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Chapter 71. A clinically depressed individual who has been threatening suicide finally shows diminishing of depressive symptoms, including increased mood. This person's risk of committing suicide: may have increased, since the person may have the energy to act on the suicidal impulse and has found a method of relieving their psychological pain.2. A person who sees life in right or wrong all or none terms is engaging in: dichotomous thinking.3. Biological researchers have found a link between suicide and: low levels of serotonin.4. In research on the relationship between serotonin and suicide, low serotonin seems most related to increasing: Aggression 5. People who are suicidal are likely to: be hopeless, experience low self-esteem, and be angry6. Suicide is the _____ leading cause of death in the U.S. 10th7. The age group most likely to commit suicide in the United States is: the elderly8. The explanation of suicide as due to loss of loved ones and self-directed aggression is consistent with which theoretical perspective? Psychodynamic9. The finding that more than 90% of adolescents who attempt suicide know someone else who has attempted it provides a case for what process in suicidal actions? Modeling10. What is a parasuicide? A failed attempt to commit suicide11. What is the cause of death in the majority of male suicides? Use of firearms 12. Which of the following does not make one at higher risk for suicide? Learning about suicide in abnormal psychology.13. Which of the following is a contributing factor to elder suicide? Loss of loved ones, Debilitating Illnesses, Loss of control/autonomy14. Which of the following professions have been found to have high suicide rates? 15. Which of the following statements isnot true regarding gender and suicide? Women succeed at committing suicide more often than men.16. Women succeed at committing suicide more often than men. Native Americans have the highest suicide rate of any racial group in the United States17. Suicide is the ______ leading cause of death among college students. 2nd18. Which of the following is a sign (a predictor) of suicide? Talking about suicide, giving away possession, a previous suicide attempt19. Which category of psychological disorders is NOT related to suicide? 20. Approximately what percentage of 9th and 10th grade girls seriously contemplate suicide? 25

Chapter 81. A 35-year-old woman hobbles into the office of a physician complaining of a debilitating illness that has robbed her of the use of her left leg and right arm. The physician finds no physical basis for her symptoms. She appears totally unaware that the cause of her symptoms may be psychological. The diagnosis would be: conversion disorder.2. According to the psychodynamic view, conversion disorder symptoms function to keep unacceptable thoughts and conflicts out of consciousness. This is called: Primary gain3. Barbara was hurt her hand on the job. After receiving treatment, shw was cleared to go back to work. However, she says that she still feels significant pain in her hand and cannot work. Assuming that she is not malingering, her diagnosis should be: somatic symptom disorder, pain pattern.4. If a man's behavior elicited kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute, he would be receiving ______ gains from his behavior. Secondary 5. Jane is constantly worried that she will get a serious medical illness, and often interprets normal bodily changes as life threatening, and checks her body daily for signs of illness. She goes to various doctors for years to get cured because they do not confirm her worst fears. Jane should be diagnosed with: illness anxiety disorder.6. Madeline appeared at the clinic complaining of pain in her knee, shoulder, and abdomen, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, and exhaustion. The patient history revealed that she had been going to clinics for years trying to get treatment for these complaints and a host of other physical symptoms. The diagnostic consensus was that Madeline suffered from: somatic symptom disorder7. Munchausen syndrome is a: Factitious disorder8. People who are consistently angry, impatient, competitive, driven, and ambitious are displaying a ______ and are at greater risk for heart disease. Type A personality9. Researchers have found a link between Type A personality and: coronary heart disease10. Research using the Social Readjustment Rating Scale indicates that: the greater the life stress, the greater the chance of illness11. Which of the following is a MAIN characteristic of an individual with Munchausen syndrome by proxy? Emotionally needy12. Which of the following would lead you to suspect a conversion disorder rather than medical symptoms? Uniform and even numbness in the damaged hand13. The greatest life change on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale is: Death of a spouse.14. All of the following are considered traditional psychophysiological disorders EXCEPT: Cancer15. Obesity and lack of exercise have been linked MOST closely to which of the following psychophysiological disorders? Coronary heart disease16. The generic term for the white blood cells that react to foreign invaders in the body is: Lymphocytes17. Which of the following BEST illustrates the interaction of psychosocial and physical factors in the development of a medical condition? Hypertension caused by obesity and constant stressChapter 9 1. Anorexic individuals often show which of the following personality chracteristics? obsessions2. A patient in therapy who eats exactly eight pieces of bread that he or she has carefully made into balls of equal diameter is displaying a symptom of anorexia nervosa related to: obsessive-compulsive disorder3. A woman who suffers from very low self-esteem desires to be accepted and loose weight, so she fasts. She then eats cookies, cake, ice cream, and almost anything else that is sweet. At some point during her binge, she takes a huge dose of a laxative, so she will empty out the food. She more or less maintains a normal body weight for her height. Her taking the laxative, and the assumptions underlying why she does it, would lead to a diagnosis of: purging-type bulimia nervosa4. Bulimia is always characterized by: uncontrollable overeating5. Characteristics of anorexia nervosa include all the following EXCEPT: a view that one is currently unattractively thin.6. If a person says, I must be perfect in every way. I will be a better person if I deprive myself of food, that person is engaging in: distorted thinking7. If one found that the average weight and size of cheerleaders had declined significantly over the years, and that those who aspired to be cheerleaders had a high level of eating disorders, that would be evidence for ______ causes of eating disorders. Societal8. People who binge: generally consume about 10,000 calories during a binge9. Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in: Compensatory behaviors10. What is the MOST likely explanation for the different explanations of eating disorders in men and women? Male eating disorders are more likely to be tied to work or sports.11. Which is NOT a commoncognitive disturbance in anorexia nervosa? A distortedview of others12. Which of the following is a medical condition MORE common in bulimia than anorexia? Dental problems13. Which of the following is NOT true about anorexia nervosa? About 25 percent of people who experience anorexia nervosa are men.14. Which of the following problems is common in anorexia nervosa? Amenorrhea15. Which of the following statements BEST describes the effects of compensatory behaviors bulimics use in controlling weight? Repeated vomiting affects one's ability to feel satiated.16. Why is bulimia nervosa such a concern on college campuses? Female college students are at high risk for developing bulimia.17. Which of the following is NOT true of binge eating disorder? Binge eating usually starts after fasting18. One cause of the gender difference in bulimia is the unrealistic cultural standards for thinness in western cultures. True19. Which is (are) true regarding the biological evidence for causes of eating disorders? The concordance rates for those with eating disorders are higher for identical twins than fraternal twins, The hypothalamus of those with eating disorders can be abnormal, It is caused by low serotonin levels.Chapter 101. After an accident, Kendra was taken to the hospital with broken legs and arms. She was almost immediately given a shot that reduced her pain. The shot was MOST likely: Morphine2. A heroin overdose is likely to occur when: one has been without heroin for a period of time and takes one's usual dose.3. All the opioid drugs are known collectively as: narcotics4. An EMT has to be especially aware of people abusing cocaine, because even young people are at risk for all of the following EXCEPT: asthmatic attacks5. A person has ingested enough ethyl alcohol to lose consciousness, but not enough to produce death. The MOST probable alcohol concentration in that person, expressed as a percent of blood volume, is: .406. A person took a drug an hour or two ago. Now the person sits alone, quietly and intensely listening to the sap running in a tree, whose leaves appear a brilliant purple to the drug user. MOST likely, the person has recently used: LSD7. Benzodiazepines primarily affect the neurotransmitter: GABA8. During his first night in the detoxification unit, Quent developed what seemed like a case of the flu. He ached all over and had diarrhea. He was probably withdrawing from: Heroin9. If a physician wanted to relieve anxiety with a LESSER risk of drowsiness, overdose, and slowed breathing, the physician would prescribe: Benzodiazepines10. Lola's physician prescribed diet pills. Which of the following drugs are they MOST likely to have contained? Amphetamines11. Mario felt awake and alive as though he could conquer the world. He MOST likely used: Cocaine12. Of the following, which has the LOWEST risk/risks for drug dependency and long-term behavioral change? Cannabis13. Research indicates that the MOST important neurotransmitter in the pleasure pathway of the brain is likely to be: Dopamine14. The blood-alcohol level that typically produces the symptoms of intoxication is ______ of the blood volume. .09 %15. The drug which, when misused, would MOST quickly result in dependence or addiction would be: Opium16. The pleasant feeling called a high produced by using a narcotic is due to: The drug attaching to sites normally receptive to endorphins.17. Which of the following is a depressant? Opioids18. While under the influence of LSD, Matilda believes that she can feel the sounds around her. This effect is known as: Synesthesia19. Why is the risk of transmitting AIDS an important factor for heroin users? Because heroin users often share needles infected with the AIDS virus20. Women tolerate alcohol LESS well than men because: They have less of a stomach enzyme that breaks down alcohol.Chapter 121. According to the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia: people with a biological predisposition for schizophrenia will develop it if certain psychosocial stressors are also present2. A person is socially withdrawn, speaks in odd ways, has strange ideas, and expresses little emotion, but is not displaying full-blown schizophrenic symptoms. What phase of schizophrenia is this person in? Prodromal 3. A person with schizophrenia who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people see as warm and tender is experiencing: Inappropriate affect4. A person with schizophrenia who said, It's cold today. My cold is better but I got it from the nurse. She is a big blonde who lives in Manhattan. I live in Manhattan with Jimmy Carter, is experiencing: Loose associations.5. David Rosenhan (1973) sent eight normal people to various psychiatric hospitals. All eight complained of hearing voices that said empty, hollow, and thud. After being admitted to one of the hospitals, each person acted normally, yet all were diagnosed as schizophrenic, and normal behaviors were perceived by the staff as being consistent with schizophrenia. One of the conclusions from this study is that: The expectations produced by labeling can alter perception6. Delia does not display all the full-blown schizophrenia symptoms any more. Occasionally, a shadow of a symptom appears. She is a bit withdrawn and not entirely clear all the time, but she can marginally function in the world. This is an example of: Residual schizophrenia7. Delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, heightened perceptions and hallucinations, and inappropriate affect are examples of ______ symptoms of schizophrenia. Positive8. Does research support the thinking that there is a schizophrenia gene? No: schizophrenia is probably a polygenic disorder, and researchers have not pinpointed the exact gene yet.9. Families that display high levels of expressed emotion do all of the following EXCEPT: approve of one another's actions10. I am the Virgin Mary and I've come to give birth to a new savior, says someone who is MOST likely experiencing: delusions of grandeur11. If a relative has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, the chances of being diagnosed with schizophrenia greatly increase. This is evidence that supports the _____model. Biological12. If one could only use a single treatment for schizophrenia and wanted the MOST effective treatment, one should choose: antipsychotic drugs13. If you were working with a patient who displayed muscle tremors and rigidity, facial tics, and tardive dyskinesia, you would suspect that the person was receiving: antipsychotic drugs14. Patients are MORE likely to recover from schizophrenia if they: demonstrated good premorbid functioning.15. Poverty of speech, restricted and flat affect, loss of volition (motivation), and social withdrawal, are examples of ______ symptoms of schizophrenia. Negative 16. Regarding brain structure, those with schizophrenia have been found to have all of the following EXCEPT: larger amounts of cortical gray matter.17. Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a: Lower socioeconomic level18. The MOST common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is: Auditory19. The most consistent brain abnormality that researchers have found in people with schizophrenia is enlargement of the: Ventricles20. What is the MOST accurate advice you could give someone thinking about taking traditional antipsychotic medication for their schizophrenia? Although these drugs will probably work, there are significant side effects.21. What is the rate of concordance for schizophrenia in identical twins? 4050%22. Why do some therapists believe psychotherapy is unsuccessful in treating schizophrenia? Unmedicated schizophrenics are too far removed from reality to form the relationship needed for treatment.23. A hallucination is: a false sensory experience with no basis in reality.24. A person who is exhibiting disorganized thoughts, flat affect, odd behaviors, hallucinations, and other psychotic symptoms, but also experiences either severe manic or depressive symptoms for greater than one month, would be diagnosed with: Schizoaffective disorder25. What is the percentage of schizophrenic patients who commit suicide? 10

Chapter 131. According to psychodynamic theorists, an important factor in the development of avoidant personality disorder is: Early experiences of shame.2. An individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is emotionally unstable, impulsive, and reckless. This person's diagnosis is likely to be which of the following personality disorders? Borderline3. A person who has an excessive need to be taken care of and is clingy is MOST likely to qualify for a diagnosis of: Dependent personality disorder4. As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of magical predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which of the following broad categories of personality disorders? Odd5. Avoidant personality disorder seems MOST closely related to: Social anxiety disorder6. Be loyal to your family was what the child heard all the time, along with, You shouldn't and can't do it on your own, so don't even try. A behaviorist would say this kind of upbringing would be MOST likely to produce which of the personality disorders in the child, when he or she reached adulthood? Dependent7. Cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 18 is a characteristic of which personality disorder? Antisocial personality disorder8. I am the greatest! a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Had he in fact acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the most appropriate diagnosis would be: Narcissistic personality disorder9. If you wanted to write a book about a fictional character who is a typical example of antisocial personality disorder, you might have the character exhibit all of the following EXCEPT: Periods of very high anxiety10. One reason that the personality disorders are difficult to treat is that the afflicted individuals: are frequently unaware that they have a problem11. Personality disorders are categorized into three main clusters that include all of the following EXCEPT: Schizophrenic12. The MOST important similarity among the personality disorders listed in the text is that: They are inflexible, maladaptive, and related to impaired functioning or distress.13. The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been: Unaccepting14. Wanda does all kinds of emotion seeking behaviors so she can be the center of attention. She is quite excitable and dramatic, as if everything she experiences is a crisis. Wanda should be diagnosed with____ personality disorder. Histrionic

15. Which of the following is NOT a biological cause of antisocial personality disorder? High levels of anxiety and physiological arousal

16. The central feature of dependent personality disorder is: Excessive fear of separation or abandonment17. The self-esteem of people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder is said to be: consciously high but unconsciously low, unstable and grandiose