r minFOEV S csxic M To THE INTERIOR JOURNAL J1 1910NO -...

e > r minFOEV 11II iPIM u S > r5i csxic To wFrv wv M ws- tI t THE INTERIOR JOURNAL J1 I VOLUME XXXVII STANFORD LINCOLN COUNTY KENTUCKY TUESDAY JULY 6 1910NO HERMAN BELL MEETS- HORRIBLE FATE HEAD 13 COMPLETELY SEVERED FROM BODY BY A Q d C FREIGHT TRAIN Herman Dell a young whlto Innn of Wnyucsburg was killed nt Kings Mountain at an early hour SundlY morning by a freight Iran Us head being severed from his body lu company with a brother the de- ceased had gone to the depot with UIU Intention of Jumping the first train that came along and riding to hll home nt Waynesburg They Ilad waited but a low minutes when n freight came In and Herman Dell nt tempted to board It Tho traIn Wns 1waking rather fast time and he mllll cd his footing and fell beneath the truck HIs brother tried to rescuo him but ono car had passed over the unfortunate man before anything could be done and death was main Uueoutf Herman Bell was about ZG years or age unmarried and had but recent moved with his parents Into the WtI nuaburx section where his body w1lS taken for the Interment which occur- red there Monday afternoon The verdict of Coroner George 1 Bright jury was In substance tbl1t tho killing was tho result of tho boY1 own recklessness and that tho rail road company was In no way to- t blame t Arm Cut Off by Car J STANFORD BOY BADLY CRIPPLE BY BIG FOUR TRAIN O D Murphy a former Btanfoi j boy and son of Mr W L Murph of this city ant who married Mlu Uesslo Martin of this city was si vcrcly Injured on the Rig Four rat road Dear Wabasb Indiana a hort tlmo ago He Is a brakeman on tho Big Four A Wabash paper describe the accident In which the young nUln lest bis right arm as follows O D Murphy a Big Four brake In n wa f frightfully Injured white on a < htpfuV > Nortk Manchester Wednei day evening and as a result hehal lost his right arm the member being amputated at the shoulder Murphy was on what is known I the pickup run which works b tween this city and Elkhart over night tearing Wabash late In the aft ernoon At North Manchester tho l4 crow engaged In switching for some time and then resumed the run north Just asthe train was pulling out of tbe t town Murphy started down a side ladder of a stock car to look after uomo stock and the grip bar clthe pulled out or Murphy lost his footln and fell to tho track Realizing tba ho was In great danger the brakcma had enough presence of mind to VUlh himself from the car but In railing to tho ground his arm went under the wheels Tho right arm was horribly mangled from tho fingers to the elbow and It was Impossible to save tho member Murphy arose Just as the train pass- ed hIm and he waved his left ham at the rear brakeman who was on top of tho train Releasing the air thi train was stopped and tno Injurer man was assisted to the caboose The engine was cut off and coupled to thi atboose bringing Murphy to this city lie was taken to the hospital where his arm was amputated Just below the FFabormlder This morning Murphy li re as well an could be expected 0and tho physicians state that unless complications arise he will recover fMurpbY has been working on the Dig al our three weeks having come- t from his homo at Stanford Ky I Ills wife was notified of the accident j at once and arrived In Wabash over I tile Big Four this afternoon t Several Companies GET CONTRACTS TO FURNISH COUNTY SCHOOL BOOKS lhe Text Book Commission for Lin ¬ coin county met hero on Juno 23th I and adopted books to be used In tho nigh Scrbals of tho Lincoln county for tho next four years Contracts wore made with tho American Book Company Gina Company D C Heath Company D Appleton s Company Col P W GrInstead was before the commission on behalf of the American Company Stomach misery gas and indiges ¬ 4ytlon are promptly relieved and per manently cured with Mlona Stomach Tablets 50o at Pennys Drug Store on money back plan w WHATS THE MATTER WITH STANFORD TOLD BY EVANGELIST DANIELS MEETING WILL PROBABLY END TCNIOHT Tho revival services which haw been In progress at the Baptist church will probably close after the EVANGELIST J C DANIEL I services tonight Interest hay grown lu the services the attendance haa been good and earnest sermons hit o had an earnest hearing by the peopl At three oclock Sunday ufternoc tho church was well filled to hear the lecture on Ben ifur Just before the lecture The Holy City was sung by Miss Winnie Davis Ulbb In n deal- sweet voice she rendered the sel tlon to the delight of everyone preset Mrs Daniels narration of Ron Wa laces Tale of the Christ WAS can else vivid and Inspiring For more than an hour tho speaker held bls Audience to the thrilling experience In the life of Den Hur and fired their hearts to emulate the noble principle In Judahs liferHo held thlit th throwing of Arlus signet Into tho 101 meant more In Ben Hufn llfo than anything connected with the charts race Asked hisoptnlonetStanford fmon a religious standpoint the evangelli said Stanford has many good people and quite a number of noble huinolt faithful followers of Jesus Christ However since you expect the truth I will tell 1L Pride love of money love of worldllncss and prejudice have combined to sap the spirituality or your town Christian pretension which has not been lived out in dollr walk has weakened the real Chrlci Ju Influence Gambling around a stylist card tnblo In n fashionable parlor Is every whit as bad In Gods eyes II that of the black leg professional In the back of some dive I fear toe that there are people hero who woul do much more for time sake of theli church than they would do for Jesus ChristLecture on Civic Righteousness At the request of a number of thc citizens of Stanford and vicinity Mi Daniel bas consented to dultvor his lecture on Civic Righteousness befor leaving the city The Christian church Inn been secured and the lecture will lo given tomorrow Wednesday night at eight oclock The lecture- r 111 interest every cluzeu of the com aunlty and everybody Is Invited Noble Young Man BROTHER OF MRSR M NEW AND PASSES AWAY The sad news was received here oat week of the death ut Loal > lll of Thomas A Elkin brothpr of Mrs rti Newland rf this city which oc dId Atfl H nor f tube osia on Wednesdai eveng He w th > IIIt son of Mr v Mrs Ived In Garrard county nnd worked In the Interior Journal olllce years ago Mr Elkin was Just In the prime ot young manhool and his death came as- a great shock to his host ot friends aull loved ones He held a responsible position with tho TlnsleyMayer En raving Company Besides his par nts and his sister Mrs Newland he la Burvlved by two brothers W Leo ilkln and Walter B ElSin The remains ot tho young nftm were laid to rest In Cave 11111 cemetery aft er funeral services at the Clifton ChrIstian church of which hu way a member Induced by violent exercise or In- jury is quickly relieved by the free ipllcatlon of Chamberlains Llnl tent This liniment is equally vnlua lq for muscular rheumatism and al rays affords quick relief Sold ijy Uj- L Penny POPULAR COUPLEWED DANVILLE JAMES T MENEFEE CLAIMS MISS JEAN WARREN AS HIS BRIDE ON SATURDAY There was much pleasant lurj1rllle occasioned last Saturday when James T Mcnefeo second son of Mr aOlI Sirs 1 N Mencfce of this city was united In marriage to Miss Jean War- ren daughter of Mrs William War tell and a niece ot the late Judge n C Warren of this city Tho young couple had kept the tjippy secret well nnd only a few of their relatives and closest friends knew of the forthco m Ingjsvent and were present The ceremony was solemnized at tho handsome home of the bride iii Danville Rev J T Hosklns pastor at tho Baptist church of ttfV city o ff elating Immediately afterward they lest for a bridal tour to northern re sorts dud returning will make their home In Danville out of which A- Menofee Ir will travel for the Sherwin i Williams Paint Company of which 110 is tho southern representative Mr Menefee Is one ot the most POll lor boys ot Stanford and will be most heartily congratulated upon winnIng such n splendid woman for his wlCe She Is very well known here havli frequently visited her cousins and Is universally beloved and admired Among those woo went over Cram here for the wedding were Mr and Mrs J N Menefee Judge and Mrs E Sr Ritchie of Mineral Wells Texa JudlJl J R Menefee Jr Mr Geori llenefee Misses Jennie Nell and Jo lephine Warren In Far Off Canada KENTUCKY BRIDE IS HANDSOME LY ENTERTAINED The Rosalind Canada Miner has its Item ot a handsome entertainment iveh there in honor rMr C C eeteof Davenport Wash and bls ride who was Miss Margret Living stan ot Crab Orchard before the redding a few weeks ago Claude Leete of Davenport Wash ton ot Mrs A T Colll3 of Rossland nd his bride have met with a true lossland welcome during their slay here Mrs Collis holds a receptioi In their honor today and they have al 10 been most pleasantly entertained b1 Superintendent and Mrs Ami lurnctt at their handsome home ot lho Josle mine Just above the city Irs Claude Leete is a Kentucky lady ond Mrs Burnett too belongs to one or the oldest colonial families ot the south both In Kentucky nnd Virginia seedless to say the two southerners had much In common and a delightful time was spent by the visitors PREACHING AT HUBBLE Rev Samuel Pittman will preacb at- the Hubble Christian church Sunday the 10th at 11 oclock AM and 73 P M Everybody Invite- dParksville Mrs Jack Minor ot Bradfordsvllle Is visiting Mrs J D Minor Mr 8 S Caldwell of Louisville Ms a guest at his son Dr J E Caldwell bins Annie Parks Is visiting her brother TI 1 Durham at Lebanon Mr John Walls is at OlympIA Springs taking the treatment for rheumatism Mrs Carlisle T Cleland Is vlslUng her rn- tber J F Gregory at Springfield Mrs Mary Bower and Mrs Bottle Caldwell tended the funeral ot Mrs John A- Uower at Paris last week Benjawtn illlng sold to Mr Wilson of Render lion a twoyearold Gambetto Wilkes cold for 2BO John W Webb shipped III car of hogs from Mltchellsburg last week for which he paid 8i c Prof- Jack Wilson of Bradfordsvllle Is vis lUll B H O Cozatt He will teach this ear at Lebanon Junction Messrs Lu- ther Underwood and wife of Danville and W H Rlgney ant family of Stant- orcJ were guests of Mr and Mrs J T idervCood last week W S Rose o- Cthis city is holding down a good tele graph Job at Arlington Tenn When the stomach tails to perform Its functions the bowels become do longed the liver and the kidneys cun sested causing numerous diseases 10 stomach ana liver must be roster ed to d healthy condition and wham berlnlns Stomach and Liver tablets CAr hI depended upon to dp H Easy- take to and most effective Sold bY O L Pennya MUST PAY STATE LIQUOR UCENSE IS ATTORNEY GENERALS OPIN- ION ON SELLERS OF MALT MEAD DRINKS ETC IAs a result of an opinion banded by Attorney General Dreathltt I at Frankfort last week the vendors of Malt Mead Cream of Hops Near Deer and other such drinks In Kentucky will have to pay the state liquor 11 cense of f 250 for It Is hold that sucu beverages do not come under thl head of soft drinks Inasmuch all they contain a certain per cent of ill cobol A number of dealers in Stnn ford and Lincoln county will behard bit by this ruling which It is said the Auditor Intends to instruct tho I county clerks to rigidly enforce Attorney General Breathltt holds that In local option territory alcohol drinks can not be sold under the soft drink license The opinion says This department has Just recehd n communication from A A Hazel rlgg clerk ot Montgomery County Court stating that be has an appltc tlon for license to sell Malt Mead or Near Beer He states that it is claim cd this drink can be sold under sott drink license by reason ot tho allege fact there Is such a small or una preclablo amount of alcohol In san that it should come under this head- Ing This department has passed up- on this matter finally to tho effet that drinks may not be sold under the wit drink license that could produc Intoxication As local option tern tory increases in extent In this state It Is reasonable to anticipate that ei Ipavor will be made to place such rinks as are described before the jubllc and In such a way as to sub- Ject those who may Indulge In then to no sort of social condemnation mad Its alleged Innocence will actual- ly prove more pernicious to the youni It allowed than the open saloon Into which the same people might never hlnk of going Until either the law or the highest court makes a dlstinc ion authorizing the sale of matt bev imgea containing alco1 otu wll1be tbe ruling tot this department that they arejrallowable under a sot drink license having that appreciable uantlty at all events in them ac rould create even In large quantltle ony degree ot intoxicatio- nIncreases Capital GOSHEN TELEPHONE COMPANY SPREADING OUT Amended articles of Incorporation hovo been filed by the Goshen role hone Company df this county with the County Clerk and the Secretary of Slate as required by law increasing the capital stock of the company frou 400 to 1750 It is understood that the company intends branching out over a considerable additional area oC territory and that the capitalization Is Increased to meet this and other xpcnse of improvement Articles ot Incorporation have beet lied with the Secretary ot State at rankfort ot the Lancaster Hospital inrrard county with a capital of 14 000 the Incorporators being J E tormes Banks Hudson and W R oook Articles were also filed for the Mad Ison Mutual Investment Company ol Ichmond with a capital of 110000 and Thomas H Broaddus J Sr Hatha- WAY and IL B Haley incorporators BOWMARS SUMMER TOURS Write to Bowmars Tours Versailles Ky for folders giving details ant- cost bt Bowmars ideal personally inducted tours to Niagara Falls Toronto Buffalo and Cleveland with Une lake steamer trips Tuesday Aug 2 and to Atlantic City New York itlaleiphla nnd Washington Thurs- day Aug llth lhgh Class accom adatlons Select parties Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter ceanse the system cure constipation and sick headache Sold by U L Pen w r Kings Mountain- The farmers will soon have their- work caught up If the good weather ntlnuesMr ordDlsbon and Miss Pearl Reynolds were married Sunday at Dr- Goks at Highland Mr Fountain Sweeney is visiting here and the attraction Seems to be- n young lady at Goochtown JEFFRIES FAILS TO- uCOME SAC COLORED FIGHTER MAKES CHOP PING BLOCK OF HIM IN 15th ROUND rJllck Johnson the colored chainpl clinched his title to the worlds cham pionshlp of the pugilistic arena wben he decisively defeated the great re- tired champion James J Jeffries In 15 rounds at Reno Nevada on tbo Fourth of July While Jeffries was not Actually counted out he was saved only from this crowning humiliation by his friends pleading with Johnson not to hit the fallen man again and the to el was brought Into tile ring from bls corner At the end ot thertrteenth < round Referee Tex RIckard raised th black arm and the great crowd fit ed out glum and silent f Jeffries was dragged to bds comer bleeding from nose and mouth and 1- 1w dozen cuts on his face He had n block closed eye and swollen features and he held his head In his hands dazed and Incoherent Johnson walked out of the ring without n mark on his body excellt a slight cut on his lip which was the opening of n wound received In train IngRing experts agree that It was not even a championship fight Jeffrii tad a chance In the second round erhaps but after the sixth It was plaIn that ho was weakened and oul leased In every point and after tho let enth round it was hopeless- It was the greatest demonstration the ring has ever seen ot the fallui < oC a fighter to come back after year or retirement The youth and sclenc or the black man made Jeffries look like a green man The great Jeffrie was like a log The reviled Johnso was like a black panther beautiful In his alertness and defensive tactics Tbe fifteenth round started with a clinch after Jeffries had failed to lam- a the body Johnson then tore loose lnd before the spectatnis were pre- pared for the finish he had gent Je- Cries down with lightning 11ke left and Igbt blows to the Jaw Jeffries reel- ed and tell halt way through the rope on tho West side ot the ring Thoa near him saw that he had lost sense oC his surroundings and that the faces at tho ringside were a blur to hit His time had come He was feelln whnt he had caused others to reel n the days ot his youth and power Johnson came over to the spot am stood poised over his adversary hl 1I0dY ready for a left hook If Jeffrie regained his feet Jim Corbett who twice had gone down before Jeffries blows and w po bad stood in Jeffries corner all dui IR the fight telling Johnson what 1- 1fool he was and how he was In for the greatest beating ot his life now ran ror ward with outstretched arms crying 3h go back dont hit him 1 Jeffries painfully raised himself to- his feet His laws had dropped hili eyes were nearly shut nnd his face was covered with blood With tremb- ling legs and yielding arms he tried to put up a defense But he could not stoll a terrlfflc right smash in the Jaw followed by two left looks He went down again Jeffries physician and other friends jumped into the ring Stop It they cried Dont put thp old fellow out Sam Berger Jeffries manager ran atong the ring calling to Bob Arm- strong Bring that towel you know what I mean dont let him get bV Front Johnsons corner his second were calling to him to quit Then the feree stopped the timekeeper and It was all over CHIEF JUSTICE FULLER DEAD Chief JustIce Melville W Fuller or e United States Supreme Court died or heart failure at his Summer home In Sorento Me Monday morning The death of the chief justice was entJelY unexpected as he bad been In apparently good health lately Sun- day he attended church as usual and- when he retired last night was to all pearances In his customary health Ho was a democrat and appointed to the Supreme bench by Cleveland feethlng children have more or- less diarrhoea which can be contrail cd by giving ChamnerlatnB Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy All- tbat is necessary is to glvo the pre- scribed does after each operation ur- the bowels more than natural lid- then castor oil to cleanse the 8yntem It is sate and sure Sold by G L- Penny LINCOLN COUNTY NEGRO PARDONEDt MR OWSLEY IN CEDES WITH OVERNOR IN ALEX RICES s BEHALF ° On a pardon from the governor Alex Rice a Lincoln county Negro was re- leased ¬ from the penitentiary at Frank ¬ fort Saturday after having served J a sentence of 1G years on a man ¬ slaughter charge He was sentenc ¬ ed for 21years A dispatch to the city papers says that John Sam OweI ley who prosecuted the Negro In Lin ¬ cola county went before the Gover- nor ¬ and urged that the punishment had been sufficient considering the nature of the crime lie said he thought 15 years was lent enough for tho man to server Thj njiplieatlou for I the pardon was endorsed by ninny citi ¬ zens of Lincoln county and they Nero had a good record at the prleuu Rice was convicted of killing a Negro in the Deep Well woods irear Crab Orch ¬ and Crab Orchard Wins IN BALL GAME WITH BRODHEAD EAST END NEWS Crab Orchard July 4 The Crab Orchard and Brodhead base ball teams crossed bats on last Saturday week on the local grounds resulting in a victory for the home team by the score ot 19 to 2 Mr H E Lane and Miss Helen Lewis a young couple from Somer- set were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on June 29th at 11 oclock- A M at the King Hotel by Rev K NooksI Mrs W H Sharp of Mid the latter being nee MIs3 Nan ole Pleasants arrived last Satur lay to visit her father Mr Joe Pleas ants and family Mrs bSarp was for aerly one of our Crab Orchard girls raving been born and raised here lie developed into a fine Christian woman with a practical knowledge oC- Ufo She secured a position In Mid llesboro and met Mr Sharp while here We congratulate him on secure OR her as his helpmeet for lite and wish for them a future filled with hap ilneaa We read with much Interest ot the marriage of Miss Georgia Lewis and Ir CharlesKeeton in your last issue Her Crab Orchard friends were not so much surprised It seems as her Itanford friends as she revealed the act to us while visiting here a month ago We at that Ume expressed our deep feeling for her happiness In tho new life she anticipated entering In- to and we want to reiterate what we said then that we trust all her pres- ent expectations may be fully reallz ed and unalloyed happiness may fill heir Ivea We send conglatulatlons to her husband and we are confident he feels proud of the treasure he has won Rev J F Jones ot London visited his son Dr LT Jones and assisted levP N Taylor in the services at the Baptist church last Sunday Mrs JF Holdam Is attending the series of meetings at Stanford and la the guest ot Mrs E P Woods Miss Ida May Adams of Mt Vernon entertained her house party with an outing to the Crab Orchard Springs lost Thursday and Friday Miss Sue Beth James of Lauderdale Slssris visiting Mrs J F Holdam and will be the guest ot her many rel tines here for several wocksSb s nag very charmingly a solo at tho hristian Endeavor last Sunday even lug Capt and Mrs J B Willis went ov- er to Richmond to attend the burial or his brother Wm Willis who died 13St week He was 85 years of age nnll was one of the pioneer settlers or Madison county Lewis Butcher the little son of frs Sallle Butcher died last Sun- day morning niter an Illness of only n few hours The infant son of Mr and Mrs J G RlcJllIe Is Quite sick For rent one furnished upper room also a stable and corn cribs apply to hs Hannah L Steger For sale several pieces of house ho1 furniture including a piano and desk suitable for an office five or six ether beds also Mrs Hanah L egor Strother Carter ot Lebanon Junc- tion Is visiting hIs grandparents Mr- and Mrs Curtis Cover S j J

Transcript of r minFOEV S csxic M To THE INTERIOR JOURNAL J1 1910NO -...

Page 1: r minFOEV S csxic M To THE INTERIOR JOURNAL J1 1910NO - …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hc06j/data/0667.pdf · e > r minfoev 11ii ipim u s > r5i csxicto wfrv wv m ws-ti t the interior

e >r minFOEV 11II iPIM u S > r5i csxicTo wFrv wv M ws-







Herman Dell a young whlto Innn

of Wnyucsburg was killed nt KingsMountain at an early hour SundlYmorning by a freight Iran Us headbeing severed from his body

lu company with a brother the de-

ceased had gone to the depot with UIU

Intention of Jumping the first trainthat came along and riding to hllhome nt Waynesburg They Iladwaited but a low minutes when nfreight came In and Herman Dell nttempted to board It Tho traIn Wns

1waking rather fast time and he mllllcd his footing and fell beneath thetruck HIs brother tried to rescuohim but ono car had passed over theunfortunate man before anythingcould be done and death was mainUueoutf

Herman Bell was about ZG years orage unmarried and had but recentmoved with his parents Into the WtI

nuaburx section where his body w1lS

taken for the Interment which occur-

red there Monday afternoonThe verdict of Coroner George 1

Bright jury was In substance tbl1t

tho killing was tho result of tho boY1

own recklessness and that tho railroad company was In no way to-

t blame

t Arm Cut Off by Car


O D Murphy a former Btanfoij boy and son of Mr W L Murphof this city ant who married MluUesslo Martin of this city was sivcrcly Injured on the Rig Four ratroad Dear Wabasb Indiana a horttlmo ago He Is a brakeman on thoBig Four A Wabash paper describethe accident In which the young nUln

lest bis right arm as followsO D Murphy a Big Four brake

In n wa f frightfully Injured white ona < htpfuV > Nortk Manchester Wedneiday evening and as a result hehallost his right arm the member beingamputated at the shoulder

Murphy was on what is known Ithe pickup run which works b

tween this city and Elkhart overnight tearing Wabash late In the afternoon At North Manchester tho

l4 crow engaged In switching for some

time and then resumed the run northJust asthe train was pulling out of tbe

t town Murphy started down a side

ladder of a stock car to look afteruomo stock and the grip bar clthepulled out or Murphy lost his footlnand fell to tho track Realizing tbaho was In great danger the brakcmahad enough presence of mind to VUlh

himself from the car but In railing

to tho ground his arm went under thewheels

Tho right arm was horribly mangled

from tho fingers to the elbow and It

was Impossible to save tho memberMurphy arose Just as the train pass-

ed hIm and he waved his left hamat the rear brakeman who was on top

of tho train Releasing the air thi

train was stopped and tno Injurerman was assisted to the caboose Theengine was cut off and coupled to thiatboose bringing Murphy to this city

lie was taken to the hospital where

his arm was amputated Just below the

FFabormlder This morning Murphy li

re as well an could be expected

0and tho physicians state that unlesscomplications arise he will recover

fMurpbY has been working on the Dig

al our three weeks having come-

t from his homo at Stanford KyI

Ills wife was notified of the accident

j at once and arrived In Wabash over

I tile Big Four this afternoon

tSeveral Companies


lhe Text Book Commission for Lin ¬

coin county met hero on Juno 23th

I and adopted books to be used In thonigh Scrbals of tho Lincoln countyfor tho next four years Contractswore made with tho American BookCompany Gina Company D C

Heath Company D Appleton sCompany Col P W GrInstead wasbefore the commission on behalf of

the American Company

Stomach misery gas and indiges ¬

4ytlon are promptly relieved and per

manently cured with Mlona Stomach

Tablets 50o at Pennys Drug Storeon money back plan






Tho revival services which hawbeen In progress at the Baptistchurch will probably close after the


services tonight Interest hay grown

lu the services the attendance haa

been good and earnest sermons hit o

had an earnest hearing by the peoplAt three oclock Sunday ufternoc

tho church was well filled to hear thelecture on Ben ifur Just before the

lecture The Holy City was sung by

Miss Winnie Davis Ulbb In n deal-

sweet voice she rendered the seltlon to the delight of everyone preset

Mrs Daniels narration of Ron Walaces Tale of the Christ WAS canelse vivid and Inspiring For morethan an hour tho speaker held blsAudience to the thrilling experienceIn the life of Den Hur and fired theirhearts to emulate the noble principleIn Judahs liferHo held thlit ththrowing of Arlus signet Into tho 101meant more In Ben Hufn llfo thananything connected with the chartsrace

Asked hisoptnlonetStanford fmona religious standpoint the evangellisaid

Stanford has many good peopleand quite a number of noble huinoltfaithful followers of Jesus ChristHowever since you expect the truthI will tell 1L Pride love of moneylove of worldllncss and prejudice havecombined to sap the spirituality oryour town Christian pretensionwhich has not been lived out in dollrwalk has weakened the real Chrlci JuInfluence Gambling around a stylist

card tnblo In n fashionable parlor Is

every whit as bad In Gods eyes IIthat of the black leg professional In

the back of some dive I fear toe

that there are people hero who wouldo much more for time sake of thelichurch than they would do for Jesus

ChristLectureon Civic Righteousness

At the request of a number of thccitizens of Stanford and vicinity MiDaniel bas consented to dultvor hislecture on Civic Righteousness beforleaving the city The Christian churchInn been secured and the lecture will

lo given tomorrow Wednesdaynight at eight oclock The lecture-

r 111 interest every cluzeu of the comaunlty and everybody Is Invited

Noble Young Man


The sad news was received here

oat week of the death ut Loal > lll

of Thomas A Elkin brothpr of Mrs

rti Newland rf this city which ocdId Atfl H nor f tubeosia on Wednesdai eveng He w

th > IIIt son of Mr v MrsIved In Garrard county nnd worked In

the Interior Journal olllce years agoMr Elkin was Just In the prime ot

young manhool and his death came as-

a great shock to his host ot friendsaull loved ones He held a responsibleposition with tho TlnsleyMayer En

raving Company Besides his parnts and his sister Mrs Newland he

l a Burvlved by two brothers W Leoilkln and Walter B ElSin

The remains ot tho young nftm were

laid to rest In Cave 11111 cemetery after funeral services at the Clifton

ChrIstian church of which hu way amember

Induced by violent exercise or In-

jury is quickly relieved by the freeipllcatlon of Chamberlains Llnltent This liniment is equally vnlualq for muscular rheumatism and alrays affords quick relief Sold ijy Uj-

L Penny





There was much pleasant lurj1rllleoccasioned last Saturday when JamesT Mcnefeo second son of Mr aOlI

Sirs 1 N Mencfce of this city wasunited In marriage to Miss Jean War-

ren daughter of Mrs William War

tell and a niece ot the late Judge nC Warren of this city Tho young

couple had kept the tjippy secret well

nnd only a few of their relatives and

closest friends knew of the forthco m

Ingjsvent and were presentThe ceremony was solemnized at

tho handsome home of the bride iii

Danville Rev J T Hosklns pastor attho Baptist church of ttfV city o ffelating Immediately afterward they

lest for a bridal tour to northern resorts dud returning will make theirhome In Danville out of which A-


Irwill travel for the Sherwin


Williams Paint Company of which 110

is tho southern representative Mr

Menefee Is one ot the most POll lor

boys ot Stanford and will be most

heartily congratulated upon winnIng

such n splendid woman for his wlCe

She Is very well known here havlifrequently visited her cousins and Is

universally beloved and admired

Among those woo went over Cram

here for the wedding were Mr andMrs J N Menefee Judge and Mrs ESr Ritchie of Mineral Wells TexaJudlJl J R Menefee Jr Mr Georillenefee Misses Jennie Nell and Jolephine Warren

In Far Off Canada


The Rosalind Canada Miner hasits Item ot a handsome entertainmentiveh there in honor rMr C C

eeteof Davenport Wash and blsride who was Miss Margret Living

stan ot Crab Orchard before theredding a few weeks ago

Claude Leete of Davenport Washton ot Mrs A T Colll3 of Rossland

nd his bride have met with a truelossland welcome during their slay

here Mrs Collis holds a receptioiIn their honor today and they have al

10 been most pleasantly entertainedb1 Superintendent and Mrs Amilurnctt at their handsome home ot

lho Josle mine Just above the city

Irs Claude Leete is a Kentucky lady

ond Mrs Burnett too belongs to oneor the oldest colonial families ot the

south both In Kentucky nnd Virginia

seedless to say the two southernershad much In common and a delightful

time was spent by the visitors


Rev Samuel Pittman will preacb at-

the Hubble Christian church Sunday

the 10th at 11 oclock AM and 73P M Everybody Invite-


Mrs Jack Minor ot BradfordsvllleIs visiting Mrs J D Minor Mr 8S Caldwell of Louisville Ms a guest

at his son Dr J E Caldwell bins

Annie Parks Is visiting her brother TI1 Durham at Lebanon Mr John

Walls is at OlympIA Springs taking

the treatment for rheumatism Mrs

Carlisle T Cleland Is vlslUng her rn-

tber J F Gregory at Springfield MrsMary Bower and Mrs Bottle Caldwell

tended the funeral ot Mrs John A-

Uower at Paris last week Benjawtn

illlng sold to Mr Wilson of Renderlion a twoyearold Gambetto Wilkes

cold for 2BO John W Webb shipped

III car of hogs from Mltchellsburg lastweek for which he paid 8i c Prof-

Jack Wilson of Bradfordsvllle Is vis

lUll B H O Cozatt He will teach thisear at Lebanon Junction Messrs Lu-

ther Underwood and wife of Danville

and W H Rlgney ant family of Stant-

orcJ were guests of Mr and Mrs J TidervCood last week W S Rose o-

Cthis city is holding down a good tele

graph Job at Arlington Tenn

When the stomach tails to performIts functions the bowels become dolonged the liver and the kidneys cunsested causing numerous diseases

10 stomach ana liver must be rostered to d healthy condition and whamberlnlns Stomach and Liver tabletsCAr hI depended upon to dp H Easy-

taketo and most effective Sold bY

O L Pennya





IAs a result of an opinion bandedby Attorney General Dreathltt


at Frankfort last week the vendors of

Malt Mead Cream of Hops Near Deerand other such drinks In Kentucky

will have to pay the state liquor 11

cense of f250 for It Is hold that sucubeverages do not come under thlhead of soft drinks Inasmuch all

they contain a certain per cent of ill

cobol A number of dealers in Stnnford and Lincoln county will behardbit by this ruling which It is said

the Auditor Intends to instruct thoIcounty clerks to rigidly enforceAttorney General Breathltt holds

that In local option territory alcoholdrinks can not be sold under the softdrink license The opinion says

This department has Just recehdn communication from A A Hazelrlgg clerk ot Montgomery CountyCourt stating that be has an appltctlon for license to sell Malt Mead orNear Beer He states that it is claimcd this drink can be sold under sottdrink license by reason ot tho allegefact there Is such a small or unapreclablo amount of alcohol In santhat it should come under this head-

Ing This department has passed up-

on this matter finally to tho effetthat drinks may not be sold under thewit drink license that could producIntoxication As local option terntory increases in extent In this stateIt Is reasonable to anticipate that eiIpavor will be made to place such

rinks as are described before thejubllc and In such a way as to sub-

Ject those who may Indulge In thento no sort of social condemnationmad Its alleged Innocence will actual-ly prove more pernicious to the youni

It allowed than the open saloon Intowhich the same people might never

hlnk of going Until either the law

or the highest court makes a dlstinc

ion authorizing the sale of matt bev

imgea containing alco1otu wll1be

tbe ruling tot this department thatthey arejrallowable under a sotdrink license having that appreciable

uantlty at all events in them ac

rould create even In large quantltleony degree ot intoxicatio-

nIncreases Capital



Amended articles of Incorporation

hovo been filed by the Goshen rolehone Company df this county with

the County Clerk and the Secretary of

Slate as required by law increasing

the capital stock of the company frou400 to 1750 It is understood that

the company intends branching out

over a considerable additional areaoC territory and that the capitalization

Is Increased to meet this and otherxpcnse of improvement

Articles ot Incorporation have beetlied with the Secretary ot State at

rankfort ot the Lancaster Hospital

inrrard county with a capital of 14

000 the Incorporators being J E

tormes Banks Hudson and W R

oookArticles were also filed for the Mad

Ison Mutual Investment Company ol

Ichmond with a capital of 110000and Thomas H Broaddus J Sr Hatha-

WAY and IL B Haley incorporators

BOWMARS SUMMER TOURSWrite to Bowmars Tours Versailles

Ky for folders giving details ant-cost bt Bowmars ideal personally

inducted tours to Niagara FallsToronto Buffalo and Cleveland with

Une lake steamer trips Tuesday Aug

2 and to Atlantic City New Yorkitlaleiphla nnd Washington Thurs-

day Aug llth lhgh Class accom

adatlons Select parties

Chamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets gently stimulate the liver andbowels to expel poisonous matterceanse the system cure constipationand sick headache Sold by U L Pen


Kings Mountain-

The farmers will soon have their-

work caught up If the good weather

ntlnuesMr ordDlsbon and Miss PearlReynolds were married Sunday at Dr-

Goks at HighlandMr Fountain Sweeney is visiting

here and the attraction Seems to be-

n young lady at Goochtown





rJllck Johnson the colored chainplclinched his title to the worlds championshlp of the pugilistic arena wbenhe decisively defeated the great re-

tired champion James J Jeffries In

15 rounds at Reno Nevada on tbo

Fourth of JulyWhile Jeffries was not Actually

counted out he was saved only fromthis crowning humiliation by hisfriends pleading with Johnson not to

hit the fallen man again and the to

el was brought Into tile ring from bls

corner At the end ot thertrteenth<

round Referee Tex RIckard raised th

black arm and the great crowd fitedout glum and silentf Jeffries was dragged to bds comerbleeding from nose and mouth and 1-1w

dozen cuts on his face He had n

block closed eye and swollen featuresand he held his head In his handsdazed and Incoherent

Johnson walked out of the ring

without n mark on his body excellt

a slight cut on his lip which was theopening of n wound received In train

IngRingexperts agree that It was not

even a championship fight Jeffriitad a chance In the second rounderhaps but after the sixth It wasplaIn that ho was weakened and oulleased In every point and after tholet enth round it was hopeless-

It was the greatest demonstrationthe ring has ever seen ot the fallui <

oC a fighter to come back after yearor retirement The youth and sclencor the black man made Jeffries looklike a green man The great Jeffriewas like a log The reviled Johnsowas like a black panther beautiful In

his alertness and defensive tacticsTbe fifteenth round started with a

clinch after Jeffries had failed to lam-

a the body Johnson then tore loose

lnd before the spectatnis were pre-

pared for the finish he had gent Je-

Cries down with lightning 11ke left andIgbt blows to the Jaw Jeffries reel-

ed and tell halt way through the ropeon tho West side ot the ring Thoanear him saw that he had lost senseoC his surroundings and that the faces

at tho ringside were a blur to hitHis time had come He was feellnwhnt he had caused others to reeln the days ot his youth and power

Johnson came over to the spot am

stood poised over his adversary hl

1I0dY ready for a left hook If Jeffrieregained his feet

Jim Corbett who twice had gone

down before Jeffries blows and w pobad stood in Jeffries corner all dui

IR the fight telling Johnson what 1-

1fool he was and how he was In for thegreatest beating ot his life now ran ror

ward with outstretched arms crying

3h go back dont hit him 1

Jeffries painfully raised himself to-

his feet His laws had dropped hili

eyes were nearly shut nnd his facewas covered with blood With tremb-

ling legs and yielding arms he tried

to put up a defense But he could notstoll a terrlfflc right smash in theJaw followed by two left looks He

went down againJeffries physician and other friends

jumped into the ringStop It they cried Dont put

thp old fellow outSam Berger Jeffries manager ran

atong the ring calling to Bob Arm-

strong Bring that towel you know

what I mean dont let him get bVFront Johnsons corner his second

were calling to him to quit Then theferee stopped the timekeeper and

It was all over


Chief JustIce Melville W Fuller or

e United States Supreme Court diedor heart failure at his Summer home

In Sorento Me Monday morning

The death of the chief justice was

entJelY unexpected as he bad been

In apparently good health lately Sun-

day he attended church as usual and-

when he retired last night was to all

pearances In his customary healthHo was a democrat and appointed

to the Supreme bench by Cleveland

feethlng children have more or-

less diarrhoea which can be contrailcd by giving ChamnerlatnB ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy All-

tbat is necessary is to glvo the pre-

scribed does after each operation ur-

the bowels more than natural lid-

then castor oil to cleanse the 8yntemIt is sate and sure Sold by G L-





On a pardon from the governor AlexRice a Lincoln county Negro was re-


from the penitentiary at Frank ¬

fort Saturday after having served Ja sentence of 1G years on a man ¬

slaughter charge He was sentenc¬

ed for 21years A dispatch to thecity papers says that John Sam OweIley who prosecuted the Negro In Lin¬

cola county went before the Gover-nor


and urged that the punishmenthad been sufficient considering thenature of the crime lie said hethought 15 years was lent enough fortho man to server Thj njiplieatlou for


the pardon was endorsed by ninny citi ¬

zens of Lincoln county and they Nerohad a good record at the prleuu Ricewas convicted of killing a Negro inthe Deep Well woods irear Crab Orch ¬


Crab Orchard Wins


Crab Orchard July 4

The Crab Orchard and Brodheadbase ball teams crossed bats on lastSaturday week on the local groundsresulting in a victory for the hometeam by the score ot 19 to 2

Mr H E Lane and Miss HelenLewis a young couple from Somer-set were united in the holy bonds ofmatrimony on June 29th at 11 oclock-A M at the King Hotel by Rev K

NooksI Mrs W H Sharp of Midthe latter being nee MIs3

Nan ole Pleasants arrived last Saturlay to visit her father Mr Joe Pleasants and family Mrs bSarp was foraerly one of our Crab Orchard girlsraving been born and raised herelie developed into a fine Christianwoman with a practical knowledge oC-

Ufo She secured a position In Midllesboro and met Mr Sharp whilehere We congratulate him on secure

OR her as his helpmeet for lite andwish for them a future filled with hapilneaa

We read with much Interest ot themarriage of Miss Georgia Lewis and

Ir CharlesKeeton in your last issueHer Crab Orchard friends were notso much surprised It seems as herItanford friends as she revealed theact to us while visiting here a month

ago We at that Ume expressed ourdeep feeling for her happiness In thonew life she anticipated entering In-

to and we want to reiterate what we

said then that we trust all her pres-

ent expectations may be fully reallzed and unalloyed happiness may fill

heir Ivea We send conglatulatlonsto her husband and we are confident

he feels proud of the treasure he

has wonRev J F Jones ot London visited

his son Dr L T Jones and assistedlevP N Taylor in the services at

the Baptist church last SundayMrs JF Holdam Is attending the

series of meetings at Stanford and lathe guest ot Mrs E P Woods

Miss Ida May Adams of Mt Vernonentertained her house party with anouting to the Crab Orchard Springs

lost Thursday and FridayMiss Sue Beth James of Lauderdale

Slssris visiting Mrs J F Holdamand will be the guest ot her many reltines here for several wocksSb s

nag very charmingly a solo at tho

hristian Endeavor last Sunday evenlug

Capt and Mrs J B Willis went ov-

er to Richmond to attend the burialor his brother Wm Willis who died13St week He was 85 years of age

nnll was one of the pioneer settlersor Madison county

Lewis Butcher the little son offrs Sallle Butcher died last Sun-

day morning niter an Illness of only

n few hoursThe infant son of Mr and Mrs J G

RlcJllIe Is Quite sickFor rent one furnished upper room

also a stable and corn cribs apply to

hs Hannah L StegerFor sale several pieces of house

ho1 furniture including a piano and

desk suitable for an office five or sixether beds also Mrs Hanah LegorStrother Carter ot Lebanon Junc-

tion Is visiting hIs grandparents Mr-

and Mrs Curtis CoverS
