Quotes for presentations

“Change is the essential process of all existence.” - Mr. Spock “Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011


#APG Portugal. "Quotes for presentations" - because every presentation should start (or end) with one quote.

Transcript of Quotes for presentations

Page 1: Quotes for presentations

“Change is the essential process of all existence.” - Mr. Spock

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 2: Quotes for presentations

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.” - Frank Zappa

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 3: Quotes for presentations

“80 percent of success is just showing up .” - Woody Allen

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 4: Quotes for presentations

“Revolution starts with language.” - Kevin Roberts

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 5: Quotes for presentations

“There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.”- Winston Churchill

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 6: Quotes for presentations

“Ideas are like toothbrushes, everybody wants one, everybody needs one but nobody wants to use anybody's elses. ”- The Toothbrush Theory

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 7: Quotes for presentations

“Don't tell me you need a bridge, show me the canyon!”- Giuseppe Delena

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 8: Quotes for presentations

“Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up everytime.”- Alfred Hitchcock

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 9: Quotes for presentations

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.”- Albert Einstein

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 10: Quotes for presentations

“We can’t let the terrorists stop us from shopping.” - George W. Bush

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 11: Quotes for presentations

“If you want the rainbow, you got to take the rain too.” - Dolly Parton

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 12: Quotes for presentations

“Vision without execution is hallucination.” - Thomas Edison

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 13: Quotes for presentations

“In good times, people want to advertise; In bad times they have to." - Bruce Barton

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 14: Quotes for presentations

“The customer never buys what you think you sell.”- Peter Drucker

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 15: Quotes for presentations

“Reality is almost always wrong.” - Dr. House

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 16: Quotes for presentations

“Everybody’s got a strategy until they get hit.”- Mike Tyson

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011

Page 17: Quotes for presentations

“The future ain't what it used to be.” - Yogi Berra

“Quotes for Presentations” / APG Portugal Q4 2011