R i s k A s s e s s me n t C o r o n a v i r u s – C O V I …...wo rki n g -kn o wl e d g e o f t...

Risk Assessment Coronavirus – COVID-19 For use by schools during partial closure Location / Site Westover Primary School Activity / Procedure School open for YR / Y1 / Y6 The school has prepared this risk assessment following guidance from Central Government, the Local Authority (Southampton City Council/Borough of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, Dorset, Portsmouth) and Hamwic Education Trust. We as educators commit to all reasonable actions to uphold the Government’s ‘Stay Alert’ campaign and we take this to mean that we (as a community) do things differently to function in a climate of virus awareness and vigilant practice. We will endeavour to ensure that our school environment is as safe as it can be. Extra measures (outlined below) will be taken to ensure our school observes regular hand-washing, sanitising, cleaning and social-distancing (where possible). Please note that, whilst we will do our utmost to ensure we provide our staff and pupils with a safe place to work, a safe environment and follow government guidance, we can only do so to our best endeavours and our working-knowledge of the Covid-19. However the risk remains medium even with all the control measures in place due to the unseen virus. If any member of staff has any concerns they must discuss it immediately with the School Leader. Assessment date 22 May 2020 Assessment serial number 01

Transcript of R i s k A s s e s s me n t C o r o n a v i r u s – C O V I …...wo rki n g -kn o wl e d g e o f t...

Page 1: R i s k A s s e s s me n t C o r o n a v i r u s – C O V I …...wo rki n g -kn o wl e d g e o f t h e Co vi d -1 9 . Ho we ve r t h e ri sk re ma i n s me d i u m e ve n wi t h

Risk Assessment Coronavirus – COVID-19

For use by schools during partial closure

Location / Site Westover Primary School

Activity / Procedure School open for YR / Y1 / Y6

The school has prepared this risk assessment following guidance from Central Government, the Local Authority (Southampton City Council/Borough of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, Dorset, Portsmouth) and Hamwic Education Trust.

We as educators commit to all reasonable actions to uphold the Government’s ‘Stay Alert’ campaign and we take this to mean that we (as a community) do things differently to function in a climate of virus awareness and vigilant practice. We will endeavour to ensure that our school environment is as safe as it can be. Extra measures (outlined below) will be taken to ensure our school observes regular hand-washing, sanitising, cleaning and social-distancing (where possible). Please note that, whilst we will do our utmost to ensure we provide our staff and pupils with a safe place to work, a safe environment and follow government guidance, we can only do so to our best endeavours and our working-knowledge of the Covid-19. However the risk remains medium even with all the control measures in place due to the unseen virus. If any member of staff has any concerns they must discuss it immediately with the School Leader.

Assessment date 22 May 2020

Assessment serial number 01

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Identify hazards Record all hazards that could cause harm or injury

All schools are well aware of the need to ensure they do their upmost to minimise the risk of Coronavirus to all staff and pupils. Below are a list of control measures schools should ensure are in place to assist in keeping themselves as safe as possible.

Lack of Hygiene & cleanliness across the site

Inadequate staff ratios

Deliveries and Waste collection means outside workers expose the school populations to the virus

Poor communication means that staff, parents, pupils or visitors do not follow guidance

Contractors expose the school population to the virus

Close contact with others causes the virus to spread throughout the staff and pupil populations

Identify people at risk Circle boxes where persons may be affected by hazards

Employees YES NO

Visitors YES NO

Contractors YES NO

Vulnerable persons YES NO

Pupils YES NO

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Existing control measures List controls already in place to reduce risk from of injury

Schools to follow all DFE/Government guidance which will be made available through updates from the Trust

School Leaders will ensure the school can open with the correct adult to pupil ratios and that 1-1 pupils have the correct support. If this cannot be achieved then the will notify the Trust immediately

A DSL must be available on site or via phone

When parents drop off and pick up the pupils they must ensure that they keep 2 metres from all staff. Should they be collecting from the gate to limit contact

All information needed to be given to parents must be done via text, email or phone call. A frame could be used and positioned by the main doors in use.

No parent must enter the classroom or school office unless asked to do so or in the event of an emergency

All visitors and meetings will be cancelled or significantly reduced unless an emergency

Contact times should be reduced to avoid children being less than 2 metres from each other

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Avoid any activity where you are passing items around a class

- Circle time objects

- Artefact sharing

- Touching activities – PE / Gymnastics


- Stop hand shaking of children and visitors

- Do not use shared cups in class (e.g. using cups for water); replace with disposable cups;

- Inform parents to ensure children have water bottles in school, rather than placing these in containers close together ensure they are separate on the side. Use disposable cups where you can

All staff are aware of what to do should they feel unwell. Notify SLT immediately if you feel unwell at any time during the day and follow guidance

All staff in school are aware of what to do in the event of a fire and have had appropriate training

Staff to ensure pupils with a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) are evacuated as per the plan.

SLT to ensure pupils with a Behavioural RA have their 1-1- support if this is not available for the pupil then consider whether they can be in school due to staff ratios

School to liaise with their catering provider and notify the Trust if school meals hot or cold are no longer available for staff and pupils

A first aider must be available on site and preferably a 3 day trained First Aider at Work

Minimal visits by statutory compliance companies have been put into place and these will take place before and after school. The companies have their own safety checks in place which include hand washing, anti bac etc. As long as schools stay open we must ensure

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the risk to people from fire, legionella is also minimal. The Trust Estates team will continue to monitor this.

Cleaning & Hygiene

The school will closed Friday pm to ensure the that the school will need to be cleaned by TA’s

Site Managers will ensure they have enough cleaning staff and cleaning products to ensure the site remains cleaned to a high standard.

Once products begin to run low, notify the Head of Estates who will ensure supplies from other schools are shared out.

Cleaners to concentrate on high risk touch areas e.g. tables, door handles, toilets.

Shut off all classrooms and areas that are not in use and ensure staff and pupils do not access the rooms/offices

Ensure adequate stock levels of hand sanitiser and tissues are available and replenish as needed. If stocks are low, please contact Head of Estates

Inform parents of hygiene expectations and to discuss with children;

- All children to wash their hands before coming to school, before going home and when they get home.

- Classes to teach children hand washing techniques

- Children to wash hands before snack (classroom) and before eating dinner (classrooms/ hall corridor toilets / hand sanitiser)

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Handles and rails to be cleaned at mid points during the day

Cleaning & Hygiene

Site Managers will ensure they have enough cleaning staff and cleaning products to ensure the site remains cleaned to a high standard.

A cleaning schedule will be implemented throughout the site, ensuring that high risk contact points, e.g. work surfaces, door handles, taps etc. are all thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Once products begin to run low, notify Nikki Thorne who will ensure supplies from other schools are shared out/sourced

Shut off all classrooms and areas that are not in use and ensure staff and pupils do not access the rooms/offices

Ensure adequate stock levels of hand sanitiser and tissues are available and replenish as needed. If stocks are low, please contact Head of Estates

Cleaners will be provided with gloves and dispose of them after cleaning each bubble and only blue disposable clothes to be used

Inform parents of hygiene expectations and discuss with children

Clean surfaces that children and young people are touching, such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, more regularly than normal

Ensure that all adults and children:

•frequently wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and dry thoroughly.

•clean their hands on arrival at the setting, before and after eating, and after sneezing or coughing

•are encouraged not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose

•use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’)

Ensure that bins for tissues are emptied throughout the day

Where possible, all spaces should be well ventilated using natural ventilation (opening windows) or ventilation units

Prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety and safeguarding), to limit use of door handles and aid ventilation

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All information needed to be given to parents must be done via text, email or phone call.

Deliveries / Waste collection - If practical drivers should wash their hands before unloading goods

Hands should we thoroughly washed after handling goods

Waste bags and containers to be kept closed

Waste collections should be made after majority of people have left site


Only contractors carrying out essential maintenance deemed necessary to the safe running of the school are to be allowed on site and will read and comply with good hygiene.

Staff and contractors are to maintain a safe distance between themselves and others (2 metres).

All contractors are to wash their hands upon entering the site.

Strict hygiene rules to be implemented, all contractors are to be asked to do the following:

· Wash hands on entry into individual work areas – or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

· Repeat the hand washing/sanitising every hour.

The contractor is to notify the premises staff of all areas visited, in order that these can then be thoroughly cleaned.

Existing level of risk Consider current level of risk with existing controls in place

Due to the nature of the virus there will be a higher risk compared to other illnesses. Schools will monitor the situation and as soon as they feel the risk has increased in

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their setting they will notify Bob Farmer, Gemma Carr and Louise Adams at the Trust.

Additional control measures List additional control measures required to reduce risk

See below

Prior to opening all safety checks are up to date - legionella, fire, i orditors checks

School Leader’s comments Insert comments relevant to assessment as appropriate

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Risk Measure to reduce risk

Parents mixing before and after school

High Separate entrances and exits for different bubbles with staggered times. Parents will be expected to wait on the street behind chalked 2 metre distancing lines. TA will have option of wearing a mask (provided by school)

Y6 / Miss Ferriers bubble - Silchester RD

Y1/ Mrs Roberts bubble – large main gate onto playground

YR / Miss Hussain– Northover road gate

Other key workers and vulnerable – main entrance.

Each class to be allotted a time

Children start at 8.30 / 8.40 / 8.50 / 9.00

TA’s on the gate and teachers in classroom

Staff will be unable to support parents in separating from their child, should they resist entering the premises.

Pick up – parents to wait at marked 2 metre lines on pavement. TA to call for each individual child when their adult arrives and be re -united outside of playground.

Children to be collected at 3.00 / 3.10 / 3.20 / 3.40


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Bringing germs into school

High Wash hands in the classroom as soon as the children arrive.

All classroom to have hand sanitiser available and enforced in its use.

Belongings to be kept to a minimum – no personal items to be brought into school except lunchboxes and named water bottles. Staff to have own cups. Staff to sanitise, sign in and then go and wash their hands with soap and the reverse on the way out.


Children are over -crowded and spread germs

High Children to be in classes of no more than fifteen preferable 10.

Children to be social distanced, tables spread out across the classroom, and given personal school equipment to restrict movement around the room. No sharing of equipment to be enforced between classes. Including outside play items.


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There is a lack of staff available

High Available staffing Y6 Natalie / Toby / /Judy / Emma / Jane / / Jo Lloyd / Clair H

Y1 Rachel / Cathy / Karen / Hannah H / Steph

R Amy Hayley / Jo / Lisa – Jo L – Rosie /

Key Worker classes

Miss Hussian / CS

Mrs Roberts / SC

Mrs Harris / Sophie Tracey

Miss Ferrier / Sue Lush / Sharon S

Leadership team to cover sickness absence

Sara to plan home learning for Y2

Lynn to plan for Y3

Close on Friday afternoon for PPA and cleaning


The running of the school is inefficient due to lack of admin staff

Medium Front desk - Linda and Sue H to discuss return to school to allow for SLT to maximise staff support.


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Children mixing in large groups at playtime and lunchtime

High Timetabled breaks and continuous provision for YR in the reception outside area.

Timetabled breaks outside for Y1/ Y6 / Key Worker Children

Staggered breaks / lunchtimes

Designated areas of playground for different year groups their smaller groups

Additional Daily PE timetabled to ensure plenty of opportunities for wellbeing and healthy lifestyle.

Lunches to be eaten in classrooms with sandwiches delivered to the classroom by LTS that are allocated to the classes, minimising movement of pupils and remaining in own groups.

Children and class teachers to discuss the need to minimise large close gatherings, even within own group. Lunchtime supervisors to made aware of expectations.


Lunchtime supervisors not being able to adequately supervise

High Staff to take staggered breaks and support outside with behaviour management and social distancing.

LTS to supervise outside and take lunches to allocated year group. LTS should not enter classrooms but leave lunches outside. Only mix with children outside to minimise cross contamination.


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Children spending too much time circulating

High Children remain in class groups except when travelling to the toilet. Only circulating as a class group with social distancing in place.

Children to be supervised entering and leaving toilets and numbers kept small, hands washed.

Timetabled ICT suite for YR/1/ key worker children

Y6 children to have laptops


Social distancing in the classroom

High Twelve tables set out with chairs and trays underneath with personal resources - Y6

All additional furniture such as extra chairs to be removed or stacked to avoid additional use.

R / 1 activities put out with 3 per area – seats set out to limit number at each activity.

Hang coats - spaced on hooks, supervised by teacher when entering class.

Class teacher to discuss with class about how they can be aware of social distancing.

Teacher and TA to provide reminders and be vigilant about cleanliness.

Task design chosen to lessen group working within Year R and Year 1.


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School is not cleaned adequately

High All classes to have cleaning equipment provided to allow for surface wipe down if and when required.

Cleaner at lunchtimes clean toilets and empty bins

Key boards to be cleaned after use by each class

All children to use their own toilets

Two adults in the classroom so one can supervise number of students attending toilets. ( Additional adults may be required to support children of need )

Toilets, chairs and tables to be cleaned twice daily.

Remove soft furnishing from classroom setting as well as soft toys.

Children have their own equipment and clear provision for storing their individual equipment. E.g box under desk.

Yr R, pencils, glue sticks, scissors may need to be cleaned at the end of the school day with anti bac wipes.

Each classroom to be fully cleaned every evening by school cleaners with appropriate disinfectants and clean cloths.


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Classroom environments clutters and collecting germs

High Remove fabrics such as fabric covered seating/ cushions curtains.

Unnecessary furniture

Cuddle toys

Toys that are hard to clean

Store furniture in empty classrooms and library which will allow for more classroom space for distancing.


Transition project to enable children to settle in their new environment and get used to new school working

Medium All teachers to record a story on video and send it out to class on website – Week beginning 17 May

Send out a little video –welcome back message – Week beginning 25th May and power point

new group teachers

Classroom tour

Consult teachers on transition project

YR/1 – washing activities to be included


Large gathering for assembly

High Zoom assembly Medium

Children miss their transition project

Medium Only one you – transition project to happen when more children are in school ready for September 2020


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Curriculum overburdens children emotionally

High Begin with transition project to acknowledge feelings, rebuild resilience, attachments and children’s ability to learn.

R / Y1 – phonic phases / guided writing / big books to teach reading

Maths / theme

Y6 - Cover areas of curriculum missed / SRE

PSHE and wellbeing to be fully considered, recognition of children’s concentration to be shorter.

More emphasis on play to considered for Yr R and Year 1 in particular in initial stages.

Planning done by teachers not in school for home learning

Teacher to plan in week beginning 25th May for next three weeks


Able to track attendance

Medium Registers – each class has a government register

Linda to transfer information to SIMMS and print off in case of fire

TA’s to cut and paste class onto to government register daily


Playtime equipment is used by multiple groups

High Each bubble to have their own equipment, not to be shared between groups.


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Children or staff having symptoms

High Isolation in the pod

Staff looking after children to wear PPE

Clean down after use – equipment available in Site manager’s office.

Clean any toilets used – disabled toilet to be made available.

Clean down child’s place within classroom.

If several people show systems inform health authority.

Child to be tested, if test positive close school for a deep clean

If people test positive fourteen isolation days.

Staff to book official testing for Covid 19 as detailed int he first aid policy.

Ensure we have parents updated contact details before starting.


Parents are not aware of protocols and spread germs

High PL to write letter to inform of protocols and new organisation

Parents carers government document shared with parents.

Home school agreement shared and parents to share before return


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Staff are not safe

High Staff observe social distancing

PPE for first aid and intimate care, risk assessments to consider incidents of spitting from individual pupils .Staggered use of staff room via staggered timetable.

All kitchen equipment used must be wiped down/ washed by that individual.

Photocopiers to be wiped down after each use, disinfectant wipes to be provided.

Staff to keep PPE and wipes on them


Children’s special needs put staff at risk

High Individual risk assessments of vulnerable children

Appropriate staffing provided with accordance to EHCP

Designated toilet for certain individuals


Classrooms have poor ventilation

High Doors propped open and windows, without risk to fire safety.


Teaching and learning (e.g feedback)restricted through social distancing

High Year 6 to be able to use Google classroom to avoid additional paperwork and teacher touching work books. This will allow for some feedback written work.

Sharing of work to be done with use of visualisers, to allow teacher to view on class share.

Shared reading to be made possible through use of Big books, teacher copy/ pupil copy of same book. Possible photocopy of particular pages/ computer screen sharing.


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Post it note with comments stuck to work.

Emergency procedures

For children and adults in different areas of the school unaware of escape routes.

High Practice Fire Drill on opening

Emergency evacuation procedures to be shared with children by class teachers.

Fire Marshals to be clear about new areas of responsibility, e.g register collection.

Social distancing to be observed at muster point, but consideration for imminent danger towards pupils and adult safety considered.


Provision of first aid leads to cross contamination of bubbles

First aid equipment in each bubble

Inhaler and epins in each bubble


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Lack of staff well-being causes stress

Staff not to start before 8 and finish by 4

Half an hour at lunchtime

PPA half a day to be taken at home

Hamic well being help- line links shared

Staffroom limited to 6

outside areas set up.

Staff facilities put staff at risk

Staff to end the building and sanitize then sign in and wash hands in soap and water and reverse on the way out

Staff to bring cold lunch

Staff to have own cup

Staff to carry own PPE and wipes to wipe down frequently used surfaces after use e.g water dispenser, fridge door ect

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SEND pupils are unable to self regulate and demonstrate challenging behaviour

Safe space outside KS2 corridor.

Ensure that school has up to date contact details for children

Name of School Leader

Signature of School Leader


Sarah Sadler

Sarah sadler

26 May 2020

John Middleton

22 May 2020

Glenda beeching 26 may 2020 Eleanor Atkins 26 May 2020 Sarah Harris 26 May 2020 Joanna lloyd 26 May 2020

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Sara Lewis 26 May 2020

Jane Williams 26 May 2020

Judy Murrray 26 May 2020

Cathy kemp 26 may 2020

Jessica Ferrier 26 May 2020

Florence Letchford 26/05/2020 Lynn Thurley-Ratcliff 27/5/20

Jo-Anne Llewellyn 27/05/2020

Claire Dumper 27/05/2020

Lisa Rutter 27.5.20

Joanna Parsons 28.5.20

Nicola Fry 18.5.2020

P langston 28/5/20

Risk assessment reviews Set future review dates & sign/comment upon completion

Review date Reviewed by Reviewer signature Remarks

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