R AN D - DTIC · 2011. 5. 14. · FII-GE-100 Engines: A Case Study of Risk Assessment and Risk...

AD-A282 467 A RAND NOTE The Development of the FIO00-P W-220 and FII-GE-100 Engines: A Case Study of Risk Assessment and Risk Management Frank Camm DTCn q4-23010 R AN D UnQUIALINSECD 94~ 7 21 106

Transcript of R AN D - DTIC · 2011. 5. 14. · FII-GE-100 Engines: A Case Study of Risk Assessment and Risk...

  • AD-A282 467


    The Development of the FIO00-P W-220 andFII-GE-100 Engines: A Case Study ofRisk Assessment and Risk Management

    Frank Camm



    R AN D UnQUIALINSECD94~ 7 21 106

  • The research reported here was sponsored by the United States Air Forceunder Contract F49620-91-C-0003. Further information may be obtainedfrom the Strategic Planning Division, Directorate of Plans, Hq UJF,

    RAND is a nonprofit institution that sesks to improve public policy throughresearch and analysis. Publications of RAND do not necessarily reflect theopinions or policies of the sponsors of RAND research.

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  • A RAND NOTE N-3618-AF

    The LUevelopment of the F1 CV-PW-22O andF110-GE-100 Engines: A Case Study ofRisk Assessment and Risk Management

    Frank Camm

    Prepared for theUnited States Air Force

    RAND Approved for public release: distributioni unlimited

  • - iii •


    This Note oresents one of seven case studies developed as part, of the Project AIR

    FORCE study "Managing Risks in Weapon Systems Development Projects," which has

    developed case studies on the level, distribution, and risk in the range of major U.S. Air

    Force development programs conducted primarily during the 1980s. Notes based on those

    case studies offer concise deacriptions and analyses of the policies used by the Air Force to

    manage and disiribute risk. They are aimed primarily at high-level government officials

    concerned with the management of research and development, including senior Air Force

    staff, senior Department of Defense (DoD) officials, and congressional staff. The Notes

    should also be useful to policy analysts concerned with the management of large-scale

    research and development, especially in DoD.

    This Note examines risks associated with the program used to develop the new F100-

    PW-220 and F110-GE-100 derivative fighter engines. The derivative development described

    here has important implications for future policies that could place greater emphasis on such

    development to facilitate quick and flexible responses to unexpected changes in a diffuse

    threat. Information is current as of summer 1991.

    Other Notes written in this project include the following:

    * S. J. Bodilly, Case Study of Risk Management in the USAF B.IB Bomber

    Program, RAND, N-3616-AF, 1993.

    * S. J. Bodilly, Case Study of Risk Management in the USAFLANTIRNProgram,

    RAND, N-3617-AF, 1993.

    * F. Camm, The P.16 Multinational Staged Improvement Program: A Case Study

    of Risk Assessment and Risk Management, RAND, N-3619-AF, 1993.

    • K R. Mayer, The Development of the Advanced Medium Range Air.to.Air Missile.

    A Case Study of Risk and Reward in Weapon System Acquisition, RAND, N-3620-

    AF, forthcoming.

    Two unpublished papers also have been written by T. J. Webb on risk management during

    the development of the Global Positioning System Block I satellite and risk manageme ',t in

    preparing for development of the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint

    STARS). A summary of these Notes and papers and the policy conclusions based on them is

  • . iv .

    found in T. K Glennan et al., Barriers to Managing Risk in Large-Scale Weapon System

    Development Programs, RAND, MR-248-AF, forthcoming,

    The Air Force sponsor for the study is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Forc'e

    (Contracting) (SAFIAQC). The work has been conducted in the Resource Management

    Program of Project AIR FORCE. The principal investigator at RAND is Dr. Thomas K



  • .V.


    The "Great Engine War" pitted Pratt and Whitney (P&W) and General Electric (GE)

    against one another to supply engines, the F100-PW-220 and the Fi10-GE-100, respectively,

    for the Air Force's new F-15 and F-16 fighters. Known more formally as the Alternate

    Fighter Engine competition, this acquisition used "derivative" engines--engines that

    incorporated small changes in selected parts of existing engines to greatly improve

    operability, durability, and the operating and support costs of fighter engines. This Note

    examines the exceptionally successful development programs that created these engine :,ad

    seeks the basis for that success, giving special attention to risk assessment and risk

    management in the two development programs. This summary briefly reviews the history of

    the two development,-, raises four basic policy issues revealed by our analysis to be

    important, and then reviews briefly several lessons offered by these developments for the



    These engines were effectively a response to the Air Force's operational experience

    with the P&W F100-PW-100 and -200 engines, used by the Air Force to power its F-15 and

    F-16 fighters, respectively. The F100 met its initial and primary design goal of doubling the

    thrust-to-weight ratio for operational fighter engines. But, following deployment in 1974, it

    experienced serious difficulties, two of which were significant: "stall-stagnation" and

    extremely short life with high maintenanLe costs. Stall-stagnation occurred under certain

    operating conditions, requiring the pilot to shut down and restart the engine in flight. It

    presented a danger in the two-engine F-15 and a serious threat to safety in the single-engine

    F-16. The engine's extremely short lifetime-the period between depot overhauls-and high

    maintenance requirements drove up its operating costs. As these problems came to light, the

    Air Force tried to induce P&W to resolve them. The Air Force and P&W could not agree on

    who should pay to fix the problems, qnd the relationship between them deteriorated as the

    problems persisted in the fleet, forcing the Air Force to restrict operations and pay high

    maintenance costs.

    During the same period, GE faced a different problem. It had lost to P&W in the

    competitions to provide engines for the F-14, F-15, and F-16, which effectively locked iL out of

    the U.S. market for fighter engines. Seeking a way back in, in 1975 GE used its own funds to

    develop a demonstrator engine, the F101X, that it hoped to use as the basis of an engine to

    0 - j

  • . vi -

    persuade the Navy to reengine its F-14s. The Navy was not interested, but the Air Force

    was. It was seeking a low-risk engine to use in its experimental Engine Model Derivative

    Program (EMDP). The Air Force also saw the F101X as the basis for a possible alternative to

    the F100, and a potential threat that it could use to obtain better performar.,: :-om P&W. In

    1979, the Air Force used its EMDP to fund a limited development program based on the

    F101X, the F101 Derivative Fighter Engine (DFE) program. At the same time, it also began

    a much smaller FI0 EMDP effort to enhance the performance of the P&W F100.

    Pratt and Whitney intensely resisted this threat to its monopoly position with the Air

    Force, but the Air Force maintained its support for the GE engine. The F101 DFE EMDP

    demonstrated that the GE engine could eliminate stall-stagnations and dramatically improve

    durability and operating costs; the new engine directly (and quite deliberately) met the Air

    Force's principal concerns about the F100. These results provided the basis for an Air Force

    decision to develep an engine that could formally compete with the F100 for future

    production. In 1982, the Air Force initiated a full-scale development based on the F101 DFE

    to verify what it now called the FIl0-GE-100 engine, for use in future, newly produced F- I5

    and F-16 fighters. At the same time, it initiated full-scale development of three modifications

    to the F100 engine. Drawing on those modifications and a fourth development effort also

    under way at the same time, P&W drew up specifications for an improved F100, the F100-

    PW-220, that it could offer to compete against the F11O-GE-100 for future production.

    These two engines provided the basis for the Alternate Fighter Engine competition.

    The Air Force held the production competition in 1983 and, in 1984, decided to buy engines

    from both contractors. Full-scale development continued, achieving product verification for

    both engines in 1985 and delivering the first engines to the field in 1986. Although typical

    problems arose, both developments y:elded engines for deployment that operated as

    expected, on schedule, and without cost overruns.


    Why were these developments so successful? What risks did they present and how

    were those risks assessed and managed? In this Note, we view risk as a source of

    uncertainty that creates the possibility of a negative outcome; the worse the outcome or the

    larger its probability is, the larger is the risk involved. All participants in these

    developments agree that the assessment and management of such risk are central to the

    management of an engine development. By definition, a system development systematically

    reduces a sEt of tech noiogical risks-the possibility that the development will be unable to

    achieve the technological goals set for it---over time. Over the course of such a development,

  • - vii -

    its managers face another set of risks, from inside and outside a program, that must be

    addressed continually by the development manager in the normal course of conducting the

    program. Such risks concern especially the level of political support and funding for the

    development, the requirements set for the development, the cost and schedule for the

    development itself, and economic factors affecting the cost of the system that is finally


    In the subject developments, four factors were especially important to the assessment

    and management of risk:

    " Low level of technological risk posed by the derivative developments undertaken.

    • Use of competition to motivate the contractors involved.

    * Experience of the Propulsion SPO overseeing the developments,

    " Nature of the contracts used to structure the developments.

    Each of these factors contributed to the success of the two developments.

    Low Inherent Risks

    With one exception, the developments did not present serious risks for the Air Force or

    its contractors. The exception resulted from the presence of competition, which we discuss


    Technologically, both developments relied heavily on existing technology. Using

    different approaches, GE and P&W discovered that they could resolve the principal problems

    with the FIO0 engine by making adjustments in existing engines. GE started with the

    engine it had developed for the B-i, the F101, and scaled portions of it for a fighter. P&W

    changed parts of its F100 engine that were selected specifically to resolve the problems at

    hand. Hence, neither approach posed major technological risks.

    Furthermore, the developers did not face serious risks from outside the programs.

    Higher level Air Force officials raised initial questions about funding, and the Air Force

    conducted the initial limited developments as spare, "success-oriented" developments. But in

    the end, the developmenL managers were able, with minor exceptions, to conduct the

    developments on their own terms. They did not need to respond seriously to risks created by

    unexpected changes in policy outside the developments, changes that might have affected the

    support for or requirements of the developments.

  • - viii -


    The presence of competition clearly increased risk for P&W by threatening its status

    as the dominant fighter-engine supplier to the Air Force. It also increased GE's uncertainty,

    but in a positive way, creating an opportunity for GE to parlay its small investment in the

    F101X into a large stake in the fighter-engine market. Such competition reduced the risk

    faced by the Air Force by giving it options: If P&W did not become more responsive to its

    needs, the Air Force could favor GE in production buys, and that threat was likely to make

    P&W more responsive. For example, if the Air Force contracted only with GE or P&W, the

    contractor could easily exploit any surprises-unanticipated events--to reopen its agreement

    with the Air Force and adjust the agreement to make its terms more favorable to the

    contractor. Competition between two contractors enhanced the Air Force's power in the

    situation, limiting the negative consequences if either contractor reopened the agreement

    unexpectedly. Each contractor knew that the Air Force could credibly threaten to counter

    such an action by favoring the other contractor in future production buys.

    Many participants suggest that the key to the competition's success was the warranty

    that accompanied the production contracts. That warranty forced both contractors to fairly

    clearly reveal their expectations about the actual performance (broadly defined) of their

    engines following deployment. And future performance lay at the heart of the

    developments.1 Such information in itself reduced the Air Force's risk, and the warranty's

    terms defined a formal approach to sharing risks in the future.

    One would expect the incentives created by warranties to improve the engines created

    by these developments, but participants in the developments disagree. They believe that the

    engine developers created the same designs they would have created in the absence of the

    warranties. To the extent that warranties affected the developments at all, they did so only

    by improving the information available during the competition and thereby enhancing the

    efficacy of the competition.

    Experienced Developers

    The Propulsion SPO was formed in 1977 as a focal point for solving previous problems

    in engine development. Its managers came to that task with considerable experience in

    developing engines and a common vision of their task-to bring better empirical data to bear

    on engine development, to take advantage of new formal methods for assessing risks

    'In the engine community, performance refers primarily to the thrust or thrust-to-weight ratioof an engine. In the broader acquisition community, performance includes all aspects of a system'stechnical characteristics. For engines, performance includes thrust, operability, durability,supportability, and reliability. Unless otherwise stated, we use the broader definition in this Note.

  • -ix-

    associated with the durability and supportability of engines, and ultimately to field engines

    only after developers had demonstrated and verified that they would be sufficiently durable,

    operable, and supportable. This vision matched the subject developments well, and the

    developers brought considerable experience to bear as they mounted the developments.

    Many aspects of that experience were important. The key managers in the two engine

    developments came to the SPO with :onsiderable experience and familiarity with engine-

    related technologies. Because the SPO managed a number of developments, it could continue

    to accumulate experience and compare experience across developments more easily than

    SPOs responsible for only one development Such experience in particular increased the

    SPO's understanding of its principal contractors, who were also the contractors responsible

    for the developments; enhanced the SPO's working relationship with its principal test

    facilities; and allowed rapid application and refinement of new risk assessment techniques.

    When such developments were initiated, the standard procedures to which the SPO would

    attribute its general success with new engines were already in place. Together, these factors

    gave the SPO an ability to plan and coordinate fairly complex developments and to react

    confidently to surprises. This ability and confidence probably reduced the risk associated

    with unexpected events, allowing the SPO to react flexibly and creatively to surprises that

    might have stymied a less experienced staff-


    The two developments proceeded under many separate but coordinated contracts. One

    as ect of the F100-PW-220 de,,elopment occurred under a cost-plus-award-fee contract; all

    other development occurred under firm-fixed-price contracts. Although many current

    observers believe that firm-fixed-price contracts impose excessive risks on contractors in

    development programs, GE and P&W readily accepted such arrangements and condiictcd the

    developments satisfactorily despite risks that such contracts might have imposed.

    Such contracts could be written in part because the developments did not pose large

    risks for the contractors. The full risks the contractors associated with the production

    competition would be felt in the future. But other aspects of the contracts also limited the

    risks faced by the contractors. The contracts' statements of work tended to focus on the

    cu.'duct of development, not its products. Such attention is consistent with a general

    observation among developers that the way a contract is monitored can easily be more

    important than how it is written. It also reflects the Propulsion SPO's reputation as a hands-

    on organization that worked more closely with its contractors than most SPOs. In addition,

  • -X-

    special clauses provided well-articuiated means of sharing important risks associated with

    specific problems of funding and test failure.


    What can be learned from these developments that might be applied elsewhere? We

    must be cautious about drawing firm conclusions based on such a limited set of

    developments. But information on these two developments is conbistent with a number of


    Derivative development can reduce risk in limited circumstances. The Air

    Force uses derivative engine developments when those developments allow the Air Force to

    achieve its development goals. But derivative developments do not allow large advances in

    broadly conceived system performance. Large advances require more traditional,"centerline" engine developments, which inherently entail more technological risk than that

    observed here.

    Continuity in SPO management significantly enhances risk management. As

    a standing SPO whose existence extends beyond that of individual development programs,

    the Propulsion SPO has accumulated experience, doctrine, procedures, and knowledge about

    its contractors, all of which contribute significantly to its ability to anticipate and manage

    problems. These sources of order and stability, perhaps ironically, gave the SPO the skill

    and confidence required to react flexibly and creatively to unexpected events in these

    developments. Analogous statements apply to the contractors themselves.

    Formal risk assessment plays a limited but important role in general risk

    management. New concepts and methods developed in the 1970s, including the accelerated

    mission test, the four-step development process, and the engine structural integrity program,

    gave the two engine developers tools to manage num.rous important risks. Although such

    tools enabled the developers to achieve the durability and supportability goals sought for the

    two engines, they do not help managers deal with broader, less-defined risks. Here, there

    remains no substitute for the judgment of experienced managers familiar with the routine

    management of risk in system developments.

    Higher level cognizance increases some program risks and reduces others.

    The general absence of higher level interest in these developments allowed their immediate

    managers to set realistic performance, schedule, and cost goals and ultimately to meet those

    goals. In this sense, the lack of intcrest reduced the external risk experienced in the two

    developments. But that same lack of interest also left the developments without high-level

    advocates to protect the programs' funding, increasing external risk. Such risks must be

  • xi .

    balanced. One way to reduce this conflict is high-level oversight that recognizes the

    importance of setting and achieving realistic goals and of actively challenging goals that do

    not appear realistic.

    Competition redistributes risk in a development program. Competition

    increases the risk perceived by the contractors and i educes the risk perceived by the Air

    Force. At any time, the Air Force can change the market shares of its contractors, increasing

    their risks and, by so doing, can reduce its dependence on the poorer performer, thereby

    reducing its own risk. Given the price the Air Force pays its contractors for contracts,

    competition also increases the risk that the Air Force can induce its contractors to bear.

    Such changes result from a basic shift in relative .)ower that increases the contractors'

    responsiveness and reduces the Air Force's cost of monitoring their contract compliance.

    Other aspects of contracting are at least as important as con-'ract type in risk

    management. The choice of contract type affects the business environment for

    development; contractors clearly prefer a cost-based to a fixed-price contract, if each is

    offered with similar terms. But a contract's statement of work and special clauses can be

    written to soften the risks implied by a fixed-price contract, potentially dominating the choice

    of contract type by their effects on contractor risk. And the techniques that the SPO uses to

    monitor contract compliance can have larger effects on risk management than the formal

    terms of the contract.


    I thank especially Albert Misenko, chief of the Aeronautical Systems Division History

    Office, and his staff. Without their cooperation in providing access to official documents and

    other historical material on the Alternate Fighter Engine Program, this study would nothave been possible. I also thank the many officials in the Aeronautical Systems Commandwho gave generously of their time for interviews th-t facilitated this study. The Propulsion

    SPO in particular also provided access to knowledgeable officials and relevant historical

    contracts. Continuing discussions with my RAND colleagues, Susan Bodilly, Thomas

    Glennan, and Timothy Webb, and with Kenneth Mayer of the University of Wisconsin, were

    also helpful. Arnold Levine of RAND provided a useful review of an earlier draft. I retainresponsibility, of course, for any errors in fact or interpretation.

  • . xv -


    PR EFA C E ........................................................... iii

    SUM M ARY ........................................................... v

    ACKNOW LEDGMENTS ................................................ xiii


    TA BLE S . ........................................................... xix

    G LO SSARY ... ....................................................... Xix

    1. IL TRODU CTION ............................................... 1Two Engine Development Programs ............................... 2A pproach .................................................... 3Road M ap ................................................... 4

    2. RISK ASSESSMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT ....................... 5A Realistic Way to Think About Risk in Analysis ...................... 5A Simple Structure for Inquiry ................................... 8Sum m ary .................................................... 13

    3. THE AIR FORCE'S GENERAL APPROACH TO ENGINEDEVELOPM ENT ........................................... 14

    Managing Risk in the Engine Development Process .................... 14The Accelerated M ission Test .................................... 17Four-Step Development Process ................................... 20Engine Structural Integrity Program ............................... 22Sum m ary .................................................... 26

    4. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE F110-GE-100 AND F100-PW-220DEVELOPM ENTS .......................................... 28

    The Initi.l Setting ............................................. 28The GE F101 DFE and F110-GE-100 ............................... 31The P&W FI00-PW-220 and Related F100 Engines .................... 40Broader Context .............................................. 48Sum m ary .................................................... 50

    5. RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE F100-PW.220 AND F110.GE-100DEVELOPM ENTS ......... ................................. 53

    Risks Inherent in the Developments ............................... 53C om peL' tion .................................................. 56General M anagem ent .......................................... 64C cr.-acts .................................................... 76Section Sum m ary ............................................. 84

    6. CONCLUSION S ................................................. 85

    REFER EN C ES ........................................................ 91

  • -xvii.


    2.1. Subjective Probability Density Distributions D1 and D2for Two Program s ................................................ 6

    2.2. Risks RI and R2 Associated with Two Weapon System DevelopmentPrograms and Occurring Below the Set Standard for Performance S ......... 7

    3.1. Illustrative Engine Duty Cycle ...................................... 194.1. Air Force Expenditure in FI10-GE-100 and F100-PW-220 Developments ..... 394.2. Air Force RDT&E ?xpenditures on Engine Programs ..................... 484.3. Propulsion SPO Management Focus During the F110-GE-100 and

    F100-PW-220 Developments ........................................ 505.1. Summary Terms of Warrant, '"alled for in Request for Proposals ............ 82

    6= '1- "1 ' " ' II- i

  • - XiX -


    1.1. A Comparison of the Fl00-PW-220 and F110-GE-100 EngineSpecifications ................................................... 2

    3.1. Basic Full-Scale-Development (FSD) Milestones in Airframe and EngineDevelopm ent .................................................... 21

    3.2. The Five ENSIP Tasks ............................................ 254.1. Timeline for F110-GE-100 and F100-PW-220 Developments ................ 324.2. Performance Improvements Allowed by the F110-GE-100 and

    FlOO-PW -220 ................................................... 404.3. Improvement Goals for the F100 DEEC/Gear Pump Development ........... 455.1. Matrix Structure of the Propulsion SPO ............................... 66

  • Md


    AEDC Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tullahoma, Tennessee, thePropulsion SPO's principal government test center for ground tests.

    AFE Alternate Fighter Engine, an official name for the engines included in theproduction competition between the F100-PW-220 and FlO0-GE-100.

    AFFTC Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California, one ofthe Propulsion SPO's two principal government test facilities.

    afterburner augmentor, a component of the engine facilities.AMT advanced mission test, a durability test that simulates the conditions in

    which an engine will operate over its life.ASD Aeronautical Systems Division, home of the Propulsion SPO.ATF advanced tactical fighLer, the fighter designated to replace the F-15 in the

    Air Force inventory.augmentor an engine component that burns fuel to add "peaking" power for short

    periods to that provided by the combustor.BPV bypass valve, a modification to the F100 associated with the gear-type fuel

    pump.CDR critical design review, the final review required of a component or system

    before full-scale development is begun.CED continuing engineering development, a final phase of full-scale

    development used to implement the last stet of the four-step developmentprocess.

    CFM-56 a nonmilitary GE engine that uses a coi similar to that in the FI01, F110,and Fi S.

    CIP Componert Improvement Program, a formal development program used bythe Air Force to increase the operability, supportability, availability,reliability, and durability of fielded engines.

    combustor an engine component in the engine core and hot section that burns fuel toprovide the primary motive power in the engine.

    core the central section of the engine, including the combustor, compressor, andsometimes the high-pressure turbine.

    CPAF cost-plus-award-fee, a contract type that uses a qualitatively determinedaward to compensate the contractor by a small quantity in excess of itsmeasured cost.

    DADTA durability and damage tolerance assessment, a formal risk assessmentmethod used to evaluate the risks associated with critical parts of theengine.

    DAR Defense Acquisition RegulationsDEEC digital electronic engine control, a key component of the F00-PW-220;

    enabled the improved engine to avoid stall-stagnations.DoD Department of DefenseDSARC Defense System Acquisition Review Committee, predecessor of the Defense

    Acquisition Board (DAB).EFH engine flight hour

  • xxii

    EMDP Engine Model Derivative Program, a variation of the CIP that the AirForce could uso to improve aspects of engine performance not allowed byCongress in the CIP,

    EMS Engine Monitoring SystemENSIP Engine structural integrity program, an engineering approach to

    predicting engine failures and reducing their effects,F100-PW-100 first version of the F100 used to power the F-15.F100-PW-200 first version of the F100 used to power the F-16.F100-PW-220 an improved version of the F100 and a primary focus of this study.F100-PW-229 the derivative IPE based on the F100-PW-220.F101 an engine with a core similar to that in the Fil0 that GE developed for the

    B-1.F101-GE-102 the variation of the F101 that GE developed for the B-lB.F101 DFE the variation of the F101 that GE developed with Air Force funds that

    provided the basis for the Fi10.F101X a GE-funded demonstrator, based on the F101, that provided the basis for

    the F101 DFE.F110-GE-100 the first derivative engine that GE developed for the F-15 and F-16 and a

    primary focus of this study.Fl10-GE-400 the variation of the F110 that GE developed for the F-14.FCA functional configuration audit, a critical portion of the product-verification

    process.FFP firm-fixed-price, a contract type that sets price independently of all cost

    considerations.FFR full flight release, the second step in the four-step development process.FH flight hoursFSD full-scale developmentGAO General Accounting OfficeGE General Electric Co., specifically its Aircraft Engine Business Group in

    this Note.GP gear-type fuel pump, a key component in improved variations of the F100,

    including the F.00-PW-220.hot section components exposed to the hot gases from the combustor, including the

    turbine vanes and blades and combustor; it does not include the turbineshafts or disks.

    IFR initial flight release, the first step of the four-step development process.ILC increased-life core, a key component in improved variations of the F100,

    including the F100-PW-220.IPE improved performance engines, the F100-PW-229 and Fi10-GE-129,

    derivative engines based on the AFEs.IR&D independent research and development, a form of contractor-directed R&D

    funded by the govenument as an element in overhead on defense contracts.ISR initial service release, the third step of the four-step development process.KIAS knots-indicated airzpeedLOD light-out detector, a subcomponent of the augmentor included in improved

    versions of the F100, including the F100-PW-220.

  • xii

    LOGO limitation-of-government-obligation clause, a key clause in developmentcontracts that are not fully funded to limit government obligation to thelevel of funding available.

    LRU line replaceable unitMFP main fuel pumpMMH maintenance man hours, a measure of maintenance resources required to

    support an engine.MQT mission or military qualification test, a test used to clear engines for

    production before the subject developments began.NRIFSD nonrecurring investment fuU-scale developmentOCR operational capability release, the last step in the four-step development

    process.OSD Office of the Secretary of DefenseP&W Pratt and Whitney, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation.PBTR program business/technical review, a bimonthly review in the Propulsion

    SPO used to move information on problems and alternative solutions up tothe commander and across the SPO matrix.

    PDR preliminary design review, a review of plans required before developmentbegins.

    PFRT preliminary flight rating test, a test used to clear an engine for flight testbefore the subject developments began.

    PID Prime Item Development Specification, a criterion for completing adevelopment task.

    RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation, a formal category of federalfunding.

    RFP request for proposalROP Resolution of Operational Problems clause, the key mechanism for

    facilitating flexibility in CIP contracts.SAF Secretary of the Air ForceSER significant-event reportSFC specific fuel consumption, a measure of the fuel required to achieve a

    certain level of thrust.slimLine the flight-weight version of the F110 developed to fit in the F-15.SPO System Project OfficeTAC Tactical Air CommandTAF test-analyze-fix, the basic approach used to develop engines.TF30 Pratt and Whitney engine used to power the A-7, F-14, and F-111.TF34 General Electric engine used to power the A-10 and S-3.TF41 Rolls Royce/Allison engine used to power the A-7.UER unplanned-event reportYZ two-digit symbol for the Propulsion SPO.

  • - 1-


    Much has been written about the "Great Engine War" between General Electric and

    Pratt and Whitney to supply engines for the Air Force% F-15s and F-16s.1 Observers from

    the Department of Defense (DoD) and industry often cite this production competition as

    evidence of the potentially strong, positive effect of competition on defense contracting. This

    case also provides useful information on development procedures for new weapon systems.

    Much less has been said about the development of the two Alternate Fighter Engines-Pratt

    and Whitney's F100-PW-220 and General Electric's F110-GE-100--that made this production

    competition possible. A testament to the success of these developments is the Air Force's

    decision to develop a follow-on set of improved performance engines using a similar


    This Note examines the Alternate Fighter Engine developmentL, giviig -p-eciai

    attention to the Air Force's methods of assessing and managing risk in these developments.

    By risk, we mean uncertainty that can allow negative outcomes during a development. In

    our analysis, risk increases as the potential negative outcomes increase in size or become

    more tikely. 2 Risk is inherent in any weapon development progrun. All participants in the

    two engine developments agree that the assessment and management of such risk are

    central to the management of an engine development.

    Some risks are internal to a development:

    * The managers' expectations about the technology being pursued may not be

    realized, with good or bad outcomes relative to their expectations.

    * The resources and time required to make prcgress during a development may

    differ from those expected by the managers.

    And because development takes time, the circumstances surrounding the development can

    change before the development is complete:

    Changes in the threat or other political changes can alter the nature of the

    system expected to emerge from the development.

    1See Drewes, 1987; Kennedy, 1985; Mayes, 1988; Ogg, 1987.2Section 2 clarifies this definition.

  • -2-

    * Changes in the high-level support for the effort can modify the funding and other

    resources available to the development.

    " Technological advance elsewhere may have unexpected implications for any one

    development effort.

    * Economic changes outside the development may unexpectedly alter the cost or

    availability of the resources required to conduct the development.

    These changes may lead to management decisions to change the final performance of the

    system or the time and resources required to complete development)


    Table 1.I summarizes the basic physical specifications for the two engines examined in

    this Note. Both engines have similar engineering characteristics; the F110 has somewhat

    higher thrust and weighs more. In their final developed forms, they could both be used in

    the Air Force F-15 and F-16 fighters. A slight variation on the Fl10, the F10-GE-400, could

    power the Navy F-14.

    In addition to the presence of competition mentioned above, five features of the two

    engine developments may have special relevance to acquisition policy in the future, as

    defense budgets decline. First, interest is growing in "derivative" developments-

    developments that build directly on an existing design and do not attempt to take a major

    Table 1.1

    A Comparison of the F100-PW-220 and FIIO-GE-100Engine Specifications

    Specification F100-PW-220 FI10-GE-1 00

    Length, in. 210 181.9Maximum diameter, in. 47 46.5Airflow, lb/sec 228 254Pressure ratio 24 30.4Bypass ratio 0.63 0.87Weight, lb 3218 3895Thrust, lb 23,830 27,000Specific fuel consumption 0.73 0.67

    SOURCES. Ogg, 1987, pp. 37, 39; U.S. Air Force, AeronauticalSystems Division Deputy for Propulsion, 1986.

    31n the engine community, performance refers primarily to the thrust or thrust-to-weight ratioof an engine. In the broader acquisition cnmmunity, performance includes all aspects of a system'stechnical characteristics. For engines, performance includes thrust, operability, durability,supportability, and reliability. Unless otherwise stated, we use the broader definition in this Note.

  • -3-

    technological step into the unknown. With these engines, a successful program of derivative

    development, the Engine Model Derivative Program (EMDP), was initiated in the Air Force

    engine community. Second, interest is growing in ways to maintain flexibility in

    development programs without losing oversight or control of the programs. These engine

    programs displayed an unusual degree of flexibility; more generally, all Air Force engine

    programs use a special kind of development, the Component Improvement Program (CIP),

    that has been successful in maintaining considerable flexibility without losing control.

    Third, there is strong policy emphasis today in DoD to move away from the use of fixed-price

    contracts in full-scale development and toward cost-based contracts. These engine

    developments used an extreme form of fixed-price contract, a firm-fixed-price contract

    without economic price adjustment, that operated satisfactorily for the Air Force and its

    contractors. Fourth, interest continues in the development of improved formal risk

    assessment and risk management tools. The Air Force engine community developed a series

    of such tools shortly before the subject engines were developed; looking at these tools' effects

    on these engine developments provides valuable insights into their potential use elsewhere.

    Fifth, the Propulsion SPO that oversaw these developments had a stable structure and an

    experienced and expert staff in place before these developments began, and it was beginning

    to apply a consistent doctrine to the development of a series of engines. Although that SPO

    remains in place today and has overseen a series of successful developments, recent events

    have diminished its role in the development of future engines.


    To gather information on the two engine developments, we used official Air Force

    documents, secondary sources, and interviews with key Air Force and contractor personnel in

    the two developments. We focused on the 1979-1986 period, because the Air Force began to

    fund development work on the engines in 1979 and received the first engines from those

    developments in the field in operational aircraft in 1986.

    We reviewed relevant contract documents, weekly activity reports, and biannual

    command assessment reviews from the Propulsion SPO; Propulsion SPO briefings on the

    Alternate Fighter Engine competition and its management and development philosophy; and

    official Air Force histories and reports to the Aeronautical Systems Division History Office

    from the Propulsion and related aircraft SPOs.

    We used this material to prepare for interviews on the technological, political, and

    managerial environment in which development took place, and on major events during

    development and the Air Force and contractors' methods of dealing with those events. These

  • .4-

    interviews ultimateiy yielded information on a wide variety of management issues related to

    the two engine developments. Using that information together with material from the

    documents we had collected, we distilled the major points discussed in the following sections.

    Resource constraints prevented us from covering all aspects of these developments.

    We focused on events and circumstances within the developments themselves, especially

    within the SPO. As a result, we focused less on the general environments in the Air Force,

    General Electric, and Pratt and Whitney during these developments. We gave very little

    attention to the markets for and development of commercial engines related to the engines

    addressed. Future analysis should addre.. Lnese topics.


    Section 2 briefly reviews our view of risk assessment and management in this Note.

    Section 3 reviews the Air Force's general approach to engine development and innovations in

    risk assessment and management that played an important role in the subject developments.

    Section 4 offers a brief history of the two developments and the environment in which they

    proceeded. Section 5 examines in more detail the risks inherent in the developments and

    three key factors that affected the management of risk in these developments--competition,

    general management and planning practices, and contracts. Section 6 concludes the study

    writh simple lessons learned and implications for future policy and policy analysis.

  • .5-


    Weapon system development is an inherently risky activity-a statement with which

    many defense personnel and contractors would agree but the precise meaning of which would

    be difficult to agree on. Most would concur that risky connotes that weapon system

    development is not a predictable process, and that the activity involves many surprises or

    events with negative outcomes. That is, the word risk suggests not only unpredictability but

    danger. This definition becomes especially meaningful when we discuss not just risk but risk

    management. Those who manage risk have a distinct desire to ameliorate the negative

    effects associated with the unpredictability of a weapon system development.

    If we accept this view, many ways remain to define precisely what risk is. The very

    unpredictable nature of risk itself, however, tends to defy further formalization. Any attempt

    to be precise about what risk is tends to sacrifice some aspect of unpredictability. It is

    hard-and perhaps even misleading-to characterize too precisely a situation about which

    we are profoundly uncertain. That said, analysis benefits from precision. This section briefly

    examines how development managers view risk, risk assessment, and risk management and

    defines these concepts to order our inquiry in the sections that follow.2


    The predominant analytic definition of risk is probably that of economists and decision

    theorists, which emphasizes unpredictability. For economists, risk or ,incertainty exists

    whenever unpredictability exists.3 Risk associated with a process increases as the range of

    possible outcomes of that process increases. More formally, risk increases as the variance of

    outcomes associated with the process increases. To illustrate, consider the two distributions

    in Figure 2.1. The outcome of a process is represented on the horizontal axis in terms of a

    single metric of performance. Subjective probability density lies on the vertical axis. Based

    on this definition, distribution DI is riskier than distribution D2 because D1 is more diffuse

    'A slightly revised version of this section appears as Section 2 in Caomm, 1993.2After this work was complete, Steven Garber of RAND brought the following references to my

    attention. They confirm that the views of risk assessment and risk management that we observed inthe Air Force are consistent with those observed more broadly in private industry. Cf. Garber,forthcoming; MacCrimmon and Wehrung, 1986; March and Shapira, 1987; and Shapira, 1986.

    3Many economists would go further to distinguish risk from uncertainty. Risk occurs when theunpredictability is associated with the outcomes of a well-understood stochastic process; uncertaintyoccurs when unpredictability results from outcomes of a poorly understood process. A relateddistinction w-ill be useful to us below.

  • -6-

    D2l I 2,1OIea



    ch D1

    Metric of performance

    Figure 2.l--Subjective Probability Density Distributions DI and D2 for Two Pref, arns

    than D2. DI is riskier even though the central tendency for DI is well above that for D2 and

    would be riskier even if DI stochastically strictly dominated D2. 4

    Now suppose that D1 and D2 represent the anticipated outcomes of two dlifferent

    approaches to developing a weapon system, The metric of performance might be the shop

    visitation rate, a measure of supportability, for an engine, Viewing these alternatives,

    weapon system developers would agree that D2 represents the riskier approach. They would

    justify this position by pointing out that poor outcomes are more likely with D2 than with D1.

    Going further, some might be willing to set a minimum standard measure of performance S

    for the engine and characterize risk as the subjective probability associated with outcomes

    lower than this standard. For example, if the standard were S in Figure 2.2, which re-

    creates the dlistributions in Figure 2. 1, the risk associated with each alternative would be

    proportional to the shaded areas R1 and R2, representing the subjective probabilities that

    the engine designed by each process failed to meet the set standard.

    - Development managers would find this view of their decision environment grossly

    oversimplified. For example, such managers do not generally attempt to estimate, even

    4Tfhat is, suppose that we imagine random draws from both distributions simultaneously. If webelieve that outcomes for the two distributions are correlated so that the outcome for DI alwaysdominates that for D2, then D1 stochastically strictly dominates D2.

    1m - I

  • -7-



    W D1

    0 R2

    SMetric of performance

    Figure 2.2-Risks R1 and 1R2 Associated with Two Weapon System Development Programsand Occurring Below the Set Standard for Performance S

    approximately, the probability of failure as defined above or to compare such estimates

    across policy alternatives. Understanding this, we can still use the approach offered in

    Figures 2.1 and 2.2 to provide a useful metaphor for thinking about decision making in

    weapon system development. Let us continue with this metaphor for a moment before

    returning to the question of how precise managers' views of risk might be.

    The density functions in Figures 2.1 and 2.2 are essentially risk assessments. Risk

    managers cannot effectively make such assessments independently of the policies they

    intend to use to manage risk. That is, they effectively view risk management as a way to

    alter the shape of the distributions shown. At any point during a development, we can think

    of the manager's subjective beliefs about the program's outcome. Such beliefs change

    through the course of a development. If the manager expects success at a certain point in

    time, he or she has adopted policies that restrict the degree of risk associated with such areas

    as R1 and R2 to an acceptably low level. Some of those policies, such as an acquisition plan,

    system specifications, contract, or test plan, can be established by the manager today. Some

    of them cannot be made explicit in advance. The manager must expect surprises, the details

    of which cannot be known and planned for in advance. Each such surprise will presumably

  • .8-

    alter the manager's risk assessmont and force a change in policy in some way to get risk

    under control again,

    Viewed in this way, risk management begins to look very much like the general

    management of a development program, And, in fact, development managers draw little

    distinction between the two. In a sense, the central task of a development program is to

    eliminate basic uncertainties about a new design so that it can be transformed into a useful

    product. Doing so takes time, introducing risks associated with the environment in which

    development occurs and in which the product will be used. Development managers are quite

    comfortable thinking about development in these terms, bringing risk management per se

    close to their core concerns in the course of a development.

    That said, risk management--or more generally, program management--for a

    development is much more complex than the simple metaphor above would suggest.

    Managers do not generally think in terms of subjective probability densities such as those

    presented above, They think more in terms of contingencies: What would happen if this

    happened? Roughly, how likely is it? What kind of trouble would it cause? What can I do

    now to mitigate that trouble? What kind of resources or staff would I want then to deal with

    it? This process of assessing risk, planning for it, and reacting to it is what we want to

    understand better in this Note. The metaphor above helps us understand that managers

    generally make such assessments by focusing on surprises that can hurt them and seeking

    ways to mitigate the effects of those surprises.


    Surprises come from many sources. They affect a development program in a variety of

    ways. And managers have a number of tools for planning for and responding to surprises.

    Sources of Risk

    Managers 'ook for surprises in two places: outside the development and within it.

    First, development takes time. W)-ile it occurs, the world outside th 3 development can

    change, precipitating surprises for a development program. Most basically, changes in the

    threat can affect either willingness to continue funding the program or the requirements se,

    for the final product. Changes in technology can affect the availability of subsystem

    capabilities relied on by the development or the need for the system under development.

    Changes in the economy can modify the cost of the development itself, that of the final

    product, or the availability .f funds to maintain the development as expected. Changes in

    the Air Force testing-and-evaluation community can affect the availability of test assets. All

    these factors are essentially beyond the manager's control. However, their effects can

  • .9-

    generally be reduced by restricting the length of a development, so that fewer opportunities

    for surprises arise over the course of the development. More likely, the manager must

    anticipate specific types of surprises and tailor individual responses to each type.

    Second, even if the world outside the development remains stable, surprises can be

    expected from within the development. Examples are development efforts that require more

    time or resources than expected to reach a particular performance improvement, and certain

    technical goals set Li the program that turn out to be infeasible. The manager has greater

    control over such factcrs. but can still not expect to eliminate such surprises.

    Program Attributes Affected by Risk

    When surprises occur, they can affect a number of program attributes. First and

    foremost, they can affect the probability that the program will survive to yield a useful

    product. Assuming successful program completion, they can aifect the resources and time

    required to complete the program; these are the "cost" and "schedule" criteria normally

    associated with development. Suprises can also affect various measures of final system.performance." Traditional measures of system performance emphasize combat capability

    and can normally be measured in a variety of ways specific to each system. Logistics-

    oriented factors such as reliability, availability, maintainability, and operating and support

    costs are increasingly considered important parts of system performance. Producibility and

    production cost for the system round out the performance factors relevant to the manager.

    As a development program is normally defined, a manager will have a hard time

    meeting his or her goals on all of the above factors. To increase the probability of program

    survival early in the program's life, the manager must make the program look attractive

    relative to alternative programs. Hence, the manager generally attempts to understate goals

    for development cost and schedule and overstate the performance goals of the system. To the

    extent that such goals are adopted as standards like those in Figures 2.1 and 2.2--that is, a

    program fails if it fails to meet all its goals-misstatement of goals actually increases the risk

    associated with a program. In most cases, however, the manager must accept such risk to

    reduce the risk of losing overall support for the program to a competing development

    program. Managers well understand this tension between the goals of program survival and

    other goals of the program; they accept it essentially as a price of entry for conducting

    development activities. In the end, however, such acceptance means that the manager

    cannot expect to meet his or her goals and must expect to make trade-offs in allocating

    shortfalls among goals.

  • -10-

    When surprises occur, the manager must again make trade-offs among goals. Some

    surprises will loosen constraints on the manager; an unexpectedly high performance outcome

    in. one area may allow the manager to reduce risk associated with performance in another

    area or to hold the line on the costs or schedule of development. Negative surprises, on the

    other hand, will lead a nanager to spread the negative effects across goals. A test failure, for

    example, may lead to a schedule slip and additional development work to achieve the initial

    performance goal at the expense of schedule and cost goals.

    How a manager makes such trade-offs should depend on the relative priorities that he

    or she places on different goals, based either on guidance from higher echelons of government

    overseeing the project or his or her own personal goals. We should expect these priorities to

    differ from one development program to another and perhaps even to change over the course

    of a developtiient. Patterns in such trade-offs are of great interest to us.

    Methods for Anticipating and Responding to Risk

    A manager can use two basic approaches to plan for or react to surprises. The first

    emphasizes formal documents and processes. The second approach emphasizes good people.

    The first approach uses the performance specifications for a new system to set the

    general level of risk for the program: more ambitious specifications are riskier. The approach

    spells out a formal acquisition plan for the development, specifying lines of authority, the

    nature of competition, or prototyping used during the development. It uses contrats and

    memoranda of understanding and agreement to balance the concerns of the Air Force and

    other parties to the development. It uses a master test plan to anticipate required testing

    assets, set sequences of events, and respond to test failures over the course of the


    Broadly viewed, a development is a test program that repeatedly tests newly

    developed systems, analyzes problems identified during test, and fixes them in preparation

    for another test. This "test-analyze-fix" or TAF, approach applies at the macro level as a

    metaphor for the program as a whole and can be applied in a more targeted, explicit way to

    deal with specifically identified problems.

    Formal risk assessment can be associated with any one of these activities. Formal risk

    assessment works best when the processes in question are well understood and good data

    5Such documents create a paper trail that developers can use to cover themselves if things gow-Tong; that is, they can prove that they did ever)hing that was required of there, We are moreinterested in the way developers use such documtents to anticipate risk and plan for it; that is. we areinterested in how a creative planning process can tailcr documents to a development program's needs,not simply fulfill regulatory requirements.

  • -11-

    exist on those processes. Hence, it is most likely to support design of selected parts of the

    test program or of warranties included in a contract. Risks associated with the development

    as a whole, as noted above, are more difficult to state in clear, quantitative terms. Formal

    risk assessment is of limited use in such a setting.6

    The presence of contracts among these tools raises an important point about risk.

    Risk can be perceived from different perspectives. For example, although a contractor is

    probably better able than the Air Force to affect surprises that arise in the day-to-day

    development of a system, the Air Force is, presumably, better able than the contractor to

    affect overall funding for a development program. Contracts can be written to shift the

    effects of surprises toward those parties best able to mitigate their effects. Hence, the

    contractor often bears much of the risk associated with unexpected cost growth during a

    development, whereas the government bears the risk associated with premature termination

    of a program. More generally, the Air Force as a whole is probably better able to bear the

    effects of surprises than is an individual contractor. Contracts can be written to shift the

    effects of surprises that cannot be mitigated to the party better able to bear such effects. In

    practice, of course, even when the Air Force as a whole can bear large negative outcomes,

    officers in a SPO concerned about their futures in the Air Force probably cannot. Hence,

    SPO managers may resist bearing risks best borne by the Air Force.

    Once a contract is negotiated, it splits the effects of many surprises so that onie party

    benefits from the surprise while the other is injured. Our approach to risk implies that one

    party need not associate any risk with a surprise that imposes a substantial risk in the other

    party. For example, under a fixed-price contract, the contractor bears the full risk of

    unexpected cost increases while the Air Force feels no effect. On the other hand, the

    contractor enjoys the full benefits of unexpectedly low costs. When costs are unexpectedly

    low, the Air Force can see such a benefit as a foregone benefit for the Air Force--that is, as a

    negative outcome. That is, although the fixed-price contract determines their costs, Air Force

    officials may view the foregone benefit as a risk worth planning against. Such a perception

    complicates our simple view above that risk is associated only with negative outcomes.

    Although formal contracts are written only between the Air Force and contractors or

    between contractors, these considerations apply to many other situations in which more than

    one party plays a role. A SPO typically has many relationships with other SPOs, test

    facilities, other parts of the Air Force, and sometimes other services. Some of these

    relationships are codified in memoranda of understanding and agreement; others rely on

    6 For a further discussion of these points, see Bodilly, Camm, and Pei, 1991.

  • -12-

    established custom. In all cases, more than one perspective on the risks associated with a

    particular surprise is possible and can affect how managers plan for and react to that


    The second basic approach to planning for and reacting to risks is quite different from

    that taken above. It relies on good people rather than on documents and procedures. At

    some level, good people are required to negotiate and prepare documents and procedures.

    The point here is that a good staff adds value beyond the planning function. In fact, a good

    staffs primary value may well lie not in planning for the future bu. in rcacting confidently

    and creatively when things go wrong.

    The importance of good people is repeatedly emphasized by development managers.

    Contractors favor coveted development programs not just with resources, but with their best

    people. The Air Force responds by allocating its best people to its highest priority

    development projects. Such practices occur in production programs as well. They take on a

    special meaning in development programs because of the nature of the risks present in those


    Although good planning can provide a framework for dealing with routine risks-risks

    encountered in the past or risks that are fairly obvious in a new program-it cannot manage

    well the totally unexpected. When the totally unexpected occurs, well-inxbrmed and timely

    discretion is required to respond to the sur.)rise. The better the staff available to do this is,

    the better is the response and the less managers must rely on the blunter rules that an

    acquisition plan or contract might incorporate to manage surprise. A well-organized,

    competent staff offers an additional benefit in the face of uncertainty. Because surprises can

    bring benefits as well as risks, the presence of a solid staff allows mar ag:rs to maintain

    greater flexibility in a program to exploit opportunities as they arise.

    The presence of parties with different points of view, of course, complicates the use of

    skilled people to respond flexibly to surprises. Each surprise offers opportunities to reopen

    an agreement made earlier to change the balance achieved earlier. Among the skills in a

    well-organized staff will typically be abilities to exploit such opportunities. However,

    exploiting surprise to renegotiate earlier agreements can damage the basic relationship

    between two parties over the long term if it happens repeatedly, ultimately leading to more

    rigid arrangements designed to discourage such exploitation, even if they stifle the flexibility

    that allows a program to benefit from pleasant surprises. Such exploitation is most likely to

    occur when the skills of two parties are not well balanced. For example, if an inexperienced

    SPO faces a contractor using a team with considerable experience working together, we can

  • * 13-

    expecd trouble downstream es surprises provide opportunities for the contractor to exploit its

    greater experience.


    Although our primary interest lies in risk assessment and risk management in

    development programs, the nature of development activities suggests that we should be

    prepared to examine a fairly broad range of management activities. This is true despite our

    narrow definition of risk as the presence of unpredictable events with negative consequences.

    Many development managers use this definition and see their task as general managers as

    one of identifying and controlling such risk over the course of a development.

    Surprises can arise outside a development program-beyond the control of those

    involved in the development-or much closer to home and closer to their control. They can

    affect the basic survival of' a program or, assuming that it survives, the cost, schedule, and

    performance associated with the program. Development managers use two different

    approaches to plan for and react to surprises. They develop documents and procedures that

    define both risk and the methods for reducing or redistributing it. These include system

    specifications, acquisition plans, contracts, memoranda of understanding and agreement, and

    test plans. And development r'anagers develop and nurture experienced, skilled staffs.

    Witltout such staffs, managers cannot respond adequately to the wide range of surprises that

    arise. With them, they can rely less on formal documents and processes and thereby

    maintain the flexibility that allows them to take advantage of new opportunities as they


    In the end, then, it is difficult to distinguish risk management from general

    management. In the following sections, we explore a broad range of management issues.

  • -14-


    In the late 1970s, the Air Force was actively changing its entire approach to the

    development of engines. A series of unsatisfactory development programs led the Air Force

    to believe that it needed more continuity in engine development to make sure that new

    developments could learn more satisfactorily lessons from the past. The Air Force also

    sought a more sophisticated approach to risk assessment that would improve its ability to

    predict sources of failures in engines and use this information to improve engine operability,

    supportability, and durability. In particular, it sought better methods to predict the behavior

    of an engine over its lifetime and use this information to extend its lifetime. To achieve

    continuity in engine development, the Air Force organized a new SPO in 1977 to oversee all

    engine system development. The Propulsion SPO became the focal point for consolidating

    and applying a rapidly growing body of new development concepts that the Air Force hoped

    would help it improve the supportability and durability of new engines.

    This is the environment in which the development programs for the Fl00-PW-220 and

    FI0-GE-100 engines began. Among the first Air Force engines to benefit from this new

    approach, they began development too soon to benefit from the full application of the new

    concepts, but they offer a good example of initial applications that helped shape the Air

    Force's continuing effort to improve its engine development methods. This section opens

    with a brief discussion of the way the Propulsion SPO thinks about risk, risk assessment,

    and risk management, and how its approach to risk management affects the broader

    management of engine development. It then gives a brief overview of the development

    concepts the Air Force and its contractors were instituting in the late 1970s to help assess

    and manage risk, paying special attention to the accelerated mission test, the four-step

    development process, and the Engine Structural Integrity Program (ENSIP). Sections 4 and

    5 say more about the effects of these new methods on the FI00-PW-220 and F110-GE.100



    The management of engine development is risk management. This is the

    overwhelming consensus of managers in the Propulsion SPO and engine contractors. System

    development by its very nature involves the systematic identification, reduction, and

    management of risks. And as complex, technologically sophisticated systems whose

    performance is critical to personnel safety, the survivability of other Air Force systems in an


  • - 15-

    airframe, and mission success, engines present an array of development risks that has forced

    engine developers to learn to assess and manage such risk. As important as this

    technological risk is, it must be understood in a broader context. To create and maintain

    support for an engine development process, the Air Force and its contractors must al.o

    manage a broad range of political and funding risks. The Propulsion SPO was created in

    part to enable the Air Force to better understand and manage these risks in engine

    development. It is proud of the success it has had in doing so and, in particular, of the

    ruccess it had in managing the F100.PW-220 and F110-GE-100 developments early in its


    Two kinds of risk management are important in engine system development-

    planning for future surprises and managing surprises that actually occur. Planning for the

    future considers surprises that can occur throughout an engine's life cycle:

    " design

    " manufacture

    " operation

    * maintenance-

    The Propulsion SPO focuses on the first two stages but influences the others through the

    pilot's handbook, logistics planning, and other products that it manages as part of the

    development process.1

    Planning during the design stage seeks a low-risk design and then seeks a

    management plan that minimizes the risk of the activities required to transform the design

    into a final configuration ready for production. Actual development uses a pragmatic test-

    analyze-fix process that iteratively tests a particular engine configuration, analyzes failures

    in that configuration, and posits solutions to be tested in a revised configuration. This

    process continues until the configuration stabilizes, as it ultimately must for the

    development process to succeed.

    Planning during the manufacturing stage "perfects" the final product design by

    identifying variabilities in the actual materials used in manufacturing, the skills of

    manufacturing labor, and the engineering drawings used to specify the manufacturing design

    of parts. Such variabilities can all lead to quality assurance problems. Once it identifies

    iDevelopers of other kinds of systems would obviously face similar types of general risk-management concerns. How they dealt %ith them, however, would depend on the specific problemsfaced in a particular development.

  • -16-

    these variabilities, the Propulsion SPO and its contractors must manage them. Management

    of such manufacturing-related risks has changed substantially over the last ten years:

    * Manufacturing has become more integrated with design, in part because

    problems with affordability and safety discovered in the 1970s could only be

    addressed by solving manufacturing problems.

    * Technology allows better analysis and quality assurance-for example, the

    Propulsion SPO can now x-ray new turbine blades before accepting them.

    * Despite contractor resistance, the Propulsion SPO uses structured manufacturing

    reviews to monitor what manufacturers have done.

    In such planning, developers must weigh these technical risks against other risks. The most

    important risks are associated with initiating and maintaining general support for a

    development program. The continuing competition for funds can easily lead developers to

    overpromise in terms of final system performance or the cost or schedule of development.

    Over-optimistic promises increase the risks of conducting a development by forcing the

    developer to run fewer tests, take less time, or work against less realistic performance goals

    than would a development concerned only with technical risk. Many managers agree that

    the principles for controlling risk in a development are well understood and not

    controversial--current DoD documents state them clearly. But they are difficult to apply in

    the broader environment that sets the requirements for and funds system developments.

    When a surprise occurs, the Propulsion SPO must first manage the particular event

    itself, then figure out its implications for the fleet, and finally act. Determining implications

    for the fleet is not a serious concern during development, because there is little at risk. The

    key goal here, however, is not to allow a failure or an error corrected in une development

    program to reoccur in another. That principle calls for some coordination across development

    programs, even if it does not have as high a priority as monitoring effects important to the

    fleet as a whole.

    The Propulsion SPO and its contractors believe that two general factors have given

    them an exceptional capability in risk assessment and management:

    Failure in an engine can have catastrophic consequences, for the pilot and for

    other subsystems on the aircraft. Knowing this has made engine developeri well

    attuned to the need fir careful iisk assessment and has led them to adopt new

    techniques as they have become available.

    L M,_,_ amn 1'

  • - 17 -

    The Air Force is now working with the fifth generation of military engines. That

    experience has allowed the Propulsion SPO and its contractors to accumulate a

    great deal of practical knowledge about potential failures and methods of dealing

    with them. They have a substantial technical base to build on and experienced

    personnel to exploit it. When the Air Force and its contractors face new

    uncertainties, they have established methods for dealing with those uncertainties

    and experienced personnel familiar with these methods.

    The Air Force and its contractors had less experience when they developed the F110-GE-100

    and FI00-PW-220. But they were attuned to the problem of risk assessment and working

    hard during those developments to apply what they knew. The remainder of this section

    addresses a set of formal concepts and methods that they were refining during the

    developments. These formal methods played an important part in assessing and managing

    the technical risks faced by the Air Force and its contractors during the two developments.

    But engine developers all stress that risk management involves substantially more

    than formal methods. By its very nature, risk deals with unpredictable circumstances,

    circumstances that do not comfortably fit in any preconceived and well-defined, formal

    framework. In the end, the mosc important risk management occurs in the judgments of

    experienced development managers. One of the most important legacies of the developments

    we examine here has been their contribution to the education of a set of managers, many of

    whom have worked together in the Propulsion SPO for over a decade. They have been able to

    carry their accumulated experience in managing risk from one engine development to the

    next. We should not lose sight of the fact that the management of system development is

    risk management as we rev iew important but narrower improvements in techniques of

    technical risk assessment and management. We review in turn the accelerated mission test,

    the four-step engine development process, and the engine structural integrity program



    The accelerated mission test (MIT) runs a ground-test engine for hundreds or

    thousands of hours to simulate the stresses it would experience in flight over the course of an

    actual lifetime in a military aircraft. Now used routinely in engine development, the AMT

    marked a dramatic departure from earlier development practices in the 1970s. 2

    2We did not have time to contrast these changes with those occurring in commercial enginedevelopment during the same period. Although the major engine developers build both commercial and

  • - 18-

    in engine development in the 1960s and early 1970s, little attention was given to the

    specific way an engine would be used in an aircraft. Emphasized instead were performance

    characteristics, such as thrust, rather than the durability of engines or factors that would

    affect their long-term operating and support costs. In fact, the Air Force had great difficulty

    predicting the durability, operability, or supportability of new engines under development.

    During that period, the Air Force used a 50-hr preliminary flight rating test (FFRT) to

    qualify engines for flight test and a 150-hr military or mission qualification test (MQT) to

    qualify them for production. Such evaluations had two basic problems.

    First, such short tests, even if configured to reflect the type of activity expected when

    the engine flew in an operational aircraft, could not simulate the stress that the engine

    would experience over its full lifetime-its period in service between depot overhauls. They

    would not even help the designer determine what that lifetime would be, for the engine or

    critical constituent parts of it. The tests considered only high-power, high-temperature

    conditions and sought to identify (and hence allow designers to eliminate) high-cycle fatigue

    failure modes. They could not identify low-cycle fatigue failure modes driven by extended use

    in the field.

    Second, the tests did not accurately reflect the types Gf missions anticipated for an

    engine during its operation. As a result, even if the tests had been extended to allow

    exploration of low-cycle-fatigue failure modes, they would not stress the engine parts as they

    would be stressed over their lifetimes during operation. That is, the tests could not identify

    the specific failure modes likely to occur during operation and hence the designs and

    maintenance practices required to ameliorate and manage those failure modes.

    The AMT overcame both problems by simulating the full, expected life of the engine.

    Simulation begins with a "duty cycle" that describes as accurately as possible the engine's

    expected pattern of operational usage over a composite mission, The duty-cycle analysis

    begins by identifying missions and identifying the types and durations of all engine.

    damaging events associated with each mission. For example, air-to-air, air-to-ground, and

    navigation missions each generate predictable patterns of speed, altitude, and engine throttle

    setting. As the importance of these patterns became clear in the 1970s, the Air Force began

    a systematic collection of data on patterns experienced in actual flight operations. These

    data can be translated into specific series of throttle-dwell times at idle, cruise, intermediate,

    military engines and General Electric in particular has attempted to use similar engines in bothmarkets, the innovations described below respond to distinctly military problems associated with thehigh stress placed on a high-performance fighter engine.

  • -19-

    and max afterburner speeds, as well as afterburner lights. A duty cycle is simply a composite

    of these series. Figure 3.1 provides an example.

    Repeating this cycle to reflect the total number 3f these composite missions in the

    engine's lifetime then generates the engine's complete usage profile. The developer

    compresses this profile by removing non-damaging steady-state cruise time and retaining

    damaging cycles and hot time. He adds service activities, including scheduled and on-

    condition maintenance, that would occur in the field. The final product is a simulation of the

    engine's lifetime.

    The AMT runs an engine through this simulation, stopping to replace damaged parts

    and periodically to inspect the condition of the core or the engine as a whole. When the AMT

    is completed, the engine and its components have effectively experienced a full lifetime of

    flight stress. Such a test allows developers to assess the accuracy of their predictions for

    specific components, judge the actual durability of those components, and design and test

    alternative component designs and maintenance plans to sustain flight safety and engine

    durability. Designers in fact expect different engine parts to have different lifetimes. An

    AMT can be performed for each part of the engine to reflect the lifetime expected. For

    AMT eliminates nondamaging testing ... Up"


    Mil Full mission'U (typical)

    Part -

    Power I

    Idle .L

    Max ... but retains damaging cycles and hot time

    Mil - AMT

    Part -


    Idle0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

    Time (hr)SOURCE: Radloff. 1985.

    Figure 3.1-Illustrative Engine Duty Cycle

  • - 20.

    example, the engines we examine achieved a 4,000-cycle life in their hot sections-

    components exposed to the hot gases from the combustor-and an 8,000-cycle life in their

    cold sections-the remaining components.3

    Engine testing is costly and time-consuming. But, without empirical tests, analytic

    methods of predicting the effects of stress on engine structure are not good enough to rely on.

    The compression used in the AMT is designed to reduce the cost and time associated with

    such testing so that the AMT can be used iteratively in a design effort that repeatedly tests

    components or maintenance concepts and then introduces potentiai improvements for further

    testing. The Air Force and its contractors developed and refined this technique in the 1970s

    on the F100, TF34, TF41, and F101. Using AMT to allow design improvements early in the

    life of the TF34, for example, significantly cut Component Improvement Program (CIP)

    expenditures for major design upgrades relative to those on the TF41. 4 The A±MT had

    become a standard part of the development process by initiation of the programs we are



    During the 1960s and early 1970s, the Air Force used a two-step development process

    in full-scale development based on the PFRT and MQT. An engine was first qualified for

    flight testing and then qualified for production. By the late 1970s, the Air Force had moved

    to a four-step process that was more a conceptual framework for structuring a full-scale

    development than a formal regulatory structure that had to be obeyed in each development.5

    Table 3.1 matches the steps of this process to steps in the development process for an

    airframe and to steps in the earlier engine development process.

    Roughly speaking. the first step, initial flight release (IFR), emphasized flight safety

    so that developers could fly the aircraft enough to learn about the engine. Flight was

    expected to occur only in a restricted portion of the ultimate flight envelope. This step, which

    3Hot sections contain the turbine vanes, blades, and combustor. Cold sections contain all otherparts, including the shafts and disks in the turbines.

    4The Air Force maintains a CIP for e-ch engine in the fleet to continue development activitiesafter the engines are fielded. The CIP allovs the Air Force to respond to problems identified duringoperation and to improve aspects of engines' maintainability, durability, and supportability. Thesubsections below discuss CIP in more detail.

    ,Air Force Regulation 800-30 currently implements this four-step process. It was not in placeduring the developments that we examine here.

  • -21-

    Table 3.1

    Basic Full-Scale-Development (FSD) Milestones in Airframe and Engine Development

    Airframe 1960s11970s Engine Doctrine Four-Step Engine Doctrine

    Preflight Preliminary flight rating test Initial flight release (IFR)demonstration (PFRT)

    Initial flight Full flight release (FFR)demonstration

    Full fligh Military qualification Lest (MQT) Initial service release (ISR)demonstration

    Final operational Operational capability releasedemonstration (OCR)

    SOURCES: U.S. Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division Deputy for Propulsion, 1982, chart 42;RAdloff. 1985, charts 26-28-

    used an AMT about twice as long as the flight test program, just to be safe, corresponded to

    the old PFRT but was much more demanding.

    Full flight release (FFR) emphasized performance and operability and opened the way

    for a full exploration of the flight envelope. It also used an AMT about one-eighth to one-

    quarter the fuil expected engine life. Using such an AMT at this point reflected less the

    safety requirements to explore the flight envelope than an expectation that engine durability

    would improve in tandem with other aspects of the engine during its development.

    Durability was expected to reach one-eighth to one-quarter expected engine life by the time

    FFR was approved.

    Initial service release (ISR) prepared the engine for low-rate productic, ind used an

    AMT of about half the expected engine life. It corresponds in many ways to the old MQT and

    essentially covered all the ground that the old test covered. The AMT applied, of course, was

    much more demanding. Another important difference is the relation of this step to the

    production decision. Because the old MQT cleared the way for full-rate production, long-lead

    production decisions had to be made well in advance of this milestone. Under the four-step

    process, long-lead production decisions occurred only after ISR, significantly reducing the

    concurrency between development and production present in the older system.

    Operational capability release (OCR) prepared the engine for full-rate production and

    used an AMT for full expected engine life. The new approach essentially added this step to

    the process to reflect the Air Force's new interest in durability. To get from ISR to OCR, an

    engine essentially had to achieve supportability and durability goals that had