Question Bank.docx

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  • 7/26/2019 Question Bank.docx


    Question Bank - Airbus A320

    Air Conditioning/Pressurization/Ventilation

    I of XVIII

    Q 01: Conditioned air is distributed to:A: Cockpit, cargo bays and cabin

    B: Cockpit, fwd and aft cabinsC: Cockpit, avionics bay and cabinD: Cockpit, cabin and holds 1 and 2 only

    Q 02: Hot air fault light illuminates on the air conditioning panelA: The hot air press reg valve opens and the tri! air valves close

    ": The hot air press reg valve closes and the tri! air valves open

    C: The hot air press. reg. valve closes and the trim air valves close.

    D: The hot air press reg valve opens and the tri! air valves open

    Q 0!:"oes the trim air pro#ide the $arm air or the cold air to the air conditioning s%stem&

    A: Cold airB: Warm air

    Q 0': (n case of zone controller primar% and secondar% channel failure $hat temperatures are maintained b%pac) one and pac) t$o&

    A: 1# degC both

    ": 2# degC both

    C: 20 deg.C for pack one and 10 deg.C for pack two

    D: 2$ degC for pack one and 1# degC for pack t%o

    Q 0*: (n normal flight in closed circuit configuration the a#ionics #entilation s%stem controls the temperature

    of the cooling air b%:A:&Adding air conditioned air to the flo%

    ": '(tracting air overboardC: Adding avionics bay air

    : !assing air thro"gh a skin heat e#changer

    Q 0+: ,o enable -am air to the mi.ture unit ,he -am air s$itch should be used:

    A: At any ti!e

    B: $nl% when differential press"re is less than 1 psi.

    C: )hen press*re is greater than 1 psi diffD: +nly after o*tflo% valve is f*lly opened

    Q 0: Pac) controller primar% channel failure

    &: The secondar% comp"ter operates as a back"p mode and reg"lation is not optimi'ed

    ": The secondary co!p*ter takes over all f*nctions as nor!al-

    C: .ack is lostD: .ack o*tlet te!perat*re is controlled at 1# degC

    Q 0: Pac) controller secondar% channel failure

    &:(o effect on pack reg"lation back"p mode is lost

    ": .ack is lost

    C: /o effect all !odes still available-
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    D: .ack o*tlet te!perat*re is controlled at 1# degC&

    Q 00: Pac) controller primar% and secondar% channel failure

    &: !ack o"tlet temperat"re is controlled to between ) and *0 deg.C b% the anti+ice valve

    ": The pack is closedC: The packs deliver a fi(ed te!perat*re of 20 degC

    Q 10: Hot air press reg #al#e failed open:

    A: +pti!ied reg*lation is lost": The te!perat*re stays at the val*e selected

    C: (o effect

    D: Cabin te!perat*re %ill be controlled at the *pper li!it 0 degC

    Q 11: 3leed air supplied from the AP4 5AP4 bleed #al#e open6 the pac) flo$ is automaticall% selected:

    &: igh

    ": /or!al

    C: 3o%

    D: 'con 4lo%

    Q 12: ,rim air #al#e each one optimizes the temperature b%:&: &dding hot air

    ": Adding fresh airC: 5od*lating of pack flo%

    D: Adding re6circ*lated air

    Q 1!: Hot air pressure regulating #al#e:

    &: -eg"lates the press"re of hot air tapped "pstream of the packs

    ": Is spring loaded open in the absence of airC: +pens a*to!atically in case of d*ct overheat

    D: +pens a*to!atically if the cabin tri! air valve fails

    Q 1': Pac) flo$ control #al#e:

    &: s pne"maticall% operated and electricall% controlled

    ": 'lectrically operated and pne*!atically controlled

    C: +pens a*to!atically d*ring engine startingD: Is spring loaded to open

    Q 1*: 7ngine flo$ demand $hen the heating or cooling demand in one zone cannot be satisfied:A: The !ini!*! idle !*st be increased !an*ally

    B: The minim"m idle is increased a"tomaticall%

    C: In any case, flight idle is s*fficient

    D: The A.7 !*st be *sed to s*pply additional air

    Q 1+: 8hat is the 9orma. cabin altitude&

    &: /,000 ft

    ": 8,##0 ft 96 #0 ft

    C: 1$,000 ft

    D: ;00 ft

    Q 1: 8hat is the a. negati#e "iff pressure for the cabin&

    A: 0 psi

    B: 1 psi.

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    Q 2+: 8hich statement is correct regarding illumination of the amber A?, (@>; VA;V7 fault light&

    A: A*to!atically closes the aft cargo co!part!ent isolation valvesB: eans that either the inlet or o"tlet isolation valve3s4 disagrees with the switch position.

    C: Indicates that the e(tract fan has stopped

    D: All of the above

    Q 2: Pressurization controllers recei#e inputs from:

    &:56C, &-, 768, and .

    ": 3@CI7s and the 5CD7C: 3@CI7s and pitot static so*rces

    D: 5CD7 and 3@CI7s

    Q 2: 8hat computers control the cabin and coc)pit conditioned air&

    A: T%o one controllers that pass infor!ation and reB*ests to t%o pack controllers

    ": T%o pack controllers that pass infor!ation and reB*ests to three one controllersC: Three one controllers that pass infor!ation and instr*ctions to t%o pack controllers for three ones

    : $ne 'one controller that passes information and instr"ctions to two pack controllers for three 'ones.

    Q 2: 8hen $ould %ou select -A A(- >9&

    A: If additional cooling is reB*ired on the gro*ndB: "al pack fail"re or smoke removal.

    C: )hen pack te!perat*res are too highD: )hen there is s!oke in the cabin

    Q !0: 8hat happens $hen a temperature selector rotar% )nob is adusted&&: & signal is sent to the 'one controller re9"esting a different temperat"re.

    ": /othing as there is no relationship bet%een a te!perat*re selector knob and the tri! air valve

    C: The associated tri! air valve i!!ediately !oves to a different position

    Q !1: 8ith AP4 3;77" >9 and engine 3;77" s$itches >9 $ith engines running $hat is the position of the

    engine bleed #al#es&&: Closed

    ": +pen

    C: Depends on the crossbleed selector

    Q !2: Pressurization is normall% automatic Can %ou interfere $ith it&

    &: es, C&B( !-88 $ 85 to $;-- and &( ;

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    A: De6energies the e(tract fan

    ": .laces the avionics ventilation syste! in the closed config*rationC: ns"res the e#tract fan will contin"e to be energi'ed.

    D: .laces the avionics ventilation syste! in the open config*ration

    Q !+: ,he -am Air #al#e:

    A: Fho*ld be opened for increased ventilation %hile on the gro*nd

    ": )ill open a*to!atically after engine start

    C: Fho*ld be opened for increased ventilation %hile in flight: "st be man"all% activated.

    Q !: 8hat limitation is associated $ith the ram air #al#e&&: o not open if cabin press"re is greater than 1 psi.

    ": +nly open %hile on the gro*nd

    C: )ill not open if the DITC

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    A: Adding air conditioned air to the flo%

    ": '(tracting air over boardC: Adding an avionics bay air

    : !assing air thro"gh a skin heat e#changer.

    Q *2: Placing the a#ionics #entilation s%stem in the smo)e configuration:

    A: +pens the G1 @3C

    ": +pens the cargo *nder6floor valve

    C: +pens the G2 @3C: e+energi'es the blower fan, e#tract fan r"ns, and opens the air conditioning e#tract valves.

    Q *!: Ho$ can %ou change controllers during flight&A: Cycle the 3D@ '3'V A7T+ knob o*t of the A7T+ position then back to A7T+

    B: C%cle the C&B( !-88 $ 85 p"shb"tton to the &( position then back to &T$.

    C: Cycle the cabin press*riation 5A/ VF CT3 s%itch

    Q *': Hot air ?A4;,D light illuminates on the air conditioning panel

    A:The hot air press reg valve opens and the tri! air valves close": The hot air press reg valve closes and the tri! air valves open

    C: The hot air press reg. valve closes and the trim air valves close.

    Q **: Ho$ man% trim air #al#es are there&A: +ne tri! air valve

    B: Three: one each for the cockpit 'one, the forward cabin 'one, and the aft cabin 'one.

    C: T%o: one for the cockpit and first class one, and one for the cabin oneD: 4o*r: one each for the cockpit one, the first class one, and t%o for the aft one

    Q *+: 8hat position do the pac) #al#es go to in the e#ent of a loss of the bleed s%stem pressure&A: They re!ain in their last position

    ": 4*ll open

    C: 5id position: Closed.

    Q *: ,he -A A(- s$itch should be used:

    A: At any ti!eB: $nl% when differential press"re is less than 1 psi.

    C: )hen differential press*re is !ore than 1 psi

    D: +nly after o*tflo% valve is f*lly opened

    Q *: 8hat is the function of the Pac) ?lo$ selector&

    A: Allo%s the pilot to increase pack flo% b*t %ill not allo% a !an*al decrease in flo% if needed by the aircraft

    de!ands": Al%ays allo%s high flo% regardless of s%itch position %hen the A.7 is *sed for air conditioning

    C: Both are correct.

    Q *: 8hich configuration is the a#ionics #entilation s%stem in $hile airborne $ith no abnormals present&

    A: +pen

    ": F!okeC: 4ire

    : Closed.

    Q +0: 8hat is the ma.imum altitude associated $ith the pressurization s%stem&

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    &: *>,100 feet

    ": 8,#00 feetC: $1,000 feet

    D: $1,100 feet

    Q +1: ,rim air #al#es are controlled b%:

    &: The 'one controller.

    ": Anti6ice valve


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    D: T%o valves one !ain 9 one back6*p- %ith only t%o doors visible

    Q 0: At $hat cabin altitude do %ou get an 7CA $arning&

    A: ;,;00 feet

    ": 8,000 feet

    C: >,))0 feet

    D: 1$,000 feet

    Q 1: 8hen the pac) flo$ control )nob is positioned to H( air flo$ is:A: ;0H of nor!al rate

    ": 100H of nor!al rate

    C: 120? of normal rate.

    D: 1#0H of nor!al rate

    Q 2: (f %ou select a position other than the A4,> detent on the ;"F 7;7V A4,> selector ho$ can %ou seethe actual landing ele#ation #alue&

    A: +n the 'CA5 C=7IF'

    ": +n the .='FF page

    C: $n the C& C-8 or the !-88 page.

    Q !: 8hat $ill cause the 79F 3;77" fault light to come on&

    A: >#erpressure 5do$nstream of bleed #al#e63: 3leed o#erheat

    C: 8ing or engine lea) on associated side

    Q ': 8hat does the CA-F> H7A, H>, A(- ?A4;, light indicate&

    A: A d*ct overheat is detected

    ": The Aft Cargo .ress*re =eg*lating valve closesC: The syste! %ill reset if the IF+3 VA3V' s%itch is +/

    : &ll of above.

    Q *: "uring Fround function operation the outflo$ #al#e is:

    &: 7"ll% open.

    ": 4*lly closed

    C: .ositioned according to 45@F de!ands

    Q +: ,he outflo$ #al#e is po$ered b%:

    A: +ne of t%o electric !otors

    B: $ne of three electric motors.

    C: Three !echanically linked electric !otors

    Q : ,he purpose of the safet% #al#e is to a#oid:A: '(cessive positive press*re differential

    ": '(cessive negative differential

    C: Both are correct.

    Q : 8hen landing ele#ation is set to A4,> the landing ele#ation is sent to the controller from:

    &: 768.

    ": 4C7

    C: ADI=F

    D: Captain baro ref

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    Q : ,he unit is connected to:

    &: !acks, cabin air, emergenc% ram air inlet and 5p gro"nd connector

    ": .acks, e!ergency ra! air inlet and 3p gro*nd connector

    C: .acks and cabin air

    D: .ack 1 and pack 2 only

    Q 0: >nce set to >9D the air conditioning pac)s operate:

    &: &"tomaticall% and independentl% of each other

    ": /or!ally, b*t the o*tp*t of one affects the otherC: A*to!atically, pack one as a !aster, pack t%o as a slave

    D: A*to!atically, pack t%o as a !aster, pack one as a slave

    Q 1: 7mergenc% ram air inlet 8hen set to >9D the ram air #al#e $ill open and suppl% airflo$:

    A: In any case

    B: iff. press @ 1 psi, and ditching not selected

    C: .rovided ditching is not selected

    D: .rovided ditching is selected

    Q 2: Cond Gone regulator fault 5primar% channel failed6:

    &: Cabin 'one is at fi#ed temperat"re": .acks are at fi(ed te!perat*re

    C: Fecondary channel operates as back *p and operation is as nor!alD: The packs deliver a fi(ed te!perat*re 20 degC for pack one and 10 degC for pack t%o

    Q !: ,emperature control is automatic and is regulated b%:A: >one controllers

    ": .ack 1 and 2 controllers

    C: Aone controllers, pack 1 and 2 controllers

    D: The pack flo% control valves only

    Q ': (f a pac) controller fails 5primar% and secondar% channel failure6 the pac) outlet air temperature iscontrolled b%:

    A: =a! Air Valve


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    ": "leed valve fail*re, pack o*tlet press*re increase

    C: Tri! air valve fail*re: &ll of the above.

    Q : (n case of trim air s%stem fault 5zone controller primar% channel failure6 the secondar% channel of thezone controller regulated the zone temperature at:

    A: 1$ degC

    B: 2 deg.C

    C: 1# degCD: 10 degC

    Q : (n case of total zone controller failure:A:

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    A: Cond page

    ": "leed pageC: !ress page

    D: Vent page

    Q +: ,$o identical independent automatic digital pressurization controllers are used for s%stem control:

    A: !ne "ontroller a"tive# one in stan$b%

    3: 3oth controllers monitored b% ?FC

    C: 9o controller for climb phase and 9o2 controller in cruise and descent": 9o1 controller for climb and 9o2 for descent

    Q : 8hich controller generates e.cess cabin altitude and pressure signals for 7CA indication in manualmode:

    A: "oth

    B: (o.1

    C: /o2

    D: /either

    Q : ,he safet% #al#es are operated:

    A: 'lectrically": n 7CA Cab press page the outflo$ #al#e indicator changes to amber if:A: It is f*lly closed

    ": It is f*lly open on the gro*nd

    C: t is f"ll% open in flight

    D: It is not f*lly open on the gro*nd

    Q 102: >n 7CA Cab press page the safet% #al#e indication changes to amber if:

    A: "oth safety valves are f*lly open": "oth safety valves do not open

    C: "oth safety valves are f*lly closed

    : $ne safet% valve is open.

    Q 10!: >n 7CA Cab press page the cabin altitude indication changes to red $hen cabin altitude is:

    A: K 1$,000 ft": K 12,#00 ft

    C: K 10,000 ft

    : D>,))0 ft

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    Q 10': ?ollo$ing a s%stem 1 fault:

    A: 5aster ca*tion is activated and 'CA5 actions !*st be taken by the cre%": The cre% !an*ally operates the syste!

    C: Fyste! 2 !*st be selected by the cre%

    : 8%stem 2 takes over a"tomaticall% witho"t an% crew action

    Q 10*: ,he pressure safet% #al#e opens at:

    A: ;0L psi

    B: /.E psiC: 80 psi

    D: J0 psi

    Q 10+: After the engine start the Pac) ?lo$ Control Val#es automaticall% open ho$e#er on the ground

    reopening of the #al#es is dela%ed for after the first engine start

    &: *0 seconds

    ": $# seconds

    C: #0 seconds

    D: L0 seconds

    Q 10: ,he -am Air (nlet ?laps remain open during ta)eoff and landing to allo$ e.tra airflo$ during highpo$er situations

    A: Tr*eB: 7alse

    Q 10: ,he temperature of the air that e.its the compressor section is displa%ed abo#e the Pac) ?lo$ (tnormall% displa%s green but displa%s amber for temperatures o#er:

    A: 1;0 degC

    ": 200 degC

    C: 2*0 deg.C

    D: 2#0 degC

    Q 10: ,he trim air #al#es are controlled b% the zone controller

    &: lectricall%

    ": .ne*!atically


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    Au.iliar% Po$er 4nit

    II of XVIII

    Q 01: ,o start the AP4 the:

    &: B&T 1 and 2 p"sh b"ttons m"st be selected to $(.

    ":"AT 1 and 2 p*sh b*ttons do not need to be selected +/ if e(ternal po%er is available

    C: "oth are correct

    Q 02: ,he 7lectronic Control 3o. 57C36 is primaril% a full authorit% digital electronic controller that performsthe AP4 s%stem logic for all modes of AP4 operation such as:

    A: FeB*ence and !onitoring of start

    ": Fpeed and te!perat*re !onitoringC: 5onitoring of bleed air and sh*t do%n

    : &ll of the above.

    Q 0!: 8hen the AP4 aster @$itch is released a normal AP4 shutdo$n occurs:

    A: )itho*t delay in all cases

    ": )ith a delay, in all cases

    C: With a dela% if the bleed air was in "se.

    Q 0': 8hen selected on the AP4 @,A-, push button $ill:

    A: Connect the A.7 generator to the aircraft electrical syste!B: 8tart the &! if the &! &8T- 8W was previo"sl% selected $(.

    C: +pen the air intake flap and s*pply f*el press*re

    Q 0*: ,he AP4 has an integral independent lubrication s%stem for lubrication and cooling

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q 0+: ,he 7C3 57lectronic Control 3o.6 controls the fuel flo$

    &: Tr"e.": 4alse

    Q 0: 8hen the AP4 A@,7- @8 is selected >9:

    &: The &! comp"ter a"tomaticall% completes a self+test, opens the air intake flap and s"pplies f"el


    ": The A.7 co!p*ter a*to!atically starts the A.7

    C: Connects the A.7 generator to the aircraft electrical syste!D: The A.7 door opens

    Q 0: ,he AP4 A@,7- @8 ?A4;, light $ill illuminate:

    A: )hen A.7 lo% oil press*re is detectedB: When an a"tomatic sh"tdown of the &! occ"rs.

    C: 4or an A.7 overheat or A.7 fire

    D: If the batteries are selected +44 %hile the A.7 is operating

    Q 0: ,he AP4 ma% be started up to $hat altitude&

    &: The &! can be started at an% altit"de "sing normal aircraft electrical power.

    ": The A.7 can be started *p to #,000 feet *sing only the aircraft batteries

    ": The A.7 can be started *p to 0,000 feet *sing only the aircraft batteries

    D: The A.7 can be started *p to 2#,000 feet *sing only the aircraft batteries

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    Q 10: ,he AP4 s%stem page $ill appear on the 7CA:

    A: )hen selected by the cre%": A*to!atically %henever the A.7 is started and AC po%er is available

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 11: (f AP4 bleed $as used after a manual shut do$n seIuence the AP4:

    A: Ftops i!!ediately

    ": ?eeps r*nning for $ !in*tes

    C: ?eeps r*nning for 2 !in*tes: =eeps r"nning for E0 seconds

    Q 12: 8ith the engines off if the AVA(; light is illuminated on both the AP4 @,A-, push button and the 7=,P8- push button $hat is the source of electrical po$er for the aircraft busses&

    A: It is not possible to deter!ine %itho*t checking the 'CA5

    ": The aircraft batteries

    C: The &!.

    D: '(ternal po%er

    Q 1!: 3A, 1 and 2 push buttons do not need to be selected >9 if e.ternal po$er is a#ailable

    A: It is nor!ally left in the lights o*t position": )hen selected +44, the A.7 generator is de6energied

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 1': 8hat is the ma.imum altitude at $hich the AP4 ma% be started using the batteries onl%&

    A: 1#, 000 ft": 20, 000 ft

    C: 2), 000 ft

    D: 8, 000 ft

    Q 1+ :8hen the AP4 is running the AP4 fuel pump:

    &: -"ns when tank p"mps press"re is not s"fficient.": =*ns all ti!eC: =*ns only in flight

    D: =*ns %hen the A.7 f*el p*!p is selected on

    Q 1: ,he AP4 3;77" #al#e is automaticall% closed abo#e feet descending b% the 7C3

    &: 2*,000 feet

    ": 2L,000 feetC: 2;,000 feet

    D: 28,000 feet

    Q 1: 8ith nobod% in the coc)pit if %ou ha#e an AP4 ?(-7 $hich statement is correct&&: $n the gro"nd, an &! - sh"t down will occ"r and the &! fire bottle will be discharged


    ": +n the gro*nd, yo* have to perfor! the 'CA5 actions to sh*t do%n the A.7 and e(ting*ish the fire fro!the cockpit

    C: +n the gro*nd an A.7 A7T+ sh*t do%n %ill occ*r b*t yo* have to discharge the A.7 fire bottle !an*ally

    D: In the air, an A.7 '5'= sh*t do%n %ill occ*r and the A.7 fire bottle %ill be discharged a*to!atically

    Q 1: ,he basic element of the AP4 is a single shaft gas turbine $hich deli#ers po$er for dri#ing the

    accessor% gearbo. 5electrical generator6 and produces bleed air 5engine starting and pneumatic suppl%6A: 2nd stage co!pressor

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    /ote 6 The a*to!atic sh*tdo%n of the A.7 on the gro*nd %ill not occ*r %hile the flight cre% is perfor!ing

    this test-

    Q 2: ,he AP4 is supplied from the:

    &: 5eft f"el feed line.

    ": =ight f*el feed line

    C: 3eft or right f*el line

    Q !0: >n ground the 9o 3rea) Po$er ,ransfer function is inhibited in case of AP4 shutdo$n generated b%$hich of the follo$ing conditions&

    A: A*to!atic A.7 sh*t do%n triggered by the 'C"

    ": A.7 sh*t do%n fro! the ='47'3D'47'3 panel or fro! the A.7 4I=' p*shb*ttonC: A.7 sh*t do%n fro! e!ergency control provided on the e(ternal po%er panel

    : &ll of the above.

    Q !1: Can the AP4 be used $ith $ing antiEice on&

    A: /o

    B: es, b"t onl% for electrical power. The &! bleed valve sho"ld not be opened while "sing wing anti+ice.

    C: es, e(cept d*ring approach and go6aro*nd

    D: es, b*t the altit*de of *tiliation is li!ited to 1#, 000 ft

    Q !2: >n ground can %ou start the AP4 using the aircraft batteries onl%&&: es

    ": /o

    Q !!: 8hen starting the AP4 the ?47; ;> P- indication appears amber $hen an AP4 fuel lo$ pressure is


    &: Tr"e

    ": 4alse

    Q !': ,he ;>8 >(; ;7V7; ad#isor% pulses in if the AP4 oil Iuantit% approaches its minimum #alueA: A!ber": )hite

    C: =ed

    : 6reen

    Q !*: (f an AP4 start is initiated on batter% po$er onl% is fire protection a#ailable&

    &: es

    ": /o

    Q !+: A!1/!20/!21 8ith the AP4 suppl%ing bleed air $hat $ill be the pac) flo$ if the PACB ?;>8 selector

    is ;>8&&: &*1>,000 feet

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    Q !: Ho$ man% AP4 fire e.tinguisher bottles are installed&&: $ne

    ": T%o

    C: +ne AC operated and one DC operated

    Q !: 8ill the AP4 bleed #al#e close automaticall% during climb& 8ill it reopen during descent&

    A: es

    B: (o

    Q '0: 8ith batter% po$er onl% $hat $ould an AP4 fire test loo) li)e&

    &: &! 7- pb ill"minated and 8GB H 8C lights ill"minated

    ": A.7 4I=' pb ill*!inated

    C: FM7I" 9 DIFC< lights ill*!inated

    Automatic ?light

    III of XVIII

    Q 01: ,he ?light anagement part of the ?FC includes the follo$ing elements:A: /avigation, flight planning and AT

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    ": Air data o*tp*t has been disconnected

    C: The respective I= is operating nor!ally

    Q 0: An amber flashing (- ?A4;, light indicates that:

    A: .resent position needs to be reentered

    B: &ttit"de and heading information ma% be recovered in &TT mode.

    C: A co!plete fail*re of the respective I= has occ*rred

    Q 0: 8hat action should be ta)en if (- K2 is lost:A: 5ove the 'IF D5C rotary selector knob to 4+

    ": 5ove the ATT ?? $ill accomplish $hat&

    &: The $77 light will ill"minate and air data o"tp"t will disconnect.

    ": The respective ADI=7 %ill beco!e deenergied

    C: "oth AD and I= infor!ation %ill be disconnectedD: All of the above

    Q 1!: 8hile inEflight operating in 9ormal la$ in the Alpha prot range:A: The flight controls revert to direct la%

    ": The flight controls re!ain in the load factor de!and la%

    C: The sidestick controller and flight controls revert to the &$& mode, and side stick deflection is

    proportional to &$&.

    Q 1': 8hat is the difference bet$een E?"2 and 2?"E on the ?A&

    A: 1 inop, 2 engaged 2 engaged, 1 offB: 1 off, 2 engaged. 2 engaged, 1 inop.

    Q 1*: 8hat does the ;>8 ACC4-AC< message mean&A: 45@C 1 2 position difference e(ceeds li!its

    B: 76C position I act"al radio position difference e#ceeds limits.

    C: 45C@ position I= position difference e(ceeds li!its

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    Q 1+: ,he thrust deli#ered b% A/,H- is alread% at A= C;3 thrust (s it possible to obtain some additional

    thrust&A: es, by setting a higher speed target

    B: es, b% moving the thr"st levers forward from the C5 detent.

    C: /o, beca*se the AT??:A: AD and I= infor!ation %ill be disconnected

    ": AD infor!ation %ill be disconnected

    C: I= infor!ation %ill be disconnected: The &- is not energi'ed: & and - information is lost.

    Q 21: 8hich of the follo$ing statements is al$a%s true $hen operating in alternate la$&

    &: #tending the landing gear will place the aircraft in irect law.

    ": '(tending the landing gear %ill place the aircraft in 5echanical back*p la%

    C: '(tending the landing gear %ill place the aircraft in 5echanical back*p la%

    Q 22: 8hich protection is not a#ailable belo$ 100 feet AF;&

    A: .itch attit*de

    ": VlsC: A3.

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    C: "earing and D5' infor!ation for V+= 2 and AD4 2

    : Bearing onl% for ;$- 1 and ;$- 2.

    Q 2+: ,he >9 3A, light $ill illuminate amber:A: )hen one or !ore I=s are operating on aircraft battery po%er

    ": 4or a fe% seconds at the beginning of the align!ent process

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 2: (f both 7;ACs fail $hat controls the ele#ator and stabilizer&

    A: 4ACs

    B: 8Cs.

    C: 'levator and stabilier revert to !echanical back*p

    D: "ack*p !ode of '3ACs

    Q 2: 8here is the information displa%ed b% "C K1 and "C K2&

    A: D5C G1 s*pplies data to .4D G2, /D G2 and 3+)'= 'CA5 D5C G2 s*pplies data for .4D G1, /D G1,

    and 7..'= 'CA5": AD5C G1 s*pplies data to .4D G1, /D G1 and 3+)'= 'CA5 D5C G2 s*pplies data for .4D G2, /D G2,

    and 7..'= 'CA5C: C J1 s"pplies data to !7 J1, ( J1, and !!- C&. C J2 s"pplies data for !7 J2, ( J2,

    and 5$W- C&.

    D: D5C G1 s*pplies data to .4D G1, /D G1 and 3+)'= 'CA5 D5C G2 s*pplies data for .4D G2, /D G2,

    and 3+)'= 'CA5

    Q 2: 8hile in flight operating in 9ormal la$ mo#ement of the sidestic) and subseIuent return to neutral $ill


    &: & load factor proportional to stick deflection, then maintain one 6 flight corrected for pitch attit"de.

    ": Control s*rface !ove!ents proportional to stick deflection, then ret*rn the aircraft to straight and level


    C: Control s*rface !ove!ents proportional to stick deflection, disconnect a*to tri!, and !aintain its c*rrentattit*de

    Q !0: (n normal la$ all protections are acti#e $hich of the follo$ing lists is the most complete list&

    A: .rotections, 3oad 4actor, .itch attit*de,

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    A: )ill not allo% the pilot to stall the aircraft

    ": .rohibit steep bank anglesC: .rohibit steep cli!b angles and bank angles

    : Can be overridden b% the pilot, and it is possible to e#ceed ;mo, mo and stall the aircraft.

    Q !': 8hat is the function of the ?ACs&

    A: =*dder and a% da!ping inp*ts, 4light envelope and speed co!p*tations

    ": =*dder and a% da!ping inp*ts

    C: =*dder and a% da!ping inp*ts and %indshear protection: -"dder and aw damping inp"ts, 7light envelope and speed comp"tations, and windshear protection

    Q !*: 8hat causes a "4 to displa% a blac) screen $ith a $hite diagonal line&A: The circ*it breaker for that partic*lar D7 has popped

    B: C fail"re.

    C: /o po%er

    Q !+: (f the ;>87- 7CA "4 fails is there a $a% to retrie#e that information&

    A: .ressing and holding the related syste!s page pb on the 'CA5 control panelE the page %ill be displayed onthe 7..'= 'CA5

    ": =otating the 'CA5/D X4'= s%itch, the 3+)'= 'CA5 page %ill be transferred to either the Captain or4irst +fficers "/D

    C: Both are correct.

    Q !: Can the aircraft be controlled $ith a loss of all electrics&

    &: es.

    ": /o

    Q !: ,he A,, H"F and A(- "A,A selectors on the s$itching panel in the 9>- position indicate that: A:ADI=7 1 is s*pplying infor!ation to .4D 1 and /D 2, and ADI=7 2 is s*pplying po%er to .4D 2 and /D 1

    B: &- 1 is s"ppl%ing information to !7 1, ( 1 and the -L &- 2 is s"ppl%ing power to !7

    2 and ( 2.

    Q !: 8hat action should be ta)en if A"- K1 is lost&

    A: /othing

    ": 5ove the ATT n an autoland approach $ith both autopilots on $hich ?FC is master&

    &: 76C 1

    ": 45@C 2

    C: "oth

    Q '2: After a single "C failure ho$ could a cre$member reco#er the displa% units&

    A: +nce a D5C has failed the infor!ation is *nrecoverable

    ": /o action is needed as recovery is a*to!atic

    C: -otate the 8 C switch on the switching panel to replace the failed C with C J*.

  • 7/26/2019 Question Bank.docx


    Posted b% - at @aturda% "ecember 2 201!0 comments ;in)s to this post


    Question Bank - Airbus A320


    IV of XVIII

    Q 01: ,he audio management s%stem allo$s the flight cre$ to use:

    A: All the radio co!!*nication and radio navigation facilities installed on the aircraft in trans!ission and

    reception !ode": The interphone syste!

    C: The call syste!s and .assenger Address .A- syste!

    : &ll of the above.

    Q 02: Ho$ can %ou get the mechanics attention $hen he is outside the aircraft&

    &: se the C p"shb"tton on the C&558 panel which so"nds an e#ternal horn.


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    A: AC. I/T=AD s%itch selected to I/T, I/T reception knob on, lo*d speaker vol*!e *p

    ": I/T trans!ission key to on, I/T reception knob on, *se the sidestick p*sh6to6talk %hen speaking, lo*dspeaker vol*!e *p

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 0: ,he A4"(> @8(,CH(9F rotar% selector allo$s replacement of a failed K1 or K2 ACP $ith ACP K!

    A: True.

    3: ?alse

    Q 10: 8hich statement is correct regarding the coc)pit #oice recorder&

    A: Is a*to!atically energied %hen the battery pbs are selected on

    ": Is al%ays active after DC electrical po%er is applied to the aircraftC: Is a*to!atically energied %hen the parking brake is set

    : s a"tomaticall% energi'ed after the first engine start or five min"tes after &C electrical power is applied

    to the aircraft.

    /ote 6 It is energied a*to!atically:6 on the gro*nd d*ring the first # !in*tes after the AC electrical net%ork is

    energied6 on the gro*nd %ith one engine r*nning6 in flight-

    Q 11: Ho$ do %ou erase the CV-&

    &: !ress the C;- -&8 p"shb"tton when the aircraft is on the gro"nd with the parking brake set.": .ress the CV= '=AF' p*shb*tton for 2 seconds %hen the aircraft is on the gro*nd %ith the parking brake

    setC: .ress the CV= '=AF' p*shb*tton and CV= T'FT p*shb*ttons for 2 seconds si!*ltaneo*sly

    D: .ress the CV= '=AF' p*shb*tton and CV= T'FT p*shb*ttons for 2 seconds si!*ltaneo*sly %ith the

    parking brake set-

    Q 12: >n the ground CV- is stopped automaticall% after the last engine shutdo$n

    A: I!!ediately": 1 !in*te

    C: !in*tes

    : ) min"tes.

    Q 1!: >n the ground the cre$ can energize the CV- manuall% b% pressing the F9" C,; pushbutton

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q 1': >nl% the last +0 minutes of recording are retained b% the CV-

    A: Tr*e

    B: 7alse.

    /ote 6 120 !in*tes of recording is retained by CV=-

    Q 1*: ,o ma)e a PA announcement:A: Depress and hold the .A trans!ission key p*sh b*tton

    ": 7se the pedestal !o*nted headset

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 1+: ,he ser#ice interphone has interphone ac)s and an >V-" s$itch located on the o#erhead panel

    A: 4ive

    B: 8even

    C: 'ight

    D: Ten/ote 6 The a*dio lines fro! the interphone Oacks are connected to both CDF directors-

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    Q 1: 8hen selecting the guarded -P 9AV )e%:A: 5an*al t*ning via the 5CD7 =AD /AV page is still possible

    ": 5an*al t*ning via the 5CD7 =AD /AV page is al%ays possible

    C: 76C a"to t"ning is inhibited.

    D: 5an*al t*ning via the 5CD7 =AD /AV page is only possible on the offside radio

    Q 1: (f an -P fails the selected recei#er is no longer controlled b% this -P and freIuencies and bars

    disappear from this -P&: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q 1: @8(,CH(9F )nob in the CAP,! position the Captain uses his acoustic eIuipment onACP!

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse/ote 6 The Captain has to !ake all the selections on AC.-

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    Q 2+: ,o communicate $ith a mechanic for manual start #al#e operation at the engine:A: Felect the I/T=AD selector to I/T, and I/T a*dio selector on

    ": Felect the trans!ission key p*sh b*tton labeled I/T and the I/T a*dio selector

    C: 8elect the transmission ke% p"sh b"tton labeled C&B and the a"dio selector labeled C&B.

    9ote label is A,,

    Q 2: ,he flashing amber 7CH light indicates that the interphone s%stem is fault%

    A: Tr*eB: 7alse.

    Q 2: 8hat is the function of the Fuarded 77- push button on the o#erhead panel&A: To alert ATC of an in6flight e!ergency

    ": To alert the aft flight attendants of a ro*tine need to speak to the!

    C: To alert all flight attendants of a pending "rgent need to speak to them.

    Q 2: 8hich ACP transmission )e% $ill illuminate if the flight attendants are calling the coc)pit&

    A: .A

    B: C&B.

    C: A3'=TD: Vn A,C Control Panel the ?A4;, light comes on if:

    &: 8elected Transponder fails.

    ": Fyste! 1 or 2 has failed

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    Q !+: (n case of dual ?FC failure selection of radio na#igation freIuencies is possible $ith:

    A: =5. 1 onlyB: -! 1 and 2 onl%.

    C: =5. 1, 2 and

    Q !: All communications radios are controlled:

    A: ?rom the audio control panels 5ACPs6

    3: 3% the ?/>

    &: ro' an% one o( t)e t)ree ra$io 'ana*e'ent panels +RM,s.

    Q '0: >nl% is functional in the emergenc% electrical configuration

    A: =5. B: -! 1

    C: =5.1 and

    Q '1: ,he Coc)pit Voice -ecorder $ill record:

    A: Direct conversations bet%een cre%!e!bers

    ": All a*ral cockpit %arningsC: Co!!*nications over radio and interco!

    D: .assenger address syste! anno*nce!ents as long as one .A reception knob is selected on-: &ll of the above

    Q '2: ,he coc)pit #oice recorder $ill automaticall% operate on the ground for minutes after electrical

    po$er is supplied to the airplaneL or $hen at least engine is operating

    A: L 2B: ) F 1

    C: # 2

    D: $ 1

    Q '!: 8hen using the boom mi)e o.%gen mas) mi)e or hand mi)e: the PA )e% must be pressed and held to

    use the aircraft PA s%stem&: Tr"e

    ": 4alse

    Q '': 8hen the >9 #oice )e% on an Audio Control Panel is pushed inL A"? and V>- ident signals areinhibited

    &: Tr"e

    ": 4alse

    Q '*: 8ith the (9,/-A" s$itch of an Audio Control Panel 5ACP6 in the (9, position and the sidestic)

    ,ransmit @$itch in the ,ransmit position %ou are transmitting on the:

    A: Interco! at all ti!esB: -adio selected b% the transmission switch on the &"dio Control !anel.

    C: =adio selected by the reception knob on the A*dio Control .anel

    Q '+: ,o transmit and recei#e on the ser#ice interphone the pilot must select the:

    &: C&B reception knob and the &TT transmission ke% on the &C!.

    ": CA" reception knob and the 5'C< trans!ission key on the AC.C: Fervice Int on the nose gear panel

    Q ': (llumination of the @7; indicator on a -adio anagement Panel indicates:A: The =5. has failed

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    ": The V9 V>(C7 green light&

    &: B% depressing the on voice p

  • 7/26/2019 Question Bank.docx


    Posted b% - at @aturda% "ecember 2 201!0 comments ;in)s to this post


    Question Bank - Airbus A320


    V of XVIII

    Q 01: Ho$ is it determined that the coc)pit sliding $indo$ is closed and loc)ed&A: The pin is engaged": The red ring belo% the release b*tton sho*ld not be in vie%

    C: The locking pin %as placed in the for%ard position %hen the %indo% %as closed

    : The red ring below the release b"tton sho"ld be in view.

    Q 02: >pening a passenger door from the outside disarms the door and the escape slide

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q 0!: 8hat does illumination of the red cabin pressure light represent on the main cabin door&

    A: This indicates that the evac*ation slide is ar!edB: This indicates that the aircraft cabin is still press"ri'ed and the cabin door sho"ld not be opened.

    C: "oth are correct

    Q 0': ,he cargo doors are po$ered b%:

    A: The bl*e electric p*!p

    ": The yello% hydra*lic syste! before engine start and the green hydra*lic syste! after engine start

    C: The %ellow h%dra"lic s%stem.

    D: The bl*e hydra*lic syste! before engine start and the green hydra*lic syste! after engine start

    Q 0*: ,he for$ard and aft cargo doors can be opened from:

    A: The inside and the o*tsideB: The o"tside onl%

    Q 0+: >n the 7CA ">>-/>=< page the @;("7 indication appears $hen the slide is not disarmed

    &: White.

    ": A!berC: @reen

    D: =ed

    Q 0: 7ach passenger door has one CA3(9 P-7@@4-7 $arning light that:&: Warns of resid"al press"re in the cabin.

    ": Fho%s a possible *nlocked doorC: "oth are correct

    Q 0: 8here does the "oor and @lide Control @%stem 5"@C@6 generate $arnings&

    A: +n 'CA5": +n the doors

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 0: 8hat happens to the coc)pit door $ith electrical po$er failure&

    A: It operates nor!ally on

  • 7/26/2019 Question Bank.docx


    C: It a*to!atically locks fro! o*tside b*t stays *nlock fro! inside

    Q 10: ,he coc)pit $indo$s can be opened both from inside and outside

    A: Tr*e

    B: 7alse.

    /ote 6 4ro! inside onlyQ-

    Q 11: 8hat does illumination of the $hite slide armed light represent on the main cabin door&

    A: This indicates that the slide has properly inflated and is safe for *seB: This indicates that the slide is armed and the slide will inflate if the door is opened from inside the


    C: This indicates that the !ain cabin door has not been properly closedD: This indicates that the !ain cabin door has not been properly closed b*t the slide is properly ar!ed

    Q 12: Can the flight compartment sliding $indo$s be used as emergenc% e.its&A: es, in the cockpit coat closet is a rope ladder that can be *sed in s*ch an event

    B: es, there are escape ropes mo"nted above each window behind an access panel.

    C: /o They are not approved e!ergency e(itsD: /o, they are too s!all

    Q 1!: 8hen the electric pump is operating the ?8" or A?, cargo doors the onl% other %ello$ s%stem de#ices

    that can operate are bra)ing and engine 2 re#erse&: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q 1': 8hen the slide arming le#er on the emergenc% opening s%stem is in the A-7" position $here is the

    slide connected&

    A: To the brackets on the *nderside of the f*selage": To the brackets above the door

    C: To the floor brackets on both sides of the door.

    D: All of the above

    Q 1*: 8hen the Cargo door s$itch for the %ello$ h%draulic pump is in use the flight controls are:

    A: 4*lly operational

    B: nhibited


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    ": .ne*!atic assistance of the door has failed

    C: The escape slide is in disar!ed config*ration

    D: The cabin is still press*ried

    Posted b% - at @aturda% "ecember 2 201!0 comments ;in)s to this post-eactions:

    Question Bank - Airbus A320 0

    7lectricalsVI of XVIII

    Q 01: ,he engine generators and AP4 generator are rated at BVAA: #0

    ": J0

    C: >0

    D: 110

    Q 02: ,he number 1 AC bus channel normall% supplies po$er to and to the bus $hich supplies

    po$er to the busA: T=2 AC 'FF F

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    &: &C b"s1 to &C b"s 2

    ": AC b*s 1 to AC @rnd4lt b*sC: AC b*s 2 to AC b*s 1

    Q 0: 8hich of the follo$ing AC busses can be po$ered b% the emergenc% generator&A: AC b*s 1

    ": AC b*s 2

    C: &C 88 b"s < &C 88 8 b"s

    Q 0: ,he -A, is connected directl% 5mechanicall%6 to the 7mergenc% Fenerator

    A: Tr*e

    B: 7alse

    Q 10: ,he emergenc% generator supplies po$er as long as:

    A: The landing gear is do%n": The =AT is deployed

    C: The =AT is deployed and the landing gear is do%n

    : The landing gear is "p.

    Q 11: After landing in the emergenc% electrical configuration: the batteries automaticall% connect to the "C3A, bus $hen speed decreases belo$ )nots

    A: #0": J0

    C: 80

    : 100

    Q 12: ,he 3A, ?A4;, light $ill illuminate $hen:

    A: "attery voltage is lo%

    B: Charging c"rrent increases at an abnormal rate

    C: Charging c*rrent decreases at an abnor!al rate

    Q 1!: "o not depress the ("F "(@C>997C, s$itch for more than to pre#ent damage to the

    disconnect mechanism

    &: * seconds

    ": J secondsC: 10 seconds

    D: 1# seconds

    Q 1': ,he ("F ?ault light indicates:

    A: An ID@ oil overheat

    ": ID@ lo% oil press*re

    C: 6 low oil press"re or 6 oil overheatD: ID@ has been disconnected

    Q 1*: (f normal electrical po$er is lostL essential coc)pit lighting is maintained for the:A: Captains instr*!ent panel

    ": Ftandby co!pass

    C: =ight do!e light provided the do!e selector is not off-

    : &ll of the above.

    Q 1+:

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    ": o* have to ens*re that at least one battery is on

    C: o* have to ens*re that both batteries are on: o" have to verif% that both batteries are off.

    Q 1: Ha#ing started the AP4 ho$ can %ou get the AP4 generator to po$er the electrical s%stem&A: The A.7 generator !*st be s%itch on

    B: B% p"shing the NT !W- p"shb"tton th"s disconnecting the e#ternal power.

    C: "y p*shing the "7F TI' p*shb*tton

    D: o* are *nable to as the A.7 po%er o*tp*t is o*tside nor!al para!eters

    Q 1: Are there an% limitations associated $ith disconnecting an ("F&

    A: /ever disconnect an ID@ in flight, or p*sh the ID@ disconnect p*sh b*tton for !ore than 0 seconds": There is no li!itation

    C: /ever disconnect an ID@ in flight, or p*sh the ID@ disconnect p*sh b*tton for !ore than # seconds

    : (ever disconnect an 6 "nless the engine is r"nning, nor p"sh the 6 disconnect p"sh b"tton for

    more than * seconds.

    Q 1: 8hich #oltage reIuires recharging or replacing the batteries&A: 20 volts or less

    ": 2$ volts or lessC: 2) volts or less.

    D: 2L volts or less

    Q 20: ,he AP4 is suppl%ing the electrical s%stem 8hat is the order of priorit% for the different generators&

    &: ngines, e#ternal power, &!.

    ": A.7, engines, e(ternal po%er

    C: '(ternal po%er, engines, A.7

    D: A.7, e(ternal po%er, engines

    Q 21: 8hat is the significance of the green collared circuit brea)ers&

    A: @reen collared circ*it breakers are p*lled %hen flying on battery po%er onlyB: 6reen collared circ"it breakers are monitored b% the C&.

    C: @reen collared circ*it breakers are not to be reset

    D: @reen collared circ*it breakers are AC po%ered

    Q 22: 8ith the 77- 7=(, ;, selector in the A- position $hich situation $ill acti#ate the emergenc% lights

    and signs&

    A: AC F

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    : 6reater than 2) volts.

    Q 2*: A batter% fault light $ill illuminate $hen:

    A: The batteries have a*to disconnected d*e to lo% voltage

    ": "attery voltage drops belo% a predeter!ined level

    C: Batter% charging c"rrent increases at an abnormal rate.

    Q 2+: 8hich flight control computer $ill be inoperati#e $ith gear e.tension $hile in the 7mergenc% 7lectrical

    Configuration&A: 4AC 1 and '3AC 1

    ": F'C 1

    C: F'C 1 and '3AC 1: 7&C 1

    Q 2: (f the batter% #oltages are belo$ the minimum ho$ do %ou charge them&A: o* have to call a !echanic beca*se the batteries can only be charged by !aintenance

    B: have to check that the B&T p"shb"ttons are on and switch the e#ternal power on.

    C: I have to s%itch the e(ternal po%er to +/ and s%itch the batteries offD: I have to start the A.7 as the batteries can only be charged by the A.7 generator

    Q 2: 8hat is the function of AP4 F79 push button located on the o#erhead electrical panel&A: .*sh this b*tton to a*to!atically start the A.7

    B: When selected to $77 the &! generator field is de+energi'ed.

    C: "oth are correct

    Q 2: (s it possible to parallel generators&

    A: +f co*rse yes": +nly %ith the =AT deployed

    C: The electrical s%stem will not allow OparallelingP of generators.

    D: +nly one engine generator !ay be paralleled %ith the A.7

    Q !0: 8hile operating on 7mergenc% 7lectrical Po$er $ith the landing gear lo$ered $hich of the follo$ing

    control la$s is in effect&

    A: "ack*pB: irect.

    C: Alternate

    D: "ack*p or alternate

    Q !1: 8hat coc)pit lighting is a#ailable during an emergenc% electrical situation&

    A: '!ergency path lighting only

    B: -ight side ome light, main panel flood lights 3left two col"mns onl%4, and the standb% compass light.C: 3ocated on nor!al circ*it breaker panels

    D: =ight side do!e light, !ain panel flood lights, and the standby co!pass light

    Q !2: 8hat is the function of the F79 1 ;(97 push button&

    A: )hen selected +44 the avionics co!part!ent isolation valves close

    ": )hen selected +44 the G1 generator po%ers all AC b*sses

    C: When selected $77 generator J 1 is removed from all b"sses b"t contin"es to power one f"el p"mp in

    each wing.

  • 7/26/2019 Question Bank.docx


    Q !!: "uring a routine flight $hich of the follo$ing $ould result after the loss of Fen K2 and the subseIuent

    start of the AP4&A: The A.7 %o*ld no% po%er both sides of the electrical syste!

    ": All syste!s ret*rn to nor!al and the =AT !*st be resto%ed

    C: ng gen J1 contin"es to power &C b"s J1 and downstream s%stems. The &! powers &C b"s J2 and

    downstream s%stems.

    Q !': 8hen does the -A, automaticall% deplo%&

    A: )ith the loss of t%o hydra*lic syste!sB: lectrical power to both &C B8 J1 I J2 is lost and the aircraft speed is above 100 knots.

    C: "oth are correct

    Q !*: "uring the fi#e seconds it ta)es for the -A, to e.tend:

    A: The "ATT'=I'F po%er both "ATT n the coc)pit o#erhead panel there is a three position 77-F79C< 7=(, ;ight s$itch 8hat lightsare associated $ith this s$itch&

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    &: #it signs, emergenc% lights, and escape path lighting.

    ": '(it signs, e!ergency lights, !ain panel flood lights, and escape path lightingC: '(it signs, e!ergency lights, do!e lights, !ain panel flood lights, and the standby co!pass light

    Q '2: 8hich flight control computers are operational in the 7mergenc% 7lectrical Po$er configuration 5geardo$n and batteries po$ering the s%stem6&

    A: All are operational

    ": '3AC 1, F'C 1, and 4AC 1

    C: '3AC 1 and 2, F'C 1 and 2, 4AC 1: 5&C 1 and 8C 1.

    Q '!: 8hich radios are inoperati#e $ith gear e.tension $hile in the emergenc% electrical configuration&&: 1 and transponder 1.

    ": D5' 1, DD=5I, and transponder 1

    C: D5', and transponder 1D: I3F 2, D5', and AD4

    Q '': 8hile operating on 7mergenc% 7lectrical Po$er $ith the landing gear lo$ered $hich of the follo$ingstatements is correct&

    A: If the A.7 is not operating it sho*ld be started at this ti!e": The A.7 %ill not start *ntil the aircraft has co!e to a co!plete stop and all po%er has been re!oved for 1#

    secondsC: $n the gro"nd at 100 knots, the C B&TT- B8 a"tomaticall% reconnects to the batteries allowing

    &! start.

    D: At J0 knots 'FF AC is disconnected fro! the batteries

    Q '*: (f during a normal flight the 34@ ,(7 push button is depressed to >??D $hat effect $ould this ha#e on

    po$er to the busses&

    &: (one.

    ": All po%er %o*ld be lost and the aircraft %o*ld be po%ered by the batteries *ntil the =AT %as *p to speed

    C: The po%er transfer %o*ld s%itch to the opposite b*sD: This is not possible as the b*s tie contactors are locked o*t d*ring flight

    Q '+: 8hile operating on 7mergenc% 7lectrical Po$er 577- F79 po$ering the s%stem ?AC K1 reset6 $hich

    of the follo$ing control la$s are in effect&A: 5an*al

    B: &lternate.

    C: "ack*pD: 5an*al and back*p

    Q ': Can %ou reconnect an ("F in flight&

    A: es, b*t only after contacting !aintenance control": es, p*sh and hold the ID@ pb *ntil the @'/ fa*lt light is no longer ill*!inated

    C: (o, it is not possible.

    Q ': 8hich communication and na#igation radios are operational in the 7mergenc% 7lectrical Configuration

    $ith the 77- F79 po$ering the s%stem&

    &: &C! 1 and 2, ;7 1, 7, -! 1, ;$- 1, and 58 1.

    ": V

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    Q ': 8hich condition $ill automaticall% illuminate the escape lights&

    A: AC 'FF F

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    C: (o, this m"st be done b% the crew.

    Q *: 8hat $ould cause the FA;;7< fault light to illuminate&

    A: The flight attendants have all the coffee !akers and ovens on at once

    ": The 5ain @alley has shed

    C: The load on an% generator is above 100? of its rated o"tp"t.

    D: The Aft @alley has shed

    Q *: 8hile operating on 7mergenc% 7lectrical Po$er 577- F79 po$ering the s%stem6 ho$ is it possible toproperl% complete the 7CA chec)list $ith onl% an upper displa%&

    &: epress and hold the specific C& page p"sh b"tton on the C& control panel.

    ": Transfer occ*rs a*to!aticallyC: This is not possible 7se the cockpit operating !an*al

    Q +0: After ("F disconnection $h% do %ou get a FA;;7< @H7" indication on the @"&A: It is a re!inder to p*sh the @A33' p*shb*tton to !an*ally shed the !ain galley

    ": It is a re!inder to get the flight attendants to s%itch off galley eB*ip!ent to decrease the load on the

    re!aining generator

    C: t is a reminder that the main galle% has been shed a"tomaticall% following the loss of one generator.

    Q +1: 8hich busses $ill be po$ered after the -A, is e.tended and the 77- F79 begins producing po$er&

    &: B&TT $T b"sses, 88 C, 88 C 8, 88 &C and 88 &C 8.

    ": The FTATIC I/V'=T'= %o*ld po%er both

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    Q ++: (n normal electrical configuration ho$ is "C 7@@ bus supplied:&: 7rom T- 1 via C B"s 1 and C Bat B"s

    ": 4ro! 'FF T=

    C: 4ro! T= 2D: 4ro! "at 2

    Q +: 8hat happens in case of total loss of main generators&

    A: The =AT is a*to!atically e(tended and po%ers the yello% syste! %hich drives the e!ergency generatorB: The -&T is a"tomaticall% e#tended and powers the bl"e s%stem which drives the emergenc% generator

    C: The =AT has to be !an*ally e(tended

    D: The =AT is e(tended and !echanically connected to the e!ergency generator

    Q +: "C 3at 3us can be supplied b%:

    A: DC "*s 1 or batteries

    B: C B"s 1, C B"s 2 or batteries

    C: DC "*s 2 or batteries

    D: DC "*s 1 only

    Q +: 9ormal minimum batter% #oltage before AP4 start is:A: /o !ini!*!

    ": 2J# VoltsC: 2).) ;olts

    D: 22# Volts

    Q 0: 8hen disconnecting the ("F the button should be pressed:

    A: 4or no !ore than # seconds

    ": 7ntil the fa*lt light goes o*tC: 4or longer than seconds

    : 7or no more than * seconds

    Q 1: 8here can the batter% #oltage be chec)ed&

    A: +n the 'CA5 elec .age only

    ": +n the elec overhead panel and 'CA5 ')D

    C: +n the elec overhead panel only: $n the elec. overhead panel and C& elec. !age

    Q 2: (n flight on batteries onl% the AC 7@@ @hed bus and "C 7@@ @hed bus are lost

    &: es

    ": /o

    C: +nly AC 'FF Fhed "*s is lost

    D: +nly DC 'FF Fhed "*s is lost

    Q !: ,he static in#erter $or)s:

    A: Al%aysB: When aircraft speed is D )0 kt and on batteries onl%.

    C: )hen one !ain generator fails

    D: +nly %hen generator 2 fails

    Q ': (f a ,- fails:

    &: The other T- a"tomaticall% replaces the fa"lt% one and the 88 T- s"pplies the C ss B"s

    ": The static inverter replaces the fa*lty T=

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    C: The DC "*s on the fa*lty side is lost

    D: The '!ergency generator s*pplies DC po%er on the fa*lty side

    Q *: (n flight in case of loss of all main generators emergenc% generator not running the "C 7@@ 3us is

    supplied b%:

    &: ot b"s 2

    ": 'FF T=


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    C: 'ngine s*rge on stall occ*rs in flight

    : &n% of the above.

    Q 0+: ,he A/,H- is armed on the ground pro#ided at least one ?" is on b%:

    &: 8etting the throttles to T$

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    D: /ot *ntil a 43'X te!perat*re is inserted

    Q 1*: "uring an engine start seIuence the gra% bac)ground on 92 disappears at about *N 8hat does this


    A: That the igniters are no longer being po%ered

    B: That the start se9"ence has finished and all engine parameters have stabili'ed.

    C: That the start valve air press*re has dropped

    D: That there is a start fa*lt and a dry crank is in progress

    Q 1+: 8hat does the ?;7= represent in the ?;=/C, detent&

    &: This is a red"ced thr"st setting "sed for takeoff.

    ": This is the !a(i!*! contin*o*s thr*st setting for single6engine operationsC: This is the thr*st setting that sho*ld be chosen in the case of a single6engine go6aro*nd

    D: This is a derated thr*st according the gro*nd te!perat*re of the day

    Q 1: Ho$ man% ?A"7CJs are installed in the aircraft&

    &: Two, one per engine.

    ": +ne, %ith t%o 'ngine Control 7nits 'C7-C: T%o per engine

    D: T%o, one is the active 4AD'C and the other is a standby

    Q 1: 8hat is reIuired for the ?A"7C to compute a reduced thrust setting&A: A 43'X te!perat*re !*st be entered on the I/IT page of the 5CD7

    ": /othing, it is an a*to!atic f*nction of the 4AD'C

    C: & 75N temperat"re m"st be entered on the T&= $77 !-7 page of the C.

    Q 1: 4sing manual thrust the thrust le#er position $ill determine the thrust setting for the engine

    &: Tr"e. The% will operate like conventional throttles.

    ": Tr*e, b*t care !*st be taken not to overspeed the engines

    C: 4alse, the ne(t higher detent %ill be the thr*st li!it

    Q 20: 8hat is considered to be the acti#e range of the A/,H- s%stem&

    A: D*ring single engine operations fro! O*st above the ID3' stop to the 43X5CT detent

    ": D*ring t%o engine operations fro! O*st above the ID3' stop to the C3 detent

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 21: (f the thrust le#ers are set in the idle detent is Alpha floor protection still a#ailable&

    &: es Thr"st lever position is disregarded.

    ": es, as long as RAT

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    D: It helps prevent the aircraft fro! stalling by li!iting the angle of cli!b at high airspeeds

    Q 2': Alpha floor protection is a#ailable:

    &: 7rom lift off and down to 100 feet radio altit"de in the landing config"ration.

    ": 4ro! lift off and do%n to #0 feet radio altit*de in the landing config*rationC: 4ro! lift off and do%n to #00 feet radio altit*de in the landing config*ration

    D: 4ro! lift off and do%n to J#0 feet radio altit*de in the landing config*ration

    Q 2*: Ho$ do %ou arm the A/,H- in flight&A: AT

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    ": D*ring engine start

    C: +il B*antity detector or press*re fa*lt

    Q !': "oes the ?A"7C pro#ide 7F, limit protection constantl%&

    A: es, in all phases of flight

    B: (o, 6T limit protection is onl% available d"ring gro"nd a"to starts.

    C: /o, '@T li!it protection is only available d*ring gro*nd a*to starts and single6engine operations

    Q !*: Auto ,hrust @%stem: 8hen are the throttles in the engagement range&A: "oth throttles are above idle b*t not above the C3" detent %hen both engines are r*nning

    ": A single throttle of an operating engine is above idle b*t not above the 5CT detent %hen one engine is

    r*nningC: &ll of the above.

    Q !+: ,he idle setting on the aircraft is capable of modulating due to certain conditions "uring descent $hatmight cause the (";7 91 setting to increase&

    A: The slats are e(tended

    ": 4or a higher than nor!al bleed air de!and or %ar!er than nor!al engine oil te!p in flight

    C: Both are correct.

    Q !: Verification that Autothrust 5A/,H-6 is acti#e can be made b%:

    A: )atching the a*to!atic !ove!ent of the thr*st levers": +nly %hen the thr*st levers are set at T+@A

    C: $nl% b% looking at col"mn five of the 7&.

    Q !: 8hen Alpha floor is acti#ated $hat po$er setting is automaticall% commanded and $hat ?A

    annunciation $ould appear in Column one&

    &: T$6& < &. 75$$-

    ": C3" C3"

    C: 5CT T

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    &: Tr"e. This limit is displa%ed on the "pper C&.

    ": 4alse 4or safety reasons, it al%ays selects the rating li!it corresponding to the lo%er li!it

    Q '2: 8hat $ould happen during the ta)eoff roll if the thrust le#ers $ere set to the ?;=/C, detent $ithout

    ?;7= temperature being entered&A: /othing, the thr*st setting %o*ld be at 43'X since 4AD'C a*to!atically calc*lates a red*ced thr*st


    ": The thr*st setting %o*ld be 5CT and there %o*ld be no corresponding %arnings

    C: & 5;5 TW$ warning wo"ld so"nd along with the appearance of an C& message.

    Q '!: 8hat abnormals $ould cause the ?A"7C to automaticall% abort a start&

    &: & hot start, an overtemp, a stalled start or no lightoff.

    ": An engine overspeed

    C: A hot start, a stalled start, an overte!p or A.7 *nderspeed

    D: A hot start, an overte!p or an engine overspeed

    Q '': "uring an inEflight start or a manual start $ill the ?A"7C auto abort for an abnormal&

    A: es It %ill for an in6flight start b*t not for a !an*al start-": es

    C: (o.

    Q '*: ?or re#erser actuation the left engine uses h%draulic s%stem pressure and the right engine uses h%draulic s%stem pressure

    &: 6reen + ellow.

    ": ello% 6 "l*eC: ello% 6 @reen

    D: "l*e 6 @reen

    Q '+: 8hile fl%ing the airplane $ith A/,H- acti#e the speed )nob is pulled and turned to a selected speed that

    happens to be slo$er than Alpha prot 8hat speed $ill the airplane slo$ to&

    &: ;ls.": @reen Dot 9 # ktsC: @reen dot

    D: @reen dot 9 10 kts

    Q ': 8here is the thrust reduction altitude found and is the number al$a%s the same&

    A: Col*!n fo*r, ro% three of the 45A It %ill al%ays be 1#00 ft A@3

    B: T&= $77 !-7 page of the C 3it can be modified4.

    C: .=+@ page of the 5CD7 It can be !odified in order to !eet constraints

    D: TA?' +44 .'=4 page of the 5CD7 It cannot be !odified

    Q ': "uring a manual start $hat function does the ?A"7C perform&&: !assive monitoring of the start se9"ence, to close the start valve and c"t off the ignition on the gro"nd.

    ": To control the start seB*ence and take corrective action in case of a fail*re or !alf*nction

    C: The 4AD'C does not perfor! any f*nction d*ring a !an*al start and all actions have to be carried o*t bythe pilots

    Q ': "uring normal operation in $hat detent are the thrust le#ers positioned once the thrust reduction altitudehas been reached&

    &: C5

    ": 5CTC: 43X

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    D: C=>

    Q *0: After ta)e off the A/,H- $ill not become acti#e until:

    &: The thr"st levers are placed in the C5B position.

    ": The thr*st levers are !oved o*t of the T+@A or 43'X5CT detentsC: The a*topilot is engaged

    D: The AT

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    C: The igniters and f*el flo%

    : The start valves, igniters, ! and 5! f"el valves, and f"el flow.

    Q *: Ho$ is manual arming of the A/,H- s%stem accomplished&

    &: B% pressing the &

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    A: .ylon nacelle

    ": CoreC: 4an

    : &ll the above

    Q 0!: (f a brea) in both engine fire loops occurs $ithin seconds of each other a $ill occur

    A: ; sec a 4I=' %arning

    ": J sec a 4I=' D'T 4A73T !essage on 'CA5

    C: 10 sec a 4I=' D'T 4A73T !essage on 'CA5: ) sec.< a 7- warning

    Q 0': ,he aircraft has dual fire detector loops to ensure that a fault in one fire loop $ill not affect fire detectioncapabilities

    &: Tr"e

    ": 4alse

    Q 0*: (f there is an AP4 fire in flight the AP4:

    A: )ill a*to!atically sh*t do%n and the fire bottle %ill discharge

    B: "st be sh"t down man"all% and the agent man"all% discharged.

    C: 5*st be sh*t do%n !an*ally b*t the fire bottle %ill discharge a*to!atically

    Q 0+: ?ire protection for the cargo compartments includes:A: T%o fire bottlesE one for each co!part!ent

    ": +ne single shot fire e(ting*isher for the aft co!part!ent only

    C: $ne single shot fire e#ting"isher agents which can be discharged to either compartment.

    Q 0: ,he engine e.tinguishing agent s$itch is armed $hen:

    A: The DIFC< light is on": The engine fire s%itch ill*!inates

    C: The engine fire switch is released o"t.

    Q 0: ,he AP4 test s$itch on the AP4 Auto 7.ting panel $hen pushed $ill:

    &: Test &! fire warning.

    ": Test a*to e(ting*ishing

    C: Test a*to sh*tdo%n circ*it and sh*t do%n an operating A.7D: All the above

    Q 0: 8hen the AP4 ?(-7 @8(,CH is released out:A: The 4ire bottle is discharged

    ": The 4*el

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    Q 12: Can the AP4 ?(-7 test be performed using batter% po$er onl%&O

    &: es.

    ": /o

    /ote 6 The A.7 and engine 4I=' test can be perfor!ed %ith battery po%er only-

    Q 1!: 8hen the aircraft is on the ground and the AP4 is started on batter% po$er onl% is fire protection


    &: es, the &! will initiate an a"to sh"tdown and discharge the e#ting"ishing agent.

    ": /o, b*t the A.7 %ill initiate an a*to sh*tdo%nC: /o, a*to!atic fire protection is only available if AC po%er is available

    Q 1': Ho$ man% fire e.tinguishing bottles are a#ailable for fighting an AP4 fire&&: $ne.

    ": T%o

    C: +ne cylinder shared %ith the aft cargo co!part!entD: T%o cylinders shared %ith the aft cargo co!part!ent

    Q 1*: AP4 fire detection is accomplished b%:A: A t%o channel FDC7 located in the A.7 co!part!ent

    B: Two parallel fire detection loops.C: +ne fire detection loop

    D: A three channel FDC7 located in the A.7 co!part!ent

    Q 1+: 7ngine heat sensing are located in p%lon nacelle engine core and fan section

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q 1: After an AP4 fire has been detected ho$ long $ill the chime continue to sound&A: 7ntil the cre% p*shes the red 5AFT'= )A=/ p*sh b*tton

    ": 7ntil the cre% p*shes and releases the g*arded red A.7 4I=' p*sh b*tton

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 1: @,A,4@ page: (9>P @>P 3D

    A: +ne fire detection loop has failed 4ire detection for both engines is not available

    B: $ne detection loop for engine 1 has failed. 7ire detection for both engines is still available.

    C: +ne fire detection loop of engine 1 has failed 4ire detection for engine 1 is inoperative

    D: "oth fire detection loops of engine 1 have failed 4ire detection for engine 1 is inoperative

    Q 1: 8hich of the follo$ing ha#e automatic fire e.tinguishing s%stems&

    &: &!, and lavator% waste bins.

    ": A.7, lavatory %aste bins and avionics bay

    C: A.7, aft cargo, for%ard cargo, lavatory %aste bins and avionics bayD: A.7, for%ard and aft cargo, lavatory and %aste bins

    Q 20: ,he aft cargo compartment smo)e detection s%stem consists of:A: A d*al loop s!oke detector

    B: 7o"r smoke detectors and a two channel smoke detection control "nit.

    C: +ne s!oke detector, one s!oke detection control *nit and t%o a*to!atically discharging fire e(ting*ishersD: Three s!oke detectors, one s!oke detection control *nit and t%o a*to!atically discharging fire


    Q 21: (f an engine fire is detected $hen $ill the pedestal mounted red ?(-7 annunciator light e.tinguish&

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    A: )hen the cre% p*shes the red 5AFT'= )A=/ p*sh b*tton

    B: $nl% after the fire warning no longer e#ists.

    C: +nly after the cre% selects the adOacent '/@ 5AFT'= s%itch to off

    Q 22: Ho$ long $ill the red AP4 ?(-7 pb on the o#erhead be illuminated&A: 7ntil the cre% p*shes and releases the g*arded red A.7 4I=' p*sh b*tton

    B: 7or as long as the fire warning is present.

    C: 7ntil the cre% p*shes the red 5AFT'= )A=/ p*sh b*tton

    Q 2!: 8ith reference to cargo compartment fire e.tinguishing $hich statement is true&

    A: There are t%o fire bottles, one for the 4)D co!part!ent and one for the A4T

    ": There is only one fire bottle, pressing either DIFC< p*shb*tton discharges it into both co!part!entsC: There is onl% one fire bottle, when it is discharged both amber 8C lights come on.

    D: There are t%o fire bottles, %hen the DIFC< p*shb*tton is pressed, they are both discharged into the

    appropriate co!part!entP/ote 6The fire bottle can only be *sed once on either the 4)D or A4T co!part!ent

    Q 2': @hould %ou lose both loops or ?"4 fire detection is no longer a#ailable for the respecti#e engine or theAP4

    &: Tr"e": 4alse

    Q 2*: 8hat is indicated b% a missing red AP4 thermal plug during an e.terior preflight&

    A: This is nor!al indication, the red A.7 ther!al pl*g only appears if the A.7 halon cylinder is lo%

    B: &n &! fire agent thermal discharge has occ"rred.

    C: An e(ternal fire discharge has been activated

    Q 2+: (f an engine fire is detected $hen $ill the guarded red 79F ?(-7 push button light e.tinguish&

    &: $nl% after the fire warning no longer e#ists.

    ": )hen the cre% p*shes and releases the g*arded red '/@I/' 4I=' p*shb*tton

    C: )hen the cre% p*shes the red 5AFT'= )A=/ p*shb*ttonD: )hen the cre% p*shes the red 5AFT'= )A=/ p*shb*tton and then releases the g*arded '/@I/' 4I='p*shb*tton

    Q 2: (n the e#ent a la#ator% smo)e detector detects smo)e:A: )arnings %ill be generated only in the cockpit

    ": )arnings %ill be generated only on the flight deck

    C: warnings will be generated in the cockpit and in the cabin.

    Q 2: Are there an% $arnings to alert ground personnel $hen there is a fire in the AP4 compartment&

    A: es, b*t only if previo*sly selected to a*to!atic by the gro*nd personnel

    ": /o, A.7 fire indications are only present in the cockpitC: es, the e#ternal fire warning horn will so"nd and the &! red fire light will ill"minate.

    Q 2: 8hat s%stems are affected $hen the guarded red 79F(97 ?(-7 push button is pushed and released&A: The 5aster )arning and the chi!e %ill be canceled and the A@'/T pbs %ill be ar!ed

    ": All fl*ids, pne*!atics and electrics relating to that engine are sh*t off

    C: Both are correct.

    Q !0: ,he a#ionics smo)e detection s%stem consists of the follo$ing:

    A: A s!oke detector, s!oke detection control *nit and one halon cylinder

    B: & smoke detector, and smoke detection control "nit.

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    C: A s!oke detector, heat detector, s!oke detection control *nit and one halon cylinder

    D: A s!oke detector, s!oke detection control *nit and t%o halon cylinders

    Q !1: 8ill an AP4 fire test shut do$n the AP4&

    A: B7 light indicates:

    A: A fire has been detected in the avionics co!part!ent": A satisfactory test of the avionics co!part!ent s!oke detection control *nit

    C: 8moke has been detected in the avionics compartment ventilation d"ct.

    D: A fire has been detected in the electronics co!part!ent

    Q !!: (n the e#ent an aft cargo compartment smo)e detector detects smo)e:

    A: '(ting*ishing is a*to!atic": '(ting*ishing is a*to!atic only %hile on the gro*nd

    C: The crew m"st depress the appropriate 8C switch.

    Q !': Ho$ man% halon fire e.tinguishing c%linders are there per engine&

    &: ach engine has two fire e#ting"ishers.": 'ach engine has its o%n dedicated fire e(ting*isher and has the capability to share the other engines

    cylinderC: 'ach engine has its o%n dedicated fire e(ting*isher and has the capability to share one centrally located

    halon cylinder

    D: 'ach engine has one fire e(ting*isher

    Q !*: ,he AP4 pro#ides for automatic fire e.tinguishing:

    &: $n the gro"nd onl%.

    ": +n the gro*nd and in flight

    C: +nly %hen selected to a*to!atic by gro*nd personnel

    Q !+: B7 ,7@, push button once a satisfactor% test of the aft cargocompartment smo)e detector consist of:

    &: Two complete c%cles with associated warnings.

    ": /ot needed as this syste! self6tests d*ring the first engine start

    C: +ne co!plete cycle %ith associated %arningsD: Three co!plete cycles %ith associated %arnings

    Q !: (n conunction $ith illumination of the F79 1 ;(97 @>B7 light and A@,7- CA4, light:&: The B5$W- and NT-&CT p"sh b"tton 7&5T lights will be ill"minated.

    ": +nly the "3+)'= 4A73T light %ill be ill*!inated

    C: +nly the 'XT=ACT 4A73T light %ill be ill*!inated

    Q !: (f %ou perform the AP4 ?(-7 ,7@, $ith onl% "C po$er a#ailable %ou get the A@,7- 8A-9 on the

    7CAA: Tr*e

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    B: 7alse.

    Q '0: (n the e#ent an aft cargo compartment smo)e detector detects smo)e:

    A: +nly an 'CA5 !essage %ill be generated

    ": +nly a 5AFT'= )A=/ and a C=C %ill be generated

    C: & &8T- W&-(, C-C and an C& message will be generated.

    D: A C=C and an 'CA5 !essage %ill be generated

    Q '1: Ho$ does the AP4 fire test on batter% po$er differ from the AP4 fire test $ith all busses po$ered&A: There is no difference

    B: While on batter% power, onl% the red &! 7- and &6(T

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    Q 10: Horizontal stabilizer trim automaticall% resets to zero degrees after landing&: Tr"e

    ": 4alse

    Q 11: @hould both ?ACs fail ma.imum rudder deflection can be obtained after the are e.tended

    A: 4laps

    B: 8lats

    C: @ear

    Q 12: Automatic rudder trim is pro#ided at the rate of $hile the manual rudder trim rate is up to a

    ma.imum of A: # degsec 6 2 degsec 6 20 degs

    B: ) deg-A; ;A8 is achie#ed $ith:A: Ailerons and spoilers

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    C: es, the T8 and the r"dder.

    D: /o, there arent any control s*rfaces %ith !echanical back*p

    Q !0: 8hat control surfaces do the ?ACs control&

    A: The elevators": The spoilers

    C: The r"dder.

    D: All of the above

    Q !1: 8hich of the follo$ing $ill automaticall% reset after landing&

    &: T8.

    ": =*dder tri!C: "oth are correct

    Q !2: 8hat happens in the e#ent of an single 7;AC failure&A: '3AC f*nctions are transferred the F'Cs

    ": '3AC f*nctions are transferred to 4ACs

    C: F'C f*nctions are transferred the '3ACs

    : The f"nctions of the failed 5&C will be ass"med b% the remaining 5&C.

    Q !!: ,he alpha speed loc) function:

    A: )ill inhibit flap retraction d*ring an inadvertent !ove!ent of the flap selector at high A+A or lo% speedsB: Will inhibit slat retraction d"ring an inadvertent movement of the flap selector at high &$& or low speeds.

    C: A*to!atically raises the flaps if retraction has not been acco!plished by 210kts

    Q !': (n normal la$ if one stic) is rapidl% pulled full% bac) can the aircraftJs ma.imum allo$able FD load be


    A: &es =apid side stick deflection !*st never be !ade": es, *ntil !a(i!*! pitch attit*de is reached

    C: /o At 5a(i!*! R@S load, the side sticks are de6activated for # seconds

    : (o. The load factor limitation overrides side stick commands to avoid e#cessive O6P loads.

    Q !*: 8hich controls are used for the mechanical bac)up&

    A: Ailerons and r*dder

    B: T8 and r"dder.

    C: 'levators and airlerons

    D: T

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    CE =elieve %ing str*ct*re loads by deflecting only the spoilers

    D: =elieves %ing str*ct*re loads by deflecting the ailerons

    Q !: 8hen ground spoilers deplo% automaticall%:

    &: &ll ten spoiler panels f"ll% deplo%.

    ": 4o*r spoiler panels on each %ing deploy

    C: All ten spoiler panels deploy half %ay

    D: Fi( spoiler panels on each %ing deploy

    Q '0: ,he ?ACJs primaril% control $hich control surface&

    A: 'levator

    B: -"dder.

    C: Aileron

    D: 'levator and aileron

    Q '1: 8hich altitude limitation is associated $ith high lift de#ices&

    &: a# altit"de for e#tension is 20, 000 ft.

    ": 5a( altit*de for e(tension is 22, 000 ftC: 5a( altit*de for e(tension is 2#, 000 ft

    D: 5a( altit*de for e(tension is 2J, 000 ft

    Q '2: ,he message 8(9F ,(P 3-B >9 appears on the 7/8" 8hat does it mean&&: & h%dra"lic device locks the flaps in their present position.

    ": To red*ce str*ct*ral stress, the slats !ove!ent is being slo%ed do%n thro*gh the %ing tip brakes

    C: To avoid asy!!etry, the o*ter slats are locked in their present positionD: "eca*se of the locked flaps, the %ing tip brakes also lock the slats

    Q '!: 8here does the @?CCs obtain A>A and air data information from&A: F'C

    ": '3AC

    C: &-D: ADC

    Q '': Ho$ man% actuators are pro#ided to control the ailerons and ho$ man% h%draulic sources suppl% these

    actuators&&: 2 h%dra"lic so"rces with act"ators.

    ": 1 hydra*lic so*rce %ith 2 act*ators

    C: $ hydra*lic so*rces %ith $ act*atorsD: hydra*lic so*rces %ith $ act*ators

    Q '*: (f both ?ACJs fail $hat happens to the rudder limiter&

    A: It i!!ediately ass*!es the lo% speed positionB: t free'es at its present position and ass"mes the low speed position when flaps 1 are selected.

    C: 5a(i!*! r*dder deflection can be obtained after slats e(tended

    D: 5a(i!*! r*dder deflection can be obtained after flaps e(tendedP/ote: 4C+5 Fays RIf both 4ACs fail, f*ll r*dder deflection is available, %hen the slats are e(tendedS

    Q '+: 8hich of the follo$ing statements is correct concerning the ele#ator aileron computers 57;ACJs6&:A: Three co!p*ters %hich achieve nor!al elevator, stabilier, and aileron control

    B: Two comp"ters which achieve normal and standb% control of the elevators, ailerons, and trimmable

    hori'ontal stabili'er.

    C: Three co!p*ters %hich achieve nor!al and standby control of the elevators, ailerons, and T

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    D: T%o co!p*ters %hich achieve nor!al elevator, stabilier, and aileron control

    Q ': ,he $ing tip bra)es once acti#ated:

    A: 3ock both the slats and flaps in their c*rrent position

    ": 3ock only the flaps in their c*rrent positionC: 3ock only the slats in their c*rrent position

    : 5ock onl% the affected high lift s%stem s"rfaces in their c"rrent position,

    Q ': 8hich of the follo$ing controls and monitors flaps and slats&A: T%o '3ACs

    ": )ing tip brakes

    C: +ne slat flap control co!p*ter F4CC-: Two slat flap control comp"ters 387CCKs4.

    Q ': ,he spoiler panels are the onl% flight control surfaces $ith no redundant control

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q *0: 8hat happens in the side stic)Eneutral high speed protection mode&

    A: The a*topilot disengages, bank angle li!it is 0N and the aircraft is 2#N roll li!ited": The a*topilot disengages, bank angle li!it is $#N and the aircraft is 2#N roll li!ited

    C: The a"topilot disengages, bank angle limit is 0R and the aircraft rolls wings level and pitches "p to slow

    down to ;$": A. on 6 2 1# degsec, A. off 6 # degsecC: A. on 6 degsec, A. off 6 L degsec

    D: A. on 6 # degsec, A. off 6 L degsec

    Q *!: Can the cre$ ma)e a flight control input that $ill o#erEstress the airplane in direct la$&

    A: /o The syste! is designed to avoid s*ch an atte!pt

    B: es, there are no protections provided in direct law.

    Q *': Can %ou manuall% trim the rudder $ith the autopilot engaged&

    A: es

    B: (o.

    Q **: 8hen is the ?light ode acti#e&

    A: 4ro! takeoff *ntil landing": 4ro! liftoff *ntil landing

    C: 7rom liftoff "ntil flare mode engages at )0 ft -&.

    D: 4ro! takeoff *ntil passing #0 kts on landing !ain shock absorbers depressed-

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    Q *+: Automatic pitch trim is pro#ided both on ground and in flight

    A: Tr*eB: 7alse.

    P/ote 6 It is only active %here aircraft is in flight

    Q *: ,he Fround ode is different in Alternate ;a$

    A: Tr*e

    B: 7alse.

    P/ote 6 It is the sa!e as in /or!al 3a%

    Q *: (n normal la$ $hat is the ma.imum ban) angle %ou can reach $ith the side stic) full% deflected&

    A: N": $8N

    C: ER

    D: J0N

    Q *: ?ailure to retract the flaps after ta)eoff $ill:

    A: Activate the %ing tip brakes": =es*lt in a*to!atic flap and slat retraction at 210 kts

    C: =es*lt in a*to!atic flap and slat retraction at 220 kts: -es"lt in a"tomatic flap retraction at 210 kts.

    Q +0: ?AC generated slat and flap e.tension retraction and limiting speeds are #isuall% displa%ed on $hich of

    the follo$ing&

    A: The 5CD7 perf page": The lo%er 'CA5 4CT3 page

    C: Both pilotKs !7 airspeed displa%s.

    D: All of the above

    Q +1: Aileron droop ma% best be confirmed b% chec)ing $hich of the follo$ing&

    A: The position of the ailerons on the e(terior preflight inspectionB: The lower C& 75T

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    ": The aircraft rolls back to 2#N

    C: The aircraft rolls back to **R and res"mes flight path stabilit%.

    D: The aircraft rolls back to a bank angle less than 28N

    Q ++: 8hen is alpha floor not a#ailable&A: +*t of nor!al la%

    ": "elo% 100 feet =A in landing config*ration

    C: If the AT

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    ": The Captain is *nable to re6activate his side6stick for the rest of the flight

    C: "oth sticks are activeD: The Captains side stick is active as long as the 4+s side stick is in ne*tral position

    Q *: 8hat condition $ill cause auto flap retraction&

    &: #ceed 210 kts at 7laps 1

    ": '(ceed 180 kt at 4laps 1

    C: '(ceed 18# kt at 4laps 1

    D: '(ceed 180 kt %ith 4laps 1 %hile e(tending the speedbrake lever

    Q +: 8hat happens to the rudder limits if both ?ACJs fault&

    A: The li!it freees at the fa*lt condition *ntil 4laps 1 is selected": The li!it freees at the fa*lt condition *ntil 4laps # is selected

    C: The limit free'es at the fa"lt condition "ntil 7laps 1 is selected. Then it resets to the low speed limits for

    increased control.

    Q : 8hat happens to high speed 5V>/>6 $hen %ou are in Alternate ;a$&

    A: V5+ is red*ced to 20 kt and 55+ !in*s 10 kt": V5+ is red*ced to 0 kt and 55+ !in*s 10 kt

    C: ;$ is red"ced to *20 kt and $ does not change.D: There is no change

    Q : Can the rudders be mo#ed $ith both ?ACJs inoperati#e&

    &: es, if both 7&Cs fail, ma#im"m r"dder deflection can be obtained when the slats are e#tended

    ": es, if both 4ACs fail, !a(i!*! r*dder deflection can be obtainedC: es, if both 4ACs fail, !a(i!*! r*dder deflection can be obtained %hen the gear is e(tended or flaps

    e(tended at 1 !ini!*!

    D: /o,

    Q : ,he ?;AP le#er sends signal to @lat ?lap Control Computer 5@?CC6 to command mo#ement

    &: Tr"e.": 4alse

    Q 0: (s there an% rudder pedal feedbac) for the %a$ damping and turn coordination functions&

    A: es

    B: (o.

    ?@ and 9a#igation

    XI of XVIII

    Q 01: 8hat are the different t%pes of flight guidance&

    A: Flaved and !anaged": A*to!atic and !an*al

    C: anaged and selected.

    D: 5anaged and !an*al

    Q 02: >ne A/P can be engaged on the ground if the engines are not running

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    A: This A. %ill disengage %hen both engines are started

    B: This &

    C: This A. %ill disengage %hen speed is sensed at K 10 kts

    Q 0!: 8hen the thrust le#ers are mo#ed to the ta)eoff position the ?F@ updates its position at ta)eoff using:A: I=FD5'D5' positioning

    ": I=FI3FD5' positioning

    C: The navigation database and the takeoff r"nwa% entered into the C b% the pilot.

    D: The V+=D5' c*rrently t*ned

    Q 0': ,he ta)eoff bias is:

    &: -eplaced when a bias is comp"ted based on radio position.

    ": =etained for the re!ainder of the flight

    C: "lended o*t over the ne(t 0 !in*tes

    Q 0*: 8ith the "A,A selector set to H"F the time remaining until the completed (-@ alignment is displa%ed

    on the control displa% Ho$ long does it ta)e normall%&

    A: Appro(i!ately 1 !in*te": Appro(i!ately !in*tes

    C: Appro(i!ately J !in*tes: &ppro#imatel% 10 min"tes

    Q 0+: Ho$ does the ?F@ deri#e Vapp&

    &: ;appS;lsH)H31

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    ": V+= and D5'

    C: Both are correct.

    Q 12: Cost (nde. 0 5zero6 corresponds to:

    &: inim"m f"el cons"mption 3ma# range4

    ": 5ini!*! ti!e

    C: "est ratio bet%een the flight ti!e cost and the f*el cost

    D: 3=C 3ong =ange Cr*ise-

    Q 1!: 8hile ta.iing on the ground the ?F@ displa%s the position of the aircraft using:

    A: I=F and D5'D5'

    B: -8 onl%.

    C: I=F and V+=D5'

    D: D5'D5' and V+=D5'

    Q 1': 8ith the autopilot engaged either sidestic) can be mo#ed freel%

    A: Tr*e

    B: 7alse, moving either sidestick will ca"se the a"topilot3s4 to disengage

    C: 4alse, only the ./4s sidestick %ill freely !ove

    Q 1*: 8hen the aircraft is in the anaged Fuidance mode it is:

    A: @*ided by the pilot selecting the specific flight !odes and para!eter target val*es on the 4C7": =esponding to pilot inp*ts of speed, altit*de, and heading selected on the 4C7

    C: 4ollo%ing lateral, vertical and speed profiles as deter!ined by the I=FF

    : 7ollowing lateral, vertical and speed profiles as determined b% the 768.

    Q 1+: 8hat is managed climb speed abo#e 10000 feet&

    A: @reen dot": 2#0 knots

    C: 2;0 knots

    : con climb speed.

    Q 1: An amber bo. on the C"4 screen indicates:

    A: An optional data entry

    B: & mandator% data entr%.

    C: A co!p*lsory reporting point

    D: The %aypoint indicated %ill be overflo%n

    Q 1: 8hen can managed #ertical na#igation be engaged&

    &: $nl% after managed speed has been engaged.

    ": At anyti!e regardless of the engage!ent stat*s of lateral navigation or speed

    C: +nly after !anaged lateral navigation and !anaged speed have been engagedD: +nly after !anaged lateral navigation has been engaged

    Q 1: anaged guidance is engaged b%:A: .*lling on the desired 4C7 selector knob

    B: !"shing on the desired 7C selector knob.

    C: =otating 80N the desired 4C7 selector knob

    Q 20: 8hat speed $ill the ?F@ use in an 7.pedite climb&

    &: 6reen dot speed.

    ": 'C+/ cli!b speed

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    C: 2#0 knots belo% 10,000 feet

    D: A!ber dot speed

    Q 21: ,he $eather radar image can be displa%ed on $hich modes of the 9"&

    A: =ose /AV or V+=": =ose V+= or =ose I3F

    C: =ose /AV or A=C

    : &ll modes e#cept !lan.

    Q 22: Ho$ does the ?FC compute radio position&

    A: I=F only

    ": I=F and V+=D5'C: -8,

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    6 Felected, %hen the target co!es fro! the F.D5AC< 4C7 %indo%

    Q 2: ,he ?F@ data base contains:A: .erfor!ance infor!ation, s*ch as engine f*el flo%, engine thr*st, green dot data 3D data-, etc

    ": /avigation infor!ation, s*ch as navaids, %aypoints, air%ays, airports, r*n%ays, etc

    C: Both are correct.

    Q !0: (f one FP@ recei#er fails the three A"(-4s automaticall% select the onl% operati#e FP@ recei#er

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q !1: ?FC 1 is not $or)ing ,o enter data into the ?FC $hich C"4 $ould %ou use&

    A: 5CD7 1 on the Captains side": 5CD7 2 on the 4irst +fficers side

    C: ither C 1 or C 2.

    Q !2: ,he pilot interfaces $ith the ?F@ using the:

    A: 4C7

    ": Thr*st 3eversC: 5CD7

    : &ll of the above.

    Q !!: 8hen is the @-@ acti#e&A: D*ring a @o Aro*nd after the thr*st levers are placed in the T+@A position- *p to the acceleration altit*de

    ": At T+, %hen T+@A or 43X po%er is set, F=F is displayed on the 45A and provides g*idance *p to the

    acceleration altit*deC: Both are correct.

    Q !': ,he energ% circle is a green arc centered on the aircraftJs position and oriented to$ards the current trac)line (t is displa%ed on the 9"s during descent $hen H"F or ,-B mode is selected

    &: Tr"e.

    ": 4alse

    Q !*: Can the cre$ depress the -P >9 9AV pushbutton and use the -P for na#igation simultaneousl% $ith

    ?FC autotuning&

    A: es, beca*se the opposite 45@C %ill contin*e to a*tot*ne navaidsB: (o, -! back"p t"ning s"persedes the a"tot"ning f"nction of both 76CKs.

    Q !+: ,he CaptainJs ?A indicates E ?"2 in column fi#e line t$o 8hat does this mean&A: 45@C G1 has Rti!ed o*tS and flight g*idance is lost

    ": The 4irst +fficer has p*shed the priority takeover p*shb*tton

    C: 76C J1 has Otimed o"tP and 76C J2 is now providing flight g"idance for both pilots.

    D: The Captains 4D p*shb*tton on the 4C7 has not been selected R+/S and 4D2 has a*to!atically crossedover

    Q !: 8hat do the $hite round lights on the ?C4 displa% mean&A: Felected g*idance has been engaged

    ": A*to!atic g*idance has been engaged

    C: anaged g"idance has been armed or engaged.

    Q !: "uring descent if %ou push the 7.pedite 57=P7"6 push button $hat speed $ill the aircraft tr% to

    maintain&A: @reen dot

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    B: *0 knots

    C: ,000 fp! vertical speedD: standard 0 degrees angle of descent

    Q !: >P79 C;(3 5>P C;36 is a anaged modeA: Tr*e

    B: 7alse.

    P/ote 6 It *ses the A.4D pitch !ode to !aintain a F.D5AC

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    B: anaged and selected.

    C: 5an*al and co*pled

    Q ': 3oth autopilots can be engaged and acti#e in an% phase of flight

    A: Tr*e

    B: 7alse