r SEMI WEEKLY - Chronicling...

r t SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL VOL XXX STANFORD KY TUESDAY NOVEMBER lL 1902 9 A M NO 71 r 4 REV 0 M HUEY The Now Pastor of tho Baptist Church Who Begun a Meeting There Last Night NEWS NOTES I b Sale blowers made rich hauls at Do- ver and Springfield Teno A Union itatlon to coil 1500000 will be built at El Paw Texas The Crown Pi loco of Slam vltttcd the stockyards at Chicago Safe bloweri robbed the poe mco at Culver lod of 11000 In ump Fire at Auburn Wednesday night de atroyed the Advocale newspaper oBlco and several stores At Albany William Dugger was caught In a roller and taw mill belt and Initanllr killed Robber blow open the safe of the 1 Tampa Kaniat State flank secured 13600 and escaped on a handcar O W Lane a prominent homestead er of Oklahoma wag called to his door and shot to death near Shirley Okla Eben Proctor one of the Jurors In Harvey Moore murder case at More bead became Insane In the jury room Carroll Tompkins ailed 10 of Bullltt BloomI At Buffalo Chrlilophcr Wlllli shot Mary Ferguson his fiance and then fired a bullet Into his own bead killing himself almost Instantly L Delaney a mall carrier on the route from Frankfort to Ilavleland wee found dead in hit wagon BU death was caused by heart dlicate J Many of the Individual coaloperatort fa the anthracite region have agreed to become parties befoN the arbitra ¬ tion commission and accept lIe dace IonThe Insanity of Oen Toral who sur rendered Santiago de Cuba to the American forces It attributed to In ttructlont from the Spanish govern mcnt that ha draw up a full account of the surrender of the city I I lodeI ¬ three time Inflicting wounds that probably will prove fatal It It reported In New York that tbo minority shareholders of the Loultvllle and Naihvjllo will hayo about onetblrd of the next Doard of Director It It authoritatively stated that President Smith will bo retained If bo so desire to tbo report of the super ¬ 1lntendentof the rural tree delivery service Iowa has the largest number of routes Kentucky hat 80 and eight will be added Nov 15 To extend the syn tem over the United States the annual cost will approximate 824000000 and employedI ore t i Is reported In Soutbweitcrn Indiana loipecUlly In Sullivan county Experts roughly estimate Its value at 100000 purli lare deposits of coal which are claImed- to be almost pure charcoal Find de ¬ posits of limestone are also reported In response to a letter written by John Patrick a klnir thai military pro tectloci hn afforded him as a witness before the Breathltt county grand jury Circuit Judge Redwloo says ho has caused an attachment to bu Issued for Patrick and will see that he has ample protection Patrick says bo was a witness to the of James Cock rill and Implicate county officials In the shooting Be says he fears ho will t the assassinated It ho goes to Jaokton to testify Patrick It ID Lexington w m John Mitchell Is being boomed for president of the American Federation of Labor to succeed Gompcri Increased wages have been granted all machinists on the Chicago and East ¬ era Illinois railroad system Jell Maxwell was shot and Instantly killed near Annlstoo Aa by his brother Inlaw Will N Lawson Dennlt Dorrlt a mine foreman near Wllkesbarre was fatally shot by a mi ¬ ner who bad been refuted work Roiwell Bcardiley of North Lan ting NY postmaster there for 74 coniccutlre year It dead bt the age of 03 A Loultvllle engineer who has been at work oo a new Cuban railroad says nearly 300 miles of a new line from Santiago are ready for service John Veatch of Indianapolis and Bud Fox of Mootezuma led were killed and seven were Injured In a col Ililon on C H and D railroad near In ¬ dianapolis So great Is the traOIo of the railways of the country that they aro now face to face with an engine and car famine and It Is feared that freight blockades may soon result At Newport tbo Sbawlrwln Com- mission Company of Cincinnati has sued the Chesapeake k Ohio Railroad Company for 185000 damages for al ¬ leged failure to deliver groceries In the coal mining regions of West Virginia during the recent strike Cantrell and MoEndroe the leaders of Indiana ghouls pointed out 30 or 4 graves In Ebenezer and Anderson gem¬ clerics which they contested to have robbed Cantrell showed one grave from which was taken the body of a woman whose husband besald receiv- ed ¬ half of the price 130 In loving remmbranco our dear husband and father Monroe Curtis who departed this life Oat 16 Papa Is gono but not forgotten Never will his memory fade Swcetcivthoughu will over linger Around the grave where be Is laid We loved him yet wo loved him But the Savior loved him tore So the angel sweetly called him To that bright and happy shore It Is bard to part with papa Oh so sad to see him dlo But a gentle voice said come And be calmly entered homo WIFE AND CHILDREN CHURCH MATTERS There will be preaching at Willow Grove Schoolhouse at 230 Sunday af ¬ ternoon The very Rev H C Mlgnot for 32 years rector of the New Orleans Cathe ¬ dral Is dead At Bloomington Ind Isaac Holt LboDlblo tian church JE protracted meeting at the Baptist church at Brodbead Sunday Get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomack and Liver Tablets at Craig k Hookers drug store They aro easier pilleThen piliRegular belIeve ¬ KldYelmbl just chicken ate four pies two LAND STOCK CROPS ETC T J mil sold to J R Beazley a pair of mules for for 1215 A C Dill sold to MIke Kennedy 10 e0o pound cattle at 4o FOR SALESseboate nod 20 eows C It Carooo Mlddlebnrg O W Evans told a fine bay inane mule to Fox L Logan for 1170 Coulter White bought of various par ties a bunch of yearlings at 3lo J A Estee bought of Dr Steelo Bal Icy two butcher cattlo for 127 50 Richard Lowdnet bought a car load of mules from M J Farris of Danville at 81Rice Bengo of Danville bought four Southern horses here yesterday at 1100 to 1125 n C Baugbman sold to Fox i Lo Iran a tbreeyear old Naboth gcldlog for 150 D O Allen shipped to Cincinnati Friday a carload of bogs for which ho gotSto500W of Lancaster bought hero yesterday two horses at 185 and three mules at 1100 McGoodwIn of Pennsylvania bought six horses of various parties here yes- terday at 176 to 1100 A B Randall of Mercer sold bis Ono harness team of bays to Fox S Lo- gan ¬ Danville for 1550 Chas Cummins sold a mule hero yes ¬ terday at tOO and another at 855 Woods Bro sold to I S Tevls Seven yearling mule at 175 and to Fox and Logan a horse for 155 J L Hutchln bought 16 cattle of W B Pagan at 110 and sold Wm Ragan a maro for 1100 Record lam well prepared to dehorn cattle Have stocks and other appliances at Mark Bardlna barn J A Estcs Stanford 2t J J Stokes told to Vaughan d Stokes a pair of mules for 1215 and bought of J M Vaughan a harness horse for 175 W M Malbooy bought of various parties 14 heifers al3o 25 ttOoound shoats at Co and 60 barrels of corn In the Odd at 150 Kansas farmer say that It costa thorn 15 coot a bushel to ratio corn count log the Interest on the value of tbo lend at 12 35 an acre The burley tobacco grower aro pre ¬ paring to make an organization with 40000 members and a capital of a mil ¬ lion to fight the tobacco trust A 50pound black boar shoat camo to my place six weeks ago Owner cat Jet him by paying for keep and thlt notice Peter Balmer JumboIt O A Pleasant told to J B Foitor a bunch of 1150pound feeders at 4c to R C Hocker three calves at 120 and to- O P Buffmin a 050pound cow at 3o At F P and C C Combctta tale In Casey yearling steers brought 3o < calves 15 yearling mules ID pairs li7 to 17760 aired mules 677 to 1100 bog + ft to 6o horse liO to IS6 corn at crib 1175 Household and kitchen local ¬ ture and farming tool sold well COURT DAY Tbero werp about 600 cattle bore yesterday and probably halt of them changed hands Some good steers went at about 40 but SI to 04o were the rultyig prices Heifer were slow at 3 to 3c Butcher stuff was quiet at 2i to 3o The mulo mar ket was lively a number selling at 7 to IUO Horses wore slow CRAB ORCHARD Mllly Welch colored died last week Miss Sue Hopper of Louisville Is the rfuett of W E Perkins and family Some of the good ladles of the Bap list church have collected money and expect to have the building painted and repaired tblss tall They deserve much praise for their faithfulness Dr Wm M Myert has had tome handiome stones put up at his fathers mothers and brothers graves Ho will leave shortly for his homo la Thorotowo Ind Bis slater Mrs Al ¬ len H Blsey of Kansas City Mo loft a few days ago much to the regret of her friends Mr Felix Myers left FrI- day ¬ morning for his home In Boobam Texas Dr Will J Edmlston and Mr Bruce Hantford were called to Mao ¬ chester Friday night to tee W B Hansford who Is 111 It the shrinkage ot tbo republican vote In Butler county niece McKenzIo Moss and Dick Knott took charge the civil liberty campaign In the t dlequall0e tie n the race for Circuit Judge what doe the shift of Warren county from 11 majority for Taylor In 1809 to 850 for Settle In 1002 do to and for the Ho McKenzie Mode of Warren In the ma- ter of that same Circuit Judge raco Isnt tho sauce that Is good for the re good also for the gooseLoulevilto tasteI in your mouth go at onto to era drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab- lets One or two donea will make ye well They also cure blliouiness etc J headache and constipation r LANCASTER I Garrard people are confident of get ting the railroad The Christian Endeavor Society givenFrIday lOne of the plato glass windows of Bank was broken by a Negro urchin Friday A new street Is to be run from the Danville road to Intersect Water street jBarrls well drillers have now reached a depth of 850 feet and dally expect a gusher jdisclaim turkeys at 7c and will hold for a better price The Ladles Aid Society of the Christian church will have an ex change at tbo postoffice the day before Thanksgiving Two Ohio cattle men are here buy Ing up two carloads of one and twc yearolds end are paying good prices to the local traders Mr W T West has sold his cottage on Lexington street now occupied by Mr George Wright to Miss Amanda jjMiss Christina Endeavor Sunday evening and Mile Amanda Anderson gave an Interesting address Sam Totten has sold his cottage on Crab Orchard street to Leo Began for 1400 preparatory to removing with his wife to Decatur Ill Mr Jacob Joseph has been reelect- ed ¬ ai pno of the board of City Alder ¬ man and was first appointed last year to fill J Thompsons place B F Hudson bought a crop of hemp- seed from the Sparks Bros at 12 per bushel A K Walker bought 35 bead of caltle from various traders Mr T B Long and wife late pro- prietors of tbe Hotel Garrard have contracted for a large hostelry at Clio ¬ too Mot and will shortly leave for that place Toe side walks will bo Improved on Stanford street by an asphalt pave ¬ moot In front of the Christian church and brick walks In front of the Mason and Conn dwellings Tbe Christian Endeavor Society will bavo a call meeting Thursday after noon at tbe homo of Miss Lizzie Brown to prepare comfort tags to be sent to the Inmates of the penitentiary Rev W W Akers of Memphis and at Intimate friend and classmate of Rev 06i Cbumbley will bold a pro- tracted ¬ meeting at the Presbyterian church about the first of December The Bowling contest between Dan ¬ ville and Lancaster players Friday evening was well attended many ladles being Interested spectators and the game was close with a slight advan ¬ logo In favor of Lancaster T S Elkln bought of JlmClark some let calves at 2o fat hogs of Button a 60 and from Joe Bowman at same fig urea a tat heifer from J ftl HIatt at 3c Yocum and Bailee of Fayette bought 20 head of twoyearold cattle In the Buckeye section for 600 It Is stated the night trains are soon to bo taken off and Lancaster will again be short on her mall express and traveling accommodations however 5seotherdallppaeeengeritraln will ba added and will be an Improvement over the old time serylce but Garrard peo- ple will make no complaints with tho great expectations of tho new Louie vllle Southern lathe near future The coming of Mr Edwin L Barker and his monologue plays next Monday evening promises to draw a good house and all friends and promoters of the Ladles AldSoclety are urged to lend their support and pretence Tho Henderson Kentucky Lyceum Aeaocla flea pronounced Barkers wonderful versatility and exquisite acting as hav log completely captivated the fender son people Tbo Chicago Y M C A states that Mr Barkers entertainment was highly satisfactory and the audl once was enthusiastic over the eve nlnga program Mr A C Denny and daughter MM Mattlo Duncan are visiting Misses Margaret and Pauline Hocker of Stan ¬ ford Mesdames Buoy ot Stanford and Richie of St Louis have been guests of Mrs JE Wolford Mrs J E Stormee hoe returned from a visit ofto Richmond relatives Mr Richard Kennedy and fiance Miss Martha vllltlojZMr Sate 1tar who have been guests of W H Kin Weird and family left for Keokuk Fri familyt marriage of his sister Miss Edna to Mr Samuel Scott ot Loulevllle Wal wasla took her ton Robinson to Louisville for treatment for tuberculosis Mrs LF Hubble ot Danville visited here Sun day Mrs Geo D Robinson and chit dren of Huttonvllle are visiting Mr D L Walker Mrs Gregory and Mrep Gregk ¬ ory f 1 1 3 ij Jj i 3 3 i 3 fe 1 w O Being Q uWell Dressed ij- i Is half the battle of life and to be Well Dressed does not mean expel ¬ sively dressed if you buy the right goods at the right place This is j the placewe have the goods IT PAYS TO TRADEAT THE GLOBE Merchant Tailoring Gleaning Pressing and Repairing Your money back It youre not satisfied T D mILLER Danville KU To burn 12a ton soft coal without the escape of root smoke or gss was unheard ot before the invention of w Coles OriginalHot Stove This wonderful stove burnt tho GAS HALF of soft coal wasted with other stoves and gives the same cleanliness and even boat day and night with this fuel that can bo had from 10 hard coal It requirca atten ¬ don only three times in 24 hours Fire u never out SOL- DBiggins BY s McKinney STANFORD KENTUCKY E1 ic1 z A preparation for eradicating the dis ¬ tagreeable odors arising from perspiration It is a sure cure for the odors from perspiration onany portion of the body without injury to health or clothing byI weB McROBERTS PHARMACIST STANFORD KENTUCKY GUNS sl m Ammunition Hunting Vests itc We will make you the lowest Prices you can get for CASH Craig Hocker S STANFORD LARSON PENCE DEALERS IN < I i Carriages Buggies Phae tons Wagons Buck- boards = Harness Full and complete stock of the above always on hand and are sold at prices that defy competition Seelour elegant llneJt Lap Robes Yli

Transcript of r SEMI WEEKLY - Chronicling...





The Now Pastor of tho Baptist Church Who Begun a MeetingThere Last Night


b Sale blowers made rich hauls at Do-ver and Springfield Teno

A Union itatlon to coil 1500000 willbe built at El Paw Texas

The Crown Pi loco of Slam vltttcdthe stockyards at Chicago

Safe bloweri robbed the poe mco atCulver lod of 11000 In ump

Fire at Auburn Wednesday night deatroyed the Advocale newspaper oBlcoand several stores

At Albany William Dugger wascaught In a roller and taw mill beltand Initanllr killed

Robber blow open the safe of the1 Tampa Kaniat State flank secured

13600 and escaped on a handcarO W Lane a prominent homestead

er of Oklahoma wag called to his doorand shot to death near Shirley Okla

Eben Proctor one of the Jurors InHarvey Moore murder case at Morebead became Insane In the jury room

Carroll Tompkins ailed 10 of Bullltt

BloomIAt Buffalo Chrlilophcr Wlllli shotMary Ferguson his fiance and thenfired a bullet Into his own bead killinghimself almost InstantlyL Delaney a mall carrier on theroute from Frankfort to Ilavlelandwee found dead in hit wagon BUdeath was caused by heart dlicate

J Many of the Individual coaloperatortfa the anthracite region have agreedto become parties befoN the arbitra ¬

tion commission and accept lIe dace

IonTheInsanity of Oen Toral who sur

rendered Santiago de Cuba to theAmerican forces It attributed to Inttructlont from the Spanish governmcnt that ha draw up a full account ofthe surrender of the city


IlodeI ¬

three time Inflicting wounds thatprobably will prove fatal

It It reported In New York that tbominority shareholders of the Loultvllleand Naihvjllo will hayo about onetblrdof the next Doard of Director It Itauthoritatively stated that PresidentSmith will bo retained If bo so desire

to tbo report of the super ¬

1lntendentof the rural tree deliveryservice Iowa has the largest number ofroutes Kentucky hat 80 and eight willbe added Nov 15 To extend the syntem over the United States the annualcost will approximate 824000000 and

employedI oreti Is reported In Soutbweitcrn Indiana

loipecUlly In Sullivan county Expertsroughly estimate Its value at 100000purlilare deposits of coal which are claImed-to be almost pure charcoal Find de ¬

posits of limestone are also reportedIn response to a letter written by

John Patrick a klnir thai military protectloci hn afforded him as a witnessbefore the Breathltt county grand juryCircuit Judge Redwloo says ho hascaused an attachment to bu Issued forPatrick and will see that he has ampleprotection Patrick says bo was awitness to the of James Cockrill and Implicate county officials Inthe shooting Be says he fears ho will

t the assassinated It ho goes to Jaoktonto testify Patrick It ID Lexington



John Mitchell Is being boomed forpresident of the American Federationof Labor to succeed Gompcri

Increased wages have been grantedall machinists on the Chicago and East ¬

era Illinois railroad systemJell Maxwell was shot and Instantly

killed near Annlstoo Aa by hisbrother Inlaw Will N Lawson

Dennlt Dorrlt a mine foreman nearWllkesbarre was fatally shot by a mi ¬

ner who bad been refuted workRoiwell Bcardiley of North Lan

ting NY postmaster there for 74

coniccutlre year It dead bt the age of03

A Loultvllle engineer who has beenat work oo a new Cuban railroad saysnearly 300 miles of a new line fromSantiago are ready for service

John Veatch of Indianapolis andBud Fox of Mootezuma led werekilled and seven were Injured In a colIlilon on C H and D railroad near In ¬

dianapolisSo great Is the traOIo of the railways

of the country that they aro now faceto face with an engine and car famineand It Is feared that freight blockadesmay soon result

At Newport tbo Sbawlrwln Com-mission Company of Cincinnati hassued the Chesapeake k Ohio RailroadCompany for 185000 damages for al ¬

leged failure to deliver groceries In thecoal mining regions of West Virginiaduring the recent strike

Cantrell and MoEndroe the leadersof Indiana ghouls pointed out 30 or 4

graves In Ebenezer and Anderson gem¬

clerics which they contested to haverobbed Cantrell showed one gravefrom which was taken the body of awoman whose husband besald receiv-ed


half of the price 130

In loving remmbranco our dearhusband and father Monroe Curtiswho departed this life Oat 16

Papa Is gono but not forgottenNever will his memory fade

Swcetcivthoughu will over lingerAround the grave where be Is laid

We loved him yet wo loved himBut the Savior loved him tore

So the angel sweetly called himTo that bright and happy shore

It Is bard to part with papaOh so sad to see him dlo

But a gentle voice said comeAnd be calmly entered homo



There will be preaching at WillowGrove Schoolhouse at 230 Sunday af ¬

ternoonThe very Rev H C Mlgnot for 32

years rector of the New Orleans Cathe ¬

dral Is deadAt Bloomington Ind Isaac HoltLboDlblotian churchJEprotracted meeting at the Baptist

church at Brodbead Sunday

Get a free sample of ChamberlainsStomack and Liver Tablets at Craig kHookers drug store They aro easierpilleThenpiliRegularbelIeve ¬

KldYelmbl justchicken

ate four pies two


T J mil sold to J R Beazley a pairof mules for for 1215

A C Dill sold to MIke Kennedy 10e0o pound cattle at 4o

FOR SALESseboate nod 20 eows CIt Carooo Mlddlebnrg

O W Evans told a fine bay inanemule to Fox L Logan for 1170

Coulter White bought of various parties a bunch of yearlings at 3lo

J A Estee bought of Dr Steelo BalIcy two butcher cattlo for 127 50

Richard Lowdnet bought a car loadof mules from M J Farris of Danvilleat

81RiceBengo of Danville bought four

Southern horses here yesterday at 1100to 1125

n C Baugbman sold to Fox i LoIran a tbreeyear old Naboth gcldlogfor 150

D O Allen shipped to CincinnatiFriday a carload of bogs for which ho

gotSto500Wof Lancaster bought

hero yesterday two horses at 185 andthree mules at 1100

McGoodwIn of Pennsylvania boughtsix horses of various parties here yes-

terday at 176 to 1100

A B Randall of Mercer sold bisOno harness team of bays to Fox S Lo-gan


Danville for 1550Chas Cummins sold a mule hero yes ¬

terday at tOO and another at 855Woods Bro sold to I S Tevls Seven

yearling mule at 175 and to Fox andLogan a horse for 155

J L Hutchln bought 16 cattle ofW B Pagan at 110 and sold WmRagan a maro for 1100 Record

lam well prepared to dehorn cattleHave stocks and other appliances atMark Bardlna barn J A EstcsStanford 2t

J J Stokes told to Vaughan dStokes a pair of mules for 1215 andbought of J M Vaughan a harnesshorse for 175

W M Malbooy bought of variousparties 14 heifers al3o 25 ttOooundshoats at Co and 60 barrels of corn Inthe Odd at 150

Kansas farmer say that It costa thorn15 coot a bushel to ratio corn countlog the Interest on the value of tbolend at 12 35 an acre

The burley tobacco grower aro pre ¬

paring to make an organization with40000 members and a capital of a mil ¬

lion to fight the tobacco trustA 50pound black boar shoat camo to

my place six weeks ago Owner catJet him by paying for keep and thltnotice Peter Balmer JumboIt

O A Pleasant told to J B Foitora bunch of 1150pound feeders at 4c toR C Hocker three calves at 120 and to-

O P Buffmin a 050pound cow at 3oAt F P and C C Combctta tale In

Casey yearling steers brought 3o <

calves 15 yearling mules ID pairs li7to 17760 aired mules 677 to 1100 bog +

ft to 6o horse liO to IS6 corn at crib1175 Household and kitchen local ¬

ture and farming tool sold wellCOURT DAY Tbero werp about 600

cattle bore yesterday and probablyhalt of them changed hands Somegood steers went at about 40 but SI to

04o were the rultyig prices Heiferwere slow at 3 to 3c Butcher stuffwas quiet at 2i to 3o The mulo market was lively a number selling at 7

to IUO Horses wore slow


Mllly Welch colored died last weekMiss Sue Hopper of Louisville Is

the rfuett of W E Perkins and familySome of the good ladles of the Bap

list church have collected money andexpect to have the building paintedand repaired tblss tall They deservemuch praise for their faithfulness

Dr Wm M Myert has had tomehandiome stones put up at his fathersmothers and brothers graves Howill leave shortly for his homo laThorotowo Ind Bis slater Mrs Al ¬

len H Blsey of Kansas City Mo lofta few days ago much to the regret of

her friends Mr Felix Myers left FrI-


morning for his home In BoobamTexas Dr Will J Edmlston and MrBruce Hantford were called to Mao ¬

chester Friday night to tee W BHansford who Is 111

It the shrinkage ot tbo republicanvote In Butler county niece McKenzIoMoss and Dick Knott took chargethe civil liberty campaign In the t

dlequall0e tien

the race for Circuit Judge what doe

the shift of Warren county from 11

majority for Taylor In 1809 to 850 forSettle In 1002 do to and for the HoMcKenzie Mode of Warren In the ma-

ter of that same Circuit Judge racoIsnt tho sauce that Is good for the re

good also for thegooseLouleviltotasteI inyour mouth go at onto to

era drug store and get a free sample of

Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab-

lets One or two donea will make ye

well They also cure blliouiness etcJ headache and constipation


Garrard people are confident of getting the railroad

The Christian Endeavor Society

givenFrIdaylOne of the plato glass windows of

Bank was broken by aNegro urchin Friday

A new street Is to be run from theDanville road to Intersect Water streetjBarrlswell drillers have now reached a depthof 850 feet and dally expect a gusherjdisclaimturkeys at 7c and will hold for a betterprice

The Ladles Aid Society of theChristian church will have an exchange at tbo postoffice the day beforeThanksgiving

Two Ohio cattle men are here buyIng up two carloads of one and twcyearolds end are paying good prices tothe local traders

Mr W T West has sold his cottageon Lexington street now occupied byMr George Wright to Miss AmandajjMissChristina Endeavor Sunday eveningand Mile Amanda Anderson gave anInteresting address

Sam Totten has sold his cottage onCrab Orchard street to Leo Began for1400 preparatory to removing withhis wife to Decatur Ill

Mr Jacob Joseph has been reelect-ed


ai pno of the board of City Alder ¬

man and was first appointed last yearto fill J Thompsons place

B F Hudson bought a crop of hemp-seed from the Sparks Bros at 12 perbushel A K Walker bought 35 beadof caltle from various traders

Mr T B Long and wife late pro-prietors of tbe Hotel Garrard havecontracted for a large hostelry at Clio ¬

too Mot and will shortly leave forthat place

Toe side walks will bo Improved onStanford street by an asphalt pave ¬

moot In front of the Christian churchand brick walks In front of the Masonand Conn dwellings

Tbe Christian Endeavor Society willbavo a call meeting Thursday afternoon at tbe homo of Miss Lizzie Brownto prepare comfort tags to be sent tothe Inmates of the penitentiary

Rev W W Akers of Memphis andat Intimate friend and classmate ofRev 06i Cbumbley will bold a pro-


meeting at the Presbyterianchurch about the first of December

The Bowling contest between Dan ¬

ville and Lancaster players Fridayevening was well attended many ladlesbeing Interested spectators and thegame was close with a slight advan ¬

logo In favor of LancasterT S Elkln bought of JlmClark some

let calves at 2o fat hogs of Button a60 and from Joe Bowman at same figurea a tat heifer from J ftl HIatt at3c Yocum and Bailee of Fayettebought 20 head of twoyearold cattleIn the Buckeye section for 600

It Is stated the night trains are soonto bo taken off and Lancaster willagain be short on her mall express andtraveling accommodations however

5seotherdallppaeeengeritraln will baadded and will be an Improvement overthe old time serylce but Garrard peo-ple will make no complaints with thogreat expectations of tho new Louievllle Southern lathe near future

The coming of Mr Edwin L Barkerand his monologue plays next Mondayevening promises to draw a goodhouse and all friends and promoters ofthe Ladles AldSoclety are urged tolend their support and pretence ThoHenderson Kentucky Lyceum Aeaoclaflea pronounced Barkers wonderfulversatility and exquisite acting as havlog completely captivated the fenderson people Tbo Chicago Y M C Astates that Mr Barkers entertainmentwas highly satisfactory and the audlonce was enthusiastic over the evenlnga program

Mr A C Denny and daughter MMMattlo Duncan are visiting MissesMargaret and Pauline Hocker of Stan ¬

ford Mesdames Buoy ot Stanfordand Richie of St Louis have beenguests of Mrs JE Wolford Mrs JE Stormee hoe returned from a visit

ofto Richmond relatives Mr RichardKennedy and fiance Miss MarthavllltlojZMrSate1tar who have been guests of W H KinWeird and family left for Keokuk Frifamilytmarriage of his sister Miss Edna toMr Samuel Scott ot Loulevllle Walwaslatook her ton Robinson to Louisville fortreatment for tuberculosis Mrs L FHubble ot Danville visited here Sunday Mrs Geo D Robinson and chitdren of Huttonvllle are visiting MrD L Walker Mrs Gregory andMrepGregk ¬














O Being QuWell Dressed ij-


Is half the battle of life and to beWell Dressed does not mean expel ¬

sively dressed if you buy the rightgoods at the right place This is j

the placewe have the goods


THE GLOBEMerchant Tailoring Gleaning Pressing and Repairing

Your money back It youre not satisfied

T D mILLER Danville KU

To burn 12a ton soft coal without theescape of root smoke or gss was unheardot before the invention of




This wonderful stove burnt thoGAS HALF of soft coal wastedwith other stoves and givesthe same cleanliness and evenboat day and night with thisfuel that can bo had from 10hard coal It requirca atten ¬

don only three times in 24hours Fire u never out





E1 ic1 zA preparation for eradicating the dis¬tagreeable odors arising from

perspirationIt is a sure cure for the odors from perspiration onanyportion of the body without injury to health or clothingbyIweB McROBERTS PHARMACIST


GUNS slm

Ammunition Hunting Vestsitc We will make you thelowest Prices you can get for




i Carriages Buggies Phaetons Wagons Buck-

boards = HarnessFull and complete stock of the above always on hand and

are sold at prices that defy competition

Seelour elegant llneJt Lap Robes
