Questions for the "Torah" Keepers (PDF)

I'm going to ask some sincere questions, not necessarily because I'm on the fence with my beliefs but seeing if we can maintain objectivity. This is intended for all who "keep" the commandments (even while in captivity). When you say you "keep" the commandments, are you keeping the VERBATIM "as it is written"? Now I understand the ten commandments, for example, being kept. (the Sabbath I'm gonna need clarity on). I don't need 9 of the 10 commandments (outside of Shabbat) clarified and by walkin in the Spirit, I WOULD NOT break those laws.. However, with Shabbat (let's be honest) who is keeping the Sabbath "AS IT IS WRITTEN?" And if so, what happens if you offend in one point of the Sabbath.. what is the LITERAL REQUIREMENTS for repentance? I'm having a hard time understanding how somebody can keep a LITERAL COMMANDMENT, and then BREAK IT, and then NOT offer a LITERAL SACRIFICE. For those who "keep" the commandments today, are you going off FAITH of what ever day it is? Do you REAAALLLLYYYYY know what day it is? And I'm not oblivious to the understanding of the lunar calendar and such sabbaths.. However, would you call in sick for work, just to "keep" the Sabbath? (adding to it, if you were already late on rent & bout to get evicted) Would you be out of work for 3 years waiting to find the job that fits you "keeping" the Sabbath? (Is that responsible, esp. men?)


This debate needs no more useless replies back in forth.. I'm looking for coherent responses to my flow of questions via mentions, DM/email (I'll follow you if I am not already, so we can DM/email each other) or perhaps provide a link to your answers.Shalom. Shalam. Shalum.

Transcript of Questions for the "Torah" Keepers (PDF)

  • I'm going to ask some sincere questions, not necessarily because I'm on the fence with my beliefs but seeing if we can maintain objectivity.

    This is intended for all who "keep" the commandments (even while in captivity).

    When you say you "keep" the commandments, are you keeping the VERBATIM "as it is written"?

    Now I understand the ten commandments, for example, being kept. (the Sabbath I'm gonna need clarity on).

    I don't need 9 of the 10 commandments (outside of Shabbat) clarified and by walkin in the Spirit, I WOULD NOT break those laws..

    However, with Shabbat (let's be honest) who is keeping the Sabbath "AS IT IS WRITTEN?"

    And if so, what happens if you offend in one point of the Sabbath.. what is the LITERAL REQUIREMENTS for repentance?

    I'm having a hard time understanding how somebody can keep a LITERAL COMMANDMENT, and then BREAK IT, and then NOT offer a LITERAL SACRIFICE.

    For those who "keep" the commandments today, are you going off FAITH of what ever day it is? Do you REAAALLLLYYYYY know what day it is?

    And I'm not oblivious to the understanding of the lunar calendar and such sabbaths..

    However, would you call in sick for work, just to "keep" the Sabbath? (adding to it, if you were already late on rent & bout to get evicted)

    Would you be out of work for 3 years waiting to find the job that fits you "keeping" the Sabbath? (Is that responsible, esp. men?)

  • I understand the laws dealing with sexual immorality.

    However, for example, it was commanded not to mix (mate) with certain bloodlines (Deuteronomy 7:1-6).

    Can someone point out (100%) today who all the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites are?

    And if we are keepin it "as it is written" in Moses, can someone please tell me where the Levites are? (People have been dodging this one..)

    Because the 11 tribes were supposed to TITHE to them, AS IT IS WRITTEN. (Deuteronomy 14:22.)

    Who all has a farm so they can tithe grain, wine, oil, and a firstborn of of their flocks (IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD OUR GOD)?!

    Deuteronomy 14:22 (KJV) "THOU SHALT TRULY TITHE all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth YEAR BY YEAR."

    I'm seeing some people think the Law (of Moses, not talkin the Law of FAITH) is to be "kept" when and however is convenient for them...

    Is there a COMMANDMENT on how to TITHE (LITERALLY AS IT IS WRITTEN) when you don't have the resources to?

    Has anybody been circumcised on the EIGHTH DAY? What PHYSICAL covenant are you in if you haven't?

    Those who are in CHRIST, offer up SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES NOW, opposed to lambs & other animals & grain offerings for BREAKING the covenant.

    SO if it ain't SPIRITUAL, what FLESHLY SACRIFICES have been offered up, by the people?


    Where is our government (talkin, TRUE Israel)? Who are our judges? That was a part of the Law. It was ALL ONE LAW, RIGHT?

    Deuteronomy 8:1a (KJV) "ALL THE COMMANDMENTS which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may live,"

    Deuteronomy 8:1b (KJV) "and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers."

    For those who claim Christ, how has He helped you keep Laws that you HAVE NOT KEPT YET. Do you still tithe AS IT IS WRITTEN?

    IF NOT, you have BROKEN A LAW. Did any prophets PROPHESY and say, "when the Messiah comes, we will tithe however WE want to." DID THEY?!

    Those who adhere to MOSES, NOT CHRIST, when they REPENTED they offered up LITERAL SACRIFICES. How can WE DECIDE to just offer "prayers?"

    What make us better than our forefathers who BROKE THESE LAWS IN THE LAND? How much more at a DISADVANTAGE ARE WE AT TODAY?

    Is there NO HOPE then?

    By the own "LAW" some of Y'srael love talking about, they have CONDEMNED THEMSELVES BY THEIR OWN WORDS.There was no "keep the Law" to the best of their ability, written anywhere.

    Do you all believe there is eternal life through what The Most High said to Moses?


    Remember.. you break ONE you break it ALL. The robber is the SAME as the liar who is the SAME as the one who gathers a stick on Shabbat.

    So if one law is broken, isn't there a PHYSICAL, LITERAL OFFERING NEED TO BE MADE?

    And if you "claim" Christ, yet "keep" Moses, you have trodden over the Son of the Most High God you claim to serve (cont.)

    because you gon' have to offer up a physical sacrifices and your FAITH is now NULL AND VOID.... (Hebrews 10:26-31);NKJV;KJV;AMP

    Matt. 9:16a (KJV) "No man putteth a piece of NEW CLOTH UNTO AN OLD GARMENT, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment,"

    Matthew 9:16b (KJV) "and the RENT IS MADE WORSE."

    Matthew 9:17a (KJV) Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish:

    Matthew 9:17b (KJV) "but they put NEW WINE INTO NEW BOTTLES, and BOTH ARE PRESERVED."

    I'm waiting on some solid answers.. not that I demand them. Just seekin HONEST ANSWERS.. It's okay to say, "I DON'T KNOW." "I'M NOT SURE."