Question Sheet - ·...

Question Sheet Topic: English: Exam Term 4 Total Marks: 100 Subject: Grade 5 ENGLISH Question 1: True/False [2] A capital letter is not used for the names of the seasons. TRUE FALSE Question 2: True/False [2] This sentence has been punctuated correctly: Can you buy eggs, cheese ham and fruit from Pick 'n Pay TRUE FALSE Questions 3 to 4 refer to the following graphic Figure 1: 05english Question 3: True/False [2] The plural for alias is “aliasis" . TRUE FALSE Page 1 Copyright EvaluNet (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question Sheet

Topic: English: Exam Term 4

Total Marks: 100

Subject: Grade 5 ENGLISH

Question 1: True/False [2]

A capital letter is not used for the names of the seasons.


Question 2: True/False [2]

This sentence has been punctuated correctly:

Can you buy eggs, cheese ham and fruit from Pick 'n Pay


Questions 3 to 4 refer to the following graphic

Figure 1: 05english

Question 3: True/False [2]

The plural for alias is “aliasis" .


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Page 2: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question 4: Multiple Choice [4]

Look at the dictionary extract:

If the word “afraid" had been listed on this page, it would have been between the words ... .

A alive and alliance

B alias and alive

C adequate and agree

D agree and agreement

Question 5: True/False [2]

The word in bold is spelt correctly:

Paul tried to break the nutshell open with a hammer.


Question 6: True/False [2]

In this sentence, where is a conjunction:

Where are you going?


Question 7 refers to the following graphic

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Page 3: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Figure 2: laughter

Question 7: True/False [2]

The figure of speech in this sentence is a metaphor:

Laughter is the best medicine.


Question 8: Multiple Choice [4]

Is the word ‘blue' used as an adjective in this sentence?

The ball is blue.

A yes

B no

C sometimes

D possibly

Question 9: Multiple Choice [4]

“I've" means ... .

A I have

B I have not

C I would have

D I had

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Page 4: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question 10: Multiple Choice [4]

Today is the ... day of summer so far.

A hot

B hotter

C hottest

D least hot

Question 11: Multiple Choice [4]

My grandparents arrived yesterday.

YESTERDAY is ... .

A a common noun

B an adjective

C an adverb

D a preposition

Question 12: Multiple Choice [4]

The prefix, milli-, means ... .

A millipede

B one thousandth

C million or millionth

D million

Question 13 refers to the following graphic

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Page 5: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Figure 3: king and queen

Question 13: Multiple Choice [4]

The new king will ... for ten years.

A rain

B rein

C raine

D reign

Question 14: Multiple Choice [4]

Choose the best conjunction to complete this sentence:

My report shows good results ... I work hard at my school work.

A and

B though

C because

D although

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Page 6: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question 15: Multiple Choice [4]

Choose the sentence which has onomatopoeia.

A Early in the morning, I can hear the birds chirp.

B He is afraid of the lion.

C I thought that you had gone to Durban.

D My mother cooks dinner every night.

Question 16: Write Your Answer [3]

You will tidy your room now.

The shortened form of “you will" is ... .

Question 17 refers to the following graphic

Figure 4: dog peeping

Question 17: Write Your Answer [3]

What is the correct form of the word in brackets?

My dog can run (fast) than yours.

Question 18: Write Your Answer [3]

An adverb tells us more about the ... .

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Page 7: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question 19: Write Your Answer [3]

Put the word in brackets into the correct form by adding a prefix or a suffix:

Sarah started to cry because she was very (happy).

Question 20: Write Your Answer [3]

Put the word in brackets into the correct form by adding a prefix or a suffix:

I (like) playing sport in the hot sun.

Question 21: Write Your Answer [3]

Choose the correct word in brackets:

A (none; nun) is a woman who lives simply, does not marry and obeys God.

Question 22 refers to the following graphic

Figure 5: rugby

Question 22: Write Your Answer [3]

Identify the conjunction in this sentence:

It was raining, but our rugby matches were not cancelled.

Question 23: Write Your Answer [3]

Complete this simile:

My gift is in a box which is as light as a ... .

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Page 8: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question 24: Fill In The Blanks [4]

Tom (1) crept out of the house while his mother (2) built her puzzle.

1 2

quietly quietily busyly


Question 25: Fill In The Blanks [4]

When a person speaks, we use (1) to show the exact (2) that they are saying.

1 2

quotation marks words colons

facts apostrophes

Question 26: Fill In The Blanks [4]

Look at the following list of words:filthy, fasten, field, fragile, final, flag

If the above list was in alphabetical order, the word (1) would be fifth in the row. The word (2) would be fourth in the row.

1 2

filthy fasten field

fragile final flag

Question 27: Fill In The Blanks [4]

To be without fear is to be (1) and to be full of care is to be (2) .

1 2

careless careful fearless


Question 28: Fill In The Blanks [4]

Choose the best conjunctions to complete these sentences:

You may choose to watch TV (1) play outside.

Neither your brother (2) your sister may watch TV.

1 2

and nor or


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Page 9: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4]

The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

The word (1) displays a human quality and the word (2) is the subject being personified.

1 2

news cousin took


Question 30: Fill In The Blanks [4]

Mabel is a mule.The figure of speech in this sentence is (1) .

Ella is as stubborn as a mule.The figure of speech in this sentence is (2) .

1 2

onomatopoeia metaphor simile


30 Questions, 9 Pages

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Page 10: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.


Topic: English: Exam Term 4

Total Marks: 100

Subject: Grade 5 ENGLISH

1. TRUE 2

Names of the seasons are not proper nouns.Explanation:

2. FALSE 2

Can you buy eggs, cheese, ham and fruit from Pick 'n Pay?

This is a question and so a question mark should be added. There is a comma missing between the words 'cheese' and 'ham' as these words make up a list.


3. FALSE 2

The plural for alias is aliases.Explanation:

4. C 4

d, e, f, g.

Adequate, afraid, agree.


5. TRUE 2

Paul tried to make the nutshell come apart in pieces.

Break also means:-to damage (break a leg)-to make known (break the news)-to fail to obey (break the law)-to go beyond (break the record)-to stop (break a fever)


6. FALSE 2

Where is an adverb in this sentence.

In the following sentence where is a conjunction because it joins two parts of a sentence:

Do you know where they are going to camp?


7. TRUE 2

A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but do have something in common.

Laughter makes you feel good.

There are many medical reasons given as to why laughter makes you healthy and feel good.


8. A 4

An adjective can be placed before a noun, or after a verb. In this sentence, blue tells us what colour the ball, a noun, is.


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9. A 4

In the contraction of I and have, the apostrophe replaces the “ha" in have: I've.Explanation:

10. C 4

You are comparing the heat of this day to MANY others so far - use EST.Explanation:

11. C 4

It tells us WHEN the action took place, therefore it is an adverb of time.Explanation:

12. B 4

Milli- is one of a thousand parts of something.

A millilitre is one thousandth of 1 litre.


13. D 4

The new king will reign for ten years.The g is a silent g.

Another way to write this sentence:The new king will rule for ten years.


14. C 4

My report shows good results because (for the reason that) I work hard at my school work.


15. A 4

When you pronounce the word chirp, it makes the same sound as the word you are saying.

Read the sentence aloud, taking note of the sound and meaning of the word chirp.


16. you'll 3

Even though two letters (wi) have been left out of the word WILL, only one apostrophe is used.


17. faster 3

When we compare two items, we add ER to the adjective.Explanation:

18. verb 3

Adverbs tell us how, where and when the action happens. They tell us more about the verb.


19. unhappy 3

By adding a prefix, the word can be changed to the opposite meaning.

happy becomes unhappy


20. dislike 3

By adding a prefix, the word can be changed to the opposite meaning.

like becomes dislike


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Page 12: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

21. nun 3

Nun and none are homophones - the words sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.

There is none left for you to take home.

There is nothing left for you to take home.


22. but 3

But indicates that the next clause will contradict the clause before it.

In other words, it is raining and so the matches should be cancelled.

However, in this sentence we are told that it is raining and the matches will not be cancelled.


23. feather 3

A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, using the words like or as.

A feather is very light.

The weight of the box is being likened to the light weight of the feather.


24. (1) 4 (2 per answer)quietly

(2) busily

Most adverbs end in -ly. If an adjective ends in -y, the -y must be changed to i before adding the -ly to form the adverb.


25. (1) 4 (2 per answer)quotation marks

(2) words

Quotation marks will be written before the first word that they say, and after the last word.


26. (1) 4 (2 per answer)flag

(2) final

The second letter for the words filthy, field and final is an “I". You therefore need to look at the third letter.

In alphabetical order, the list would be as follows:fasten, field, filthy, final, flag, fragile


27. (1) 4 (2 per answer)fearless

(2) careful

fearless = fear and -less = without fear

careful = care and -ful = full of care


28. (1) 4 (2 per answer)or

(2) nor

It is a choice.

You must choose one option, therefore the conjunction is OR and not and. When we


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Page 13: Question Sheet - · Question 29: Fill In The Blanks [4] The news about your cousin took me by surprise.

use neither, we use nor.

29. (1) 4 (2 per answer)took

(2) news

took: the word which displays a human quality

news: the subject which is being personified


30. (1) 4 (2 per answer)metaphor

(2) simile

A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but do have something in common.

A mule is stubborn. Mabel is stubborn.

A simile describes something by comparing it with something else, using the words like or as.

Ella is being compared to a mule - they are both stubborn.


30 Questions, 4 Pages

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