Question one as media evaluation

Mysteries being solved in a thriller is a very common convention. Rick Altman said that there is not a pure genre, since it changes through the events of the film. This can be seen in my groups thriller, where it changes from a pure thriller (top picture on the left), to more of a horror genre when the girl is being chased by the unknown man with a gun (bottom left picture.) Tension is a convention which is linked with thriller films, my group and I used this convention through out the majority of our trailer, since it connotes to the audience that it’s a thriller. This tension can be seen in the still shots on the left for example in the top picture tension is being built up because it shows the antagonist is extremely close to the victim, if I apply Rick Altman's theory to this section he suggest that it causes visceral pleasures since it may cause a gut

Transcript of Question one as media evaluation

Mysteries being solved in a thriller is a very common convention. Rick Altman said that there is not a pure genre, since it changes through the events of the film. This can be seen in my groups thriller, where it changes from a pure thriller (top picture on the left), to more of a horror genre when the girl is being chased by the unknown man with a gun (bottom left picture.)Tension is a convention which is linked with thriller films, my group and I used this convention through out the majority of our trailer, since it connotes to the audience that it’s a thriller. This tension can be seen in the still shots on the left for example in the top picture tension is being built up because it shows the antagonist is extremely close to the victim, if I apply Rick Altman's theory to this section he suggest that it causes visceral pleasures since it may cause a gut reaction from the audience. ( the bit where the girl gets shot)

In these stills there is more of a mystery type of genre, like in the film the illusionist. However having problems to solve (clues) and cliff hanger are usually popular conventions which are used in thrillers. This can be seen in my thriller in the first still where the man has no skin showing , he is wearing dark clothing and does not reveal his face. This fits in with the thriller genre because it makes the audience think about who the mysterious man is, this follows the conventions of a thrillerThis is also represented in the bottom still. This still reveals quite a lot about the main charter (mysterious man) since it connotes he must travel a lot because not people don’t normally keep a passport and a world map at their bed side table. If I applied Allmans theory he would say my groups and I thriller has intellectual pleasures, since it encourages the audience to unravel and look into the story. In the second still it also shows a title ‘ produced by Lauren Parker’. We used these through out our thriller because in our research we noticed that the majority of films included the names of people who played an important role in the film making process such as director actors and camera men.

Violence is an extremely popular feature in thriller films, this is because a thrillers are mainly based around shock mystery and powerful charters, so therefore violence fits in perfectly.This is represented in the first still because of the gun. A gun connotes fear and violence and since the camera focuses just on the gun and blurs out the background, it brings to the audiences attention what is going to may happen, so therefore shows the violent edge to my group and I’s thriller.This is also represented in the second still because the gun, which is very fearful, is extremely close to the girls head. This would build tension/ cliff-hanger , this is a very popular feature to have in an opening sequence, so this is why my and my group chose to use it.