Questionnaire results


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Questionnaire Results

Genres of Music:Pop




Alternative R&B


Heavy Rap






We gave our questionnaire to 30 people; 18 girls and 12 boys.

There were many varied responses for this question; the most popular genres were ‘Alternative R&B’, ‘R&B’, ‘Pop’ and ‘Rock’. There were, however, a few categories that received no responses at all, such as ‘Blues’ and ‘Folk’. We took this to be because our target audience is of the younger generation and so listens to more modern music that usually makes its way into the Radio 1 Charts somehow (which lacks





Theme Park

Our respondents could choose more than one answer on this question and we found that the most popular answer was Bars/Clubs, but other options were also popular so we think we may do a range of settings. The ‘Forests and Outdoors’ category didn’t get any responses which is completely fine as it fit with our video

Before giving each person their questionnaire, we talked through our video idea with them and asked for any improvements or extra ideas. Most people said they liked our idea and didn’t offer any criticism when asked. A lot of the participants also said that they like the artist and the song, also mentioning that the visualization for the video worked really well with the lyrics and that it is an original and contemporary idea. Many also said that they can imagine the video well.Improvement ideas noted were concepts such as incorporating black and white shots into the video while also using vivid colours and using various different camera angles throughout the video.Many respondents said that they could picture the video in a club or bar, others picked on the streets or in cars, and others said in houses or bedrooms. When asked participants what they would do if they were to create the video, a lot of them came up with a story similar to ours. One mentioned that they would make the setting in a club and get the male protagonist to go through many girls. Before looking through the results we hadn’t decided on one plotline so curating this research has gained us some new interesting ideas.