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The Quill    

Manifesting Creativity                 

 A Student Magazine 




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From The Desk of Magazine Mentors    

We are very happy to bring second issue of The Quill. CHARUSAT students’ enthusiasm for writing and reading has made this possible. We have also opened a new column for teachers. We welcome articles on diverse subjects from CHARUSAT faculty members.



We would also like to thank CHARUSAT family and congratulate students for this second issue   

Happy Reading !!         

‐ Dr. Venu Mehta, Assistant Professor  

‐  Bhaskar Pandya, Head  

Department of Communication Skills  



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From the Editor‐In‐Chief’s Desk  Every successful venture was born as an idea. This was the intent that has nurtured ‘The Quill’ all the way 

from  its  inception through the release of  its  inaugural  issue being published and today we stand here to 

present yet another  issue and yet  the  intent has not changed; to make  ‘The Quill’ a success  in terms of 

fostering and manifesting the Campus Creativity.  

If the students are the Life of the Campus, the teachers are the Soul of the Campus and form an  integral 

part and in fact the very foundation of the Campus. Starting with this issue we also invite the academicia 

of the campus, to enlighten us with their experiences and tutelage. It gives us great pleasure and delight 

to unveil a new component of  the magazine, “Teacher’s Diary”! We also commend and  appreciate  the 

initiative  taken  by  Vimal ma’am  from  the  Faculty  of Nursing who was  kind  and motivating  enough  to 

provide us with the first entry of the “Teacher’s Diary”. We welcome all the Teachers aboard and  invite 

them to furnish us with their valuable contribution.  

This  issue  of  ‘The  Quill’  brings  to  you  the  mood  of  the  campus  with  all  their  thought  and  views 

encompassed and portrayed via all the poems, articles and miscellaneous other elements that constitute 

the issue. The issue is based upon the theme of ‘Cartoons’. The first thought that crosses the mind at the 

mere mention of ‘Cartoons’ is juvenile. But dismiss your presumptions and prejudices and you would look 

at  it as a something much more eloquent and articulate  than any other medium of expression.  I  invite 

you all to take a ride through the thick and thin of ‘Cartoons’ that we have amassed with the contents of 

this issue.  

‘The  Quill’  grows  to  transfigure  and  evolve  not  only  in  terms  of  its  readership with more  and more 

students  reaching out  to us and contributing  to  it, but also  in  terms of  its organization. The Managing 

Body of  ‘The Quill’ has morphed  in  terms of structure  to become  further  robust  in  its  functioning.  ‘The 

Quill’ was never a One man’s show and  it now officially unveils a structure based upon  three pillars.  In 

addition to the ‘Editor‐In‐Chief’, “The Quill” would now rest upon two more pillars,  ‘Chief of Operations’ 

and   ‘Talent   Acquisition   Officer’,   with   the   former   looking   into   the   smooth   management   and 

administration of  the Managing Body and  the  latter entrusted with  the  responsibility of  inducing  fresh 

talent into the Managing Body to replace the students moving on to become Alumni.  

Having  said  this,  I  hang my  boots  and  pass  on  the  baton  to  Bhargav Maniar  as my  successor  to  the 

position  of  ‘Editor‐in‐Chief’.  I  also  entrust  Umang  Jani  and  Nisarg  shah  to  hold  fort  as  the  ‘Chief  of 

Operations’ and  ‘Talent Acquisition Officer’ respectively.  I wish my Team good  luck and  thank everyone 

for allowing me to be a part of the Managing Body.  

I wish you a Happy Reading!       

Pratik Potdar Editor‐in‐Chief 


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Know Thy Almamater         



CHARUSAT Hospital along with CHARUSAT have come together to take care of all CHARUSATIANS (Staff as well as Students) to provide Healthcare services. Since Existence of CHARUSAT, it has taken the responsibility of Student and Staff Healthcare by establishing CHAROTAR MEDICARE CENTER. Believing that “Prevention is better than Cure”, an initiative to carry out Health Check-up of Students as well as Staff was started by CHAROTAR MEDICARE CENTER which is now being carried out by CHARUSAT Hospital.



Charusat has taken the noteworthy initiative for the benefit of CHARUSATIANS. Health check-up is not only related to physical Health Check-up but also all the Laboratory test are done by CHARSUAT Hospital for CHARUSAT Students and Staff.



CHARUSATIANS have the privilege of Healthcare services since “Prevention is better than Cure”. CHARUSATIANS are proud to have such a caring Founding body. The outpatient department provides service in Specialities like Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Diabetes Care, Dermatology, Neurology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, and General Clinic. CHARUSAT HOSPITAL has also added Dental Implant and Orthodontic services as well as CHARUSAT Optical.



*Input by Dr. Uma Patel, CHRF. 


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Sneak a Peek!  

Sr. No. 

Content    Page number 



1  Magazine Mentor’s Message  ii  

2  From the Editor‐In‐Chief’s Desk  iii  

3  Know Thy Almamater  iv  

4  Editorial  1  

5  From  a Teacher’s Dairy  3  

6  Food For Thought  6‐7  

‐  Life is Precious  

‐  Solution Of Life  

‐  A mountain stone  

7  The 70 MM  8  

8  Travelogue  9  

9  Eureka  11‐16  

‐  Upstream Sector‐ Indian Oil & Gas Scenario 

‐  Nursing  

‐  Science & Technology Updates  

10  Buying Ink by the Barrel  17‐23  

‐  Poems  

‐  Articles  

11  Script Under Scrutiny  25  

12  Incredible India  26  

13  Apnu Gujarat  28  

14  LOLZ  30  

15  Reflection  31 

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Cartoons – A timeless Delight!  

Pratik Potdar (CSPIT)

 Cartoons and the emotions associated with them have always been ingrained deep in our psyches ever since childhood. We all felt our temper rise watching Jerry being harassed by Tom, or felt Dexter’s anguish when Dee Dee would go on a vandalizing spree in his lab, pumped fist watching Swat Cats saving the day, bit nails when Alladin bolted from another tight spot, stared dumbstruck with awe as Batman emerges out of the shadows, rejoiced as ‘Ash’ managed to acquire a new Pokemon, had a Gala time with The Simpsons, and adored Sponge-Bob Square Pants, Goofy, Donald, Mickey and Popeye.


Some would shrug and say we’ve grown up now but you still enjoy setting the ‘Popeye’ ringtone and anticipate your phone to ring aloud during lectures to create mayhem. We still can’t get enough of Angry Bird merchandise. Superman Tees, bandanas, and boxers are still a key-item on our shopping lists. We yearn for the next animated film to hit the cinemas. Many would make it a point to have a look at Garfield, Bailey, Wizard of Id, Dennis the Menace Comic Strips in the newspapers daily. So, there are all these and several other ways in which we interact closely with Cartoons on a daily basis. Ever wonder about what cartoons reallyand how they came to be?


A cartoon is a two dimensional form of an illustrated visual art, depicting partial reality or a figment of imagination, projected with an intent to ridicule, mock or parody an entity . Basically, it is a form of satire, caricature or a humorous depiction. The first cartoons depicted the preparatory drawing piece for a piece of art such as a fresco, tapestry, or stained glass window. In the 19th century, it came to refer to humorous illustrations in magazines and newspapers, and in the early 20th century and onward it referred to comic strips and animated films.


Albeit, cartoons are known the most for its animated form and the comic strip form, but with the evolution in Technology in popular media, forms such as 3-D Animation films and Social networking media such as memes and trolls have added a new dimension to cartoons.


Caricature, the early form of cartoons as a Western discipline goes back to Leonardo da Vinci's artistic explorations of "the ideal type of deformity"-- the grotesque-- which he used to better understand the concept of ideal beauty. Over time the principles of form established in part by Leonardo had become so ingrained into the method of portraiture that artists like Agostino and Annibale Carracci rebelled against them. Intended to be light-hearted satires, their caricatures were, in essence, "counter-art".


Benjamin Franklin's "Join or Die", which depicts a snake whose severed parts represent the Colonies, was acknowledged as the first political cartoon in America. The image had an explicitly political purpose from the start, as Franklin used it in support of his plan for an inter - colonial association to deal with the Iroquois at the Albany Congress of 1754. Franklin's snake is significant in the development of cartooning because the same way that Biblical stories are an element of shared culture, "Join or Die" became a symbol to which all Americans could respond and it forged connection between drawing and political ideas in American Imagination.



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The association of cartoon with politics has not only been visualized by the Western countries but has also been seen in India. R.K Laxman, the legendary Indian cartoonist whose, ‘You said it’ comic strip featured in ‘The Times of India’ has had a profound impact on the common man in India. So much so that, his comic strips were banned during the reign of Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India. As a sign of protest against this oppression, ‘The Times of India’ featured the comic strip just the same, absent of the content and the ban was soon revoked. In the modern era, needless to say young Cartoonists of India like Aseem Trivedi have reinforced this time-tested association of Political Cartoons and their impact on the common masses.


A caricature of a popular celebrity or politician or a public figure besides a satirical article in Daily newspaper or a periodical is a recurring spectacle. This signifies that a caricature/cartoon conveys and/or consolidates an idea just as much as an article. The impact of Cartoons on the masses is further provided testimonials even by many MNCs that have their official websites engulfed in a unique cartooned theme revolving around caricatures of their Executive Board members to appeal to their visitors. (Refer to the QR Code: www.orangeschweppes.com) And in my opinion the greatest endorsement for such a connotation of cartoons is provided my 7 month old niece who refuses to eat a single bite without a cartoon or animated video clip being played for her!


Our tricycles have been replaced by motorbikes, school uniforms have changed to office-wear formal clothing and hand-held video games have now been replaced by our I-Touches, Tablets and Playbooks. But nothing would ever replace the timeless relish and innocent smile lighting up our faces by a good’ classic MGM cartoon. One of the rare things that are not tarnished by the time and its tyrannies!

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From a Teacher’s Diary  



Ms.Vimal Patel Hon. Director,


The Importance of Overcoming Dislike  No matter whom you are or where you work, there will be a time when you have to work with, or do business with, someone you don't like. This person may be a client, a consultant, a colleague, or your boss.


Negative relationships like this can take their toll. It's likely that you'll find it stressful working with these people; they may reduce your productivity by wasting your time and energy, or upset you with unhelpful comments. Working with them could leave you feeling emotionally drained or frustrated; and, longer term, they could even cause you to want to leave your job.


If you can learn how to work effectively with them, you'll reduce your own stress, and enjoy work far more. This ability can also open up projects and roles that you may not have considered before.


Strategies for Working with someone you Dislike  You might feel guilty for not liking someone you work with. However, it's normal not to get along with everyone: we all have different workplace values and habits, and sometimes these can clash, especially when we spend a lot of our day working with someone.


Use the steps below to build a more productive relationship.  Understand the Situation  It's essential to understand the difference between a colleague who is being unhelpful or frustrating, and one who is bullying you, or preventing you from doing your job.


Think about specific situations that you've found upsetting to clarify your thinking. For example, a colleague who makes sarcastic remarks in a meeting may be having a bad day; however, persistent negativity that causes distress or delays is a problem.


Then look at the behaviour itself. Use Benne and Sheats' Group Roles to understand how it fits into the dynamics of your team, and note how the behaviour affects you, your colleagues, and your organization. Does it affect your ability to do your job? Does it harm an individual in your team? Does it harm your organization's mission? Or does it affect the team's cohesiveness?


Analyse Why  Start by thinking about why you don't like this person. What does he or she do, specifically, that irritates you?

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It's possible that the negative or annoying behaviour reminds you of a specific trait that you have yourself and that you don't like.


For example, you might dislike a colleague because she gossips behind people's backs. This insidious habit is one that you may have engaged in yourself, and you hate it that you're still tempted to gossip. So, this colleague's character flaw is a constant reminder of your own issues.


Alternatively, perhaps this person reminds you of someone you disliked in the past. Or maybe he or she has a very different working style from yours, or an approach to communication or information sharing those clashes with yours.


Try to Connect  This person might have several character traits that you dislike. But, chances are, he or she also has many positive attributes, what are they? What behaviours or personality traits do you like or relate to?


Practice empathy: put yourself in this person's shoes. Why might this person act in the way that he or she does? What pressures is this person under that you aren't? Use the Perceptual Positions tool to try to understand this person's perspective.


It can also be helpful to learn more about Transactional Analysis, which is a way of understanding human interactions. The better you understand the different roles that people play and why they play them, the batter you can use this understanding to improve a poor relationship.


Spend time with this person- ideally in an informal context such as a team meal- to gain a better understanding of his or her perspective and motivation. This might not seem to be a pleasant prospect, but getting to know them better might be the key you need to overcome your dislike.


Talk It Out  Choose a time and place where you can talk privately with the other person. Use the following framework to make your case, and to find a solution: 1. Acknowledgement the tension between you. 2. Outline the behaviour that is causing tension. 3. Cite a number of specific examples. 4. Explain how these actions affect you. 5. Ask what you can do to build a better relationship. Such conversations can be challenging. Consider using role-play with a colleague to practice before you speak, and use assertiveness techniques to make your case confidently.


Manage Your Emotions  Dislike is a powerful emotion, and you may feel tense and upset when dealing with your colleague. This can be distracting as well as unpleasant, especially when the feelings of tension affect other tasks.


You can reduce these feelings by changing way that you react to tension situations. Learn how to manage your emotions, so that you can respond with assertiveness and dignity in tough situations.


If you have a negative interaction with someone, take immediate steps to claim down: walk away or practice deep breathing exercises. Also, make sure that you don't let your negative mood affect how you treat others.

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Relaxation methods such as Yoga or meditation can help to reduce stress and encourage self-awareness. Regular physical exercise will also help you handle stress at work, especially if you're able to exercise before you start work.


Occasionally, conflict might erupt between the two of you, especially if the relationship is hostile or tense. Learn good conflict resolution skills to resolve these issues quickie and professionally.


Keeping Negativity to Yourself  It's tempting to share your dislike of someone with colleagues, and to spend time discussing this person's personality flaws. However, keep in mind that gossiping can destroy morale. Badmouthing colleagues, no matter how unpopular they are, will also affect your reputation.


If you need to talk about bad working relationships aim to keep it out of the office: for example, speak to a trusted friend or family member, in confidence.


Key Points  It's inevitable that, at some point in your career, you'll need to work someone you don't like. These relationships can drain you emotionally, contribute to stress, and diminish your productivity.


To improve this type of working relationship, focus on it objectively. Start by analysing the problem and then think about why you don't like this person. You may need to think about your own personality here- does the person reflect an aspect of yourself that you don't like, or remind you of someone you've found unpleasant in the past?


Learn more about the person, and try to understand why they behave in the way that they do. Then, find an appropriate time to speak to him or her assertively about the situation. Be aware of the power dynamics within the relationship: if you manage this person, you must provide appropriate fair feedback and coaching to help him or her change behaviour.


If you can manage your emotions and talk the situation through confidently and assertively, you may be able to move a bad working relationship onto a more positive footing.



*From the collection of Ms. Vimal Patel  


“Paul Winchell, the person that voiced ‘Tigger’ in Winnie the Pooh, was also the man who 

designed the first artificial heart.” 

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Food for Thought  

Life is Precious  


Shaheda Patel (PDPIAS)


“Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values are subordinate,” said Albert Einstein. Life is a wonderful gift that has been bestowed upon us humans. We are the only living beings on this earth that have the power to transform it to fulfil our needs, desires, and goals. Every human’s life is unique based on how a person chooses to live his life day after day. According to Johann von Goethe, "Nothing should be prized more highly than the value of each day”.



Unfortunately, not everyone realizes how invaluable life is. Consider the example of drug addicts. These worthless individuals carelessly destroy their lives as if they have nothing else better to do, and will get the chance to live forever. On the other side, we come across patients with deadly diseases like leukaemia for whom every second is valuable because they know their end is near. They continue to fight against death with every breath they manage to take. In one of her poems, MotherTeresa wrote “Life is an opportunity, benefit from it… Life is too precious, do not destroy it.” Undoubtedly, we must appreciate the gift of life.



Life is too short to be wasted; once it is gone, it will never come back. In the words of the famous poet, Emily Dickinson, “That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.” Therefore, we should make the most out of whatever life has offered to us within whatever time we have available. A famous psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross said, “It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we begin to live each day to the future, as if it was the only one we had."



In return of this beautiful gift of life that has been given to us, it is inevitable for us to live a meaningful life - filled with purpose and the desire to accomplish great things. Further, being able to live longer is not enough; it is the way in which an individual spends his life that makes a difference. In other words, the life of a 25 year old person who does well to others and uplifts them would be more influential than the life of a 75 yr. old person who has lived selfishly. No one states this better than Abraham Lincoln: “And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”



Ultimately, a life well-lived will be known by its successes; the numerous experiences and the valuable lessons learned from them; the wisdom gained; hopes and dreams, and the number of lives it touches deeply. “Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift. There is nothing small in it. For the greatest things grow by God's Law out of the smallest”, said Florence Nightingale.



“The first color animated film was Winsor McCay's Little Nemo (1911). John Randoph Bray produced the second 

animated film in color, The Debut of Thomas Cat (1920)” 

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Solution of life  

Dakshesh Darji (PDPIAS)

 It is always in our hand to make life happy and joyful. For that we have to solve problems that come in our walks of life. It is not just our life; let us think in inclusive way. Let us think about the world. Today, we are facing many problems that really are destroying our existence and human dignity. Many issues like terrorism, illiteracy, riots, and domestic violence and others have become bloated and this is due to selfishness and ignorance of us. It is not just about involving in terrorism, but it is about opposing it, and raising voice against it. We always ignore wrong things done in front of us or in our society, we never care to oppose or stop it. We are either busy or not interested. Specifically, I would like to request young generation to change this scenario. Raise voice, stay firm, and say no to wrong things openly.


A Mountain Stone  

Mansi Patel (MTIN)



 A wise woman who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveller who was hungry and the wise women opened her bag to share her food.


The hungry traveller saw the precious stone and asked the women to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveller left rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worthy enough to give him, security for life time. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.


“I’ve been thinking”, he said I know how valuable the stone is but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone.

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The 70 MM  


Khushbu Kosti (RPCP)



Yathaarth is set in the village called Pipariya, it’s the story about Budhai (Raghuveer Yadav) who is a chandaal (a person who burns dead bodies in crematorium). Budhai gets married to Phulwa. Within a year of their marriage Phulwa expires after giving birth to a girl child named Bijuria (Shraddha Nigam).


Bijuria has to remain hungry for most of the days. Bijuria gets good food and new clothes only when there is a death in the village. Bijuria is so much affected by hunger that the moment she sees a dead body being brought the thought of getting good food and clothes makes her so happy that she begins to dance.


Years passes by, Bijuria grows up and attains her age. The night when Bijuria attains her age she suffers from pain. Budhai immediately rushes to the mid-wife and requests her to come to assistance of Bijuria, but she denies and promises to come next morning. Budhai is heartbroken as how to explain this natural phenomenon to his daughter.


Meanwhile Budhai befriends a truck driver Jeete (Milind Gunaji). Jeete whenever passing through Pipariya halts at Budhai’s place to have a pot of smoke (Chillum).  The village Sarpanch’s son and his friend have an eye on Bijuria they try to molest & kidnap her, but she luckily escapes and the boys are beaten by Budhai and Jeete.


Panchayat asks the reason for hurting the boys & also inquires about why Jeete being an outsider is staying at their place. Budhai to save himself from embarrassment says that Jeete is engaged to his daughter that is proved by two witnesses- A temple priest & an old Muslim friend.


Later, Bijuria and Jeete are married and they live happily. After few days of marriage Jeete goes on a trip & doesn’t return back for 15 days. Now, Bijuria waits for Jeete eagerly. People in the village start commenting ill about their relationship.


One day she hears the news of someone’s death & she starts dancing. As she realises that the body is of her husband she falls dead on the corpse.  Yathaarth is nothing but the real bitter truth of life.  The director Rajesh Seth has to be applauded for the scene where Bijuria attains her age and the condition of a motherless daughter and the hardships of a helpless father is shown. However, as a director has to be criticized for the directorial flaw in the film.


On the whole Yathaarth is a different movie which though may not be appealing to front benchers it will surely be appreciated by matured audience.Folks the above film is yet to be released. Yet the review has been written after having got an opportunity to view the preview show of the movie.

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A Visit to Russia  

Nisarg Shah (CSPIT)

 Living in a country never heard of, never talked about, never known of, is more challenging than exciting. To most of the people, the only thing they know about the country that I am going to talk about is just its name. In fact it was the same for me, until the day I boarded the flight.



And yes! The country i am talking about is, the renowned but much less learned about, named "Russia..!!"



I went on a summer internship for 45 golden days of my life, in fact platinum or diamonds can also be used as objectives, but actually, those days were priceless!



My journey started just 2 days after my semester exams were over, off to Mumbai, for visa, and the day after the next day, flew to Dubai and then to my destiny... landed in a heavenly city called, "Ufa", in the "Republic of Bashkortostan" situated in the "Russian Federation", as is the official name. And...The best part of Russia, are the Russians. Most eclectic and generous people you'll ever see. By the way, correction! People there, considered themselves not as "Russians", firstly they were "Bashkir", as Bashkortostan is their motherland. As if in India, if somebody says, I am firstly a "Gujarati" and later an "Indian". The way the Bashkir’s live, they enjoy, they spend their time, is so very unique. I really loved it and did not really have the so called “culture shock” in many a things, as there is one common possession they have just like us, Indians, and that is the royal approach to life, everybody is a king within himself.



I was there on a project called “School Sunshine”, where I was supposed to work with numerous schools, language clubs, etc. where I worked with students of ages varying from 8 years to as old as 55 years. My work was to teach them English language and the “incredible” Indian culture. I was there with other international interns from countries like Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, China, Germany, and Indonesia. As you can never keep an Indian out of consideration, I was elected the leader of all interns there.



After having done a lot many presentations on Indian food, festivals, monuments, and all, the Russians, being very honest, admitted that they were really jealous after seeing so colourful Indian culture, and it was so new for them as compared to their monotonous life and culture.



As it is said “you can take an Indian out of India, but you can never take India out of an Indian. I taught them the Indian dances like Bhangara and Garba, Indian traditions, Cooking and the thing they liked the most was “Indian wedding”, with lots of food(the only 2-3 dishes I could cook ;) ), dance, colours and celebrations. Now, something interesting about Russia. On my very first day there, it was 7 in the evening, as I was expecting a sunset to pack my stuff and go back to home, it never happened, no sunset yet! Sun was still

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shinning bright! 7….8….9….10….11….!! 11 PM and still the sun was shining, finally at 11.30 the darkness arose, in a real sense you call that it is a country that never sleeps. It was the first effective alarm to me, reminding that I was not in India. Really strange, but yet interesting.



About Russian food..! I admonish those, who are vegetarians, take as much food as possible along with you, if you ever go to Russia, because it is one of the very few countries in the world, where you will find nothing, literally nothing vegetarian to eat. Milk, Bread, Chocolates, and juice. These were all I used to eat most of the time, and for a change I bought Piroshky (Russian “Vegetarian” Dessert). The only thing I said while landing at Ahmedabad airport proudly was, “I am still a vegetarian”..!! I never valued the food more than I did in those days..!! And…Russians!! Too silent and too reserved to open up. The eclectic people I talked about initially were those, who were my friends, but there were just 200 of those out of all 1.5 millions in that city. The rest of them are completely silent. It is a fact that there are hardly 4 out of a 100 people who can speak English, so you can’t expect them to talk or converse with foreigners, but they don’t even talk to their countrymen. They just don’t like to speak to anybody. For example, if you are going in a city bus, sitting on the last seat, yet you can clearly listen to the radio music the driver is listening to. Because it is “pin drop” silence everywhere. This I consider the biggest shock I had, because you cannot expect silence anywhere in India, because people love to talk, actually Indians talk a lot..!! :P But, you feel sometimes frustrated if there is no one to talk to in a country like Russia.



But omitting the negligible amount of shocks I said, that lovely place on the heavenly earth, is full of parties, dances, gatherings, night-outs and all and all.



The funniest thing is, almost all the people I met, who were older than 35 years, they all know minimum 4 “great” Indian things, that is more famous in Russia, than it is in India. The first is, the legend, Raj Kapoor..!! And the second is the “disco dancer” Mithun Chakraborty..!! Both these Bollywood stars have larger fan club than they have it in India, for sure..!! Almost everybody knows them there. I was most amazed when I saw two old men listening to a Mithun song “Jimmy Jimmy”, I heard the Hindi lyrics, but I never heard that song before, then I came to know that, this song is like unofficial anthem there, everybody love it. And the last Indian fragrance there is the movie “Seeta aur Geeta”, yes!!! Even though it sounds unbelievable, but trust me, all the Russians know these four things.



All and all, I had the best time of my life there. I learned so much, I shared so much, I impressed so many, and I was amazed so much. It was the best “win win” situation for me, if ever there was. I can bet you one thing, you will fall in love with Russia at the very first sight of it. Though it is uncommon, but I suggest you to visit that part of the earth once in your life, if you get a chance. And I wish you get that chance…!! Do svidaniya..!!


“The first animated T.V. cartoon series was called “Crusader Rabbit” which ran from 

1949 to 1951.” 

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Upstream Sector- Indian Oil & Gas scenario  

Harshul G. Patel Udit K. Amin

(CSPIT) There are many ways to look at the oil and gas industry. From a Personal perspective, oil and gas provide the world's 6.9 billion people with 60 percent of their daily energy needs. The other 40 percent comes from coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power, "renewable" like wind, solar and tidal power, and biomass products such as firewood.From a Business perspective, oil and gas represent global commerce on a massive scale. World energy markets are continually expanding, and companies spend billions of dollars annually to maintain and increase their oil and gas production. Over 200 countries have invited companies to negotiate for the right to explore their lands or territorial waters, with the hope that they will find and produce oil and gas, create local jobs and provide billions of dollars in national revenues.



According to Ministry of Petroleum, India had approximately 5.7 billion barrels of proven oil reserves as of January 2013, the second- largest amount in the Asia-Pacific region after China. India’s crude oil reserves tend to be light and sweet. India produced roughly 950 thousand barrels per day (bbl/d) of total liquids in 2012, of which 750 bbl/d was crude oil. The country consumed 3.2 million barrels per day (bbl/d) in 2012.


According to Ministry of Petroleum, India had approximately 38 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves as of January 2013. EIA estimates that India produced approximately 1.8 Tcf of natural gas in 2010, a 63% increase over 2008 production levels. The bulk of India’s natural gas production comes from the western offshore regions, especially the Mumbai High complex, though fields in the Krishna-Godavari (KG) are increasingly important. In 2010, India consumed roughly 2.3 Tcf of natural gas, more than

750 billion cubic feet (Bcf) more than in 2008, according to EIA estimates. Natural gas’ demand is expected to grow considerably, largely driven by demand in the power sector. The power and fertilizer sectors account for nearly three-quarters of natural gas consumption in India. Natural gas is expected to be an increasingly important component of energy consumption as the country pursues energy resource diversification and overall energy security.

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India is the fifth largest energy consumer in the world. India is the sixth largest crude consumer in the world. India is the ninth largest crude importer in the world. Oil and Gas Industry size is estimated at about USD 110 billion. Contributes to about 64% of gross revenues of Government (both Central and State together)

throughtaxes and duties. Contributes to about 45% of India’s primary energy consumption. Constitutes about 32% of India’s imports. Accounts for about 12% of India’s exports. India has the world’s sixth largest refining capacity - 2.56 million barrels per day, representing approx.

3% of world capacity.                            

 “The Hulk was grey in the very first issue of the series The Incredible Hulk in 1962. Due to the fact that there were major problems with the inconsistency of the printing, they ended up having to choose green color instead.” 

         “In  2002,  The Oscars  create  a  category  entitled  "Best Animated  Film," with  Shrek  the  first 

movie to win the award.” 

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Nursing is an Art and Science  

Jani Meghal Q. (MTIN)


Nursing is helping profession as such it providesservices which contribute to health and well-being of people. It fulfils needs which cannot be met by family, other individual in the Community or person.


Essential component of professional Nursing are: Care Cure Co-ordination Nursing has always been directed at serving health care needs of Society. Nursing originated with desire

to keep people healthy and to provide Comfort, Care and Assurance.  


Nursing as a profession, is unique because it addresses humanistic ally and holistically the response of client and families to actual and potential health problem. Nursing continuously respond an adapt to the new challenge. The evolution of Nursing brings the Profession to one of most Challenging position in field of Medical Sciences. Nurses are in a Unique Position to Refine and Shape the future of Healthcare.


Nursing is combination of the Knowledge from Physical Sciences, humanities and social sciences, along with Clinical Competencies needed to me individual needs of client and their families.


Modern Nursing involves many kind of concept and skills related to Health and Social Science on Contemporary issues. So, a great Philosopher William Oslar stated that "The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of Humanity, taking a place beside the Physician and the priest."



Qualities of Nurse: Love or fellow men Honesty and loyalty Discipline and Obedience Alertness and Intelligent observation Good physical and mental health Patience and sense of Humour Intelligence Sympathy Empathy Gentleness and Quietness Technical Competency Adjustability an Dependability

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Meaning of Nurse: N: Nobility, Knowledge

 U: Usefulness, Understanding

 R: Righteousness, Responsibility

 S: Simplicity, Sympathy

 E: Efficiency, Equanimity


Professional Roles and Responsibilities: Autonomy and Accountability Caregiver Client advocate Educator Manager/Client Decision maker Communicator Collaborator Career Development

                 “GARFIELD is the most widely syndicated comic strip in the world; over 200 million people 

read GARFIELD every  single day  in 23  languages and 63  countries and  is  featured  in more 

than 135 million books.”  


“Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, then students at Cleveland's Glenville High School, first conceived 

‘Superman’ as a bald telepathic villain bent on world domination.The character first appeared  in 

"The Reign of  the  Superman",  a  short  story  from Science  Fiction: The Advance Guard of  Future 

Civilization #3, a fanzine published by Siegel in 1933.” 

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Science and Technology Updates  


Why and what is LHC?



Mesha Shah (CMPICA)


 Scientists hope to see new particles in the debris of these collisions, revealing fundamental new insights into the nature of the cosmos. They will be looking for new physics beyond the Standard Model – the framework devised in the 1970s to explain how sub-atomic particles interact. The Standard Model comprises 16 particles – 12 matter particles and four force-carrier particles. The Standard Model has worked remarkably well so far. But it cannot explain the best known of the so-called four fundamental forces: gravity; and it describes only ordinary matter, which makes up but a small part of the total Universe. Also, one of the most important particles in the Standard Model – the Higgs boson – has yet to be found in an experiment.



There is an essential ingredient missing from the Standard Model. Without it, none of the 16 particles in the scheme would have any mass. An extra particle is required to provide all the others with mass – the Higgs boson. This idea was proposed in 1964 by physicists Peter Higgs, Francois Englert and Robert Brout.



According to their theory, particles acquire mass through their interactions with an all-pervading field, called the Higgs field, which is carried by the Higgs boson. It is the only Standard Model particle that has yet to be observed experimentally. As such, the search for the Higgs has become something of a cause Celebrex in particle physics. Finding the Higgs is one of the main science objectives for the LHC.



All the matter that we can see in the Universe – planets, stars and galaxies – makes up a minuscule 4% of what is actually out there. The rest is dark energy (which accounts for 73% of the cosmos) and dark matter (23%). Dark energy cannot be observed directly, but it is responsible for speeding up the expansion of the Universe – a phenomenon that can be detected in astronomical observations.



Like dark energy, dark matter can only be detected indirectly, as it does not emit or reflect enough light to be seen. But its presence can be inferred through its effects on galaxies and galaxy clusters.



Physicists know virtually nothing about the nature of either dark energy or dark matter. But they can speculate. According to one idea, dark matter could be made up of "super symmetric particles" - massive particles that are partners to those already known in the Standard Model. A leading dark matter candidate is the neutralino, the lightest of these "super-partners". And some theoretical physicists have proposed a link between the Higgs mechanism and dark energy. Each basic particle of "ordinary" matter has its own anti-particle. Matter and antimatter have the same mass, but opposite electric charge. For example, a proton has an anti-particle called an anti-proton (a proton with a negative charge). An electron has an anti-particle called a positron (an electron with a positive charge). In the same way that an ordinary proton and electron can come together to form a hydrogen atom, an anti- proton and a positron can form an atom of anti-hydrogen. When a particle of ordinary matter meets its anti-particle, the two disappear in a flash, as their mass is transformed into energy.

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They are said to "annihilate" one another. But equal amounts of matter and anti-matter must have been produced in the Big Bang.



According to some physicists, the LHC can operate at high enough energy to generate mini-black holes. However, the vast majority of particle physicists say there is no need for alarm. If any should be created, they should evaporate quickly.



A report dealing with the collider's safety acknowledged the possibility that the LHC could create these primordial black holes. The report says: "If microscopic black holes were to be singly produced by colliding the quarks and gluons inside protons, they would also be able to decay into the same types of particles that produced them.”



The suggestion that black holes could be made in the LHC has stoked fears that one of these micro-black holes could swell in size, swallowing up the Earth. But physicists stress that any such phenomena would be short-livened and thus would pose no threat to our planet.


World’s fastest computer  China's success in developing the world's fastest super computer has helped the country gain a top spot in the hi-tech field, Chinese President Xi-Jinping said on June 18, 2013. Congratulating computer engineers for the success of Tianhe-2, the world's fastest supercomputer, Xi encouraged them to make further contributions and achievements in a bid to help build an innovative country.



In a statement Xi extended greetings to all the staff who took part in the development of Tianhe-2, which has a peak performance speed of 54.9 quadrillion operations per second. He said that the success showed that China has gained a leading place in the world in this field, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. The semi-annual Top 500 listing of the world's fastest supercomputers was released yesterday.



Tianhe-2 is almost twice as fast as the second computer, Titan from the United States, the official media said. Tianhe-2 was designed and built by China's National University of Defence Technology. The computer matched home-grown Feiteng-1500 CPUs as well as Intel Xeon and Xeon Phi processors. This is the second time China has made it to first place in the Top 500 list.

          “The most valuable cartoon movie poster was poster for Walt Disney’s short, Alice’s Day at Sea(USA 1924), was sold 

in London, England at $36534.00  1994.” 


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Buying Ink by the Barrel 


Bansari Doshi (CSPIT)

For the ones who think life is despicable,

For the ones who think they are not capable;

It’s not the time to blame,

Being hollow and sitting lame;

There may be a time when you may be dazed,

Followed by the people who simply gazed;

But past should not be moaned,

Rather praise the things you owned;

One has friends standing through victory,

Although for them it may still be a mystery;

A journey in which you meet people,

Where some are strong and some are feeble;

There are some for whom your dreams matter,

And make sure they don't shatter;

Let the boat of humbleness sail,

Keeping your greed and guilt under veil;

This life may bring great reverences,

So accept it and forget the grievances;

See every aspect of life with your attitude,

And enjoy the present with gratitude.


Parth Dattani (CSPIT)

Lonely in the still and solitary black,

Quiet and calm though quite freezing,

Midnight bells alarm the place.

No one no where but owls howling,

Starting off for their night’s day,

It’s one there and here.

Perfect silence prevails as if paradise,

Deep in the dark somewhere a dog cries,

Two is the tower time.

Cold gusts of wind twisting the twigs,

So furious as if a blizzard,

Three amidst the clock dial.

Far away from the old mansion,

Out comes a flight of bats swaying,

Four says the hour hand.

The wind is sane with the trees still,

Serenity and cold all ultimate and extreme,

But five bells break the peace.

Haze in the air and dew on the meadows,

Dawn breaks with the Roman Goddess of beauty,

It’s six… Good Morning!

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આ હ ુશુ ં?...

Kaushik Prajapati (MTIN)

જીવનની ભીડમા ંઆ હુ,

શુ ંશોધ્યા કરુ ?ં

મળી છે ઘણી તક,

તિૃપ્ત શોધ્યા કરુ .ં

ઘમુ્યો ઘણા ંશહરે,

શાિંત શોધ્યા કરુ .ં

િદલના દદર્ ને રુઝવવા,

દવા શોધ્યા કરુ .ં

કાઇંક તો ખોવય ુછે એવ,ુ

ને જીવન ભર શોધ્યા કરુ .ં

વાથીર્ આ સબંધંોથી પર્ીત

એકલતા શોધ્યા કરુ .ં













As the sun rises and the little birds play,

Here I enter into my college’s first day;

The herds of cattle are welcoming me’

With the flute of Krishna chasing me;

There I see a shining star,

With the beauty of peacock or rather a mar;

One call of the peahen and I am raising through,

With the cattle accompanying me as if a paranoid too!

This is the dawn and the longing eve;

Will right blow me off as if a honey bee!

Here’s the lion haunting for the shelter,

As if an ice-cream in the cool weather;

Here I see the bee I was longing for,

And she turns out to be geese in the war!

There’s the jingle bell ruining the pleasure,

And sets the sun with the decreasing gather;

Turning out to home I wonder apart,

Was it my first day or a shot at a dart?

I wish I would have been the show stopper to night’

But my soul held me straight right;

Here the story ends as if a fable!

But this was my first day hanging on the cable.


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I’M STILL CRYING MY SON….   Jitesh K. Donga




It was night of December. I was alone in the study-foyer of college with a novel in my hand. It was 1:00am…! Pages seemed to be blurring due to tears in my eyes. Today it was time to change my path; it was time to change my life. I was crying for changing track of my life…!  I took my mobile and dialled my father’s number at 1:00 am in cold night. In just few ring I heard my father’s voice. His voice was unusual. He spoke…“Bolo beta…Missing your father in late night or is it some bad nightmare?...huh..?”


I didn’t speak for a while. Tears were bursting from my eyes. I had lot of things to tell him, but I could not speak for a while. My father was waiting for my reply. Finally I started….  “Papa. I don’t want to be an engineer. My interest is something different. I am not for engineering….papa…” And then I literally cried loudly. For a while he didn’t speak anything. I realized that his voice had changed due to lump in his throat or may be tears in his eyes. But he spoke after a while….“Jitu…beta…Let me tell you one story.”


“Long time ago…before 30 years…one boy was standing in his farm…alone….helpless…and crying like you. He was watering his crops at mid-night. But his tears were mixing in the water…He was crying loudly. He had lot of things to talk with his poor father”.


In that morning when he returned home, he spoke to his Father: “Papa…I don’t like this farming. I want to go in big city and I want to become a business man. I don’t want to spend my whole life as a poor farmer. My heart is following something else. What if your son will pass his whole life doing nothing of his interest? Please give me some money. I want to start my own business”. And the boy cried a lot to his poor father. His father replied:


“No. Never even think again about leaving farming and the village. You have to be a farmer and that’s all. Not even a single person from our cast has thought of following his interest or being a businessman. Who told you to follow your interest? You don’t have that personality of ‘big man’ of city. You are un-educated.”

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‘Story over.’ My father spoke. I was still listening to him without a single word. Then again he continued: “Jitu beta…That young boy is now old and he is still a bloody farmer. Still he cries sometimes because of not doing the things he liked to do.”


“That boy was your father. Still crying in same farm….between same crop, with same dreams….same tears…” For a while I was really shocked. That young boy was my father and he cried for years…like me for his dreams…for his interest…He again spoke:


“But I am not like my father. You want to be a writer???? Hmm? Go ahead…I read your diary last time. Work hard for it and the time when your book will break all record, you will get rich. At that time please give some money to your Papa so that I can start my business…..I want to fulfil my dreams too….Jitu”


“The most filmed cartoon character Zorro has been shown in 69 films. Created by Johnston 

McCully, he was the first comic strip character to be the subject shown in a major film, “The 

Mark of Zorro”.” 

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Journey of Cartoons   Bhargav Maniar


The story of cartoons started in Africa, thousands of years ago. The ancient mankind drew some of the very first character art on the walls of their caves. The most common pictures included large wild animals. The Greeks were some of the first to create what are called Mosaics. These were pictures created using all kinds of different materials like shells and glass, and put together like a jigsaw puzzle. These types of early cartoon images were used to show stories of gods and heroes, many of whom are the basis for shows we watch today. The popularity of cartoons really grew with the inclusion of comic strips in major newspapers. Here, kids and families across the world began to see different cartoon pictures placed side by side, each scene telling a different story. But when did cartoons begin to move? Who was the first big star?



Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in Paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. In 1914, a cartoonist named Winsor McKay created Gertie - the Dinosaur, the first character to be played out on moving picture projectors. McKay would interact with his cartoon as part of the show, appearing to direct Gertie to eat, drink and dance. This gave birth to the technique used for many years called cell animation, where transparent sheets with the characters drawn on them were used over painted still backgrounds which saved loads of time. In 1930, The Golden Age, at Warner Bros. and MGM Studios, a combination of first rate animation, crazy direction and over-the top voice acting ushered in a new era of hilarious cartoons. Voice actors like Mel Blanc (the voice of Daffy Duck), gave characters a whole new personality. It was during this same time that many of today’s favorite characters were created. Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Tweety, Sylvester, Yosemite Sam and many more, were all becoming stars and are as funny today as they were back then.



In 1960, Suddenly TVs were everywhere, and the demand for cartoons came from TV networks as well as movie theaters. Networks began to order their very own TV series, and so all new shows were created in much shorter time. The most successful studio of the era is undoubtedly Hannah-Barbera, who created some of the most well-known characters in the world, such as the Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, Top Cat and The Jetsons to name just a few. As technology has improved, so has our ability to produce cartoons more quickly. While characters may still be drawn by hand, often they are now directly drawn onto a computer screen where the animator can move them, re-color them and basically make the character do whatever they want. Software called Flash is currently the easiest way for any budding animator to produce their very own cartoon. But the most exciting thing computers have allowed us to create is 3D-CGI, which stands for Computer Graphics Interface. Here we get to see cartoons in more than the traditional flat 2D, now we get to see the amazing depth, shadow and detail that today is almost as good as real life.



Now in 2013, we are also having 4D animation methods. Effects simulated in a 4D film may include rain, wind, strobe lights, and vibration. Seats in 4D venues may vibrate or move a few inches during the presentation. 4D films have occasionally been marketed as 5D, 6D, or 7D films in order to emphasize the variety or uniqueness of their theatre effects. However, there is no consistent standard among films for the application of these marketing labels. Notable formats for providing different aspects of a "fourth dimension" to films include Sensurround, Smell-O-Vision and 4DX.

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That’s called Manga Style!  

Dr. Venu Mehta (I2IM)

Manga are Japanese comic books. Manga is often made into Japanese cartoons, or Anime. The art in Manga has a very definite look to it and is often referred to as “Manga Style.”  Maw – Nunn – Gash, as it pronounced in Japanese, it is actually three syllables, although the middle "N" is spoken very quickly. Americans have a habit of pronouncing it "Man-Gash".


The word Manga can be translated as, “humorous pictures.” Manga became very popular in the 20th century when laws prohibiting the publication of those kinds of items were lifted. It has since become a huge part of Japanese culture. Unlike in America, Manga is read by most people in the country. The artists and writer of Manga are well respected for their work.


Manga usually follows the traditional style as found in Japan. Japanese Manga is to be read from the right side to the left, opposite of traditional books. Not only do you read the pages from right to left, but you also read the panels and text from right to left.


There are many characteristics that make Manga very distinctive. The largest thing that Manga art is known for is its characters. Manga characters almost always have large eyes, small mouths, and they also usually have abnormal hair colour. These things give their characters a very western look to them. Manga like Akira, however, has gone against this grain.


Manga characters usually show over exaggerated emotions. When a character cries, it usually pours out in buckets, when they laugh, their face seems engulfed by the size of their mouths and their eyes become slits. An angry character will have rosy cheeks and steam rolling from around their body. This use of emotion would most likely be categorized as cartoonish.


Modern manga originated in the Occupation (1945–1952) and post-Occupation years (1952–early 1960s), while a previously militaristic and ultra-nationalist Japan rebuilt its political and economic infrastructure.


Writers on manga history have described two broad and complementary processes shaping modern manga. One view emphasizes events occurring during and after the U.S. Occupation of Japan (1945–1952), and stresses U.S. cultural influences, including U.S. comics (brought to Japan by the GIs) and images and themes from U.S. television, film, and cartoons (especially Disney).



( Reading direction of traditional Manga Comics)

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Japanese manga has developed its own visual language or iconography for expressing emotion and other internal character states. This drawing style has also migrated into anime, as many stories are adapted into television shows and films.


Hair colours of Anime characters aren't just selected randomly. In some cases they express significant elements of that person's character (based on colour symbolism in Japan).


Black: Power, evil, emptiness, sadness, mystery, sophistication, completeness, death  White: Purity, simplicity, peace, humility, cold, and heaven (can also mean death)  Blue: Peace, calm, stability, dependability, cold Note: With dependability, dark blue means more responsible than light blue


Purple: Royalty, wisdom, spirituality  Red: Passion, joy, aggression, energy, love (basically strong emotions)

Pink: Femininity, purity, childlike, love, kindness

Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, seeking attention  Yellow: Wealth, heaven, childlike, courage  Green: Fortune(good and bad), envy, harmony, life, vigour, tranquillity

Silver: Gray: Reliability, intelligence, maturity, sadness, boredom

Brown: Comfort, simplicity, endurance


“SpongeBob   SquarePants (often   referred   to   simply   as SpongeBob)   is   an   American 

animated television  series,  created  by marine  biologist and  animator Stephen Hillenburg. 

SpongeBob  SquarePants has  been  nominated  for  20 Annie  Awards and  11 Emmy  Awards, 

and   has   won   six   Annies   and   an   Emmy.   In   2011,   a   newly   described   species   of 

mushroom, Spongiforma squarepantsii, was named after the title character.”  

      “The only Donald Duck cartoon to ever win an Academy Award was the 1943 short film “Der Fuhrers Face”. 

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R K Laxman - ‘The Common Man’ of India     


Dr. Venu Mehta (I2IM)


 The legendary cartoonist Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Laxman(R.K.Laxman) is best known for his creation The Common Man. Born on 23 October 1924, R.K. Laxman is widely regarded as India's greatest-ever

cartoonist. His father was a teacher at a local school and he had seven other siblings. Laxman was inspired by the cartoons, which appeared in renowned magazines like Punch. He started drawing whatever caught his attention and graduated from the University of Mysore.



He started his career with magazines like Swarajya and Blitz. His elder brother R.K.Narayan was a famous English novelist. He illustrated his elder brother R K Narayan's stories in The Hindu. He started off as a political cartoonist for the Free Press Journal, before joining The Times of India, with which he has been associated for over fifty years. His cartoon strip "You Said It", which features The Common Man, has attained cult status. He created the popular mascot for the Asian Paints Group called Gattu. Besides, he has written many books.



Besides the B.D. Goenka Award awarded by the Indian Express, the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts, he has awarded the Padma Bhushan and the Padma Vibhusan by the Union Government.



RK Laxman suffered a stroke in June 2010 and was airlifted from Pune to Mumbai and is stable at Breach Candy Hospital. Laxman suffered multiple stroke in Pune on 20th June 2010.


A few years ago Laxman had suffered a stroke on the right side of his brain . This stroke has affected the cartoonist’s left brain.

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Script under Scrutiny  




-Rignesh M Patel (I2IM)



This book is for those who are finding it difficult to live their dream life or have a dreamless life. We are gifted with a much bigger life than what we actually imagine. This book reinforces why one must not only believe in oneself but also excel beyond that belief.



The author, Ben Carson who was brought up in Detroit(Ghetto) talks about the real hardships of life .As a kid he was not a bright student. With this constant admonition, he comfortably resorts to his fate at the unchallenged bottom position of the class (from the book expression). It was his mother, Sonya Carson who spiked him towards the path of success.



This book tells us how one should recognize the individual potentials and live life to its zenith. Ben Carson has talked of eighteen principles in the book that he has used in his life to be what he is now, a prolific neurosurgeon that separated Siemens twins successfully and headed the paediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins hospital, with six honorary degrees at the time of publishing this book. Simply recognize you’re self-power and unleash the best within you. There isn't any overnight change, so just be patient and let the things happen. Concluding with the lines quoted by the author:



"Knowledge is the key that unlocks all the doors. You can be green-skinned with yellow polka dots and come from Mars, but if you have knowledge that people need instead of beating you, they'll beat a path to your door.”


                “Ed, Edd n Eddy is cartoon network’s longest running series , running for almost 11 years.” 

     “The Phantom created by Lee Falk, also creator of Mandrake the Magician, was the  first fictional hero to wear the 

skintight  costume  that  has  now  become  a  hallmark  of  comic  book  superheroes,  and  was  also  the  first  shown 

wearing a mask with no visible pupils, another superhero standard.” 

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Incredible India  

The Great Indian Street Food  


Shiven Joshi (RPCP)


What could be the most sensational thing about India?  

Neither the people nor their land but it’s their variety in street food.  

Street food has become a regular ‘day out’ for man and women.  

From a small child to a working business man, from young punks to old generation street food have become their popular choices. It rejoices them, makes them feel exciting and happy. It has actually become a trend as well as a good business to earn money isn’t?


But I was talking about the great Indian street food, yes its obviously great, such a variety and popularity can only be seen in incredible India.


If it is Pakoda of Paharganj, Biryani of Jama Masjid or Jalebi in Jaipur.  The taste of every bite would taste like a piece of food made by a master chef, because people eat that food so desperately that they enjoy every second like anything. The makers of this street food are no master chefs but some ordinary people only, well initially.


There are millions of people who begin with a stall on an Indian street serving food to people, soon by the passing time they become holders of great restaurants. Their small stall actually turns into a great restaurant. But what is that secret which makes Indian people to stick on the street food??


In this changing world cordon blue can win hearts of many rich people but street food is the cordon blue for the common people who are the typical Indians who loves every small happiness, and are so much free minded that they ignore the small talks of discipline. They are not the grand people who love having coffee in Ramada or lunch in Taj but they love having breakfast of chai with pakoda at street based ‘Lariwala’


These are the ‘aam aadmi’ of our super variant country “INDIA”.  Great Indian street food is not only about the common people but it also deals with its way of making the food which is extra delicious as well as an art.


DO YOU KNOW??  Girls love much more when guys take them for “pani puri” rather than coffee in a café. Well I am talking about the city girls. They go riding on their scooty’s all for a dabeli, vadapav and maskanban and what not?  What’s wrong with the digestive systems of Indian people because they usually don’t get affected but in some rare cases yes it do gets affected but who cares man street food is the love of the people. Tea stalls on street are the most common and can be seen in every corner of this country where people are served with chai and a packet of biscuits. They enjoy each and every chuski of it. It’s says “cutting” which serves half of a cup of tea in India.

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The burghers when orders a chai with samosa especially during monsoon with some music going are the most joyful moments because it creates a feeling of happiness and philosophy.


Street food culture of south East Asia has been influenced by Coolie workers by providing national dishes of street food to travellers of trains. And now finally if we talk about the great Indian street food commonly are some of the most sizzling dishes like chole bhature, kheema pav, patties, puris, kebabs, lassis, and finger licking pav bhaji which has become a famous Indian dish.


If we talk about most fashionable city of India none other than Mumbai, city of celebrities, is also famous for its exotic street food like Mohammed Ali road is a benchmark for skewered Kebabs, Pani puri laris are always found on streets of Bandra, with their plastic stools, vendors in this unique item poke thumb on the puri filled with potato, chickpeas, onions and sprouted lentils served with liquid prepared by coriander, garam masala, mint in water and amazed to know that at several places it is also prepared by using mineral water.


So hygienic isn’t?  Now to know more of “the great Indian street food” just have a look:  

“Chole bhature” it’s a Punjabi dish but very famous in urban cities like Delhi where it is a common “12:00” PM food of local people. Chole prepared with special spices are served with fried big puris, tastes like heaven. Other famous roadside food in Delhi is Rajma chawal, parantha etc.

If we talk about the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh, in Indore culinary rang, namkeens, samosa, chaats, lapsi, bafla can definitely win your heart. But its speciality is the mouth-watering

“Poha Jalebi” served with sev, nukti and Jalebi. It is considered best in world. Never miss a chance to taste “Dal Batti” of Rajasthan and “Litti Choka” of Patna.

“Aloo tikki” a dish which varies from city to city but famous in Lucknow it is filled with potatoes, spices served with chutney tastes great.

One should visit Rajasthan for its “Bikaneri Kachori”, it can make you gain some calories!!! Well how to forget the “idli sambhar” of Chennai in Tamil Nadu, a soft idli prepared from

fermented dough served with typical south Indian Sambhar cannot taste best anywhere except Chennai!

Referring to our home town we know that it’s the “Dabeli” of Ahmedabad which can make you go crazy with its amazingly cooked boiled potatoes with dabeli spices and the mixture put between the pav served with aamli ki chutney on the streets of our megacity.

And finally dry fruit Kachori, Baraf gola and Dal pakvan of Jamnagar, out of this world.  


Now we know that in India visiting any new place can give you some kind of knowledge on its delicious economic street food which is found everywhere in India, but behind its taste, profit, enjoyment and the art of making, it’s actually the need of street food for local people for them it is not a luxury like rich people but it definitely helps them in fulfilling some needs and keeps them happy.


Though it is not preferred only to poor one’s it’s something to which people are dependent, it’s not just food but a happiness to share, time to spend with friends, to fulfil the priority of your stomach.


So, friends in this season of festivals make a time from your busy schedule to visit and have a bite of exotic flavoured dishes of great Indian street food.

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Aapnu Gujarat  

Bio-diversity at peak!  


Nisarg Shah (CSPIT)


 Gujarat, the name tells the story of its glory. The state with unprecedented rate of progress in the past 2 decades has its name blinking in each trace of soil on this planet. With all the due respect to the previous leaders, the name that should get the credit is Mr. N. D. Modi, and his team. But, one has to agree to the point that Gujarat is not Gujarat, ‘cause of NM, rather NM is NM, ‘cause of Gujarat. Undoubtedly he did a tremendous job, but it was this land that provided him all that he needed to bring all this glory.


Talking about Gujarat, this land has never disappointed any living thing that stepped on it, and yes, by living thing, I point a broad term that includes all the ecosystems this region possesses.


Diversity, a term defining the mathematical term “integration”, in its social form, has been the key feature of this country, better known as “incredible”, just because the summation of 23 national languages and plethora of cultures makes it “beyond one’s belief and understanding” which is the dictionary meaning of the word “incredible”, and that explains diversity.


Gujarat, being one of the most valued assets of India, follows the same set of protocols, to manifest its diversity, but not just the cultural diversity, but spot-lights on a lesser known “biodiversity”. Biodiversity, basically is the degree of variation that forms within a region or an ecosystem, of course these heavy words are the Wikipedia definition, but in simpler terms, biodiversity is the diversity of living organisms and their habitats in a given region, including everything from deserts to the forests, mountains to the oceans, sparrows to the vultures, spiders to the lions, etc. These are all the end points of the spectrum of diversity in each organism or ecosystem.


But wait!! Did you notice that all those end points of different ecosystems given above are all a part of “the Gujarati diversity”? Gujarat does have desert, forest, ocean, mountains, sparrows, lions, spiders and vultures. That shoes the “bandwidth” of biodiversity of Gujarat. To have such a broad span of it in the area of merely 200,000 km2, just goes on to show the power of Gujarati land, which not just accommodates, but also feeds and nurtures these many diverse children of it.  The biodiversity does not end here, the “green-diversity”, is also one more feature to be added to it, which is at its best over here. On this glorious land, there grows more than 2000 various plants, out of which 760 are medicinal and 450 are of economic importance. And yes, all that grows from the land of Kutch, to the forest of the Dangs. Wow! Diversity at peak!


Now, let’s get a hawk-eye view on some salient features of Gujarat’s biodiversity.  

Flamingo City, the area in the Great Rann of Kutch (GRK) is the largest breeding ground of flamingos, the gorgeous migratory birds from S. America and S. Africa.

The Little Rann of Kutch (LRK), is the world’s only saline desert spread in 25,000 km2 of area, where each year in November, the rain water dries up and the whole area turns into saline desert(with high degree of salt in the soil) and creates a rare and unique ecosystem to support some exotic species of birds and animals.

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Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary, the protected area (PA) in LRK, being a unique habitat and the only abode of one of the only six remaining species of Wild Ass in the world.

Vansda National Park, Valsad is the home to the species of rain forest, including the most threatened “Painted Frog”, leopards, barking deer, etc.

Vijaynagar Forests, in Aravali Mountains, produce numerous medicinal plants and forest products, highlighting the “safed musli”, a food cum medicine.

Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar, is the home to the very rare blackbucks, antelopes and jackals, and also nurtures our migratory guest birds like “Sandgrouse” and “Larks”.

Gir National Park, Junagarh, being the final refuge of the rare “Asiatic Lions”, Marshal Crocodiles, Panthers, Spotted dears and birds like Gray Partridge coming from USA, Canada and Europe.

Narayan Sarovar Chinkara Sanctuary is the rich ecosystem being the abode of rare and endangered species such as Guggal plants and animals like Chinkara and Lesser Floricans.

Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, the first protected area in the country focusing on coastal and marine ecosystems, famous for rich corals, marine algae and mangrove diversity.

Nalsarovar, the very famous and one of the very few of its kind, being a relic sea during some portion of a year and a wetland in the rest, and hence, being visited by large number of migratory birds like Rosy Pelicans (from Europe), Flamingos (Europe), Brahminy Ducks (Africa), White Storks (Europe) and Herons are the guests from N. America and Europe.

Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, an extremely unique combination of Fresh and Salt water marshlands and lakes in the same region of 6.05 km2 called the “safe haven for birds” with over 300 varieties of migratory birds and corals.


All and all, to have the species ranging these wide span of spectrum, definitely makes Gujarat, to be called “the Gujarat”. As its geographical shape, being the face of a lion. It’s truly the king lion of the world, as it has got almost all the varieties. If the world is to be merged someday, it has to be compressed in Gujarat as it will preserve most of the nature’s species with its motherhood. Hence, Gujarat does stand out to be the “thumbnail of the world”.


 “The longest running primetime animated series is the Simpsons, which began in 1987. 

It takes more than six months to make an episode of the Simpsons.”       

“The reason why Mickey Mouse was drawn with white gloves was because Walt Disney thought 

that normal mouse nails were too violent for children to watch.” 

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