R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

Transcript of R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

Page 1: R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

R is for Respect#einsteinpride

What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

Page 2: R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

Einstein “RESPECT”Tigers Take the Lead…

Bullying happens everywhere…

and doesn’t discriminate.

- watch

- read

- reflect

- pledge

Let’s take a stand and become somebody’s HERO!

Page 3: R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

What is Bullying?

Bullying is unfair and one-sided!

Bullying happens when someone keeps…hurting, frightening, embarrassing, threatening, making fun of or leaving someone out on purpose, either on-line or in person.

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Can be physical, verbal, emotional or psychological and causes harm.

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• We Are All Daniel Cui

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• What does this mean:

“We are ALL Daniel Cui?”

•Write a response to this statement on your worksheet

•Share responses with the class

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Words to know…

Harrass: to bother/upset someone repeatedly through words/actions

Humiliate: to deeply embarrass or ridicule someone to make him one feel lower as a person.

Page 8: R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

Words to know…Bystander: a person who sees the bullying or

knows it is happening to someone else.

The Assistants (Active Bystander): people who join in with name calling and bullying behavior.

The Reinforcers (Passive Bystander): people who point and laugh. They encourage the bullying to continue and/or show support of the bullying by doing nothing.

Page 9: R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

Words to know…Ally: a person who uses actions (telling an adult,

standing by the victim) or words to defend someone being bullied and helps stop the bullying behavior.

Hero (the Upstander): a person who does something to stop what is going on.

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• “Meet the New Sheriff” by Suzanne McCabe (have volunteers read out loud to the class)

• Reflect:o Complete worksheeto Review and discuss with class

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• Stand Up Against Bullying

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Watch and Take A Stand

http://nobystanders.me video from Robert Land Academy for Boys

You can make a difference in people’s lives by taking a pledge and making a plan to act.

More to come today in PRIDE…

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Be Heroes Be Leaders Be Upstanders

As a PRIDE team, you will create a PRIDE Pledge Poster to commit to taking a stand against bullying at Einstein.

Choose a title

Illustrate the title on the poster provided

Choose a quote written on the bottom of your poster

Everyone sign your class pledge

Your commitment to Einstein will be posted in the SAC.

Page 15: R is for Respect #einsteinpride What is Bullying? What can WE do to prevent it?

PRIDE Pledge Title Ideas• ”Stand Up – Speak Out!”

• “Take a Stand – Lend a Hand!”

• “Stand By, Stand Up, Stand Strong, Stand Together!”

• “Stand up Against Bullying – Recognize It, Refuse It, Report It!”

• “Peace Is Popular – Bullying Is Not!”

• “Courage – Confidence – Character”

• “It’s Cool to be Kind – Kindness Starts with Me”

• “Be an 8th grade Ally!”

• “Choose Kind”

• “Start Something – Change Everything!”

• “Building Heroes”

• “Heroes Help, not hurt!”

• “Make A Change, Make A Difference”

Choose one of the above or create your own poster title, as a class.

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PRIDE Pledge Quote Ideas• “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama

• “With great power comes great responsibility” Spider Man

• “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop

• “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa

• “Always be a little kinder than necessary.” JM Barrie

• “It is nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”

• “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.”

• “It is higher and nobler to be kind.” Mark Twain

• “One person can make a difference and everyone should try.”

• “The time is always right to do what is right.”

• “A hero can be anyone.” Batman

Choose one of the above or find your own quote for the poster footer

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Einstein Needs More Heroes!


I will not be a bystander.

I will not look away and pretend it’s not happening.

I will speak up when I see someone being bullied.

I will encourage others to speak up too.

We will make the bully the outsider and invite them to change.

If it is something I cannot handle on my own, I will tell someone.

I will get help if I need it because I know I’m not alone.

Bullying may start with someone else,