'r - s3.amazonaws.comVol+18+(1862)/Sabbath... · e y c of aders 8S on tbat day of Poland s rum when...

... ['01 r DLlsnED WEEKLY the PI opIletoI S, n I ( Gil nlPf [N ED TOR 1 B \OFXT I , @4 4 ..,.AC :1 grIeves the good and makes worse the b:W In the wlDda of not a few It will _plre contempt for a faIth tbat does no more for Ita possessor j So tar as t1ie lufiuence of sucb II II e1iaipwe "aches e!:!r.t'l'ubllc splrlted enterprisll 1,8 loaded 118 dead weIght and greatly hmdered Saddemng as IS the sIght or the preaenoo, whetber ID a churcb or III a neIghborhood, lEt. 0 E a, Ihe Orga I of tbe Seveh>h-day of a nIlserly or meanly selfisb p8fBOD, II D nom u t on "devoted to the expdHtton THE 0 R G A N 0 F THE S EVE NTH DAY B APT 1ST 0 N 18 BOID&1ittle-encouugement-t1i 1lMt'tWt.tbit I nd cn on 01 the V ews and movement. 01 that NOM I NAT I . 8w.;amp8 WhICh are tfjeir s),mlll)ls In .natUI'l'. P p lL ms to promote v tal p ety and Vlgorpua are r ....... blH ofbemg .nd have li""'n reclaIm- n act 00 n the same hme tbat t obe "'7," -. ..,. o I com .n meota of God and the faIth of V I ed A somewhat slmIla!' procel/s migllt " 0 nns e op n to tbe advocacy of all 0 • XVIII -No. 25 Westerly, R I, FIfth-day, June 19, 1862. Whole No. 909. avaIl with uelfi&blllan HIS weaHb hke the n ory me su es blCh seem I kely to llnprove "tarnant water of the 8wamp shonld hllve he coad 00 of oC ety d ffuse knowledge rocla m .ome vent The accumulatIOns of the pallt be b" e and enfranen se the enslaved In ,t. I d II I h d Ibid b d b L Y and In ell gence Departments care IS taken an -WI lsten to t e cry an t Ie tramp lelgn of tbe proudest and greatest m I arch THE BEAUTIFUL EVERYWHERE they d:J not add to Its VItalIty or. I ou e use to enefit those around as o h u tic nil 'pled to Ihe wants and tastes of oIber war horse will blend with the str fe ot earth s greatest kmgdom 01 empi e 01 I fonnd t n the lonely wood nh •• p,' If a tree IS dead It IS past 811m whflD the muck of swall)ps IS carried out e y c of aders 8S on tbat day of Poland s rum when the proceed ngs of pal haments or congress A lIttle p uple nodd ng flower If It IS alIve It Will pump Its own upon tlie exhausted uplands The treasures Tue I n ot t;ubscr pi on tor the RECORDER are Hope for a season bade the world fare veil es 01 the stirring fcats of the most br Ihant And kneel ng by t on the sod III Apnl tIme put ont Its own of eartb mIght be transformed by the magic T vo Du I 'per year payable m advance Snbscrlp And freedom shr eked as Kosc u ko fdl campaIgns The tluths revealed tu tl en WIth n the ea Iy '!!l[!!Ing ,hour battle Its own way up toward the fir of a Iienevolent motive lUto treasul'elllt4ld on' not pa d who Ihe year w II be liable to an ad It, wondrous beauty soul hOI b h I n cha ge of fif y cent. Sub cr bers WlShmg to Russ a and PI ISS a alarn cd for tl ell Po were qu te snffic el t for the tl mk 0 f 1 With thoughts tbat cannot spoken b The reason why that sturdy oak up m eaven n y y snc an entIre change c he r pal rs must pay all arrearages and hsh pr v nces Will ptobably dIspatch theIr IIfet me Imagine one of these abed patll A d tears come to my eyes to th nk tbe Village green grew from the tlDl of cb$racter and 1ll0tIve, however caD tile no l h pnh I crlo Ihat cffect PaymentsrecSlved artnIeS 10 nvet al ew tbe cbams LOUIS N a achs WIth hiS mmd engaged III these trut! s rbat Jesus placed Itthere for me a school boy conld carry tn hiB meanry selfish ever be made to resemble. I u a kno ledoed I be paper so as to ndlcate poleon the liberator of Italy and recogmzed a e t d I I t I f Th has become the prIde of the swamp reclaImed h me to h ch tbey reach rr s e y a ong cn a ogue goss 0 con e cowsl p and the water cre.. jJ .. \J er erne ts ot .charaete not tnconsIStent w th tbroughout Europe as the advocate of popu tamed m a modern newspape \\ 0 Id I c Grow ng bes de the r pi ng pool m the summer and able to wrestle -,---- .... >----- h oi>j<e s of tbe r III be nsorted at the rate of lar rights though under Imperllll forms Will not be moved a smIle of p ty I Ir 0 l! III The blne-be I and the v olel the Wildest bUrrIcanes of wlllter IS EXANCIPATION c a per I ne fur the first IDsert 0 and three cents lead hiS fil'e bundl ed tl ousand troops mto tense concern for tI ese Ir fI ng toys ? k earth. elou "inmlv that llndeJDeath that shaggy bark IS While there IS a very deCIded OPPOSitIon p u seb bs q e I nsertlOn Legal adver tl e fiell Il'lsplred uy tl e lCmem brance of 'Ve would uot t 1rn the world back aoD'a n Wh Ie yet the trees are bare and grey Illward life Its growtb IS from to Goo Huoter's mode of emanclpatlDg th" u at th r les I xed hy law A lair d scounl d d d W b u au to Ibose advert s ng largely or by the year J el a an \uer sta t an Austerlitz AI s to Its patllalchal s mplIClty even had we t1 e h Ie last year s leaves upon tbe oak there IS a growlUg feehng III favor G nmUll eta 8 ordets and rem tlances should be I tOClatlC El'gland would gladly see our Ie powel 'Ve would not tll dervalue olr mo ret s gh and rustIe mournfully 1'ou may heap on whatever of sacred of abohiihmg slavery ID the speedIest way I I 0 he I abffsb ng "'gent E G CHAMPI N publ c d smembered It IS by no means 1m dern Improvemellts amOl g wb ch IS tbe J knowledge you WIll whatever of rItnahty poss!lile consistent With safety In several V Iy RIb tb Ed t _; P poss ble tl at England even yetJolU the dady I ewspapcI but we wo Id I ave I And somewhat as the watchmen ha I whatever of external forms, whatever of of the border slave States thele lire now 01 Anyone s ng to 8e e vr .nu ub b I f S th "t Ch 1 Th f b t t dB d" d j' f I h g Ag ot may find h m dnr ng ord nary bus II e e s 0 our ou unner pre cnse ot aveng fist a s put a prol er estimate on t ese e rlS ng of the morn Dg .tar 0 Sll scrIp IOns 0 cree an conles gamzc movements IU lavor 0 tIC Presl u the co nl ng oom of Potter & Chnm I tng some os It t hel fiag I that case I thtngs Rougb men and women pass them by SlOns whatever of slaVish obedIence to dent s emanCipatIOn scheme and these are - th nk tI 1t I old al d fa tl ful ally France rl e tastc 01 deSire 1 I e v th I gs has be And suy that they are good for naught law and If t.@re be no hfe of God 10 the lIkely to be strengthened cy hIS L" v OF NEWSPAPERS I \\ III unf III e tr color-the wd the whIte come morbid n our day It el tels mto our They serve U8 not for food or dr nk soul you have"'l'fut a stupendous effigy or of Gen Hunter B plan and hIS earoest ap rs vho do not g ve exprellS not ce tothe and tl e Iluo-m conJu ct on With onr stars rei glOn The pt Iplt as well "s tI e press IS They ne tber can be sold or bought religIOn Without one spark of VItalIty But peal III behalf of the plan rpcommend by ry ure con' dered as WIsh ng to eont nue tbe rand str pcs It 18 the strong hand of LOll 8 expected to mIster to It es m the I feet If there be m that soul only a germ of true himself and approy.cd by bolh llOllses of \ 0; 0 d r the d sconl nuance of tbm Napoleon alone wh ch now restra ns France pUlpIt are as eagerly so gl t aftel and run 1V)lh sbouts of gladDess search them oul there IS hope of growth By the CongrcsB p. !\U I ... 8 II Y contlDU" to send them unt I all froD;! avengtng Waterloo after as novelties tn tl e papel8 rhls mor Through tangled wood and long retreat aId of God 8 Spmt the seed Will In OUI nClghboling State 01 Delaware uti! I ,!\f"i':" d And now let us turn to Hussla 'l I e Czar bId appel te ullfits many to hstel to the t me of the ."es past the blade-the blade the ,I,lar-and there 18 a deCIdedly strong emanCIpation It , bsc bera e,llect or relus to take the r pn swaY8 tbe scepter of absollte power 0' er one preacl'lIng of the Gospel w tI any SOli of Thus have tbey boomed upon tI,e sod at1ast when prayer has brought down tlie party and ber excellent and able represen p 00 b office to wh ch they are d rected they se\entb of tl e babltable globe embractng a ed ficatlOi or profit A mlllister mav f r I IV th n the tangled w lderaeS!! and the ram from the celestial t",t1ve III the lowet House Geolge P FIsher I puu Ie un I they have pa d what IS due b'- I d il papers d scont nued populatlOi of mnety m IhoDS For ages n sit the food bnt tbe I !lare m 1st possess Un en 'ave by the eye of God t lone then cometh the full corn m tbe yel Esq who wally repreQents tbe sentImerittl If s b cr be s remove to other places w tbont ID I tl ew has eXisted Jr. th s cou tly a sort of t1 e appebte Oth I WM' I s lu lor nil I I Orpb y some sp r t wanderer low ear Then tbere WIll be mcrense of of tlIe people much more truly tban do the aus ng awh Ie 10 rest b s w ng I b I f h d o n g the publ sher and the paper 1811em to the slavery called serfdom lbere WCle t\\Cl ty vam \\hose eye had seen tbe fadeless flo we C laracter y t Ie expansIOn 0 t e mwar two pro slavery Senators IS dOlDg good ser Ul r rect on they are held re.pons hie null ons of II ese bondmeu attacbed to the No\\ t <l trutl s of U e Gospel a e oil That by celest al r vers spr ng I fe The soul Will take III and digest trnth vIce 10 tbe cause In Maryland thele arc T lnw declareo that any person to whom a pc I Id Y tid b d b k d d d oJ c ,sent s respons hie for payment If he re SOl so w th tl e estates and whose ser tl uti s as old as the pIon Ise of redempt on I sm e e lov ngly upon 00 a goo sermons an goo ex many movements showll g tbat the people he pap r 0 makes se of It even ! be has VIce belonged mamly to tI e I lords God And these old tr III s must be cor t nually These earth born b ossoms f a land fa r amples The sonl Will aSSImIlate tbese truths are begmnml!" to tlunk theu mterests of all For n the un verse of God I - bscr bed for t or bas ordered It stopped II s has placed tpparently a Chr shan npon tbe I cld lip 101 our contemplatIOn-not mdeed The b aut ful s everywhe e alld build them mto ItS spIrItual texture t kInds WIll be promoted by emancipatlOD n such a case not to tuke the paper from the I thrOl e f Russ a TI e w fe also of Alexan m tl e same w ds nor With the same sl ades will take up the nOltrlshmg quahtIes out of and several of the most IDfillentlal papelS to t s but to no- deIlI wus edncated m PlOtestant England of t1 ougl t \ 101 ster sl 0 Id be hke II e them as a robnst man takes up the nOUrish are strongly advocattng It W'estern VIr I and sep-ms to I e a true d sc pIe of the Sav II ouseholdel Wllo b ngs rth of h 8 trca GROWTH IN GRACE iDent of a wheaten loaf.or a 10m of vemson gmla has voted m favor of emancipation by THE LIFE BOOK W, te tather w te 1 ke Ihee pen pI eked from nn eag e s p II 0 And w t illU ortal act onB for tby son T noll h rn tb.t man forgets man. h gb dom n on Creep ng on eortb I av ng oreat deeds undone W Ie tber .r Ie L v on b s I fe book. fond fi ther B ble,s ng To eld b rn md tempt"1 on to I and s n ! u He ,1 all go to glory s field po ess ng S r ogtb 10 conteud and confidence to w n Wr Ie lather wr e ng rs SIGNS OF THE TIMES o By a limper al decree last JCaI tl e sure tbmgs I and old But It Ig t1 e oil B HE T LIE Tlie sp ntual character enlarges beautifies a very large mOJority and as the Umon cmpe 01 notwlti sland ng tl c liprcc8t op stIll tl at Ie p eacLes al J tl g plee sely g 0 I) la, I g tl gs II. ow \ d a I llee I as sol dllies The yonng convert grows m arms advance there w 11 be a development I 8 t 0 of t1 e 1m ds emal c pated all tl ese Its mel tIt trut! tl at changes n t w th no gr wtl a If) 0 I I Hive a m 1ple be strength He becomes athletic He IS at of Slmtlar sentIment 10 other parts of the slaves One of these slaveloldmg 10 ds tl eel t al 01 al gCB of I n a I affil rs and fure )our U UI 0 an e1 0 Y lawn tl at leugth equal to bearmg huge loads of re State In Kentncky Rnd Tennessee no very Co nt Sehe melJeff tl e lIeI est noble n tl elefme t 8 tr e food fo the soul wi ch does 1I0t a swer 10 tI e 1011 c III f May by sponsll II ty-equal to grapphng With strong deCIded steps I a, e been taken but the Presl I I s a had I s cstates 1 9 0 000 serfs and s dest I ed to I ve forc, er It a des Ie for I puttn fo tl ts lea es yo I nay conclude temptatIOns He becomes an ovelwftch for dent IS gammg t1 ends In both States and e ece ed from tl e r unpa d tOil $1 9;)0 000 somethl g new 111 rega d tu tl e pass ng t1 at to s dead s tl e p 0 slave y rebellion the dev 1 The tecrUlt of yesterday IS at hiS recommendations arc sute to meet WIth u n ally We I ",e slaveholders wi 0 can thIngs of earth'll 11 possess IS let s not In II Ch ch of C I st sp r tn I I fe IS In length the veteran With tl e dust of a tbou favor from a very large class North OalO mpel 1 000 n en to work 101 tl em w tI 0 It car y thiS mOl Ud des Ie to tl e sauet lalY d spensabl to sp tual 0' 0 vtl " e n eall salld conflicts on hiS armor and the lIght of hna IS shOWIng Buch a very spmt voges and wbo fur tl e r unreqUIted labor b It let IS by g ace to big ou SpllltS the I fe of God n the soul-a I fe a thousand V etOrIes on hIS helmet s plnme under the cuf'b of the RIChmond Vlest an m ual ncome of $300 000 to aId II eJ and there I to I I v I g syn pat! J umted to CI r st s I fi Ite be nrr I y tl e 'It ,I HE HAS GROW:'; Hi[ -hdependent that we shall not be surprIsed to hear that Ibe wag ng wa aga nst the flee Const! w tl tbose thmgs that lire nsee and e/e n 0 I that ex sts bet wee I IIld tl e a party IS orgamzIng among her CItizens In t t ftl e U ted States ul Tlese al ne w II lema II when we take bel ever Is t s rpr s ng that many a THE POPE AND 'rHE NOBLES favoroftheL ncolnpt::m ofemancfatlOn In I I U) Ie r nll. I ed In p SSli g tl at l\.os our departme from th s scene of act on Church II embel I fl8 made 10 U\ a Ice I MIssouri a mass convention of t se III fa I d h I tl D f rl I I h 1 In one of our Londoll excbanges we find f h P d dh I II d " t e t oug I e et ese a one C'I suppo t an our s t e B ble I owledo-c 01 I PClsO ul godl ness ,or 0 t e resl ent an IS p an IS ca e Hungary a decree of u IIvel sial d I me la sp nt m Its etemal x stence - Ge IlU Re wi e he has !Cal hI! get altel clt1 er of II e followmg extract of a letter from Rome to meet at Jefferson City on the of June ate emanc patIO f all tl e serfo I tl at fa led Meose ge I en? Can I mOlal mumm) 0 row? Can glvmg a Ieason why many of the Ro to nomInate candIdates for State tfficers I ngdo t II S 1m sit n Jf tI e pea LIFE AND DEATH IN'THE OCCUPA.TIONS a II an wi 0 nel'Cl prays ar ght" lecelve the man nobles deSIre the contmuance of the 'lhese are all auspICIOUS signs They are a t J I I lei au pol tical 1 8Ptrlt ? Call n sp I tunl cOlpse bleo.the out tempOlal rule of the Pope the begmmngs of a reform an reforms I I rt) \ d I vi I stu n I I Y al J acts f Few conSIder wi at a waste to I mUe I fe hea\cI I) asp ratlOl ? 01 out an arm never go backward EmanCIpatIOn may not \ lOlence I otw thsta dl g tl e prcdlCtlOns of t has co t to produce the n st c n mon ar Its ,ve tl c S llnCI or open \\ It! ts skele It appears that many of the Roman nobles be accomplIshed very soon 10 border tl e PI s g slavel oideis anI theu mamfest t cle of ISC or of luxury" I It a ea led tOll finger a purse to g v to Gods treasury? ale bound to the present ordel of th ngs by slave States, bnt It will be acc mp\tshed w .1 es It 8 tl e uncontradicted test mOl J dl) grlllders Ihat IS tlo e wi 0 a e occ CUI It do all\tl ng but decay w th peshlen ratl er a slllgular tIC Thetr lands were and we venture the predictIon hat many tl at tl e en 1nclpated peasants lCrna lled on plCd m gn ng e 19c a d po Itt fo ks Ia tIlt! OdOlS fillinD' the moral atmosphere granted to them n the days of papal nepot- wbo read tbls article WIll hve tp see tho tJ e estates cl ng ng to tbe r fam I ar homes zors sCissors edne to Is kUlves saws and I t U I d? No a O d gen I Ie" ork Ism by the popes to whom tbey bad the bon work completed which Abraham be reJo Cll g n thell new born r ghts md eagel Sickles live 01 II a\eIage fro n twentJ nll e of cgeneratlOl In tl e sonl let no n an fiat or to be related the sElld lands havmg been gan m the year 1862 to wOIk as freemel It was tl e same n to tlllty eIght Jears tI e lo! gevlty Ie ng te Iinself tl t tel a I \ In'" ell wrongfully ond VIOlently taken from theIr 'r H 18sm It was the same n tbe Vi est In greatest where moot wate! IS used (n tbe mnch a 0' OWl n r ghtful possessors The descendents of the BENEFIT OF EARLY RISING hes The safety of Immediate emanc patl n I stone If the at np. s left perfectly dry tbe I If I e be a 0 true CII\i \'I:G"h he W II gl W orlglllal owners' m many cases slilisurvlve Pam' bas been conSIderably a used at a s no longel a questIOn to be d sc lased fllChon of tl e Irt rle ,,10 nd upon the stone I and grow I g ace Tlls phrase as Pe and what IS more remalk able they have for lIttle whICh 11'1 anoth r eVIdence Noul) I ad AlexandCl sa d It s (I ( causes It to tllow oll fl rnpalpable dust ter employed It IS k:oml rei enslve of alt these two three or more centunes pelslsted of vIrtue belllg rewarded as wel as a fur g relit des re of my heart that ,II my Bul I whICh wi en mbaled IS fata to heal tl anu g aces It Ii elIdes: 10\ e a d 1 0 Y and lID Plitt ng m a legal claim to their lost lands tber proof of the proverb about e rly bIrds may be f ee and CI hgl tened Chllst al s I I life peace al d nd I g Butre I g anti holdmg out 1 threat of dlspulmg the and worms An eccentriC entleman, Wish to Ie g lover a nail on f frEen e Undergioul d occupat ons m wlllcl Ell{ aud tempe anee md th a d cI aT t In transfel ThiS I as bappened 1Il the famIly who spent & good deal of money uflng hlB \na now I e can p oudly say Iland bas 300 000 human be ngs constantl) a w rd It I cal S Cl !1st al el a aeter) tl at I Of tbe Borghese who usurped the terr tones I fe m entertl\tntng hIS fnends dl d recently "Iav c.nno brea he \D R .. a ftlrelr engaged are far more to I fe than those at d exl 0f.1 of mOlal excel of the celebrated houst: of CencI a JlIlJlor III the Faubourg St Germa.1n ,shmg to n c v our a r that moment they are free wh ch arc conducted 1Il tllC open air From lence that 18 earn( tl e sci 001 of hanchof the put the friendshIp of those -who ad I eaten Tb y 0 cb 0 co un ry ond tbe .hackle f II I four to seven ocr cent of wi ) \\ 01 k III tl at Iii pres f elf un 01 rlst wi fcl fO! tile lestoratlOn of tbe enormous propllrty of hIS meat and drank of hIS cup to the test Ihls event alone-tbe emanc patlOn n one the mmes dIe by acc dent alld Il ullltudes n tUtl n al eS prodlll;JOus upless on \ pon C1urmg the lcvollltlOn of 1848 and would he desned JD hIS WIll that III cas bIll death tor of 20000000 of bondmen s enough of lives ale cut short by the damp earth wllh others Into tl e C n111uctJ n of tl schar plObably have gamed It but for the retnrn of shonld occur between Ootober a d March, to el olle a cent ry Thus IS It now that WhICh they are s mounded 0\ ers from aclel e tel all tI e 1\ al t C8 that make a the Pope Many OthCl pnncely and noble hIS shonld take place at e ght In the yearA d me moutls are plOdtcmg brlckmakmgare at the late oj tlllt) three nan coulleous I ave 'a no s del housesbewg sItuated lake the Borghese It mormhg and at SIX shouldhedledurmgthe changes wI cl huger ng cent lIes dId not and a I alf Pc! cent wIlle those f on brIck cate pile ,d d lIdn t °1 lie dev It IS mamfest that the Pope who upholds the ot! er months of the year Letter of mVlta accompl sh I tl c earl cr periods of the laYIl g are only twenty one per cent Only I and loly It to t cntel all II e Gospel In grants of plecedmg popes has no small tlOn to the funeral were to be se to all hIS world s u storJ 'Ihe dawn of some day of eIght per cent of tbem are attacked WIth fe gred ents I t tI e f at 0 of th s Chr s lien on II ell fidelity f[[ends and those who attended ere to re I I Id tI EtC vers because they wOlk Il the upen aIr tan chalacte c n • tl e d vme S mt WIth -----+----- celve each one for the males tve thousand m t oanla V / e °t us gory g seas - a g ega The workers III sewers ale sa d to be s ngu I 0 tlano"orm b aut ful sal ct fP n- ow f d B b 0 01' Y P SWAMPS AND MEN LIKE THEM francs and fOr the females eIght thousaud larly exempt lOin Isease utc era mc cr I ver da ex)e leuce I aves Its"touch rhe followmg mgemous parallel from the francs Iha result was that mor than four SOMETHING NEW also a Iemarkably robust race 81 owmg (hat I th s cL I Evel fa lure teaches hundred letters mVltmg attendlJ.n e at the ammal odors ale by no means as unl ealtl y lefic I cad a vak ns? I t and n Count y Gt die an remmds one of the tItle f I I k h We olten wonder what tI e people of pa as they me offens ve ranners are SIl g II I t It on Y E cIt Y co of tbat ouce popular wOlk Flavel s Hus unera at SIX 0 C oe m t e mor lUg werc tnarc! al t mes found to tl uk and talk about ly exempt flOm consumpl 011 and tl 0.0 wI a e d (I¥f I U I t't e IJ It spnesteoUl d Sh Id sent out and of these how many d BY 0 s c nBOTT from day to day and flom year to year I .,. an gra c ex I a 01 s no pel bn.lldrv SpIrItualize Oil anyone Oli pose had the effeet to rouse from theIr be s I work In wool ate peeu Ially free trom d sease I II t tl t f I CI t I key I as b e tbe embod ment 01 II e Just tl nk of t-tl ey had no uewspapers I I I .. C IOn a e mo. s ceess n rls Jan mto It bel old IllS natural face as these wllhng sharels III the former bounties Muhammcrla Ill] ostllle Even now It" then to 1 rI g tl em tl e from all parts III general t e 01 WI cJ thc) lise bemg I eucl es-II e r utI e tl e Edwalds tl e glass we tr 1St he WIll go hIS way de- of him whom they were requestelto follow " favorable to health M Ilers 1 ottel sand Bad tl F I I d t I 1 I ell R r no'" n,," n 0 arB Itah has of the world TI ey I I no pllnted books ff. k I bl t t f r er e e g ) sen es no leae, 'qr.!niIled so effiectually to reclaim the to I s final home? Twenty nm falthful L J snu ma els me In e 0 consump 01 om on I t f not e al t h M t " 1 d th II II d h uceo t! e n p eg able fUltrcs8 f Papal s I to read not even 1n almanac that BOlt of the amount of cr Ide matter wllCh they n he b 1 k I qd ¥ k sl as er that men shall forget what manner ones on y answere e ro -ea n t esc pe s( t 'II c smoke of Ie! ma tYIdoms I secOi d Blule n many a lose and a kmd of I ale "I atevel mterfe os constantly w th e The t ant I h hetl lls own he was were a few ays after un III e g oa IS f om 1e I Iq 1181t01 al dun I comp!>! 101 pa t cularly w th old people m the f ee bteath ng of p Ie U r sl ortens I fe set sea jfC er w IC f he grow ward to be mformed that thousand " 0 H I ave appalled tl e nat ons B t tbe COUI hy wi oll\e n:close sympathy WIth 'lhose who work n tl e OpCI all have II " ti lS au ga S t s eltsoUIlce 0 filS pow 1 Botb were well off III the world francs eaeli were awaltlDg theIr disposal &t tl c f es me lOW sm ulde ng to asl es nat e wi ose var 011S phenomena ale there I t th tl Ike e comm I j IS Ism uence The bog was the rIchest part of the farm theIr dead frtend s notary B Ar lOng the djl d f II 1 d d h gleatel ongevi y an ose w 0 wor I I s mo al on ent I tt!) can Iso nt w th F h d h d I fortunate faIthful ones were COlnt Heilh t He mgeolls are ng mlo eeay m leco! e Borne Wit nnerr ng ccrlamty dOO1S TI e gardenCl tl e lau Ier t1 e otl C siB n wht to C I' Ice sa ers or ages It a been gat ermg an aymg A ,tJ a tl e emuod mer t f P I tICal des and otl ers w th a I ab I ty to be now and thatcl c tl e d over and all wI 0 to I HI W nd lope SUn" ven"e"s Indre eloq legnt thaYl tbe There were accumulaltons m It to a d Arcos cor sui general of Spam Edouard lot sn } I III I e seat ID ce tIal E ope thenlDlstaken rl ey ha I no rmlroads and d d I t b t t t 0 UO Q t depth So was the m serly Church Houssaye director of the Gazette es BeaUIJJ asl de tl e D n Ibe Austr a for ages With telegraphs J 0 elect ons and no politICal an laID an sun a\ e a e \\ een wcr ) most C pt vatmg tl at ever fell from wealthy Honses and moneys and Arts and the librarIan of the Emp ess Tije de uo power I as blIghted every aSpIratIOn pal t es Ind conseq ucntly no government and tllrty much 10n"eI t) 11 \ e than the tl e I DS of eloq UeI ce Iiself It s Just what and all that I eart could Wish were reCipIents IInmedlately deCIded to I r frcelom With n reach of I er long a 10 fruuds [\J d sw ndling Swartwouts Not coachman the watcbman and Ilose who he s b) the mak nO' or God s grace And ate each a thousand francs of the II j s vay has exten led f om the BaltIC to we meal I tI e country and among the equal l ) orkm l g 11 tl e op n::t do tI s s de of I a\C tl s noth ng that un ') They resemble each other 111 the use wald the erectIOn of a monnment the leE IXllle flOn the nOl tl pole almost to a shepl eld patr aIel s \\ uat all there was 111 110 H a I mdc tl reg Ii! exelc Ids S lCh beauty calljes wltl t such mflu made of their aecum IlatlOns Nothlllg glave of the giver t p cal cI me Grasp ng us With a maIled Egypt and ts C ties ever n tl at elI Iy age ow e 0 o,e w 0 enjoy t eeol ell e ce de m nunda sucl "'cn r e hon age went to them ever ret Hned agam The '. I d I d d I d d tl I d encesandll1XI1 Iesofommode nCl\lhzaton as"t elotlc conssteniCh"llst nclu!acter fi hid f I dfl f tl r C L WII T W I a COl g orne at n of Illig on s (e to Ivel t an am se c peop e we 0 not I t h t fi f I 1 rm 0 0 every Ian u 0 ear I HE OURTESIES OF lEE - I latn Irt s UOIIS and pi nc pal Ill;s eaeu 01 e a formil lOW say BIt Imag eo c f these anCIent ea ze ttb W a a ce d Illma l die Ihe lOU e S)U elI cal thIS character IS the to It from the surrouudlllg fields by letter to hIS daughter on the sm1Uswect .. ble p!.wer III tsell w th l\ stand ng am J of shcpbe ds spend ng a" hole I fe aud tl at a nay 0 em ale 0 a lee a Y tetter TI e fil est specimen of a ChI at an shower a d so the selfish greedy r GOO oob nen and a populat I 01 fo ty mil long one With notl mg of ,worldly cl arae sap tl e Edlllb Igh Rev e \ ho sUlvevs says Gntbllc s he \U wbo nail tl e graces "bethel of sOCiety or of a church courtesIes of life contau s a passage from laDs to t I III workslop and field fOl tl e ter to engage tI elr thoughts beyond the pas lei d aWl! g room may lea II a lessoll of 1 ke the str ngs of an angel s harp are m the 111 hIS ow I greedy grasp all the gifts whICh a deal of happllless might be learned s ppot t f th s co t d A t Ih t h dad the dally ro It I e of a compassIOn for the w°fnrkman n eVeIY artICle most perfect harmony No one grace out bonnt ful PrOVIdence Botb act on the I want to tell you a seCiet Tut way to ur an my uS!la WI Uill g el s n I n that lIes before her ose glazed vlsltmg glOWS and behttles the rest Tbe man IS I ceaseless n enace 118 SIlenced evelY shep erds I fe \\ I Y tie people of tbese calds could tell of tI patalyzed I aud that not brave at the expense of hum hty or zeal ofkeeplllg all they have and get make yourself pleaslllg to othels IS to show vo ee n Europe wi eb \vo III speal agamst ages wuuld d e wltl I I III a s ngle year d I th tid d tit t I I Is tboy can them that you care for them T e wholP II e oppressor and fOi tl e OpPI essed at suc! 1 I smess I d spel dn g sucb a I fe rna e t lem a sp en I m rI 0 a g ous at the expe se of JrstlCe or magnan m They were ahke III brmglllg fOl th frUIt world IS I ke the mIller at 1I£anslield who Wherever the shgbtest movemel t toward So It seems up tl e stately 100m bas reflected tI e hem Ity He d ea Iot let thc study IlIterfere to themselves The bog was not bar cared for nobody-no not he-because no f d bl ng form of the emac ated Ital an art fice vlth devotIon 01 deuotlon Interfiere With b t t t off the gronnd b d d hAd th h I Id lee om was wItnessed III Pol[Jnd PrussIa And Jet tl en attel comes to be Sift POISO ed wltb mercurial flmes those hang phllanth!opl y We the dutIes u , s crops never wen 0 y care lor 1m u Q woe wor hance S II t"erl"nd S _1 N I d t ttl h .. s WIth tbe mISerly man HIS abun would serve you so f you gave the n tllc u u aluiDla or ap es e I IS 00 so ca"y say w ele n we ave mgs so softanddehcale may have pr duced of tile closet to outdoor labors of ChrIstian d tl e1vllltc coated leg ons of a WIth any ad\ antage UH tl e n tlls respect d t th I Ilililce benefits no one TI e nee y know same cause Let tvcry one therefore see Itel ng I uyone! a d steel Iud I semen Of what f II e t pn t does the gossip pel nar ent sease 0 e v avp. Olle chartty On the ot! er land I ke a lark WIll get no sympathy or a d from him that yon do care fo them by showlpg them aid ca non ehalgcd to tl c n zl \\ me 011 lUg news 01 tI e lay consIst bOlOe to 8 sumac! I us I een lUJ red I J t c tl at goes s ng ng up to hea\ e \\ h Ie the those who gather up the offerm 8 of the what Sterne so I upplly calls Ihe small cour the mmch All tl e v als 01 III penal wlall c>CIY da) wltl what amounts to a sICkelllll.." pressure gal st II c I e II the p I 01 U I awk IS r flmg her n$t below we may to tbe treasury of tI e lord for bene- tesles III whICh thelEl IS no parade wbose w t did f f h I \ ase on the UI I a8 draoged tl c d pper S spend our hours n devot onal fI gl t and m objects but seldo n call at I 8 door V( ce s too still to tease and whICh rna I ere emp l<l upon t 18t c Itor ptofessol or sameness 0 lepetItlOn ate same t I ngs hand mto a po scm that SOOI er or lalel W 11 heavenly communions when we should be I I tl th :t P leacher wh I Id t t tl t II Of h t t t t t t k th ttl htt e or a m st no ling ,01 e fest themselves by tender a.nd affectlo"a e os u III mil. e a a men w a grca er n eles IS I 0 now a e destroy ItS powel and may produce 111 h m down here fight ng Satan redresslUg human I .. Jlre b others and tl at tl e rICh should pay people of N ew York go to bed late at mght d mama and death nay tl e very paper on wrongs breakln'" I uman fetters drYIng A othhers t f '-I t ooks hand llh ttle kmd acts of attentIon t tI e I b tl t hIt ddt th th tl t 10UIt pom 0 lesemu ance COllSIS s mg ot ers t e preference 111 evely lIttle el. a onng pOD II\, weI IS JUs an an ge up 10 e mOlnmg an a a goo the walls tmted W1th all tl e whIteness of tealS on SOiIO v s"scalded cbeek reformmg I h I equal But what de ur eyes benold? uld patrlUrch had lIS famIly all peaceably S h II k I ted'" Ih I f b low OplUlOlI or estlmatulD III w IIC Joymcnt at the table In the field walking A I prmg as lor a we uo" u cela " the VICIOUS and reSCUlDO" lost sou s rom t e are generally held Every fill mer has a sItting or standlllg lstr an despot sm IS rushlllg to Ihe same asleep In season lind aroused In curly morn ItS pOIsonous d 1St the fingers of the hange! verge of bell The should have ItS of swamps and 80 too every man who de on wlICh has swallowed up tl e I a rested und leheshed? Ot wi at more real Tbe hlstOlY of tbe manufactme of almost sbare of tIme and thorrgbt tIle hand ItS shale f b f 11 d P al delUSIon and tyranny of It I d th t t t k th t tb bulls and Id a h gb sense 0 rig tOLD a we e GE" B"R"SIDE I" PRAYER -Tile vlctorl's a y an elm nteres I 0 now a e every artIcle of elegance; or ver/u won bllt tbe lIon s sl are should be given to h 1 f V" ., , P O tllre of the Onel t b b t th d sp c Intlng In moral nature as a oW opllllOn 0 of Roanoke and Newbern together wlth""ho ears ave spen e ay m e u d sclose to us pictures of workmen transient the healt out of t ore the Issues of life I d h lfi I Beautiful Naples almost d I th k tb th t tl h we ell pas d" m ser y an t e se s I otber numerOl18 yet Important "nccesses of e moue WI stoc s an a e seep Ie w Iy or permenantly dISabled III the pro uctlOn Thus by developing the whole man we fi d ffi f h Is""lnging the chImes of I d d r thf II te d d? f The III uenees an e ects 0 euc upon Gen BurnSide are now the theme of grille r ler emanci ture an lal u y n e of them All tbls suffermg-much 0 It shall broadly Ind effie ently and symmetrl d] h t I 'Ih over all her green IlIlIs and I rh th t k I e a Y b wod are a so som()w a Hlml ar e ful mention III every patrIot home Tn· re va es ele are new lOgs a mg p aco v .. r preventible-goes on WIthout complamt t e cally grow m grace We shall reach ttl h d h d .. II e duch es 'lnscany Parma and Modena day 11 the wOlld whIch are Il deed worthy k f 11 t f th k d th f was no ae Ive r miSC levo IS an a cent sOlmon Bishop Clark of Rhode I8Iand I ive broken fOiever from Austr an Dllsrule of our most earnest tllQllght but they are wor man a s ou 0 e ran s an ano el" up every day nearer to tl e measure 0 to meddle With anythlng made the followmg pers"nal T lIIstantlv takes hI" place to be succeeded tbe stature of the f Illness of Cb 1St t B tItS pecullarltle made th v -G D lose bl 'Ed of IIIX lance d h I I k h I f th IUS em Wlnle he was plannIng hiS magnificen' 00 mng I ens an t mgs w )() I mar t e reu progress 0 e by a th ld -New Yor,k Chi omcle As a tblrd hillt let us renllnd you ChI IS I S k Ii tt d t I 8a11ubrlty whele for ages charlOted lords race md the gradual commg of the Redeem' Ie t na es a ene on I 8 S tme expeditIon It was my fortune to OCCIj the and pnests m embrOidered robes I ave crush ees kmgdom But what IS usually called ;\ CrERGDIAN In StirlU gsl 10 bell1g en tan blOther tha ttl e true measure of your bred m ItS mud and m ,de the mght Bame room With him III Washmgton I J ed I umalllt) now rejoIce III a Iree press a the news or the day conslstmg of aCCidents gaged m catechizlDg a number of hIS pa growth m mfiuence amI usefulness will be With tbelr croakn g from Its shall never forget how every morDln we free pUlPIt tree labor free schools alld equal and events whlCb might be written out al rishlOners a8ked a mall of the name of your mterlOr growth 111 holmeRs-m hVlng watels went forth mynads of mosqui used to kneel down togethet :and pr! for r gbts for peasant and prmce ;\nd what most ad wfimtu7n IS really of no more m Peter How many years did the cll Idren 10vIDg lIkeness to the SaVIOur All exter to annoy the dwellers around the ml the blessmg of God upon his solemn Jbrk nrobably IS tI e next scene to be presented terest than what happened 10 the famllies of of Isreal m the wIlderness? To nal Improvement m charactel IS proportIon commg forth flOm ItS bosom and ta That blesslllg IOBures hlB St(cCe88 The I th s wondelful panorama of the wodd s the patr archs every day willch he replied forty But can vou teIl ed by th s Inward state of heart-holiness the wmgs of the lllght aIr carrIed dIS lord of Hosts 18 With hIm tbc-\tod I story? 'enetla WIll r se Austna Will What dIQ these anCIent worthIes thlDk me SIr said Petel how many kmves the In short the growth from Wilt m Just and death through the IIClghborho\ld tics IS hIS refuge UI,cpU'V r lSI Upon hel Italy Will hasten to Ihe les about? Ah they had food for thought of chIldren of Israel brought back With them as soon attempt to the d menslOns such IS the mfinence of a mIserly of I er s ster prov nce demandlDg for her the most snbstantIal klDd TheIr thongbts from Babylon to Jerusalem? The clelgy of a tree by paddlllg ItS trunk WIth man m a commuDlty When be falls to do Klllg OtlIo of Greece must bave ,reedolD and annexatIOn Ifupgary lUspired may have been few but they were bIg man pansed and pondered and was at clay or cotton and out Its boughs hIs sbare m the mamtenance of religIOUS or rather nneasy time of It dunng l1Y Kossuth IS even now stooping to rIse thought's rl EJ great truths revealed to length obhged to confess that be could give bv strav bits of as to mcrease dmances when be shuts hiS ear agRIQ,Stthe years reign, there have been l'P., ... llf;'''i •• break 1m chams them /Lre suffie ent even now to fill the no answer Well said Peler they the volume of a character by mere cry of the poor and needy when he kmgdom m 18SS 1884, 11 War s bugle blast Will rouse the Magyars mmd of man liS those trntbs are developed brought back twenty nme kmves You Will beapmg on of or of mtellectual gIVe nothmg or but a cOijtemptible mIte or 1841 1848 1852, and along the SnrmatIan mOllntams Poland III history What Abraham tho1)ght and find It stated m Ezra first chapter and mnth acqUIrements or of devotIOn any benevolent purpose then hIS example 18 of the PlrroUB ID 1854 and dl b d h 1 d P j d d d 11 th th t These only swell the of a man s reh dIsastrous for It pl1lVentli many fromglvlUg, rectlon of Naupll· In 1'862 I smem ere uml mted exhauste 0 SIIIU an I IS rea y more an e en ne velse ..

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the PI opIletoI S, 1'1E~T];RLl n I

( Gil nlPf [N ED TOR 1 B I~HI'G \OFXT

I , @4 4 ..,.AC :1 grIeves the good and makes worse the b:W

In the wlDda of not a few It will _plre contempt for a faIth tbat does no more for Ita possessor j So tar as t1ie lufiuence of sucb II ~W II e1iaipwe "aches e!:!r.t'l'ubllc splrlted enterprisll 1,8 loaded 118 ~Ith';~ dead weIght and greatly hmdered

Saddemng as IS the sIght or the preaenoo, whetber ID a churcb or III a neIghborhood,

lEt. 0 E a, Ihe Orga I of tbe Seveh>h-day of a nIlserly or meanly selfisb p8fBOD, ~e II D nom u t on "devoted to the expdHtton THE 0 R G A N 0 F THE S EVE NTH DAY B APT 1ST 0 N 18 BOID&1ittle-encouugement-t1i 1lMt'tWt.tbit

I nd cn on 01 the V ews and movement. 01 that NOM I NAT I . 8w.;amp8 WhICh are tfjeir s),mlll)ls In .natUI'l'.

P p lL ms to promote v tal p ety and Vlgorpua are r ....... blH ofbemg .nd have li""'n reclaIm-n act 00 n the same hme tbat t ~ge. obe "'7," -. ..,. o I com .n meota of God and the faIth of V I ed A somewhat slmIla!' procel/s migllt

" 0 nns e op n to tbe advocacy of all 0 • XVIII -No. 25 Westerly, R I, FIfth-day, June 19, 1862. Whole No. 909. avaIl with uelfi&blllan HIS weaHb hke the n ory me su es ~ blCh seem I kely to llnprove "tarnant water of the 8wamp shonld hllve

he coad 00 of oC ety d ffuse knowledge rocla m .ome vent The accumulatIOns of the pallt be b" e and enfranen se the enslaved In ,t. I d II I h d Ibid b d b L Y and In ell gence Departments care IS taken an -WI lsten to t e cry an t Ie tramp lelgn of tbe proudest and greatest m I arch THE BEAUTIFUL EVERYWHERE they d:J not add to Its VItalIty or. I ou e use to enefit those around as o h u tic nil 'pled to Ihe wants and tastes of oIber war horse will blend with the str fe ot earth s greatest kmgdom 01 empi e 01 I fonnd t n the lonely wood nh •• p,' If a tree IS dead It IS past 811m whflD the muck of swall)ps IS carried out e y c of aders 8S on tbat day of Poland s rum when the proceed ngs of pal haments or congress A lIttle p uple nodd ng flower If It IS alIve It Will pump Its own upon tlie exhausted uplands The treasures Tue I n ot t;ubscr pi on tor the RECORDER are Hope for a season bade the world fare veil es 01 the stirring fcats of the most br Ihant And kneel ng by t on the sod III Apnl tIme put ont Its own foha~e of eartb mIght be transformed by the magic

T vo Du I 'per year payable m advance Snbscrlp And freedom shr eked as Kosc u ko fdl campaIgns The tluths revealed tu tl en WIth n the ea Iy '!!l[!!Ing ,hour battle Its own way up toward the fir of a Iienevolent motive lUto treasul'elllt4ld on' not pa d who Ihe year w II be liable to an ad It, wondrous beauty ~r1'ffiJmy soul hOI b h

I n cha ge of fif y cent. Sub cr bers WlShmg to Russ a and PI ISS a alarn cd for tl ell Po were qu te snffic el t for the tl mk 0 f 1 With thoughts tbat cannot spoken b marire~nt. The reason why that sturdy oak up m eaven n y y snc an entIre change c he r pal rs must pay all arrearages and hsh pr v nces Will ptobably dIspatch theIr IIfet me Imagine one of these abed patll A d tears come to my eyes to th nk tbe Village green grew from the tlDl of cb$racter and 1ll0tIve, however caD tile

no l h pnh I crlo Ihat cffect PaymentsrecSlved artnIeS 10 nvet al ew tbe cbams LOUIS N a achs WIth hiS mmd engaged III these trut! s rbat Jesus placed Itthere for me a school boy conld carry tn hiB meanry selfish ever be made to resemble. I u a kno ledoed I be paper so as to ndlcate poleon the liberator of Italy and recogmzed a e t d I I t I f Th hO,~k€~tuntillt has become the prIde of the swamp reclaImed h me to h ch tbey reach rr s e y a ong cn a ogue goss 0 con e cowsl p and the water cre.. jJ

.. \J er erne ts ot .charaete not tnconsIStent w th tbroughout Europe as the advocate of popu tamed m a modern newspape \\ 0 Id I c Grow ng bes de the r pi ng pool m the summer and able to wrestle -,----.... >-----h oi>j<e s of tbe p~p r III be nsorted at the rate of lar rights though under Imperllll forms Will not be moved t~ a smIle of p ty I Ir 0 l! III The blne-be I and the v olel the Wildest bUrrIcanes of wlllter IS EXANCIPATION

c a per I ne fur the first IDsert 0 and three cents lead hiS fil'e bundl ed tl ousand troops mto tense concern for tI ese Ir fI ng toys ? sp~on~'i;; lr~~~~:~~~ ~~ k earth. elou "inmlv that llndeJDeath that shaggy bark IS While there IS a very deCIded OPPOSitIon p u seb bs q e I nsertlOn Legal adver tl e fiell Il'lsplred uy tl e lCmem brance of 'Ve would uot t 1rn the world back aoD'a n Wh Ie yet the trees are bare and grey Illward life Its growtb IS from to Goo Huoter's mode of emanclpatlDg th"

u at th r les I xed hy law A lair d scounl d d d W b u au to Ibose advert s ng largely or by the year J el a an \uer sta t an Austerlitz AI s to Its patllalchal s mplIClty even had we t1 e h Ie last year s leaves upon tbe oak 8lav~ there IS a growlUg feehng III favor

G nmUll eta 8 ordets and rem tlances should be I tOClatlC El'gland would gladly see our Ie powel 'Ve would not tll dervalue olr mo ret s gh and rustIe mournfully 1'ou may heap on whatever of sacred of abohiihmg slavery ID the speedIest way I I 0 he I abffsb ng "'gent E G CHAMPI N publ c d smembered It IS by no means 1m dern Improvemellts amOl g wb ch IS tbe J Th~ts~~~~ sa~l~eo~~II~~ r:;!t~far knowledge you WIll whatever of rItnahty poss!lile consistent With safety In several

V Iy RIb tb Ed t _; P poss ble tl at England ~y even yetJolU the dady I ewspapcI but we wo Id I ave I And somewhat as the watchmen ha I whatever of external forms, whatever of of the border slave States thele lire now 01 ~ Anyone s ng to 8e e vr .nu ub b I f S th "t Ch 1 Th f b t t dB d" d j' f I h g Ag ot may find h m dnr ng ord nary bus II e e s 0 our ou unner pre cnse ot aveng fist a s put a prol er estimate on t ese e rlS ng of the morn Dg .tar 0 Sll scrIp IOns 0 cree an conles gamzc movements IU lavor 0 tIC Presl

u the co nl ng oom of Potter & Chnm I tng some os It t hel fiag I that case I thtngs Rougb men and women pass them by SlOns whatever of slaVish obedIence to dent s emanCipatIOn scheme and these are - th nk tI 1t I old al d fa tl ful ally France rl e tastc 01 deSire 1 I e v th I gs has be And suy that they are good for naught law and If t.@re be no hfe of God 10 the lIkely to be strengthened cy hIS dl~avowlIl

L" v OF NEWSPAPERS I \\ III unf III e tr color-the wd the whIte come morbid n our day It el tels mto our They serve U8 not for food or dr nk soul you have"'l'fut a stupendous effigy or of Gen Hunter B plan and hIS earoest ap ~ rs vho do not g ve exprellS not ce tothe and tl e Iluo-m conJu ct on With onr stars rei glOn The pt Iplt as well "s tI e press IS They ne tber can be sold or bought religIOn Without one spark of VItalIty But peal III behalf of the plan rpcommend by

ry ure con' dered as WIsh ng to eont nue tbe rand str pcs It 18 the strong hand of LOll 8 expected to mIster to It ~ove1t es m the I B~:t~t~~~~8~~1~0!:da~go~I:I:s feet If there be m that soul only a germ of true himself and approy.cd by bolh llOllses of \ 0; 0 d r the d sconl nuance of tbm Napoleon alone wh ch now restra ns France pUlpIt are as eagerly so gl t aftel and run 1V)lh sbouts of gladDess search them oul gtd~ there IS hope of growth By the CongrcsB

p. !\U I ... 8 II Y contlDU" to send them unt I all froD;! avengtng Waterloo after as novelties tn tl e papel8 rhls mor Through tangled wood and long retreat q~ke!ilng aId of God 8 Spmt the seed Will In OUI nClghboling State 01 Delaware uti! I ,!\f"i':" d And now let us turn to Hussla 'l I e Czar bId appel te ullfits many to hstel to the ~h .prID~ t me of the ."es past I.i~me the blade-the blade the ,I,lar-and there 18 a deCIdedly strong emanCIpation

It , bsc bera e,llect or relus to take the r pn swaY8 tbe scepter of absollte power 0' er one preacl'lIng of the Gospel w tI any SOli of Thus have tbey boomed upon tI,e sod at1ast when prayer has brought down tlie party and ber excellent and able represen p 00 b office to wh ch they are d rected they se\entb of tl e babltable globe embractng a ed ficatlOi or profit A mlllister mav f r I IV th n the tangled w lderaeS!! Slin8flln~ and the ram from the celestial t",t1ve III the lowet House Geolge P FIsher

I r~ puu Ie un I they have pa d what IS due b'-I d il papers d scont nued populatlOi of mnety m IhoDS For ages n sit the food bnt tbe I !lare m 1st possess Un en 'ave by the eye of God t lone then cometh the full corn m tbe yel Esq who wally repreQents tbe sentImerittl If s b cr be s remove to other places w tbont ID I tl ew has eXisted Jr. th s cou tly a sort of t1 e appebte Oth I WM' I s lu lor nil I I Orpby some sp r t wanderer low ear Then tbere WIll be mcrense of of tlIe people much more truly tban do the aus ng awh Ie 10 rest b s w ng I b I f h d o n g the publ sher and the paper 1811em to the slavery called serfdom lbere WCle t\\Cl ty vam \\hose eye had seen tbe fadeless flo we C laracter y t Ie expansIOn 0 t e mwar two pro slavery Senators IS dOlDg good ser

Ul r rect on they are held re.pons hie null ons of II ese bondmeu attacbed to the No\\ t <l trutl s of U e Gospel a e oil That by celest al r vers spr ng I fe The soul Will take III and digest trnth vIce 10 tbe cause In Maryland thele arc T lnw declareo that any person to whom a pc I Id Y tid b d b k d d d oJ c ,sent s respons hie for payment If he re SOl so w th tl e estates and whose ser tl uti s as old as the pIon Ise of redempt on I sm e e lov ngly upon ~goo 00 a goo sermons an goo ex many movements showll g tbat the people

he pap r 0 makes se of It even ! be has VIce belonged mamly to tI e I lords God And these old tr III s must be cor t nually These earth born b ossoms f a land fa r amples The sonl Will aSSImIlate tbese truths are begmnml!" to tlunk theu mterests of all For n the un verse of God I -bscr bed for t or bas ordered It stopped II s has placed tpparently a Chr shan npon tbe I cld lip 101 our contemplatIOn-not mdeed The b aut ful s everywhe e alld build them mto ItS spIrItual texture t kInds WIll be promoted by emancipatlOD

n such a case not to tuke the paper from the I thrOl e f Russ a TI e w fe also of Alexan m tl e same w ds nor With the same sl ades will take up the nOltrlshmg quahtIes out of and several of the most IDfillentlal papelS per80~ to t v~~~ Ig~!sag~f s s~entl but to no- deIlI wus edncated m PlOtestant England of t1 ougl t \ 101 ster sl 0 Id be hke II e them as a robnst man takes up the nOUrish are strongly advocattng It W'estern VIr I and sep-ms to I e a true d sc pIe of the Sav II ouseholdel Wllo b ngs ~ rth of h 8 trca GROWTH IN GRACE iDent of a wheaten loaf.or a 10m of vemson gmla has voted m favor of emancipation by


W, te tather w te 1 ke Ihee • pen pI eked from nn eag e s p II 0

And w t illU ortal act onB for tby son T noll h rn tb.t man forgets man. h gb dom n on

Creep ng on eortb I av ng oreat deeds undone W Ie ~ tber .r Ie

L v on b s I fe book. fond fi ther B ble,s ng To ~h eld b rn m d tempt"1 on to I and s n

! u He ,1 all go to glory s field po ess ng S r ogtb 10 conteud and confidence to w n

Wr Ie lather wr e




o By a limper al decree last JCaI tl e sure tbmgs I e~ and old But It Ig t1 e oil B HE T LIE Tlie sp ntual character enlarges beautifies a very large mOJority and as the Umon cmpe 01 notwlti sland ng tl c liprcc8t op stIll tl at Ie p eacLes al J tl g plee sely g 0 I) la, I g tl gs II. ow \ d a I llee I as sol dllies The yonng convert grows m arms advance there w 11 be a development I 8 t 0 of t1 e 1m ds emal c pated all tl ese I ts mel tIt trut! tl at changes n t w th no gr wtl a If) 0 I I Hive a m 1ple be strength He becomes athletic He IS at of Slmtlar sentIment 10 other parts of the slaves One of these slaveloldmg 10 ds tl eel t al 01 al gCB of I n a I affil rs and fure )our U UI 0 an e1 0 Y lawn tl at leugth equal to bearmg huge loads of re State In Kentncky Rnd Tennessee no very Co nt Sehe melJeff tl e lIeI est noble n tl elefme t 8 tr e food fo the soul wi ch does 1I0t a swer 10 tI e 1011 c III f May by sponsll II ty-equal to grapphng With strong deCIded steps I a, e been taken but the Presl

II s a had I s cstates 19 0 000 serfs and s dest I ed to I ve forc, er It a des Ie for I puttn fo tl ts lea es yo I nay conclude temptatIOns He becomes an ovelwftch for dent IS gammg t1 ends In both States and

e ece ed from tl e r unpa d tOil $1 9;)0 000 somethl g new 111 rega d tu tl e pass ng t1 at to s dead s tl e p 0 slave y rebellion the dev 1 The tecrUlt of yesterday IS at hiS recommendations arc sute to meet WIth u n ally We I ",e slaveholders wi 0 can thIngs of earth'll 11 possess IS let s not In II Ch ch of C I st sp r tn I I fe IS In length the veteran With tl e dust of a tbou favor from a very large class North OalO

mpel 1 000 n en to work 101 tl em w tI 0 It car y thiS mOl U d des Ie to tl e sauet lalY d spensabl to sp tual 0' 0 vtl " e n eall salld conflicts on hiS armor and the lIght of hna IS shOWIng Buch a very re8~ve spmt voges and wbo fur tl e r unreqUIted labor b It let IS see~ by g ace to big ou SpllltS the I fe of God n the co~veltcd soul-a I fe a thousand V etOrIes on hIS helmet s plnme under the cuf'b of the RIChmond g0r.e~nment Vlest an m ual ncome of $300 000 to aId II eJ and there I to I vel~ I v I g syn pat! J umted to CI r st s I fi Ite be nrr I y tl e 'It ,I HE HAS GROW:'; Hi[ GR~CE -hdependent that we shall not be surprIsed to hear that

Ibe wag ng wa aga nst the flee Const! w tl tbose thmgs that lire nsee and e/e n 0 I that ex sts bet wee I II~self IIld tl e a party IS orgamzIng among her CItizens In

t t ftl e U ted States ul Tlese al ne w II lema II when we take bel ever Is t s rpr s ng that many a THE POPE AND 'rHE NOBLES favoroftheL ncolnpt::m ofemancfatlOn In I I U) Ie r nll. I ed In p SSli g tl at l\.os our departme from th s scene of act on Church II embel I fl8 made 10 U\ a Ice I MIssouri a mass convention of t se III fa I 18 '~ d h I tl D f rl I I h 1 In one of our Londoll excbanges we find f h P d dh I II d " t ~,c e t oug I e et ese a one C'I suppo t an our s t e B ble I owledo-c 01 I PClsO ul godl ness ,or 0 t e resl ent an IS p an IS ca e

Hungary a decree of u IIvel sial d I me la sp nt m Its etemal x stence - Ge IlU Re wi e he has n~ !Cal hI! get altel clt1 er of II e followmg extract of a letter from Rome to meet at Jefferson City on the 16~ of June ate emanc patIO f all tl e serfo I tl at fa led Meose ge I en? Can I mOlal mumm) 0 row? Can glvmg a Ieason why many of the Ro to nomInate candIdates for State tfficers I ngdo t II S d~e 1m sit n Jf tI e pea LIFE AND DEATH IN'THE OCCUPA.TIONS a II an wi 0 nel'Cl prays ar ght" lecelve the man nobles deSIre the contmuance of the 'lhese are all auspICIOUS signs They are a t J I I lei au pol tical 18Ptrlt ? Call n sp I tunl cOlpse bleo.the out tempOlal rule of the Pope the begmmngs of a reform an reforms

I I rt) \ d I vi I stu n I I Y al J acts f Few conSIder wi at a waste to I mUe I fe hea\cI I) asp ratlOl ? 01 Jea~b out an arm never go backward EmanCIpatIOn may not \ lOlence I otw thsta dl g tl e prcdlCtlOns of t has co t to produce the n st c n mon ar Its ,ve tl c S llnCI or open \\ It! ts skele It appears that many of the Roman nobles be accomplIshed very soon 10 the~ld border tl e PI s g slavel oideis anI theu mamfest t cle of ISC or of luxury" I It a ea led tOll finger a purse to g v to Gods treasury? ale bound to the present ordel of th ngs by slave States, bnt It will be acc mp\tshed w .1 es It 8 tl e uncontradicted test mOl J dl) grlllders Ihat IS tlo e wi 0 a e occ CUI It do all\tl ng but decay w th peshlen ratl er a slllgular tIC Thetr lands were and we venture the predictIon hat many tl at tl e en 1nclpated peasants lCrna lled on plCd m gn ng e 19c a d po Itt fo ks Ia tIlt! OdOlS fillinD' the moral atmosphere granted to them n the days of papal nepot- wbo read tbls article WIll hve tp see tho tJ e estates cl ng ng to tbe r fam I ar homes zors sCissors edne to Is kUlves saws and I t U I d? No aO d vrthoufi~ gen I Ie" ork Ism by the popes to whom tbey bad the bon work completed which Abraham ~lDcoln be reJo Cll g n thell new born r ghts md eagel Sickles live 01 II a\eIage fro n twentJ nll e of cgeneratlOl In tl e sonl let no n an fiat or to be related the sElld lands havmg been gan m the year 1862 -,Phdadelph~aBulletm to wOIk as freemel It was tl e same n to tlllty eIght Jears tI e lo! gevlty Ie ng te Iinself tl t tel a I \ In'" ell ~ltan wrongfully ond VIOlently taken from theIr 'r H 18sm It was the same n tbe Vi est In greatest where moot wate! IS used (n tbe mnch Ics~ a 0' OWl "bn~c n r ghtful possessors The descendents of the BENEFIT OF EARLY RISING hes The safety of Immediate emanc patl n I stone If the at np. s left perfectly dry tbe I If I e be a 0 true CII\i \'I:G"h he W II gl W orlglllal owners' m many cases slilisurvlve Pam' bas been conSIderably a used at a s no longel a questIOn to be d sc lased fllChon of tl e Irt rle ,,10 nd upon the stone I and grow I g ace Tlls phrase as Pe and what IS more remalk able they have for lIttle occurrenc~ whICh 11'1 anoth r eVIdence

Noul) I ad AlexandCl sa d It s (I ( causes It to tllow oll fl rnpalpable dust ter employed It IS k:oml rei enslve of alt these two three or more centunes pelslsted of vIrtue belllg rewarded as wel as a fur g relit des re of my heart that ,II my Bul ~cctB I whICh wi en mbaled IS fata to heal tl anu g aces It Ii elIdes: 10\ e a d 10Y and lID Plitt ng m a legal claim to their lost lands tber proof of the proverb about e rly bIrds may be f ee and CI hgl tened Chllst al s I I life peace al d patlence~ nd I g Butre I g anti holdmg out 1 threat of dlspulmg the and worms An eccentriC entleman, Wish to Ie g lover a nail on f frEen e Undergioul d occupat ons m wlllcl Ell{ aud tempe anee md f~ th a d cI aT t In transfel ThiS I as bappened 1Il the famIly who spent & good deal of money uflng hlB \na now I e can p oudly say Iland bas 300 000 human be ngs constantl) a w rd It I cal S Cl !1st al el a aeter) tl at I Of tbe Borghese who usurped the terr tones I fe m entertl\tntng hIS fnends dl d recently ~ "Iav • c.nno brea he \D R .. a ftlrelr luu~ engaged are far more f(l~al to I fe than those pU"l!~n at d exl 0f.1 of mOlal excel of the celebrated houst: of CencI a JlIlJlor III the Faubourg St Germa.1n ,shmg to

n c v our a r that moment they are free wh ch arc conducted 1Il tllC open air From lence that 18 earn( tl e sci 001 of Clll~t hanchof the famJ\yactu~UycomwencedJl.&uit put the friendshIp of those -who ad I eaten Tb y 0 cb 0 co un ry ond tbe .hackle f II I four to seven ocr cent of tho~e wi ) \\ 01 k III tl at Iii pres f elf un 01 rlst wi fcl fO! tile lestoratlOn of tbe enormous propllrty of hIS meat and drank of hIS cup to the test Ihls event alone-tbe emanc patlOn n one the mmes dIe by acc dent alld Il ullltudes n tUtl n al eS prodlll;JOus upless on \ pon C1urmg the lcvollltlOn of 1848 and would he desned JD hIS WIll that III cas bIll death

tor of 20000000 of bondmen s enough of lives ale cut short by the damp earth wllh others Into tl e C n111uctJ n of tl schar plObably have gamed It but for the retnrn of shonld occur between Ootober a d March, to el olle a cent ry Thus IS It now that WhICh they are s mounded ~ 0\ ers from aclel e tel all tI e 1\ al t C8 that make a the Pope Many OthCl pnncely and noble hIS rll1~~ral shonld take place at e ght In the yearA d me moutls are plOdtcmg brlckmakmgare at the late oj tlllt) three nan coulleous I ave 'a no s del housesbewg sItuated lake the Borghese It mormhg and at SIX shouldhedledurmgthe changes wI cl huger ng cent lIes dId not and a I alf Pc! cent wIlle those f on brIck cate pile ,d d lIdn t °1 lie dev It IS mamfest that the Pope who upholds the ot! er months of the year Letter of mVlta accompl sh I tl c earl cr periods of the laYIl g are only twenty one per cent Only I and loly It to t cntel all II e Gospel In grants of plecedmg popes has no small tlOn to the funeral were to be se to all hIS world s u storJ 'Ihe dawn of some day of eIght per cent of tbem are attacked WIth fe gred ents I t tI e f at 0 of th s Chr s lien on II ell fidelity f[[ends and those who attended ere to re

I I Id tI EtC vers because they wOlk Il the upen aIr tan chalacte c n • tl e d vme S mt WIth -----+----- celve each one for the males tve thousand mt oanlaV/e °t us gory g seas - a g ega The workers III sewers ale sa d to be s ngu I 0 tlano"orm n~ b aut ful sal ct fP n- ow

f d B b 0 01' ~ Y ~ P SWAMPS AND MEN LIKE THEM francs and fOr the females eIght thousaud larly exempt lOin Isease utc era mc cr I ver da ~ ex)e leuce I aves Its"touch rhe followmg mgemous parallel from the francs Iha result was that mor than four

SOMETHING NEW also a Iemarkably robust race 81 owmg (hat I th s cL a~tel I Evel fa lure teaches hundred letters mVltmg attendlJ.n e at the ammal odors ale by no means as unl ealtl y lefic I cad a vak ns? I t and n Count y Gt die an remmds one of the tItle f I I k h

We olten wonder what tI e people of pa as they me offens ve ranners are SIl g II I t It on YE cIt Y co of tbat ouce popular wOlk Flavel s Hus unera at SIX 0 C oe m t e mor lUg werc tnarc! al t mes found to tl uk and talk about ly exempt flOm consumpl 011 and tl 0.0 wI a e d (I¥f I U I t't e IJ It spnesteoUl d Sh Id sent out and of these how many d Yot¥8n~

BY 0 ~ s c nBOTT from day to day and flom year to year I .,. an gra c ex I a 01 s no pel bn.lldrv SpIrItualize Oil anyone Oli pose had the effeet to rouse from theIr be s

I work In wool ate peeu Ially free trom d sease re~ I II t tl t f I CI t I key I as b e tbe embod ment 01 II e Just tl nk of t-tl ey had no uewspapers I I I .. C IOn a e mo. s ceess n rls Jan lool~ing mto It bel old IllS natural face as these wllhng sharels III the former bounties Muhammcrla Ill] ostllle Even now It" then to 1 rI g tl em tl e ne~s from all parts III general t e 01 WI cJ thc) lise bemg I eucl es-II e r utI e tl e Edwalds tl e glass we tr 1St he WIll go hIS way de- of him whom they were requestelto follow

" favorable to health M Ilers 1 ottel sand Bad tl F I I d t I 1 ~II I ell R r no'" n,," n 0 arB Itah has of the world TI ey I I no pllnted books ff. k I bl t t f r er e e g ) sen es no leae, 'qr.!niIled so effiectually to reclaim the to I s final home? Twenty nm falthful L J snu ma els me In e 0 consump 01 om per~ect on I t f not e al t h M t " 1 d th II II d h uceo t! e n p eg able fUltrcs8 f Papal s I to read not even 1n almanac that BOlt of the amount of cr Ide matter wllCh they n he b 1 k I qd ¥ k sl as er ~w"m,n" that men shall forget what manner ones on y answere e ro -ea n t esc pe s( t 'II c smoke of Ie! ma tYIdoms I secOi d Blule n many a lose and a kmd of I ale "I atevel mterfe os constantly w th ~ e oml~s The t ant I h hetl lls own he was were exceedm~lysurpllsed a few ays after un III e g oa IS f om 1 e I Iq 1181t01 al dun I comp!>! 101 pa t cularly w th old people m the f ee bteath ng of p Ie U r sl ortens I fe ~:n C~ set sea jfC er w IC f he grow ward to be mformed that fiv~ thousand " 0 H I ave appalled tl e nat ons B t tbe COUI hy wi oll\e n:close sympathy WIth 'lhose who work n tl e OpCI all have II " tilS au ga S t s eltsoUIlce 0 filS pow 1 Botb were well off III the world francs eaeli were awaltlDg theIr disposal &t tl c f es me lOW sm ulde ng to asl es nat e wi ose var 011S phenomena ale there I t th tl Ike e comm I j IS Ism uence The bog was the rIchest part of the farm theIr dead frtend s notary B ArlOng the

djl d f II 1 d d h gleatel ongevi y an ose w 0 wor I I s mo al on ent I tt!) can Iso nt w th F h d h d I fortunate faIthful ones were COlnt Heilh t He mgeolls are ng mlo eeay m leco! e Borne Wit nnerr ng ccrlamty dOO1S TI e gardenCl tl e lau Ier t1 e otl C siB n wht to C I' Ice ~I sa ers or ages It a been gat ermg an aymg

A ,tJ a tl e emuod mer t f P I tICal des and otl ers w th a I ab I ty to be now and thatcl c tl e d over and all wI 0 to I HI W nd lope SUn" ven"e"s Indre eloq legnt thaYl tbe There were accumulaltons m It to a d Arcos cor sui general of Spam Edouard lot sn } I III I e seat ID ce tIal E ope thenlDlstaken rl ey ha I no rmlroads and d d I t b t t t 0 UO Q t depth So was the m serly Church Houssaye director of the Gazette es BeaUIJJ asl de tl e D n Ibe Austr a for ages With telegraphs J 0 elect ons and no politICal an laID an sun a\ e a e \\ een wcr ) most C pt vatmg wor~~ tl at ever fell from iU(~mlJer wealthy Honses and moneys and Arts and the librarIan of the Emp ess Tije de uo power I as blIghted every aSpIratIOn pal t es Ind conseq ucntly no government and tllrty much 10n"eI t) 11 \ e than the tl e I DS of eloq UeI ce Iiself It s Just what and all that I eart could Wish were reCipIents IInmedlately deCIded to app~rt I r frcelom With n reach of I er long a 10 fruuds [\J d sw ndling Swartwouts Not coachman the watcbman and Ilose who he s b) the mak nO' or God s grace And ate each a thousand francs of the I~g.hr II j s vay has exten led f om the BaltIC to we meal I tI e country and among the th~l~g~ equal l) ~ orkml

g 11 tl e op n::t do tI s s de of I a\C tl e~e s noth ng that un ') They resemble each other 111 the use wald the erectIOn of a monnment o~er the leE IXllle flOn the nOl tl pole almost to a shepl eld patr aIel s \\ uat all there was 111 110 H a I ~~I mdc tl reg Ii! exelc s~ ~ Ids S lCh beauty calljes wltl t such mflu made of their aecum IlatlOns Nothlllg glave of the giver t p cal cI me Grasp ng us With a maIled Egypt and ts C ties ever n tl at elI Iy age ow e 0 o,e w 0 enjoy t eeol ell e ce de m nunda sucl "'cn r e hon age went to them ever ret Hned agam The '. I d I d d I d d tl I d encesandll1XI1 Iesofommode nCl\lhzaton as"t elotlc conssteniCh"llst nclu!acter fi hid f I dfl f tl r C L WII T W I a COl g orne at n of Illig on s (e to Ivel t an am se c peop e we 0 not I t h t fi f I 1 ~"t rm 0 0 every Ian u 0 ear I HE OURTESIES OF lEE - I latn Irt s UOIIS and pi nc pal Ill;s eaeu 01 e a formil lOW say BIt Imag eo c f these anCIent ea ze ttb W a a sb~1l ced Illmal die Ihe lOU e S)U elI cal thIS character IS the to It from the surrouudlllg fields by letter to hIS daughter on the sm1Uswect .. ble p!.wer III tsell w th l\ stand ng am J of shcpbe ds spend ng a" hole I fe aud tl at a nay 0 em ale 0 a lee a Y tetter TI e fil est specimen of a ChI at an shower a d so the selfish greedy r GOO oob nen and a populat I 01 fo ty mil long one With notl mg of ,worldly cl arae sap tl e Edlllb Igh Rev e \ ho sUlvevs says Gntbllc s he \U wbo nail tl e graces "bethel of sOCiety or of a church courtesIes of life contau s a passage from laDs to t I III workslop and field fOl tl e ter to engage tI elr thoughts beyond the pas lei d aWl! g room may lea II a lessoll of 1 ke the str ngs of an angel s harp are m the 111 hIS ow I greedy grasp all the gifts whICh a deal of happllless might be learned s ppot t f th s co t d A t Ih t h dad the dally ro It I e of a compassIOn for the w°fnrkman n eVeIY artICle most perfect harmony No one grace out bonnt ful PrOVIdence Botb act on the I want to tell you a seCiet Tut way to

ur an my uS!la WI Uill g el s n I n that lIes before her ose glazed vlsltmg glOWS and behttles the rest Tbe man IS I C~ ceaseless n enace 118 SIlenced evelY shep erds I fe \\ I Y tie people of tbese calds could tell of tI patalyzed I aud that not brave at the expense of hum hty or zeal ofkeeplllg all they have and get make yourself pleaslllg to othels IS to show vo ee n Europe wi eb \vo III speal agamst ages wuuld d e wltl I I III a s ngle year d I th tid d tit t I I Is tboy can them that you care for them T e wholP II e oppressor and fOi tl e OpPI essed at suc! 1 I smess I d spel dn g sucb a I fe rna e t lem a sp en I m rI 0 a g ous at the expe se of JrstlCe or magnan m They were ahke III brmglllg fOl th frUIt world IS I ke the mIller at 1I£anslield who

Wherever the shgbtest movemel t toward So It seems up tl e stately 100m bas reflected tI e hem Ity He d ea Iot let thc study IlIterfere to themselves The bog was not bar cared for nobody-no not he-because no f d bl ng form of the emac ated Ital an art fice vlth devotIon 01 deuotlon Interfiere With b t t t off the gronnd b d d ~ hAd th h I Id lee om was wItnessed III Pol[Jnd PrussIa And Jet \\h~I tl en attel comes to be Sift POISO ed wltb mercurial flmes those hang phllanth!opl y We m'~ysacrlfice the dutIes u , s crops never wen 0 y care lor 1m u Q woe wor

hance S II t"erl"nd S _1 N I d t ttl h .. s WIth tbe mISerly man HIS abun would serve you so f you gave the n tllc u u aluiDla or ap es e I IS 00 so ca"y say w ele n we ave mgs so softanddehcale may have pr duced of tile closet to outdoor labors of ChrIstian d tl e1vllltc coated leg ons of ~ustI a WIth any ad\ antage UH tl e n tlls respect d t th I Ilililce benefits no one TI e nee y know same cause Let tvcry one therefore see

~I Itel ng I uyone! a d steel Iud I semen Of what f II e t pn t does the gossip pel nar ent sease 0 e v avp. Olle chartty On the ot! er land I ke a lark WIll get no sympathy or a d from him that yon do care fo them by showlpg them aid ca non ehalgcd to tl c n zl \\ me 011 lUg news 01 tI e lay consIst bOlOe to 8 sumac! I us I een lUJ red I J t c ~tant tl at goes s ng ng up to hea\ e \\ h Ie the those who gather up the offerm 8 of the what Sterne so I upplly calls Ihe small cour the mmch All tl e v als 01 III penal wlall c>CIY da) wltl what amounts to a sICkelllll.." pressure gal st II c I e ~ II the p I 01 U I awk IS r flmg her n$t below we may to tbe treasury of tI e lord for bene- tesles III whICh thelEl IS no parade wbose w t did f f h I \ ase on the UI ck~t I a8 draoged tl c d pper S spend our hours n devot onal fI gl t and m objects but seldo n call at I 8 door V( ce s too still to tease and whICh rna I

ere emp l<l upon t 18t c Itor ptofessol or sameness 0 lepetItlOn ate same t I ngs hand mto a po scm that SOOI er or lalel W 11 heavenly communions when we should be I I tl ~ th :t Pleacher wh I Id t t tl t II Of h t t t t t t k th ttl htt e or a m st no ling ,01 e fest themselves by tender a.nd affectlo"a e os u III mil. e a a men w a grca er n eles IS I 0 now a e destroy ItS powel and may produce 111 h m down here fight ng Satan redresslUg human I .. Jlre b others and tl at tl e rICh should pay people of N ew York go to bed late at mghtd mama and death nay tl e very paper on wrongs breakln'" I uman fetters drYIng A ~f othhers t f '-I t ooks hand llhttle kmd acts of attentIon gl~ t tI e I b tl t hIt ddt th th tl t 10UIt pom 0 lesemu ance COllSIS s mg ot ers t e preference 111 evely lIttle el. a onng pOD II\, weI IS JUs an an ge up 10 e mOlnmg an a a goo the walls tmted W1th all tl e whIteness of tealS on SOiIO v s"scalded cbeek reformmg I h I equal But what de ur eyes benold? uld patrlUrch had lIS famIly all peaceably S h ~ II k I ted'" Ih I f b low OplUlOlI or estlmatulD III w IIC Joymcnt at the table In the field walking A I prmg as lor a we uo" u cela " the VICIOUS and reSCUlDO" lost sou s rom t e are generally held Every fill mer has a sItting or standlllg

lstr an despot sm IS rushlllg to Ihe same asleep In season lind aroused In curly morn ItS pOIsonous d 1St the fingers of the hange! verge of bell The he~d should have ItS of swamps and 80 too every man who de lIu~t on wlICh has swallowed up tl e I a rested und leheshed? Ot wi at more real Tbe hlstOlY of tbe manufactme of almost sbare of tIme and thorrgbt tIle hand ItS shale f b f 11 d --'--~---.,---Pal delUSIon and tyranny of It I d th t t t k th t tb bulls and Id a h gb sense 0 rig tOLD a we e GE" B"R"SIDE I" PRAYER -Tile vlctorl's a y an elm nteres I~ I 0 now a e every artIcle of elegance; or ver/u won bllt tbe lIon s sl are should be given to h 1 f ~ V" ., , PO tllre of the Onel t b b t th d sp c Intlng In moral nature as a oW opllllOn 0 of Roanoke and Newbern together wlth""ho ears ave spen e ay m e u d sclose to us pictures of workmen transient the healt ~or out of t ore the Issues of life I d h lfi I -~

Beautiful Naples almost d I th k tb th t tl h we ell pas d" ~ m ser y an t e se s I otber numerOl18 yet Important "nccesses of ~ e moue WI stoc s an a e seep Ie w Iy or permenantly dISabled III the pro uctlOn Thus by developing the whole man we fi d ffi f h ~ tl~!Jght Is""lnging the chImes of I d d r thf II te d d? f The III uenees an e ects 0 euc upon Gen BurnSide are now the theme of grille r ler emanci ture an lal u y n e of them All tbls suffermg-much 0 It shall broadly Ind effie ently and symmetrl d] h t I 'Ih P~tJon over all her green IlIlIs and I rh th t k I e a Y b wod are a so som()w a Hlml ar e ful mention III every patrIot home Tn· re ~.( va es ele are new lOgs a mg p aco v .. r preventible-goes on WIthout complamt t e cally grow m grace We shall reach ttl h d h d .. II e duch es 'lnscany Parma and Modena day 11 the wOlld whIch are Il deed worthy k f 11 t f th k d th f was no ae Ive r miSC levo IS an a cent sOlmon Bishop Clark of Rhode I8Iand I ive broken fOiever from Austr an Dllsrule of our most earnest tllQllght but they are wor man a s ou 0 e ran s an ano el" up every day nearer to tl e measure 0 to meddle With anythlng made the followmg pers"nal ·~llu"IOil T lIIstantlv takes hI" place to be succeeded tbe stature of the f Illness of Cb 1St t B tItS pecullarltle made th v -G D lose bl 'Ed of IIIX lance d h I I k h I f th IUS em Wlnle he was plannIng hiS magnificen' 00 mng I ens an t mgs w )() I mar t e reu progress 0 e by a th ld -New Yor,k Chi omcle As a tblrd hillt let us renllnd you ChI IS ~ I S k Ii tt d t I • 8a11ubrlty whele for ages charlOted lords race md the gradual commg of the Redeem' Ie t na es a ene on I 8 S tme expeditIon It was my fortune to OCCIj the and pnests m embrOidered robes I ave crush ees kmgdom But what IS usually called ;\ CrERGDIAN In StirlU gsl 10 bell1g en tan blOther tha ttl e true measure of your bred m ItS mud and m ,de the mght Bame room With him III Washmgton P;~d I

J ed I umalllt) now rejoIce III a Iree press a the news or the day conslstmg of aCCidents gaged m catechizlDg a number of hIS pa growth m mfiuence amI usefulness will be With tbelr croakn g from Its st~g shall never forget how every morDln we free pUlPIt tree labor free schools alld equal and events whlCb might be written out al rishlOners a8ked a mall of the name of your mterlOr growth 111 holmeRs-m hVlng watels went forth mynads of mosqui used to kneel down togethet :and pr! for r gbts for peasant and prmce ;\nd what most ad wfimtu7n IS really of no more m Peter How many years did the cll Idren 10vIDg lIkeness to the SaVIOur All exter to annoy the dwellers around the ml the blessmg of God upon his solemn Jbrk nrobably IS tI e next scene to be presented terest than what happened 10 the famllies of of Isreal s(~ourn m the wIlderness? To nal Improvement m charactel IS proportIon commg forth flOm ItS bosom and ta That blesslllg IOBures hlB St(cCe88 The I th s wondelful panorama of the wodd s the patr archs every day willch he replied forty But can vou teIl ed by th s Inward state of heart-holiness the wmgs of the lllght aIr carrIed dIS lord of Hosts 18 With hIm tbc-\tod I story? 'enetla WIll r se Austna Will What dIQ these anCIent worthIes thlDk me SIr said Petel how many kmves the In short the growth from Wilt m Just and death through the IIClghborho\ld tics IS hIS refuge UI,cpU'V

r lSI Upon hel Italy Will hasten to Ihe les about? Ah they had food for thought of chIldren of Israel brought back With them as soon attempt to the d menslOns such IS the mfinence of a mIserly • ~pe of I er s ster prov nce demandlDg for her the most snbstantIal klDd TheIr thongbts from Babylon to Jerusalem? The clelgy of a tree by paddlllg ItS trunk WIth man m a commuDlty When be falls to do Klllg OtlIo of Greece must bave ,reedolD and annexatIOn Ifupgary lUspired may have been few but they were bIg man pansed and pondered and was at clay or cotton and out Its boughs hIs sbare m the mamtenance of religIOUS or rather nneasy time of It dunng JJj81,'.rem~tv l1Y Kossuth IS even now stooping to rIse thought's rl EJ great truths revealed to length obhged to confess that be could give bv strav bits of as to mcrease dmances when be shuts hiS ear agRIQ,Stthe years reign, there have been l'P., ... llf;'''i ••

~d break 1m chams them /Lre suffie ent even now to fill the no answer Well said Peler they the volume of a character by mere cry of the poor and needy when he ~ill kmgdom m 18SS 1884,

11 War s bugle blast Will rouse the Magyars mmd of man liS those trntbs are developed brought back twenty nme kmves You Will beapmg on of or of mtellectual gIVe nothmg or but a cOijtemptible mIte or 1841 1848 1852, and th~

along the SnrmatIan mOllntams Poland III history What Abraham tho1)ght and find It stated m Ezra first chapter and mnth acqUIrements or of devotIOn any benevolent purpose then hIS example 18 of the PlrroUB ID 1854 and dl b d h 1 d P j d d d 11 th th t These only swell the of a man s reh dIsastrous for It pl1lVentli many fromglvlUg, rectlon of Naupll· In 1'862 I smem ere uml mted exhauste 0 SIIIU an I IS rea y more an e en ne velse ..


98 TH RECORDER, JUNE 19, 1869.

Ihe ~ttotatt. lespond With a sentIment from the BIble mltted the" god of thiS world" to exert a RELIGIOUS AND MISSIONARY ITEMS TEmPERANCE COJ;VENTION -We see OONGRESS ThiS prachce adds much Interest to the controlling IDlluence among the natIOns ID THE London, Eng, City MISSion, a sOCiety stlLtCid :t~at the Executive C lUucll of the In the House, Air Stevens repoit~d I ark school Mark such as ale tatdy or ab.ent, thell goveJnmelltal affalls In view of these sustall1ed by memhers of several dIfferent AllIance III accOIdance the tax bill flOm th( COllllntttce (II\" '( f I d d "a), tbat you may be able to report the precise facts he did not tlierefOle, contemplate that denommatlOns, IS eVIdently dOIDg a good t11llEHlInest sugge~on. 0 many ea an MeaTls IIe SRId tl c SITlah hnrlllJad

==:;:=:::=;==========:;:== standing 01 each scholar at yom qualterly the snccess of thiS Important or.amzatlOn work ID that Cit) 'lhe fol1owmg summary fr,,;"t1lq of the '[empelance movement 314 amendments, I lalge ullmbu I !leO} PARlIONBROWNLOWAND.TOBNBROWN report, or oftener If Jon choose would be dependent upon the favor whICh 01 Its opeIatlOns for the past ~ear Will show r';'"nlt'ed on holdlOg the filst \\eek In nDlmportant m their ch tracter ILlld III Qldel


Onl: of the charges preferred against John 4th Pams shollid be taken to class the mIght be dellVed floOl State authurltv or the kInl of work In whICh It IS engaged SeJltel1)b!lr next, a series or speCla~ meetings to faCl!ttale a defiUlte uctlOli he 11O\t 1 1

Brown, even by many who beheved In the children aceordmg to nblhty or capaCity, that the sccullty of hiS dISCiples llOUl the Number of mlSSlOnanes, 400, hours spent at winch the pllllcipies and va gen~ral non cuncurrence 11\ all tlle amelld BIDcerltyof the herOIC martyr, was what IS not to age, from three to five In each class, assaSSIn S dagger, 01 the band of VIOlence ID donllClhary VISitatIOn, 529,030, VIsits of the 'lemperance movement ments, aud then asked fUI I t lIlIl It, e r called hIS uncharitable and unchnstlan re not more than five m auy case, except It Ulay m any way, would \;e dependent upon ,he paid, 1,979,453, of Which to tlie SICk !llId and dlstmctl) ennncIated and conference Some dcbate t HOI\( I wh I JectlOn of slaveholdmg mIDIsters as hiS be an mfant class, which IS not expected to power, which any human government might dYIng, 251,944, Scriptures dlstnbnted l 9, delrehl~e4 by the ablest advocates and ex the motion was adoptea-88 agaInst 08 spiritual advlsels durlllg hIS ImprIsonment recIte a lesson, and may have an mdeffimte exerCIse 111 thfHr behalf The annOUnCE>Ulent 460, IehglOns tracts gIven away, 3069, tbe cau.e The Senate bill defimng the pay and emoll As they, one after another, entered hIS number Teachers cannot do JustIce to of the great Founder of thIS spmtual or 765, books lent, 49208, IDdoor meetmgs .t'~w" thatmauvillend,ul '[em mcntsol cCltam offic~rs of thp. almy 11111 gloQmy cell and offered their servIces, hIS more than five m the short space of three gamzatlOn, to all the membelshlp through and BIble classes held 43,288 , average at m the U mted :-itates of America amendments, one of WlllCh cmllUdwd 11 uUlform reply was, "Gentlemen, ~ou and I quarters of an honr If the teachers use out the whole penod of Its eXistence' Lo I ten dance at ditto 33, gross atteudance at the Colomes, the Conflnent of Eu Arnold's bill to gIve cltlz€nslllp t,n I "I r do not war.hlp the same God" questIOn books, they should 1I0t be confined am wIth you alway e" n unto tbe end of dItto 1,417000, out dO)f servICes held 5, Will VISit the Great Internanonal teers who serve and arc honOlubly disci arg

The followmg, flOm the A'Illertcan BaptIst, to the questIOns exclUSively, bnt be pre par the wOlld," lit the tIme when he command 401, average attendance at ditto, 101, gro6. ,t;X,OlllHloU, alld It I, deemed an excellent op ed on provmg one year's IesIdence lnd an shOWIng bow completely hIS vIews 01 their ed to expound and explam the Scnptures cd them to' Go, teach al1 natIOns' and was attendance at dIttO, 518384, readings of presentlUg to the world the other to pumsh fraudulent cOlltractolB LJ Cbnstlamty IS confirmed by Parson Brown and apply them to each scholar TeachelB beglUnmg to press upon them the responsl ScrIpture m vIsitatIOn, 610868 , commuUl chllms of the Temperance Refur conrt martIal wllh fine and 1l0plI"O Im~1 t low'8 opInion on the Bame POlllt, IS so pert shonld not thmk of comlDg before their bllitIes of the world'. comel"IOO and the cants, 1,609, backslIders restored to church and to brIng all contractors undel thr. all ment that we transfer It to our columns classes Without a specwl prepalatlOn, anJ exclamatIOns of the Ps ,i1IlI,t when refel C;)mmUDlon, 262 ,famIlIes !Dduced to com • des of war was passed The H 1 HE CITY OF MEMPHIS -MemphIS lS hy far' Ol\"e COli

P arson BlOwnlow, In hIS lecture at the more than the pastor should th!Dk of com rlllg to the Cbmch, God I" III til" lnldst of mence famIly prayer, 709, drunkard, re curred!D the report of the "tlO' C p • 0 ~ the Ia.rgllst and most Important city on the v llr€r ce om

Cooper Instltnte, on the' IrrehglOll of the mg before hIS flock without It her, she shall not be moved, God sh"ll claimed, 1,045 , unmarried couple. lIIuuced mlttee on the dlsaO'reements to til" 1.111 I ~ ~hSSISSIPPI fiver between St LoUIS whIch 1:> "U flH

South," uSlUg the southern dialect, of course, tlth Close the reCitatIOns preCIsely one help her, and that rIght eady rhe Lord of to many, 341 , fallen females admItted to 43 rt II I d N 0 I Ii h mg appropnatlOns tOI uountlcs undel tu~ d h II f I h f h I h I t d h h h iS u m es a love, an J. ew r eans, W IC 'T I

denonnce t e mlUlsters genera y, 0 a lour rom t e openmg, a ongel time lS not osts IS With us, the God of Jacob IS [\II asy ums res ore to t eu ames, ur ut er 130 no I b I It tl t t f ,0 unteer act of July last the cutlle s m

th h t th h I t fit bl I th 0 h If f H h II did 503 I Id ttl I 18 ... 1 e8 e ow lIi Ie en repo 0 belD $5 000000 Tile bill I"

denominatIOns, lOng ou e woe ern pro a e as a genera mg ne a an re uge e s a sub ue tie pel pie undeI wIse rescue, , c II ren sen 0 SC 1)0 S four lUllroads tlavelsmg North South East g, cp )rted II, tory of Tebeldom, a9 the II biggest set of hoUi should be spent m other exerCises, us and the natlOns under our feet are tru 9116, adults VISited who cited 6,286, of d ,IT t Th d h dd d tl the Committee of WaJs and Means author h d I dd d I 1 an " es ese roa save a e grea y • lUfernal scoundrels 011 whlCh the Bun ever snc as essays, ec amatlOns, a res-es, Iy encouragmg declaratIOns, and calculated whom \ ISlte by the missIOnary on y, t tli I tl f 'f h Izes the 1Bsue of $100 000 000 of Demu1Id

b h I T C h d h oe commerCia grow lOll emp IS, T

shone" IIe salemnly declares that, II as a IOgrap les, t Ie en ommandments t e to IHspue m the mmd the most sangume 141, the proportlUn Vl81te by t e miSSIOn though It IS the nver traffic winch bas blllit rreasury Notes beSide those ahcady autll r 'class, they are glllity of the most damnable Lord's pra~er, the books of the Old and expectatIOns of success alld the COllfident ary only exceeds 2 In 1 The receIpts tl t TI h t f tt I !Zed, of denommatlOn~ not less than $1 tu

N 'I & h £ • 15 Ie CI y 10 S Ipmen S 0 CD on a one

deeds ever pelpetrated tins BIde of hell ," ow estamont, c, among the c ddren assurance of security III the midst of every the society dUllug the year we"e 3, 0, f '1 t th ~ S t b be legal tendel Rnd to be receIval Ie f r d I Th b d

~ 10m" Ie por 111 e year enomg ep em er and that the II character of Judas Iscanot an ot leIS ese exerCIses must e varIe Impeudmg danger Iu vIew of the above and the expenditure £3, 850 11 1860 t d t' I d d th d all Government dues debt~ loans and t IxeR , , amoull e 0 ,our IllU re ousan is dIdgraced by beIng mentioned lU connec from tune to time, 38 cIrcumstances leqUire, dec1ut!ltlOns of ScnptUie I caulloL. concur A MOR\VIAN 1II1lllster 1ll New York Cit) hales and Its general \JUS1Ue," m ordlllary except dutIes on Impolts and lntelest [I tlOn With them" but be SUle to keep the c!nldren mterested With you when you say I The CllIlsl1an 18 tlme~ I" Immellse It IS tbo great pOInt 'or Government bonds, and llltel(st hear Il'

O I d h h Ifh d d I S ' m tKeS the followmg mtelestmg statement ~" I' ,

And so he went on, hurlmg anatbemas and Ilce a mont I, spen t e extra a our 1ll epcn ent on t 10 tate lor plOtectlUn from COttOl1 alld oLller produce of \XTestern Ten nJtes The bIll for the coll~ c t lUll r f dlle I ~ h S b h I TI d I respectIDg the MoraVIan MISSIOns 1fl tbe lsi " maledIC!Jons at the 11 VIle and gllllty wretch- specml praJer lor t e ab at schoo liS danger all !!lIm ID many ways as agullI"t uniof JamaICa It shows the lIberalIty ncssee By last census the populatIOn of taxes ID the IDsurrectlOnalY dl"tllcts II t. be es," as he terms ithem IIe comes from IS vm~ Important the flssaSSID and robber Agamst theB~ the tl e flcedmen of that Island m Bustammg MemuhlS IS put down at al ont 23 000 souls, come a law It orovldes ~)I the a lie I)f leal KnOXVIlle, Kentucky, and hIS antecedents 6th Have a Bible class especmlly for the Chu.ch affolds no ab,olllte pJOtectlOlI I til< mllllstIy of tho Gospel among them but the City has been ~o long heleaguered estate lD certalll c Res fIr tlJl~ purr are snch that he wIll hardly be suspected of ~oung men and women, and let the pastor, am compelled to say' Sad, !Ddced would I and kept In a paille. and so many of ItS 'Where owners hal c abaudonetl theIr a I In c JIlnectlOn With the wcent \ISltlltlOll of abolItIOn predilectIOns, but tillS" mfernal or the next Lest man, take the lead of them regard the condItion of the Church d d I a"le bodIed CitIzens 'lave been Impressed to engage III il c lehellIon an I the s \ ne

I h i b I I h II grace m JamaICa, It may mterest you to " , rebellIon," as Ite calls It, may yet open hiS Take apeCla palDs to secure t IS C ass e \Cve t lilt s e was lei y a8 dependent hem that the free contrIbutIOns from the mto the rebel arI11) that It 18 calculated by shall hu\e been atluck off to tim \ mtd eyes to the real cause of all the trouble t\lso have II class for the older brethren and upon the State fOl pI )tectlOn as the Ian refugees from thete th It It 11,," not lIOW States at \endue, the Comml8slOncIs prrp ,

Tile dl""erence between Parson Brown- slsters and a good brother to lead them guage of thiS quotatIOn would seem to mdl emanCIpated peasantry, who constttute ex d t b t d I I U' I I tl M t number one half of Its uldmlll) \Dh Ilntfillts e ° e appolll C may case tieS HIlt In low's repres«;ntabcns of the southern mm Allow no Idle spectators, as they tend to cate' WIth these few comments upon your I C USlve y Ie oravlan conglega IOns m der such regulatIOns as \\ ill SEcure pllj r

Istry, and John Brown'., IS thIS The J.'orm embarrass tbe children ID then reCitatIOns article I Will close thiS letter hOplllba' If "( u that Island amounte 1 to the sum of $13000 d I I o II J 'II th t h Of h IHE Michigan Ohr.,ttan Herald III ltJ II fill lCasonab e emp oyment at wages r er IS confident that they have • fall~n from InVite and exhort the whole church to come see anythlDg III It confllctmg WIth the Splllt IP.j are If een In Hum el t 18 up tlCle deplecatmg one Sided edllcatl Jl\' as upon shares of the crop of such per.;olJs al rI grace," and are beyond the POSSlblhty of to the Sabbath school, and be sure to have a an'll. teachIngs of Jesus Chnst I may lecelVC ~ard ofh $2 000 was p nd bfl N:~h C~~mel a curse says One of the most Important famIlies as ma) be resldmg upon the land forgIveness, eIther "m thIS world or the place for them, that they Ulay receive or 1m the benefit of ) our kIDdly CrItIcism a done, ~ t e, as y~~ ma~ \eco .,ec e t ~~s lessons whICh thiS war Ib nrgmg upon UB, fhe proceeds of tbe lease~ and sales ale t

'norld to come ," the latter belIeved that part some good tiling Yours 10 CbrlstlUll love e wor egan e woe miSSIOn cos e d I T f h " I I h hi"" 500 I t I h IS the danger of dlvorcmg the culture ,f pal Into tIe leasury one OUlt of

they never had any grace to lose, but prayed Smgmg by the children should occup~ a. ~ZOR E,1F.E IOllIe c urc on y "'. as year w lie wblch IS to be paId ovel to the GOVCfIl91 f I th I I th t th , I slim was spent for repulls and bUlldmgs ex the heart flOm that of the head Better l!y most fenentJy that II God would forgIve promment P ace In e sc 100 eI er a C I far have 110 MIlItary Schools th ID to have the State wherein such lands ale sItuate 1

then 1 " And who among U., after the shock opeDlno'" or clOSIng or both TBE REBELLION IN CHINA chlSlvely Whatever Ulay stIll be left to be h th d t h I old d t d ttl t th I h them tnm out more tralt)r genetals than 01 IS au onze agen, w en sue llnsnmc

d I f I I \ d 1 t r d to II Po I ' The follu\rymg extract I" f :Jm a lett r fr rn eSHe, I IS eVI en 111 ese peop e ave I II b J I I mg eve opments 0 t Ie past elg Iteen J IJ now e me say nne \1)1 I 10Jalones Better to tI 1I ttl C( nnectlC11t t)1I N I' U put )\V1I am tie peolle HI all months, dare put ID a plea In falor of their rents of yonr congregatIOn If yon deSire, an AmerICan reSIdent of Chma dated Shang \"ot recClved the gIfts 01 fleeunm and a Chnrches to fUllllsh such het OlC Deacons as elect a LegIslature and Slate Officer. IVh pnllty In ChrIstian faIth and practICe? Un or expect your elilidren to become mterest hae, t\prI13 1862 After statmg that the preached Gospelm vaIn' Foote than to the whole array of West sball take an ohth to snppOl t th U)I H II der tbe CIrcumstances we are not dIS ed m the Sabbath school, you must become succes-es of the rebels, and espeCially the • -f tl n tIt P e h h did h hon of the U mted ::ltate" aud such flct , T 1. CORRESPONDE~-r 0 Ie vOllrJrega wna I, OInt Pfole,SOl S \\ a 0.\ e e uge US" It posed to condemn the terllble earnestness mterested yourselves EncollllIge them m capture of N mg Po abont eIght munths reports the contmuunce of the re\ Ivai at Floyds and Be~Ul egm dR Better t) have shall be proclaimed by the PreSident fOI tl e and awful thunders of the southern parson, every pOSSIble way, and especmlly by your ago, had encouraged them to beglD opela Plymonth Mass • Wonderful" he says our publIc nlfn ertll~ II t IInuer th pJsltl\e purpose nf rumlllrs1Ug the lo~a,1 Citizens of when he announces Jehovah's Judgments presence Go to the Sabbath-school With tlOllS agaInst Shllnghae With a fOlce that IS the work m tbls • old colony' lor eight relIgIOUS 1Ufiuencu I t any )t the 8ect8- such Statt'! or for Buch othel pllrposl'J IS fa rl agamst those wbo have II made" a fearful yoU! cluldren, und theleb) gladden the h IS been estlmated a" high fiS 100000 the I weeks the sanctnalY ha~ beeu, pen el Iy Methodists Baptl"ts Quakers or Catho Ie" State may dlred and onc fuurth sl all 10 " covenant With death, and With hell arc at hearts of the officers and teachers of the wllter goe~ on to SlY evemng and generally thronged Last mght -titan to bave unr counhy'~ lUte"ests com be paid o,er to said State as a fund t 1 aid agreement ," yet at the same hme wc do school WIth a deSire to belp III thc good I They notIfied the foreIgn authOrItIes that at the close of the serlllon a strong man mnted to those wh) h:we no scrnpleR to de III colol1\zatlOn Ilr emlgrah JIl f om saId State admire the tone of pIety) and the temperate wOlk Teach and exhort With all long suf their object was to possess the Clllnese cIty who had not for t\\enty SIX years I een t) ter them flOm wholesale th\eHIV llelJulV of any free person of AfrICan descent who

, d t d ddt th -that they would not Hltelfere With the for langnage, as well as the firm and un con lelmg an pa lence, an epen upon I, e I I I the house of God ro"e and In 'Olles of an and vll1ml\v" Nothlllo'" truel th \\I tli It may deSIre to remov~ thelefrom tl IT yll 1\ d elgn sett ement or certalll reasons It was "

querable spmt of the faIthful old II descend next generatIOn WI be wIser an bettel deemed adVIsable to pre,ent them, If P!lsRI gmsh, confessed hiS gUilt, aud begged fOI I ' or any athOl tropICal State or 001011' aut of the Plmtans," who not only had the than the plesent one And for thiS, dear ble, from obtalllmg a lodgment hele Under I prayers and for mercy It was a thnllmg MISOQCRI -nils State through the mem

WAR NEWS Ilnd.:\nnted courage to II open hiS mouth for brothnr let us labor and pra) the superVISIOn of foreIgn engmeers but at scene At least two Illmdlcd ID the town bere of the State ConventIon has delIbel the dumb," bnt dared to Yield up hiS hfe a Yours, &c, I D TITSWORTH the expense of the Chmese Government, a have cxpressed hope and If some ale de ate1r rejected the emanCipatIOn proposals fhe whole Interest of the war III W O'ft I rg

I dItch WIde and deep enough to fioat gun ' w!lhng and cheerful sacrIfice for thc oppress I boats has been constl ucted around the cIty CeIved, many wIn Ie hl1mble aud rllthfnl teu etl1d by the PreSIdent and sanctIOued by around the smgle pomt of Riehm I 1 II \

ed mIlhons Bow meekly he submItted to ELD ESTEE TO ELD BULL and the embankment monnted Wltl! effectlv~ I dISCIples, while a trenl!;ndous moral lIIf1n CoogresR It 18 pOSSIble that the Idea pie tebellIollIs gather1l1g Its wi ole shrngtl a mock tnal, whele drunken offiCials sat m Bro N. V Hull-Yuur artICle on the I guns ence has gone forth over thiS commumty, valls that tbe W 11 now haVIng been carned The rebel go\crnmcnt has ulldoubfr II place of Justice and Jui!gmcnt, hImself the slIbJect of "III, publtsbed 111 the RECORDEa of The foreign settlement and CltV I t Shall,{ and abroad to the glorY' of the God of our southward there ,,111 11e no more losses of given np ItS last hopes oH)rClgn l1Q Ju In only pure and noble SpUlt of aliI In the May 29 has received my caleful attentlOu hlle hi as nowTII nIatno populatIOn of nearly fathels OppOSitIOn has appeared bnt the slaves 1\11 MIS,OUfl, but the IIstltutlOU WIll Rost one of their envoys ID a letter Inter

h I .. It Ii dl b ev ted I tho sent a mIl Ion h" mpell!lhsts have a jlmall d t b d TI I 1 d bid bl I d I prIson, and on hiS way to t e most IOnore.. can ar Y e ~pec ,n pre I force here and occl\~lOnanv meet marandIDg Lord has carrIed on hiS work" IlcllIlim un 18 III e Ie pro 8 !Ivery mem cepte your ve8se s an ptl 10 Ie III tie scaffold tlie world evCI saw, he conducted eXCIted state of pubhc feelIng, and the gen bands of the If b"l- but they can accomplish • bers t\lerefore, care nothlllg about the PIOS Northern papers !larra!! s a com erQatwl himself wltb such ChllslIan courage, and I eralmdorsement of the sentiments you have I but lIttle toward drIvmg them away Without REV DR STE\\ART, delegate flOm tbe Cum perit~ pf the State a~ mvoherl III the ques WIth Senor Calder( n Conalltes Sp nush mamfested such 3 Spirit of forgIveness, that Inculcated by th" professedChnstIan church, the aid of foreign 8lm~ Smce [Ol arrival berland Presbyt~llau ChlIfch to the New tlOll, Of the g~erallllte)('t' I t\1I country Mmlster for foreIgn affair" whICh con~lUeed

th t h t t H A Wise ro that a 1~ confilCtlllg \ lews would leCCl~e hele I have sometimes counted SIX or eIght School Assembly, submitted to that body the It rem~ll\s toCire s~el1 w Iietl" I 1ll the devel Rost that no steps whatever 1ll behalf oftl e even a arc ral or, eury , p I burnmCl' Villages and the rush of vI1llgels r II nounced hIm" the most noble old man that that consld€! atlOn whlcll they might under t dOtl I' fI r th I 10 oWlDg statement COllQerDlllg hiS denolUl opIllent of the natIOnal Cll~IS, thell deCISIOn Southem Confederacy ale to 1 (' I r ke H f., owar liS race ylng lor ell Ives, some TI • 1

hiS eyes ever beheld" Alld no wonder, different Clr~urnBtances of them dl,fi" III d and blo ,dy tells of the natIOn • JC OIgaDlzatlOn has now two call stand But thel Will remember tbat from England FIance or Spa)1l "-for even on the scaffold, what a holy calm It has been lllrleed a severe tllal to me, telrIble SCOIllg< " (II II war It 18 bad 'lhpologlCal Insbtut\01l9 16 chartered col seasouable W \rI1mg and ,faIr 'i'he dlsappealance of Beauregald 8 UII \ pervaded hIS sOIlI, what an unearthly seren to be nuder the necessIty, flom the strong I enough m nUl own 10\ cd land, but where lege~ and IS academies 24 s) nods, 91 from Cormth gIves rIse, amongst othere I

t d h t d n of attendmg an conVictIOns of dllty to express thOlwhts It occurB without the amelioratlDg mfiuence presb)tefles, 1,210 churches, 1150 mIDIS conjectures /lot IInreason \hle tl at lJillt of 11

I y, an w a an eVI e ce '" of CIVIlIzatIOn It IS truly homble ~ .. * q PROUlllITED - ~ blll to suppress gels, tllllJlB SpIrIt was taken up forever 011t touchIng tillS matter so entIrely at vallance I Untd the past ~ear 01 two the lehels have ters, 400 probatlOn"rs for the nllDlstty, and polygamy has passed both Honses has bep.n Hent round h\ the OlrCl\\tn I~ 10 I

of the reach of all the rebel crew I wIlh th" generally recClved oplmon on thIS I had the svmpatblea of fOlelgners '[he lIttle 120,000 commUDlcants-most of whom, he of h ltnR via Mobil .. t I VlrglllH\ 11 Ie • (Jo:ngI~~ss It ImposE:s a line of five hun subject, und winch has, as far as I know known of them Vias favorahly regarded thought, were loyal to the go\ernment of certamly are thu~ f I UO 'I!<Ig'l\S-SO fal

I Th I h hi h U " lars and Impllsonment ~ lr not less " KANAGJlMEN'l' OF A SABBATB.SOBOOL made It necessary for me to occupy a POSI e Imperm government was t oroug y t e mted i:>tates " we know-of an) demonslI atlOn 0\ attnck

NEW MAKET, N J June 1 1862 tlOn E'ntJrely alone m my own denomma rotteJl The people WeH) oppressed by petty I - years, for h 1\ IMg a plurahtyof upon an~ of the UDlon al mles a~ am otl t T,lhe Editor oC tbeRecorder I d I h t I offiCIals Tile COllntr) was ripe for rebellion DR PC.E\ ot Oxford IS bl \IlIT\Il' out a It abo PIO\ Ide~ that no cbnrch m bon ate not, lOwever, on t IS aCCOlln , N tl II tt " .. pOlllt than Richmond, for J4>cksOn" fme

As Sabbath school Instrnctlon, at the pre d I ever was lere a OlOle \ cling prospect CommeutalY on the Mmol PlOrJilets" tory, ~hall own more thau 50000

I prove reCleant to the truth, as I underBtan for such an Uprl~lIIO' * " x !he lebels h h h d I I wortll of propnrt' I "i\re blll""e the 18 now fiYlllg In nttel ront be re Banks tod

sent day, IS becomlOg one of t 1e most prom d h I f I 'i! IV IC as occnpte 11m neal y twenty "./"" It, and ~et my earnest eSlle I" t at I wele success u ID ,0relgnneJotlatlOns and I I Flemont inent means of relIgIOUS instructIOn to the may be plOmpted by the love of Christ and destroyed the plestlge of the Emperor wars aud IS spoken of by competent Judges agallls~ tl e lllJ1 II! tl)( Se nntc Thu~ the IndicatIOns are at thl8 mOlllel1

Youth, and b1ds faIr to be the most success fI db h S a II tl tId I Several (f the rwlw8t r 1)\ lIIC " of Cluna as rankmg WIth the greatest lnblieal works thel!Callforma lUpmliels whose III 10 uence j IS PH", ID ~ II m ,y 0 I I I ~ I I 1.' that the Confederate leaders ha\e resolved

falm theJr converSIOn and usell1lness In the were unt el t, II (lilt Illl! t Je\ only of the age m g It ue l\lV)h ell \1y theu proxlml

I h h h t b t or ~a\ Vi hell chscusslDg thiS or allY other I needed to pu,h U I wllll the enel gy winch Mormon tellitor) e~()eclall' as the to consolidate a11 then strength at R cI

world, t oug t It mIg t no e amIss 0 theologlCll qnestlOlI Havlll r alread' re I h d th t d t h d tl t bt I I f N1- Y k C J mond, ",nd to wager the lives and fmlmes d t d tl

0 ./ a 01 el 0 IS mgllls e )I III 0" am HE P lpll at lOll 0 cw 01 Ity, ut: rUllt( tIl the I)"clfic lIes tllrollgh draw out our supeHuten en s an 0 lers III d 1 I t I f hit Il ..

d I cor e{ m~ \ IBWS 0\1 tie IVJ/j1' q ues IOn I pussesslOn 0 t e Ilnpena CI ,) \It <nCC!'SR GJrdmg to the census of 1861 was 843 741 What BrIgham Y OUIl,,' and of theIr entel pflse npon the I ('"lilt I lhe

ierested III thiS most noble an re IglOus en can calmly walt a few brIef years, until the appeals to have demoralIzed tll m and the number of placas of worshIp of all mlhtar) operatIOns at tlmt CIt) IrprlBe as to the best method of couductlng M tel lilmself shall deCide Ivhethel my Many people lllterestpcl In the w"'t~le ,f WIll say or do about thIS assault as Ch 1 d d I I b II I !lImes and den nnlDlltlOns 274, the number I On the 9th a severe battle was fougl t at

S bb h h I d I ha been ap IDa la re~ar p, t ( re e IOU a. tIe pecu mr IllStltUtlOtl IcmalllS

a a at sc 00 , an as ve Views, or the VIeW s of my brethren al e cor dawlIIlIg of a ghll ') I f't "matlOn IlpOIJ Olle of SlttIDgs III \\ 11Ich nrc only 20() 580 Tins I Cross Ke) s A dIspatch fr~m Fremol t s plied to at dJ/rerellt tImes, to know how our Iect, m relatIOn to thiS lmpol tant mattf'1 !lurd of thl hUlllrtll I 'c But the leatlel s leaves a ooplllatlOll III :'iiew YOlk of 638 • headquarters, Port Repubhc, V [\ Itndrr

stool Was conducted, I spnd you a copy of J>' did l d I ' I date of June 11, says the al my \(11 nnced

The readmg of your commllDlcatH n has pnue up Will pI I e a~"UlTle\l 1\ Ine !Onora 161 ur mOle than three "ourths of Its lIlh lUI Seveuth da \ Baptist \Y estern Asso I h I I l I d

d b t d br ther N k l h I I " J ear y t I~ mOl omg m me of batt c u " tter ad resse y me 0 a goo 0 'awakened some thoughts ID my mmd, which an ID era me t H seat of t Ie Ie I\enl,l tunts who are entirely wltllOllt (1111IPII ",. holds 1'8 anlllversaro meeting WIth fi d d dIn who lS much lIlterested In Sabbath schools king, and the lebel forceH lost Sight of the ' 'W , ./ n mg no enemy IHOCPC ~ III l\ (0 1I0

YOU arc at lIberty to pubhsh It In the RE I deSire through thiS medll1m t) present for object of the rebellIOn and have slDce COil comm ldatlOn In lndependence N Y com through tbe woods alld ovel the countrl I

f Y0nI conSideratIOn, wlthont gomg 11110 any I tented themselves WIth O\errullUlno~ and de- on the 19th llIst, the datil of our Port RepUbliC E\elywncre WClccvldenc


CORnER, I"' you thmk It will be 0 any servICe I THEY nlutllate good books II d of the completelless of yesterday'" sueep' ~ '1 partICular dlBcus.lOn of the maID (luestlOn vastahug the c Juntry ID theIr po.sesslOn as we as goo nr"RP\"t ISSlle As we have I eo >Ived no no " t d h a tendency to draw out d S h D T dd f The battle was fought at CroBs Kp) s n Id o any, an ave You sav The ClmstIan Chmeh IS an 1l1stl I Instead of encouraglDg busllless and gettmg m~n )wn out r 0 ,0 Plttsfield, the "ropel "ffieel \\e toke the re k h '[ b II I

h h h t • h d II f I I h I h I dd ", ~ ta es t at name he ro e OS8 wa, Ole

at eta on t e sarno su ~ec ttl 1 d t h d t e goo WI 0 tie peop e t e cItIes wile m liS a ress before the rract SOCIety at Its ~d d Yours In Christ

ian bonds, II lOn, w lie IOCR no In any sense em 0 y they hold have become mere barracks fOl N ~T k d ' of mentIoning It for the bene6t Iy super~or to OUlS 'lhey left tile I ( h d f I t It I anDlversary at ew lor sal • ,~mong \ t I I d v f tb d d the field

I D TITSWORTH tel ea 0 CII I govern men IS simp y soldIers and to the COllntIy people the term not '" 10 onne' l\1 t Ie mat- an man 0 elr wonn e 01)

I t t I 1 b I, d I II I I the ~erJ few houors that I have recClved III Not less than 500 dead Viere fOllnd nud

a re Iglons orgalilza 10\1 CXIS Hlg WlIlilI t Ie I re e IS COllnecte 1\ It I a t lat I" m liP State, bnt l\1 no ~ense affihated WIth It" and blood thirsty thiS world, lind they have not fallen upon ' UlaDV woundeU '1 \\0 of thClr guus !fer'

Dear Blother O,-Agreeable to yeU! re th kl I h d th h t 111'ormatlon of tile tlille and place of left behmd, which we captured thiS mornlOg, h h Let me a"sure YOll tillS definItIOn of the Meanwhile the new government at PekIn me very IC y, a e JIlOI a grca l' Capt Dunker of General Fremont8 stUll

quest, I gIve you my vlews, III sort, ow a C' headed by Prince Kuug, seems ravorably while ago to write some lIttle booko £"1 the t f h I h Id

h d t d Cb 1 hit It" " " anon er sary mee mg 0 t e was kIlled Capt Gltterman of Cluserct! Sabbath schoo S ou e con uc e

h "'a riB IUn urc I rechelvp.s my mos lear Y I dtsposed toward foreigners -'f'hrs fad, WIth cbIldren, which have been read extenSively, BaptIst ~orth Western As,o staff was severely wounded No othcrstnW

--lst Procure a gooa place to Oil your concUlrence I WIS , however, to adil that the eVident lack of constlUctIve power ID I'd t tl h I TI b·1 d d I

am IUJOrme ,Ole negroes on t e p anta the leader IS referred to the "pecml officers were kIlled or woundeil IC re , sclIool., the very best YOll can get IS none to thiS organizatIon was eSlgne, and adapt tne tebellOn-exerClsmg as It does a ,er) t t th S th ~ th b k h d d "d I alOig d I ff, t h IOns a e ou ,anu ose 00 save WOlln e were 10un 1U ever) \olIse ,

good ed uy Its great Founder to eXIst and pros preJu lCIII e eo upon commerce- as ap bid W _I I • the road Ambulances wagons alfOB ~I' d d ~' f h parently mflnenced the representatIves of een Vi/ltl ate hel.. have saId, "IIon r ur

2d Choose A good superlnten ent, the per, t nn erllevtery ormd

0 lfilmatn g )vfern England and FIance to make common cause or obey, and love your ifather and mother" !TElls-Go v Letcher of Vlrgm clothmg strewed tge field Forty 0 0

best man you can find m church aSide men III a I 8 varle I amI ca IOns 10m tl th I I ~ h r ordered all the stores and plaees of wounded were taken prisoners and left In 3 'fery " , wile mperIa IstS lor t e pUlpose of the~ have made It read II H In lr obey and h h d k h L I

H t b th t t I t t th 11 d J" 1U Richmond, exc .... t establIshments c urc ,an were reta en '1 he 6t 01 •

from the pastol emus () a praymg e s ernes (espo Ism 0 e we organIze drIVID~ the rebels away The forelgu force ltd B.... ,[I " ove your mas er an rlstress nt sir In army contracts, to be closed at ana regiment lost all but thn ty mel\

man, nnd he ovgM to be a man of much republIc, where It may be supposed CIVil has recently been mcreased and fnrtber ad tl t h' , ddt did h d til' .. Ie Ime IS commIT an t t h tl eacb ay, 111 or er to prepare a retrea e untl ml DIg t, an

h b t d th lIberty IS enlnyed 10 ItS greatest perfectIOn dltlOns are shortly expected flOm TlentslD h h " a VeIY s or y, Sb~ prayer Let 1m e promp, an open e J w en t ey can read onr books wlthont any for"e for the defense of the capItal, their real guard crossed (ile exerc1ses preCIsely at the hour appomted, The perIOd of ItS most rapId expanSIOn, and h h d h ble those who ure engaged In busl at HilS place and burnt thc hudge not a\1owmg more than two or three mm- the bughtest daya of Its prospellly, occurred A CERTAIN thread of sameness runs through sulc t c anf~' ~n t e dsaCled and God given ts to devole a portIOn of each The Rtehmond Exammer of the 9th d, utes fOI the variation of dIfferent tIme pieces when the strong arm of human authOrIty human life aund all the mutatlOn~ of the r~, aldlOn 011 bat er an mothet parent and drIll and dlsC1plme 'i'he second class votes ItS edItorIal columns todeplollug socb

I • I d h t ttl Ii I h Cui ,WI e re-establIshed never ag IlIl to req11lred to assemble dally, ex a fact that tllele IS round no mdlvlduall'o

Have the schoo per.ect y qUIet UrJlIg t e was agams I -a 11 Ime, IV len t e ages A couespondent of one ot tIle pa-' I' --." d be wrenched froUl them" for mIlItary IDstructlOn desperate and weary of \tVIDg by t , OpeBlng exerCIseS, winch ought to be short heathen did ragt, an the kIDgs of the ealth pels speaks of some new frescoes recently , RIpley has been released from wretchedness which tlus IllvaS101l b~ AJ1vw nono to entl r the house darmg that stood np, and the rulera were gathered to- exhumed ID Pompen , one belllg an Illscrlp PROPOSITION FROM TSE iDANISH GOVERNMENT at Charleston, and, wIth two brought on him, as to substitute what rnal t.illle, and, 1£ need be, let a hrother stand at gethcr" not only t{) Impede Its progress but tlOn on the wall of what was probahly a -A dispatch to the New York Post says the ordered to RIchmond Va Gen be an IgnomlDlOlls slllCide for a glollio: "b d t t nn Interr tlon Let If pOSSible put an er d Itt k h f k d " takes command at Charlee martyrdom-Intended as an IDcentlve

0, ~ e oor 0 preveIl' "np ,I 0 I S very eXls ence wor s op 0 some m, as wllows "Ouo DaUish Government has made a formal pro d d ,rr U Ie" I hi b Wh J Ch gra uate at (¥ est Pomt 10 1824 procur1l1g the assaSBlDatlOn of the III I tho snpermtcndent, at a gIven signa, w c en esus rlst mstltuted hIS Chllrch 81S hw 10clIs non est D!scedp., Narrator" pOSitIOn, throllgh ItS MlDlster here, to take at one hme an aid to Gen Scott 'States officers who have taken posseSSIOn r tha school musl nnderstand, have the whole upon earth hi well knew that all the States ThIS may be translated, II ThiS place IS not all the negroes whICh escape flOm their Attorney General of the C S A !tas the rebel terrItory The paper IS printed °d Bchool be .. tbelr heads on the back oC the of the world wCle III hke manner, as lIldl. 101 the lazy Loafer, depart I' ThIS IIlscnp- masters and move th to St Crolli:, free that alIens pern,anently resldmg In II half sheet aud IS a stnklng eVIdence p

seat m front of them, dnrlUg prayer time vlduals, the SCI Vllllt~ of Sill, ensnared by the tlOn IS as good for mdustrIaI establIshments charge It then pro ses to put them nn are snbJect to conscrIptIOn the ImpoverIshed condItIon of affaIrs, I

Le h t d • have the whole dId "t k t L I I d g they have a " consular pro' RIchmond A letter from Stanf,on 'r t t c lIuperlll eJJ eu. eVI, an a en cap Ive y lim at liS of mo ern tImes, as It was fur anCIent Pom der an apprenticeship f tbICe years, per " pe

h If b tb te ha II "th t th I I h If d ~ dated June 6, pubhshed ID the same pad"p e argo any ro er or alB r 8 any WI, a ey were IOstl e to Imse ,nn pen Indeed, Similar cautIOns to lazy fOlks mlttlng them to reOOlve legular wages At TT. t te I t M d h S d J k tap , umon s aSia on on ay states t at on un ay, ac son me t re _I!fgelbons to make for the llBprovement of would be hoshle to the spmtual orgamza and longers are to be found here and there the expiratIOn of theIr pprel\tICes~lp lt I~ of last week: some mdlVldual threw gaged General ShIelds, after the recnp u g

'the .cbool, let them do It pm'ataly Be very tlon whICh he "as estabhshmg among them m places of busmes8 and labor III 1IU1 own pi oposed to free them uncondItIOnally Tbe of plug tobacco mto the parlor of by tbe Federals of Front Royal, relllSIO


1 careful to have no alte)'caholl before the And he slao ~new, that he had, from the re country alld (bmes , the lapse of eighteen correspondence has been sent hy tbe State COil sui, on Freemason street WIth It 180 of the 12th peorgla rcglllJep

._I. • .J, t t t t f tid h h r was made to the Military Gov The rebels claim to have repulsed oqr tlol~B _UVI mo es an IqUl y 0 no. IOnll eXIstence, an centurIes s oWlDg t e same trlllt and the Department to the House JudIC18ry Commlt- d Tn"

ad. OaJl the roll, alld let each one rIse and under every form of humall governmen+, per same necessity tee an an mvestlgatIOn m regard to the and taken GPO prIsoners belr ow ~ been ordered they gue as bemg small

secure proper at wages or

U~f.slu)h peraonB- an 1 upon tl eland

and sales are to o e fourth of

the Govcrnol f


( format 0 that Gel Curt s ha I not reached blPORTANT FROY ARKANSAS -The Leaven Salt manufacturmg I Sa<nnaw MlCh $ixl:eenth Ann versary or the North Western: Tram from New fork arrlvesat HarrlB~aU P)( L I ... A~cill!.ion w II be held with tbe Chn ch at 11 !ton (noon) connecting E&Ilt and West on reDlllJlvanla

tt e Rock bUL was app oacl) g t from worth (Kansas) Conservat1ve of the 4th lOst steadily grows 1D By next Sep Central Ral road Northern Central Railroad, North Searcy a 1 w II neet no opp stan says tl at Gov Rector f Arkansas has had iember there WIll 1D operatlOn at that cQnlmencirlgF fth-day Jnne 26th at 10 o clock Sontb and with Cnmberland Valley Railroad

Bea eganl s a ny B reported at Tussello a lesponse to h s all fOI armed men m o~ place no less than fifty nme salt blocks IJntrollocltory D scoursc by Eld A Hakes 11" 21",,,,u% Enrru, ~al1l fl1r 1M Wee leaves New d hiS c· QJ~Ithanlplton, III Prof A. R Cornwall of Alb ou York at 800 P. Mooda1ly (Sundays excepted ) makin, fitt~ m les so th of COl th Arrangements er t at t e tate should rely on the prowess The capaCIty of worb o~ this extent may,,, L T ROGERS n. Sre y close connect on at Hanisbmg with P nn81lvanla

have been n ade look ng to a fOlt ficat on of of her own rebel sons and not on the Con be Judged flom the fact tllat a Bmgle block Rallroad-w th no chan.ge () cars to P Itsbnrr ~od the plac Desel ters arrive da Iy a d take federacy In carving out the Idea of rebell on there has produced 4 oor barrels wlthlD ~hy ooe With n the bounds of the North Western bnt one to C nc nnat and Ch cago Four h01l18 time tI e oatl Gen Pr ce was at Mob!le on and that twelve thousand men had rall ed to about e ght months Assoc al on or elsewhere have II co~ oJ the M nute. IS saved hy tak ug tbls tra n • T d I 0 G B k I S sta d d I d "C II h ld' Sol S I h of the Je d Assoc at on 'or the year 851 Will ELIZABETBPORT ANO NEW TOIlIt FERRY nes ay ast n the same day en ec n ar IDC u ng mC U oc a 0 ,oree omon tu gea the well kuown wea t Y"" Lt4 " l'i k ~ P 2 .T .... " R t 120 d

P k I d d con'er a 'avor by forward ng the same to tbe Kec,oN-I" 20"! '''M.tID "_~ S'2rD111 '0 4 3'"0 Bnd"''''6 00 p.wr"a lID nndge was at Mer dan e s n Jans an new conscrlptlOns This and cceentr c Ch oago cap tal st long 0. .' ,; f'" ...... ... fiorce IS commanded b R d th d I I b 109 Secretary who Will return the same I Q~~:~~o~d- Tbe boats stop at Bergen Po nt lind "arlner' Har y aIDs an () ers an monomanJac on re O"olOUS ~po nts as een " t f th t r were not '" • h t t fi port ou bf the .. ou es a a yea bor every tnp each way

FOREIGN NEWS as wen y ve p eces of artillery TI e thrown by the exc tement f the war mto a ed aod cannot be found tbe JOBS 0 STERNS Supennt.eJlilent evacuat on of Cor nth 8 expected to add to conditIon whICh has rendeted t necessary to ASBOC ation

es 1 eport of' cksb rg papers Bate

j)a,pot M ss I as been le"troyed by tl ct u I adus that b t th ee I ttle

u n; a I tl e spot wh eh once glor ed I e Ie f!l c ty The s[lme eport adds

e Fede I gu boats sl el e I the town nd G If on Mond y and t1 en trans

nded t oops r;h6 pHage 1 and sack e to t eve th g tI y coullla)

By recent a I vals we have fOie gn news Its nnmber and Fort Smith has bepn des g place him m the Insane Retreat at Hartford WEer MILTON W s of a late date nated as the common muste ng pomt M s Conn ~;..;;;;~;;;;.;;;~;..;..;;~!""""'!""""'!""""'=~~~=~

NEW: YORK M:A.BXETS .rUNE 16 186l! The London Times aga n nd Jlges lD a sour Texas and Arkansas are to be made Aaron Brooks d ed lD Fayette county

the final scenes of rebel I 'cc d .11.3 eo Bresteadyaod In f,"rdemand at $5 75@5 81! ~arm ed tonal on the financ al cr s s wb ch ous war,are a or Pa on May 13 at the advanced age of one I

mg to Gov Rector bnt he need not calculate h d d d h H b d for Pots Pearls nact ve at fi 00 soone 01 late must t argues occur m u re vears an three mont sea JlouT and' Meal Tbe demand for Western State Amer en It must overtake every nat on °Un a protracted eampa gn for there are reSIded I I the county over seventy years FIGur IB less act ve and w th ar vals the market 1B

mon troop8 enongh ID tbe States named voted for George Wasb ngton for Presl 50 ~ bllower for the lower grades closmg qu et for lIud el'e y nd v dual who beheves m the to take speedy care of both h m and hiS dent and at every Pres dent al elect on sh pp n brands and tregular for med um grndp.s

gt r II traile br nds are fir:n and m good r quest at $4 2u creat 01 of wealth from any source except Ie r 09 s nee @ 70 • @4 35 for supe fine State and Western 4 50 4 honest a d persever ng labor SUMMARY OF NEWS The WIfe and daugbter of John 'Vb taker for the Ipw grades of Western extra 4. 60@4 10 for

1 R b N Y b d t ext .. State 4 65@4 75 for fancy do 5 05@5 20 o 0 thousand en g ants have sa led from t\ fea ful volcan c eluptlOn took place ID v ng ID oc ester were urne 0 for sh pp ng brands of round hoop extra Oh 0 aod Lo Idon for the p rpuse of fonnd ng a new the Molucca Islands 01 tI e 28th of Decem death last Monday evemng by the r dresses 5 22@6 15 for trade brands do 0 nad an Flour s

o conform st colon v m New Zealand tu be ber after an IDterval of e ghty two years catch ng fire The mother per shed ID the naICtive- at 4 50@4 70 for extra sb pp og brands called A be tland Clouds of ashes and sand were thrown to attempt to save tl e daughter whose dress and 4 75@6 10 for the better gr.des Southern Flour





Conla n ng'upwards of !50 Pages 12 Superior Engravlngs

An Excellent Steel Portrait &c Beaut fully Pr nted on F De Wb Ie Paper awl

Handsomely Bound n Mu,1 n Pn CE $1 25

Sent fre by relu n 100 t on reet WI of p ~

AGENTS WANTED Guvernn ent at t1 e roquest of the Atla t c the Island of 'lernate about twenty one "w ng nto the flames of a portable furnace :0~S8 :~~e~~~:dB~r:~e:r/~ 05a~: ;57~@: :;d to

I d d h I W I ~, b d R FI t d d mlod"rat,e In every 0 ty Towo V lIage and County to seU thl. Tele"" aph c Company hnd ordered two m es stant to such a egree t at amps t\ tax collector called on a farmer at I I .... e an s. ye our s sea y an n o h d t b I hted t TI I ted II I so d Th t" request at 2 7U@4 Corn meal s steady but less thr II og and remarkable work. Addrm

steamels to be got readv for the purpose of a 0 e Ig a noon s as a ton Qwa lor n 8 og tax e larllle.r ra- act ve at 2 90 !orJersey and 3 15@3 20 for Bran mak ng f the sun eys on both 8 des of the through the two 10Ilow ng .days when most fused to pay and the collector shot hut dJw ne GEORGE W CHILDS Publ sher

I k I t h h t d h th f d t 1 ~izeclll 628 & 630 ORESTIo'VT STREET PHILADELPHIA Atla t uc J a eav) r n Be n w IC preven e w ereupon e armer mme a e y D. Bram-Tbe Wheat market s more I berally sup-t! e roofs of thtl honses from bel g crushed b s g m and sbot the collector dead on pliI"J and w th only II moderate nqu ryon account of ApPLEGATE & 00 C nClnnat Repo t say s tI at Capta n Bonaparte Pat

lerson who s se v ng m the MeXICan ex perl ton S III Ilgh favor w th the Ii rench Emperol and t IS couJectured that he may plove a male acceptable cand date as KlDg oPes dont of the Mex cm s tl an an Aus tr an Pnnce

The Inhabitants of Mnk a made the r escape spot anlldvance m ocean fre ght' pr ces are 2@3c ~ bush Publ shera for the West b t h k lled b lower bli ca~o Spr Dg at 92c@1 04 Ihe latter r~te

n oa s many owever were Y In the town of Pompey Onondaga coun fo~T chol:'l,j M Iwaukee Club at 90c@1 05 Amber red hot stones tbat fell tn all d rect ons ty N Y there were two fam I es contalD 10waana~reeD Bay at $1 05@1 08 Oanada Club The Island IS totally devastated and accor mg elgbt Interestt g and apparently ~althy at 135C@1 04 Red Western (good to pnme) a~ I, 14 dmg to the latest accounts covered With cb Idrell WIth n two weeks seven of the @116jand Amber M cb gan at I 781 B~rley s

h f t J." t d 8 n Iful and heav;yat 6'''''70c for State Oats are aB es 10m s x 0 seven ,ee eep eig"'--ere cal tIed off by dlpther a """ ad d W

The U S Consul at Pa s has ssued no tlCe tl at no furll er appl cat 0 s can be re co v d from tore g 1 officers ~ r comll ~s on n tI e ! ederal army

m W aga n lower but In f. r demand Can an an est-A New York Journal says w th lefelence The v l1a u who placed opstructlOns on the ern at 41@42c and State at 42@42!c Rye IS less

to the b sUe of p eparat on n ail the navy track of the Evansv lie and Crawfordsv lle plenty and s steady and n faIr request State at d h d b 1 h £ t tl 70@71c Oorn under the uflueoce of moderate arr

yar 8 t at It ou tess as re erence 0 e (Ind) Ra Iroad thelehy caus ng tbe death valS. opened better but w Ih a f rther advance 10 movements now 1 progres~ aga nst Chnrles of P ofessor Fletcher has ~een arrested frelghtslclosed dull and heavy the demand s fa r ton Savannah a d Mob Ie w tI a v ew to has made a fIll coufess on ma nly for export aud t~e Ea,t sales of 98 00 bush

T e Ital a goven ment w sh ng to put capture tbose places befole tbe sett ng m of 'lhere IS some tall n Congress of appro at'l.6@52c for nfer orto prime new Mixed 58@51c a end to ag tat on had decreed that t1 e I very walm and s ckly weathe The work d fo~ 0 d do 57c for pr me old Western and Southern p oceed ngs f r He soc et es should be sus along tl e coast goes bravely on and the pr atlIlg General Lee s t\ll ngton estate an 'Yellow and58c for Wb Ie Western pended n L n ba dv prospect fo the repossess on of CI arleston erect ng bmld ngs there fOI a Hotel des In PrO!) t on.-The Pork market opened firmer butw th

I val des for tl e se of sold ers muttlated by only a ilDllted nqu ry holders abated the r preten Gar b Id I ad an ved at Como In reply before mld"un mer s certal Iy very prom S the rebels SODS audabetterdemandpreva led at$lO 95@U12

to tI e co ratulat ons of the people he made Img for Mes~ I 25 for Extra and 9@9 25 for Pr me a co c lata y speech w th refmence to tl e It has been ascel ta ned lit the Post Office A letter from W ncheste "\ a states that Be~f s n ample supply lind s du I yet ste.dy at

among the I ankest of the rank secess on 11 50@ 3 for Pia n Mess aod IS 25@14 50 for Ex d ff rent sect ons of Ital a S Department that a n!!:le rate letters enelos ~ lad es t1 ere S Mrs DaDd dge better known tra:. Lard s firm and n moderate demand for ~xport

The P r s Pay states tl at ante has ed n envelopes embossed WIth both one and as Betty BI ss the da ghte of tl e late and the trade at 7!@8fc for ord nary to good and I en addressed to tI e Engl sl and Span sl the three cent stamps of the old style have Pres dent Zachary Taylol p_r~m~e===!"""",!"""",==~~!"""",=~~=="," governments by tl e F ench governmeut ex n some nstances been treated by postmas =c

pIa n ng tl e con 1 ct of France and stat ng te s as wholly unpaId and extra postage New Orleans adv ces of May 29 v a Mem MARRIED thnt the latter governme t would cons der thereon exacted Pubhc not ce tberefo e s phiS say Pierre So Ie IS under arrest by Itself leleased fron the obI gat ons of the gIven that stamped envelopes of thiS de order of General Butler on a I gh poht cal con ent ons entered on If t1 e all es treated scrIpt on have not been superseded and are charge and w II be sent North III a few d rectI) w tl J a e • perfectly val d for prepayment of postage days

CRANDALL MA.Xso~-ln Brookfield N Y June 5 1862 by E d J M Todd Mr George J Orandall and Miss El zabeth A Maxson both of Brookfield

OVIATT-OOLL ~s-In Wmi N Y June 5 1862 by Eld N V Bull Mr W 11 am B Ov att of Smeth port PI\. add M ss Theresa F 0011 ns of Ward TI e Grund Duke Co sta t ne las 1 een no to the amo nt wh cb stamps mdlCate The St Lou s papers of Monday announce

n at d as Governor of Polan I The \\' ashmgton correspondent of the that two steamers commence thiS week to 1 he oasts of the North and BaIt c seas I Bait more Sun says Now that It IS es n ake regular t ps between that c ty and

bl h d hid b t t :\rempl s one leavmg every Wednesday and c to l defe d d by forts at tl e mouths of ta IS e t at on c a gun ).{)[I s are no t1 e other on Sat \Tdaya ALLE -In Georgetown Sem nary Hospital D 0


tl e p nc p I r ,ers It ~ dec ded to build 1 ght enough of draft and SWift enough for May 8 1862 of typhoid pneumon a G deon S Allen e 0-1 t ra ma led essels after tl e Amer can all pu poses of 1\\ nl warfare the Secretary The Buffalo Courier says that tI e storv of of Alfred N Y n the 28th year of hiS age Be was sy~tem a med v tI three guns encl of the Navy has determmed to construct a three men go ng 0\ er tbe Falls on Sonday a member of the 86th Reg ment.N Y V Steuben

IIi 1 d I h T k large number of wooden boats of I .,.ht draft s noth ug less than a merc less hoax The Rangers Co D Act 0 c patc es t e ur ., f I d t h b t t d b R h B I Air d N Y J 3 1862 f II r

I d '[ aJ d powerful propulSIOn for the purp se 0 Ie IS sa 0 ave een B ar e y a oc es uaD CK- n re une 0 ve C nso s had taken teps fo tne protect n sh oap I a not on yentere "ontenegro I t th 11 f th S th ter paper COIDpla nt Lucy Ann w fe of Samuel Lee Bllrd ck r t b t h \ defeated t e Mo teneg ns w th opera IDg upon e sma rivers a e on ageoJ. 54 S ster Burd ck made a profes, on of rei glon o e s ~cc" reat sla "hte and wele prep r ng t pol and ter UrlZ ng host Ie pop lilt ons The C ty Sol c tor of Ph ladelph a bas de and un ted w Ih the 1st Seventh day Bapt s~ Alfred

Intell gence f 0 Fo t e"s Monroe of ~ec t tl eO ndvltnce nto the co ntr TI e Repobl cans I the Senate whose c ded that c ty advert sIDg n Sunday pa O~ur h about 30 years ago of wh ch sbe rema ned a Jun 10 say" Gene al B rns de and staff ~ teI ms exp re w th tl 5 Congre"s are Morr 11 pers 18 111egal and tbat b lis for such should wor by memb r I 11 called away tober rest. N w a ea I~re e I) Ihs ornng va tbe of Mane IiootofVermont ~umner of Mas notbeapprovedbytlectyauthorttes BOTEs-InMltonWs June7 1869 ofdiltbera \\berna Ie an 1 Chcsaneake canal pe small DAMAGE BY THE FLOOD IN THE PENN sachusetts D xon of Connecticut S mmons teTm nal ng n croup Al ce E Buten d ughter of Ii nboat Port Royal TI ey left N ewbelD on SYLVANIA COAL REGION of R'-ode Island K nrr of New York W I A fire occuued m Alb on Orleans county Freder ck and Bathsheba Buten n Ihe 6tb year of her

iI 'II Itt ~"N Y on Salt rdny of last week Loss $16 age t U) 0 cana s open s en re We lea n by the Ph ladelph a Ledger tI at mot of Penns} Ivan a Wade of Oh 0 Chand 000 Insured for $10000 Among the CURK-In West Almond N Y June 3 1862 of

Ie got! 11 tl e obstluct ons I a ng bee e the Sch yll 1\ Canal w 11 not suffer mud n ler of Mlch gan and Dool ttle ofWlscons n b lid ngB dest oyed was the fiatt Ho Ise apoplexy Mrs Pr c 1I~ Clark wife of Dea Dav d m vel 1) General Bu ns d 'Ih object of te npt on In fact Its trade w II be mproved Mr D xon of Connect cut has already bee I 011lrk ID the 66th year of her age From early I fe G B ns de's v s t he c was to I ave m chosen as lIS own R cees or Gov Sprag e Not ce has been g ven to the valOIS she had been a fa hful member of the Bopt st Ohnrch

t nt c mn n cat 0 w tl the Govern rather thnn nJured by the f esl et d M " f Rh d I I d ch rehes m Washmgton Without regard to and a devJted Ohr st ao t II I t tI t h t H I succee s r '" mmons 0 0 e s an d h h d fi II " d

U g'sen pa c es 0 "as The Nnv gat on Company between East I E fi Id fl h enommatlOn I at tee I ees WI ce usc lIE DEE-In Bartsv lle NY May 29 and 30 1862 Ieee ved repl cs ~ 11 Ietmn on and Maucb Chunk 18 less nJured tl an at Abo It 20 000 first c ass ncr es ave for m I tary hosp tals If necessary o~sc~rlet fever Beem e aod Emma son and daughter

~ I I e VB f am 8 de! arlment first supposed and It s bel eved may be ecently been capt ed by olr navy to Mrs Mary G Swayne lately dec€asp I n ot1Jamp.s B and Angel ne Hendee respecl vely n the gether WIth the vessels con tam ng tben 3d and !llh years at the rage

\. 1 spatcl 1 on Gen Hallecl at Cor nth made ready for bus ness between tbe po nts wh Ie m II e act of attempt ng to run tbe C nc nnat left $10000 to the Amer can JORDAN-In Brookfield NY June 5 1862 ofd P o t! e Secreta v of War suva the enemy has fort} SIX m IpR and pel haps as far as Penn blockade It s said tbat Engl sb specnla B lIe SOCIety aud t" 000 to the AmerIcan tberla Alla M Jordan only eh Id of Samuel and f lien bac! t rus lin 0 m les by la 1 and Hav e gl t m les fart! er up m three or tors In arms I [I,e shipped about 200000 CIon zal10n Sue et Mary A Jordao In the ath year of her age Tb s s o I y UO' a 1 Gen Pope estm ates fo r weeks 'II s d ~tance covers the rna n E field r fles to Nassau where they d spose A poht cal org \n at ou I as been formed a grealam c on Not only tbe parents mourn but e rebel I s f 0 eas at es pr sone s and port ou of tl e bus ness of tbe canal The of thefu to rebel agents who re sh p them 10 Maryland for the p rpose of advanc ng f~~~~\~~e~n~,~e v 6~gh!~I::ef~.i({~~er~~;e~et~~

de~ t on at 0 e 20000 and Gen Buell est great dam at !II a ch Chunk wh eh was re I w th tl e expeetat on of r IOn ng the block the PreSident 8 schen e of compensated slave Sabba ~ ,chool of wh eh she was a br ght ornament mates t a bel~een 20000 nnd 30 000 \. ported ca reI away sent ely In nJu ed lade emanc patlOn Truly (leatb loves ash n ng mark. We feel that our pc son who \\ as en ployed the Confeder The cost of epa rs w 11 be cons d~mble but .A Yankee has beeD exh b h g a uew gm It s sa d tl at lOt leso tin 0 e tentl of loss s her eternal ga 0 Her fllneral Will! atteoded on ute co nm s"" y dep"1 tment says they had the 0' eat loss a I so rce of Iegret results [It ,uash ngton w th wh ch he throws a I I f D 1 I d d S.bbatb June 1 bya large concourseohympalh z ng "" " " f H t e saves 0 e awale lI,e sappeare no f lendSj and a sermon preached from the text For 190000 De 0 Co nth and that they now fron the mterrupt 0 0 navigat on small tall entlfely throngh a target cons st one I nows wh ther s ce the rebell on broke now we see through a glass darkly & At the

nnot m 3tc ch 0 e 80000 So e. of The Delaware D v s on Canal the 1 k !DO' of SIX ron plates each an nch and a 0 t grave s x I ttle g rlS sung mo t beaut fully her f.vor f rsl graves a the lOad have bee connect ng the Leh gh NaVIgatIOn w th the I a'lf u th ck ess makIng u ne I ches of DurIng the late fl od n t1 e Leh gh I er tep ece-the first she learned and Ihe last she sang

I h 101 D I t Btl I bl on earth- I want to be an angel &c They then pill e I and ~ und fil ed w tams any e awa e rver a r s 0 we are re a y wrought Iron The ball IS fired at a long tl e water actually rose fifteen feet n ten depOSited the r wreaths upon her coffin and sung a I t e pr soners f var beg not to be ex nformed has escaped the flood almost un n d stance and the target s set obhquely mutes farc'Tcll orthe r own compos og The seene was a _el sayog-t\attreyp rposelynllo~ed There s lttle or no damage to the The nvento clams that Ie can SInk tho I deeplyaffectog Thusshe has passed early away

~ " I tl t TI e Ir ah papers report Ii great rus 1 Th L did th I tIl I b d h s k d Y taken nsclves to be taken Bea egard h m mecl amca structu es e nJu y cons s ng '[onltol nth rty m nutes w th b s new gun e or ove seam an a 0 t t b h d 11 en graI ts to \.me co. til 8 season of a bet ber n out of the storm It s sad and sorrow ng to

Re f retreated f on Ball w n 0 Satu day ma nlv In sC'me n mpor an reac es an Tbe female secess on sts of Wash ngton ter class t1 an have ever before come ove! part but be who gave ber bas t!\ken her Be n on tu Okolona washes of tl e banks along the rver lind are stl111mpudent and presumptuous 'I wo doelh all th ngs well J )! T

M tcl el peuetrat ng nto the no Ih the depos t of sand and mid n the canal of them who waved the r handkerchIefs n The c tree crop of Costa R ca th s year "'"1"""IN11 h Th t t al e th" repaIrs and open nav now appeals to be 106000 qu ntals be ng

corne 01 Georg a has defeated tee lIDe 0 m d h k t token of sympathy With the rebelhon wille abo It 30 000 ave that of last year SlU DERS In the hosp tal at ShIP Island of ty

pho d fever James Saunders son of Jesse Saunders ot Alb on W s aged 24 years Bro Saunders haH been for several years a member of the Alb on Ohurcb and for three years had been for a large share of the t me a B udent n the academy Be was a young man of ntegr ty and as a student stood among the first He possess d a nature wh ch would not allow h m \0 stand n the background when duty called b m and wben h s country called he was promp to respond

b Is at Ci [lttunooga and capt red the I Igat on w lI$not e~cee tree wee s a a a lot of rebel pr soners captured at FlOnt age a mint on and s ppl es Uhat cost w thm 1000 Royal were pass ng throngh Pennsylvan a

t no fill s aery mpo tant ra Iroad pomt The Beaver !l1eadow Ra Iroad we are n avem e on T esdav were anested by tbe be g on tlie great nne f om New Odeans formed s g eatly damag~d by thedcarry n~ provost guard and taken to the guard bouse n RID 0 d nnd also the western tern nus away of costly and mport~nt h r t ge~ anA wI ere t1 ey are held n custod~ r e ro I fro Cinrleston by a gene al dlestr fet on 0 tlleb ac d The Confederates t seems I a\ e st II a

.1 I f \" I t f J 13 ve y large Dot ay 0 money WI ere lU re h M H II U Sf at 0 n "ns ng 0 0 une to p t t m r n ng order and f om tbree show of a navy on tess sa pp 0 s

)S t 10fr P prc€' tI e Govern nent Super to fo r mon I s time The more southern has undeI h s cummand as we learn f om a c d nt of cotton lands n South Carol na port on of the road I p to the po n of con SpeC al d spatch to a wester paper three

1 us d He left Cbarlestou ha bar on nectlOn w th \tbe Hazleton lOad It IS hoped boats called the Ponel a Ira the Lady 1 e daJ 0 r forces under Gen Benl am may be sooner n operat on and by work ng Pope and the Unknown beSides four or five I ~ ace p ed James Island under protect on the two n connectIon severalla ge coIl e transports Com Dav s s after h m how o 0 gunboats TI e rebel forces at es may have utlet to market ever and the rebel fleet on the father of (I a leston h d been greatl) augo ented The Lei gh 'I alley R" I oad we ale n w[lters Will soon l e no mo e I te s say that 30 000 n eu f om Beaure formed by an offi er of the company could The Londoners I ave d scove ~d a method [( d s n y I ad Ie lei e I th re and eve y not be put I operat on unde three or four of extract 0 turpe t ne fro n petrole 1m

epa at 0 w s k g tor a st bbol n de weeks-p obably not sooner tl an tl e canal and say t can thus be obta ned at one th rd Ie 5 01 t c c ty Commod re Du Pont that runs beSIde It the pr ce tl at has been heretofore pn d for 10 gl t furces could 1 at safely proceed TI e Mon s Canal wh ch IS n close can tl e sa ne art cle flOm tl e Carol nas ThIS

t \ we I ad a stronger force 'II ele was nect on w th the Leh gh ICg on we are In d scovery w 11 transfer to tbe North an m I eavy fir ng from tI 0 enemy dur r g a pa t formed from au officer of the company has portant Item In the hst of 80 Ithem resour of ruesday but tl ere was no app eheus on escaped d ect nlury It suffers n common ces 01 danger from lin nttack on 0 r troops w th the other canals n loss of boats and The Kal sas State Senate s ttmg as a

F110 n Wasl ngton of June 14th a Is suspens 0 of bus uess b t nothmg of cou Court of In peachment I as found Jol n W pn c1 from Gen McClellan ~ am y date I to sequence other", 0 Roll so Secretary of State gu lty of h gh day says The movements of the ene ny On the 1st of July and unt I that time misdemeanor by vote of 17 to 4 On the I a,e been extens ve and as yet are IDvolved there w 11 be 1 ttle f any coal trade w th lema ng charges the Co lrt found I m not

n~ste y La ge bodIes of men have been the Leb gl eg on t s expected thele Will g ltv 'lhe Court by vote of 18 to 3 de Ree ov 19 low t om the ne gil or! Dod of be an add t Q to tI e usual advance n I elared that Job " Rob nsun be e 0 ed Mecha ~sville br dge and R cI mond toward fr ght charges that take place at that date from h s office of Secreta y of State he late battle field 0 lr p ckets were yes b t as yet 01 course nothmg has been deli The secesslOu Cungr€ssman' alland guam

te day d~ ven In from Old Cbo cb dor ng n tely fixed 11pon has receIved a sharp rebuff f om home A wi eh Capt Rayall of the cq,valry was Tlie officers of the seveIal earlY ng com pet tlOn has been forwarded to the House Wounded sho VI g th~t the eifl!my des gu panles are at the scene of d saster and w II from 633 loyal Cit zeDS of Cmc nnatl ask ng mak ng a demonstrat on In tl at dtrech n no doubt exert tbemselves to the ntmost to for hIS expulSlOn flOm Congless as a traitor ~ contraband who ca ne II Jeliterday re reduce tbe t me of repa rIng to the shmtest to hIS country and a dIsgrace to the State of ported that 3000 cavalry left R dhmond on pOSSible hmlt OhIO


With sp r t He was one of a la ge nnmber who togeth~r to JO n the a my He was

th" .. me grave w h a fallen student and CUllP'~U,", Abn r Gunsolus of RUllaod W s The

TilE New Englaud Seven lHlay Bap st M Q ster al cbJom'loi;iy has suff, red hy h s death for he was a Conference w II ho d ts next meet n~ W th the Paw )I'",ug:,~~a~ of a generous and 11mb tons sp nt wh ch c t ckOhurch at West ry R L ontbe29th of 'v .... '"""guo dbyahgbseoseofrghtandduty Buth nevt the exerc es comm nc n~ at 6 0 lock P fallen a s.c fi e to the Molock of sl.very was

4 - n h s death Bls death s deeply ~ It by At the la9t meet ne of the Oonference held at My,t c parents wbo bave two otber sons ID tbe Ap 29 h he follow ng themes w re appropr ated an allw Be P ov dence spare them When to the members present for s rmons and eR .Y' to be h s death reached home a meet ng of the

Alb on wa, held resolut ons express ng pre ent d at the next meel ng v Z - h s death aud sympathy w th the am cled

Au hent c tyof the Ser p nrc. by EdT R Wll Measures were entered mto to place a I .ms 10 h s memory on the Mademy grounds

Resurrect on of tbe Dead by Eld J W Mortoo and to the memory of other students who have fallen or may fall n the war Resolut ons were also passed

Sav ng Fa th by J Clark bv tbe faculty and students of the IDst tut on ABC Exeges s on Luke 16 19 b.l'L M Cottrell Re/at on of Rea on to Rcvel.t on S S GrlBwold B ~le Cl.ss aR nn A d to tlie Stud of Ihe Ser ptures

B 0 Coon Those members who were not present at the last

mect ng were nv ted to Ilresent sermons or essays, upon themes approprIated at a prel' ous meet n6 The New Epglnnd Seventh day Bapt ,\ M n ster al Confer enoe has been su'pended for a seasoo but t s noW re­v ved and we trust It IS to be 1\ permanent and I v og orgaruzation among the chnrches of Ihls sect on

The meet ng held at Myat c Apnl 29 h was nn n terest ng and profitable senson


LETTERS REOEIVED A R Oorowall A,zor llstee S B Oardner N V

Hu 1, J M Todd B P Burd ck N Wurdoer

RECEIPTS J!l!I"i All payments for tbe R~CORDER are aeknowl

edged from week to week n the paper PerSous send og n oney tbe reee pt of wh ch s not duly ac kl\owledged sbould give us early not ce of the om 8S on

iL 0 Crandall Ut CR W s. :8 B Cardoer Dundaff Pa WeI BLew s Myst c Br dge Ohos Gr nnell Wm B Bay"e. Chas. Ma1\roy Warren Lew R John Batty

$2 0 to vol 18Na 52 ~ 00 18 u2 200 1852 2 00 18 5~ 2 00 18 52 2 00 IS 52 2 00 18 52 2 00 18 52 2 00 18 52


ADJUrilNT GEN"R.lL B OFF O~ t Providence May 22 1862 r

General 0 elm lio 27 The Seventh RegIment of Infuntry to serve during

the war w II b"at once ra sed frGm tbls State Men of Rhode IBlond arc expected to respond w tb their accustomed energy to th s add tonal call of the Pres­dent as the r countr~ slonds In fieed of tbem

The Nat onal Guard of Rhode Island chartered Mil ta y Com pan es lIud other organ zat ons w 11 be en tied to a comm sSlooed officer lor every th rty men

furn 'hed Bnch officers may be selected by the men All tenders for the same w II be made w Ihont delay to the Adjutant General The camp to be establlSbed on Dexter Tra n o.g Ground

The Reg ment w II be organ zed us fonows t Oae Co ooel One L eutenant Oolonel One Major One AdJntaot (a L eut.nant) One Reg mental Quartermaster (a Lieutenant.) One Surgeon One A,sIBtant ",urgeon Ten Oapta ns Ten F rst L eUICnants Ten Second L en enan Is One Sergeant Major O~e Qu~rterm~~ter Sergfalt\ One Comm ssary do One Hosp tal Steward Ten F rst Sergean Is Forty Sergean • E ghly Corporals. Twenly Mus cans Ten Wagoners SIll: bnndred and forty Privates

By order of the Commander In-Ob ef. EDWARD 0 MAURAN

AdJu !lnt General Rhode Island papers copy and send b lie to thlll of




Th. MedUlln. h .. betn .... d by th.publICfl1r no: y_' fIIlth InCTta3lflU fll1Jl1r It \8 recommended to cure DyIpqJI1G

NerooWl"'" Heart Bf!fn Col c Pam' Wind In tM Stoma h flT P.a """Ih. Baw.u

Headru;M Drawn ... ., Kidnep Com pia nil LO!JJ Sptrill DeliTlum


NOT INTOXICATE OR STUPIFY As a medic ne t s qu ok and effectual cUPlng tbe

most aggravated cases of Dys"epSla Kidney Com plrunts and all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowel, In a speedy manUer

It w II Instnntly revive the JIIost melaocboJt JlDd drooping sp nts and restore tbe weak nervous lind SIckly to bealth strength and v gar

Persoos who from the IDJud CIOllS use of 1 quor. have become dejected !lnd tbe r nervous slstems shattered const lut ons broken down and subJect to that hornble cnrse to human ty the DELIRIUM Ta~1I ENS w II almost Immed ately feel the bappy and healtby mv gorat ng splnt

WHAT IT WILL PO DOSE -One w lie glll!lB full as often as nece&aAry One dose w 11 remove all Bad Sp rlt Ooe dose Will CUre Hearl-burn Three doses w II cure ndige t on. One dose w 11 give you a good Appel te One dose w 11 stop the d s reBBlng pallia of Dyspep-

One dose w II remove tbe d stressing Bod d sagree-able effects of WlDd or Flatulence and WI soqn as tbe stomach rece ves the Inv gorat og Sp rlt the d stress­mg load nnd all po nful feel ngs w II be removed.

Ooe dose w II rsmove Ihe mo,t distress ng pains of 00110 ather n the stomaoh or bow~ls

A few doses w 11 remove all obstruotlons In the KId ney Bladder or U nnary Orgons.

Persons who are ser oUllly am ctcd w th Bny Kid Dey Oompla nts are assnred speedy reUef by a dOlle or two and a rad oal oure by tbe use of one or two bot­tles.

Persons who from d ss pat ng too much over night and feel the ev I effeets of pOisonous liquors, In vio­lent headaches s ckness at stomacb weakness glddl ness &e will find one dose w II remove all bad feel ngs

Lail es of weak and sickly const lui onB8hould tab the Iov goratlog Sp nt three time. a day It will make them strong he,lthy and happy remOVll all oJ>. strnct ons IIDd rregular t ". from th~ menstrnal or gans and restore Ihe bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face

Dur ng pregnancy It w II be found an Invaluable med c ne to remove disagr!'Cable sensations at the ~tomaeh

All the propr etor asks IS a tr al and to Induce th s he has put up the INVIUOIlATlNU SPlRlr In pint hottles at 50 cts. quarts $1

MRS WINSLOW AN EXPERIENCED NURSE aod Female PhySIC ~n presents to the

attention ot mothers ber SOOTHING SYRUP FOR OHlLDRENTEETSING which greatly fao I tate~th process of teetblog by sof en og the gums reduc g all n8ammat on-Will allay ALL PAIN nod spa die action and la

SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Depend upon It mothers It w II give rest to your selves and

Wed esday go ng 10 the dIrectlOn of Fred HIram Cole of Shaftesbu y Vt has a

THE next quarterly meetUlg of the assoc ated church es of Scott DeRuyter L nckl~en 'presion Ouyler and Otsel c w 11 be held with the Churcb n Otsel c on Ihe last SlXth-day m J une '8~2 at 2 0 cleck P M Bro T F sber w 11 preach the fir t d scourse Bro

Wm. BaIty Oaleb P Saunders \VOl. E Maxson Mys H S8 EI za Maxsoo Lyman Dudley

2 00 18 52

RELI~ AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We h1Ive put up and sold thIS art ole for over leD

years and ca!\ My III conjidtnc. and truth of It wbat 1\"8 have never been able to say of Any olher med CIDe­""'" I /U it failtd In a ""Ole 111M...,. 10 t;fftlll II euno when timely used Never did we know au Instance of d s sat sfaction by anyone who naed \t On the contrary all are delighted wltli ItS operations and speak In tern s of commendat on of Ita mag cal efleets and med cal v rt1;eI' We speak n tb smatter .. 1rai ... do knaw ~fter ten years exper ence and pletlU' our r .. I>lIIaIi<>n fflT the fulfil/me; j of fill at IDlI her. eltda" In almos~ every mstance where tbe nfant Is sofferlng frOI1\ P" n lind exbaU8tion relief 11' 11 be found In Meen .. twenty mloules afler the syrup IB admmlstered. er cl sb Irg Th s s probably tI e force GENEROUS AND NOBLE A few n ghts ago hog one year and seven months old we gh

wi h appenred at Old Church one of the lad es of our c ty a passenger mg 750 pounds be ng seven and one half F om the feel ng exhibited b.l! secess on on tbe Metropol s wh Ie eom ng from New feet long over three feet b gh and two aud

sts n the VICll ty of Mart nsburg and WID York WIth some s ck and wo mded Drlson a half feet broad across the shoulders ThiS chcster some credit mb.y be attached to the erB seem"" that tl ey were not cared for as IS Said to be a fact from actual measure rumor that Jackson has. aga n been largely her gene~ous nature would d ctate and ment rc nfo ced While we are coufldent m the learn ng from them that the wants of the Tbe yearly expel se of keepmg sheep m ab I ty of Fremont to successfully cope with nner man was the strongest caUed the Vermout s stated by a writer m the Patent Jackson m the vr.Uey It IS beheved that steward of the boat to her she says Can Report at $1 30 per head In W sconsm It e~cn n the event of hiS meetmg w th a re- these men have supper? No marm s put at 50 cer.ts a year In MISSOUri 40 Ve se the preparatlOns whIch Gens Banks there has be~n no prov slOn made of that ceuts In Ma ne $1 In V rgm a at 45 cents and S gel are makmg 10 tI e vlcm ty of k nd by the Government and we cannot The Shaker Roc ety In Ken~ucky rate tI e

2 00 18 52 2 00 18 52 2 00 18 62

Halsey St lIman alternate fROB FEHER Clerk f-, i£"1ENTRAL RAJ]..ROAD OF NEW JER

IKPOBTAJIT FACTS -Const~t wr t ngfor s x months '-' SEY-Froll\ foot of CorUand-st-Oonnect ng at s done cheaper w th Gold Rens tban with Steel Pens Hampton J;1lII,ct un With Ihe Delaware Lackawaona

P and Western R81!road, and at E&Ilton w Ih the Lehlgb therefore It s economy to qse Gold ens. Valley ihlllroad and Its connections foronng a direct

The Gold Pen rema ns un~hanged by years oj coo 10 P ttsburg and the West w thout cbange of Carl! tioued use wh Ie the Steel ren a ever changmg by AmtANoBIlENT-Commencmg May 5 62

corros on and wear tllerefcre perfect uniformity of ~'0~~~~I~Y[~0~rkrahB8~;~~;0;1I0WS f th G Id P at 6 A. M for Easton Ite\ldlng wr t ng s 04ta ned anly by the use 0 e 0 en Maucb Chunk an~ Wlniatos-

Tbe Gold Pen 8 always reaily and rei able wb Ie

Thli valuable preparat 011 18 the preacnptlOllIll en. of the most t'.lptTI8nced alld ,kiUfui nUT ... in New Eng land and has been Ileed w Ih -fa 11"11 ....... In

THOUSANDS OF OA,SiS It not only rei eves the chll~ f<ol/l, pain, but Invi.

orates the stomach and bowel/J, oorrects acidity &114 gIves tone and e,*riY to \he whole system b wlU a\moet UllItantly reUeve \ GftIPIN:~ \N THE BOWELS AND WINJ)OOUC and overQome cOllvul. oos which If Bot speedily re -t med ed end In death We believe It the bM r.nd_. / retllldy In Ih. WI1/"ld m all casea of dgJlfllt!J71 and diarrll«a

W cl ester WIll render any success the re prov de these uuless we prOVIde all Can cost there at from 50 to 5 cents bels may ach eve but of short duratIon yo I get them suppers f I WIll pay for It ? Rev T De Witt 1'almadge and hIS WIfe

the Steel Pen mnst be often condemued and a new one eelecte<l therefore there s great say ng of t me

1ft child.tII whether It Dr oea (tom teel_lng or fi!om -1 [;I Mail2\-am at M for Jil!ulto~ Waler Gap Scrao other cause We w~nld &By to every motber 11'11" kAt

ton Great Bend P tt~tQPl.. W Ilkeobarre &c a ch 1d sofferlng f'r(\11l1lDY of the foregoing compl:.t: u 'lIe hr dge across the Potom[lc a~ thIS pomt Yes Very well do so The supper e 8we t over the Fa r was completed thIS mOrDmg and Its secu I was accold ngly got w th all the deheaCies child andd meoeh I

wer lIng; a boat on the ty tId b he f h b rden b d Nt· 'b t th b at for mount am w 1 e sal es e y t passage 0 a eavy n on an a S ID..- 11 e e~ ~ S h Ik II b PhdadelphlB vn Monday t am The road between hllre and WlOches whlpl the 811m of $150 was pa d No one c uy I a ove 8S drowned ter IS be ng r!+p ply rflpalred and It IS be was mformed of that act-no herald or and Mrs Talmadge w I eyed tI e government wtll have Its use in a newspaper reporter was there to proclaIm In the State of M ssoUr! there afll~r few days thus greatly faCIhtatmg transmls It Qne of the rec plents of her noble rather were at the date of the census-B uU of supphes to tbe army ID !the valley bounty IS tbe nuthor of the above -Fall 632 persons owmng 114 931 slaves an

An I\l'rlVlI1 dIrect from Arkl'nsaa brings B1ve'1 Press average of a httle over 4, 1 2 each

ID the URe of the Gold Peo Gold IB capal-Ie of recelv ng auy degree of elast cl

ty so that the Gold Pen s exactly adapted to the hand of the wr ter therefore the nerves of the band and the arm are not IOJured as s known to be the case by tbe nse or Steel Pens

Hee The Pen IS m ght er than tbe Sword lu lin olber column

1~ !f. Th'1'lrJOll ~aln for I!iIIl!ton Manch Ohunk Read -do n.t 111 !401<r prtI)udici; nor tho pf,ud UI 01, ~ IIoltaville Harr sOOrg Will amsport &e stand \lemeeo yon and your Bufferfug chl1i, aM tbe P !f. Through 2I"ain for Easton Bethlehem Allen rell.r that w 11 bo ,ure-yell abloluttlr IIII'f-to toUow

town and Mauch Cbwik. the use of this med Cllie If t me1,11eed. lUll direc I. 5 ao P M. }Vall 2\-4111 for Somerv lle and Intermedl t 00ll for Dsmg WIll accompant eub bottle. None ~

ate statIOns. genuine unlesS the f.coElllllle of ClJJI. 'PIS .t PERKiNS 8 00 P M. Wat,rn lilI;>rm for Easton Allentown New York Is Oil the outside 'w!:apper

Reading Harrisburg Pfltsliurg and the West Siesp- Sold by Druggial& throughQIlt the world. Ing Cars from Jersel. (M~ tllrough to Pittsburg Principal 01ll0e 18 Cedar Street New YGrk. ~ 2l-1M fl1r ltanUbUrg-The 6 A. II Express PrlQlI 0111125 cents ~r bottle

" ---------

== y== !S sgtz £ :,~~ --- -.: -_: .... ~_., -----' =- . .

5 AVOId takmg the extraordlllars flSks of long credtls no matter wbat profits are m

hgbt lal ds But for a htde extra chOICe manme for speCIal purposes and oCcasIons there IS nothing lIke tbe fowl bouse If ben manure 18 well ~aved and used to the best advsntage we beheve 'will more tblln pay for tbe keep oftbefowls For g'IVIDg onions a start ahead of the weeds there IS notbmg so good as a I ttle dry I en manure drilled ID WIth the seed and It 8 JUBt as good for carrots A teacupful scattered III tI e lull at tbe tIme (f plantmg COlD helps the young plants amazmgly and gIves tbern a hft that carnes them well through tI e seaao[ BIt every farmer needs agood \ egetable garden and for thIS fowl manUie IS mostlv needed FoUl or five quarts put III a banel of walel makes a fine I qUid manUi e for any beds of

cbarge for. the cb Idren of CIt zens lind a mgbt-scbool for ;\bout 700 colOled laborers and tbelr cblldren -Independent

G. B & J H U liE I GRO' ER & BAKEl S

, prospect ===;i:::;=::::::i:;:=;=====~======== /) Give no credIt whatever to anyone

THE l!tmIED VOLUNTEER Who does not possess a good moral cbar BY MBa J H HANAFOllD acter



At twenty two years old what w eked k ng


WE::;TERLY R J Are Ilrepared to do .every kind of



SE" [NG MACHIN'S lor F"n ly and Ala ufad {/ U

495 BROADWAl: NEW YORK Nbl~here bl! !'alberS' r~t )e.lde the .ea

But far away npob 1'otoiliao-'lllibore Ol"ln tire illstaui West biB t!\"a\'e Dlay be

Who e?m~ to h 8 New Etlglaud home no more

7 SupervIse care~ully your own busrness (not your mil~boi:"s) and look after your clelks and see that they are fattllful III tbe performance 1)f all theIr duties

In J udab s cap tal began to re gn For two long years d sgraeed tbe Jew sh tl rone Repenled not the evIl he had done


The r Type and Pre ses arc new and n per~ et or der and the r motto s Neal Qu ck and Oheap

Agene es I all Ie pr nc pal C c. a d ow Un led State.

8 Let 1111 tbose WIth whom you have J P Buno K AG8~T MV8T C Il Or. CO Fond bearts ate aching lD their "llent grief WithIn Ihe cot which IOTe a; palace tn~de

While patrlotprlde Bud Clit'laUin hope rehef O1fers to those who mourn their chenshed dead

dcahngs or II terconrse understand uIstmct­Iy that you will not lend your,elf. for the sake f trade to do apy meau thlDg-lIl1Y tbrng wlncb your consCIence WIll not ap

Worsblped the Images hili s re had made And more and more Gol a mandates d sobeyed T n by his aervants he at length was sla n

THE NAURAGANSETT WEEKLY Published .t W~aterly R I > (} Il & J HUtter s a tit rty two column pap r t! I 0 News of the Day lind MI cellaneous Read ng Sp al pro Dlnenee IS grren to New England news and spec ally to such as Rboi\e Islanders res dent "t home or abroad wo lId be I kely to fe I au nt€resl m As an adver t s ng med um t s adm I ed to be the best n So th ern iRhQde Island ferm $1,0 per year n ad

T Ii E G R 0 V E R & B A K ~ It ~ l ~ U


Oomfort WIll come but only Lord trom thee­In tbee Oh ChrIst I alone the heart IS glad

Whose earlhly hopes hke shadows seem to flee Whose los! uncounled makes eaeh momen t Ead

When to the dID of battle he the brave Rushed I ke a hero at his counlry scali

He thought to win a garland or the grave To live a cOIl!J.ueror or a martyr fall

Now allgels chaunt their puns 0 er hIS head

plOve of 9 Never lend your name by IDdorsement

or otberwlse except under most extraord n Ilry cIrcumstances and then let the act be guarded with every pOSSIble secuflty

10 Never allow yourself oryourpartners to draw a dollal from tbe concern to mvest 10 any outSide operatIOn wbatever

SOl UT 0' TO K~IGYA No 11 -M cah Vld Judges 11

young plants that need stlm Ilatl tr In tilS GEl! BUTLER AliD THE WOldEN -!he order form we use It for melons CUc m"bers etc of Gen Butler m relatIOn to the women w 10 as so n as they appea above ground 10 JIIsult our soldlels m New Orlellns has been put tbem out of the wily of bugs and on sbarply critIcIsed A gentleman Just leturn beds of cauhflower plants for the same pur ed from tbat cIty wbele be has reSIded ever pose Celery pIal ts after bemg set 0 t smce the war broke out savs we can MISOELI o\.NEOU~ PUBLICATION::; The land he loved-Ihe land for whIch he d ed­

CODtits him am d ber dear and honored dead And writes h en.meon History a page WIth pr de

o buned Volunteer I tby pra ae shall <ound Sweelm thy children sears n days to be

And when blest Freedom c reles earth around God wllh Truth s cbamp ono w II remember tbee

11 In fOl mmg a copartnershIp inSISt tbat II I m ted foxed sum only sbaH be drawn by eacb partner for personal expenses

12 Under no CIrcumstances whatever deal ID stocks Don t beheve IIny one of the thousand marvelous taleR of a fortune III that

may be hurlled np amaz gly hy beJllg bave no conceptlou of tbe md gmtles our water4id two or tI ree Is" eek with thIS brave fellows ale compelled to suffer at the G B & J II Ut er b. ng pu chased the Books hqUld food If magI licel t sweet corn IS bands of these fiends III pett coats All Pr n:ted "heets Stereotype Plates Eugra\lngs and wanted balf a p nt of dry hen dung If sense of shame and decency appears I I ave L tbogr~phs of the Seven h-day Bapt t Publ sh ng made fine and well scattered III tbe 1111 WIll departed out of them Tbey rIval the m 8t ::;oe ely ol!'efthem for ·ale at low pr ces for ca,h ..-produce It -Rural New J:or~er degraded street-walkers not only I[ IIbald THE S~VE era DAY BA T ST ~rE>lOR AL ,

ry b It ID obscemty Women wi a h \Ve SELECTING CORN been legarded as the attern of refinenl£'nt We bave from fifty to one hondre 1 complet 8 s of

A correspondent of tbe Ger nantow r :Ide and ood breedlD lDau' e ID Ian (JI he Memor al three volume, IDclud ng b ograph e,

A MAN GUARDING DIA.MONDB direct on TheS are a trap and a he The most profound adamantologlst ID tbe 13 Keep all your accumulated profits ID

world 18 the Duke of BrunSWick He has ID your busIDess so long as you owe a dollar hIS possessIon tbree mllhon dollars worth of When vc u have more capItal tban you can diamonds He bas Just pubhsbed Hi catalogue use then It Will be proper to IDveRt It out

graph saves leplantn g by a careful select on warf our ofiicels ~nd me! whICh n~u~"e tUt and ".\lexecn ed port a ts of Elders Wm BI ss Th"" of tbe seed HIS pIau IS while ClttlDg tie I t Id d t t P erel Hscox JohnDavs \\nf.satterlee EI S Ba ev'Wm

of Ills dU!.monds and ID the appendIX; there IS a BI~4 B

tIt d I Ik h Journa IS wou are pu m prlD resurn B corn ellve s an ng tie sta s aVlDg ID upon the privIleges of the sex the not Maxson ~olomon Carpenwr N Wardner James

notice of the most celebrated diamonds In the on ow of banks or other sources 'Wotld ThIS cat&loguenumbers not less tban never If lt can be aVOIded If temEorary 268 quarto pages It- gIves WIth great de assIstance IS needed seek It from a trIed tall a hst of hiS dIamonds It relates how friend or from a sound bankmg mstitutlOn tbls once adorned a Turk sh sabre that a arid then rettlrn the loan on the day fixed

tbe best and largest ears \\ hen tl e corn ~ I th th tl t b Y I H Cochran and Daniel Oooa ogethe w Ih engrav IS gatbered the seed fmlg ale b I. ked and on y ass~ tm WI e Bon~ Ie 1ft WIlt lOgS of the old meet ng house. at Newpol t and Hop placed on the slats ovel tl e kltcben to re more ma erla weapons lIC ets 0 SODS k nt'on ~ rand Ihe mouern n eet ng ho es at Paw main t 11 plantlDg tID e 'Ihose hav ng tI e are emptIed npon tl em as they pass d eatuck R I and Berl 0 N 1 Th 0 vol urn " were smallest cobs n prop rtJun to the leI gil r cayed oranges and rotten eggs ale I pnbl Rbed at one,ilollar each u. e 1 ou u as a I. ~e depth of the gram are selected I [ ed I led at them aud every msnlt a dap lived I d I I brk 0

royal diadem anothel an Imperial collar a w th the most ugld punctual ty 8 f ",. d hid f d an a rae va 00 at,be C t 0 a 01 er do lor We

He shel s three IUches from the pIt nd al oy C III IUveut 18 ouere to t e ate e d h et al8 propose to sen t e complete wo k eally bonod w Ih fourth a grand electoral bat thIS black dIa 15 Have lm eye on the coudltlOn of the mond was an Idols eye tbat bnlIlant rose couut1'y Its crops and the general prospects dJamond was taken from tbe Emperor Baber for buslUess and look ont BI arp for the at Agta (It weIghs 41 carats and~ worth movements of pohtlClans wbo m mne cases

one IDcb from the butt uSlllg Ihe rema nder h' posla" or express cl arges pa d 10 any 0 e who wIll for seed HIS expeucnce shows tl It seed r e lorbcarauce of ollr tlOOpS th[~ get tic I 0 tb t kith ddl fbI D an says s wonderful 'I hey end Ire the remIt us ree dollars A copy ougl t to be III the

180 000 ) those were tbe wals~oat buttons out of ten care more for a re-election than of the E~peror Don Pedro thiS diamond for our {lommerclal mterests or our natlOual

ta en rtohm e mkl eat elea[ WI I f1kPen jJlbS and pelsecubons of lhese unsexed I family of every Seventh day Bapl :twbo I ut rested wo or ree wee s sooner t an t t til el 0 tl I'" t f th d :Ii

fron e tbel end w etches w th a phIlosopby that notbmg ea I ~e I~ra ure 0 e enom uhl." loverthrow But the nmsance was fast b THE SABBATH RECOHDRR

h th S f d h Prospenty NERVE rmg Wit e tnart coat a arms an t e Th b d B IN AMERICA commg mtolerable The ofiendms w~re ~ preslmmg up au the cllvalry of tbe tlOOpS I ,....,F'o~al files of the Sabbath Reco de from ts com to comllllt pliyslCal assaults Somethmg j meneement seventeen years ago a e 00 band ~nd hke tbc Older of Gen Butlet l ccame Impel a ~ I! be po dent re 0 1n part t 0 d a per vol

cypher M S belonged to Mary Queen of ere are at er an most Important mat Our nat anal dIsease IS III the uerves A Scots that paIr of ear rmgs hung once on ters whICh should not be forgotten Keep Marle' AntolDette He has plenty of dIR- good compatly Vallie mtegnty male tban traveled COlrcsponde t S3) S VP Y Iljstruc monds worth $20 000 $30000 and $45 000 money I ve wlthm your means Escbew tlvely a pIece two worth $60 000 eacb one $70 WIDe theatres and fast horses Use no I bave olte n t ced I pass ng flOm 000 and one $80000 He IS ID treaty now profane language Nevel quarrel wIn a one cIty to the other low II Pm s at my for two dIRmands one of whICh IS worth parlner Be kmd couslderate and geuer nat lral ga t 1 passed everyone and how

tile If women pletenJIng to be decent un mIt ate tbe conduct f women of the tOWI

THE S n " H Scu 0 V TOR

$232 000 and the other $650 000 ~~~t~O sclerksl and also to yom unfortunate m New Yorl almost everyone passed me Tbe Duke of BrunSWick dales not leave Cu tlvate the friendshIp cf all Do The nervous energy of OUI people always

It was proper tbat somethlDg I ke the same pUlllsI ment should be meted 0 t to It em -Alba y Even g Jour al

'!'he first tbree volu es of the V s 0 oouut! 10 ge ber In m s n can be h d at 75 c ul quettt volume n sbee, ar on baud d

Pans at any perIOd of tbe year hIS d a you~ pr~pel share m p~lmot ng t~e ~~bhc makes them ready t overtask tl emselves SINGULAR CIRCUMSTANCE -S man Hazen monds keep hIm cbamed tbere He dares rea ~ a man It ge~ eman an a r s wben once mpel1ed n a CPI ta n dl ct un now reBldmg m New London county Conn A Collect 00 of or 0 nal all(I selec cd Mu.o d not sleep from borne (somfi people reckon t an an tbyof f<WI ~a f e s~r?a of han mhe~1 I Tbe French have a phrase- aile u les II nely two years of age has I ved under Hymns for the use of Sabba h-School, So al Rei thIS hberty of pJ\low one of the great fran I~nce h~h s t l e an 0 Z;u~ a ~ c /s ID t e nerfs 01 gOlOg or tIuvehng on y UI three natIOnal govelDmer ts al d I tbree g ous Meet ngs and Fan I s 128 poges octavo cblses of Paris) a slOgle mght Tben be W 18 a come - n epen e nerves -whlCb very \, ell exp coses tl e p e dlffeleut towns and yet bas I ever movrd pr ee 95 cents s ngle or $2 50 per doze hves m a house constructed not sa mucli for telllatural and spasmodIC fmee g ,eu byex out of tl e bouse ID whICh he was born or MA S comfott \1S security It IS bU1'glar proof CRIEB OF ANIMALB c tement Oue of tl e most fUI I ex i cha ge I h 8 leB dence Mr Haze I I ved ~ A 0 TUE E E T D Y BHTL~TS surrounded on every SIde by a hIgh wall II e vOIces of an mals have a fum Iy char pIes f th 8 ts a delicate g rl dallc g .e\ e under tl e monure! y of George III tl en Till 8\ t volu ne Co t u ~u H or cal Skel hOi the wall Itself IS surmounted by a lofty Iron acter uot to be mistaken All the camdre al mJle!! at a bill tI at IS sbe takes steps I undct tbe Confederacy of the Amel can Col 1 the Seventh dny Bapt sts show ng the or gin and 10 raIling defended by mnumerable SbaIP balk and howl the fox the wolf the dog enough If they were ID a tit! algi tine rn or es and lastly undel our Federal Con cat on of the r Chu cbes 0 England and Amer ca spear heads wblch are so contrived that If have the same klDd of utterance tbough on stead of a senes of curves to COl el several shtutlOn And he filst leslded In Ihe tow 1 w th a 1,\ of preacber and tbe stat 8t cs of th any person touche.s anvone of them a chime a somewhat different pitch All the bears m les and at a fast pace too and at an of NorWICh wblch was subsequently dlv d churches 10 whICh s appended. b ef atement of of bells beglDs Instantly to ring au alarm gr wi from tbe white bear of the Arctic ho Ir wben persons need repose If leqmr ed and tbe town of Frank 10 was fi 1 med Rea;ons to emph. z u c D Y of th Sabbath thiS Iton raIllDl!; cost hIm $14 12' He keeps snows to th~ small bear of tbe Andes All ed to do the same task In the morn1Og With whICh mcluded IllS lesldence lind n 1861 I It s neally bo nd n m 51 n 1 01 I at hIS dlllmonds m a safe bUIlt In a thICk wall the cats nllau from our qUIet fireSide com out the eXCltemer t of I ghts dICsses part that palt of Franklm whew be I ve I wa~ I copy t hlB bed IS plilced against It tbat no burglar pamon to the hans and tIgers and pantbers ners etc RI e would I enable to get through cl ded 1 tbe p eoent town of Spl ag e Hy , n OK"

may break Into It wltbout klIlmg or at least of the fortfst and Jungle I half of It OJ If urged t) walk say tbree Cop es of CI r sl an Psalldody th Hymn Book wakmg hIm and that he may amuse himself ThIS laM may seem a strange assert on miles and a balf In an hour the attempt I SI IPI E 1[OD£ OF COllPGTING lNTERE r -Mul u~ 11 by the Seventh-dJly Bdpt't cb rIps are sup wltbout leavlllg hlS bed The safe IS hned but to anyone wbo has listened CrItIcally would probally beak I do\\ 0 greatlJ' tlply any given number of dollars by the pI cd at Ihe follow grates WIth granIte and wltb Iron tbe locks have to thell" sounds and analyzed tbelr vOices fatIgue hel It would I t be Indolence r numl er of days of mterest rliqmrcd separate Bound In roan pia n edge a secret whIch must be known before tbey tI 0 roar of the I on s but a g gllntic mmu ,dISIllc\Inat 01 as s me w uld suppose l ut the r ght hand fig re aud dIVIde by SIX the g It eda s I en lap


1 00 can be opened, If tbeyarc opened by VIO bearmg about the same proportIon to tbat P(lSlt ve mahht, So too ~ Idlers n stOlm result IS tbe true IDterest fOI such number lence a dls6IJarge of fire arms takes place of a cat as ItS stately and majestic fOlm does mg a fort w 11 cltmb places whICh they nov lof days at SIX per cer:t Tbls rule IS 80

whICh will \ne.vlt~bly kill tbe burglar and to the smaller softer more peaceful aspect er could have stJImounted I cold blood s mple and so tIue acoordmg to all bus uess at tbe same time a chime of bells m every of tbe cat Yet notwlthstandmg the dIffer Even horses I tI c eXCItement of a hUi t usao-es tbat every bankel lake mercbant room III the.bousc IS 8et"3 rlllgmg He has ence III the sIze who can look at the hon w 11 take leaps wI cI they Ilould refuse or anlc1mk should post It up for wfelence but one wllldow m hiS bedroom tbe sash wbether til hIS more sleepy mood as he hes fall to clear alone !\ \\ all such efforts I and use There bemg no such tbll g as a IS or the stoutest Iron, the shutters are of curled up m tbe corner of hiS cage or m hIS bemg preternatural a d spasmod c ter I flacllOn In It there 18 scarcely an) hablhty thIck sheet Iron and cannot be entered un fiercel moments of hunger or of lUge WIth n ocl to anhc pate tl e I at I al wear and to el rOl or m stak" By no anti met cal less one Le master of the secret combmallOn out belDg remmded of the cat? And tbls 18 tear of tl e system Tlose wid we have p ocess can 80 des red I f Imat on Ie ob of tbe lock A case of a dozen six barreled not merely tho ~esemblance of one carmv mentJoned ale mdeed feats of ell(]urlll ce 01 tllmed W th 80 few fig lies revQlvers lQaded and capped lies upon a erous an mal to aUOthel for no one was ever agilIty rat! er than strengtl but It may

I 20

MARn AGE C. nTIF CATES No I P nled n red and blue on 0 e paoe of a

letl r sbeel w th fly leaf Pr ce 60 ce Is p doz n l'io 2 pr nted n red and blue on a s!t el 14 hy 17

mche. a~apted to f am ng P ce 1 cents per dozen

iable within reach of hIS bed Would you remlDded of a dog or wolf by a han eaSily be co CP. \ ed h w tinder the IDHuence onns AND ,ENDS Hke to be lD hIS plac~ Aga n all ihe horses and donkeys neIgh of ambItIOn a[ d competitIOn 1\ man might The London Revl~w speak ng of the "THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE

, for the bray of the donkey IS only II harsher hft a greater welgbt or ra se hltnself to a small pubhc mterest taken III the I esent I ,sWORD BUSINEBB RULEB nelgb pltcbed on a different key ItlS trw~ b Ir a greater nu lher of t mes t! an he InternatIOnal ExblbltlOn II compans Pn WIth THE GOLD PEN THE llE 1 UI \LL PENS

The sad leverses of the past five years but a sound of the same character-as a ought to be able to 10 or than It s good the eXCItement about that of 1851 says MORTO!!" 00 D "

h"ve been an experience whIch should be ~onkey lnmself IS but aclumsy and dwarfish !~~l!~I~ooto ~o I Ou~ c lun!l\ ~en ha~g al I It Is not tr Ie as It was III the second Tern lHE BEisT PENS L.'1 THE WORLD valuable to all buslDess men Fortunes orse All the cows low from the bnffalo th g I Ii e p C) peI arm pIe that tbe contents ale less nch or leFs On rece pt of any of the follow ng Rums n en h or which had been years III accumulatmg have roamlDg the pra rle the musk ox of the Arc IIIgs 'pa n valled It IS SImply tbat the romance of tl e post slamps tlie subscr ber w \I scpd J yretnrn of mo I suddenly dIsappeared ThousandB who once tic Ice fidds 01 the yak of ASIa to the cat I tllUg IS gone and the fresbness of Idea has or othe)'w Be as d rected a Gold Pen or P n' se et 'nu thought themselves strong never to be bra- tIe feedmg 10 our pastnres A DUTCH MISER B WILL worn away If second thoughts are best I he 80n e ace, d nu 0 d c 'P on v z ken have been shIvered to atoms and are Among the birds thIS slm[lanty of va c 1 N Illety two years ago a ncb m sel named second attempts are often not balf as good GOLD PENlS WITHOUT OASES left penmless Tbey must now begm agalD III familIes IS shll more marked We n Tyler hved and died 11 the Hagup HIS Constant nople 18 III a fever of specnl j, For 25 ceut, the Ma" c Pen £ r 38 ce t the !Many have passed tbe prime of hfe theIr only recall tbe harsh and nOISY parr so passIOn for hoarding grew With h S yeal8 I've excitement oWlUg to tI e fluctuatIOns at LI cky Pen for 50 cent~ the Always Ready Pe for ii'fep Isles$ elastic tbelr bra.m less active SIIDllal1D tbelr pecubar utterance and became finally mtenslfied HIS ally currency and exchange One VISltOl to the 75 ceo'" the Elegant Pcn nnd for $1 E eel or and they WIll hereafter WOI k With an ab[d Or take liS au example the web footed fa sustenance fOl two 01 tllee year~ before he c Iy changed hIS Enghsb money-e ght I un Pe~he s z sac Nos 4 a nd G mg ConsCIousness tbat they cannot plan and mlly-do not all the geese and the mnumer died was a pmt f m 11 w tb a p ece of dry dred p()unds-to lastel~ and havlll to execute 88 nrdays gone by We never see able basts of ducks quack I Does not every bread du I) B) a law of the CIty mIlk leave the couutry i; ex ectedl a weekglal TBjE SAME PENS IN SILVER PLATED EXTEN lIuch late new begmners WIthout roal sym membCl of the crow famdy CIIW whetber h. pm chased fOI SI'I v lIlts and takeu III at the ~r changed t Lack a PaID tt h s sur I se SION CASE::; \\ ITH PENOILS

Pa1~y and a desne to gIve tbem an encour bo the Jackdaw the py the magpie the back door was n a larger measure thlln I h d gd d tl P k For 50 cellts the Mao c Pen for a cents I e Lucky d d h I h d ronk ID some gleen rook of th Old th t d b tl h T I lecelvlllg e even un Ie pouu S us ma Pen fOl $1 tbe A ways-Ready Pen for $1 25 be

aging wor an a e plDg an ery e a use y e r c y er tI ere lore pur 11 g b) th s nvoluntmy o-ambllng tbree I I E egant Pen and for $1 50 the Excels or Peu These But In thIS wntIDg we bave to do hOt World 01 the crow of our woods With hiS chased half a p nt at the fr nt and tl e same d red po nds" are well fin shed good vr I ng Gold P no b It d

WIth the unfortunate or those who are re long melancholy caw that seems to make quantity at tI e I ack I 01 He t a I been I A h t N L d b I I osm n Po nts the average wear of everyone of vh ch constrpctlUg their temporal aifans but With tbe silence and soh tude deeper -Prifessor tw ce marr cd I t I u I I I 8 V ves and orse a ew ou 01 e 0 g ng to I w Illar outlast a g oss of tbe best S eel Pens b d th • d th AgasS'lz I d I Id l~T I I I Abl el Bassett havlllg been pletty much 'l1he name A Morto I Numler and Qual ty

t e yonng an e prosperous an WI • nevel aCe ,e I e a DIl I worn out III I a[ lIDO" up vesselM on n lr ne arc slamped on tbe follow ng Po s and the Po nlsure tl;ole who have weathered all storms and AGRICULTU BAL But the great day f set lent fi allJ' railways by travelIDOg around a capsla I f<Jl ~al'l'anted fo sx mo ths except agam t ace dent ar~ ;yet}!alhng smootbly came to 11m as It comcs to 11 In I 8 wilt t1 I tl t The numbers nd cate s ze only No t be og Ihesmall

Most men when they start Itl busltleBs PEAS AS ~ODDER tt e estate was t ed for a I lr d ) e " In en yeats now dgoes roug lema IOns est No 6\ the largest adapted for Ihe pocket! No 4 ". d I At th D Itt I b I fot homs every ay Itl a part[CUlal pa t of I tbe smal est and No 10 'e largest Mammotn Gold

JIIa .. e goo reso utiona any rate ey ul1ng t Ie past two years I have glown amoun compu e y wCIg I I I \ S eq lal tl e lot whele I e s pastUled He w nds Pen for Ihe desk Long and med um N b, of all s zes mean to succeed they expect to aVOId the the common Canada FIeld Pea sown broad to mnel) seven t B n g II II s executOls lIS wu d II Hna matron WIth erfect and qual lIes Short N bs of Nos 4, 5 6 and 7 and dangers WhICh have rUlDed otherB For cast and barvested tbem as foddel for cows werp, Illstructed I ex] d tI e I te est III t d d gulgrtt sh tl p f I made only of first qua!tty The engrav ngs are rac awhile all goes on well but the day comes at aud borses I use from two to two and a e1ectltlg su tablP. lJl II gs ~ r ged III d ID ~fe~Ol~:sr aa~t re II y oWlDg e o[ce s m les ot the s zes and style length when they are swept away and half bushels of seed to the acre 1 plow d gent len ales of good rep I I d n the I GOLD PENS WITHOUT CASE~ all tbelr bfllhant earthly plospects are gone the land first as deep as I can wltl a good establ shu e t al d mnter al ce of [\ I h loso GOit~Olb 1:anfold of ~ah~H III ::v ng Eo 0 ceots a No 1 Peu 1st q al ty 0 a No 3 forever strong team say seven to nllle IlIcbes deep plICal aud sc entJfic II st tullOU fOi the n s gel e I ItnposlUg a ea tax 0 '1'2 50 Pen 3d qual ty

Accordtng to an old maxIm It IS never too I then sow tbe peas and wltb a one horse struct on 01 youth 81 I tl e benefit of all per moutb on ellch male UhlDese 0' e For $1 a No 2 Pco 1st quahty or a No 3 Pen late to learn Busllless men however do plow cover them by plowlllg tI e land cross classes eighteen-save ouly tbose eugaged III nnn 2d quolly or a No 4 Pen 3d quality

E h k h h 'Ih h ili'" aT d wi 0 pay mlllerB I cense It IS e For $1 2, "No 3 Pen 1st qual ty or a No 4, not behe'\"e thYlr very one t tn 8 t at e wIse and all( nt four IUcbes deep when the e omes 01 tI e old won en lie most " - il Pen 2d qnailty or a No 5 Pen 3d quallty has perfected h mself m knowledge tbat he pods become well filled and before they be comfo table a es an I the r nn ales a e as hmated tbat the new law Will reahze $1150 For $1 50 a No 4 Peo t qnal ty or a No 5 Pen needs no help or adVIce from any quarter gm to dry I mow tbe crop and gatber It III cozy and happy as I eat al d cI eerl II as 000 to $2 000 000 per anuum I alf of whlcb 2d quality or a No 6 Pen 3d qual ty and that If others have. faIled of snccess tbat tbe same m!lnnel as clover My expe lence they could be If tbey were as r ch a. t1 e goes to tbe State and I alf to the county m Vor $1 75 "No 5 Pen I.t qual ty 0 No 6 Pen IS no reason wby he should follow lD tbe satl~fies me that the result IS more profitable mIser who endowed them whIch It IS collected 2dF%~a~!Y25 II'No 0 P 1st lual y same track tban If tbe saDIe land were used III clover Several attemptB bave been made by tl e I wo Bostomans rustlCatlUg In , ermont

When a man deCIdes to budd a house he The w~lght oer acre IS greater and the hellS to break the WIll but WItt a t s cceas pelsuadled a lad wI a owned a pet black bear THE SA~~o~Oo~~EWrr~"p~~6f~ EXTEN adopts a plan and adheres to It to the endl' qnahty of tbe food such that our hOlses w II nnd as m e ght years mOle the eel tUly Will to let t em try II ree powerful dogs on hml When a navIgator attempts a voyage he pICk the pea straw from out of a rack of expire all are now W8Itlllg WIth proverbIal the bellr to be made fast to a post by a oonsuitll hlB cbarts and governs hImself by clover llud peas mIxed leavmg the clover Dutch patIence Ihe belrs nnmber-about one cham about twelve feet long The "elDlont the experIence of others Wben one IS SICk until the last and while I feed the pea hundred and twent~ for each of whom boy agreed m consldertlOn of $2 50 and or hiS I/Ce 18 endallgeled by comIng m can straw and Its grams my horses keep fat wben the dlstllbutlOll IS made there WIll be tbe result was three dead dogs two mortl kQt WIth dlllease he seeks adVIce from a WIthout any other gram Aaother advan between tblrty and forty thousand dollars _ fied Bostomans one trIUmpbant bear and a sktllful phYSICIan 1hore ale certam rules tage III growmg peas I find m the hgbt mel Thurlow Weed s Leiters JlJbJlant Green Mouutam Juvemle ;fi)t'ms and precedents whlcb govern and lD low condItIOn of tfie land after tak ng off Late advlces from Pensacola state ihat jfu~ce most meo IU all matters except the the crop and stili furtber that aft€r the THE POOR OF NEWBERN _\\ berever our nearly all the large houses are cloBed the oonduct of a mercantile busmesa Here crop IS off a cr p of t Irmps or buckwheat troops take possessIOn III the Soutb they are owners bavlng vaDlshed III d nany have tbey mean to be original They dOll t want can I e grown on tbe same plCce the same at once almost overwhelmed WIth tI e neces left furn ture and everyth ng bebmd so that the adVICe of anybody Just bere we deSIre year aud all wltbout exhanst ng the 80 I slty of prOVIding for a large number of the our (fficers are enJoYlDg as fine quarters as to speak We WIsh to propose to Buch men much -OhIO Fannel belpless poor At Port Royal tbe poor were Ibey could wisl for But few stores are tfie ihlIowmg rules-fm thmr practICal con TR~INING TOMAtOES all negroes at Newbern a large proportIon open and goods ale SClllce There may be llderatlon A are wbltes reduced to bel pless want I y the three hundred people left In the c t~ but all

1 Do not qndertake a busmess WIth wblch correspondent wrItes to tI 0 Ame1"!can rebellIon leadels and then ruthlessly aban are very poor and destItute YOU are not peH'ectly ilcquam ted IIny sooner ,AgrlCulturtSt It IS a pOOl pohcy to set ddt t t Tb N b P rh V k b (U h Id .te "". f bl d t them ID rlcb SOIl let It b f t d t one a s arva IOn e ew elD rogress e IC 8 ulg "nISS) Olttzen of May 28

I a~ youFwo~ tba)< lll)il I dID t ad survbey fertlllty Give them thee: JUs :n0 e~a ~ May 9 contaInS Mr Vmcent Colyer s leport says that the foderals have come off theIr 8 CI cy Ir\ d oro~g y un era an t What the garden WIth 8 11 almes l~ ~ to Gen BurnSIde of hIS work as Supertnten boats and battered down and utterly de-'PdII prop~be a ~ f er:io an appren jcest Ip around them unbl tbemya plCcebte a rUB dent of the POOl He says that up to May strayed tbe reSidence of Jeff DaVIS and also - OJ any mk

g- e ore a ng a BIng e 8 ep mcbes hlgb then dr are elgt h edn °ttkSO 1st rehef bas been gIven In food to 310 fa that of Joe Dav s TheIr acts of destructIOn .nva vlng rls Ive tn no c e s a es m I e f CIt en of Ne b d d I th b h ~ Never attempt a bUSiness for whlCb alongSide of the rows say abont two feet I I S a IZ s w erl compriSing an van a Ism III at nClg bar ood were ),OU have 110 taste or tact. Seek to do that hIgh and on d ese notehes lay poles hean 1 395 Pfer~ons by most o~ whom the gener complete leavlllg nothtng b It a bleak and lor whtcb you bave a natural faculty and poles will auswel on each of the rows as OBIt yo t e government as been gratefully des lated track behmd tbem reh,sh Don't aspIre to be a merchant when soon as the vmes are blgb enougb lay them afknowle~g ~ l~e t s~p.r~ntendent has Certlllll pOltlOns of Austrll.ha are overruu ~ou ~/l()uld be a farmer a mecbanlC or a on the poles thiS WIll expose them to the a sb{ef:t e~t ant be ad e or servICe 900 WIth thlstleB and many boys earn thell hv ,lI@y laDorer dun and au lind keep tbe frUIt clean The I a e4 ~o~e COIn ra an ~ \epresenttog at mg by cutting tbem down As thIS howev

3 Never connect yourself III PI1r,ltMI'Bhtp tomato may be tramed als Ilrke a grape-v me te~SI fe~p e iost ~ I~ 10m are able to er does not extermmate them It 1S propos wi)h th03e 111 whom you have not perfect on II I w tlelhs or sunny wall the Yield of ha e ,aref 0 t hde ve:i ylt elr labor He ed to IUtrodoce the goldfil eb the blOwn lID ~oillil\ence WIth whom yo" \\.ouTd not1l8 frUit IS enOimOllB and on a warm wall tbIJ as a so urlllH e me lea aid for 180 pa net the rdd poll and the Gelmau slskln mto .. !lijng Sick or well home or abroad lIvmg first frost will do no reallllJlIry tier ts at thelllhoDSe~ 54 III hospItal aDd 30 Austraha all of whlcb birds hve on thIstle or dead to mtrDlt.ai1 your bU8IUeas aP.'alr~ HEN HANDKE prisoners toget er 6 000 persons have seed III the seaBon •

4, Neyer ;Ufe!init to do more blJ8lness FarmerH will find wood asbeH or tar Inore tbUB beetj. kct IBm want WIth tbe kmd It IS belreved that Kansas has gamed Ihan yon can ii/nty do on your ~apltal value ibn mal y unagme eSnPP.lally for consent a t en~ nrDslde Mr 0 has made 5000 white mbabltants from Missoull and

r-- am,lllgemen s or openlDg a scbool free of Arkansas durmg the past year

For $1 50 a No 1 P 0 1st qual ty or a No 3 Pen 3d qualily

For $1 75 a No 2 Pen 1st quahty or a No 3 Pen 2d quality or a No 4 Pen 3d quahty

Ror f2 a No 3 Pen 1st qual ty or a No 4 Pen 2d quality or a No a Pen 3d qual ty

For '$2 50 a No 4, Pen 1st qual ty i or a No 5 Peu 2d qual ty or a No 6 Pen 3d qua Iy

For f3 a No ~ Pon 1st qually or a No 6 P n 2d qUl\hty -

For $3 50 a No Jl Pen lsi qual ty GOLD PENS ALL I.T QUALITY IN I:!ILVER

MOUNTEDJlESK HOLDERS Eor $2 a No 4 Pen for $2 25 a No 5 Pen for

$2 75 a No 6 Pen for $3 50 a No 7 Peo li or $4 a No 8 Pen for $5 t\ No 9 Ptn and for

$6 aNo 10 Pen '1'he 1st Qual ty are po nled .llh the IVery beBt

Ir dO!!lllln Po nts carefully selected and none of thiS qual Iy are sold With tbe shghest ImpelfectlOn wh eh slnll and the closest scrutiny can detect

The 2d Qual ty are superIOr to any Pens made by him prevlOua to Ihe year 1860

1he 6d Quality he mtends shall equal n respect to Durability ElastiCIty and Good Wrxtmg Qual I es (the onli true cons defat ons) any Gold Pens made elsewhere

In reg~rd to the Cheap Gold Pen. he begs leave to saY' thaI prevIous to operat Dg hiS New and Patented MlICblDes he could not have made as Good Wr t ng and Durable Pens for tbe price had the Gold been fur DIshed gj-atwtously

IJl!rP(!!,tiu ordeTlng mm!, aU flO owa 'peci/y the Numblli and Qual ty of tI". Pem wontd and be par

tiiUlar to !f.;cTlbethekmaof Po mtheyp',fer-whethertl ffor l",,~er ,oar .. or jint

jlr'F.or sale by aU dealer, n the 1 ne throughout Ihe country Address A MORTON

No 25 Malden Lane New York ~An:r one Bendmg a s ngle leiter post-stamp will

reeelve a Circular with tbe engravings aDove referred to 10 36


MAR U TUloJ )<; .. BHArE

Tra ns 1 ave the folio" ng st.t u at t e d c ted Hornellsv lle

Gomg East 152 a m C ue n at Exp 643 R m N w 'l:ork E I

I" 33 P m Ma 8 9 6 NIght Exp 0

Alf: d 7 33 P m Way Fre oht

1208 Ma I Wellav II

1 0 8 m 0 nc nuot Expr s 5 50 a m N 1 Express

7 22 a In 0 gL E I 18 P ru Ma

11 28 Ma I 8 11 )a k E! 7 20 P m N ght Expr s

F: nd !jJ

20, P Ma 11 20 \laY

d D,r.m. of the Sabbalh u oply to )(" d un b Fourth Commandment By Georg C. low I pr nted u London III 1 24 repr nt ~ I ~ Ollll" m 1802 now repuot.hed n a r ~ 'e loa I

The Roya! Law (kmte7l4 d f.". ll~ .klw Elrat pr1Dled u Lood II u I H 6 VP

Vindicatwn of the 17m lJilhba ll) J W ~ Missionary of tho Re orm '" Presbyte 1a 64 pp ..

Also a penud cal she t q aarto Tht S Pnce $1 per hund eu The serlCs ot ijneen tr ,to tb w

Stennet. Roylil Law C ul ud d ror and J 1\ M Ion s VllldicutlOU of Th tru~ ::;a~b"tb rna) n a bouud volumo

The trac • of tb above .e [. v II b tu II h d Iho,e WlshlDo th~m for d str but au or. Ie a e' ofl500 pag stor $1 Persou. d smag tholD oll b them forwarded by mali or u b rw s" on ,"udi g address With a remIttance to GEO BUTTER G'D Agent of the Amer can Sabbath Tract Soc Y te y R I


Adam, C D Put r Alfred-C D Langworthy Alfred 0.-Maxson Gr~en

N V null Ak: on-A A LeWIS Brookfold-R Silliman Berlm--'-J B Whitford Oera-Geo S Crandall neRuyter-B G Sillman Grrwanda-D 0 Burd ck G."",,-R Langworthy

E R Crandall InrI."... -J P I vermore Leonardsville-- A M Wes N"llt-E R Clarke


Portvi1Ie-A B C .a4 Poland-Abel Sillman Pete .burg H Clurke R eMu gh-J B Cott'" Stalt B ,dge J o,eph W Stephenrrrwn-J B M aXior Sackett 8 HQ1bor-E Fr 01 s._J B Clurke So Broookjieirl H A nu Verona (J M Lew s W .. t O", .. ,,-E I Max Wtll&vilk-L R Babcocl Wat.!on-D P W I aDJ' West Ed_ton-E MaxiV"

CO'NECTICUT Ny' Bridge-!S S Gr swold I Waterf(Jl'd 0 Max Oll

RHODE ISLA'D 1.tHopkinton--'-J Clarke I RIJckv /Ie-L M Col 2d Hopkinton-F Beebe Prrwcotuck S P S lIrn'


N. Market--J R TItsworth) Shiloh-I.aae We. Pia nfielcl-Isaac S Dunn W B G lie t<

Marlhoro- C 80 ren PE~NSTLVAlilA

Or<WJ ngvtlle-B Stelle I Hebron-G W Sl lIJJ11\ll VIROU.'U

Lo$/ Greek Wm Kennedy 1GB Ru 11 F Roado I N: MiUlm--'-J F Rabdolpb Odp. S, ort_Zebulon B


JacKson OeJ!ter Jacob H B beoel vrSCONS N

A/bion-T F IV est EdUe to J Q R ogel'! ~ J M Woo MUlon--'-Joseph Go d

BeTZ ,,-Datus E Lew s lJj c.-Z Campbell Dakota R I Crandall WLMi lton-J as P er e

lI'alworth-H W Randolph ILLINOIS

Sf1UIhmItpton-T Saunders