QuickFix Google’s Android Mobile Application Date: 12/02/2008 PRESENTED BY- TEAM#5.

QuickFix Google’s Android Mobile Application Date: 12/02/2008 PRESENTED BY- TEAM#5
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Transcript of QuickFix Google’s Android Mobile Application Date: 12/02/2008 PRESENTED BY- TEAM#5.

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QuickFix Google’s Android Mobile Application

Date: 12/02/2008PRESENTED BY- TEAM#5

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Team Information

Team Members

Dinesh Reddy GudibandiEmail:[email protected]

Hari Kishan KapaEmail: [email protected]

Sai Srinivas PabbathiEmail:[email protected]

Sumanth KattamanchiEmail : [email protected]


Dr.Kwok-Bun YueEmail: [email protected]


Mr.Dilhar De SilvaEmail: [email protected]

Project Sponsor


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Presenter 1


• Project Overview

• Technologies Used

• Architecture

• Class & Sequence Diagrams

Presenter 2


• Features of Web Applications

• Features of Mobile Application

• Overview of Android Architecture

Presenter 3


• Demonstration of the Web Application

Presenter 4


• Mobile Application demonstration

• Implementation Issues

• Project Timeline

• Roles

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Project Overview

• What is our Project?

• What are the major domains in the Project?

• What happens within the Project?

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System Architecture

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Service Seeker

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Post Problem

Edit Profile





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Service Provider

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Add to Favorites




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Class Diagram

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Sequence Diagrams-Customer submitting the problem

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Sequence Diagrams-service provider search for problem

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Features of Web Application

• Admin account

• Password recovery

• Photo based profiles

• Reviews

• History

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Features of Web Application contd…..

• Post problem

• Acknowledgement for posting a problem

• Adding to favorites

• Ratings

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Android Architecture

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Home Contacts PhoneQuick

FixMaps Browser

Activity Manager

Resource Manager

Package Manager

Content Provider

Telephony Manager

Location Manager

View System

SQLite Core LibrariesDalvik Virtual


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Features of Mobile Application

• Map settings

• Map plotted with the customers within a given Zip-code

• Choose a customer

• View customer information

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Features of Mobile Application contd…..

• Calling a customer

• Editing profile

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Web Application DEMO

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Mobile Application DEMO

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Implementation Issues

• MYSQL connectivity with web application

• External Database connection

• MAPAPI key

• Drawing overlays

• Integrating the Web client and the android client

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Project Timeline

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Team Roles

Team Members Roles

Sai Srinivas Pabbathi (Team Lead) Android Developer, Document Writer.

Hari Kishan Kapa Document Writer, Android Developer, Design.

Dinesh Reddy Gudibandi Web Application Developer, Android developer, Document Writer.

Sumanth Kattamanchi DBA, Web Application Developer, Android Developer, Document Writer.

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• http://www.wikipedia.org/

• http://code.google.com/android/

• http://www.apache.org/

• http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html

• http://www.mysql.com/

• http://code.google.com/

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Thank You

Any Queries??

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