Questionnaire results

Questionnaire Results By James Anniss & Louis Critoph

Transcript of Questionnaire results

Page 1: Questionnaire results

Questionnaire ResultsBy James Anniss & Louis Critoph

Page 2: Questionnaire results

Question 1: Why do you watch horror films?

To the right is a screenshot of the results to question 1 (out of 12 people) in our survey and it shows that 41.67% (5) watch horror films to be thrilled and 33.33% (4) watch them to be scared however 25% (3) watch them because their friends are as well. Judging on these results we will look to thrill our audience with our trailer but also look to make them scared of what they are watching. Our main objective was to thrill and scare the audience as our genre of horror is Slasher.

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Question 2: Do you enjoy horror films?

To the right are the results to question 2 of our survey and it shows that out of the 12 who answered 50% (6) said that they enjoy horror films and also 50% (6) said that didn’t enjoy horror films. This was just to see how many people may just be attracted to the genre rather than the sub-genre of the horror film. The results are even so it is unclear whether we will get an audience to watch our horror trailer/film.

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Question 3: where do you prefer to watch horror films?

To the right are the results to question 3 of our survey and it shows that out of the 12 who answered 41.67% (5) would watch them at home, 50% (6) would watch them at a friends house and 8.33% (1) would watch a horror film at the cinema. Judging by these results it suggests to us that we produce our horror film to be meant to be released on DVD and not at the cinema because of how the narrative and atmosphere of the movie is. It also suggests that on the next question.

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Question 4: How do you watch horror films?

To the right are the results to question 4 of our survey and it shows that out of the 11 (1 skipped) who answered none would watch a horror movie at the cinema 45.45% (5) would watch it from a hard copy and 54.55% (6) would download them which suggests to us that we should make our horror film trailer to show that the movie is meant for the small rather than big screen this conclusion is also backed up by the results on question 3.

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Question 5: what is your favourite horror genre?

To the right are the results to question 5 of our survey and it shows that out of the 12 that answered 33.33% (4) people said that Slasher was their favourite horror genre, no one said that Sci-fi, comedy and monster horror was their favourite. 8.33% (1) said that they like body horror and splatter genres I horror and 16.67% (2) said that their favourite horror genre was action and psychological so judging on these results it shows that Slasher is a popular choice for a horror film which is our original idea so it fits in really well with our target audience.

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Question 6: What makes you want to watch a horror film?

To the right are the results to question 6 of our survey and it shows that out of the 12 that answered 41.67% (5) would watch a horror film because of who stars in the film, 33.33% (4) said that their friends and family makes them watch a horror film, 16.67% (2) said that by watching the trailer it would entice them to watch the movie and 8.33% (1) said that there partner would make them watch it and no one said that who directed it would make them watch it so judging by these results the actor is the most important thing to engage our target audience so we could include them in the trailer (main actor).

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Question 7: does the marketing of a horror film influence you to watch it?

To the right are the results to question 7 of our survey and it shows that out of the 12 who answered the results were even with 50% (6) saying that the marketing does influence them and 50% (6) said that marketing does not influence whether they would watch a film so this suggests that half of our audience will be interested in the marketing i.e. how the trailer shows the film to make them want to see the film, however the other half of our audience would not look at the marketing of the film but will still watch the trailer to know what the movie is about and whether or not they would like it.

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Question 8: how often do you watch horror films?

To the right are the results to question 8 of our survey and it shows that out of the 12 that answered 75%. (9) said that they infrequently watch horror films, 8.33% (1) said that they frequently watch horror films and 16.67% (2) said that they never watch horror films and looking at these results it suggests that most people watch horror films maybe once or twice a week/fortnight so we could include this by having notifications on when the trailer is coming out every so often.