R. Kipling. Stalky and Co. CLP

Edited by Lidia Vianu Rudyard Kipling


literatura engleza

Transcript of R. Kipling. Stalky and Co. CLP

  • Edited by

    Lidia Vianu

    Rudyard Kipling

  • Press Release

    11 February 2015


    Rudyard Kipling

    Stalky & Co

    Parallel Texts: English (1899) and Romanian (1932)

    Edited by Lidia Vianu

    Rudyard Kipling was born 140 years ago. We

    are now publishing his Stalky & Co, a book which is

    itself 116 years old, but which is younger today than

    it ever was.

    It is no coincidence that this book is being

    published on the birthday of Thomas Edison,

    inventor of the electric bulb: 11 February (1847).

    Is this a book about 19th Century English

    boarding schools? About bullying? About clever

    pranks played on teachers who never failed to be

    taken in? About true friendship in adolescence?

    La 140 de ani de la naterea scriitorului englez

    Rudyard Kipling, publicm acum cartea lui, Stalky &

    Co, scris cu 116 ani n urm dar mai actual astzi

    ca niciodat.

    Nu ntmpltor publicm aceast carte de ziua

    de natere a lui Thomas Edison, inventatorul becului

    electric: 11 februarie (1847).

    Este oare aceasta o carte despre internatele

    engleze n veacul al XIX-lea? Despre relaiile dintre

    elevii mari i aceia mai mici dect ei? Despre otii

    inteligente i profesori a cror inteligen este cu

  • About those who pass on the light of knowledge

    and so much more? It may be about all these things

    at once, but, before anything else, it is a book about


    Kipling describes three bosom friends. Read

    their ingenious adventures, worthy of a true

    strategist. If you want to find out, though, why this

    book is now more alive than ever, you will have to

    read between the lines, and identify those characters

    who manage to touch a students heart before

    addressing his mind.

    What exactly can one learn at Westward-Ho,

    the boarding school in Devon described by Kipling

    in his book? Mathematics, Latin, Natural Sciences,

    English literature... Some of the people who teach

    those subjects should never have become teachers in

    the first place. We can easily understand why our

    three friends never trust their teachings at all. Only

    two of those teachers are bringers of light, possessing

    generosity, and a sense of humour. One of those two

    actually shows Kipling the way to becoming a writer.

    puine excepii pclit? Despre prietenia

    irepetabil din adolescen? Despre respect pentru

    dasclul luminat? Poate c este cte ceva din toate

    acestea, dar, n mod sigur, este n primul rnd o carte

    despre BIEI.

    Eroii lui Kipling sunt trei prieteni la cataram.

    Ce fac ei vei vedea citindu-le isprvile de-a dreptul

    ingenioase, demne de un adevrat strateg. Ca s

    aflai, ns, ce anume ne spune aceast carte, i din ce

    motiv este ea mai actual acum dect altdat, va

    trebui s descoperii printre rnduri pe aceia care

    ajung la mintea elevului prin sufletul lui.

    Ce anume se pred n internatul descris de

    Kipling, Westward-Ho din Devon? Matematici,

    latin, tiinele naturii, literatur englez... Gsim

    acolo educatori care i-au greit meseria. Nu e de

    mirare c cei trei prieteni nu cred o iot din ce spun

    acetia. Gsim ns i doi dascli nsufleii de

    generozitate, sim al umorului i o bun nelegere a

    vieii: adevrai aductori de lumin. Unul dintre ei

    l conduce pe Kipling nsui spre meseria de scriitor.

  • Let us not forget that, in the year 1907, Rudyard

    Kipling was the first English writer to be awarded

    the Nobel Prize for Literature!

    i, apoi, s nu uitm c, n anul 1907, Rudyard

    Kipling a fost primul scriitor de limb englez care a

    primit Premiul Nobel pentru Literatur!

    Lidia Vianu

  • ISBN 978-606-8592-98-5

    The University of Bucharest

    Cover, Illustrations and overall Layout: Lidia Vianu

    Subediting: Andrei Brsan Typing: Iulia Dodu, Ana Dumitrache, Ana-Maria one, Izabela Vae Proofreading: Violeta Baroan, Ira Beratlief, Mdlina Bnucu, Silviu Buzatu, Aureliana Grama, Ana-Maria one IT Expertise: Simona Smulescu Publicity: Violeta Baroan

    Acknowledgements The Romanian translation, signed Viorel i Radu, was published under the title Stalky i tovarii in 1932, by Editura Casa coalelor, Bucureti. It was the second book by Kipling translated into Romanina, after Mircea Eliades Simple povestiri de pe coline, 1929.

  • Rudyard Kipling

    Parallel Texts: English (1899) and Romanian (1932)

    Edited by Lidia Vianu

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co



    In Ambush Capcana p. 9

    Slaves of the Lamp. Part I. Sclavii Lmpii p. 66

    An Unsavoury Interlude Un intermediu ru mirositor p. 106

    The Impressionists Impresionitii p. 161

    The Moral Reformers Reformatorii p. 209

    A Little Prep. O meditaie agitat p. 254

    The Flag of Their Country Steagul rii lor p. 300

    The Last Term Ultimul trimestru p. 346

    Slaves of the Lamp. Part II. Sclavii Lmpii (Partea a doua) p. 391

    Prefaa traductorilor p. 431

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Traducere din anul 1932. A doua carte de R. Kipling tradus n limba romn, dup traducerea lui

    Mircea Eliade, Simple povestiri de pe coline (1929).

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    To Cormell Price

    Headmaster, United Services College

    Westward, ho! Bideford, North Devon


    Aceast povestire a fost dedicat lui Cormell Price

    Director Principal al Collegiului United Services

    Westward Ho! Bideford, North Devon


  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Let us now praise famous men

    Men of little showing

    For their work continueth,

    And their work continueth,

    Broad and deep continueth,

    Greater than their knowing!

    i acum s ludm oamenii vrednici,

    Modeti ale cror virtui nu s-arat

    Cci munca lor azi peste tot nflorete

    Munca lor pe pmnt peste tot nflorete

    n lung i n lat pe pmnt nflorete

    Mai departe dect ar fi crezut ei vreodat

    Western wind and open surge

    Took us from our mothers;

    Flung us on a naked shore

    (Twelve bleak houses by the shore!

    Seven summers by the shore!)

    Mid two hundred brothers.

    Vntul ctre apus i valul din largul mrii

    Ne-au luat de la snul mamii

    i ne-au zvrlit pe neteda coast

    (Dousprezece case sus pe coast!

    apte veri pe neteda coast)

    Printre dou sute de frai.

    There we met with famous men

    Set in office oer us;

    And they beat on us with rods

    Faithfully with many rods

    Aici i-am ntlnit pe oamenii vrednici

    Pui de autoriti s ne stpneasc

    Ne-au strunit, i pe-ntrecute cu vrgi ne-au btut

    Din toat inima cu vrgi ne-au btut

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Daily beat us on with rods,

    For the love they bore us.

    Contiincios i fr preget cu vrgi ne-au


    Din dragostea ce ne-o purtau.

    Out of Egypt unto Troy

    Over Himalaya

    Far and sure our bands have gone

    Hy-Brasil or Babylon,

    Islands of the Southern Run,

    And cities of Cathaia!

    Prin Egipt i pn-n Troia

    Peste Himalaia

    Cu hotrre s-au dus voinicii notri

    n Brazilia i Babilonia

    Prin insulele Mrilor de Sud

    i-n orae din Cathaia

    And we all praise famous men

    Ancients of the College;

    For they taught us common sense

    Tried to teach us common sense

    Truth and Gods Own Common Sense,

    Which is more than knowledge!

    i toi am ludat pe oamenii vrednici

    Noi cei mai vechi dintre colari

    Cci ne-au nvat, s judecm

    S judecm ne-au nvat, drept i adevrat

    Nepreuit dar al Domnului bogat

    E judecata, mai scump ca orice nvtur!

    Each degree of Latitude Fiecare bru de latitudine ce o-nconjoar,

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Strung about Creation

    Seeth one (or more) of us

    (Of one muster all of us),

    Diligent in that he does,

    Keen in his vocation.

    Cu care Dumnezeu a-ncins lumea,

    Vede pe unul sau mai muli dintre noi

    Cci de-o seam la lucru suntem cu toii noi

    Vrednici n orice ne apucm s facem

    Vrednici la lucru i vrednici la oaste.

    This we learned from famous men,

    Knowing not its uses,

    When they showed, in daily work,

    Man must finish off his work

    Right or wrong, his daily work

    And without excuses.

    Toate de la nvtura lor a purces

    A cror menire ei n-o tiau ntreag

    Cnd ne spuneau n sfaturi de toate zilele

    C omul trebuie s desvreasc orice face

    De-ar fi bun ori rea munca pe care o face

    Fr s-i dea siei rgaz de iertare.

    Servants of the Staff and chain,

    Mine and fuse and grapnel

    Some before the face of Kings,

    Stand before the face of Kings;

    Bearing gifts to divers Kings

    Gifts of case and shrapnel.

    Servitori ai Statului Major i ai drumurilor

    Ai minei, granatei i tvalugii

    Alii sunt trimii ctre scaunele Regale

    Ducnd daruri-naintea scaunelor Regale

    Daruri i rapnele i muniii!

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    This we learned from famous men

    Teaching in our borders,

    Who declard it was best,

    Safest, easiest, and best

    Expeditious, wise, and best

    To obey your orders.

    Aceasta de la oamenii vrednici am nvat

    Ce ne luminau pe noi n ar

    Spunnd c cel mai sigur lucru pe lume

    Cel mai uor i nimerit este

    Mai iute i mai nelept este

    S ascultm ordinele tale, ar!

    Some beneath the further stars

    Bear the greater burden:

    Set to serve the lands they rule,

    (Save he serve no man may rule),

    Serve and love the lands they rule;

    Seeking praise nor guerdon.

    Alii care se gsesc sub stelele ndeprtate

    Duc greuti mai mari

    Sunt pui de serviciul rii s guverneze.

    Dac nu a servit, un om nu tie guverna,

    Spre a iubi i a servi rile ce guverneaz

    Necutnd laud nici onoruri

    This we learned from famous men,

    Knowing not we learned it.

    Only, as the years went by

    Lonely, as the years went by

    Acestea le-am nvat noi dela oamenii vrednici

    Pe cnd noi nu tiam ce nvm

    Dar pe msur ce anii se scurgeau

    Mai singuri rmnnd cu anii ce treceau

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Far from help as years went by,

    Plainer we discerned it.

    Departe, fr sprijin cnd anii tot treceau

    Mai bine am priceput aceasta.

    Wherefore praise we famous men

    From whose bays we borrow

    They that put aside To-day

    All the joys of their To-day

    And with toil of their To-day

    Bought for us To-morrow!

    De aceea pe oamenii vrednici i ludm

    Dintr-a cror lauri ne-am ncununat

    Pe cei ce-au pus la o parte ziua lor de azi

    Au renunat la bucuriile zilei lor de azi

    i cu munca zilei lor de astzi

    Au pltit ziua de mine pentru noi

    Bless and praise we famous men

    Men of little showing

    For their work continueth,

    And their work continueth,

    Broad and deep continueth,

    Great beyond their knowing!

    i ludm pe ei i-i binecuvntm

    Modeti a cror virtui nu se arat

    Cci munca lor azi nflorete

    Munca lor pe pmnt peste tot nflorete

    n lung i n lat pe pmnt nflorete

    Mai departe dect ar fi crezut ei vreodat.

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    In Ambush


    In summer all right-minded boys built huts in the furze-

    hill behind the Collegelittle lairs whittled out of the heart of

    the prickly bushes, full of stumps, odd root-ends, and spikes,

    but, since they were strictly forbidden, palaces of delight. And

    for the fifth summer in succession, Stalky, MTurk, and Beetle

    (this was before they reached the dignity of a study) had built,

    like beavers, a place of retreat and meditation, where they


    Dealurile din dosul liceului erau acoperite cu un desi de

    grozam. Vara, bieii ptrunznd n desimea stufiurilor

    ghimpate i tind crcile mprejur, fceau un fel de goluri ce le

    serveau de loc de retragere. n imaginaia lor, aceste ascunztori

    aternute cu frunze uscate, vrfuri de rdcini i achii cptau

    importana unor palate de feerie, tocmai pentru c le era strict

    interzis s i le cldeasc i s le ocupe. Se mplineau acum cinci

    veri de-a rndul de cnd Stalky, MTurk i Beetle (aceasta se

    ntmpla nainte ca ei s fi cptat privilegiul unei sli de

    meditaie pe seama lor) i construiau, ntocmai unor castori, un

    loc de retragere unde s poat fi linitii, s mediteze i,

    cteodat, s i fumeze.

    Now there was nothing in their characters, as known to

    Mr. Prout, their house-master, at all commanding respect; nor

    Felul lor de a se purta nu prea avea darul s inspire

    respect D-lui Prout, dirigintele seciei din care fceau parte, i

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    did Foxy, the subtle red-haired school Sergeant, trust them. His

    business was to wear tennis-shoes, carry binoculars, and swoop

    hawk-like upon evil boys. Had he taken the field alone, that hut

    would have been raided, for Foxy knew the manners of his

    quarry; but Providence moved Mr. Prout, whose school-name,

    derived from the size of his feet, was Hoofer, to investigate on

    his own account; and it was the cautious Stalky who found the

    track of his pugs on the very floor of their lair one peaceful

    afternoon when Stalky would fain have forgotten Prout and his

    works in a volume of Surtees and a new briar-wood pipe.

    Crusoe, at sight of the footprint, did not act more swiftly than

    Stalky. He removed the pipes, swept up all loose match-ends,

    and departed to warn Beetle and MTurk.

    nici Vulpe, sergentul colii, nu prea avea ncredere n ei. Drept

    ndeletnicire principal, acest Vulpe o avea pe aceea de a purta

    pantofi de tenis, de a-i lua binoclul, a spiona zrile i a se

    npusti mai pe urm, ca un erete, asupra bieilor care comiteau

    vreo abatere de la regula colii.

    Dac n aceast campanie el ar fi lucrat dup propria-i

    inspiraie, vizuina ar fi fost repede descoperit, cci Vulpe tia

    cu cine are de-a face; dar providena hotrse ca D-l Prout,

    poreclit din cauza mrimilor picioarelor sale, Lab de Urs, s

    fac investigaii pe cont propriu. i aa, prudentul Stalky gsi

    urmele-i apsate chiar pe pragul vizuinei, ntr-o dup amiaz,

    cnd, bucuros, cu ajutorul unui volum de Surtees i a unei pipe

    noi de lemn de mce, ar fi uitat de Prout i de tot ce privea

    coala. Cnd Robinson Crusoe gsi urmele slbaticilor n insul,

    el nu-i desfur planul de aciune mai iute dect Stalky.

    Prietenul nostru lu pipele, mtur chibriturile arse de pe jos i

    plec s-i ntiineze pe Beetle i MTurk.

    But it was characteristic of the boy that he did not

    approach his allies till he had met and conferred with little

    Cu sagacitatea care-i era caracteristic firii sale, nu se

    duse s-i gseasc aliaii dect dup ce ntlni mai nti pe

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Hartopp, President of the Natural History Society, an institution

    which Stalky held in contempt. Hartopp was more than

    surprised when the boy meekly, as he knew how, begged to

    propose himself, Beetle, and MTurk as candidates; confessed to

    a long-smothered interest in first-flowerings, early butterflies,

    and new arrivals, and volunteered, if Mr. Hartopp saw fit, to

    enter on the new life at once. Being a master, Hartopp was

    suspicious; but he was also an enthusiast, and his gentle little

    soul had been galled by chance-heard remarks from the three,

    and specially Beetle. So he was gracious to that repentant sinner,

    and entered the three names in his book.

    mruntul D-l Hartopp, preedintele societii de tiine naturale,

    instituie pentru care Stalky avea un mare dispre. Spre marea

    mirare a D-lui Hartopp, Stalky, cu aerul blnd pe care tia aa de

    bine s-l ia, se oferi s intre n acea societate; mrturisi c de

    mult vreme nutrea un interes puternic pentru bobocii

    primvratici, pentru fluturii precoci ct i pentru achiziiile noi

    ale tiinei; propuse deci cu nvoiala D-lui Hartopp s-i nceap

    activitatea pe moment. Fiind profesor, Hartopp era bnuitor; era

    ns i un entuziast, i cum inima-i blnd fusese de multe ori

    rnit de observaiile sarcastice ale acestor trei biei, ale lui

    Beetle n special, el fu amabil cu acest pctos pocit i nscrise

    cele trei nume n carnetul su.

    Then, and not till then, did Stalky seek Beetle and MTurk

    in their house form-room. They were stowing away books for a

    quiet afternoon in the furze, which they called the wuzzy.

    Atunci i numai atunci se duse Stalky s gseasc pe

    Beetle i pe MTurk, n sala de meditaie. Amndoi i strngeau

    crile ca s plece s petreac dup-amiaza n desiul, numit de

    ei Jungla.

    All up, said Stalky serenely. I spotted Heffys fairy feet

    round our hut after dinner. Blessing theyre so big.

    Ne-am ars, zise Stalky cu senintate. Am descoperit

    acum, dup-mas, urmele lui Lab de Urs mprejurul

    adpostului nostru. Tot e bine c sunt aa de mari.

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Con-found! Did you hide our pipes? said Beetle. Of, bat-l s-l bat! Ai ascuns pipele? ntreb Beetle.

    Oh no. Left em in the middle of the hut, of course. What

    a blind ass you are, Beetle! Dyou think nobody thinks but

    yourself? Well, we cant use the hut any more. Hoofer will be

    watchin it.

    Nuuu!!! Le-am lsat acolo, n mijlocul vizuinii! Strmt

    mai eti la cap, Beetle! Crezi c numai tu te gndeti i alii nu?

    Acum nu mai putem merge acolo. Lab de Urs are s ne


    Bother! Likewise blow! said MTurk thoughtfully,

    unpacking the volumes with which his chest was cased. The

    boys carried their libraries between their belt and their collar.

    Nice job! This means were under suspicion for the rest of the


    La naiba, zise MTurk ngndurat, i ncepu s descarce

    volumele cu care i umpluse pieptul hainei. Bieii obinuiau

    s-i poarte biblioteca n sn. Frumoas afacere! Asta nseamn

    c va avea ochii aintii asupra noastr pn la sfritul


    Why? All that Heffy has found is a hut. He and Foxy will

    watch it. Its nothing to do with us; only we mustnt be seen that

    way for a bit.

    De ce? Lab de Urs a gsit numai un adpost. El o s-i

    dea trcoale mpreun cu Vulpe. Noi nu avem nimic de-a face

    cu asta; numai c pe acolo nu trebuie s ne mai ducem, ca s nu

    fim prini.

    Yes, and where else are we to go? said Beetle. You chose

    that place, tooanan I wanted to read this afternoon.

    Bine, dar unde s ne ducem n alt parte? ntreb Beetle.

    Tu singur alesesei locul sta ieu doream aa mult s citesc

    astzi dup-amiaz.

    Stalky sat on a desk drumming his heels on the form. Stalky se urcase pe pupitru, btnd cu clciele pe banc:

    Youre a despondin brute, Beetle. Sometimes I think I Bine, dar eti un dobitoc, Beetle! Cteodat mi vine s

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    shall have to drop you altogether. Did you ever know your

    Uncle Stalky forget you yet? His rebus infectisafter Id seen

    Heffys man-tracks marchin round our hut, I found little

    Hartoppdestricto ensewavin a butterfly-net. I conciliated

    Hartopp. Told him that youd read papers to the Bug-hunters if

    hed let you join, Beetle. Told him you liked butterflies, Turkey.

    Anyhow, I soothed the Hartoffles, and were Bug-hunters now.

    renun la tine pentru totdeauna; ai mai pomenit vreodat pe

    unchiul Stalky s te uite? His rebus infectisdup ce descoperii

    lbuele de urs fcnd nconjurul adpostului, l gsii pe D-l

    Hartopp mnuind o plas pentru fluturi. L-am atras de partea

    noastr promindu-i s-i faci tu, Beetle, conferine pentru

    Vntorii de plonie.

    Whats the good of that? said Beetle. La ce ne folosete asta? ntreb Beetle.

    Oh, Turkey, kick him! Uf! Turkey, d-i un ghiont!

    In the interests of science, bounds were largely relaxed for

    the members of the Natural History Society. They could wander,

    if they kept clear of all houses, practically where they chose; Mr.

    Hartopp holding himself responsible for their good conduct.

    Pentru luminarea cititorilor, trebuie s spunem c n

    interesul tiinei, limitele ntre care puteau s se plimbe bieii

    erau mult mai largi pentru cei care fceau parte din Societatea

    de tiine Naturale. Cu condiia de a nu intra n case, puteau s

    se plimbe aproape peste tot, D-l Hartopp declarndu-se

    responsabil de purtarea lor.

    Beetle began to see this as MTurk began the kicking. Beetle ncepu s priceap aceasta cnd MTurk i ddu

    cteva ghionturi.

    Im an ass, Stalky! he said, guarding the afflicted part.

    Pax, Turkey. Im an ass.

    Sunt un dobitoc, Stalky, zise el, pzindu-i partea

    atacat. Destul, Turkey, am recunoscut c sunt un dobitoc.

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Dont stop, Turkey. Isnt your Uncle Stalky a great man? Nu te opri, Turkey! Este ori nu este unchiul vostru un

    om mare?

    Great man, said Beetle. Om mare... ngim Beetle.

    All the same bug-huntins a filthy business, said

    MTurk. How the deuce does one begin?

    Orice ai spune, e stupid s alergi dup gngnii, zise

    MTurk. Cum or fi fcnd ca s se apuce de aa ceva?

    This way, said Stalky, turning to some fags lockers

    behind him. Fags are dabs at Natural History. Heres young

    Braybrookes botany-case. He flung out a tangle of decayed

    roots and adjusted the slide. Gives one no end of a professional

    air, I think. Heres Clay Minors geological hammer. Beetle can

    carry that. Turkey, youd better covet a butterfly-net from


    Iaca aa, zise Stalky, cutnd prin pupitrele elevilor

    mai mici din spatele lui. Elevi din cursul inferior sunt toi adepi

    entuziati ai tiinelor Naturale.

    Iac ierbarul tnrului Braybrooke. Azvrlind

    dintr-nsul o mn de rdcini uscate, i lungi cureaua pe msura

    lui. Am impresia c aceasta mi d un aer demn, de specialist.

    Iat ciocanul de geologie al lui Clay cel mic. Ia-l tu, Beetle, dac

    vrei. Tu, Turkey, mai bine i-ai cuta o plas de fluturi pe


    Im blowed if I do, said MTurk simply, with immense

    feeling. Beetle, give me the hammer.

    Ba s fiu al naibii dac fac aa ceva, zise MTurk scurt

    i sentenios.

    Beetle s-mi dai mie ciocanul.

    All right. Im not proud. Chuck us down that net on top

    of the lockers, Stalky.

    Na-i-l, mi; eu nu sunt mndru. Mie d-mi plasa aceea

    de pe dulapuri, Stalky.

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    Thats all right. Its a collapsible jamboree, too. Beastly

    luxurious dogs these fags are. Built like a fishin-rod. Pon my

    sainted Sam, but we look the complete Bug-hunters! Now, listen

    to your Uncle Stalky! Were goin along the cliffs after butterflies.

    Very few chaps come there. Were goin to leg it, too. Youd

    better leave your book behind.

    tii c se deurubeaz perfect coada asta? Ce oameni

    luxoi mai sunt i picii tia. Pe onoarea mea, avem aerul unor

    adevrai vntori de plonie! Acum, ascultai pe unchiul

    vostru Stalky: s ne ducem pe stnci dup fluturi, pentru c pe

    acolo vin foarte puini biei. Cum o s-o lum la picior, ai face

    bine s v lsai crile acas.

    Not much! said Beetle firmly. Im not goin to be done

    out of my fun for a lot of filthy butterflies.

    Ba deloc, zise Beetle cu nsufleire. N-am de gnd

    s-mi pierd toat dup amiaza pentru cteva scrbe de fluturi.

    Then youll sweat horrid. Youd better carry my Jorrocks.

    Twont make you any hotter.

    O s te treac nduelile. Atunci ia-l i pe Jorrocks

    pentru mine. Cu el sau fr el, tot aa de cald o s-i fie.

    They all sweated; for Stalky led them at a smart trot west

    away along the cliffs under the furze-hills, crossing combe after

    gorsy combe. They took no heed to flying rabbits or fluttering

    fritillaries, and all that Turkey said of geology was utterly


    De nfierbntat se nfierbntar toi, cci Stalky, trecnd

    una dup alta vlcelele necate n flori de cruzatee, i duse n pas

    alergtor de-a lungul stncilor ce se aflau sub dealurile acoperite

    cu grozam. Nu luau n seam nici iepuraii pui pe fug, nici

    freamtul petalelor delicate ale liliacului, iar tot ce spuse Turkey

    n materie de geologie este absolut imposibil de repetat.

    Are we going to Clovelly? he puffed at last, and they

    flung themselves down on the short, springy turf between the

    drone of the sea below and the light summer wind among the

    Ne ducem la Clovelly? ntreb el n sfrit, cnd se

    azvrlir n iarba deas i elastic.

    Erau la egal distan de marea care vuia la dreapta lor i

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    inland trees. They were looking into a combe half full of old,

    high furze in gay bloom that ran up to a fringe of brambles and

    a dense wood of mixed timber and hollies. It was as though one-

    half the combe were filled with golden fire to the cliffs edge. The

    side nearest to them was open grass, and fairly bristled with


    de creasta acoperit cu pomi n care susura vntul de var; de

    acolo priveau ntr-o vlcea pe jumtate umplut cu arbuti de

    grozam, viguroi, stufoi i strlucind de flori. Vlceaua se urc

    uor pn unde se mrginea cu o pdure deas, desprit fiind

    de aceasta printr-un gard de mrcini. Pdurea era alctuit din

    diferite soiuri de copaci, printre care se aflau i sngeri. Prea

    vlceaua umplut pe jumtate cu o flacr aurie ce se ntindea

    astfel pn la rpa dinspre mare. Dealul pe care se aflau era

    acoperit cu iarb i avea nfipi n el pari care purtau tblie


    Fee-rocious old cove, this, said Stalky, reading the

    nearest. Prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law. G. M.

    Dabney, Col., J.P., an all the rest of it. Dont seem to me that any

    chap in his senses would trespass here, does it?

    Va fi urmrit conform legilor celor mai severe... G.M. Dabney,

    colonel n retragere, judector de pace etc.. Nu-mi vine s cred c

    unui om sntos la minte i-ar da prin cap s se plimbe vreodat

    pe aici, ce zicei?

    Youve got to prove damage fore you can prosecute for

    anything! Cant prosecute for trespass, said MTurk, whose

    father held many acres in Ireland. Thats all rot!

    Ca s te dea n judecat, trebuie s dovedeasc paguba

    pe care i-ai pricinuit-o, zise MTurk, al crui tat stpnea un

    domeniu ntins n Irlanda.Nu poate s te urmreasc aa,

    numai pentru c ai intrat fr voie. Toate astea sunt vax!

    Glad of that, cause this looks like what we wanted. Not mi pare bine! Locul se arat a fi bunicel. Nu o lua pe

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    straight across, Beetle, you blind lunatic! Anyone could spot us

    half a mile off. This way; and furl up your beastly butterfly-net.

    acolo, Beetle, pe partea aceea te poate zri cineva de la trei pote;

    i mai strnge-i prdalnica aceea de plas.

    Beetle disconnected the ring, thrust the net into a pocket,

    shut up the handle to a two-foot stave, and slid the cane-ring

    round his waist. Stalky led inland to the wood, which was,

    perhaps, a quarter of a mile from the sea, and reached the fringe

    of the brambles.

    Beetle desfcu inelul, bg plasa n buzunar, din mner

    fcu un baston de doi coi i i trecu inelul ca cingtoare. Stalky

    i duse nspre pdureaceasta se afla la vreo 300 de metri de

    mare i curnd ajunser n dreptul hiului.

    Now we can get straight down through the furze, and

    never show up at all, said the tactician. Beetle, go ahead and

    explore. Snf! Snf! Beastly stink of fox somewhere!

    Acum putem s-o lum prin desi i s nu fim vzui

    deloc, urm strategul: Beetle, pornete-o nainte, n

    recunoatere. Hm! Hm! Urt mai miroase a vulpe pe aici!

    On all fours, save when he clung to his spectacles, Beetle

    wormed into the gorse, and presently announced between

    grunts of pain that he had found a very fair fox-track. This was

    well for Beetle, since Stalky pinched him a tergo. Down that

    tunnel they crawled. It was evidently a highway for the

    inhabitants of the combe; and, to their inexpressible joy, ended,

    at the very edge of the cliff, in a few square feet of dry turf walled

    and roofed with impenetrable gorse.

    Mergnd n patru labe tot timpul, ridicndu-se numai

    pentru a-i potrivi ochelarii din cnd n cnd, Beetle i fcea

    drum printre arbutii epoi, i curnd anun, printre gemete,

    c dduse de urma unei vulpi. Era o fericire pentru el, cci Stalky

    l ciupea a tergo. Se coborr pe brnci prin acest tunel, care

    probabil c servea de drum de preumblare animalelor din vlcea

    i i avea sfritullucru care le procur o bucurie nespus

    ntr-un ptrat liber, acoperit numai cu iarb, nconjurat de

    arbuti care se mpreunau pe deasupra; poienia se afla tocmai

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    la marginea rpei.

    By gum! There isnt a single thing to do except lie down,

    said Stalky, returning a knife to his pocket. Look here!

    Splendid loc! Aici nu avem nimic de fcut dect s ne

    punem pe odihn, zise Stalky, bgnd cuitul n buzunar. Ia


    He parted the tough stems before him, and it was as a

    window opened on a far view of Lundy, and the deep sea

    sluggishly nosing the pebbles a couple of hundred feet below.

    They could hear young jackdaws squawking on the ledges, the

    hiss and jabber of a nest of hawks somewhere out of sight; and,

    with great deliberation, Stalky spat on to the back of a young

    rabbit sunning himself far down where only a cliff-rabbit could

    have found foot-hold. Great gray and black gulls screamed

    against the jackdaws; the heavy-scented acres of bloom round

    them were alive with low-nesting birds, singing or silent as the

    shadow of the wheeling hawks passed and returned; and on the

    naked turf across the combe rabbits thumped and frolicked.

    El ddu la o parte crengile aspre i, prin fereastra ce se

    deschidea astfel, se vzu, n chipul unei panorame, insula Lundy

    i marea nesfrit ce se prvlea pe pietriul mrunt, la o sut

    de metri mai jos. De unde se aflau, puteau auzi croncnitul

    ciorilor nfipte pe coluri de stnc i piuituri dintr-un cuib de

    erete care nu se vedea, dar se afla undeva pe acolo. Atent i cu

    mare precizie, Stalky scuip drept pe spinarea unui iepura care

    se nclzea la soare pe un locuor unde numai un iepure putea

    gsi mijloc s stea.

    Pescruii mari, cenuii i negri ipau mai tare dect

    ciorile. Toat ntinderea de arbuti mirositori dimprejurul lor era

    nsufleit de cuiburi de psrele care ciripeau sau tceau, dup

    cum umbra rotitoare a uliilor se deprta sau se apropia. Pe

    pajite, mai sus de vlcea, iepuraii sreau i zburdau.

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    Whew! What a place! Talk of natural history; this is it,

    said Stalky, filling himself a pipe. Isnt it scrumptious? Good old

    sea! He spat again approvingly, and was silent.

    Aferim! Frumos loc! Vrei tiine Naturale? Poftii, zise

    Stalky, umplndu-i pipa. Nu e grozav? Superb e marea! Mai

    scuip odat cu admiraie i pe urm tcu.

    MTurk and Beetle had taken out their books and were

    lying on their stomachs, chin in hand. The sea snored and

    gurgled; the birds, scattered for the moment by these new

    animals, returned to their businesses, and the boys read on in

    the rich, warm sleepy silence.

    MTurk i cu Beetle i scoseser crile i stteau ntini

    cu faa n jos i cu brbia n palme. Marea mugea i fia;

    psrile, un moment mprtiate de sosirea acestor noi animale,

    se ntorceau pe la locurile lor, iar bieii citeau nainte n tcerea

    minunat, cald, adormitoare.

    Hullo, heres a keeper, said Stalky, shutting Handley

    Cross cautiously, and peering through the jungle. A man with a

    gun appeared on the sky-line to the east. Confound him, hes

    going to sit down!

    Ei! Iat un pzitor, zise Stalky, nchiznd Handley Cross

    cu bgare de seam i privind prin desi. Un om cu o puc

    apru pe linia orizontului, ctre est.Bat-l s-l bat, are de gnd

    s se aeze.

    Hed swear we were poachin too, said Beetle. Whats

    the good of pheasants eggs? Theyre always addled.

    Dac ne prinde, o s jure c am venit s furm ou, zise

    Beetle. Parc sunt bune la ceva oulele de fazan! Sunt

    ntotdeauna stricate.

    Might as well get up to the wood, I think, said Stalky.

    We dont want G. M. Dabney, Col., J.P., to be bothered about us

    so soon. Up the wuzzy and keep quiet! He may have followed

    us, you know.

    Ar putea, mai bine, s se duc n pdure, zise Stalky.

    Nu vrem ca G. M. Dabney, colonel i judector de pace, s aud

    aa de curnd despre noi. ndrt n desi, tcere! Cine tie, poate

    ne-a urmrit.

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    Beetle was already far up the tunnel. They heard him

    gasp indescribably: there was the crash of a heavy body leaping

    through the furze.

    Beetle pornise prin tunel. Auzir o exclamaie de mirare

    i crengile trosnir ca i cum ar fi fost rupte de trecerea unui corp


    Aie! yeou little red rascal. I see yeou! The keeper threw

    the gun to his shoulder, and fired both barrels in their direction.

    The pellets dusted the dry stems round them as a big fox

    plunged between Stalkys legs and ran over the cliff-edge.

    Ah! iii! Mi rocovane! Te-am vzut.

    Paznicul puse puca la ochi i slobozi cele dou focuri

    nspre ei. Alicele prir prin tulpini, fcnd c cad cojile

    uscate; i o vulpe mare trecu printre picioarele lui Stalky,

    disprnd peste marginea rpei.

    They said nothing till they reached the wood, torn,

    dishevelled, hot, but unseen.

    Nu spuser nicio vorb pn nu ajunser n pdure; erau

    nduii, cu prul vlvoi, cu hainele rupte, dar nu fuseser

    vzui de nimeni.

    Narrow squeak, said Stalky. Ill swear some of the

    pellets went through my hair.

    Am scpat ca prin urechile acului, zise Stalky. A

    putea s jur c mi-au trecut alicele prin pr.

    Did you see him? said Beetle. I almost put my hand on

    him. Wasnt he a wopper! Didnt he stink! Hullo, Turkey, whats

    the matter? Are you hit?

    L-ai vzut? zise Beetle. A fi putut s pun mna pe el.

    Ct mai vulpoiul! i ce urt mirosea! Ce e cu Tine

    Turkey? Ce i s-a ntmplat? Te-a lovit?

    MTurks lean face had turned pearly white; his mouth,

    generally half open, was tight shut, and his eyes blazed. They

    had never seen him like this save once, in a sad time of civil war.

    Faa lung a lui Turkey era alb ca varul; buzele lui, de

    obicei strnse, erau ntredeschise i ochii i fulgerau. Nu-l

    vzuser aa dect odat, pe o trist vreme de rzboi civil.

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    Do you know that that was just as bad as murder? he

    said, in a grating voice, as he brushed prickles from his head.

    tii c aceasta este un asasinat? zise el pe o voce

    sacadat, pe cnd i scutura ghimpii din pr.

    Well, he didnt hit us, said Stalky. I think it was rather

    a lark. Here, where are you going?

    Ei, nu-i nimic. Bine c nu te-a izbit, zise Stalky. Am

    avut mare noroc. Ia ascult. Unde te duci?

    Im going up to the house, if there is one, said MTurk,

    pushing through the hollies. I am going to tell this Colonel


    M duc la conac, dac e vreunul pe aici. M duc s spun

    asta colonelului Dabney.

    Are you crazy? Hell swear it served us jolly well right.

    Hell report us. Itll be a public lickin. Oh, Turkey, dont be an

    ass! Think of us!

    Ce? Ai nnebunit? Are s jure c bine ne-a fcut i apoi o

    s ne reclame. Pe urm, ce ne mai ateapt altceva dect btaia

    n public? Turkey, nu fi mgar. Gndete-te la noi!

    You fool! said MTurk, turning savagely. Dyou

    suppose Im thinkin of us? Its the keeper.

    Zpcitule, tu crezi c la noi m gndesc? De paznic e

    vorba, m!

    Hes cracked, said Beetle miserably, as they followed.

    Indeed, this was a new Turkeya haughty, angular, nose-lifted

    Turkeywhom they accompanied through a shrubbery on to a

    lawn, where a white-whiskered old gentleman with a cleek was

    alternately putting and blaspheming vigorously.

    E icnit, zise Beetle disperat, pe cnd l urmau.

    ntr-adevr, acesta era un nou Turkey, bos, arogant, cu

    nasul n aer, pe care l ntovrir de-a lungul unei grdini de

    coaczi, pn la o pajite unde un gentleman btrn vorbea cu

    un secretar, plimbndu-se ncoace i ncolo i ocrnd energic.

    Are you Colonel Dabney? MTurk began in this new

    creaking voice of his.

    Dumneata eti D-l colonel Dabney? ntreb MTurk cu

    vocea nou, strident, pe care o luase de curnd.

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    II am, andhis eyes travelled up and down the boy

    whowhat the devil dyou want? Yeve been disturbing my

    pheasants. Dont attempt to deny it. Ye neednt laugh at it.

    [MTurks not too lovely features had twisted themselves into a

    horrible sneer at the word pheasant.] Youve been birds-

    nesting. You neednt hide your hat. I can see that you belong to

    the College. Dont attempt to deny it. Ye do! Your name and

    number at once, sir. Ye want to speak to meEh? You saw my

    notice-boards? Must have. Dont attempt to deny it. Ye did!

    Damnable! Oh damnable!

    Eueu sunt, ei i dac sunt?ochii si l msurau pe

    biat de sus pn joscece dracu venii s facei pe aici? Mi-

    ai speriat fazanii. Nu ncerca s tgduieti! Ce gseti de rs?

    Trsturile lui MTurk, nu prea gingae de obicei, se

    contractaser ntr-o strmbtur teribil cnd auzi vorba de


    V-am prins umblnd prin cuiburi. Nu-i mai ascunde

    apca, nu te vd c eti de la liceu? Nu ncerca s tgduieti! De

    acolo eti! Numele i numrul D-tale, domnule! Vrei s-mi

    vorbetida? Mi-ai vzut tbliele? Desigur c le-ai vzut. Ce

    ticloie! Domnule! Ce ticloie!

    He choked with emotion. MTurks heel tapped the lawn

    and he stuttered a littletwo sure signs that he was losing his

    temper. But why should he, the offender, be angry?

    Se nec de emoie. MTurk btea uurel cu piciorul pe

    iarb i se blbia puinacestea erau dou semne sigure c i

    pierduse rbdarea. Dar de ce avea el, vinovatul, aerul indignat?

    Lo-look here, sir. Dodo you shoot foxes? Because, if

    you dont, your keeper does. Weve seen him! I do-dont care

    what you call usbut its an awful thing. Its the ruin of good

    feelin among neighbours. A ma-man ought to say once and for

    all how he stands about preservin. Its worse than murder,

    Aascult, D-le. S te ntreb ceva. Dudumneata

    obinuieti s-i mputi vulpile? Pi dac nu o faci D-ta, o face

    paznicul D-tale. L-am vzut noi! Eu nunu tiu D-ta drept ce ne

    ieidar aceasta e un lucru nemaivzut! Este sfritul oricrui

    sentiment de ncredere ntre vecini. Uun om trebuie s spun,

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    because theres no legal remedy. MTurk was quoting

    confusedly from his father, while the old gentleman made noises

    in his throat.

    odat pentru totdeauna, dac este sau ba pentru respectul i

    paza vntorii. E mai ru, mai ru dect un asasinat, pentru c

    nu exist recurs legal. MTurk repeta, una dup alta, fraze

    auzite la tatl su, pe cnd btrnului boier i horcia rsuflarea

    n gt.

    Do you know who I am? he gurgled at last; Stalky and

    Beetle quaking.

    tii, D-ta, cine sunt eu? ngim, n sfrit, colonelul, pe

    cnd Stalky i Beetle tremurau.

    No, sorr, nor do I care if ye belonged to the Castle itself.

    Answer me now, as one gentleman to another. Do ye shoot foxes

    or do ye not?

    Nu, D-le. i dac ai fi guvernatorul n persoan, nc nu

    mi-ar psa. Te rog, rspunde-mi ca un gentleman unui alt

    gentleman. D-ta i mputi vulpile, da sau nu?

    And four years before Stalky and Beetle had carefully

    kicked MTurk out of his Irish dialect! Assuredly he had gone

    mad or taken a sunstroke, and as assuredly he would be slain

    once by the old gentleman and once by the Head. A public

    licking for the three was the least they could expect. Yetif their

    eyes and ears were to be trustedthe old gentleman had

    collapsed. It might be a lull before the storm, but

    Cnd te gndeti c, acum vreo patru ani de zile, Stalky i

    Beetle l corectaser contiincios pe MTurk, ca s-l fac s-i

    piard accentul adus din Irlanda! Cu siguran c nnebunise

    sau cptase vreo insolaie, i tot att de sigur era c avea s fie

    omort n btaiede btrnul boier nti i de director a doua

    oar. O btaie public pentru toi trei era nc pedeapsa cea mai

    uoar la care se puteau atepta. Totuiputeau oare s-i

    cread ochilor i urechilor?btrnul gentleman se domolise.

    Poate era numai un moment de calm naintea vijeliei, dar

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    I do not. He was still gurgling. Nu, n-am acest obicei. Tot mai horcia.

    Then you must sack your keeper. Hes not fit to live in

    the same county with a God-fearin fox. An a vixen, tooat this

    time o year!

    Atuncid-i afar paznicul, D-le, nu merit s triasc

    alturi de o vulpe cu frica lui Dumnezeu. i nc o vulpoaic

    la vremea asta a anului!

    Did ye come up on purpose to tell me this? Ai venit la mine anume ca s-mi spui asta?

    Of course I did, ye silly man, with a stamp of the foot.

    Would you not have done as much for me if youd seen that

    thing happen on my land, now?

    Sigur c de aceea, omule, i ddu din picior. D-ta nu

    ai fi fcut tot aa dac ai fi vzut acest lucru petrecndu-se pe

    moia mea?

    Forgottenforgotten was the College and the decency

    due to elders! MTurk was treading again the barren purple

    mountains of the rainy West coast, where in his holidays he was

    viceroy of four thousand naked acres, only son of a three-

    hundred-year-old house, lord of a crazy fishing-boat, and the

    idol of his fathers shiftless tenantry. It was the landed man

    speaking to his equaldeep calling to deepand the old

    gentleman acknowledged the cry.

    Erau date uitrii i liceul, i respectul datorat celor

    vrstnici! MTurk clca acum pe munii purpurii i goi de pe

    coasta ploioas a Irlandei, unde, pe timp de vacan, idolul

    clcailor lenei ai tatlui su domnea motenitor al unei case

    vechi de trei sute de ai i stpnea necontestat peste patru mii de

    pogoane i o barc veche de pescuit. Dispruse elevul, rmsese

    moierul, care vorbea ca un egal, vocea inimii chemnd un

    sentiment asemntori btrnul gentleman pricepu.

    I apologize, said he. I apologize unreservedlyto you,

    and to the Old Country. Now, will you be good enough to tell

    me your story?

    i aduc toate scuzele mele, din toat inima, domnule,

    att dumitale ct i btrnei noastre ri. Acum, te rog, vrei s fii

    bun s-mi spui cum s-a petrecut toat chestiunea?

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    We were in your combe, MTurk began, and he told his

    tale alternately as a schoolboy, and, when the iniquity of the

    thing overcame him, as an indignant squire; concluding: So you

    see he must be in the habit of it. Iweone never wants to

    accuse a neighbours man; but I took the liberty in this case

    Ne aflam n vlceaua care e pe proprietatea D-tale,

    ncepu MTurk, i-i spuse povestea, cnd pe tonul unui colar,

    cndmai ales, atunci cnd era covrit de monstruozitatea

    faptuluipe acela al unui proprietar indignat; i ncheie

    spunnd: Dup cum vezi, asta trebuie s fi fost n obiceiurile

    lui. Nou nu ne place s acuzm oamenii vecinilor notri; dar n

    cazul acesta am luat libertatea...

    I see. Quite so. For a reason ye had. Infamousoh,

    infamous! The two had fallen into step beside each other on the

    lawn, and Colonel Dabney was talking as one man to another.

    This comes of promoting a fishermana fishermanfrom his

    lobster-pots. Its enough to ruin the reputation of an archangel.

    Dont attempt to deny it. It is! Your father has brought you up

    well. He has. Id much like the pleasure of his acquaintance.

    Very much, indeed. And these young gentlemen? English they

    are. Dont attempt to deny it. They came up with you, too?

    Extraordinary! Extraordinary, now! In the present state of

    education I shouldnt have thought any three boys would be

    well enough grounded. ... But out of the mouths ofNono!

    Vd. Perfect. Aveai toat dreptatea. E pur i simplu

    infam! Amndoi mergeau pe iarb alturi unul de altul, i

    Colonelul Dabney i vorbea ca i cum ar fi fost un om n toat

    firea: Iat ce peti cnd scoi pe un pescarcci nu era dect

    un biet pescarde la nvodul lui. D-le, dar este destul ca s

    strice reputaia unui sfnt. Nu ncerca s tgduieti! Desigur,

    tatl D-tale i-a dat o bun educaie. S tii asta! Mi-ar plcea

    s-l cunosc! ntr-adevr, mi-ar face plcere. Dar aceti tineri?

    Sunt englezi. Nu ncerca s tgduieti! Ei au venit cu D-ta.

    Extraordinar! n felul cum se cresc copiii astzi, nu a fi crezut c

    s-ar gsi trei biei destul de bine crescui ca s... gura pcto...

    pardon, nu asta am vrut s spun. Nu suntei deloc aa, dar deloc.

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    Not that by any odds. Dont attempt to deny it. Yere not! Sherry

    always catches me under the liver, butbeer, now? Eh? What

    dyou say to beer, and something to eat? Its long since I was a

    boyabominable nuisances; but exceptions prove the rule. And

    a vixen, too!

    Nu ncerca s tgduieti! Buturile tari mie mi fac ru, dar de

    un pahar de bere ce ai zice? Un pahar de bere i o mic gustare,

    ceva uor. E mult de cnd am fost i eu biat ca voiafurisite

    dihnii sunt de obiceida, dar excepia confirm regula. i nc

    o vulpoaic, ptiuuu!!!

    They were fed on the terrace by a gray-haired

    housekeeper. Stalky and Beetle merely ate, but MTurk with

    bright eyes continued a free and lofty discourse; and ever the old

    gentleman treated him as a brother.

    Fur servii pe teras de ctre o menajer cu prul crunt.

    Stalky i Beetle se mulumir numai s mnnce, dar MTurk, cu

    ochii scnteietori, continua un discurs grandilocvent i btrnul

    gentleman se purta cu el ca i cu un frate.

    My dear man, of course ye can come again. Did I not say

    exceptions prove the rule? The lower combe? Man, dear,

    anywhere ye please, so long as you do not disturb my pheasants.

    The two are not incompatible. Dont attempt to deny it. Theyre

    not! Ill never allow another gun, though. Come and go as ye

    please. Ill not see you, and ye neednt see me. Yeve been well

    brought up. Another glass of beer, now? I tell you a fisherman

    he was and a fisherman he shall be to-night again. He shall!

    Wish I could drown him. Ill convoy you to the Lodge. My

    people are not preciselyahbroke to boy, but theyll know

    Sigur, omule, c poi s mai vii. Nu i-am spus c

    excepia confirm regula. n vlceaua de jos? Vino unde vrei, att

    timp ct nu-mi sperii fazanii. Amndou lucrurile nu sunt

    incompatibile; nu, nu ncerca s tgduieti. Nu sunt. N-am s le

    mai dau nicio puc. Venii, v ducei, cum v place. Eu nu am

    s v vd i nu avei nevoie s m vedei. Ai fost prea bine

    educai. Mai vrei un pahar de bere? Ce zicei? V spun c pescar

    era i pescar va deveni de ast sear ncolo. Aa va fi. Dac a

    putea, l-a neca. Vin cu voi s v recomand portarului. Oamenii

    mei nu prea sunt obinuii cu bieii, dar pe voi au s v

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    you again. recunoasc.

    He dismissed them with many compliments by the high

    Lodge gate in the split-oak park palings and they stood still;

    even Stalky, who had played second, not to say a dumb, fiddle,

    regarding MTurk as one from another world. The two glasses

    of strong home-brewed had brought a melancholy upon the boy,

    for, slowly strolling with his hands in his pockets, he crooned:

    Le dete drumul, dup multe vorbe bune, prin poarta

    mare, care ntrerupea ulucile de stejar frumos cioplit; acolo, se

    oprir. n tot timpul ct se desfurase aceast dram, Stalky

    jucase un rol secundar, ca s nu zicem nul, pe lng MTurk, i

    acum l privea ca pe un om venit din alt lume. Cele dou pahare

    de bere neagr i tare i adusese acestuia o uoar melancolie i

    biatul ncepu s cnte:

    Oh, Paddy dear, and did ye hear the news thats goin round? O, Paddy, ai auzit ce se spune?

    Under other circumstances Stalky and Beetle would have

    fallen upon him, for that song was barred utterlyanathema

    the sin of witchcraft. But seeing what he had wrought, they

    danced round him in silence, waiting till it pleased him to touch


    n alte mprejurri, Stalky i Beetle ar fi tbrt pe el,

    cntecul acesta fiind interzisexcomunicatcu totul oprit. Dar

    vznd ce fusese n stare s svreasc colegul lor, ei se

    nvrteau tcui n jurul lui, ateptnd s vie ndrt pe pmnt.

    The tea-bell rang when they were still half a mile from

    College. MTurk shivered and came out of dreams. The glory of

    his holiday estate had left him. He was a Colleger of the College,

    Clopotul suna pentru ceai, pe cnd ei se aflau la vreo opt

    sute de metri de liceu. MTurk tresri i se detept din visurile

    n care era cufundat. Aureola moiilor sale l prsise,

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    speaking English once more. redevenise un licean i vorbea corect englezete.

    Turkey, it was immense! said Stalky generously. I

    didnt know you had it in you. Youve got us a hut for the rest

    of the term, where we simply cant be collared. Fids! Fids! Oh,

    fids! I gloat! Hear me gloat!

    Turkey, ai fost extraordinar, zise Stalky admirativ.

    Nici nu tiam ce poi da din tine. Ne-ai gsit, pentru tot restul

    trimestrului un adpost de unde nu ne mai scoate nimeni. O,

    fericire! O s chiui de bucurie! Ascultai-m chiuind!

    They spun wildly on their heels, jodelling after the

    accepted manner of a gloat, which is not unremotely allied to

    the primitive mans song of triumph, and dropped down the hill

    by the path from the gasometer just in time to meet their house-

    master, who had spent the afternoon watching their abandoned

    hut in the wuzzy.

    Pornir ntr-o vltoare, nvrtindu-se pe clcie i

    modulnd, dup toate tradiiile colii, un chiuit prelung, care era

    de aproape nrudit cu strigtul de triumf al omului primitiv. i

    astfel coborr la vale poteca gazometrului, tocmai bine ca s se

    ntlneasc cu directorul lor de internat, care se ntorcea din

    jungl, unde se postase s observe vechiul lor adpost.

    Unluckily, all Mr. Prouts imagination leaned to the

    darker side of life, and he looked on those young-eyed

    cherubims most sourly. Boys that he understood attended

    house-matches and could be accounted for at any moment. But

    he had heard MTurk openly deride cricketeven house-

    matches; Beetles views on the honour of the house he knew

    were incendiary; and he could never tell when the soft and

    smiling Stalky was laughing at him. Consequentlysince

    Din nenorocire, toat imaginaia D-lui Prout se proiecta

    asupra prii celei mai ntunecate a vieii, aa c el i privi foarte

    acru pe aceti heruvimi cu ochii veseli. El nu-i nelegea dect pe

    bieii care asist la meciuri i pe care tii oricnd de unde s-i

    iei. Pe MTurk l auzise lund n rs cricketul, chiar cnd era

    vorba de meciuri serioase; despre opiniile lui Beetle cu privire

    prestigiul diviziei tia c sunt incendiare; ct despre blndul i

    surztorul Stalky, nu era niciodat sigur dac acesta rdea sau

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    human nature is what it isthose boys had been doing wrong

    somewhere. He hoped it was nothing very serious, but...

    nu de dnsul. n consecinduplogica sa special i

    experiena pe care o avea despre natura omeneascaceti

    biei trebuiau s fi fcut o pozn pe undeva. Spera c lucrul nu

    era prea grav, dar...

    Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! Stalky, still on his heels,

    whirled like a dancing dervish to the dining-hall.

    Ti-ra-la-la-itu! Hai s chiuim! Hi-hu, nvrtindu-se ca

    un dervi, Stalky trecu ca un vrtej spre sala de mese.

    Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! Beetle spun behind him

    with outstretched arms.

    Ti-ra-la-la-itu! Hai s chiuim! Hi-hu, Beetle trecu dup

    el cu braele ntinse

    Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! MTurks voice cracked. Ti-ra-la-la-itu! Hai s chiuim! Hi-hu. Vocea lui MTurk

    se neca n gtlej.

    Now was there or was there not a distinct flavour of beer

    as they shot past Mr. Prout?

    Acum, lsar ei sau nu lsar un miros pronunat de bere

    n urma lor, cnd trecur ca vntul spre D-l Prout?

    He was unlucky in that his conscience as a house-master

    impelled him to consult his associates. Had he taken his pipe and

    his troubles to Little Hartopps rooms he would, perhaps, have

    been saved confusion, for Hartopp believed in boys, and knew

    something about them. His fate led him to King, a fellow house-

    master, no friend of his, but a zealous hater of Stalky & Co.

    Spre nenorocul lui, contiina responsabilitii l ndemna

    s se consulte cteodat cu colegii. i nc, dac ar fi pornit cu

    pipa s-i spun psurile mruntului D-l Hartopp, multe

    ncurcturi i-ar fi fost evitate, probabil, cci Hartopp avea o

    oarecare ncredere n biei i tia s-i cntreasc. Soarta rea

    ns l duse la D-l King, cu care nu era prieten i care avea o

    oarecare pic pe Stalky & Co.

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    Ah-haa! said King, rubbing his hands when the tale was

    told. Curious! Now my house never dream of doing these


    Aha!zise King, frecndu-i minile cnd Prout i nir

    toat povestea. Ce curios! Acum, cei din secia mea nici nu ar

    visa s se apuce de asemenea lucruri.

    But you see Ive no proof, exactly. Dar, de fapt, vezi, n-am nicio prob.

    Proof? With the egregious Beetle! As if one wanted it! I

    suppose it is not impossible for the Sergeant to supply it? Foxy

    is considered at least a match for any evasive boy in my house.

    Of course they were smoking and drinking somewhere. That

    type of boy always does. They think it manly.

    Probe? Parc mai trebuie probe cnd este vorba de

    nentrecutul Beetle. Crezi c nu o s poat sergentul s-i

    gseasc probe? Vulpe e de talie s se msoare cu bieii cei mai

    irei din divizia mea. Bineneles c au fost s fumeze sau s bea

    pe undeva; acest soi de biei fac ntotdeauna astfel de lucruri.

    Li se pare prin acesta c dau dovad de brbie.

    But theyve no following in the school, and they are

    distinctlyerbrutal to their juniors, said Prout, who had from

    a distance seen Beetle return, with interest, his butterfly-net to a

    tearful fag.

    Dar vezi c nu prea au partizani printre colari, i cu

    bieii mai mici ca ei sunt chiar cam brutali, zise Prout, care-l

    vzuse de la distan pe Beetle dnd ndrt, cu o anume

    dobnd, plasa de fluturi unui pici nlcrimat.

    Ah! They consider themselves superior to ordinary

    delights. Self-sufficient little animals! Theres something in

    MTurks Hibernian sneer that would make me a little annoyed.

    And they are so careful to avoid all overt acts, too. Its sheer

    calculated insolence. I am strongly opposed, as you know, to

    Aha! Se cred prea grozavi pentru distraciile obinuite.

    Nite mici animale ncrezute! Este ceva n rnjetul hibernian al

    lui MTurk, care pe mine m exaspereaz. i sunt att de precaui

    nct nu-i dau n petec prin niciun act public. Totul din partea

    lor este obrznicie calculat. Este absolut contrariu obiceiului

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    interfering with another mans house; but they need a lesson,

    Prout. They need a sharp lesson, if only to bring down their

    over-weening self-conceit. Were I you, I should devote myself

    for a week to their little performances. Boys of that orderand I

    may flatter myself, but I think I know boysdont join the Bug-

    hunters for love. Tell the Sergeant to keep his eye open; and, of

    course, in my peregrinations I may casually keep mine open,


    meu s m amestec n afacerile unui coleg. Dar au nevoie de o

    lecie, Prout, au nevoie de o lecie stranic dac ar fi numai ca

    s le scad puin nfumurarea. S fiu n locul D-tale, a sacrifica

    o sptmn n care m-a ocupa exclusiv de micile lor afaceri.

    Bieii de felul acestapoate m laud, dar mi sunt destul de

    cunoscui bieiinu se afiliaz la Vntorii de plonie numai

    de florile mrului. Spune sergentului s aib ochii deschii i,

    bineneles c n peregrinrile mele o s caut s fac i eu acelai


    Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! far down the corridor. Ti-ra-la-la-itu! Hai s chiuim! Hi-hu, rsun undeva,

    jos, pe coridor.

    Disgusting! said King. Where do they pick up these

    obscene noises? One sharp lesson is what they want.

    Dezgusttor! zise King. De unde inventeaz ei aceste

    strigte obscene? De asta au nevoie. De o lecie stranic.

    The boys did not concern themselves with lessons for the

    next few days. They had all Colonel Dabneys estate to play

    with, and they explored it with the stealth of Red Indians and

    the accuracy of burglars. They could enter either by the Lodge-

    gates on the upper roadthey were careful to ingratiate

    themselves with the Lodge-keeper and his wifedrop down

    Bieii nu se prea trecur cu firea nvnd n zilele ce

    urmar. Toat proprietatea colonelului Dabney era la dispoziia

    lor i ei o explorau cu o ndemnare de briganzi, pe furi, ca nite

    piei roii. Puteau s intre pe poarta frumoas de pe oseaua

    mareavuseser grij s-i asigure bunvoina portarului i a

    nevestei salepentru ca, pe urm, cobornd prin vlcea, s se

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    into the combe, and return along the cliffs; or they could begin

    at the combe and climb up into the road.

    ntoarc de-a lungul stncilor. Sau s nceap prin vlcea, ca pe

    urm s se urce n sus pn la drum.

    They were careful not to cross the Colonels pathhe had

    served his turn, and they would not out-wear their welcome

    nor did they show up on the sky-line when they could move in

    cover. The shelter of the gorse by the cliff-edge was their chosen

    retreat. Beetle christened it the Pleasant Isle of Aves, for the

    peace and the shelter of it; and here, pipes and tobacco once

    cachd in a convenient ledge an arms length down the cliff, their

    position was legally unassailable.

    i ddeau toate silinele s nu treac pe locurile pe unde

    obinuia s se plimbe colonelul. Fcuse pentru ei tot ce se putea

    face i nu vroiau s abuzeze de bunvoina sa; iar nici pe locurile

    prea deschise nu se artau cnd puteau face altfel. Poienia din

    desi, la marginea prpastiei, era locul lor favorit de reculegere.

    Beetle o numea Petera fermecat, din cauza linitii perfecte

    care domnea acolo. Odat ce i ascunseser pipele i tutunul

    ntr-o sprtur a stncii, unde le puteau foarte uor ajunge cu

    mna, poziia lor era cu totul inatacabil; se aflau n legalitate.

    For, observe, Colonel Dabney had not invited them to

    enter his house. Therefore, they did not need to ask specific leave

    to go visiting; and school rules were strict on that point. He had

    merely thrown open his grounds to them; and, since they were

    lawful Bug-hunters, their extended bounds ran up to his notice-

    boards in the combe and his Lodge-gates on the hill.

    Cci observai, v rog, ct de bine se potriveau lucrurile:

    D-l colonel Dabney, nepoftindu-i s intre la el n cas, i scutise

    de obligaia de a cere directorului liceului permis de vizit. Iar

    asupra acestui punct, regulamentul colii era foarte strict. El le

    dduse numai voie s intre pe proprietatea sa. Iar ca membrii ai

    Societii de tiine Naturale nu nclcau niciun regulament,

    ntruct acetia aveau fixate limitele lor de preumblare pn la

    tbliele din vlcea i la csua portarului din deal.

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    They were amazed at their own virtue. Se minunau ei singuri de propria lor virtute.

    And even if it wasnt, said Stalky, flat on his back,

    staring into the blue. Even suppose we were miles out of

    bounds, no one could get at us through this wuzzy, unless he

    knew the tunnel. Isnt this better than lyin up just behind the

    Coll.in a blue funk every time we had a smoke? Isnt your

    Uncle Stalky?

    Chiar dac nu am avea dreptul s facem ceea ce facem,

    zise Stalky, culcat pe spate, cu privirea n adncul senin; dar

    chiar dac am putea fi la kilometri de limitele lor, tot nu ar putea

    s ne ajung nimeni prin desi, pentru c nimeni nu cunoate

    existena tunelului. Nu-i mai bine aa, dect s stai culcat n

    dosul liceului i s nverzeti de fric de cte ori vrei s fumezi?

    Nu e unchiul vostru Stalky?

    No, said Beetlehe was stretched at the edge of the cliff

    thoughtfully spitting. Weve got to thank Turkey for this.

    Turkey is the Great Man. Turkey, dear, youre distressing


    Nu, zise Beetle. Era ntins pe marginea rpei i scuipa

    n gol. Lui Turkey trebuie s-i mulumim pentru aceasta.

    Turkey drag, l scoi din fire pe Lab de Urs.

    Gloomy old ass! said MTurk, deep in a book. Ce ursuz mai e i la! zise Turkey, cufundat ntr-o


    Theyve got us under suspicion, said Stalky.

    Hoophats is so suspicious somehow; and Foxy always makes

    every stalk he does a sort ofsort of

    Ne bnuiesc, zise Stalky. Lab de Urs are un aer

    suspect i Vulpe, cnd i pune n cap s descopere ceva,

    seamn cu un

    Scalp, said Beetle. Foxys a giddy Chingangook. Un indian care vrea s jupoaie o scfrlie, zise Beetle.

    Vulpe este un adevrat Chin-gan-gook.

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    Poor Foxy, said Stalky. Hes goin to catch us one of

    these days. Said to me in the Gym last night, Ive got my eye

    on you, Mister Corkran. Im only warning you for your good.

    Then I said, Well, you jolly well take it off again, or youll get

    into trouble. Im only warnin you for your good. Foxy was


    Srmanul Vulpe, zise Stalky, O s ne gseasc el

    ntr-una din zilele astea. Mi-a spus deunzi, n sala de

    gimnastic: S tii c am ochii pe D-ta, D-le Corkran. n

    interesul D-tale i-o spun. Atunci i-am rspuns: Ai face mai

    bine s-i ai n alt parte; i eu tot n interesul D-tale i-o spun.

    Vulpe era furios.

    Yes, but its only fair sport for Foxy, said Beetle. Its

    Hefflelinga that has the evil mind. Shouldnt wonder if he

    thought we got tight.

    Da, dar Vulpe nu face dect s-i ndeplineasc datoria,

    spuse Beetle. Lab de Urs l pune la cale. Nu m-ar mira dac a

    afla cum c el crede c ne mbtm.

    I never got squiffy but oncethat was in the holidays,

    said Stalky reflectively; an it made me horrid sick. Pon my

    sacred Sam, though, its enough to drive a man to drink, havin

    an animal like Hoof for house-master.

    M-am afumat numai o dat n viaa mea, ntr-o vacan,

    zise Stalky indignat. Grozav de ru mi-a fost. Dar v-o spun pe

    plria mea, un diriginte ca Lab de Urs ar merita s te apuci de

    asemenea lucruri.

    If we attended the matches an yelled, Well hit, sir, an

    stood on one leg an grinned every time Heffy said, So ho, my

    sons. Is it thus? an said, Yes, sir, an No, sir, an Oh, sir,

    an Please, sir, like a lot o filthy fa-ags, Heffy ud think no end

    of us, said MTurk with a sneer.

    Dac am lua parte la meciuri i am striga, ai nimerit,

    D-le, am sta pe un picior i ne-am rnji cu gura pn la urechi

    de cte ori ar spune Lab de Urs, ce zicei, biei, nimerit-am de

    ast dat? Dac am rspunde tot timpul: Da, D-le i Nu,

    domnule i O, domnule, ca toi nesplaii de pici, Lab de Urs

    ne-ar avea n mare stim, zise MTurk cu o strmbtur.

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    Too late to begin that. Cam trziu la vrsta noastr s ne mai apucm de aa


    Its all right. The Hefflelinga means well. But he is an

    ass. And we show him that we think hes an ass. An so Heffy

    dont love us. Told me last night after prayers that he was in loco

    parentis, Beetle grunted.

    Las c nu-i nimic. Lab de Urs are cele mai bune intenii,

    pcat c are ns concepii cam nguste i noi l facem s simt

    asta. De aceea nu ne iubete. Mi-a spus asear dup rugciune

    c se afl in loco parentis, mri Beetle.

    The deuce he did! cried Stalky. That means hes

    maturin something unusual dam mean. Last time he told me

    that he gave me three hundred lines for dancin the cachuca in

    Number Ten dormitory. Loco parentis, by gum! But whats the

    odds, as long as youre appy? Were all right.

    Nu zu? zise Stalky; asta nseamn c ne pregtete o

    pozn mai stranic dect de obicei. Ultima dat cnd mi-a

    spus-o, mi-a dat trei sute de linii pentru c dansasem cachuca n

    dormitorul No. 10. Loco Parentis, zici? Ce ne pas, cnd noi am

    nimerit aa de bine. i cu dreptatea de partea noastr.

    They were, and their very rightness puzzled Prout, King,

    and the Sergeant. Boys with bad consciences show it. They slink

    out past the Fives Court in haste, and smile nervously when

    questioned. They return, disordered, in bare time to save a call-

    over. They nod and wink and giggle one to the other, scattering

    at the approach of a master. But Stalky and his allies had long

    out-lived these manifestations of youth. They strolled forth

    unconcernedly, and returned, in excellent shape, after a light

    ntr-adevr, precum spunea Stalky, ei erau cu totul n

    dreptul lor, i tocmai acest fapt i exaspera pe King, pe Prout i

    pe Vulpe. Bieii care au contiina ncrcat, se trdeaz. Ei trec

    prin curtea mare n grab i surd forat cnd sunt ntrebai. Se

    ntorc tocmai n ultimul moment pentru apel, i fac semne, se

    neleg din ochi i se mprtie repede cnd se apropie vreun

    profesor. Dar Stalky i aliaii si trecuser de vrsta acestor

    manifestaii copilreti. Ei porneau linitit s se plimbe, i se

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    refreshment of strawberries and cream at the Lodge. ntorceau foarte bine dispui dup ce luaser o uoar gustare

    de fragi cu smntn la csua portarului.

    The Lodge-keeper had been promoted to keeper, vice the

    murderous fisherman, and his wife made much of the boys. The

    man, too, gave them a squirrel, which they presented to the

    Natural History Society; thereby checkmating little Hartopp,

    who wished to know what they were doing for Science. Foxy

    faithfully worked some deep Devon lanes behind a lonely cross-

    roads inn; and it was curious that Prout and King, members of

    Common-room seldom friendly, walked together in the same

    directionthat is to say, north-east. Now, the Pleasant Isle of

    Aves lay due south-west.

    Portarul fusese instalat paznic n locul pescarului asasin,

    i nevast-sa inea mult la bieaii notri. Omul le dduse o

    veveri, pe care o prezentar societii de tiine Naturale,

    satisfcnd astfel toate exigenele lui Hartopp, care i ntrebase

    ce fceau n interesul tiinei.

    Vulpe explora cteva poteci umbrite la o ntretiere de

    drumuri; i, ceea ce e mai curios, Prout i King, care arareori se

    nelegeau, fur vzui ntr-o zi pe acelai drum mpreun, adic

    la Nord-Est; pe cnd Petera Fermecat era situat tocmai n

    direcia Sud-Est.

    Theyre deepday-vilish deep, said Stalky. Why are

    they drawin those covers?

    Sunt mecheri, zise Stalky. mecheri, domle, nu

    glum. De ce or fi dnd trcoale pe acolo?

    Me, said Beetle sweetly. I asked Foxy if he had ever

    tasted the beer there. That was enough for Foxy, and it cheered

    him up a little. He and Heffy were sniffin round our old hut so

    long I thought theyd like a change.

    Eu sunt de vin, zise Beetle cu blndee. Am ntrebat

    pe Vulpe, dac a gustat vreodat berea care se vinde prin partea

    locului. Asta a fost destul ca s-l mai nveseleasc puin. El i cu

    Lab de Urs s-au tot nvrtit mprejurul vechiului adpost i

    mi-am nchipuit c au nevoie de vreo schimbare.

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    Well, it cant last for ever, said Stalky. Heffys bankin

    up like a thunder-cloud, an King goes rubbin his beastly hands,

    an grinnin like a hyena. Its shockin demoralisin for King.

    Hell burst some day.

    Bine, dar aa nu se poate s ie ct lumea, zise Stalky.

    Norii se strng pe fruntea lui Lab de Urs, i King se plimb

    frecndu-i minile i rnjind ca o hien. E foarte demoralizant

    treaba pentru King. O s explodeze ntr-o zi.

    That day came a little sooner than they expectedcame

    when the Sergeant, whose duty it was to collect defaulters, did

    not attend an afternoon call-over.

    Momentul acela sosi mai curnd dect se ateptau

    ntr-o dup amiaz, cnd sergentul lipsea de la apel.

    Tired of pubs, eh? Hes gone up to the top of the hill with

    his binoculars to spot us, said Stalky. Wonder he didnt think

    of that before. Did you see old Heffy cock his eye at us when we

    answered our names? Heffys in it, too. Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat!

    Hear me! Come on!

    S-a sturat s se mai plimbe prin crciumi, probabil;

    acum, s-a urcat n vrful dealului, ca s ne spioneze. M mir cum

    nu s-au gndit la asta mai devreme. L-ai vzut pe Lab de Urs

    cum s-a uitat chior la noi cnd am strigat prezent? Lab de Urs

    e i el n combinaie. Ti-ra-la-la-itu! Hai s chiuim! Hi-hu!

    Aves? said Beetle. Mergem la peter? ntreb Beetle.

    Of course, but Im not smokin aujourdhui. Parceque

    je jolly well pense that well be suivi. Well go along the cliffs,

    slow, an give Foxy lots of time to parallel us up above.

    Desigur; dar astzi nu fumez. M cam bate gndul c o

    s fim urmrii. Noi vom merge de-a lungul stncilor ncet i i

    vom da lui Vulpe timp ca s ne ajung pe sus.

    They strolled towards the swimming-baths, and

    presently overtook King.

    Se ndreptar alene ctre coala de not, unde ddur de


    Oh, dont let me interrupt you, he said. Engaged in Oh, nu v deranjai din cauza mea. Ai pornit ntr-o

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    scientific pursuits, of course? I trust you will enjoy yourselves,

    my young friends.

    plimbare cu scop tiinific, nu-i aa? Sper s v distrai bine,

    prietenii mei?

    You see! said Stalky, when they were out of ear-shot.

    He cant keep a secret. Hes followin to cut off our line of

    retreat. Hell wait at the baths till Heffy comes along. Theyve

    tried every blessed place except along the cliffs, and now they

    think theyve bottled us. No need to hurry.

    Vedei, zise Stalky, dup ce trecur, aa ca s nu fie

    auzii. Nu e n stare s pstreze un secret. Ne urmrete ca s

    ne taie linia de retragere. O s ne atepte la coala de not pn

    ce o veni Lab de Urs s-l ntlneasc. Au fost n toate prile

    afar de stnci, i acum sunt convini c ne-au prins. Nu v

    grbii, c nu e nevoie.

    They walked leisurely over the combes till they reached

    the line of notice-boards.

    Trecur linitii peste vlcele pn ce ajunser la linia cu


    Listen a shake. Foxys up wind comin down hill like

    beans. When you hear him move in the bushes, go straight

    across to Aves. They want to catch us flagrante delicto.

    Ia ascultai puin. Vulpe e pe partea dincotro vine vntul

    i se coboar n goan. Cnd l auzii, micndu-se prin desi,

    mergei de-a dreptul la peter. Vor s ne prind asupra


    They dived into the gorse at right angles to the tunnel,

    openly crossing the grass, and lay still in Aves.

    Pornir printre arborii nflorii i, n loc s o apuce prin

    tunel, o luar de-a dreptul prin iarb, mergnd linitii s se

    aeze n poieni.

    What did I tell you? Stalky carefully put away the pipes

    and tobacco. The Sergeant, out of breath, was leaning against the

    Ce v-am spus eu? zise Stalky, ascunznd pipele i

    tutunul. Sergentul, cu sufletul la gur, se rezem de gard,

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    fence, raking the furze with his binoculars, but he might as well

    have tried to see through a sand-bag. Anon, Prout and King

    appeared behind him. They conferred.

    explornd stufiurile cu binoclul, ca s dea de ei; dar stufiurile

    erau mai de neptruns dect un sac de nisip. Prout i cu King

    aprur i ei i se sftuir cu toii mpreun.

    Aha! Foxy dont like the notice-boards, and he dont like

    the prickles either. Now well cut up the tunnel and go to the

    Lodge. Hullo! Theyve sent Foxy into cover.

    Aha! Lui Vulpe nu-i plac tbliele i nu-i plac spinii.

    Acum haidei prin tunel n pdure i de acolo haidei la csua

    portarului. Hei! L-au trimis pe Vulpe n desi.

    The Sergeant was waist-deep in crackling, swaying furze,

    his ears filled with the noise of his own progress. The boys

    reached the shelter of the wood and looked down through a belt

    of hollies.

    Sergentul era nfundat pn n gt n mrcinii nflorii, i

    urechile-i erau asurzite de zgomotul propriilor lui micri.

    Bieii ascuni n pdurice se uitau ndrt printr-o deschiztur

    a sngerilor.

    Hellish noise! said Stalky critically. Dont think

    Colonel Dabney will like it. I move we go up to the Lodge and

    get something to eat. We might as well see the fun out.

    Ce zgomot infernal! zise Stalky. Nu cred c o s-i plac

    colonelului Dabney. Propun s mergem la portar i s cptm

    ceva de mncare, de acolo o s vedem cum se sfrete afacerea.

    Suddenly the keeper passed them at a trot. Deodat, trecu paznicul pe lng ei, la trap.

    Whom they to combe-bottom for Lards sake? Masterll

    be crazy, he said.

    Cine o fi prin fundul vlcelei? Pentru numele cerului!

    Stpnul o s se supere foc, zise el.

    Poachers simly, Stalky replied in the broad Devon that

    was the boys langue de guerre.

    Probabil ceva borfai, rspunse Stalky, n dialectul

    regional de care se serveau n expediiile lor.

    Ill poach em to raights! He dropped into the funnel-like Las c-i borfesc eu! Porni n plnia pe care o forma

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    combe, which presently began to fill with noises, notably Kings

    voice crying: Go on, Sergeant! Leave him alone, you, sir. He is

    executing my orders.

    vlceaua acolo i care se umplu cu zgomote diferite, ntre care

    rsri vocea lui King spunnd: nainte sergent! Las-l n pace,

    D-le. El execut ordinele mele.

    Whom yeou to give arders here, gingy whiskers? Yeou

    come up to the master. Come out o that wuzzy! [This is to the

    Sergeant.] Yiss, I reckon us knows the boys yeoum after.

    Theyve tu long ears an vuzzy bellies, an you nippies they in

    yeour pockets when theym dead. Come on up to master! Hell

    boy yeou all youm a mind to. Yeou other folk bide your side


    Cui i dai tu ordine aici, perciunatule? Venii numaidect

    la boieru. Iei afar din stufi. (Aceasta ctre sergent.) Las c

    tiu eu dup ce biei umblai voi. Biei din ia cu urechi lungi

    i cu buri mblnite, i, dup ce i prindei, i vri prin

    buzunare. Vino repede la stpnul. Las c v nva el s mai

    umblai dup biei pe aicea. Ceilali s rmn pe partea

    cealalt a ulucilor.

    Explain to the proprietor. You can explain, Sergeant,

    shouted King. Evidently the Sergeant had surrendered to the

    major force.

    Explic proprietarului, doar tii i D-ta s vorbeti,

    sergent, strig King. Dup aparene, sergentul se predase


    Beetle lay at full length on the turf behind the Lodge

    literally biting the earth in spasms of joy.

    Beetle se culc pe pajitea din dosul csuei portarului,

    mucnd iarba n convulsii de bucurie.

    Stalky kicked him upright. There was nothing of levity

    about Stalky or MTurk save a stray muscle twitching on the


    Stalky i ddu ghioni ca s-l scoale. Nu se vedea nicio

    urm de bucurie la Stalky i MTurk, dect poate tresrirea unui

    muchi rzle.

    They tapped at the Lodge door, where they were always Ciocnir la ua csuei unde erau ntotdeauna aa de

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    welcome. bine primii.

    Come yeou right in an set down, my little dearrs, said

    the woman. Theyll niver touch my man. Hell poach em to

    rights. Iss fai! Fresh berries an cream. Us Dartymoor folk niver

    forgit their friends. But them Bidevor poachers, theyve no hem

    to their garments. Sugar? My man heve digged a badger for

    yeou, my dearrs. Tis in the linhay in a box.

    Venii nauntru i poftii de luai loc, dragii mei, zise

    femeia. Pe omul meu nu-l rzbesc ei aa uor. O s le arate el ce

    tie. Da, zu! Poftii aici fragi proaspei i ceva smntn. Noi,

    atia din Dartymoor, nu ne uitm prietenii, dar borfaii ia din

    Bideford n-au nici tiv la hain, de prlii ce sunt. Vrei zahr?

    Omul meu v-a gsit un bursuc, dragii mei. Este aici, ntr-o cutie.

    Usll take un with us when wem finished here. I reckon

    yeoum busy. Well bide here antis washin day with yeou,

    simly, said Stalky. Wem no company to make all vitty for.

    Niver yeou mind us. Yiss. Theres plenty cream.

    Las-c-l lum noi dup ce mncm. Noi o s stm aici,

    zise Stalky, dar D-ta vei fi avnd treab. Dup cte vd, splai

    rufe. Nu e nevoie s stai cu noi, c stm i singuri. Mulumesc,

    avem destul smntn.

    The woman withdrew, wiping her pink hands on her

    apron, and left them in the parlour. There was a scuffle of feet

    on the gravel outside the heavily-leaded diamond panes, and

    then the voice of Colonel Dabney, something clearer than a


    Femeia se deprt tergndu-i minile nroite pe or; i

    ls n odaia cea bun a csuei. Afar se auzi un zgomot de pai

    pe pietriul dinaintea geamurilor translucide, i vocea

    colonelului Dabney rsun ceva mai tare ca un corn de


    Ye can read? Youve eyes in your head? Dont attempt to

    deny it. Ye have!

    tii s citii? Ochi n cap avei, ce naiba! Nu ncercai s

    tgduii, avei.

    Beetle snatched a crochet-work antimacassar from the Beetle apuc un tergar ce acoperea canapeaua de pr de

  • Rudyard Kipling. 1899 Stalky & Co


    shiny horsehair sofa, stuffed it into his mouth, and rolled out of


    cal, l bg n gur i se tvli de rs.

    You saw my notice-boards. Your duty? Curse your

    impudence, sir. Your duty was to keep off my grounds. Talk of

    duty to me! Whywhywhy, ye misbegotten poacher, yell be

    teaching me my A B C next! Roarin like a bull in the bushes

    down there! Boys? Boys? Boys? Keep your boys at home, then!

    Im not responsible for your boys! But I dont believe itI dont

    believe a word of it. Yeve a furtive look in your eyea furtive,

    sneakin, poachin look in your eye, that ud ruin the reputation

    of an archangel! Dont attempt to deny it! Ye have! A sergeant?

    More shame to you, then, an the worst bargain Her Majesty ever

    made! A sergeant, to run about the country poachinon your

    pension! Damnable! Oh, damnable! But Ill be considerate. Ill be

    merciful. By gad, Ill be the very essence o humanity! Did ye, or

    did ye not, see my notice-boards? Dont attempt to deny it! Ye

    did. Silence, Sergeant!

    Mi-ai vzut tbliele? Datoria D-tale? Eti un obraznic!

    Datoria D-tale era s nu calci pe pmntul meu. Auzi! S-mi

    vorbeasc mie de datorie. Auzi! Borfa prpdit ce eti, tu vrei

    s m nvei datoria? Tu mugeai ca taurul pe acolo, prin

    stufiuri? Elevii ti? Ce elevi? ine-i-i acas, D-le, pe elevii

    D-tale. Dar nu cred o vorb din ce spui. Ai n ochi o cuttur

    piezie, o privire hoeasc ce ar strica reputaia unui sfnt. Nu

    ncerca s tgduieti! E tocmai aa cum spun eu. Eti sergent?

    S fie adevrat? Ai fi cel mai prost servitor pe care l-a avut

    vreodat Maiestatea Sa! Un sergent s se furieze de colo pn

    colo, fcnd pe borfaul! Auzi ticloie! Dar am s fiu moderat.

    Am s fiu ngduitor. Pe contiina mea c am s fiu chiar plin

    de umanitate. Vreau s tiu numai dac ai vzut sau dac n-ai

    vzut tbliele mele? Nu ncerca s tgduieti, le-ai vzut.

    Acum tcere, sergent.

    Twenty-one years in the army had left their mark on

    Foxy. He obeyed.

    Douzeci de ani petrecui n armat las urme adnci n

    suflet. Vulpe se supuse.

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    Now. March! Stnga-mprejur... i nainte mar!

    The high Lodge-gate shut with a clang. My duty! A

    sergeant to tell me my duty! puffed Colonel Dabney. Good

    Lard! more sergeants!

    Poarta cea nalt se deschise trosnind. Datoria mea!

    Doamne Dumnezeule! Ali sergeni, pufi colonelul Dabney.

    Its King! Its King! gulped Stalky, his head on the

    horsehair pillow. MTurk was eating the rag-carpet before the

    speckless hearth, and the sofa heaved to the emotions of Beetle.

    Through the thick glass the figures without showed blue,

    distorted, and menacing.

    E King! E King! opti Stalky, cu capul n perna umplut

    cu pr de cal. MTurk i nfunda n gur covorul de dinaintea

    cminului bine curat i Beetle ncredin canapelei hohotele

    sale de rs. Vzute prin geam, figurile se agitau dislocate i


    II protest against this outrage. King had evidently

    been running up hill. The man was entirely within his duty.

    Letlet me give you my card.

    Proprotestez contra acestei insulte. Dup toate

    aparenele, King urcase dealul n fug. Omul acesta era cu totul

    n dreptul su; nu-i fcea dect datoria, domnule. S v dau

    cartea mea de vizit.

    Hes in flannels! Stalky buried his head again. E n hainele din flanel! pufni Stalky i apoi vr iar

    capul n perne.

    Unfortunatelymost unfortunatelyI have not one with

    me, but my name is King, sir, a house-master of the College, and

    you will find me preparedfully preparedto answer for this

    mans action. Weve seen three

    Din nenorociredintr-o adevrat nenorocirenu am

    niciuna la mine, dar m numesc King, domnule; sunt directorul

    uneia din diviziile liceului, i sunt gata, cu totul gata s rspund

    de faptele acestui om. Am vzut trei

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    Did ye see my notice-boards? Dar tbliele mele le-ai vzut?

    I admit we did; but under the circumstances Recunosc c le-am vzut. Dar date fiind


    I stand in loco parentis. Prouts deep voice was added to

    the discussion. They could hear him pant.

    Eu stau in loco parentis. Vocea adnc a lui Prout

    interveni n discuie. i puteau auzi de acolo rsuflarea sacadat.

    Fwhat? Colonel Dabney was growing more and more


    n loc de ce? Accentul colonelului Dabney devenea din

    ce n ce mai irlandez.

    Im responsible for the boys under my charge. Sunt rspunztor de faptele bieilor care mi sunt dai

    n grij.

    Ye are, are ye? Then all I can say is that ye set them a very

    bad examplea dam bad example, if I may say so. I do not own

    your boys. Ive not seen your boys, an I tell you that if there was

    a boy grinnin in every bush on the place still yeve no shadow

    of a right here, comin up from the combe that way, an

    frightenin everything in it. Dont attempt to den