
Questionnaire: Sonder Poster (Brogan) 1. What genre would you think the film was by looking at the posters? I thought the genre of the film was maybe comedy and drama. 2. Which poster is more eye catching, and why? I really liked the poster with both characters back to back looking at the bag, because of their facial expressions and it made think why are they looking at a bag and it draws you in. Ellie also explained that she would be using bright colours in the bag ground to make them stand out even more, which I could imagine. 3. What is your favourite, and why? My favourite was defiantly the one with both characters looking at the bag. 4. Can you tell who the target audience is? I think the target audience would be for around the age of 12 upwards, though I don’t really know much about the film. Questionnaire: Sonder Poster (Mum) 1. What genre would you think the film was by looking at the posters? I thought the genre of the film was defiantly comedy because of the way Ellie has laid out the scene. 2. Which poster is more eye catching, and why? I did like the poster with the girl sitting on top of the sweets with the young boy counting the money. I thought it was a very creative of her to entail the sweet and money as she has told me all about her short film. 3. What is your favourite, and why? My favourite would defiantly be Florence sitting on the sweets. 4. Can you tell who the target audience is?

Transcript of Questionnair1

Page 1: Questionnair1

Questionnaire: Sonder Poster (Brogan)

1. What genre would you think the film was by looking at the posters?I thought the genre of the film was maybe comedy and drama.

2. Which poster is more eye catching, and why?I really liked the poster with both characters back to back looking at the bag, because of their facial expressions and it made think why are they looking at a bag and it draws you in. Ellie also explained that she would be using bright colours in the bag ground to make them stand out even more, which I could imagine.

3. What is your favourite, and why?My favourite was defiantly the one with both characters looking at the bag.

4. Can you tell who the target audience is?I think the target audience would be for around the age of 12 upwards, though I don’t really know much about the film.

Questionnaire: Sonder Poster (Mum)

1. What genre would you think the film was by looking at the posters?I thought the genre of the film was defiantly comedy because of the way Ellie has laid out the scene.

2. Which poster is more eye catching, and why?I did like the poster with the girl sitting on top of the sweets with the young boy counting the money. I thought it was a very creative of her to entail the sweet and money as she has told me all about her short film.

3. What is your favourite, and why?My favourite would defiantly be Florence sitting on the sweets.

4. Can you tell who the target audience is?I think the target audience would be for young adults.