
Questionnaire: In this study, the researcher divides the questionnaire to be nine parts. Part one is the screening question part two is hobby, part three is smoking cessation, part four is health matter, part five is motivation to quite, part six is product features, part seven is price, part eight is purchasing intention of e-cigarette and the last part is demographic information of respondents. The question will only take not more than 5 minutes. We kindly appreciate your time and effort to answering the questions. Please answer the following questions by marking the relevant box. Part 1: Screening questions 1. Do you use or own a Samsung smartphone? Yes No (please exit survey) 2. You have used a Samsung smartphone before? Yes No 3. You know about the live chat feature for customer support.


brand loyalty

Transcript of Questionnaire

Questionnaire:In this study, the researcher divides the questionnaire to be nine parts. Part one is the screening question part two is hobby, part three is smoking cessation, part four is health matter, part five is motivation to quite, part six is product features, part seven is price, part eight is purchasing intention of e-cigarette and the last part is demographic information of respondents.

The question will only take not more than 5 minutes. We kindly appreciate your time and effort to answering the questions.

Please answer the following questions by marking the relevant box.

Part 1: Screening questions1. Do you use or own a Samsung smartphone? Yes No (please exit survey)

2. You have used a Samsung smartphone before? Yes No 3. You know about the live chat feature for customer support.

Yes No

The researcher design 7 points Likert scale for the all questions from part 2 to part 8.There are 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = generally disagree, 3 = disagree, 4 = neither agree nor disagree, 5= agree, 6 = generally agree and 7 strongly agree.

Part 2: customer supportVariables1234567

1. I am satisfied with the number of customer support centres?

2. The online customer support provided is up to the expectation level?

3. Time taken by customer support centers to sought out the problem is negligible.

4. You will prefer Samsung support center on a local repair shop.

Part 3: technical featuresSamsung smartphone is excellent in following features.1234567

1. user interface

2. Talk time and standby time (battery life)

3. Multitasking

4. camera quality

5. screen quality

Part 4: brand equity1234567

1. Even if another brand has same features as my brand, I would still prefer to buy my brand

2. Samsung is a strong brand name

3. Even if another brand has the same price as my brand, I would still buy my brand

Part 5: design aestheticsVariables1234567

1. Curved screen design by Samsung is a distinct feature

2. Samsungs smartphones design is excellent comparing other brands

3. Lack of glass and metal body design is a backdrop.

4. The overall look and feel of the Smartphone is visually appealing.

5. The screen design (i.e. colors, icons, menus, etc.) is attractive.

Part 6: Product valueVariables1234567

1. The value of the Samsung smartphones, as compared to its price, is correct.

2. The price of Samsung smartphones compared to another smartphones is reasonable.

3. .


5. .


Part 7: customer satisfactionVariables1234567

1. Overall performance of Samsung smartphones is good.

2. I like to buy Samsung smartphone again.

3. I will recommend Samsung smartphone to a friend or colleague

4. my smartphone is more than just a product for me

Part 11: Demographic information1. GenderMaleFemale2. AgeLess than 21 years old21-30 years old31-40 years old41-50 years oldMore than 51 years old3. EducationLower than Bachelors DegreeBachelors DegreeHigher than Bachelors Degree4. OccupationStudentBusiness ownerEmployeeUnemployment5. SalaryLess than 15,001 Baht15,001-30,000 Baht30,001-40,000 Baht40,001-60,000 BahtMore than 60,000 Baht

1. How much are you willing to Spend While Purchasing Smart Phone? 5000 10000 baht 10000 15000 baht 15000 20000 baht 20000 25000 baht 25000 30000 baht 30000 35000 baht 35000 baht - Above2. Occupation: Student Self-Employed Government Education Management Employee