1. What are the duties performed by the Medical or Surgical Nurse? Well sir, a Medical or Surgical Nurse performs the duties of taking care of the post as well as pre operative surgical instruments. He/she uses to collect all types of information and the care priorities. He/she uses to apply new methodology of care and the treatment modalities and also uses to evaluate them. Several other kinds of duties are to proper order of the diagnostic procedures. He/she also liable to perform practices which in term is known as the domain of the physician. He/she is also responsible for the Program development, quality improvement and evaluation of the nursing staff performance. 2. What are the basic specializations needed in this field? Sir, the basic specialization needed is in the field of advanced and specialty practices. He/she must have high degree of diversity in the Adult Health nursing and Medical or Surgical Nursing. He/she must be knowledgeable enough to perform the duties on practical and theoretical basis. 3. What are your strengths? Well sir, I am a good decision maker and always ready to help and serve the people. I am also a strong hearted individual. 4. Why you have chosen the field of nursing? Well Sir, I have chosen the area of nursing because of my interest in this field. I wanted to be capable enough to think about the people who are in need. 5. What is your area of specialization? Well sir, I am specialist in the area of Pediatric Intensive Care and in the field of an Adult Health nursing. Now, you are competent enough to go and face the interview of a Medical or Surgical Nurse. Surgical Nurses are the nurses who provide surgical care to the patients whenever required and are nursed on different wards to medical patients. Nursing practice on surgical wards differs from that of medical wards. Surgical nurses are responsible for

Transcript of QUESTIONS 1.docx

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1. What are the duties performed by the Medical or Surgical Nurse? Well sir, a Medical or Surgical Nurse performs the duties of taking care of the post as well as pre operative surgical instruments. He/she uses to collect all types of information and the care priorities. He/she uses to apply new methodology of care and the treatment modalities and also uses to evaluate them. Several other kinds of duties are to proper order of the diagnostic procedures. He/she also liable to perform practices which in term is known as the domain of the physician. He/she is also responsible for the Program development, quality improvement and evaluation of the nursing staff performance.

2. What are the basic specializations needed in this field?Sir, the basic specialization needed is in the field of advanced and specialty practices. He/she must have high degree of diversity in the Adult Health nursing and Medical or Surgical Nursing. He/she must be knowledgeable enough to perform the duties on practical and theoretical basis.

3. What are your strengths?Well sir, I am a good decision maker and always ready to help and serve the people. I am also a strong hearted individual.

4. Why you have chosen the field of nursing?Well Sir, I have chosen the area of nursing because of my interest in this field. I wanted to be capable enough to think about the people who are in need.

5. What is your area of specialization?Well sir, I am specialist in the area of Pediatric Intensive Care and in the field of an Adult Health nursing.

Now, you are competent enough to go and face the interview of a Medical or Surgical Nurse.

Surgical Nurses are the nurses who provide surgical care to the patients whenever required and are nursed on different wards to medical patients. Nursing practice on surgical wards differs from that of medical wards.  Surgical nurses are responsible for approximately six patients, depending on the nature of the surgical ward. Intensive Care and High-Dependency units usually have one to two nurses per patient.

Here, in my article, I am going to supplement you with various questions and answers which may be asked by the interviewer regarding the Surgical Nurse while you will go to face the interview.

1. What are the different types of practices performed by the Surgical Nurses?Well sir, the surgical nurses may practice in different types of surgery. They are General surgery such as Appendicectomy and Gallbladder removal, vascular surgery such as Varicose Vein Surgery and Aortic Aneurysm repair, Colo-rectal surgery like stoma formation, Surgical Oncology like breast surgery and tumors resections, Orthopaedic surgery like the knee or hip replacements and fracture repair, Urolological surgery such as prostate surgery and Day surgery or ambulatory surgery, where a patient is discharged within 24 hours.

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2. What are the various types of duties of a Surgical Nurse?Sir, there are two types of duties performed by the surgical nurses. They are the Pre-Operative Care and the Post-Operative Care.

3. What do you mean by the Pre-Operative Care?Sir, in the Pre-Operative Care, there is preparation of patients for their procedure which involves ensuring pre-medication is administered and the patient or guardian has given written consent. The required blood-tests have been done and the identification labels and identification bracelets are corrected. All allergies have been recorded in the patient’s notes and that the patient has been fasted appropriately.

4. What do you mean by the Post-Operative Care?Well sir, in this, the patient must be closely observed for signs of shock and arrest. The surgical nurse also makes sure the wound created by the surgery is in one piece and must be knowledgeable in wound care and the care of surgical drains. Surgical Nurses are responsible for the management of pain and post-operative nausea and vomiting, which are common post-operative side effects. The surgical nurse is also responsible for the discharge of the patient and giving the patient information on support systems and measures necessary to their recovery.

5. Finally, why you have chosen the field of Nursing?Sir, I have chosen the area of nursing because of my interest in this field. I wanted to be capable enough to think about the people in need specially the patients. I want to devote my rest of life in serving the patients.

Now, you can go to crack the interview ahead.


1. Tell me about yourself.2. What is your greatest strength?3. What can you offer us that no one else can?4. What are your three most important career accomplishments?5. How would you describe yourself?6. Why should I hire you?7. Describe the biggest crisis in your life (career).8. What is unique about you?9. How would your supervisor describe you?10. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10.11. Tell me a story.12. How have you benefited from disappointment?13. What is your greatest weakness?14. Have you ever been fired or asked to resign?15. Why have you changed jobs so frequently?

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16. Why have you been out of work so long? What have you been doing?17. What is the biggest mistake you ever made?18. What are your career goals?19. What do you want to do in life?20. How long have you been out of work?21. What personal, non-job related gals have you set for yourself?22. Are you willing to relocate?23. Are you willing to travel overnight?24. How do you feel about overtime?25. What have you learned from your past mistakes? What are some of them?26. What do you think determines a person’s progress with a goof company?27. Who has exercised the greatest influence on you? How?28. What public figure do you admire most and why?29. What are your primary activities outside of work?30. Would you have any concern if we did a full background check on you? What would we find?31. What qualities do you most admire in people?32. What have you done to increase your personal development?33. What type of books and magazines do you read?34. What was the last book you read (movie you saw) and how did it affect you?35. How do you feel about your career progress?36. Can you work well under stress?37. Do you prefer to work as an individually or as a part of a team?38. Are you a team player?39. Tell me about the last incident that made you angry. How did you handle it?40. What are the things that motivate you?41. How do you handle people that you really don’t get along with?42. What have you done that shows initiative?43. What personal qualities are important for success in this field?44. Sell me this pen.45. Are you willing to take calculated risks?46. Describe your perfect job?47. What is most important to you in a job?48. Why do you want to change careers?49. Why do you want to get into this field?50. Why did you leave your last job?51. How long will it take before you make a positive contribution to our organization?52. What do you like least about this position? Most?53. Tell me about your duties at your present job?54. What is the most important aspect of your job?55. Describe a time when you were criticized for your job.56. What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced?57. What frustrates you about your job?

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58. What jobs have you enjoyed most? Least? Why?59. What duties have you enjoyed most? Least? Why?60. What is the worst thing your have ever heard about this organization?61. What position do you expect to hold in five years? (similar to, Where do you expect to be in 5 years?)62. Why would you like to work for us?63. What is opinion of your present (or past) employer?64. How long would you stay if we offered you this position?65. What do you know about our company?66. Why do you want to leave your present employer?67. Starting with your first job out of college, tell me why you left each organization.68. What kinds of recommendations will you get from previous employers?69. Describe your relationship with your last three supervisors.70. What are your supervisor’s strengths and weaknesses?71. What kind of supervisors do you like most? Least? Why?72. How has your supervisor helped you grow?73. What did your supervisor rate you highest on during your last review? Lowest?74. What kind of supervisor gets the best results out of you?75. What is your boss like?76. What actions would you take if you came on board?77. Can you supervise people?78. Describe your management philosophy and management style.79. How many people have you hired? How do you go about it? How successful have the people been?80. How many people have you fired?81. How would your subordinates describe you as a supervisor?82. Some managers watch their employees closely while others use a loose rein. How do you manage?83. How have you improved as a supervisor over the years?84. Why did you pick your major?85. What kind of grades did you have?86. What course did you like the most? Least? Why?87. How has your schooling prepared you for this job?88. Do you feel you did the best work at school that you were capable of doing?89. How did your summer jobs benefit you?


Tell me about a time when you:

1. Achieved a great deal in a short amount of time.2. Were disappointed in your performance.3. Made a major sacrifice to achieve a work goal.4. Were unwilling or unable to make the necessary sacrifice to achieve a goal.

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5. Worked effectively under a great deal of pressure.6. Didn’t handle a stressful situation very well.7. Really got angry over a situation at work.8. Felt under a great deal of pressure from an internal or external customer.9. Were really bothered by the actions of a coworker.10. Were especially creative in solving a problem.11. Were not as creative as usual.12. Organized and planned an event that was successful.13. Planned and coordinated a project that was very successful.14. Were unable to complete a project on schedule despite your best efforts.15. Really had to remain flexible.16. Had to deal with a personality conflict with a boss or coworker.17. Were unable to sell your idea to a key person.18. Felt really good about a decision you made and the process you went through.19. Were very effective in your problem-solving ability.20. Used facts and reason to persuade someone to accept your recommendation.21. Utilized your leadership ability to gain support for what initially had been strong opposition.22. Were able to build team spirit during a time of low morale.23. Were able to gain commitment from others to really work as a team.24. Used your political savvy to push through a program you believed in.25. Were particularly perceptive regarding a person’s or group’s feelings and needs.26. Were able to predict someone’s behavior or response based on your assessment of him or her.27. Were particularly supportive and reassuring to a person who needed a friend.28. Built rapport quickly with someone under difficult conditions.29. Wrote a report which was well received by others.30. Were particularly effective at prioritizing tasks and completing a project on schedule.31. Identified potential problems and resolved the situation before the problems became serious.32. Were highly motivated and your example inspired others.33. Found it necessary to tactfully but forcefully say things others did not want to hear.34. Were particularly effective in a talk you gave or a seminar you taught.35. Had to make an important decision quickly even though you did not have all the information you wanted.36. Had to make a decision you knew would be unpopular.Were in a situation when events and circumstances changed rapidly.