R & D for the High School Classroom: Day 1 (WIP-5 grant workshop)

Implementing Research and Development into the High School Classroom Welcome… As you come in, use the cardstock to make a name plate Your name and school July 8, 2013 Illinois State University WIP-5 Grant


This presentation shares an overview of the the purpose of the R&D workshop, an introduction to inquiry, an introduction to the STEM Student Research Handbook, and two activities that can be used with students to demonstrate the research method by example (rather than lecture).

Transcript of R & D for the High School Classroom: Day 1 (WIP-5 grant workshop)

  • 1.Implementing Research and Development into the High School Classroom Welcome As you come in, use the cardstock to make a name plate Your name and school July 8, 2013 Illinois State University WIP-5 Grant

2. Implementing Research and Development into the High School Classroom Dr. Darci J. Harland [email protected] Twitter: djSTEMmom (#HSresearch) www.STEMmom.org July 8, 2013 Illinois State University WIP-5 Grant 3. Today Introduction to each other & the workshop Allison Hennings (Oak Park River Forest) DTAM Assessment Allison Hennings Intro to the STEM Student Research Handbook AlkaSeltzer Rocket Challenge 4. Find Someone Who 5. R&D Workshop Overview 6. The Big Picture Grant Requirements Lesson Design Independent Research Project Curriculum Proposal NGSS 7. To meet these Goals Pedagogy of Inquiry Teaching Resources and time to develop lessons and units Expert Teachers Professional Expertise 8. Your Commitment 80 hours of face time during workshop Efast formative assessment training 4 Follow-up days this school year To implement lessons developed in workshop Various Assessment and other state requriements Summer 2014 2-week workshop 9. Importance of Inquiry 10. What are the Qualities of Inquiry? 11. Non- Inquiry Demo- nstration Activity Teacher- Initiated Student- Initiated Posing the Question None Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Planning the Procedure Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Student Formulating the Results Teacher Teacher Student Student Student Modified from: D. Llewellyn. 2002. Inquiry within: Implementing inquiry-based science standards. Thousand Oaks, Corwin Press. An interview I did for NSTA regarding Inquiry. Levels of Inquiry 12. Student Motivation High Achievers Low Achievers Lack motivation Misplaced motivation 13. Balancing Inquiry 14. A message from a physicist to parents - Neil DeGrasse Tyson 15. Weve Got to Be That Light A Gift to Americas Teachers: Dr. Jeff Goldstein (astrophysicist) Harland, D.J. (April 2, 2012) Astrophysicist Challenges Science Education. www.STEMmom.org 16. Poke It & See What Happens Sound Scientific Thinking and Practice Balance 17. Beginning of the Year 18. End of Year 19. Whats our Goalreally? Raise up the next generation of STEM professionals. To help students become scientifically literate To be sure that students know how to define good questions, and how to go about finding answers to those worthy questions. 20. Non- Inquiry Demo- nstration Activity Teacher- Initiated Student- Initiated Posing the Question None Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Planning the Procedure Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Student Formulating the Results Teacher Teacher Student Student Student Modified from: D. Llewellyn. 2002. Inquiry within: Implementing inquiry-based science standards. Thousand Oaks, Corwin Press. Levels of Inquiry 21. How Science Should Be Meet the Robinsons 22. Take Away? Our responses to kids, matter. Mistakes are crucial to learning Is my classroom a safe place to fail? Am I more concerned about students getting the right answer or in how they think? 23. STEM Research 24. Written directly to the student Geared to high school & undergraduate students Teacher Cues Chapter Questions & Chapter Applications Sample rubrics About The Handbook Harland, Darci J. (2011). STEM Student Research Handbook. Arlington: NSTA Press. 25. Poll What is your experience in doing research? A. I did a science project in grade school B. I did a science project in middle school C. I did research in high school D. I did research in college E. Ive done several projects through the years F. Ive never done a science project 26. Word Association I say Science Fair You say? 27. Composition Design Challenge Notebook Pen Twine Tape 28. Learning the Scientific Method as a Process 29. Harland, D.J. (April 30, 2012) Airplane Lab to Teach Scientific Method. STEMmom.org. 30. Paper Airplane Activity Make 2 identical paper airplanes What do we want to test? How will we measure success? Modify ONE of your planes in ONE way. 31. Lets Fly Our Planes 32. Paper Airplane Discussion How did we decide to measure success? Were there other ways we could have measured the same thing? Dependent Variable 33. Paper Airplane Discussion In what ways could a person cheat to win? Extraneous Variables 34. Paper Airplane Discussion Did our measurement accurately determine a winner? What rules could we add, to make the trials more fair? Constants 35. Harland, D.J. (April 30, 2012) Airplane Lab to Teach Scientific Method. STEMmom.org. 36. Things That Vary Gregory, Jess L. (2012). Paper Airplanes, Flying Through Variables In B. P. Skott & M. Ward (Eds.), Active Learning Exercises for Research Methods in Social Sciences (pp. 30-36): SAGE Publications, Inc. 37. Failure is Totally An Option! Collaboration Must be Modeled & Taught Two Key Ideas 38. Alka-Seltzer Rocket Activity Use any of the available materials to design a rocket that will propel the greatest monetary value to an elevation of at least 1 meter above its start location. 39. Community board Building Community (vs. competition) 40. How might you have students use the table on pages 6-8? Chapter 1 Getting research topics is often difficult for students. What can you do to aide students in coming up with good research ideas? What are the most common ethical issues (pg. 9-11) your students may encounter? How will you ensure they understand the importance of ethical and safety issues? Announcements 41. E-Journal Our Wiki What needs to happen in this workshop, if you are to believe it was worth your (summer) time and energy? http://RandDforHS.wikispaces.com 42. Tomorrow Fieldtrip to Parklands Read Articles in Binder Dress Appropriately Bring pencil & composition notebook