e-W -il·rrivals buildiag belooj!iog to the ouucr "" I Estate, occupied bJ W. R. Gooble. Cro1bie &. Co. and E . emplemao

Fancy Cautornia Oranses Sunktst Sweet and Juicy






15c. lb .. SMOKED KIPPER



35c. lb. CELERY -----··----... --JOSI: PH ROSS

Ltd. The three occupi Ba ta were In flamca when t be remco got there. and ofl !;'ell ing the atair· . way, they bad to C. their wa 1 and work~~ e wutero ccd, where it"fa aupposed . the 6re orl l!'lnated from a ddcclhe chimney. Two 1trcam1 or wate r were put I Q

u1e, and for uptrarda c.C balC a n boor lbe men were kept wo1klog like t rojan• to cbtclc it1 apreading i nt o lbe adjoining property. Jo U1e meantime tbe 6re bad ezteoded to the roof oC the building. and into Croabie'a premisca whe re cooaidcr· able damage wa1 cauaed before t he 6 re111.er1 6nal11 11ubdued it. Con alderable water found lta \VIY from the accoad fla t through a 1lagle Oooriog into the 11tore or W. R. Goob!e with t be result tbat 1ome or t he atock became wateraoalced. \Vhco the 6rcmtn arrived al the building they carried out lbe usual cuatom or placing coverloi• ottr coonlcre aod r.bow cuca lo Goobie'1 abop, a ud lble in ltacH helped in 1uiog a luge bulk of lhc atock from beiDIJ dc~ lroyed. No fire o r water e~ed t he 1tore or E. T em· pleton L td. At 8 35 tbe all out 1011nded. bul Supt. Cod11f' r and a Cew or bla men re mained t'tchlnd, fo r about an hour for rcar or (urtber outbreiak.

The Oudcr huildiosr ie insu red with L loyd'1, and lhe loauraocc will conr the: 6rc 1011, while Gooblc'• 1tock a n.d the prcmlua or Meurt. Cro1bic and Co. la alto co•cred by i111urance.-Tclcgram.

Knowing our cu&tomef. ind how p11rticul11r they are \0 have cmtOlll mll)e clotb'es lh11t 11re fndividual u well aa appropriahl, we take pea& C.'lro in the Mleotian ~tenall from lt!UOn to 8f&IOD so al lo bawe something lo mttt uur many and d i9ersilied rtqulrementa. · We are 11uro tb1l you can flnd in our llock tho character of m1ttrl1I you wnl -____ ... ,_ ... _ ...... -.......


Young People' a Society.

Fancy and Staple

Get nft prlcea OD your ne:r.l Plutnbiog or Baling J ob Workm1n1blp equal to the blet. Pai~ loweat. . Will replace free of charge 11ny plumlliog material hougbt from me, and found to. be d~tive within one yenr from in11t11lnlion, thi11 doea n~ apply to damage done by frOit or aooideol Duy your plumbing and heatiog"f\xlurea from me, have same t.talled by me

On Monll11y nittht M11rab 20th, the Young People's Sudl!ty held tb1:ir weekly m~ting In the club room of the United Cburrh Hmh, nnd & very largo number or young people \\'Ill

• present T he meeting was uoder the direction of Mi&:f Doria Bordf n A very interealing progrommo hmd ·GROCERIES

PROVISIONS · or under my aupeniaion •. Special attention given to customers ouleide or Har· bor Graeo. •

' been prepared the subject bein~ "Sociml Movements in Europe.' The first speaker of tho e\•ening wu Mr F. Guy who gave a short t\c· count of the \'nrioua fndors which led up to tho Ru@llian Ro,•olutioo and the selling u p of the So\"iet Re· public !\Ir. E . Bndcock then epoke ou the Fuci t Mo\"eme.nl in Il11ly . _.~ lhe. ~n~.1111 ol ·'-bym~ B..~Y. 'B'illler gave n brief i.llc on Socialism wbicib brought t\ vtry eojoyaulo

Thomas Ross Fears for Safety of

Gloucester Vessel.

Bon. P . ~wia rec.tired a menage - lrom Botton rt porl lng lbal a 6ablng \;\( s G d ' · D o S ttuel outol Gloucute r. la command

vv~ I 00 Win, • •'- r.C Capt Smit h of Arg'eolia, aod

Graduate of Philadelphia Dental Colleire :ind Ho11pi tal of

Surgery. Teeth ex led abeolutely wilh·

ont pain b 11e or vitalized air o r p~rCect aoaeat et ic:.

DENTAL OYFICE: Victo ria S t., next duor ta the STANDARD Office.

oomberlnir amoogat ita1

crew a ti rot ber or the eaptairi, a 1eamao o'll111cd S pauow fr1.1m Iona, and t wo meo Griffin. from the North E.i1 t P lacentia . bad bee n tO'oi- 0 9tr due and run for her aaft!ly 'Jere enter· taincd. ·

Bon. Mr. L< wi1 sco t a _Jlt1Hge to Capt. Jae. Bar.f the ~orloo Pew Co .. :uklag ror partic~la ni uail·

- ~ able, but .u p to prca1 bnu.r be b:id CONFEDERATION LIFE. oot receited a rcpl1.-'l'elegram.

Newtou~land . Railw~y Now Operating

'- 2 Cross Country fxpre~"~ Trains Weekly,


'• WESTBOUND: Leave St. j ' '»... , m. MON-DAYS and T HURSDA \" 1; : . ing direct connection for foreign points.

EASTBOUND: Leave Port aux Basques 6 pm. SUNDAYS and TH URSDAYS arriving St. John's 10 p.ni •. MONDAYS and FRIDAYS.



IF==::;:================il ·KIRKMAN' S .



has stood the test and

proved the BEST.

GEO. NEA.L Lt~., Sl Jobn'e )

O\"eniog to a ~loee. • ---o---Eotertainment.

On Wt:dneadoy night March 15th, a vtiry enjoynble ent erhlinment \Vas held in the United Church School 81111, on the ®lh Side, in theform of 11 Ct ncerl nod a soup supper. The concert whic h w11s und er t lio super· vision Clf the te:icher, M~s Florenc.1 Tm~~lor, commenct<l al ~nod was much enjoyed. 'l'be fu11ow'ing con· tributing to Ib o concerl-~l is!ea M Pen ney, M. Churchill, F Tny.lor, . Ta~•lor, W. D.ivii' F . F raiz .. , L . Taylor, Mel!srs II l"rtizo, \\'. Da\•ie, C Crnne 11od H. T . G1ouchy. Two ue1ciies were nlso gh·en by llur ecliool girls 1\t the conclusion or t he programmt>, EOUIJ wms served ond thoroughly enjoyed Rev. 9. J. Uillier acletl 1111 ch11.irm110 mod lhe­Hall wms fillctl lo cmpacily.

for fire Insurance see Soper - ·-0,---Enjoyable Play.

On St. Patrick's Night, n nry c.n·

Gtv<i -~{ng~ . to . ~ou~ /

WOQ 05 .

Use Lon! 'Dis~allte

. , -- - ...... -.... -~-

AV ALON 'HLIPHOH SYSTIM P. O. Dos ~18. 1'001ts 2322.

A. G. F'EAVER, ST. JOHN'S. Broker mcl Commlulon A&eftt.

FuloRT Foall'AllDlltO 4 Srl!C?ALTY.

Do not ;..i, nnt'J yoor ahlp~ent 11 II\ St. John'•, wri&e now lh•t you are mi~ J111 I&, and I wlll eeo th1t 100 gt'& l• In the lboftNt poalble llmea' IO'l'llli-ntee.

Phone 5l. Ha1bor Grace. I Sole ,Asenta.

Ar.-:hlLald'o Sboea are Good Shoes c:::~======================r

---o----Protect Your Property- See

Soper for Insurance.


The latest in Weaves, Stri~JI and Navy Blue Serge tailored to your measure by Experts at prices from $:?0.00 to ~30.00.

Goff Bros • Carboa,sar.

t t r _ ,.,

..... ., . --o---. Protect Your 'P.i'eDerty-See

Hockey Game. ~ Soper for Insurance.

... Qp Tnefld11y olgbt' tbf' mr:r::rtf ~ . - - -Church School hockey team 1•• ·• • OUR the Roman Cmtholic Acodemy .1;i. a Al R. b" t at Mr B owell"s Rink. The line : f'P(' f ways 10 w11.9 oa follo1n : · Uth) C. C. Sc hool. R. r.. : chool. e

W. Sopn.

\\', Rol\"e.

A. Udell.

F. lfo1"ell.


Di,fcose T. Hogl o.

G. RussHI. Right \\'iog

J. Kcnoe:1lly. Centre •

Lefl \\"ing R .• Gofi.

ON '

General Groceries Provisions

Feeds· Ett.

J. Penoey . 8 p .HCS

G. llowell,

J , o· Brien. Jame$ Moore J. 1Iog:111.

I~ Taylor, Phone 65. P. O, Box 42

C. Moore11. ~rbonear.

Tho gnme 1 n tl t d in 11 ¥ieto1y fo r the ll. C chool lenm, the ecorc bt!· ing 5-4.

If 'f\ou wont fire Insurance talk to Soper.

Saunders, Howell & Company Ltd. 1

Dealers in

Lunrber. atli:l General Carpentry Saw and Pla~ng Milla at Norris Arm

O ffice, Factory & Lum bet Yard• at Carbonear

IN STOCK D oor'. c t-.h e~, S t:iir F inish, . Flooring,, Ceiling!',

c .. !ngs, Mantle:;, Mould1:if!s; etc., etc.

Pine,, Spruce, D:rcl1, Jun., Hard l'ii\e, Whitewoo:J, i ,1, ."'>.

. '..

lw.& J.

. Highest Prices Paid for Codfish

Large Stock Provisions

Feeds Flour

Molaasu, etc. Always in Stock.

·Importer~..-& E:xp0rtera.



Page 2: ·~r SIMMONS. t1nd1rd. V~LUMEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · i ---• ·~r l)ite bay codfish. cod 'fondub$. cod sounds. ' be~ing. mackerel. cod qbs. smoked .


'iili? HAJt60R GRACE S-TANDARJ) A~D CnoN"cEPTION :BA l' ADVEf~TIZBR · · · I $1.00 a year in_ advance; other~ise, $1.50 / · ·




Gill~tt's Lye dissol-ves clogging grea5e • •• TUST sp:inkle G:Ottt's Pure Thlhe Lye J c!o·.rn }'cur ddns nnd toilet bowb c:ich week. Use it full s~cngth-lhi~ rx>wcrful clc:mac: c;.:mot lurr:i c:u111~d or plumbing. ·

Grc::isc nnd dirt dis.solve li:Ce m:i&ic . . • ccmu ere !:ill~ ... oJon b.ir.ishcd. 'lour dr:Uns n!n

n qu11rt of cold• wntcr m:ikc:1 short work of crcsy p:i."'.1, trockcd-up noon and other tire· some ck:1.ni11g tnsks.

Use Gillott'a Pvro Fl:il<o Lye for all your l1o~chold clC.1cini;. It a:i·;e3 hou.m of b!l..'"d work. A:::< for it by name ... nt your croecr'•·

Free Booklet

•• , N..-cr d.lln l)'c IA ••• t.ol•nta. ~~

<'f u.o lro ILKll b:.ob the ... \Cl'.

~j dc.:r. f; , And Gillcll's Lye i:i tio.'I hns mnny uses GILLETT'S T ~XE

in YC:.\U' kitchcn. One le:: poonfol ~vcd in L ~====~==============~====~================~~==~==~

T • d th l 1' er it is w:\te(ed or u~t. aod nevtt r year the writer had a g 'Xld ret'urn he Patnot an ~ an . a mere spriolcle, bu t eoough to ID the ope.'!. Uut it h for the , keep a fresh green appnraace al· garJeuer ooly, it wl'uld not . pay

I the farme r to speculate. Toma·

A Series uf Bullo~iu.s Issued ~y w~~:i·ck the youog plan ts ou t 6 to toes arc closely rdAted to lhe po· tjie Adult E ducation Asso~u- 10 ioebes apart, accordiog to the tato aod r t q:iire much the ••me tion a?d .the fond D~vrloprucnt I kiaJ , s:u:\ll or large. fcrlilizer. Potuh Is aecc11ary, Assoc111~ton, for the H,clp ~n.d For some rca,on Col L~ttucc fo also pbo3pbate, but the nitrogen Insplrahou of tho P~op.e o! t.11.s neglected in Ni!wfouodl:\ud. I a giust be used w!lh care, aad oo Country. Eoglaod and the States no o:ic fresh rank m!loure applied. The

w:iot3 cabbage lettuce aftc( t~e tomato is a raok grower, and runs Cos is ready. IC you try Cos tht5 e11sily to to!> much led If cocour· year .lad succeed in f!'Clliog good aged by nitrogen. Sow the iced

(LAST p,qF.)

CBLBRV . hearts to it, you will fiod out why. under glasl, aod prick out as early Celery i:i ooc of the.pla.nts \"~lllcb L'! llucc must be growu fo r sue· as you cao 18 iocbu apart. Rav

a r~ mou.cy m:ike;s :io ~ s1.aci! 11 r..:- cessioo, 90 don't pul i n ~II your s t icks ready 4 or 5\fect long , a nd qu1rcs ,rich fecd t llf!'. 1t u a t w'J seed at one time. tie the plan ts as they grow. Piocb ~·ear worker, uec:iuse toe grc>u -:d 1 • out all s ide shoots as they appear, 19 manured fo r the uci."\ cr i p. I P.\RSLU> aod as the fruit ~mes to the (One o r the b ig poic1t~ !:l sicil!.~d I Parsky i!I cousidcrcd uccesnry ri pening stage by chaogiug color, work ) S~..., t llc seed au a m1!tl by some people as a O.tvoriog for !ake off j ilc le11ves which shade ho tbed. o r JC you.h ::vc not o:ie, 11 I boiled fresh fish. (t is e;isy to 11. Ready f!'COwo plants ~:io b\l a cold Cram~ se t 10 :i w~rm, sbcl· 1 g row io a well d raiued soil of a oy I bad rro,m a nursery, :ind will p;o. tercd spot, such as ag:i10:1t a f.!occ 1 kiod :iud sicce i t is d ifficu\t to babl'y be a u economy. facing ~be Soutl.t. Th.:s as eJ.rly 1 !rao~plant, should be sown iu . L_ikc the potato! tbc ton;Jto is

-----....._ as possible. When 2 1ocbC9 h1gb I d'~illi 1 foo t apart, aod tll ioned to subJ~Ct lo fuogusdtse;ises, hke the prick them 1;ut 3 .i :cbcs ap:ir.t. ~ 5 iochcs aput. · blight ( P by to phtbora iofestaus),

rt.ch .soil. If lbe 9011 is sh:illow take io dry weather rrom five to cd to.

Tex' of Dlsarmamen\ Oon­venUon.

Loudon, Nareh 16 CB 0 W.P .) -Ill the Dl11rmameot C>aference at G~nna to-day atthecondu1ion of the 1peech la which R1mlay M1cD.>a1ld urr1d upon t~e dele­gates the vital impcrtaace or reaching de6alte coaclu1ioa1 by mran1 of mutual coacessioD" the te!Jtt WIS circulated or the dra ft British Disarmament Conveatioa. ~his important document deals compreheasively -with all pbasu or the disarmament problem and cont~los dc6 uitc fig urce iu reg:ird to the pcrsooocl :ud material of :ie:i, Ind, a nd a ir services.

S ncua1Tv PKov1s10N

uol be difficult to fix figures o'r limitatloa for other couutr iea. :

STIJUfOTH OP LANO ARlll10. • 1 FowcltS

A t:ible or average dally cfTcc·

I lives not to be nceeded lo the I land :ar med forces ia gi•ea. The I I figu,.rce of the suggested lotals to .

be 1iatiooed in th e home c<>uol rj arc Fuocc, Haly, Germany :iod, 1 Poland, 200,000 each ; S:iviet Ru,: I. aia, 500,000; Ruma.aia, 150.000 ; ' I Spain, p O,l/00 ; Czecho·Slc>vakia aod Vugo·Slavla, each 100,000 · , Belgium, Bulg aria, Grucc aod Hungary. each 60,000 ; P .>r tugal, j

l 50.000; llollaad, 25,000... By iu· I eluding overscaa forces the Fr•ocb total is ralaecf to -400,000; Ita liao, to WSO 000; Bclglaa. to 75.000, aod Portugal, to 60,000. I

Eich other coolineatal Euro­pean atate la allotted a m11imutn iacludiag onrsu1 of St>,000. 1



Keep in touch 'with that Friend of Yours, now Residing Else­where by Having

'{HE STANDARD sent him every week. For your convenience use the lorm loand


Please send lhe STANDARD for one year to

• --...... ···-·--··········-·-·-~---·-·------

• Regarding laud material, m >liile

laud guaa of a mnlmum of ' 105mm ; 1talea to retain uistiog 1rmameat up to 155mm, b11t aot ··-········----·······----

eaceed lOSmm In Jut11re COii• actloa. Cout ddear:e gala of

4 mm. baled on tbe 1iu of die lar1e D&'t'al p a. The mulmam limit for taalle, 16 to"• Probl· bltcd material to be dettrqy d .

1 one•thlrd wilhia oae JCU au.! two-thirda wlUUa tbrcc years ()ft tbe comiar iato force of the C) ll· natloo (


Regardiait nanl armameat1 '1ic I

artlclu are general11 dc~igatd \o bold tbe situation created by the London aad Wa11hlngto·1 1ru t it:'I

'until the naval coafer.:ncc which is to meet lo !935, a .1J regula ks oa\•a l :irmame~ta of all pJwcr'.I oa :1 so.tisfactory basis fo r the future

,_ T he object bu bcea to ~~lead th.: trtaly of Loodo:l to lncluJ .. France and Italy. Dr.ift st~b;liz!:$ Gtr· wany aa\·al position up to 1037,

Viv •. l'u1sTs. He OU ·ic.d the liv.: roinl~ o.f

coovcotioo. The IJr t rela:eJ 10

Ant A u1.\l1RNTS • th! pl'riod wh ich •. 1ou1d uol Ile

iodefioitc, n tile ii >k would be Rrg;adiuir :iir arwl11;1cuts, c?'· tco great Tbc • .:1>nd sbo,·;cd I

ccpt ~or police purposes I_? certa1u that the :iim bthiod the principle I ou1ly1ul{ regloo,, bomb10~ !r~m of rc:Juctioo o f r· . 1m1;uts wai. to ~b~ air ·~ completely .proh 1'>1t.cJ -pw1 nt tLcir h r.. fiJcs to lhc 1 With 3 VICW to crr~cll:Jg' duncg. WJ rld The t !1irJ pJi ot con!aln<:tl I tbc cut 6\•c yoars the r~uJctto•n tic r I·-' · I of i;i r 1tiou:il coo· ucce.sary to facilit3te furtb"'t r air tr ,110 .. ~ur..! ti .ll the conn~ o .i-l!l

, arcpar~ lreocbe!l 9 l ~C~CS deep IU j ,The seed is a sl.>w O:IC and may therefore spraying shoull\ be IGl'k ·

dig 10 fi rs t plcoty o ( rolled m:io · I eight weeks to :ippear so the 1 V ·· • b . ti h · ' .liGltTABLR 1uARROWS u!e, t ~ow1cg up 11! cart o n

1 weed_$ ocrd w:\lcl11og. Parsley . . .

cuber side of 3 Ct •• sp:ccs, Sf> :is to can be g ro wn coo\·cuico tly and T his vegetable ts "!cll l.ked ~ul

The fi rs t part of the coovcoti.on deals with Security, aod is b ased on t he ulatcoce of th~ Paris P act lo which nearly all the signatories of the proposed coot>eotion a rc parties. It is declared that wa r undertaken in breach of that P act is a m;itter of in terest to all part ies and a breach of the obligatioos assumed towards each: lo the cv~ot of a breach or lhe t llrtat t0f a breach oftbe P.tct, there I to be a coofcrcace between tire parties i f aoy 6'1:c:tor them, iocluding ooe at Ins t o• tbe' z.at p.J'l'CU, llO requests. The confcrence mH be aummoocd throuiru · the Leag ue. i\ny coochnions reached muJt be concurred in by r l!prcscntativ'cs of all the g reat powers and by a ma· jorlty o f the o ther go\•cromonts participa t ing in the coofertocc. It trill be the objects of the con· fcrcocc, iC call td in view or a threat of a breach of the Pact, to agree upon the s teps which could be taken in respect of such breach, aod If a breach has actually oc· cu~rcd, to de termine which party

disarmament after lb3l p1:d .. J, .t wuic.1 w u J u i •ocJ 1hcr. • . ~" table sets out tile 6~urc of aer .1· !I •• •.:au 'r lo)• .. I vf thZm would \;c \t -:--:-:': '-~ ;,. •8 '~~, •.•

make trcocbC3 9 inches wide oa I pretti ly as ao coding to the other usually Car too dear, 1n.Propor1100 plaocs capable of u~c i :i w.ir \4'bico c m J ~ ut. I ~--- -by t.he cod or tb oll p:ri J are u 1l , . -each side of t ile ~u r f3ce. Then beds like CbiYes. to th<: abundant returns when

plant your seedlings in the treocll~ ' g rown successfully. Like the to· b d d j A F1:;At. '.1•1•11At. • to e uc:ec e by ti.to count r e 1 habil C.ioad;i's 1ub-Arctic rrg1on1 es 6 iochu lo 1 ft . a par t, acc~rd· SPt,NACD ma to it is tender, bul)locs not re· ios lo t lu-fUl l ~rowu dz! uf Ill · F rom tile point of vier." of Its CJ41lrc so much free air space .:lud

which al pr!!11ent po~scu su~lf hl.ocD1nald c11 .:!uJ cJ, "We 1 wa~ l?iven here by Rlchud FitJ·

aeroplanes :is rrganls o'htr coun· bH·c h:iu ~no1· •h • t wnr, :i ~J ni.:, c fficial archivist a nd photo• tries, the status quo is 10 ~ iotai n c:tl. e-nou~h c I rtcour·~ to force. \Vil grdpbcr of tbc .{!anadiao Arctic The fig ure to which cacti or the c;.n i.tt I' it and urn 1• I ask ) OU un.lrr the Feder:\I Dep:lrlment of pric.cipal a ir pO.vers - Fr3ntl.!, to ar P » } cur .. l·h· " 'o ,h(:, p r;ic i· t he lntt rlor.

kind you are u ' iug. Tile spaces . flavor, spio:lcb is one of those a warm sheltered border docs very io between the rows way be used tbiogs we g row to like. It is ;in well for it. 'l'hc writer b as gro~p for cauliOowcr, cabbage o r.other appetiser like bitters before dlo· it most successrully oo a bauk 10 th logs ocediog plenty of m re. uer. aod for our health there is oo which pits were m:ide, and filled

As tbe pl:lots g row the I'. q re • more useful subject; it carries with old leaves aud manure wilb p'lcoly of 1ntt r aod ear ' I{ up more iron than other vtgctables, 4 or 5 iQcbes or e:irth over. Oa from t ime to t ime, t ill wh rc:Jdy and so helps the motltcr build boo· thc!:c pits put a bo~ without top for pulling tbej are whit up to oie babic!I Doctors order children or bottom, pla nt th ree or four the leafy top to cat it, mucb to their disg us t at seeds, aod cover with glass the

Japan, I talf• Ru<tsi;i, AmcricJ, c . .t pro!Jlt ms amt 1\.ll your11elvcs Eskiwoe, Ile s:lid, were aot "re· and lbe U oiled Kinl?'do m. i:i to up lo t be task of 'Uflf'Orting com· frige rated, blubber-saturated aav· be reduced, is SOD. No· na val or moo •rnst? andol.j •• 1h·c reuociog ages. but happy, lolelligcnt aod milituy ·aircr11ft, excluding troop fo r V.' b tcll your cl.JtlJ r 11 will praise bospittblc people, the fiocat, mbst car riers and flying" boat!, arc to ) OU in ii rues to come.'' generous and most likeable people exceed th ree too,s uoladeo weig ht 'I'bc fourth poi l was t he set· o r uncultured races."

There is :1 self ble;cbio tfmcs, but once the taste is ac· whole placed \o catch the suo . to be bad, which U\"CI c 1 "og quired i t stays put. IC you get The plaots m:\j be purchased or aad comu cleaner. We ln~d il your bed going you may go oo g rowa i n a grei ubouse as such last ytar aad fouoJ it fairly ten· picking tbe leaves all summer. come quicker. Marrows arc like der, but hardly as good as the old It oceda deep aoil with humua melons, mostly water, thc rdorc eort. ia It, aad plenty of water; if too · w;:.ler iog must 'Dot be negletted in

Greea celery atalh caa be u1cd dry the !cues come small, it is dry weather. The lruit if r ipen· for lnorlog 1ttw1. and are •cry apt to run to seed, aad the ftuor ed oa the plant may be s tored in a lfOOd that way •• Plaata too small too atroar. Sow la drill• 1 foot dry loft, a od will keep for moatlls. for ••I• mah a gocd grteD ngc- apart, aad tbiu to 1 foot between The same general directions apply

la to be held resp:> le,

No fresh dirigibles arc to be built tiog up of boJ1~s ';) coo tinuc the Mr. Finnie predicted that with· or acqujred. Civil avia tion .J..s to v.-r rk o f dis:umam.:nt until final io the ccxt four generations towo1 be dealt with on the liq.n tir'.>· disann:uneo t was n ::\cbed. Fifth I) aod cilies would grow up acroaa posed by the United Kiogdcm io ' 1:;:. Uri1ish -plao gJve an oppor· the friagc or the polar ocean "to Juoe, 1932. A per manen t ilh· tuoi ty ~or pol~tica l '-:ork :imoog•t form tbeauclcusof.a ocwempire." llrm;imcnt commission i3 to dr:\w the nations w1tll c nfideoce, trust Tbe .airpl:ioe bas changed the

EFPRCTJ'\' BS AND MATBIUAL• up a 11chemc fo r the complete aud c oodwill. I whole situatioa io the · Arctic. Part two deals with effectives a boli tion of oaval a nd military Amoa~ other things, it bas help·

aod material. Provisions regard· aircraft, coodi tio1{al upou cffcct ivce Eskimos Recoive Praise. ' ed the tourist disconr the Mac·

table bolled. • plantl. to pumpkins. iog effectives follow the principle supervision of civil aviation to keozic R iver, wit& its 2,000 mile1 or computing effective by the pfevco t i1a misuse. Chemical. Ottawa -A ocw conceptio n o r of magnificent waterway through

LaTTuca Tbis la for summer aplnac!b, Cutting ,the fruit . properly ls winter apiaach in this couatry la imJ16rtaat, cut if half or three a irrceahouse crop, quarters grt>wa, the more yo~ut

Plenty of fertlllz:r or manure the greater the number fi p to and quick growth are the maia twice or three times wlrat yo'\ will

average of the aumbcr of days' ioceodiary aod b:\Clerial war far e the native •skiwo people who. in• uo!poiled country. duty performed as bciog the fair· is prohibited. est method of taking accouat of CoNV8NTION FOR F1vn Ynus the armies with difJeriog periods The pcrmaocnt commission i$

The early lcttace is tbe mnncy m iller, ao tbat the dircc1io:s for bot•bed Hd cold frame work mu1t be 1tudled. lo tbe opco gr.· u11d aay toll well maaund the year before aad watered will d->. lf

pciata ia g rowing splaach. g et if allowed to ripea aced. of service. Regarding European to make provision fo r a !!ecood laa~ fo rces, it bas been thought disarmame11t coufercocc to be held adYlsable, bearlog in miod pro·, before the expiry of the coovcn· J)b4als made with other -delega· lion wl.Jlcb ls to remain io f(lrce

To tu TOIS

the 1rouad baa pleaty o f humus, Every oae would like to have watering may aot be cccusary . . these. but we can ooly be sure of Ai la olhtr leafy plants growth ripening them la a grceabouse. should b:: free a nd co11th1uou,, It ls worth while, however, to Icy aad w:ittr must be uud cot ti' beth· a bed, since ia a summer like l as t


Io 72 different couoti'· •, sufferers by the. thouuod ·1iavc fouad new health, new cour:iic aod new h appincu by bavioK their Blood Oxygenized by Dr. William11' Pink Pllls • • • \Ve:i k aod aoacmlc people have been woaderfully atreagtbcoed .... Thia bodies have galaed needed weight. • • . Nerv.>us aystttms h a vc been revitalized . • • • P ale, listless tccn-;ige girls have upcricoct d the glow of bu~yant health .••. Middle-aged women have been for· tified for the criticar cbao~e of life; •• • Worried, high· s trung bu:;loess mea have beeo givea rene wed nerve fo rce.

Oxygenizea Your Blood Stream

Or . Williama' P iak Pllls in· c rcue thcaupply or the vital t lcmeot OXYGEN ia the Blood Stream, which tb r a c.urica aew a ourisbmeot, new •iiality aod :iew health to every org-aa of the body.

U .1leu your Blcod Stream­wblcb ls your Life Strcam­is 11drquately oay(ulzed (!\ad tbere1>y parlllcd and earicbcd), the food 1 0 11 cat won't balld red blood and

fi rm flesh f~r ou. By tlaeir remarkabl 01tygca i z i a g power, Dr. illiams' Piok Pills make your food really feed yoUT Blood, your bod.J t issues and your nerves.

YOU can e1perlcocc tbe bcacficlal rcault1 of Dr. Wll· llama' Plair Pill•, H IO maay thousairds of othet'I ban tutllicd. Get a 1apply from your Drurrl•t-Hd 1tart the treatment without de­lay,


\Ve have now dealt with a good tlon-. to put all of thue ou a for five years, except for the aaval raage of subjects, aod with a few comparable basis and with a 'v\ew provisions which ttrmioa tc at the remarks we may bring thiJ, Bui· to limltiag the power of aggruslon end of 1936, before which a fur· letio to a close. to reduce 1bem all to a militi a ther co~ercncc is to be held.

F11RT1LIZBR- 0 aly tbc man in a basis by 61iog eight mnolbs :is Tbc rules forbidding certaio me· big way will find it pays to mix the maximum ptr iod of service, thods o f warfa re to r main' ia b is owa a rtific ial fer t ilizer. There rrovisioo being ma~i:,~in · crrtain fo rce iodefioi tely. Tbe Coovcn· are ready mized kiods to be bad cases lo be decided'~)' the coofer· t ioo together with s ubsrqueot fo r va rious purposes, aad the rea\ cnce for an cxt~nsion to twelve ones to be coocluded will replace fer tilizer man will be able to tell moo tbs. Provisioa is also mGdc the military provisions of I he you how to use them. for a 6xed ratio of the long acr· peace trtaties affecting Germany

Co OPBRATION-Tbose garden· vice personae! to conscripts in all Austria , Buogary aod Bulgaria. crs who h ave lo miod growing for cootioental laod forces, TUll PRBWIBR's ·SPnacn. sa le will do well to co·opcrate. APPLtlS TO EoROPHAN Fo•cns In his speech recommending the 1 1'bc Goveromeot is goiog to help Om.v conveotion tl> the delega tes, Mr. with seed If people will 'get lo· Ramsay MacDoonld rcrerrcd 10 getuer and mau;ige so tha t it ca n No attempt Is m:ide to ata o· the' great issues with which the be paid for. There Is no i:nooey dardisc the armies of the rest of coofcreocc was dealiog aod the to give awny, aod t he least we the world lo view or the difJdriog work dooe compartmeot by com· can do to help la to sec tb;it the needs exlstiog io other coo tioeots. partmeo t io tbc disa rma men t I small sum we a ced is repaid to the .Oacc agreement has been reached problem. Thill melbod bad now Treasury. It may seem am all to on tbe side o( Europe110 continent· exhausted i 111 uscfulne~s. The each one of us but meaos much ,!I laod fo rces, it is thought it will Britilb delegation bad tbcrcforc wbca added up aad much more to drawn up a complete scheme. All ?.ne'a ·~! respc~L But we say era aod "W:asle a lot of a . lo~g po· untioos must give their cootribu-

for a~lc capec1all1 because co· ta lo, therefore the w!itte rouod tioaa to' disarmament. Armed operation 11 the way to. place our sorts suit them beat. Great Scott nations must be p re.pared to make produce oa the ma rket 10 saleable hat bcea proved la this couatr.J, their contributions todls:umamcot shape and qu1atit1. 7aiso Alley. The c,. D. A. advo- aad·disarmed natlooa must be pre·

Soot and wood ashes make va u· ca tu importing these 81 firs t pued to make theirs i~ hclplog lQ able manure. choice. establish coofidecce, goodwill, sc·

curlty, mutual uodersl.ludlog aad Floe aeeda caa be sowa caaily Do not let any Jana be idle. trus t.

to the right quaatlty by m l1log 'You caa a lways maaare fo r pezt MacDoo:\ld empba, iscd ibc i1t1· enough for the 1pace you arc 11ow· year cheaply by g rowing a

1crop porta a cc oC b ringing the work o(

iar with 6ac, sifted, dry asJica on of ra pe, peas, or any leafy stuff the confereace to a de6nitc con· earth. to dig ia aad make humus. clusloo Ao adj lurumeot would

Turnips a re too ple8tiful oa the You may have the whole serica be a concession to fear nod would market, bat a q_t GOOD turnips. of bulletins for tbe aaklog We mean failure. The . 1!roblem of Ooly market medium alae, ball· caaaot put cverythiag ,FOacernl"C' peace wu pbycbolog1cal. A great ah aped rooU, the othen you should a aubject In one, but taken '6- and aub1taotlal aduocc tow:\rd1 fi1d more profitable if fed to retbcr they will le more complete. dlaarmameat and to 11rds <quality 1hcep, cattle, ud otllU 1todr. Apply to tbe L. D. A. Qr1aai:alar J could onlf be uteaaured by tbe

PoTATOD-'l'bcaneryfad the Sec~tary, P. 0 . Bo1.., 5384, St. amount o!J.truit acid coofjdence J bl~ laatltatlhl a1a •chlae peel· Joh1a'1. , tbat 1ubliz.:._rd. I

p '

o... 7"" , .... ....... l'u•hr n ..... Mllk. t!Mre~ aomaumn&a~lh . tt••artlU.W.allktuPOb r,,. •a f"f"leO•k.a.1 ••cl .... odt f oir11t •

~.u .... ,. 'bue ""'"'u·. H'f't'e h vhh non&-'· · \•..,,,, lluftJ ~ • ...a AIJli. y.,. wOI 119

~n:·,~~:;~b ~~~·r!. 1.r: :::..~ ;.:s m.a• ftt t • oaJtrf.,1 lH-<•~Ut a-..-.4 u--. a.U.,. r•tJ1•P •Ad dNICl&e.. • p..;,1 n ... .i c-.i......i 11111< •· -~.1o c.. .... ,..,,., f.S.I ttM• r..'1\ el ,. .. &...th4' da...,. cew ...... 1rc.a•tt porU.. o( lM t1•t•ul watet h•• '-­n .. \'Jld aff ... , pw'9 UM M IM' J. a.d4.cd.. c .. • u" -< l'wi•r er.. ,_ .i..1.., .-lay.

I y_,, ... ~ ............. _ ........... 7-

~· " . Su.u~o Accns:

· T. A. M.tC!'l.\D & 00~.ANY • UlUT£0






Page 3: ·~r SIMMONS. t1nd1rd. V~LUMEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · i ---• ·~r l)ite bay codfish. cod 'fondub$. cod sounds. ' be~ing. mackerel. cod qbs. smoked .



F-f"f~E -- H.~RBOR . , GR:A:CE .ST~N1DARD Advert1sid Goods. Shop Where Y-0u Are Invited to .Shop._

11ure tbat in th is way we shall be enabled most readil7 to familiarise

Flashes.· 1933 MARCH 1933 I

Wed I Thurs Snn Mon Tues

our11elvell with coodiliooe as they Elephants can couaumc 200 lbi. • are, to aeose m n t accuralclJ the of bay, corn aad roots io a daJ

'curr~at of public. feel log, ~ad to E ight out of every lea boaae·

Yoi1r iamily will love these tempting Cinnamon Rold • Scald ~ c. mllk •"4 d'-1'• I Up .• alt and 3 LlltP• ausiar In~ Cool. mis wltl\, I c. Ro:ral VC<lllt SpoQlle•. Add J tt.p. ohOf'lrnln#. (md•td ar1tt aumurl.at) and l.ll c. Oour to nul<o eoft doUJih. l.4:t ri=o W>Ul doublo ln bull<, about IK h OUIL &n«1d a:'.J>lll. Tw'n ODIO board and roll out ~ In. thick. Spl'<Ad with mclttd butter gnJ •!"'lnlJo with 1ut;ar 11nJ cinnamon. Roll Ilk•• Jellyroll and cut ott •«tlon\... rut th.NO on ~nd l.D. i:r...ro ru:n onJ ollow to rloc tW doubC: ID bulk. Waah lO~ with ~ Ot oU1lt

8A\f bak6at J75" P. ukt 25 to II ..... Ul ... ~lllMt.or.u..

Premier's We4:otne, Chair- I w~lcomtc! us ro the Ooa:ioioo. I l ife that the difficullles which be­man's Reply At Commis· Wiil no t COCICC;'l l Crom ·cu tb~l act the world today ClD be er-

. . wheo I 1Vas fi rst booor d by U1s fcclivel1 removed. Aod I hope sion Openm~. Maj<sty"s commancl to act as tha t io lhc presence here today of

chai rman of tl:ls Comwis~io:i it this Commissio~. appolutcd 19 it PRll l U M1~1sT1111 ·s Wuco:.m. was with SC'me trepiJation that 1 b<ls been on the joint ad-Vice· of

My Lori! Cbai riuau, aad Mcmucrl betb~u~ !Jt my,cif th..1t ;-i t th il His Majesty's Governments ia the of the R .>\'al Cowm i:.-siou : ti:ne of ..-c:i r the d iw1tc .; :ipt to Uni ted Kio'gdom, Caoada aod Oo behalf of the Goveromcot be t ricky nod uoccrt:iin, with Ncw-Couodlaod aod composed as

nod oo l>ehalf ei f the people of every couiqiuati ' II d wl!iil aod it is of members nominated by all NewfouodlaoJ I d~s ire to exteod wcJlb <' r lyi ng in w .it h> ent rap tbree..couotries, will be foua:l evi· to you a \0 ery \·tarw welcome to the UU\Vp f j" \•i,.itar. n ut Bir, 1 dcrcc of tb:it Commonwealth our Country . put a~iJI! tb<'5C a:J'..lC'llar:r. 1loubt1 spirit wh:cb nnimlltes us all , aod

'fbe fact tha t yru ~ re d>itiug r.-D c i:11{ th at 1ft rall bul >."eatb· of that bood of followship which us as .. l~oyal Commission fo r tu er is uol U'l'.> I )W .. in r, ·)Odoo, t~!l.l springs from our acknowledge· pur pose o l eoqu 1r1ug tnh! Ill >! fu-' to a Scols:o a ." ::~ y. r::t<! hltc went of one common aim aod finds ture tioaocial situa tion of Nev· · mp~lf s-io•: • nJ i .. c h .v~ their i1'1 highest expression in our alle· fourdlaod brar~ i .; fcrcn<··~ t l! a l :i ll o,vn p .. culi .. r <·11 .. rcu , .1 · ,l ;J.ll I ii • giM c~ to a commJo sovereign . is not wdl with 1H tinaocially. u1"r·· wintrj· tc1c ..... .-at' ,_r the ·rhe notion uf the scpautc cdm· Neverlbt:less \\'Q arc comfvrt~d l,f ){rn!-.r tul! ·ormlb wliicb" it fl trlmeot in llle Cllnduct or Oil.•

tbe feeli11g of the certa inty t i.lat wnuhl be <ur.: to in•pi:c in l!i?' t ioonl alJ.iirs tends to de.-clop in-as a 1csull of your i:Jvcst ie;1l i Hh h.!~ rt,1 of l!1c pea, lcof N !found· teroational dilicrcnc~, wblcb lead a way may l.e f..und by weans of la :l I. T he ru ~1ncr i'l which my to no hope wllich- we wav be eu:!uled lo C<'lllcasrucs ""I I ha \••• btl'n re· !Jere wt tave a.a example of

' s atisfy our crcJ itors. ccivcd show~ uo iv fully thl\' con· whnt lo due time, it is b.:lleved, During aodsiocc the J,~gi,l ,, l iv~ 6deucc was j ust11i d, ~11.d [ woulJ will bccome more at Jess g eneral

Scs! ioo of t'J3.? a determined llI.>rl like lt> cxprt ' o,1 r ap;ir~d 1tion ot' anJ made possible bccause'Of our has beco mJdl! to curt-a il expccd1· t!Je kindncs' w!dc."1 Ila« ilr.!ady· hcnily bond, namely. the United furc. lu spite of dras1ic rj!duclioos been cvideuc!d :o ·•·trdi u by the Ki ngdom and Canada gladly l>in· our budget till fails to .1l.1ucc ci tiz;::n o r $ t. J lr.1'5. Tu.: fine ing tl.ti9 o,minion fo r tbc pur· Whilst lo a very coasid ra e ex· spirit of ho'tpit;ili\v .,,~ icb mtan".I p!l!c of endeavoring to l\id her in teat Gonroment cspe itu e W ? )" so much in buu1.iu • rr .. irs il"ld for the :iohition of the difficult pro· be kept witbio control tbc same which the (1l!O!Jll! wr t!1u, lbt olJ blem\ that confron t her a t the cannot be said to apply o iacome. est CJlony, hav• .t lor.~ r\od well· presen t lime.

•our re\·cuue is govero d by lbe deserved rcnut:iltl)O i ·il ~Ulrln teo: 0->r missio:J today is to find the purchasing power of t e people. tliat they \lill l?;ve 11~ their {ener· ro1>t causes ~the u:ceptiooal and which to a very large cot is ous suppart and ~s~i~tance in our peculiar d cultics that beset controlled by the value of exports, eodeavprs to fulfill the t:isl. sub· Newfouodlao and to 11ugges t aad thue uad1:r preaeat world milled to uti l>y the Kw~. mc:ios bf wh h those difficulties coaditioas have Rreatly decreHed We ltve, Sir, in troublous times, may be overcome. lo thi9 we ia· ia nlue. Tbc decreased nlue of whea all the countries of the vl te the co operation, assistaoce esports reftects itself by decreased world are atruggliog to ac!j1ut and goodwill of the people of returns to the B1cbeqaer. tbemsel•u lo tbe changed coodit· Nc•£ouadland.

Tbe pity ef it is tb•t Go•era· loaa that have arisen from the gra· You, Mr. Prime Mini ·!Cr, said mellla ia tbe past, whea borrow· nst war that history bas kaowo, that the people generally are iar, bate ai•ea so little thought a war ia which t he people of New· meeting the pruent difficult situa· to tbe accumulatloa of debt aad fouodl.1ad 1taadiag ahouldtr to t ioo witb fortitude aad with a tbe coascqueat paymeat of ta· aboulder wltb their· C'>mradcs of termibatlon to •meet tbe diffi· terat, aot to speak of tbe pay meat the British Commoaweahh fr4'm cult lea with which they ~r coo· of priadpal ; so mucb ao, that ia all qaarters of the Riobe made so froa ted. 'fbat, if l may y 10, all tweaty.two millloaa of dollus gall~at a coatributloa. Tbe eco- la the right spirit,. Yo added

• of borrowlaga bne beea absorbed aomic crisis which ls aow awetp· that they are be1t1riog tb ir bur-. by budget deficits. Iaterest oa log the world is uonampled both deDS as cheerfully as pJssibte aod oar Public Der.t absorbs 60 per ia e:itleat aod in severity, and no io mi oy lostaoccs &elpiag to.bu ceat of our total renaae. country, large or small, bclliger· each olbers burdens. ·I am g-fad

Oar aatloaal credit must be eat or aeatral, h:is been immuae I to hear that atateme:it. A peo• malataiued for la tbe l.,t aaal1· from its effects. Events have pie who cu do that will not fail

- fir. (be commtrclal- credit or a prond c~aclu1ivcly that each I Tbe terms of refereoi:e of the country rests apoa the national country is dep~odeot u poo the Commission are cootaloed la the credit of that col!alry. other, that the d1flicul 1es of one document which has just beeo

Ia many ways we are less uii· are the dill!culties of 11, that uo· read. 'rher are to "eumioe lato happily aituated than other couo- less the wort.d as aw le prospers tbl future of Newfoundland aad trlu. Where others are 1ufferiog no sing le uni t, ho ve~ wealthy in particular to report oa the from over· production, we. la some and. po . ul. o ac_b1cve pros· 6naocial altuatioo aod prospects directions, arc suffering Crom uo· penty by Itself. But 1f the C1Ju n therein." The future of Ne•· der· productloa. This must be, tries of the world are one family, fou odlaod is of course for the aad 19 a matter. of fact is beiog, above all aye the variou' nations Government and people of New­remedied . of the Briush CJmmoawe:ilth one fouadlaad thems~lvcs to decide

!tis 11 matlerforcoagratulatloo fami)y, a family io re~l ity aod and I aced hardly uy that .~ that tbe people g enerall1 are !Jot lo o:ime ooly, a fam ily work· come here with no preconceived mectlog the prueot difficult situa- 1ag_ together for lhe g ood of all, I ideas and ao~loteotioo either of t lon .,itb fortitude aod with a beltne could go even further aod loterferiog with their m:ioage­determioatloa to overcome lbe :idd for t ~e g.iod or t!Jc world a t meat or their own affairs or or difficulti es with which they arc luge for 1t m~!t be remembered dict.illago aoy particular course to confronted. Tbe1 arc bearing tbal our Empire bas got beyond a tbem. Our sole object is to aacer· \heir l>urdea s as cheerfully ae questlC?o _of one language or one talo and take oole of tb


e tbouirhts poselblc aod io ioaumeMbJc· ia· race ; 1t is in fact largely a cross aod d~slru of tbe p eople of New· stances, helping to bear each section of the peoples.or :he!!artb. fouodlaod and of tbe facts of the others' burdens. a~d because of _th:it lls pol!l t of p:isitlon, 10 auist so far 11 we

To ycu Honourable Geollcmea view. is. worldwide. may lo the clarification of \be of the Royal Commission we com· .It IS 1odecJ only _by the gOf?d· problems with w!Jicb they ·ar.: mend our problems for your sym· will and co op. n taon or fao11l1 fac ~d, and la ac.:.ordaoc'e with the pathet ic consideration, feeling term3 of our Com mission " s ure or sour apprcci111ion or tbe suggest sucb measures a~auy fact lb:it our dclcrmioatioo lo appear to us best cci.Jculatcd to carry out our 6oaacial oblig:itioos meet the si tuiltioo." is bounded only b7 the utent of ~u ... .=::'%.:! . With th is e-bject in view we our 11bllity to W !l!l them. :::fa:;.~~ .. .-. 111c anxious to get into tbe clos.est

LORD A110L11ntt's AuoRJJ.'>S You'll get,...., r nod most intimate " ntacl wl:b Follo•lng lbe rc:idin.r of lbe ~ll eectioos of the commuolly and

Commisslou, L~rd .t\m..i'r.!e ad· 10 order to achieve tba lcoat1ct In dn:ued tbe :1·,~ml1' y n f.>ll >'lll4 : the frceet and frankest maner

- Mr Pt!me M1a l•ler, m:.y l ff"t we propose to coodacl car euqulrJ of all npm1• lbe p~euun: of my· lo prln te. Tbe coa6deace of all self aad my collc.aR'1~• at Jiodlng lhoae dnlrous of commuolcatlng ouratl•ts lo your bo,pilable coun their •lews aodau,geatloa• tu us.

form,tbe most re II al.le .co'!c.asi<>ns holds·id America keep at least ooe as to the measures wb1ch the best pet interest of tbc prople of New· There is ooc becrbouse and one fou odlaod. as envisaged by .them telephone to every 27l"of the In· selves, would appea r to r<q~;1 e I b~bitaot11 of licrlio.

\\:'e propos~ fo~ th~ sake 't!'f c~a · Hedgehogs, which dcstros cock· ~eo1eoce to _d1v1de our eoqu1ry roac;bcs aod beetles, are growiqg 1ato-e~wo an11a par ts. We shall popular as domestic pets ia Great proceed la the 6rst place to the Brilaio. bearing. o.f evidence oa the fi11ao· Raljstooea of such size fell re· clal po1tt1oa ; nut we would wish ccatly in oae sect ion of tbe Traa­to eater lo to. the tumloatlon of anal that 1bey killed 100 catt e all those wider aspects of the aad 2 000 abcep altuatioa wbic~ may be considered A ~cw animal· about .the size-of to have a beari"g on the future of a mouse, with pale blue-grey fur, th~ country. -ff ~ould grcally fil. baa beta discovtrcd io South cihlate our task 1f all those deslr· -iustralia. ous ?f teatlfylag before us, le coa· Kiog Chris tian X of .Dea mark, aect1oa whh either lhe 6aaacial tbe (allest mooarcb, measurea 6 or the mdfe general aspect of our ft. 6 in. lie ii also a &ae llog\Jlst eaqulrles, woald be ROOd esough 1pe1kla1 some fiYI! taaguages. to communicate wllbout delay A Jeadiag firm of Freach motor· with the Secretary of tbe Com· cu maauflcturen, bas a trade mlaloa at the Ne•fouacUaad school where. fa aormal tliaea. aa Hotel, forwardia1 where possible maa1 aa 600 appceatica ate a wrltjea 1tatemeat •of tbe mat· tralaed • ters\_w~lcb tbe1 woald ... ~lo People wbo malre their IMar brla~ oar aotlce. or af tlie by street tradla&', ladadl•r coe­•lew1 C>r lllll•tloas w1aicb they tera. peddlan, aad aaadylcbmea would wl11a to pat forwu'd. I la Loado~ eumber 30 ooo • oi aeed bardlJ eke the aa1raace these, 700 are aa4wlcb.;,ca. • tbat my collea1uee aad I will Sabetltatlar certl&catea for esamlae all 1ucb material with priaes la !Aadoa &lemeatal'J tbe 1reateat care ai:d the atrlct· 1ebool1 baa raulted la tbe btr est impartialitJ. \Ve place our· aadar of S60,000 • year. The ael•es uareserYedl1 attbedllposal certificates coat aboal $500 to of the people of Newloaodlaad pdat. wltb nery c1afideac:e that tbey The wont period .0 f for e•er will meet us la the same aplr1t i.a recorded la Loadoa waa probably !'bich we bue takea up tb11 the four mC'atbs from No•ember, work, aad that, whatnu tbe CJut· 1879, to Februuy 1880, wbea tbe come, th~y •ii! always credit as fog was practically coatlauous. wltb bn1ng g1vea ou~ best ea· Commemorative i9'ues of poa· deuours ~o 'the 1en1ces of our tage at~mps are becoming 10 fre· fellow·aUbJecls io tbis, the oldest queat that -collecton are lairing Colony. alarm. For eumple, the Ruulaa

authorities propose to put out · His Pants Shed $26,011 in ala! • pecial tssues next year.

Cash ; Gets Guardian. If Loodoo'a wiater temperature

Los Angeles, Cal., March 9.­Tbey <tecided here today that Jobo W. Mattox, 78, needed a guardian, altbouJtb be bad 126,0l l ia cash aod S25,000 in neuritics lo bis clothing. W. I. Myrick, a friend woo from Superior Judge Charles S. Crail ao order appointiag a bank as guardiao.

" I have been a friead of Mal· tax for three years," Myrie~ testl· 6cd. " Re ls- mentally iocompe· teat. · When I star ted to bang up his trousers,' after putting- blm to bed, tobacco sacks full of money fell out or his poclcets.

The baok representatives de· posited :f26.000 and the securities and gave Mallox the $ll , 1whicb still left blm better off tbaa many persons wbo a re waiting for .the banks to opea.

Nick Loses $3 But.Wins $10 in Hold up of Store. .

T o be held a protlt-not a loss-was tb pleasant uperl· eoce recently of Nick ~amos, owner of a frail 11tore at l6i7 Ent 53rd. st reet Chic.> go. Two ~aodits sho"ed him into a rear room, one drawilllt' his re• olvcr at the same ti01c. Something fell fro,tn the robber's pocket as he wpirpcd out the guo, nud Ramos, with aa eye for business evea ia th is mo­ment or etrus, casually qovered 'the fallen object with bis foot .

The bilodlts departed a moment -tater wltb SJ lakeo from th cub reaistcr. Bow€'fer, Ramos dido' t mrad. He h ad a SIO bill wbich the careless baadlt bad dropped.

London, March 9.-Japao t oday bought two British aad two Cana· diaa ships brlaglog to oioe the total number of vessel• it bas pur· chased elace the outbreak Qf hos· t llities lo Jebol ProviaeeJ The ships purchased were tbe Peolo· sul-ar aad Orientals eix thousand too Padua, the Gica liacs Gica· sbaoe or (i,198 tons, the 5,4 7 too Canadian Ioveotor aod the S 384 too Citoadlaa Mariner. The


two C:io:idiao - aqips aow at ~alifn will be used fo r tradiog purposes and the others will be brokea up.

Japan paid ·10,SOO pounds each fqr the two British craft. The price or tbe Canadian nssels WU aot revealed. l

When Teething

was according to ill position oa the globe, tbe thermometer would register about eighteen degrees F ab reabeit. A11 it is, the aormal temperature is about thirty·oioe degrec11

All precious stones ia the State of Cashmere are shortly to become tbc property of the State, the pre· sen t owners receiving a third of their value ia paymt ot, ualess they can prove a valid title to owa them. -· Wirelees, telepboou, a library aad a special ca r for "culture and real" ar.e given as the attractioaa of a ' ' luxury train'~ now running between Moscow aad Tiplis, a i ouroe_y occupying sevcoty·six hours.

A wireless set bas been installed in one of the cars o,vocd by the P~ioce of Wales, _so tbat bis Roya.J 81gbocss can " listen to music while motoring. ,There b also aa ntra loud-speaker fo r the cbaufleur's use wblle wa!JJog.

L ive trout are in r..egu'tar de· mand ia certain hotels in L~odoo, where customers choose their 6sb before it Is cooked. So there is a regular suppl1 kept in an under· ground building in the city, where a stream of fresh water Oows coa· staotly through tbe tanks.


I bad a r ich old grand·auot Who left me whea she died

Ooe meagre acre, And oothiag else beside.

Nothing else she left me, But a clump of sweet phlox

And a silver aspca And some hollyhocks.

A humming·bird disputed My heritage -with me,

And so did a robia And a gold·back bee ;


A cricket claimed a hummock He couldn't say how;

•• Two wreas be:d a mortgage · Oa an aspea bough.

Never such an acre To mortal was given-

My rich old graod·auot, May she rest in heaven I

-Nancy Byrd Turaer, in Good Housekeepiog. --- ---

lmtAS.-Delightful task I to rear the ten·

der thought, To teach the youag idta ho• to

shoo. -Tbomsoo.

J :iscph-I eavy that fat woman .whea sbe laughs.

Barold-Wh1 ?

Fri Sat

h t Qtr. Full M. LutQr. 1 2 3 4 4tb llt!J 18. lJ

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


26 27 28 29 30 31 Nr• M. 25 h




The Standal'd Office FOR

- ~ Books, Posters,

Letter Heads Cards,

Bill Heads, Programmes,

Note Heads, Circulars,

Envelopes, Dlank Forms,

Agreements, Church Lists, ·

Office Forms, Circular Letters,

Church Envelopes, Gummed L"\hels, ....'.......l., ND OTBllll-·-






The Standarel OJ/ice, Victoria Street,


\ ._ _, ., Too Muca, PRJtTaNsa-;-Nurse : T iny : "No. aurse, let's pretend • Why a_ren t you eattog your I have eaten it."

ru:e.pudd1ng darling?" --Tiny : " Cos I don't like it ." It is a mistake to place bof " Nurse : " Well aow let's prt· 1 cooked'"Cruit into a tart aa th~

tend you do like it, and ljat It up 11team tends to make th~ pastr_y quick ; come along." I heavy aad sodden.

In these· trying times every worker, every house­wife, and e\.·ery child should take SCOTT'S EMULSION regularly~ The sttength­maker that maintains vitnl­ity, ensures health and s:ives

coSt.ly illness.

Wbeo economy i.-s es.seotiaJ. it is better to buy ooe bottlq of SCOTT'S EMULSION of known quality and· proved. worth than two of some cheaper imi tation which cannot possibly have the same. suengtlieoin~, ooiir­ishing, protective value as the gcnwae


"I find BABY'S OWN TABLE1S u­ccllent for f~, retJes dillclmi whm cutU. lttth, u they eue the gums and enable the bUles to *cp", writes Mn. S. C. Smith, Carp, Oot. Crosa, ftttlul, dlstremd llUle folb att llllde happy. and comfortable ~ the comcdft ac:tJon of BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Give """'- dllld thae •wect. acac>table anc1 a&olutely iAFi little Tableta for the lellef of Colda. ~~dlCoudpatJoa or dbortancl

Josepb-Tbere seems to be so o;iuch of her that is having a good

ll::~dy (to bis da~gbter)- SCOTT'S "Youag McPhcraon b111aslcedme EMULSION for your haad aod I hue accept· ed" •

Daugbter-"You.dear old dad I" of• c.41 u..r OI Saad7-119o aner miad golag

to the deatlat aow to hue that I Rkh"' J'"-":J A""" D 1

25-c:at ;..t': ...... .. 1-= . . ..._. tty at:d iiur grA• i•n r fo>r lbe ror - whether orally or lo wr_ltlag, will dbl mancr lo wbich you b.n: j thus be r espected ; a1!d we feel ,

t(lC)lb. filled; '!•h uatil you are I • U.4*# o....wP.llll.w.ac..~1N111.c-aa...,..._. m.arr&tcl' " ...... ~•111!1• .. •••••••••••••••••••-


) I

Page 4: ·~r SIMMONS. t1nd1rd. V~LUMEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · i ---• ·~r l)ite bay codfish. cod 'fondub$. cod sounds. ' be~ing. mackerel. cod qbs. smoked .


,; .

" ,; .. ....-.· .·

.. -~

STANDARD .. THl!l ) . GR A OE · ·. I ShoP --Buy dv:erti_spi Goods. .. Where ~OU Are Invited to Shop--



:tr+.e •arbo't Qi;rur .;;1nnbllt'~ 1 0SEALERS .PICKING U.P ODD

'la-!J ~ ,... "SEALS. Rrport in Re Tbe Mitchell Case.' Bettt r Feeling as Resuit of Visit. A~D

Conception Bay Advertiser la ptll'lN nn•I 11:1bli•hoJ ev.-ry hi~:'~' e\"cuini:, lit Cho "'t.1"Co,u111 Orvrc& \ I(· tori:\ S&ico•. llarQor Cr.i~. by ) lunn ~ Ok.i, 1in>1iriet~n.i. .

SublCI lption TlatU3 : - To aubJerlburs {old amJ new) l'A\"ISO I" AU\"ASCI. $1.0J tier v~llr • 00 ceutt per hllH yeM: ·to tho Unlio I Ki11gJ ·1m or Un'W.I' S1.1>te1, l>U e'oL~ · 1\ldiUonnt !1.1r p ld!l~'ll. !\ot I""' vnid, t 1.'12;..,. A 8 1,t · 111-:0 1509.

--:·F·11-W:\;::~\i:\iieii~2 1: 1 03a~ E. Ge111" Gove1nment Candida . •

Wins in P nrt-de·Gravd By-Election

Catch R eaches 94,000.

Tbe fenim' hl\'e beoll p\~ing up reals during lho past week nnd nc· cordiog Lo Wednesday ovening'1:1 rcpon tho tol.41 reaohod wns 90,000. Thick snow nod south east g11lo wns renr.-rtcd on Wednesday and tbe wc:ilher yesleruBy wna not much better. .

T..nst night's mes~nges ns brondcnsl through s tation VONF, ga \'e tho I mogene ns 'securing 2000 y t'>- tcrdny nnd tbe llitnger 600, while the E1glo nceonnlcd for 1000 moro them on \\'l'<lnead11y . No r(lporls wer<: ro­ceh·e<l from t ho Beothic nnd Ung " °''

The following nrc t ho reported cntchcs of the s teumers -

1 mogeno .. . .. .. ... ':m, 000 Ungn\'l\ 21,000 J.;agle ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 18, 600 Bcothic .. . . . ... .. I \, 000 'f erfa Xovn ...... . 7,roo R1111gcr . .... .. .. . .... . 4,600

Ul,000 --··· .. -

I .. ..

·FLOUR • lS the



1. ' I


0 11 March 3rd, I rcailYt d by tcle-1: rcplt from the l>cpu t1 Mini,.tcr of J ullic · "copyot a tclt'j?r:ph lll<nai:c scnJ lbc &~1;uin~ T ekgr:i1110•1. l•'eby. 27/ b, 1tat1ojl' tha t oat Jobn :\l i lcbell autl b l• wi fe d ied e;r • la rnl iou al Ceplln Co•c in Greed U:iy Dh1trict. :rnd in~ ll uchn(! inc lo proceed to C:t(>•I" Cove a nd v.c1nilJ nnd 1111kc a Ntt ful r r q11lr1 int .1 the clrcum· r.\ ;i ncl!;; of Ille ca C

On Mcmda1. th: 6 b inalaot. I wea l lo 1'1lt Co"e :in I iovc11lgated t '1c dd'\·.:ry of· rd i1· I rAl :on• 1?ive11 by cr. l~r i t the l{d icYinl! Officer, !\Ir. Wdl1, to Mr J :.1 . Jackman, Tilt Cov~ l'1nrce. fr r dell,efy to Joh\ ~1lcht-lt'11 family of IUCD p~ r •on,. at Ca plin C<.; v.:. I tot the n .. c .:~~::ry anuranc · of delinry of Ille ratio11e; lo J ,·hn :i.!11chcll on Feb'-. lnd StJlc.na.:•ll n 'ld delailt d ball a lt• c!1e.L On the 7 .I. in1t. l weal to C •rhn Cc•! and took lbedepoallloat C111 cath uC ~II M11cbcll, Robert \ T11.:11t11, JM.cpl! Sau.Sera and bl1 v.H·: Jue Saundcn. ••d from lbeae depnc•ita • cathc:red correcta, tbat lhc late Jolin MllcbcH jlld · klre dchwer1 aad coan7 to bla :Jlom.t I• Caplin Cote oo lbe 2ad d&J ofYebJ.

London, March 2J -Mr. RamBAy )fn0De>n1ld and Si r 1ohn Simon ar· rived nl Croydon this morning hav­ing flown from Paris in ~h• Imperi1l Airways lines "Iluratius/' The l~rench Air l\Jinisler, Pierre Cot, wa11 nl r~eBourget lo take Jene of them.

In n et.al~menl lo the pre.a c:ot­respondenla io Paris n'garding l ho' c:-onvel'l!slioos with Italian ancl F rench atalesmtn, tho Premier uid the Drilieh Governanent for n long time bad b~en "oxiou" about thu •ituetion io Europe,, and had con· eidered what could be done to create a better feeling. The virnvs they had gathered io Italy and France mre now being . 11urrered for tho 11orpo1e of devi•iog the bal .method of cteaLiog a more nelgbbourl7 feel· Ing in Europe. The1 had met with a 1t11ponae which indicated tlMie wu general anxiety lo pt IODI• thing clone Wbalmrr '!.lab& neuJl

~h•1 .... ~·· of .~ ..... tmn1 .lo iirfor ..... """'~ bacl lllUIUCI

' f utts•lny m1s Polling Dny in Iha Disll icL or Port·de·Grn\'C And thp counting or thu b.i'101d bt.'.;t11? th:it nigh t nncl thl! rh u lt 1::is mn1le k no1T o \\'ed11e!'1l11r m 1.rnmi; The result wns the ek l:lion uf Mr ~e~r. Aldenlice CJ.mli1h1tl', wi1l1 a mrtJ•n1 ty or 3;7 \'Oleg O\'t'r Mr Cmmm, the ,.qui res c:indid.1lt>. T he lotnl n um· her of \•oles pollro WllS 316 l~l o r II bic~e epoiln l b11ll•ll.i Tito totnl \'Ole polle•I in thE' i;' 11er. elec­tion wos 8'2G J. £0 lhnt t here 1rero 11 7 less polled than nl the 1>re,·iou elcclion.

' tbe foll&YJU~at ol ratio••:

A IN. T YO lJ. 1 banel ~r. 1 pork. 2«alloH w ILL N 0 T \ p IS p 1/¥) .• I :~~,-=r;.:: . ~~.,,.,ill!~ · l\llali Klaie Reiu~r wu t akt p to 1.. - - tlac.itloa1 aad Robert

St. John '1 bJ ;t.J onday'1 \rain where Ill brotlaer aod eOul of

PER SON AI; 61 w

The cono:s a s tb: y clme in :ire as follpw• :-


ahe ente red the Genera l Hospital ror late Mltcllell, •1 at& au opcr;i tiou for appcodicl\11. T he -- ---- tile tllat &Illa a :foOd op~ration was performed that nii;-llt Al la. Jolla lllfclie ~:>.'.-:.. and btes t rep:irta received were t hat I tba 2Gd of l'ebraar1 Mliu Regular was doini nicely. House Asked to Vote · St. Patriok's Rfgbt PJu · ble t~11tll came to L~ S:leo •• \ Jin Rei,u lar wn accompl oicJl to Newfoundland Fond. llod BnJpJ& • Of air mllea. aad lbe weatber WU!Jll&B?J~ S t J olin's by her bro t her, Mr. Wm · ' - nrlt bid. eollt aleet aad &'ala. Su Rr 11 11loir. . . r~~ndoc. Moreb 7.-J. B. Tbomu. 'l'bc three act comedy nWby By Satarda1 monsl1g'1'esprU1 aelarned to ber bome oa tlae uilif

1r.o 1 1~ 3' 0 Z53 4\lO 3.?i 500 4113 600 48? i OO 606 800 678 91l1 750

1000 .. S?l 1100 ec.s 12CO ' 'H9 1300 ) 1033 liOO '1357 Ji5.? 131)3

T he re!lull i-1 nn endoi;scmen l or t ho Alderdico tio\'ernm~11l ~n'I its p olicy o! r~trenchmrnl H 1s eveu mor<l l linn l hnl, i t is n d ccidcu d e­feAl of Si ~ R A. :::qui res, wh~ cnn· vnssed the d istrict with nnJ 111 thr interes t of ~Ir Crnmm, in en al· tempt l<> c.•i•1lo the elcr tors which )Jro\'~ \'Bin ·~·o ll r Gc~ r w? o!Jer our coogmtulBt1ons on. lm1 ' '!Clory Tbis wt1a hi .. fi rst u pen ence in the tlOlitic:al field nm!' his nchie"e.mcn t is the m oro ~i1111 ific.111t . 1rhcn i_t is considered thnt ho wns 111 tled n.;n1ns t )11uv1• tdt!s in ll.e woy or ndute n11d old cnmp11ig11ers

'fbc dl-cit ion of Iha 11coplcof Purl· de·Gm vo can be t11ken ns inelnncing their foitb in t he A ldl'nlice v o \·ern· nll Ill to wbo£o eupporl thl'y ra llietl in the general election nod h:i"e now· givoo it no codors:ition .

The Xlld. C:o·Operati1·e • df-llelp Asaocil\tion formed hcrt' rt cntl.\· i~

Mr. Rober! L~cW l11ttng aleo went Dominions Secretary. today moved Smith r.cft Rom•,•· prea::bte4 at the Mr. Beary S. Crowe, of tbe Aaclo· ~ttola( wet and exhaastrd to S t J ohn's 011 Monday, t o a:curc the Bouse or Cominooa Yotc a sup Academy Rall on St. Patrick'• Newfoaadland Dnclopmeat Com· tbl1 Um: •ome cuu of lallaeon medical treatmerrt at the General plcmcotary cetalc ol [l66.570 r•pre· Night. by l bc Cathedral Dramatic I polny, Llmlled, Grand 1"'.ill.s. arrived were around, pouiblyahe coatracted Dospi t;il. Mr . . LccWhitlni:,: 'a milnY I aeotlng the United Kingdom'• 1bare Troupr. \\'H a decided IUCCf:!IS aod 10 towa. Di1cu11ia~ t ile 1ita1tioo the ep:;!c1n:c anJ with tbe laeH7 friends lr uat that be may return or the money rcccotlJ adunced the pedormituce. txcelleat In ncry gcaeral17 at Grand ll'alb wllb Mr. coJr; '-'o l p11cu111011i:i. Sbo wu one ahor.lly j!rcatly bcnc6lled in be;iltll. Ncwroundl:ind by Great Hrilai.o and way, was geneull7 voted aa beln~ Crowe tbc Dally News w;ia laformcd cir t 1v1> <l:iys •ick .. hen her buabaad

:).f 1111 Hoae Archi b;il~. wen~ to St. Caoad.l. di ii motion wu 11ttbJCCted one of the beat comedica 1ta~d here lh:at the p:iper mill• are now t un 1 b~c: .-.1c ill of apparen•ly th~ nme

Joh n's oa Monday s t rltn ;ind to criticism by the Opposition. fo r 1omc time. 'The plaJ. which w;i,. niog- at capacity and arc huaioir oul · t r.iu ·11,• and 11.,,. I but seven day•. re turned ycalcrda y. Tl.Jc Opp"•u tloo ari:ucd the vote under the clietio,Ruil'hed p1tron1i:e approximately -llJO tol)a of plper per ,· 1i~ on l•'cb: ullJ 2l1ot. l~rnm

Mr. folonald O 'Shea, wbo spent mil!'hl t,c ia'ke n :u a precedent ilJl• 0C811 Exccllcoc:y lli1bop March, w:ia da{.. The oew pap~r nnkint:" r.i:i I , h~nCorn \lio.1 tint c.io be Jtl th t be \Vint.:r a l home, le(t her~ on plicablc lo olher doininionP, and well pllltooiz'!d, all the cbalra bclnll' cb ne that i• now being iu~talled I creel " ilh?u l th i: ::.id o( medical Tucsdtly on bia re turn lo lhc Ut11ted ftia l it waa unfortunate tbe Govern· filled wbllc t he 11catlnj! accomod.t· 1 will hl"c a c1pac:lty of !r.lm }n'.) lo ;iddr •• 1ud c•pc:d:illy lnkinz into Sta tes. ment had come to the a id of l be tlon a t the back of the hnll \US :ils ? 150 lonl' of p3p~ r per dJ.J 'rbie c~n. • r;it11•11 11,c opinion of Mrs

Dr. W. S . Good 1" in went to Bay Ncwfouudlaod Govcro)ncul, which rully taken uo. 1'"ro111 the orcnini: will i.ro into opcratio:i • a 10011 a" I r.n1.1ph S111ndcr11 " h , is~ i:-ood •ick Roberta nn Wcdoceday, on a profe11· had not' been without critlcl1m and the pl:tycr11 'acqu1lted tbcn1ulvcs tbc inetallat ion i!I c l mplc te(!. DI :i tt!nd~ nl .i nd '>:ho 1 i ' !l'l&idcrable 1i~na l vi_sit, acd w!ll ret urn home had :ic.t been 3 very good :idvcrtlac· \?Cll and the many nmnsinit ~itn:t company will b:ive • t<>red 3atl r l" \dy (;Xp!rit·nc whh c u r> c>f r oeumonla l hu cvcnmg. mr;n .for llrillah rule. 1100, 3Dd the clean comedy proved for •hipmcnl 0111 aoon ;J~ th~ pl ll or f I \\Olll I 1<d JU!<l1lic:I Ill .- ~ndudin(!



• .. • -- Mr. Thornila replied there was no mo"'t h 1f1:h:tblc :111d were thorourrhly Uotwood ia open ab:>ut 3J,Ocl0 tor.a , '1:n J i.,, Mrlda:ll and Ilia wife. Hunters L os a Motol' B oat. conocclion bet ween the Go'fcroment enjoyed. All t ile pcrrorm: c1 ~&Y.! 1 ot p:iper, whid1 is ab:mt • ix car H1:lli·! '.tit ch, 11. ot 1.· ~rl111 -:eve. dtcd

~ ti'our young men wcot lo Barbor 1Grnce l1l:1ud on Tbuuday c1eniojl' t o apcod St. P .itrick'11 Day dm:k • hoot in£:'. T bc1 went out in a latgc mo tor boat ot\·ned by Mr. !.<". c. Art bib;ild. The wind wae hi!th with l.tirly llea 9y aeu 110 they moored lh ; ::0 1.1 and landed o , l bc lslao j 111 a 1miill p uot. The wind io· created duri oC' tbc night a nd on St. Patr ick's 111oroiog i t blew a s trong ~ale from the wc•tward and In aoine was, PQU ibly the inooriog cbaflug througa. t bc boat went adrift, but was salved wh~n it d rove In at Oauli n~. The men nlao los t two guns wblcb were le ft on board tbe motor boat. Tiie meo rc lurnt d home in the 1rna ll boat oo S:iturdlly morolng wbco the wiud abated.

L obster Hatchery.

geaturc of help loward Newfound · m 1st c'ted it:iblc pc rlorrn1nc:eti euoA·: . I gbe1 • 1

fro n t he e tl.:cl :. (I f au attack of land and lut year '• dis pute in· thnt iug that t hey had i:iven cloao a ttcn· I 1 I iofl 1ern a nrJ pucumonh. count ry \vhicb cndl'~ In the. rc•igna· lion to the work of rchears al!f and it j R oyal Commission. I:..l!rriog t J tit! charg., of tion o( the :idmmi t ra llon. He may be ment ioned lh;it Jbc ~ork oC __ • t .~vulun. poiu tcJ ou t a con11r.iuio11 Appointed Misses E. Duff :ind m. J'q, nnd 1 Tl . . f tu R . 'I Ju!Jn :.l il che' ' on t ' c ?nd of Fcby. to invc1t ig-at.1 the Newfouu<lhuul Mcsara. W. A. l:fa) cl. J . A. Power I 10 .o~enmg £ -:ilOll 0 e !\}I\ r cci •~d '1 '1 cloie for tha t moul b 1 economic allualion w;is en route :ind/\, J . J onc11 wu out1t;fodln1: . Com1~1- ~10n 11'1\S he!t~ OD ~!o~d:iy hl r: :I 01.1ur, 16 Iba por k, l Tb &•' uow, and added t\)c oldcat colony's l;fomc m:i(lc candy wat l '>ld b~lwcen 111orn111g when t ho _J nmo M1ni.;~er. ,, z, t .. a. and .?;pis molao Cfl J o ll Q. lwo pri11taty indu11triu. i ron ore lhc acte nod the rccclpta or \he Uon. II'. C Aldcrd1c ... w11s tht' hrsl \ Jll('btfl. hi ,..,,fo nnd children wt re and tod liver oll 11'ad been bit b;idly cvcninl?' w~re plcu ioi:. " \".hy 11pr.1ker. That afternoon Mr. Trt•n· ' Ii to th~ir uau:it h . • h h, a nd made by the depre-•Lo9"'" Smith L eft Borne" fro10 the op ening th11ru Comptrollr r of tho T re.1.:-ury, ., c •111rlai nt c. f h .. n~•cr and \\'Cn t

"There ia nG~dy ol people," be cur~;i in to l bc ~n:t l scene wu molt wos 1:enrd :uul hi.i cvideucc Wt\ oon· rl'h•.d 111 tile or.lin01 r1 ~:iy until t :Sc .stcclarcd, "who have 1trugf!ICd amus ing in i t• 11llua1ion1 ;ind pro tinue(I orl Ttk~•1ny l)lurnin;?. 'l'ho 1:i•h ~11d IG• b oC i ;chru:uy when 1.Jar<ler tban tbe people or N-:wlound· vidcd endlc.111 mirth and wa~ t llo r .'ccre lnr\' of $!'\le Hon . J. C. P1&d· I tn:r. 1v~rl! IJ.l"''l - re.<. They wca iand under very difficult circ~m oughly enJOJ ed: The C.llfte of 1 t · . h :,

1 l fl t ~ ~ lro·n · the :i :t. V<! am•Jn ot or

ataucc1." cllo.ractcr11 wna n follows - l ~e or, l\ RB e.u" . t 111 1

I\ er not'ln o f, lro n 1hc ~1\ 1! ot P.,bfo:iry unlll ~l ra. John S1n1t h, Wbo loves her .. i~ice tben the Audal•Jr (.ener.il, tho he da •e ol lh~ 1r ulnc '· t he 15lh

b111band no rna ttCf' where hc1 lif e . As..,~s l>r, Mnnoy,er er tht' B:ink or .1 111 16. h. er b~rdy lv;o w"eks D' d ~ cd l N -"i111 !<'). Du ff ~ Min Smi t h, ~ lady ~font real, M iui~lt'r of P1)~l :1 t1nd l'h y 1\ tc v. d l i;upfllicd v.ith food, 18 ~o en Y ~{~rke's Beach. In wai tini:. Miu Ii} Moriu11 : Jobu T tilf'grnrh . Tion \\'. C. Winsor, nnd .111 l alter rc ... ic •\' " :! tbe efideu~c 'Of

Smith. Who lnvO'I bia wife anti lit e• Geneml Mnnngor ~ of t ho .R11illtny ~;.11 ~1:1.111 P J tt.f. S, A. , Mro Jo1eph in Nc\v York. Mr. Walle r lh yee; were benrd. 5H111d~r• . Ifobl! rl ~i 1.ch:ll I do 1101

aclively functioning nnd ld of n

local member,.hip of l 'iS be A~- The Holyrood Pond Fl1bcriu eociation is workinit 11ti::1 and Limited hue decided to turn HolJ·

Alcuodcr Dradbury, 52 year-old ruldl'ot of Clarke'• Beach. wu found dead on irouotry Road a short di1t11nce Crom ' \lay Rohert11, earlf' Tuc1d1y morni~ : bc&ide him wai. a at ring of trout. The dcceucd lelt bi• home at l · am. M(lnda 7 to go 61binK la a pond about 10 mtle1 rr_om Ba7 Roberta. He waa returo1og­

ltlaic, A maid, Miu Jean Punn : th luk il i.·:31 poi;o;iblc fo r John Lu1nia Daly, Who 11 a . lady nnd i i1 clicll :l t•I Ida \tifc to <lie or koowa it, Mlaa ii: J o)' : Robett tv:il F rissell M emol'iaJ is .,c.. i. • • .i'ti o. l\od I m1111l co111.idcr t he ton, Mu. Smith 'a brother, Mt• John NoW"'.tS~cted. .:: 1 :ir~c of dr;i t h by i. ta rvation as

each \\'( dnel'd•y O\'c11ing nl Its meel· rood Pond into a lo bater batcber1. inga at the . Tow!' llnll b~oe.a. of Dama wilt be built at the outlets to all dHCripll1m s m o.mntcl1on w1lh prneal the bottom of tbepood from· tbe aims and objects of tho mrwe- belar 8ooded with 1:1 cold waler In ment is dealt with. Su far tho prt1- whiter and la lbia wa7 tbe waler - of lbe Ol'!llnizalion bu bern will b: kept al a lemp:ratnretbat 11 ... ....,.) -'- 1h h lb coadaclwe to tb: llM.: of yoaai: Clw 1 -own roug e accom· lobatcra. A lob1ter &rm lo Botton pllahmeal of te\'eral h eme. uf Rrt•nt 11 stated to be Interested and la ftlue. TMre ii a floe • riril ~f co- negollallo( for the lobaler rights o~tion manifeattd and 10 1~ with tbe Compaa7. Hol7rood Poad diiallop wilh the UoverntUMlt cle- 11 15 miles long and one mile wide ~~eolf. tho AllOOiaUoo is lheeting aad la pl*• bu a dept~ of 500 ft. with~ aaiataoce while Gorern· - · ---......;; QMDt aptld11partmental hcac.la hne Furness Linen to alWn ~clical .wurance of thl!lr Resnme Scbednle. iiad · co-operation. Lpecially in

wbea death O'l'Crtook him.

Moriarty : Rot e ~a lion, R berl ' • d r ne• u . bride ot a d:iy, Miu W ntfrcd 'rho Vnrrick Fr~oll Ml'mt>rinl 'l here is r.olhinl:' in 11\J opinion Wal1h : Julia. 11i!Mtbin.l? ly lever.- \vhieb wua ca.ctn\ lhe Founriary nf~ IC. au1tai n the ell q~es that relic! Miu M. lla fdcn ••· Bille lldoux, ter being designed b,v hlr J:iqies ,.,a,. rcfu5cd lhe !:i i J ohn Mitclicll, Mrs. Smith'.& aunt. Miu Mars R. Murdoch hns been set In position! in .111 1e waa s upplied with lull ration Kennedy; Gencgat Billelldouf · Bis Ibo Varriek Frinel Mcmori.sl Rt>orn on t be proper cl J tc, Febru.iry 1nd. wife's ~cc0;11d uab3nd, M~l A. J a• l lie "' r.C.C A. Tbe memoricil i~ Tb.:rc i;, no utJi.>u-.:c \vhatever to J~uca: MaJ:>r D)ltcombc, \'\ 1 b tne· • 1. " sus la iu the ch ;i r~e t ill.I lbe ehlnt morie11 of Int night. Mr. Wm. C scry s triking nnd bns boon favour- ,bil i of t he Milchell famllJ was l<couedy; Count Voo Guggcobcim. nbly coo11nent£J on by a ll who Enff 11ta vfng aod iu a dying condit ion . Who ma.de lhc1u twis ted. Mr. J . ,\ . it.-Dnily Ne1va. AuJ I mus t come lo lbe conclu1ion P ower. • ~ ..... _ _ 111a l Mr. a nd :iJn . ~l ltcbell died of

-----~._ nal urnl ca111e1 and Working Hours Reduced Tbere nre n. couple or C:ll!t'S or (Sgd) D. P . DuCCAN, S.i\t.

a~ Corner Brook. 8Cllrle~ fever in town h twing de\1e- i\ta~i1trate'11 Office. Ll Scir ,

Eua Mercer oa bi11 wa7 to lhc wood• Tuc1day moraiog. dhcovcrcd the body in tbe centre of the road and a atrlog of troat 1toag1ide. Be repyrted Uac mattcr•to Head Con· atple Dwyer. at Day Hobert•, and called Or. "5cLeod who prooo).lJlced dtatb due to na tural cau1e1. '

The deceased leun .a widow tbrec cbildren.-:-T elegram.

1 loped within the p!l!t !"eek . la rch 10th. 1.933. The following notice wu po1ted _ .. _

----K. of C. Billiard TournameDt. ~

A •PQt , .•. plain billiard looraa. " mcnt ie belolf played between the members at the K nf C. Clubroom 11 .Jnd la creating much iotere.t. But one round- is being plilyed aad t •> date 1eten game& hue been lioi1bc:d with 1pol •Ide leading by 159 point•. The games as played arc as fo l· Iowa :

PLAIN SPOT T. D. l{eaocdy 208,

· B. 1' ... Mori:uty 25i> t>. C . Roach 25-0, \V. M. O'Coonor t•H M. P. Staple ton 250.

1'\ J . Sullina 23•• J . hl. P <>0ley IJO, J , J M<'riarly 25'> 'I.'. J . K;inc .no, I< J . T home1 25 1 R. Uu tler 163, ,. J. P. Baire 200 Total, l '.?? l. T ota l, 1380.


PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ...... . T he A~NliAI. E\'E~'1' in nid Of


1Till be l1eld on THURsDA Y, JU~E Isl t '111liculal'$ later.


In et ch locality ~ de.sire to ap­point J1 rd ial>le Agenl to collect use<l nod unu$ed s tamps for us, to tho right pnrty wo will pay a substantinl commission. We will also furnish him 1Vi1b n fine line of nrticles lo offe r in exchnnga for slnmpe or wo "·ill buy stamps for CASb If inter· cs lod write nt once enclosing refer­ence to

IJ EKRI OLIVIER, P. 0 . Box (49, Sherbrooke,

Que , Canad!\, tW. ~ud 1,. a pprecinted th11t of The Furneaa llaera Newrouadlaad Hon. IJ. A Wihl4lr, di~tricl repre- aod Non Scotia begin their summer eeotati.e anJ Mr. 11. A. Ontltr, ecbedule on tbe Linrpool, fit John's Secrel4r\' of Agriculluro At Wed· Baliru. Boalon 1er•lcc aul moatb. DNlla~·,; meetirur a pltn~ill" item or The Newloundland leaYCI L l,erpool

J ...., " oo April 2l1t, and the No" Scotia 00.ineee wa.a tho elfelion n& 1111 will leave the umc port oo May honorary membtr, al hie o\\o rt.'t1ueat, May 91 b. The A'lcmore ill make of Mr J L. P11.ton , Princlp:il of t pe 'her Ju t trip for t he 1eas n !cu ing

Railway Interested in B eotbio ht Corner. Brook,Mll.I on Ffldty: . The Younr.r Barp. wh ich clea red s SeaJing Venture. ll_c_gJnntn~ Mttcb 13:h ao~ un~11 ror the iccficld11 las t we~k. waa Iot er -Ch tb Billiard T ourd'ament I

' • Curtuer oouce. 1h~ P dpcr Mill will reported yeetcrdaJ 1111 being &ecn CoJLple ted. The Nlld. Railway bas a put i n· a t:irt up at 4 Ol.I p m _Mondaya and from Little. Catalina, proceeding

lcrcal in the ac:i llng venture of the t hat down at 4 00 Fndaya. Other North, T he iolerclab billia rd tournament '· a. Beotblc, Jt iccma tliat Mcear1. deparlmen te wlll .regulate their belween the mcmbera of the Barbor J ob Bros owed the Dock1ard1 1omc lltarliog up and ahulllng·dowo timea The membera or the Glee Club Gr;ic:c C,l ternr1 l nsli11rte and the

__ _ ___ J

l\lcmorial College. L1\'erpool on Aprjl lat. The ABllOCialioo is working nlong

harmoniously nnd 11s iduoudy and it is hoped shortly lo havo branches organized al places which bavo been making enquiries. '

., Poblic Opinion.

We acknowledge the r~ccipl or a new weekly wh ich milde It• appc:tr· aoce at SL Jobo'e laat week lt i1 called •·Public Opinion" and i1 publi1bed "in llie 1nterut of New found land and Sewfou11dll\nder1. •· Tbr publl1hcr 11 Mr. 1'' . J. BtadJ, who bu bad coa.lderablc c!'pcrl· eace in weekly new1papcr work hn· lar formerly beea proprietor and publisher of \be Trlolly Ealerprlze. We wl1b Mr. Brady cnry 1acce11 in hi• anderlaklag. ---- --

The Houee of Auembly will open for buaim1111 either oo the 5th er 12th of April AccorJiog to tbe Telrgr;1m il is thought. tbal aL the 6ret MEriun or tho Alderdice Gov­ernmeoL 1ome. seventy acl! or bills will be legis lated.

Moil ol tbe co•tracla awarded b1 the RalhHJ Comml11lon for the cattlDf of pitprope ban: been com· pleted and tbe latat returns. tboer ot March ISti, abow tbat 80.350 tooa hue beea c=at oat of a total of 91, 900 to111.

' .

The snow fall of Tuuday was 1ufficlent to make good elide paths a1td our men bue been bn1il1 CD• gaged 1ecurlog and h;iullng fire · wood from the couotry. The ice ou t he pond1 is allll io good condition .

The tri:il of Malcolm Gullick1on took place at t bc Supreme Court TueadaJ bcCore Bia Lord1bip Mr. Juatlce B iirgiu and a special jur1 wblc:b 'after two and a half hours deliberatioo failed to agree on a 'erdlct.

T he acc used who belong-1 to Traytown, B B., waa charged with an of{cocc againat a liheea year old girl.

The jury was di1charged and lbe prieooer w.11 admitted to bail. . ~

At lhe Enminatlooa at the General B~I tal recenllJ held lo Anatomy byalology, ~111 Enid Sheppard, a Ujthter of Mr. a nd Mrs. S . L. Sher.pard, came third in the cl111u be og lo the hoaora dl,l1ioa, hulnr a total of 86 p .c. Miu Pauline Sheppard, of Spaniard's B•J· led the cla11 with aa boaor marklar of 95 p c , while Miu Ger. trode Hepa, or Carboaear. W&I second In honors wilh 87 pc. Ml11 l!:ald Sheppard, who had been oft' dalJ. receatl7 lhrourb lllaeH, la aow coD1lderabl7 lnprowed and bope1 to rea11D1e dalJ 1borl17. ..

::i3 000 f r air and dockagc t o fit In with tbc abo9e, and a )I day intend holding a Sacred Concert at Cb•ircb of E ngland Io11titu te bu ::; • or ep

11 · d b · workct1 will \\ Ork a four day week. an culy da.te the oroce: de to . be in b 6 · l··-d l l1e last a1me in the Arr.a ogcmcota were. made. a o t e We r•g r•t very much lba• thl1 r. ev 1 n. •~· ' o

Railway Commluion ll1rcd t be • ~ 1 f . i'r a id of public cbant1. A mccli11g or eenca being played on Wedoe.day a lea mer' for $3.000 411d paid the in- further curla lment o one ab t pe r the Club ia being called for Sq.tur. ct cii inj:l'. The tournament proved

S? •nn B•lrd'a out week baa beco'mc neceu oary, but d;iy evening when all members arc m~al iotcrcaliu.,. a nd a keen in teres t s urance 1omc -"""· • • •· I I[ ff t h ·~ " 6 d ti bi b· te lbe owners sales uuc a en o to au . an aeked to be presen t. wah t aken by t he noo pl;iying mem·

ttc IC

1 P w


d r th Ii> alarmioi:" extent that there ti no beu ,· large number• bciog pruenl made th~ •teamer rca dy hor erofi{~ other altcroatlvc. The bu1ioen at the ga111e1. T he fi rs t round wu age • . It 11 uoderatoo t at pit b uail:ible docs not even warriiot a Mr J osiah Yctman1 m·m~gl1r of pla1ed at tbl! U. < ~ L. Inetllule a~cru1ng from ~be venture "' I be four day ecbedule, bul we will al· the Marioe Docke, h as buill a fine rooms and the ee.:uod :t t bc C. of E ~·~ldcd proporllonatcl7 among t e tempi to maintain tbc scbt dule as motor boat during lho 1rlnter. Tho Joatitutt'. In the 6ut round the JOlnt cllarltrers. long u pouiblc la order lb:it our bo:1t is c long lhe linl'S of n 11hip~ fo rmer wrr~ winners bJ 553 poiuls

employees may not au!Jer morC1 t hau bont about J!) feel Ions wiJh g~ a nd ia t he aecoad the ~ame IC;\lll

abaolutclJ ncceo arJ. ,, be11ring nod ~ n highly orcditnb again won. but owing to tbe C. E. l Since the Bi nk• in the Unlled · b players being more at home oq l lleir ·1

Sta lM cl<iacd, bu1ine11 there. baa JO • ' ' t ilblc tbe nu mber of n..olnte wae ,

bu been cot tremeodou1l7. We 400 l'Olo tt , a combined le:id of 953 h I I >-11 tlx ( J ersey Harbor who WRS cha eirpect w o ua e caoc" a n o poia le.' A s pecial prize w31-wol\ bJ I

Church of England~ . ST. P AUt.'S.


fallen olJ draatica.117 and ad•erti1lng Maurico Myles, ex·po3lmast~~ i!rcreu ed, t he B o. L 1. ll!ad log b' •

Muell and April ordcre b7 pu liah · with embenlemenl of $1.10, lun4 ~r. R Sheppard ror the hig hest ere who are unt1ble to uae their of tbe Genel'al PO!t Olllce, ekct brea ti made In the g nrnci-33. Tbc

• ueua l quota of paper on accot(ot of to be trie,.d s ummarily Al the Ma, next hig hut break wu tb"lt of Mr. the aerioua drop in oewapapet ad· p,istrafe's Court, St. John's on Moo~ v. '9~bcr-3l vertl1iog :ind clrculallon durlo,J the d11y and pleaded guilt.y. Ho wu 'J'llc ganica in t bc a:cond round

8 30 a m. Hol7 Communion. (Corporate C. E. W. A. and St. Catberioe'a Girls' Guild.)

11 a m . Ma ttiu. 6 30 p m , E•eo1oog.

CHRIST CtrtJ llCU. 6 30 p 1.11 •• Eno1oog. U. S. 811.nk holld:y. remanded for eeotence. r 11

r compuathc purpo1e1 plnac were ae o o~v.-../ note that In P'ebraary Dalbouaie B G.L. I. C li>.-I.

Mill ran a t 26 6 per cent of cap.city, According to radio report• a llg1't E L Okc, 20i. R Sheppard. 250

ST. PETH's. 3 p m .• Evensong.

Three Ri,era 4() per ceat. or capacity wu seen oa Western Bor1e bin M. lbyu, 250. It'. l'foacwottby, 12~. United Church. and Gatlncau 6) per .:eat "bile tbi• on Wedacaday night aod \"/ J l>rlacoll, 250. _ t'. G. Cb;ife, 210 I

6 30 DI I mlll optratcd al about 71 ~r cen t tbougbl that men Crom Coacluna E. D: Bauraban, '250. I u. a m. and . p.m., Y oe r· c · th A • C. No1eworlby, 210 • Ser• icc. . of ctpadt1 • f OYC were 11a111 ere. fr G 1, ? I·' G

8 ,.,~n I

We hope tbal -all employee• will l menta are belnJr made to u W, . • reemaa, - ... ray, ""'"'· coatlooe lo work wllb u1 aa they larre motor bo1.t from P'lear d D. ltvely, 250. A Godden, 179.

Some 6ft7 or 1ixt1 arala were taken la the 'lclally of Searl'• Coateat on Wedauday.

BCBOOL OHILDB.BH - TrJ onr loqsl Scrib~rs. Priced at & ota. each. Oo&Jefrom.TblsOfloe.

bue la the past towarda a ataadard Leya to briar them home aa R. Cron, 250. J'. Wilcoir, 195 of procluctloo aad co1ta which will aeallng steamer la la Iba\ tlclall V. Webbtr. 250. T. &Dow, 121 enable tho N1wfoaadlaad mill to be 1 Sorae h laad1 reporlcd oa(S:nadllll'I S. 009', 2 .. 7. I\. W · Brath.•250. kept on lbo referred 11bowo b7 tlla t the 111ea from Coacliiuia•1 Co J. Davi• . 2+1.. L V. Cb:i fe, 250. the aboH &rurea. ·) left there tbat d•,J aad lt HtPI• T otal, '.?i39 T ote!, :?039.

Binra\{. If they forced to laod o __ _...._;;,.;._ llorae lalaoda doubU11~

aal&Yora"\ice condlllaa


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.. · - -